PAGE TEN THE KLAMATH NEWS. KI.4MATH FALLS. 0UE150N September 30, 1933 r MERRILL, Ore, Merrill unit. No. 0. of th American Legion auillry met on Sept. 19 at th home of Mr. R. L. Dalton. Election of officer wa held at thin meetlnc, with the follow : int officer elected: Preeldent. Alma Merrltt; flret Tlce preal dent, Minnie Btukel: second vice preeldent, Ora Burke: eecretanr and treanurer, Thelma Stukel; chaplain, Haiel Dalton; hiMorian, Arlene Brown, and sergeant at arms, Bessie Penhall. Following the election, the new officers were installed hy Dis trict President Dorothy Templar ot Klamath Falls. At the elose ot the meeting Mrs. Templar addressed the group, outlining some of the work which this district It to complete during the coming year. Mrs. Merrltt has named chair men of committee aa follows: Hospital, Anna Howard: child , welfare, Lela Hammond; mem bership. Alma Merritt; publicity, Audrey Lewis; Americanism, Bes sie Penhall; national defense. Huth Dixon; fidac, Thelma Stu- kel; music, Edna Book; commu nity service and unit actWltv, : Minnie Stukel: legislative, Anne Frolts; education of war orphans, Esther Cox: constitution and by . laws, Arlene - Brown; poppy poster, Ora Bo rites; poppy sales. Haiel Dalton. Refreshments were served at . toe close of the meeting. Mem bers present were Mesdames L. Penhall, Ruth Dixon, Anna How ard, Arlene Brown, Minnie Stu . kel. Thelma Stukel, Alma Mer rltt, Edna Book, Anne Fruits, Audrey Lewis, Lela Hammond and Hasel Dalton. Visitor were Mesdames Templar, Coiad, Dale and Rea from Klamath Falls; Mesdames Spencer, E, M. Ham mond, Bralnerd, Given and Long of Merrill. Ewauna Employes To Sponsor Party Members of the Ewauna Boi company 4-L local No. t, with their friends, will enjoy a social evening. Monday, October t, at the Moos hall, according to aa announcement from officers. At 1:30 o'ciock a program con sisting of ballet, dancing, songs, comedy skits, etc., will be pre sented, and the remainder ot the evening will be spent in dancing. FLAGS LOWERED FOR morning by Police Judge Rich mond. Orvndorf and Ingebrlisnn were released upon their own recognisances following their ar rest. Mark Willis, 19-yeer-old In dian, and William H. Ray, St, ar rested Thursday evening on chkrges of drunkenes. were fined !-. At WnrL' 110 each or given their Uholce of .v-OIniJ' fit trOTH Un A'ciu I ax Koll i days In the city Jail it the fines were not paid. James Buchanan 'was the only bachelor president ot the United State. ' The county court meeting In a rc-Kulnr i-lin Thursday was working on the re-appralsals of all tax sule laud which Is to be sold this full. The board of equalisation com pleted Invoitlautlttg petitions for adjust iiientB of property las val uations the first of th week. County Axsvssor V. T., mem ber, ot Hie board, auuouiii-ed Fri day the new county ls roll would be completed by th end of nest week. Omnia, In 1770, paused a law making teaching iluve, either to rend or write an uffense punl. li able by a fine ot $!00 for each offense. Tadpoles can be oitde to lun Into frogs at any time by feeding them on thyroid tissue. A half ton of coal Is nqulred to start a freight train and bring It to running speed. TULELAKE - WEST TULE LAKE, Cslrf. The Wlnema Welfare elub met September 14 at the home of Mrs. Marl Nelson when those present were Mesdames A. H. Newton, L Wolfe, George Frye, Whltcamp, Lldell, Dixon, Kadaa, McLaughlin, Ganger, Durkee and Miss Knopp. Mrs. LaRue was a visitor for (be afternoon. Date and place ot the next meeting Ju not yet been announced. Tom Newton left last week on a short trip to San Francisco and vicinity. His mother accom panied him and will remain for a visit with relatives. The death of Roy Fngste came aa a shock to bis friends and neighbor In this community. Quite a number of the home steaders have been bringing in deer this season. PORTLAND, 8ept IS. (API The flag at the city hall here flew at half mast today In tri bute to the memory ot Lewis Havermale. 65, veteran city hall reporter for the Oregon Journal. Havermale died at a hospital here last night. . He had been 111 several months, Havermale joined the Journal staff soon after the World War. He was bora In Illinois and for several years operated newspapers in Kansas. With the develop ment of the Imperial Valley lu California he went to El Centra and atarted a paper. He was for several years on the staff of the Los Angeles Times, and cov ered the San Francisco earth quake for that paper and assist ed In relief work there. He came to Th Journal from th San Francisco Poet. Hearings For Two Set By Richmond Hearing for D. C. Orendorf and Henry Ingebritson, arrested on Thursday evening at 661 Spring street on charges of disorderly conduct and fighting, has been set for 9:00 o'clock Saturday frfta WIm Woman j I Who Knows This Mark I fc t)Mt OBOatS Mt Jfey SfSj SMtf ehle VvT'M tj45V jjjj " j twM to 'Vjy.TJij t tee b im Ma SW. po bey peak of tea, look fsr Ike treewnrk sSiWIus W tmmd m, VIBRANT ENERGY AT LOWEST COST Boc better bteakfest to morrow oackf Carnation Otvn from yow grocef ts day. Qaftfirr sopfema. ... X. aoDctiMnlutiMa f 4 j- KLAMATH OWNED KLAMATH OPERATED Keeping Klamath Dollars in Klamath W HONOR KLAMATH RELIEF ORDERS Public Market 635 Main Phone 169 We Deliver $1.00 Orders at 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. Warrant Accepted Save Orange Stamps PHILLIP CLING lA PEACHES, Crate 47C Two Crates 95c PEARS fiQ 50 pounds D7C BANANAS i rv 3 pounds iyc FRESH CITRON o Pound . 3 RED MALAGA GRAPES 25 pounds 7 E? for OC 6 Pounds 19c SWEET POTA- TOES, 3 pounds.. lc SIBERIAN CRAB. APPLES OCr 6 pounds a0 COFFEE Fancy glass jar. 3 jars for 95c PILLSBURY'S CAKE FLOUR with OQ sifter. Pkgr aW7c CONCORD GRAPES 5-pound i r basket ......... 1 7 C PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR 0 90 The Balanced Flour. Sack TRADE WITH US - WHERE CASH IS KING AND WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD! WE HELP YOU SAVE! Saturday and Monday Specials Raisins FLY SPRAY Kill those flies now. Here is how Oronite Fly Spray Pt. can$ - Qt. canS Walnuts VINEGAR Fancy Oregon Franquettes. Replenish your supply. Best pickling. Bring container. LB. PKG. 2& In Bulk. Gallon 19 Fancy seedless. 3-LB. PKG. 17 Sugar Pure Cane. Fine Granulated. 10-LB.j PKG. 53 Sugar Brown or Powdered. Best Grade.. 19 3-LB. PKG. a7 d:i.- ki.. Coee the pure Brazilian blend, fresh ABBB? SBBT .3-LB.j6:ii: At our stores . sround. BAGS '' ' Drown Dc;rby Nob Hill Cof 60 Beer M mellow The matchless blend. Top 3-LB. J as the g.y nineties. quality, absolutely fresh. BAGS M nmr' 2ifrH5 Peanut Butter WrlWm) JSaTfVQarat Wit VJrajBaT Max - i - Mum. the finest spread for hungry young- , 2-LB. sters. JAR Every Rtooday and Friday. S:45 a. Station KGO. Antics and Harmetiy ol vhs Wtst's fireaUst Cetned)' Tsem Tim Ryan, She mm irfc the Brown Derby, end Ms clever little Kortwcr. srene Marshmallows Tender and delicious Extra special Rolled Oats Good Luck Quick 9-LB. $L(t cooking. BAG 0&r Motor Oil . Penn Champ, the 2-GAL.Ct fl A good Eastern Oil. CANS J? 4 25 10 Ivory Soap Medium size. Buy a supply today. , - White King Granulated Soap. This low price won't last Corned Beef Rex Brand. Quality Corned Beef. Buy now! BAR LGE. PKG. NO. 1 CAN 5 2 17 In Bulk LB. STARCH Argo Corn. C 1-Lb. Pkg DC KETCHUP Heinz Quality. 1 (. Large Bottle .... IwC Prince Albert Cooling smoke. Pipe comfort.... 1UC CAMELS All the best QQ tobacco. Citn. J C SANKA Coffee with the caffein removed. , yin Lb. Can .. C LOG CABIN Cane and Maple Syrup. Medium A O Can 4.5C y'.W A av dcct ennne 1 ,i mm Mil mi SEPTEMBER 29 TO OCTOBER 6, INCLUSIVE Best Foods MAYONNAISE Made from the choicest 0olal Alia n-.An J vwt vinegars anu spices. Double whipped. QUART PINT JAR .....24c SALAD DRESSING tit Gold Medal, improved. QUART quality guaranteed. JAR PINEAPPLE Golden City 8 full, deli- LGE. cious slices CAN 10c TUNA, White Star Fancy. V size can.. CRAB, Chalka, mostly leg meat. no. 'a size can tt SHRIMP, Gulf Kist Fancy pack. . 11. Can i llC SPREAD Best Foods Relish. OAn Pint jar ad"' FRIGID JEL All fruit flavors, C Pkg oc SALMON Rosedale.' Medium red. 1 Q Tall cans 13 , TRY A DIFFERENT SALAD EACH MEALTIME WE AGREE GOOD MEATS AT FAIR PRICES ARE BY FAR THE CHEAPEST You'll Enjoy Eating Our Meats BEEF IPQffi EOAST CKKOIPS V Choice Baby Beef 1 Loin and Rib from Grain-Fed Pork Lib, flfl I EacHn Mb Stealls H eachflfl) Oysttei?s IPnantt iSBicedl Baconi Rf 2, ft TL ARB m Sg BACON Lean Sugar Cured Any Size Piece Lb. Armour's Sugar Cured Half or Whole LHJ. as CANDY 25 new varieties In the cellophane package. See these and take YOUR CHOICE II Op lis BETTY CROCKM'a SIT OF 4 BCtTLCWARf MEASURING CUPS for 2 Package Tops from SOFTASILK ,n, MAILED TO aiTTV CROCK I R, MINNIAPOUS, MINM, Ida'i favorite recipe. Itlce, rirdinonle 1 cup rlcfl un- 1 cup muih- cooked 1 onion 2 tahlenpoons olive oil 4 rooms cup grated Parmesan chnese tablespoons tomato r S cups s sauce soup stock Salt A popper Heat oil In frying pan, brown onion slljthtly in It and add rlre. Fry to a golden brown, then add broth a little at a time, stirring constantly. Add mushrooms and cook until tender. Just before removing from fir add tomato sauce, seasonings and cheese. Sprinkle with additional cheese. Serves six to eight. For aid In houMehold problems, menu planning or special eclps, send In your request with a self drirejtrted, stamped envelope to Julia Wright, director. Home mnkers' Bureau, Rafeway Stores, Inc., Uox flflO, Oakland, California, DRIFTED SNOW $227 .' Home Perfected Flour. The West's most pop-. ' ' ular flo'u r. Ask the .Sperry - Mm T , . to explain Its4?-LD. - superior qual ities to you I Bags ITS LOTS OF FUN TO SHOOT THIS SHOOTING PLANE f Ml FOR 2 PKS.T0PS Of 2 PK0S. VHEATIES 25 SENT TO MPOR& WHEAT HEARTS Sperry's Vitamin Filled Product Mail in for the handsome Martha Meade Tidbit Server. PKG. Firm, Red Ripe 4 LBS. Fruits and Vegetables LETTUCE TOMATOES EAC BANANAS . Firm, Yellow LB (t Rips j r CONCORD GRAPES CELERY Fancy Oreiton Well bleached Big Stalk 10 U. S. No. 1 Quality 6 LB. Freah ahipment. The season's beit price .... . BASKET lit BRING US YOUR RELIEF ORDERS WE FILL THEM QUICKLY