EWS CLASSIFIED The Kmmath News News coverage Tha Klamatli .News la arrvk-ed by Asauclat l Pmt, United I' ma, News KaUrprlee Aaaoclaliun and MrNaughl Feature Syndi cate. County coverage by itafl writ era and correspondent. ilia klauialh Wewe la "ad every action til Klauialh county and northern i'alllornla. II there la euiuuthlng to soli, rrul or trado or II you umMl something, tho easiest method la Ilia classified ads. Vol. 8, No. 200 Price Ft ve Cents. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1933 l Every Morning Except Monday N Editorials oh the Day's News lly KIIANK JKNKINS GOVERNOR ARTHUR BKLIO niau. ol Now Mexico, aged . dropa (load In Ma hotel room at Allmquorqua Immediately dollvarlug n sddress to Ilia Btat. Hunkers association. Hoart lallura. the papers toll , brought on. probably, by tha alight excltemunt accompanying leo dsllvory ol bli peech. a a a -VS TUB aamo day. Dr. Henry Uauxialo. prosldont ol tha Car negie Kounclutlon lor Advance ment' of teaching and loriuor proa Ident of tha Uulvorslly ol Wash ington, dies auildenly In Baallta. Hoart dlanaaa again. H BnT disease, aa ol couraa ran know, la tne wtAui. eauaa ol death In thli country. Why? Probably because of tho kind ot llfo wo American lead pood, high tension, norvoua train. Wa pay for F.VRRYTII1NO In Iba long run. and heart disease la the prlca wa pay lor tha kind of Me wa load. a a a DKATH. within tha paat couple ol daya. haa been choosing heavily Irom among tha wall known. King Lardner. famout humor lat, paaaea t home In New York In tha 48th year ot hla lite till a young man. 1IKAKT DISEASE, eompllcated In thla Instance by olhor allmeute. la given by the doctor aa the eauae of death. a a e ONE of tho complicating nil menta waa t a b r o n I o I . agalnal which ho had lought lor ton years. In all these ton yoara, with doath hovering always over him. ready to swoop and atrlka at any moment, ha went ahead cheerful ly with hla Job aa a humorist, making millions laugh. It takoa real courage to look douth atnadtly In tha ay end rank Joke. . Thla writer, for one, ADMIRES courage Ilka that. e a CO FAR, In the nowa ol one day, we have t death at retail, At Tamplco. oil town on the east coast of Mexico, death Is dealt out at wholesale by a sud den hurricane swooping In from the Carrlbean. A, those words are written, estimates clicking In, off tha wlrea Indlcato a total of some five thousand killed or se ver o4y Injured. Imagine tho entire population ot Ashland wiped out, and you can get some Idea of the Tamplco disaster. e e e AT THIS season of the yoar, tho tropical part ol the east coast of North America ia never free trom tjie fear ot hurricanes. Yet people continue to live there. The town ol Tamplco, destroy ed In a lew moments w'lthout warning, will he REBUILT. K takoa more than tha loar ol death to keep people from living where they want to live. AS A matter ol net, the fear of death haa NEVER dotorrrd anyone really worth while from (Continued on Page Four) SHIPPING MAN WHO BAN FRANCISCO, Sopt. 20. (UP) Genrgo Flood, 70, wealthy shipping man, was mar ried here tonight to Aida Rojas, 19. She la a niece ot Alvaro Rehnllnbo, Colombian o 0 n u 1 general here. Will Rogers Says: SANTA MONICA. Sept. It Editor The Klamath News: , Iowa Farmers Holi day Association will strike "If the Presi dent don't guaran tee passage ot the F r a g e r mortgage refinancing b 1 1 1." How In the world can Mr. Roosevelt guarantee what congress will do? There Is not even a fortune teller would da'ro predict. It's a tough time for any ono group to start making demands, for I think you will find this fellow feels he owea allegiance to the eater aa well as the raiser. The farmer de serves a profit, but the guy Hint's not eating deserves a menl more. I can think of nothing mora unpopular than a strike of anything. Yours, POWER PROJFP;; AT BONNE... 31 Million Appropriation Established by Public Works Administration Complete Power Layout Included In U. S. Plans, According to Reports FORTLAND, Sept. 26. (UP) Expenditure ol $31,000,000 at Ilonnevllle on the upper Colum bia river tor a high power dam, navigation facilities and two 48,000 kilowatt power houses ll assured, tha Journal waa In formed today by Ita Washing ton, D. C. correspondent. Tha public works administra tion advised Senator Charles L. McNary that 120.000.000 will be made available Immediately. Formal action by tha public works board la expected Thurs day. President Approves Tie plan, approved by Presi dent Roosevelt, covers complete locks and dam for navigation, Ix unlta of power houae foun datlona and two complete elec trical units. Actual work will begin fol lowing expenditure ot $3,650,- 000 for relocation of highways and railroads, and $780,000- far purchase ot land In the reser voir area. It la expected. The division army engineer haa estimated construction muy begin in 4 5 days and be com pleted by June 30, 1836. First work will be excavation on the Oregon aide preparing lor di version of the river and the building of cofferdams in the main atream. Kftfiinntra Given Rurveye and completion ot drillings on tho Oregon side will cost about $.100,000, roads and bridges to the damslto will re quire $3K,0U0, and housing of wornnum' tlOu.OOO. Ho confident was General Charles II. Mnrtln that tho fight for the dam had been won that he made arrangementa to leave tof Portland tonight, MKIKK PLKASKD SALEM, Sept. 20. (UP) Governor Meier today expressed his gratification at approval of tho Hunnevllle powor dam by ITesiiienl Kooseveit. 'This will relieve unemploy ment to a wonderful extent. The great thing we are striving for. howover. Is cheap power that will attract Industries to Oregon and dovelop commerce and man, ufocturlug. whether two units will furnish sufficient power so that it can be produced cheap enough to effect this need la matter I now have under con sideration." ' Shasta-Cascade Wonderland Will Meet in Redding Plans are being made by E B. Hnll, president ot the Shasta Cascade Wonderland assocla- tlon, for the third annual rally and convention to be held a Redding, October 5. Earl Reynolds, chairman of the rhumbor ot commerce unit, Frank Jenkins, chairman ot the newspaper unit, Vincent O'Brien chairman of the local communt- ty advertising, and members of tho Klamath county court are expected to attend. The convention will open with an executive , meeting ot tho hoard of directors, October 4 The following day varloua com mlttoea will hold aesslons be fore the goneral assembly at 4:30 o'clock. In the evening the annual banquet and ball will bo held. The following day a special trip to Lassen nation- nl park will be arranged with the newspaper and chamber of commerce units guests of tbe Lassen Park Camp company. At the annual meeting, re porta ot tourist travel through the Wonderland district are made and compared to previous years. The association Is com posed of members from cities of northern California and south ern Oregon. Members from Klamath Falls Interested In the furtherance ot tourist trade . and travel are urged to attend the meeting. Colorado Ratifies Wet Amendment DENVER. Sept. 26. (UP) Colorado officially ratified the 21st (repeal) amendment to the United States constitution today, Fifteen dolegates to the. state convention met In the senate ohamher of the capltol and went through formal gestures required to express the more than two to one wot vote the people cast Sept. 12. ACTIIKSS TO MARRY LAS VEGAS. Nov.. Sept. 26 (UP) Anita Rarnes, 24, firm player, and Vic Kropff, 10, Los Angelen air school operator, were married today by Justice of th Peace p. II. Springer. , destruction In Storm . ..ea Described Airways Pilot lly JACOUF.S TI'ARMA.VD United I'rrse Htaff Correspondent Copyright IUH by United Preaa TAMl'ICO. Mexico, Sept. 26. (UP) Floods and Increasing threat of epidemic added to the misery and destruction of this hurricane stricken coastal city tonight when a first-hand sur vey confirmed earlier reporta of terrlflo damage and heavy loss of life. Eighty bodies have been re covered from the debris of a large part of tha city, which was devastated by the hurricane. More are being taken from tbe wreckage every hour. ' Moat lluusee Fall Every wooden house In Tam plco waa damaged and three fourths of them were destroyed. I saw appalling misery and damage when I arrived here from Mexico City by airplane nd landed at the flooded air port. The wounded and sick are counted In the hundrods more than 1000 In all. The flood which followed the terrific wind storm on Sunday Ight and early Monday drowned many. Greater damage and loss Bulletin OAKLAND, C.I., Sept. a. (UP) William Wallace, 2ft, Los Augelra, a steamship steward. waa near death toniunt alter wounding hla mother-in-law, crit ically wounding a taxi driver and kidnaping Jamra K. Moffltt, San rTanrtaro banker. Dortora feared both the taxi driver. Itoy Newatrom. and Wal lace would died of gunshot wound. The steward, apparently erased by liquor, hired Newstrom's call and drove to the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. J. E. Mus- grave. He demanded to aea his estranged wife. I'll kill her," police said be shouted. He fired through a door. Mrs. Musgravo waa wounded by fly ing glass. Newstrom atU'ninted to disarm Wallace. He waa shot In the stomach. The steward then fled down an alley and commandeered the car In whl.h Moffltt, board rhair- l of the Crocker bank and president of the lllake, Moffltt and Tonne Paper Co., waa riding, "Hut on It," Wallace shout ed Co - tlte ohaojltmr, - ICdgnr Krniirh. When Wallace began shooting petfrntrianft, police anid. Kraueh etopped the car. Muffin and Kraueh grappled with Wal lace. Wally ItliMlgrtl, a service station attendant, ran to aid them. Wallace then fired a bullet In to hla own neck. Investigators said, to end his one-hour reign or serror. German Newsmen Banned by Russia In Reprisal Action MOSCOW, Sept. 26. (UP) The 8oviet government handed tha German embassy a sharply worded note tonight blaming a serlea ot Insulting actions by German authorities" as respon sible tor Moscow's order today expelling all German newspaper correspondenta Irom Russia. The Soviet note was forward ed to the German charge d'at fairs. Frits Von Twardowskl. by Foreign Commissar Maxim Lltvlnotf, In reply to a protest filed with him earlier in the day by Von Twardowskl. Lltvlnoff declared that the aystematic persecution of rep resentatives of the Soviet press (in Germany) and a series ot Insulting actions by the German authorities" had necessitated the Soviet reprisal. The note added that Instead of duplicating the persecution In Germany, the Soviet 'government preferred to expel the Germans. The Soviet order demanded that all German correspondents throughout Russia leave the country within three daya. Sheep Killed When Struck by Truck Twenty-five lambs were killed from a band of aheep one mile east of Keno this morning when a loaded logging truck and trailer driven by Austin Hyatt drove into the band while round ing a curve. The truck was going down grade and waa unable to stop before running Into the sheep. according to a report filed this afternoon In the sheriff's office by Doug Pnckett, owner of the truck. Mussolini Speeds Earthquake Relief ROME, Sept. 26. (UP) Pre mier llenlto Mussolini tonight speeded relief work in the earth quake devastated gone of cen tral Italy. Motor trucks carrying rollot supplier rumbled along the mountain highways carrying fond and tents to the hundreds of homeless. II Duoe Instructed federal officials to cooperate with local authorities In rushing relief to the panic stricken area, A check on the dead and In jured continued, with the un official list mounting to 20 dead and upwards ot 60 Injured. By Reporter, ; After Surveys ot life Is threatened by (till ris ing water. 1 saw sections of the city once a busy and thriving port In which there are about 900 United States cltliens flooded to a depth ol ( to 10 feet. All homes were destroyed In these sections. Situation Orave Tha entire city la without light or water. The situation Is serious from a sanitary stand point despite every effort of the comparatively small military forces fighting desperately to avoid epidemic. Looting Is a constant menace. Seventeen convlcta escaped when the prison blew down. Two of them already have been shot and killed by soldiers. Others, I was told, are desperate crim inals. - I heard the usual stories ot looters being shot under the mil itary law In effect here, but none of them were confirmed. In the public buildings 1 saw scores upon scores of wounded and sick. ' In the streets boat and other (Continued on Page Eight) ESCAPED CONS NEAR CAPTURE 11 Break Indiana Prison, Hurt 3, Kidnap Sheriff; Eastern Cons Rioting j CHESTER. Ind.. Sept. 26. (UP) Sute police tonight be lieved they had cornered six or seven of the 11 convicts who shot their way to freedom from tbe state prison at Michigan City thla afternoon. A posse ot state police, Gary officers, prison guards and cltt xens converged warily about a point midway between Chester and Gary where the car used by the escaping life termers had broken down and they bad taken to the fields. Sheriff Charles Neal of Harrison county, kid naped by the convicts at k the prison, "waa a hostage with the men believed surrounded. MICHIGAN CITY, Ind.. Sept. 26. (UP) Eleven convicts fought and tricked their way to freedom from the Indiana state prison today. They kidnaped two men. one of them a sheriff, and wounded throe persons In carrying out their detailed plot. Warning Sent Warnings were sent out Im mediately to all cities In north ern Indiana and Illinois. Squads ot police were sent to guard every highway In an effort to recapture the convicts, who tied In commandeered automobiles. Scores of city firemen and vol unteer American Legion men (Continued on Page .ight) Los Angeles Wins Coast League Flag By Beating Seals Rv CSITF.D PKES8 The Los Angeles Angels, with seven-game lead over Holly wood, cinched the Coast league nennant last night by winning 9 to 6 from San Francisco, inert are six games left on the Coast league schedule. Hollywood kept Ita pace by de feating the Missions 10 to 6. The Angels victory vas easy affair. They went Into the lead In the second when Lillard homed, but the Seals made tour runs In the third. Los Angeles scored once In the fifth and tied the score with two more In the sixth. They added another In the eighth, and tour more in the ninth to two In that Inning for tbe Seals. Seattle defeated Portland t to S In an afternoon game. Oak land eked out a 10 to 9 victory over Sacramento. Officer On Way To Return Indian Requisition papers for the re turn ot Eddie Downs, lendoclno county California Indian who escaped from Folsom prison and was apprehended In Klamath Falls on Sunday, have been Is sued and a guard from the prison was scheduled to arrive In Klamath- Falls today to ' re turn the prisoner. Downs escaped from prison on July 28. Warden Smith of Folsom, who filed requisition papers In the office of the gov ernor of California, said that the Indian was located through a letter that he recently wrote to another convict. He was sontenced to the penitentiary up on conviction on the charge of larceny of an automobile. Articles Filed for Hotel Klamath Falls SALEM, 8ept'. 28. (UP) Incorporation tilings at the cor poration commissioner's office today Included the following Hotel. Klamath Falls, Inc. Portland. Stockholders, H. A, Wormser, William Duvall and Fred D. Fletcher. Capital stock will be 160 shares no par value, DAVID LAMSON SENTENCED TO HANG DEC. 15 Prisoner Makes Speech Protesting Innocence of Murder of is Wife Supreme Court Appeal Expected to Put Off Execution On Gallows SAN JOSE. Sept. 26. (UP) David A. 1 Lamson, handaome young Intellectual, today was sentenced to be banged at Ban Quentln prison next December 16, on conviction of murdering bis wife, Aliens. An appeal to tha state su preme court, to be taken by his attorneys, was certain to cause postponement ot tha data set tor bis death on the gallows. ' Lamsoa ,8 peaks In a brief speech ol less than 100 words, Lamson Insisted be fore a crowded courtroom that he loved his wife and waa Inno cent of her death. ' "I know that - under the law you have no alternative but to pronounce the death sentence," Lamson told Judge R. R. Syer. "But I want the people and you to know that I stand here with a conscience clear and tree ot guilt, before God. "I loved my wife. I waa a good husband to her. "That Is all." Judge Syer, who had denied a new trial, then read the death aentence: "It la so ordered, adjudged and decreed that you, David Lamson, be forthwith taken by the sheriff of the county of San- Clara and delivered to tbe warden of the state prison at San Quentln and there within the prison walls on Friday, tho 5tb day of December, be banged by the neck until you are dead." Lamson, hla face white, atood erect and stared at a white wash et wall aa. tha- Juaga- read tho words. Gas Station Man Runs When Cons Demand Car Key MICHIGAN CITY. Ind., Sept. 26. (UP) Joe Pawleskl. 41. proprietor ol a filling station across the street from the main gate of the Indiana state prison described tonight his thrilling es cape from bullets ot two ot the 11 convicts who escaped today. I was standing beside my car. In tront ot the station when an automobile loaded with escaping convlcta dashed out ot the gate, he said. 'Two men were running along beside It. . They came over to me. Both of them had guns- big, blue, long barreled onea. uive us the keys to your car or we'll blow your brains out,' they yelled. I didn't wait for an more commands, but started to run, keeping the keys In my pocket. 1 nave a neignoor uvinr a block away who always has a gun at his home and I started tor his house. - "One of the convicts started ahootlng atme while the othet screamed, 'Give It to him. give it to him.' " Cuban Reds Hold Pow Wow Against Policies of U. S. HAVANA. Sept. 26. (UP) Thousanda of communists and labor union radicals flocked to tbe waterfront today in a howl ing demonstration against "Unit ed States imperialism." They carried hundreds ot red tlags and banners bearing the slogan: "Down With Imperial ism!" and demanding the abro gation ot the Piatt amendment to the Cuban constitution, per mitting the United States legally to Intervene In the island's af fairs In the event ot prolonged disturbances. The demonstration waa held i the occasion ot the return to Cuba of the ashes of the late Julio Mella, a Cuban student slain In Mexico and whom the radicals have martyrised. Aside from the banners, shouts and general exuberance of the throng the demonstration was orderly. Goat Leaves Auto On Portland Trip SALEM, Sept. 26. (UP) Will someone please bring Allot Go- den' goat back? Goden hasn't seen her since ha started to move hi family, household good and the valuable milch goat from Sllverton to Portland. Upon arrival at Port land, Goden found the goat's crate open, a chain broken, and no goat! FOHD WORKERS QUIT - DETROIT, Sept. 26. (UP) The Ford Motor company an nounced tonight that It had closed Its Chester, Pa., plant be cause of a strike of 200 workers on the final assembly Una. They're Planning to,'.. -rW Ta. J V S . 1 T. ' J C3 f .;(v;l These three determined gentlemen, shown la "huddle making plans to convict the Oklahoma gang of alleged kidnapers, are today plotting the doom of George (Machine Gun) Kelly, who waa cap tured yesterday In Memphis, Tenn. They are charlea F. Urachal, left, kidnap victim who paid $200,000 for hi release; Joseph B. Keenan, center, assistant U. 8. attorney general In charge ot Uncle Sam'a anti-crime war; and Herbert K. Hyde, U. S. district attorney for Oklahoma. Keenan and Hyde Kelly Capture Ultimatum To Underworld Br ARTHUR F. DEGRETK United Prea Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. (U.R) The capture of. George (Machine Gun) Kelly, desperado, in Memphis, Tenn.. Is the federal government's ultimatum to the underworld that kidnaping la an "extremely unsafe business, 1. Edgar Hoover, cblet ot tbe bu reau ot investigation of the jus tice department, said tonight. - His eyes heavy trom loss of sleep, the 38-year-old director of the government's man-hunters was at hla desk as usual all day cleaning up details of the case. Kelly' capture means eome thlng to the underworld that the average person doesn't under stand." Hoover said in an ex clusive interview wlth the Unit ed Press. "The criminal fears death more than anything else." "At heart they are all rats dirty, yellow rats. A gangster will kill you. oh sure. If he has a machine gun and you are ab solutely helpless. They like to think they are above the" law, But they actually operate moat of the time with one eye on the electric chair. Hoover revealed that a 36 year-old graduate of a Washing ton, D. C, law school, led the party ot federal agents and po lice to the' small apartment In which Kelly, hla wife and con federate were arrested. "These men had a special reason for wanting Kelly, Hoover explained. "We believe he was one of the gaug In the Kansas City Union station maa (Contlnued on Page Eight) Assault Charges Filed on Hunter Held in Med ford Arthur Poston, 64, Qreen sprlngs mountain resident. Is fac ing a charge ot assault armed with a deadly weapon In Jack son county following his attack on Elton Jackson, game warden with the state police department here. Poston I being held In Jail at Medtord tor hearing Thursday upon failure to raise $1,600 cash ball. His son. Hallls Poston. 19. charged with hunting without a license I also being held in tne Jackson county Jail, according to game officials. Poston is alleged to nave struck Jackson over the head with his gun on Parker moun tain Sunday. Upon failure to produce hunting licenses, Poston threatened Jackson and then struck him while the game offi cial was confiscating tne hunt era' runs, the report said. Poston was reported ny tocai officers to have been an active member ot the good government congress of Jackson county. He la heina reoresented by Tom En- right, attorney ot Medtord who defended other members ot the congress in recent political trou ble. Fire Prevention Week Scheduled SALEM, Sept. 26. (UP) Fire prevention week In Oregon win be October 8 to 14, Governor Meier announced today In a proc lamation. The governor's proclamation Is In accord with a recent na tional order by President Roose velt. - Firea In the state last year caused 39 deaths, 21 In juries and damaged millions ot dollars worth ol property, tne governor said. 1 Hibbard Burial to Be in California The body of Frank Hibbard, who M'led himself at Merrill Sunday, was shipped to Eureka, Cnl.. yesterday for burial. The Klamath Funeral home had charge of arrangementa. I Kelly's Doom - tt received death threat from Kelly. AIDS DAUGHTER Kidnap ; Suspect Blames Machine Gun Kelly for Charles Urschel Crime By SA-M D. HALES United Preaa Staff Correspondent OKLAHOMA CITT, Sept. 26. (UP) Visibly affected by the capture of her daughter and desperado son-in-law, Mrs. Ora L. 8hannon aobbed a atory of In nocence at the Charles' Urschel kidnaping trial here late today. At first unmoved, the Texas farm woman broke into tear as aha blamed her daughter' hus band, . Machine Gunner George Kelly, captured today at Mem phis, and Albert Bates, Denver gangster, lor the $200,000 kid naping. Courtroom Relieved The mother-in-law of the ter rorist who has bombarded wit nesses and officials with death threat made her weeping plea to a guarded courtroom visibly relieved by word of the capture ot the Kelly. With testimony punctuated by homely phrases, tbe farm wom an sought not only to show that all of the Shannon family. In cluding her daughter, were com pelled to aid In the extortion but also to exonerate Harvey Bailey, accused aa the master mind of the crime. ' Bailey, described "as the most dangerous criminal In America,' still waited in the wing to make hla own dramatic defense. Among the spectators who fol lowed I the farm woman's story closely . was big. handsome Charlea Urschel, tha millionaire victim. Daughter Shielded In an about faca from her hus band's testimony, perhaps as a result ot the daughter'a capture, Mrs. Shannon took pains to shield the red-haired Katherine Kelly. Shannon had blamed her aa well a her husband in his testimony. Mr. Shannon Insisted she was told Urschel was a "drum friend" when he was taken to the Shannon larm where Kelly had a garage. Ted Gillenwaters Goes to Portland For Armory Meet T. R. Gillenwaters, attorney for the Klamath Falls armorv committee, left tor- Portland last night to attend conference with members ot the public work advisory board on plans tor tne new armory to be built here out of federal, state and local funds. It Is believed this conferenco will be the last required to put the armory under construction. Meetings will be held today and tomorrow and final approval of the project Is expected to be announced by the board Friday afternoon. . - R. E. Bradbury, secretary ot the local armory board, is now In Portland working with fed eral representatives on the plana, Press Time ALBANY, Ore., Sept, an, (IP) Discharging his rifle whllo crawling through a fence, J. R. Wyatt, Albany at torney, waa near death in a local hospital tonight. EUGENE, Sept. 80. (IT) Robert Mills, 18, waa In a Kugrno hospital with a broken shoulder tonight because the Gorman trench he was climb ing over in a dream, turned out to be the window In au unstalra room. The accident happened at his home In Cot tage Grove. He waa asleep when he walked "out" of the house. .7 t KELLY NABBED IN TENNESSEE Notorious Outlaw Taken by Federal Authorities In Raid on Appartment Wife Arrested With Him; Both Plead Not Guilty In Jail Arraignment Bv JAMEA R. ncm ii United Preaa Staff Cormpoodrai jiajirnia, Tenn., Sept. 26 (UP) George (Machln n..i Kelly, sought In soma ol tha na tion's most daring crimes, was in Jail here tonight, still the boasting, defiant outlaw who rode a trail at tstror through the southwest. Kelly, who earned taw aabn. quet ol "Machine Gun" for his ability to write bis name in bal let boles across a roadside sign board, surrendered peacefully early today In an unobtrusive suburban apartment. Says He'U Get Oat Tou can tell tha rU vn be out ot here before long," snarled the desperado to news paper men from hla cell In jail tonight Police Chief Win D. Lee and Inspector W OittHn stood within earshot. Arrested with Kelly were his modishly clad 24-year-old wife, Katherine Kelly; J. R. Tlchenor, 30, owner of the apartment aad S. E. Travis, 26, brother-in-law' of Tlchenor. . "They got me all light, commented tbe prisoner. "But keeping me la another matter. "This ceM Is a bit crowded." he said to tha police, chief. "Hardly room to swing a cat. "But that makes little differ ence; I'll be out before long." Plead Not Guilty Bond was set at $100,000 each tor Kelly and bis wife, Katherine, when they wera ar raigned in Jail tonight on charge ot kidnaping Charles F. Urschel, wealthy Oklahoma City oil man. Both pleaded not mil. ty. .... J. R. - Ttehenor- anil B - Travis, arrested with the Kellys. also were placed under $100,000 bonds on charges ot harboring fugitives. They entered not guilty pleas. Kelly will b returned to ' Oklahoma City where the outlaw and hla wife are the only lugi- uves irom mass indictments re turned In the bizarre kidnaping case In which Charles F. Urschel, multi-millionaire oil magnate, paid $200,000 for Ma release. . . An armored ear will move the prisoners from the city Jail to the Federal building. uetecuve Sergeant William (Co? tinned on Page Bight) Little Girl's Tip Leads to Kelly's Capture by Law OKLAHOMA CtTV Sonr. WV-The tip that led to the ar rest in Memphis ot George and Kathryn Kelly came from a 12-year-old girl, Geraldine Arnold. daughter ot a' man whom the Kellys had used aa a contact here, who had been taken about the country with tha fugitives as their little daugh ter. District Attorney Herbert K. Hyde disclosed this afternoon. The girl arrived here on a train from Memphis last night and gave federal officers suffi cient Information to make she' 6 a. m. raid today. Federal agents were concen trated in Memphis trom Birming ham, Ala., St. Louis and Chicago to make the capture. Hyde said the little girl had been traveling with tha Kelly and giving Information to the of ficers for several days, but that the Kellys themselves prevented their earlier capture because they changed their minds too much." Here Is Hyde's story ot what happened: "Kathryn and George Kellv picked up three hitch ' bikers somewhere In Texas about 16 days ago, a man, his wife and hla 12-year-old daughter. They took the three to a tourist camp and fed and clothed them. "The Kellys decided the man could make contacts with law yers as they wanted to select an Oklahoma attorney to defend Mrs. Ora L. Shannon, Mrs. Kel ly's mother. , "The man, Luther Arnold, suggested John Roberts of Enid, (Co. tinned on Page Eight) News Flashes NEWPORT, Ore., Sept, U6. (UP) A 13-year-old girl who caught cats, tied strings around their necks and watched them starve to death waa sent to the children's farm home at Corvallia today by County Judge J. J. Kalthcr. KKW YORK, Sept. 20. (UP) Possibility of the New York stork exchango being moved Irom New York to New Jersey was eliminated late today when Mnyor John P. O'Brien vetoed the tax measures which had rnusrd Wall street leaders to plan the removal.