The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 07, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    October 7, 1933
PAG3 nV2
I Saw
A tnin on tile way to work
Ihli morning. Il l u
ahl to ohee nil Hill bull
dug bumi. Tbu pup tollowad
hlin to Ibt Keplniiede brltlxe
deeplt th thraal of alien
in. -M. 0.
WllUrd Oueete -I a 1 1 a 4 4
among tha guuiia al 111 Wlllurd
botal Ootobar a Jullow
In.i J. T. Neiiey,-Alture; J.
M. Hamilton, Haoramanto; J.
Maloblor, lalami 8. M. Bullae,
Mellaril Oorga M. King, Balaut;
Alax Volcnok. Baletnl P. Can
noar, Medlordj H. M. Tapicott,
Han franolaro; Jamaa Lynch,
l'orllandj Holt W. Beale. Ban
r'renelaco; Mr. am Mra. Knight,
Kugana; D. C. Noonan, Seattle;
A. H, Bhumaia, I'orlland; W. T.
Aeon, OHkland) A. It. Iloetow,
Detroit; Itay W. Olll, Porilandi
', O. Vlncant, Portlandi B. R
Kdgawqrth, Portlandi A. J. Dm
tar, Portlandi Mr. and Mra. It.
T. Buyard, Ukevlewi Knaeall
llarrall. Waahlngtnn, D. C. Hob
art W. Maawall, Waahlngtnn, D.
C.i A. B. Pannay and wlte, Port
land! Mra. V. A. Carter, Ban
rranolacol Q. rool".'t
Bhasta, Cal.l J. A. Huv.e. Port
land! J. A. Chase, Ban Jose, O.
A. Uargar, Buattle; Carl h. Bom
re. Portland; II. O. Harding.
Madfordi C. Wlckl.n. ;r I '
landl R. H. Jbbm. Portland.
Mating Tim. ''';-,lr"r;
Bart Tbomaa gnnouuead Friday
that lh "ma of tha '' '
th. Chlldran of Oi A.m"'"B
Evolution, act tor Baturd. ay a
arnnon, bad bean delayed until
4 e'aloek. Tha aiwalon waa orlg
...ii. fir 1:30 o'clock.
but waa ahangad bwiaiie of. the
football gama. n win
Mra. Tbomaa' home.
. .... k.. iinM .. mooting
of Independent gaaollna eorvlc
atatlon man. elefd for Thurs
day DlaSt. waa not nld. . u
Thompaon, who waa to be here
front Bugelia to organise tha
meeting with tha obkt of draw
ing up an NHA ooda, tolernphd
tha chatnbar of eommrrce thai
ha waa "brokan down" at Mad-
lord o would arriva leier. "....I. tnpmn etnek
from the ahop of tha May King
tudloa oaa Dean iuruu wi
monition of Hi. Harmony circle.
Flral Chrlatlan church, and will
i -i.i hln ha v for tha
church plpa organ. Tha atock
will ba on dlaplay In th church
ayery Friday afiarnoun from 1:10
to :s0 cioca.
Truuhmri to Balem Mr.
aid Mra. Ed Murphy left for
Balem Vrlday wnara Mr. ur
pby will be employed by Ar
buckle and King In tha ahoe
dairtment at Shipley's. Mr.
Murphy haa bean with the Due
tar Hrown Bhoa atora for eov
eral months. i
OorracUnn at Krrnc Olcn
Kent, prominent bualnemnn of
the dly, waa appoints to the
budgnt board of echool diatrlct
number on by the board of dl
rertora In maotlng Wedneaday
atening and not J. K. Van Camp,
city councilman, aa waa printed
In Tha Evening Herald.
Portland Vlaltor Wilbur
Phillip of Portland loft Klam
ath ralla rrltlay after a brief
.,.(.... kM 11a la an
mat to Ban Francisco, wher
he will apeno several qaya oe
for returning to Portland.
Ileturn From Malum" Mr. and
Mra. I). M. Bmltu and Mlae Ite
bnoca Bmltli have roturned homa
after g week') Tlalt In Bulam.
Mra. ToUU laoe Mra, Bea
trice Todd, technician at HIII
alde hnapltnl, will leave to accupt
g pualtlon In tha north.
Ill at Home Mra. Harriet
Eatea of th Uoldan Itula ator la
111 at her borne on Orant atreat.
Alguuia Patient Mra. 0. L.
t'hrlne of Algonia ll a patient at
Klamath Valley hoepltal.
John L. Hall, g realdent of
Klamath county for tba laat 41
yaara, oaaaad away In Merrill
Thuredev at 1:11 a. m follow'
Ing gn lllneaa of four weeka, ita
waa a natlre of I'otoal, Uriint
county. Wlaoonaln. and at tha
time of hie dath wxa agid 71
yeara, Mr. Hall had loliowao
etork ralalng up until the laat
few yuura wnan be rctirco. pur
vlvlng are two alatara, one brotb
ar, two nlecoe and one Dlhew.
Mra. Alameda K. Hawn of Kuc-
rami-nto. Cel., Mra. fclle (lalther
of (ilcndalc, Col., and William
M. Hall of Merrill, Oregon. Mia.
Alameda Hall (ilacomlnl of Mer
rill and Mra. Eyelyn Hall rlr-
balm of Bacramento, Cel., are
ho iilccca and Virnun Porter of
Ulvudalu, Cal., tba acpbc. The
romalne rat In the Uuld Room
at the Karl Wbltlock Funeral
iltiuif . l'lne etreot at ninth
where frkuila niuy call. Tuueral
aarrlrra will be held rn the
ebapel of th Karl Wbltlock Fu
neral Hume Saturday at 11)00
a. m., witn nay. unartaa
Unti e of . tha Flret Chrlatlan
church officiating. Commitment
a.Tvlmia and Interment iloiiania
cemetery. Frlanda Invited.
William Joaeuh, th InTuntaon
of Qulnoy and Marian Uukar of
1'iatty, Or., entered Into rnat
In thla city at an anrly hour
Tiiuranay morning, ina enuo
waa born In Klamath Fella.
April 14. HIS, and waa aged
I inontlia and 11 dare when
called. In addition to bla par
enta. b )i'um two alatera, Itutb
Katbar and Hoae Anne, to mourn
ble paealng. Orarealda aerrloee
wltl be hold Saturday morning
In the family plot In Chief
ftronchln cemetery at 10 o'clock.
Hot. Hurt Ilradahaw officiating.
Meanwhile the remalne are In
Tha annual meeting of th
Flret Dlalrlct Federation of Wo
man'a Oluha of Oregon will b
held In th Prethyterlan oburjb
at Itogu Klver Saturday, Tha
diatrlct waa oriianlied In 1111,
and celebrali'a Its 10th gnnWera
ary. At proaent tlier are but 11
cluba, with total mambarahlp
of 141. The diatrlct' Inoludoa
Joaepblne, Jarkaon, Klamath
Isk and Curry eountlea. Mri.
Charlaa N. Bllyou, atate praaldeut
of tha Oregon Federation of Wo
men'a cluba, will ba tha gueat of
honor, and will apeak on "Th
Uualneaa of tba Federation."
Mra. Generic Dick, arealdnnt
of th Itogu Klver club, eitende
an Invitation to all accredited del.
egatee for tba tourtaay luncheon
at tba praauyterlan church. All
women Intereated In club work
are Invited to attend th meeting,
which will he called to order at
11:10 by the diatrlct proeldml.
Mra. Wad H. Wallli of Ballvlew.
William Arrowamlth, 41. of
ChlloQUln, died Friday morning.
He la aurvived by hla wife, M'da,
mill a Kt nil a ifv ti I ai 7.aIihb IIhiiIh
The remain are at'tlia Klamath
Funeral Home.
Pheasant Hunter $
Receive Warning
A Itrlct H'roi ggatnat pheaa-
ant huntera aogth of tba Cali
fornia Una, wher th aeaaon la
not yet open, la being kept by
th federal gam protector.
Protector Hugh Worceater re
ported that two arreata for
pheasant huntera war mad by
Oeorg Tonkin, gam protector,
and fines Imposed by Judge
Cartwrlght of Dry lake. Both
men arrested are resident of
th Tul lake are.
Car Maya Jackson. Infant
daughter of MrKlnlry and Nor
ma Jaoksnn. died at Klamath
Agenry Friday. Kemalna are at
th Klamath Funeral Homa.
Vital Statistic
BltOWN To Mr. and Mra.
0al Hrown of neatly, son.
October I, llll at Klamath
Valley hospital. Weight, I
pounds and 1 vi ounces.
nitllKiB PAHTV
Bridge enthusiasts ar making
ruaervauoiis lor (euiua iqp m0
Buturday afternoon deaaert bridge I
party to b held at 8'. Paul'
pariah houe October 7, by mem-1
w kiiw auni. huh fciiea
20 table rcaervallons have al
ready boon niada, and all desir
ing to come to the party with
out making previous reservations
are cordially Invited.
A steel observation tower to
ba used In connection wltb wild
Ufa actlvltlsa will be erected at
th Tul lak refuge, according
to Hugh M. Woroester of tha
biological survey. Th tower
will be 100 feet high and built
and operated by tba government.
A craw of all men baa atarted
survey work In thle district as
part of etate-wld program or
dered by th blologlcgl survey.
They will survey th boundary
lines of all refugee.
The men will b In Oregon
for three months and th first
work will be In th Klamath
Tbla new work, Worceeter
cald, haa been undertaken aa a
part of the national recovery
act to create employment.
Import dutleg In Cubg fgror
Importation of American goods,
which receive a reduction of 40
par cent In th ad valorem ratee.
BONANZA A large crowd at
tended the grange rally last Sat
urday night. Several ahort
speei'hea were given. Mr. Bwen
explained th Bmllh-ll a g h
course, whlih le to be given at
the high acbool this year, and
f.-r which the building le now
under construction on th echool
Mr. 'Tick nor and Mr. Van
Meter gava abort talks on tba
grange booater program.
A abort program Jas given,
after which refreshments ware
served and dancing enjoyed.
Dan Drlscoll of Baatty wag g
vlaltor In Bonanza Sunday.
Mr, Theodora Justmlsen of
Portland waa visiting wltb his
cousin, Mra. Henry Sbmor last
Sunday. .
Mrs. Polly Dlion and son of
Klamath Falls visited with Mra.
Dlxon'e daughter, Jean, who la
staying with Mra. Eyer tbla year
erhll coin to achool.
Bill Hartley and Bum Kirk-
Patrick want to (Irants Pass last
Monday tor a load oi iruu.
Walters In Braill become In
nlteit when tlna era offered them
ssrs a news story. Our averag
night club waiter probably re.
garde thee fellows aa Braill ante.
A man In Reading, England,
usee nts gucnen (or a woiwuu
to make modala of airplanes
which ar nsed to make official
tests In tbat country.
A niiflri.rlv rlneltne of moro
thmn 23 ooo arose tone in the
..1 .. m . .f mAvnliant ' h.
Ing conatructed throughout the
world waa anown in Liioya a reg
ister of snipping tor is is. .
Rubber and leather halts' gr
generally replacing luapenderi
In Lithuania.
Tha lure of good books haa
taken hold of member of the
Klamath Fall Kike lodge, and at
Thursday night' meeting plans
war shaped for th eetabllsb
ment of g lodge library.
On corner pf th lodge loung
ing room la to b nsed for book
shelves and g magasln cs. At
th meeting to be held on October
II, each member le expected to
respond to roll call with contri
bution for tha library. Fiction la
particularly dealred, It was stated.
L. J. Oobla and Arttrwr Bchaupp
reported on the national conven
tion at tha Thursday night meet
ing. Plana war made for a large
Armistice day class to be Initiated
on tha nlgbt of November 11, In
conjunction with nation-wide
initiation with Elka lodges participating.
ftj A f I' delicate exauisitt
h S i houauet Dasists ihmuh
j r, j-
any baking orjrtezmg.
That because U is
Pure Vanilla.'
ee.aeeeaeree eeee.v
'V''.,.'' ' ' vi'' "
The Smarteit Spot
in Town
You Can Dine, Dance and .
Make Merry
Herald "Sync" Halloa and Hie
Saturday Evening 9 P. M. to la A. M.
Open Dally From 12 Nooo to 1 A. M.
tieanwune tne rematne are in are coraiauy invitoa. a a H rer Kl I K
ropusa In tha baby nook of the I A 112 Oli- V 11lV Ol VJIV
Klamath funeral horn. (116 It baa bean estimated tbat 1 1 ...
High atreet, where frlende may there ar 100,000,000 unmar- I inner-
ce.ll. rled women In the world. I P(aalaaaBassIaIapVaaIaBaBMaaBHBaIVM
rtetarns to ctilloqiiln Kenneth
Ludemen, 1-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. X. F. Ludeman of
rhlloouln, returned to hie bom
Thureday after recuperating from
an appendicitis operation at
Klamath Valley hospital.
Rummage Bale Th Methodist
Ladles' Aid aorlety will hold a
rummage sale Saturday, 0-t, 14,
The eele will ba held In Mrs.
F.ngle'g hulldlni t 111 Main
tTmlerirora Ole ration Miss
Billy Stevens of thla city under
went an emergency operation for
appendicitis at Klamath Valley
hoepltal Thursday nlgbt.
Lady Bagle Meet The ladlea
auxiliary of tha Eagles lodgs
will meet tonight at I o'clock In
the west 1. O. O. F. hall. A
potluck supper will be served.
Pledgee Hornrily Jean Brrd
of Klamath Fulls haa pledged
tha Alpha Gamma Delta sorority
at the Oregon State College.
Midland V'Hor Roy Huff of
Midland waa a bualnesa visitor
In Klamath Falla Friday,
Pedettrian Fatally
Hurt In Auto Crath
Al Morris, II, waa fatally Injur
ed here today whan struck by
an automobile driven by Frank
M. Leall who waa booked on a
recklaaa driving charge and re
leased on bis own rucoguiiuuca.
Witnesses eald Morris was In the
regularly marked pedoatrlan Inne
but that hla confusion, rnthor
than th car driver, wag respon
sible for the accldont
A vlnlot amothyst vibrates at
th rnte of 750 trillion of vlb
ratlona por socond.
until our rode heroin ea
Permanent Wave
Finished Finger
Wave 80c
Pearce Beauty
Phono 830 119 N. Olh
More crackers to the pound!
AV- iit f V I V That's Sunshine Bakers auiwer to
00 4j XWrW JL this e'ou bu,ineS3 of budgeting
Si lib- eJA Crackers art criaper,
vfS I (vvViL ll yOx rnore i7avorfu7 And that' Sun-
jFf elvTAVvvwv JLJyU ,hine aker9' answ9T to 11,6 prob-
-jT7 KVvu v TtW W lem of pleailng famfly and guesta.
I ll r l v vr V f Ju,t thew dalnty' sightly
I ILyr , I VJkj j I aalted crackers I... You can be lure
I Or WJ of getting the big Blue and White
l I - 3 Economy Package by inslBring on
I . VQjv Sunshine Krlspy Crackers,
m i wr m m -r i trr liiaafinii mkm itttit mrtri iii.TtTaMBPwMrimiffiwi rn rrrrn r-ri--wgri TaW rrr wm m
Quality Foods at
Saving Pricei October 7th and 9th
Meat Phone 1904
Free Delivery
Fat Frlcagaee
Fane Select
35 Pt. ,
0?gVy Whole
Pot Roast
0 a.'
Boll Bec
St lb.
Armour' 3Ur Sklne4
lb. 10
Free Demonstration '
Armour' Boned and Rolled
15 lb.
2 So? 39
Rinso, Lg. Pkg. 19c
Lifebuoy Soap,
3 Bars 19c .
Lux Toilet Soap,
3 Bars 19c
Lux Flakes,
Lge. Pkg. 22c
Ehrmen's Beat
Shaker Salt
2 Pkgs. ....15c
Pilliburr'a Best Finert Hard Wkeat
Gem Hut 3 pkgs. 25
Macaroni 3 ibs. 2S
Good Bulk Quality. ,
(SoCHeo 3 lbs. os
8uperfin Bulk Quality. Freih Ground.
All Departments Tuesday
Plain or lodiied
Panoake and Waffle
Large Pkg. 19c
Orange Stamps
'All Department
Drip or Percolator
1 lb. can 31
Libby's Deviled Meat, 6 cans. . .25c
No. Can.
New Oop Beedlee
Raisins-2 lb. pkg. 15c-4 lb. pkg. 27c
Orange, Leiaoa, Cifroa
New Crop
I Ekk K el IJI
Cryatal White
10 bars 29 Basque Pears-Box : ... 69c '
For every family ute. -
Large Fancy White Heads.
SWEET GPUDS 3 lbs. 13
Fancy California.
Artichokes Ur rM 2 for 15c
Fancy Jonathan
Freih Spinach Mustard Greens
Brussels Sprouts Celery Hearts
QratiQcs Z doss.
Southern Juice.