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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1933)
PAGE FOUR THE KLAMATH NEWS jtLAMATH NEWS PUB. CO. Pubnraera FRANK JKNKLNS Editor Published every orn' .pi Monday by The Klamith 101.111 South FIfUl street. Klamath Falla, Orion- Official paper of City ot Klam- th Falla ana suamam w Entered u second elwi matter t thepoet office nt Flnmath ntlt. Orion. ""J" 1918. under et ol March I. 187. ' SUBSCRIPTION Delivered by carrier, RATES -I M . . M month Delivered by carrier. MP llll Delivered by mall. year. county Delivered by mall, outside eounty, year Subscriptions payable tn advance Repreeented nationally by 1L a MOGENSON CO, INC San Francisco Mow Tork. Detroit. Seattle Loa Angeles . CoplM ol Tba News and Her kid, together with complata ln tonnatlon aboot tba Klamath Falls market, may ba obtained tor tha asking at any ot Uiaaa offices. Member Audit Buroau ClroulaUoa Talapbona 100 Support for tha Red Croaa' Bif Job. MORE calla have been made ea tha American Red Cross thto put year than any year since tha Great War. People all over tha world have been afflicted by tha aataatrophea ot natura and tha fJnt organisation to carry aid waa alwaya tha Red Croaa. Tha Loa Angeles and Lone Beach earthquake, the disastrous flood at Kelso, Wash, the ter rific early autumn atorma along tha Atlantic coast and tha tor nadoes and hurricanes la south arm America and la Mexico hare been among tha major relief amdertaklng of tha Red Cross within the past few months. Tha Klamath chapter ot the organisation, working with simi lar chapters all orer tha United States, opens Its annual member ship drive Tuesday. Thli year tha Red Ones needs tha max! aunt of fubUa support. Patronage And Power Pierce's Troubles. PATRONAGE and power moat likely hare added a tew new wrinkles to the brow of Walter II. Pierce, tha democratic Congress man from tha second Oregon district. Mr. Pierce, dispenser ot tha administration's rewards tor thia state, has been assailed both by party Job seekers and by the atrong public interests favoring tha construction ot the Bonne ville dam on the Columbia river. Tha Congressman and hla col' league, Carl Donaugh, demo cratic committeeman and United States district attorney, hare been asked to either resign their poets or fire p their dominance orer patronage In Oregon. This request came last Friday night from tha Multnomah democrats. tha militant members ot the party tn Oregon. These democrats hare bean out ot faror with eev aral state appointments and dlS' Since the Exchange Has Threatened to Move pleased with the tardiness ot others. Upper Columbia river people have been divided between the Bonneville and Umatilla projects. A section of Mr. Pierce's large district, that part centering around Hood River and Tha Dalles, haa attacked him for bis reluctance to support tha Bonne villa dam. Tha eastern Oregon section haa criticised him for not working mora earneatly for the Umatilla rapids undertsklng. It la true, ot course, Mr. Pierce can claim no credit for winning tha thirty-one million dollar Bonneville dam proposal for Oregon. Senator McNary and Congressman Martin brought all possible pressure to bear at Wash ington, stole tha applause for the successful deslgnstlon ot public works funds and left Wal ter Pierce at ants with powerful groups In hla own district. Mr. Pierce waa Idle at a time when tha Immediate and vital affairs ot Oregon needed his aid. Ha haa made hla position In state polities a difficult one. Many lucklaea Klamath county hunters weren't ao enthusiastic after a day in the fields for pheasants. Tha earlier opening here probably encouraged the blrda to move over into the bor dering counties. Football sUll la a little too young to enter Into competition with the world series. Earlier Days (From file of the Klamath Ke publican.) "At present the most pleasing method ot reaching Crater Lake Is by railroad to Klamath Falls. From this point there is a jour ney by boat consuming tha great ar part ot tha day on Upper Kla math Lake. This lake Is one of tha most beautiful In the west. Leaving the lake near tha Kla math Indian reservation, there Is a etaga ride of II miles through beautiful forests to Fort Kla math. From Fort Klamath the distance la 11 miles, the road lesding through one ot the most picturesque valleys of the west, fraught with interesting history ot early Modoc Indian wars, and then into the Crater Lake Na tional park. For a large part ot tha dis tance the road winds along the brink ot Anna creek canyon and through forests ot primeval beauty." Tba above article la a portion of an article which appears in the Chicago Evening Post, written up by one of the staff writers. Such articlea only go to show how much attention our bleased coun try la attracting In tha world at large. Some People Say I don't know how they can col lect the verdict. I haven't got 75 cents, let alone 175,000. Claire Windsor, actress. J They have a lot of pygmies down at the fair. I bet no one ever stopped to see how they were dressed. Judge Joseph B. David ot Chicago. a The good life for the multi tude, not tor the superior minor ity living in a land ot Illusion of the sweat ot the "Ignoble" this Is the kernel germlnsting In the heart of the concept ot progress. Dr. Charles A. Beard, econo mist. e e e Subsistence farming Is not pos sible unless we are willing to de stroy practically everything that we now call desirable In otfr pre sent civilisation. Leonard J. Fletcher, engineer. WASHINGTON Nawa Behind the News e e The Inside Story From Tha Capital e By PAUL MALLON Copyright. 1S3J. by Paul Mellon WASHINGTON. Oct. 1 Mr. Roosevelt's best friends are known to hare told him that ha must make a currency statement Immediately whether he wants to or not. They hare advised him the late uucertaluty baa been bad on every kind ot business. This Is the contract period ot tha year. Bankers, merchants and buyera are supposed to make their winter conimitmenu. They cannot do It until they know what the administra tion's currency policy will ba tor tha next few months. Anything the president chooses to do cannot ba halt as bad as doing nothing. e e TUB WALL These Insiders know Mr. Roosevelt went ott to Hyde Park to think it over. They appreciate that ha has been unable to convince himself thoroughly that the time for a basic- change has come. They like his rule ot doing nothing while the least doubt exists in his mind. But they believe the situation has now pinned him up against the wall. Psychological meas urea cannot help. A dectston must be made or at least prom ised. Uncertainty has ceased to be a stimulating help and has become a confusing handicap. RADIO For that reason those who have talked with Hyde Park re cently are convinced the presi dent will shortly make the thlr.t national radio appearance In his administration. The big thinkers are convinced that will do mora to help busi ness than everything else now being done. It would enable the banker to land, the business man to plan his stock and the customer to plan his buying, see HAPPT ENDING The bankers and administra tion officials who have been growling at each other for weeks are about to shake hands and make up. At least that la the promise made inside. You will be able to see ehortly how far It Is carried out. Chairman Jesse Jonea ot the R. F. C. Is supposed to have won hla point on the capital stork issue plan. The New York bankers have grudgingly come around to promise cooperation in It. They do not need more capi tal. But some banks out in the country can use it In preparing for the deposit guarantee exam ination. The New Yorkers are expected to lead the way for banks gen erally by taking a moderate amount of R. F. C. cash them selves. That will provide a happy end ing for a very difficult situa tion. e e BAXK GUARANTEE If the oft' stage peace pact is carried out. it means the de posit guarantee will go into ef fect January 1, rain or shine. The pressure in congress seems to be too great to follow any other course. - The banks seem to be resigned to it and the government la co operating by a liberal interpre tation ot the law. Solvency (rather than liquidity or capital assets) la to be the teat In ex aminations. meauwuue progress is ueiug quietly made in the preparation of the new administration bank bill. Treasury Secretary Woodin recently bad a proposed draft of it. Senator Carter Glass Is back on the scene helping out In the formation of It. BAD TASTE The recent Thomas-Smith cot ton Inflation show left a very bad tesate In the mouths of the highest administration officers. They are not saying anything THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON about It publicly now bocause their domocratlo frlende led It. But they will not eooir forgot It. Everyone knowa government policies are fixed In private con ferences. Public displays Ilka the cotton conference are only bally hoo rallies. They merely agitata Far more Influence can be exert ed Inside without so much pub licity. In this Instance all It did was to put the president on the epot. It created the Impression that a group in his party was trying to force htm. It will ba embarrass ing to him In any mora he chooses to make. A far different and very much more affective course was fol lowed by Senator Pat Harrison. Incidentally he went oft to play golf for a week while the cotton contereea ' were gumming up their show. see OPEN MARKET The reason the federal reserve crowd eased down on their open market operations the last halt ot last week waa that excess re eerve were then at a new peak. Tha Black crew atarted odt on a scale which would have meant possibly tl00.000.000 open mar ket operations for the week. At the end It had accumulated a net of only about 197,000,000. Nevertheless 1100. 00. 000 a week la the goal. It will be reached whenever the excess re serves situation warrants. NOTES Contractors are kicking back stage about tha extraordinary caution of Interior Secretary Ickea in trying to keep the pub lic works program free from graft. They say he la counting every nail. That situation may not last much longer. The war department is send ing officers to the Rocky moun tains and far middle west atatea on army transports by way ot the Panama canal and Frisco. They flguV It la cheaper that way, but apparently they do not count the salaries of the oftlcera wasted on the long Joy ride. Most forlorn figure In Wash ington is Carlos Marquee Ster ling, Cuban ambassador under De Ceepedea and now foreign minister. ... He does not know whether to go home or stay here because his Job may blow up any day before he ran get to Havana. He calls daily at the state department and la received as Mr. Sterling since he baa no official atatua. Boria Skvirsky, the nnofficlal Soviet representative, also la a frequent unofficial visitor at the department. He hob-nohs with Robert Keller, chief of tha un official Russian division. Editorials on News (Continued from page Ore) smoke cigarettes--and cigarette amoking la quite all right, la this writer'a humble opinion DON'T let them hang from your lower Hp aa you talk. It you do. you will be pretty certain to FAIL to make tha kind of impression you want to maks on the right kind ot people. e PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, as these worda are written. Is oft for Chicago, where he will tell the national convention ot the American Legion why ha cut more than a third ot a billion dol lars from veterans' allowances. In doing so, he goes against the advice ot timorous friends, who urged him to let well enough alone and STAT AWAY from the Legion. e e JT ISN'T like Roosevelt to let well enough alone, hla method being to meet the issuea as they come along. That la one Important reason why he Is a REAL LEADER. Real leaders don't dodge issues that have to be met. e e pOOSEVELT, in this writer's Judgment, Is right In meeting the veterans face to face and telling them his reasons tor do ing what he did. No harm ever cams yet of frank discussion of issues by men who are sincere In their desire to do the right thing, hut who may differ as to what the right thing is. Christian Science "Unreality" was the subject ot the lesson-sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. October 1. The Golden Text was, "The Lord brlngeth the counsel ot the heathen to naught; He maketh the devices ot the people of none effect" (Ps. 33:10). Among the citations which comprised -the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "Behold, all they that were In censed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they snail be as nothing: and they that atrlva with thee shall per ish" (Isa. 41:11). The lesson-sermon also Includ ed the following correlative pas sages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Divine Scl ence explains the abstract state ment that there is one Mind by the following self-evident propo sition: If God, or good. Is real, then evil, the unllkenesa ot God, Is unreal . . . Evil Is a nega tion, because It Is the absence of trnth. It Is nothing, because It is the absence of something. It Is unreal, because It presupposes the absence of God, the omnipo tent and omnipresent. Every mortal must learn that there Is neither power nor resllty In evil" (pp, 470, 18). An ardent aviation fan, the Prince ot Wales recently pur chased his sixth new plane. SEE PELICAN THEATRE AD. SIDE GLANCES h ciark 43ZL. -; ' " SM "Ring some more. I think at home. CAPITOLISMS The Story of Oregon e e e Herald-News Writers at Saleta View Bute Affairs, e (By United Press) STATE HOUSE, Salem. Ore.. Oct. : 1 Here is tha double- edged question which la pussllng Oregonlans: Will Governor Meier run fur reelection; and, If not. who wilt be the administration candidate? It lack of Interest means any thing, tha governor undoubtedly does not want the Job again, lie spent exactly 18 flours at his captol office In tha last two months. On the other hand, he said this week "the goal ot my ad ministration haa been tha cheap- eat power rates in the United votes by continuing bis aggree- "Turn ME T " ( W iV I J .to the u:M Wl want-ad Ipii Wirl SECTION" ' W I "Mott everybody does, I f. ; - V?' ' I know. But there are prob- I I V ; ably a few of you who may I 't I M U not have discovered what v - " I all these others know that X' j 2ir' "lf I my want-ad section is fill- II.' llll ed with bargains and op- ' fes':A portunItie'" V ) . ut, "Turn to them now... you'll find them on page 7. "And don't forget to use this valuable section when YOU have something to sell or have tost something or for any of a hundred other purposes. When you want to place an ad just phone 1900 and my ad taker will give you expert help." they're just pretending they're not Statea. I Intend to keep up the battle until It la achieved." But aa campaign time ap proaches. It la belluved the gov ernor a political adiisera will urge him to atay out ot tha 1931 race, and throw hla support he bind some strong member ot the administration. . The man la said to be none other than Charloa M. Thomas, utilities commissioner, Thomas Is In the preforred position for carrying the admin istration standard during the gu bernatorial campaign. Ilia "pow er tights" have placed him In the Ideal spot for a Meter can dldale buildup. Despite the ract that Thomas was named to the utilities post by Meier, a group ot progressive republicans are trying to get him to bolt the Meier bandwsgon snd run on his own hook. That Is a healthy sign for Thomas. State house commentators agree that Thomaa could win many of these anti-Meier progressive slve fight for lower power rstet. which, after all. Is what Meier advocates, ln other words, Thomas could get back many votes that Muler lust. It Iglit now, however, Thomas la staudliig pat. It la apparent he Is trying to stay at peace with bolb the antl-Meler progressives and the administration, At least, until Meier mnkes a definite statement. e e e DID YOU KNOW THAT' linnrv Hansen and Joe Carson, Portland mayor, are patching up their troubles? Tha feeling la auneral that Governor Meier would have to perform som thing short ot a miracle to get elected In 19J4T Some politi cal seera think Thomaa and Meier will break aoon and go at each other In the primaries? A group tried to get State Treas urer Rufua C. Iliilman to sup port Thomas? llolinan said he won't support Thomaa or any, one else barked by Meier? The "Ray GUI for Governor" boom Is gaining headway? It wouldn't be surprising to find Holmsn supporting GUI? In a poll of state house newspaper men, ouly one predicted Thomas oould get more votes for gov ernor than llolman? Nearly all said democratic Bert Haney oould beat either In the finals? A "Joe Carson for Governor" boom will be launched by a Portland newspaper? e e Summer must ba overt A de partment official ordered bis of fice staff to get his Christmas card list Into shape. There are. It seema, 1,000 names on the list, and-tha carda going to Eu rope and Asia must be In the malla by early November. V V Don't Invest your money to build and equip saloons or other publlo drinking pieces In an ticipation ot repeal of theHth amendment. This Is the warning ot state officials, who rail at tention to the fact that the gov ernors committee on liquor con trol will aperirirttllv auk the leg- It COSTS so -Portland' s r.s" ,ooa exo' raicee eorss neUlA y HOTS', HERALD and NEWS WANT-ADS ' October 3, 1933 u Islatttre to prohibit such estab llshmenta In the stale, .Reports were current that many 'Individ uals and corporations were pre. paring In equip en loons, holler, lug that such places .will be legalised with repeal of the na tluual dry laws. Telling the Editor To the Editor I have been raqueated by the U. S. nary troin the recruiting elation at Port land, Oregon, to asalat In obtain ing appllcante for enlistment. They have supplied me blank form on which to plaoa tha name and addresses ot young men In this vicinity who might be In. tereated In tha navy and whom I believe are suitable for the naval service. ' This eeema to ba a tine oppor tunity for young man who are out ot employment and wlah to see the world and receive the fine training that la afforded them In the U. i. navy. Any one wishing to have hla name sent In, as prospective ap-' pllcanta for this enlistment, ahould call at the Klamath Falls, Oregon, post offloe and aee the post master. Any publicity which you can give this announcement will ba appreciated, I am aura, by the U. 8. navy, and also by any of the young men of this com munity who might ba anxious to Join the navy. yours truly. JOHN A. M'CALL. Postmaster. MAN'S HEART STOPPED, STOMACH GAS CAUSE W. L. Ada ma waa bloated ao with gaa that bla heart had often missed beats after eating. Ad lerlke rid him of all gas, and now he eats anything and feels flue. Star Drug Store or Wag goner Drug Co. ... I - - ,.. we mmm IV .-Ilfc.s. I'.UI