KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON September'." 1933 PAGE SIX lOV Aslda from tht ha tu area or coaslderata than usual, ans gsstlni that tnej should mset down town after work that ava Blaf. hava dinner and perhaps go somewhera to danca or aea a novla. And on ttalt occasion ha wu ao deroled. o Ilka tha Dick ha had been befora and tmmadl atslv after their marriage, that Era wu aihamcd ot her sus picions. Next aTeninc ha called up shortly befora the atore closed to tell Eta ha would not ba home (or dinner and that aha ahould not wait up for him aa ha might ba rather late. Immediately Eve'a auapiclon ware aronsed anew. His explanation for this absence was that all the executive in charge of the construction Job on which ha wu engaged were bar ing dinner toether to be followed t7 a conference concerning tbolr work. 8ha went home, locked aha door, and after making herself a cup ot tea and a sandwich, turned off the Ughu tn the living room, ahut herself up In the bed room aaa tried to read herself to sleep. it wu nearly one o'clock be fore Dick came home. Era, who wu wide awake, closed her aye aad pretended that aha wu asleep, though aha scorned her self lor pretense and wu furious at Dick for making the pretense Bass, necessary. What wu their marriage coming to, aha asked herself over aad oyer again, CHAiTBR 31 Ewsjbs The rasas, two weeks ba a Christmas. As he sat down at t hreaicfaat tsMe Dick asked. ' is fair bbss Hi i r ra oncaoed a Male trip Ba prodaced a nad nap and asa a passe aadfeated the mate. "Weal a atovaa scats tteoagh saaas tatans poaa Barter seen. The inianij Is eapetsaMy astracthw ssVaag aa saaer. Bee, wea ant est -a. Bisk, it mama be sack Pan" aa tttstionded, I'M see want 1 cam as atxtst cettJoc att- ta leawe at M efcsock ' Dick kar aa he sett the hoase. Bat Saturday Saw had to attend ta sawetal task at the office. Dick asoae her down town and sett her wsaUs ha weac to bis awn Job to stales sure eaecythtos was satlsfac tory before lea vans; town. M. to ofetoek be dross ap to the sMe en trance at Brabr'e. At a ooarter at X a Sashed and rmtvuas Bee saserged from the seedviDK doota east took bar place at Ms side. -Bet. I was ao asset at keeping pan Walsh as. aba began, breath- "Saraes was decent about see so. I bad It sal ar- ( all thsngn! ate. Btxby eaHed as a to Be bawled as oat ter- ahat nttetake in Friday Of course It was akma Alsetrs tankt but a tot at good It wonM an to teR Mr. Bixby that! at sasnMa that count. And the saose will have to take a big loss. Van abonM sea tbe mob of au tomata in abet department this matiriBg. Bsanes and I both (eel seek aawr it. I'm trembling ao as, sMe I nan acasceiy bteathe. e e e alW pat joa'se nutambwd to - to on!" Dtck said, t won't sen sen when to quit. It's an to pan. Bat I want to rem lad you: tnat ao Job at worth aa macb yonr health. 1 don't care about how sick Barnes Is; I've worries on my own Job. Bat I'm not going to stand by without protesting while my wife becomes s nervous wreck "Well, anyway I shouldn't hare left when I drd this morning," Ere went on. "Suppose Mr. Bixby sends tor me again during the day and Barnes has to ten him I'ts gone to spend the week-end in tbe country?" "He'll probably ask tor yoar reeignatlon," Dick replied cheer fully. They rode in silence out Broad way and then turned south. Ere shuddered as they passed the gray stone walls of the state hospital. Many an Inmate there, she knew, might have been saved It he had stopped the nervous strain In time. Chan often told her she did not relax enough. She glanced at Dick's handsome profile. He looked strong, purpose ful, and yet so calm. "Dick, you never worry about your work, do you?" she began, "Wouldn't say that," 'he answered-, "Every Job has Hs disa greeable side." "But I never hear you rave and rant when yon get home nights. My father used to relive the entire working day at the dinner table! tf anyone upset a cog of the ma chinery that day we'd have to lis ten all through the meal until he finished telling his side of it and what he'd like to do to certain peo ple! Sometimes be nsed rather violent language, too," Eve said. "People do that and then won der why they have nervous Indi gestion," Dick smiled. "You can't make things any better by harp tng on them 24 hours of a day. Makes them worse instead!" e 44W7ELL," Eva went on, "when I was still at home I da elded that If I ever had a family of my own we'd talk about what's going an In the world at meal time. A child alone Isn't apt to take much Interest in world nosu but If there la a round table dis cussion with both mother and father giving their opinions and -gss, aa yea think yam eoaM set Mass- tseea the stsca Sataraay Bsesssasa M-saaa ta saahe a HUte taajf taV, M lsa aa aaM. Hast BBS eouai I gat assay as near to nialml T Mat oC aM tbs eaas- sasss Meiy I've had to Bring work hsaaa mom be stove.' -M atgbt. wmsnd yosr asset ot aat -a awit aaad tar orcr- V -jfeffo interpretation of Important things that are happening the whole fam ily is bound to get mora out ot Ufa" "Yea, moat klda are bright enough," Dick agreed u they rode through an outlying Factory arts trie. "When I was a boy down an the farm," he continued, "we didn't have much money for foolishness. After chorea were dona we always bad time tor play but there wu never any money spent on that play. Money wu too scarce 1 let spite ot that there never wu a year when my father didnt bars the price to subscribe to two dally newspapers. And, bard u ba worked. Dad wu never too tired ta talk over the main part ot the day's news with the family, when I came Into the city I got plenty ot raulng tor being a "green count try boy but I wasn't really aa trees u they thought." And Dick grinned. "Your father wu awfully strict with you, waaat bar Eva asked. "Well, Dad wu a smart man." laughed Dick, "and be never took orders from anyone under the asm ot 10." Eva settled down aad putted tbe lap robe more tu-mly about her. "Warm eaoagb, sweetheartF Dirk asked. 8he assured him that she was. They bad left tbe city far behind now and were riding over flat farm country hard, brown and barren looking ha tbe December eold. There waa MtUe IMe to ba seen around tbe bouses. "I pity the people who hava to Uve in this neighborhood." Bve said. "They miss so much!"- "Weal, don't pHy them," Dick toM her. "Pity the children who grow an without knowing the woods or a country swimming bole or owning a flock ot pets ranging from a baby calf down to a litter ot Hva Easter nannies. There are actaaHy kids woo never have seen aa ariose nest except ta a picture In a book. There are lots ot them who sever have the chance to roam over bilrs snd along creeks explor ing. They ass the ones is be sorry tonr ana ot she pottery manufactur ing towns. Eva enjoyed watching tbe ceramic workers Me in for their Boon day meal. She had al ways test a certain coin passion for girls who worked in factories. She saw now that. Instead ot appear ing unhappy, these girls snd young men represented a group busy with their awn interests. They were having a good time and Eva wu amased to aee also that many ot the sjrrts costumes bora the ear marks ef the latest fashions. She made a mental note to keep them tn mind in the future when ahe waa writing advertising copy. M would help ber create a more nnt Tersat interest hi Bsxoy's advertis ing. "Diek. Vat Besting a tot sat ot this trip!" she said enthusiasti cally. "Srsca. Does yon good to get away trom the smoke ot your ewa chimney," .he commented. Tbe ground roHed gently hi an easterly direction antfl they neared the river where they found the bills steep with a trace ot snow left from a recent storm. They passed miners' huts and tenements. Eve wu shocked by the stark poverty of those agly dwellings. The sight .brought trom Dick a lengthy dis course on the subject ot injustice. They turned inland at sunset and Just u twilight fell Dick drove over tbe brow of a hllL A hetero geneous array ot roofs lay before them. It seemed to Eve m thongh the roofs lifted snd suddenly, with jack-ln-a-box quickness, Tamkln vlMe peeped out at them dingy, desolate looking. Eva noted with contempt the many oid buMings with false fronts to make them look a story higher. Heavens, had they come all this way Just to visit an uninteresting place like this? What possible interest did Dick think she mtcnt have here? Ere was furious. fTo Be Contained!) Morgan Awarded Draw for Fight In Antipodes SYDNEY. Australia, Sept. J5, (P) Tod Morgan, former junior lightweight champion boxer from the United States, and Nedo Tarleton, former British feather weight title-holder, tonight fought 15 rounds to a draw. Morgan had all the better ot the early rounds, flooring Tarle ton for short counts in the fourth and seventh, but the British box er rallied toward the end to gain the split verdict. Morgan weighed 138 pounds and Tarleton 131. A too at Bemldjl, Minn., has a snow-white porcupine. Flapper Fanny Says Oirls who count are usually those who watch their figures. lest. -Paw- OUT OUR WAY VK34. OO fOO THi'stX' SALESMAN SAM fC0EU.,AerAf1 OL' M."rA mimo lb jtiST i,ooo; U mmS tV i axniLUV VZ'ZlZr" eusfEHDEp ftwtNtxrtofa. MtM&S Ifc JUST 1M,OOOi . - . yZ yU9 rAIOOSrl , BOSS ) f BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES .TK-rK.ouwliwll wcx f I w W I U. tW ( I ' o' I ( I f Jjo w MjStS-.- I WASH TUBBS Bv Cranl HCV MIRgt tHHEPC'S TUAT LOfttfN THAT'S -OPEM 'ER UP TREAT THB 60VS TO THE iuiUPP' TH6f DOM'T Y 6NJOV fOOftSELVES, Y WOW VOU'BE POLITICS, MIKE, POLITICS. f iorF"e.H06S eoaTMi BOVSS BEST. EASV COME, EAM 60. 6EMTLEMEM. STEP UP I a ? MAKE 'M ( BOVS.AM0 BSMEMBER SURE A tPlMOER.lTHftT'S WHN TM SO SIKCCSSRX, . V soue tammjes. she's pre-war, amo atffii" I no better'm that aces cbrien H chksf. r mow,to fiuo miss webster. i aVoU?' plemtv rostv. sTyZ -wSha fe. v00' PAU X WEVER Z9?'J J ts1 tnrr- ? FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ' By Blower rHELL0 OLO&IRL!.' BOY.' WHAT DO VOU THIWK OF fag) (SHE SURE l... ) NO, NOT EXACTLY f yEAH -WHY ? NOO-0-BUT LET METHIMK CZ. SHE LOOKS GREAT, J HER, BED ? SOME DOG J . GEE: HAVEN'T fcUT WE VE TRACED I A COOPLE OF 1 DO YOU KMOW 1 A LITTLE -TWO TRAVEL- 5 REO FRECKLES.' JUST AS IL HUH? Y'BETCHA.' J . YOU AMY IDEA, THE CHOPS TO THE TRAVELING WHO THEY J INO MEM-HMM-NOW,VyAJT uu WNfi ' SPW AS A PUP.... Vi--T lXm JJn1 I MEN, HUH? I ARE, RED A MINUTE ! I GOT A ri-njc ., JA l' I HAVE 6IVEN TRAVELING MEN HAD ' I V, unuru FRECKLES' pSiM' OmiOrU i-at L- HER THAT S CHOPS THAT DAY, BUT I J L, ? 7 pf JA WHO CAN ldTU YA-fylL ML POISONED PORK THEY WOULDN'T DO A 7 '.VrT "SXT-M SOLVE THIS fJ HP MYSTERY THE NEWF ANGLES MOM'N POP By Cowan VVMY, GLADYS BOSKLIE WATSONtV I'M GCHNO TO BE MARRIED SHOOT1. I'M 'f , rT EXCITING? AND 1 f JSci-1 nOSIWAS IMfcGlUE BUMPING WHY, t HAPDLY NEXT WEEK-CAN YOU WOLD 1 DO YOU HAME A f rV'lcwrO I CALM ANO NN "vWbevV tOof Race. U-V RACE HOflit GOT TWERE WAV AHE AO OF TW TRoCW Ci. v-T- kst-Nuo it f;pi:uc. WE HAS-Sa WAIT Ftt? Cy-r Ttsuc House. PUT OP A BtVxT RrXCS iMTri By J. R. William. -lUAf'ta 3oT IT! tvV --.. first , but HAWr AMV-rHsMCa-V1H r-sVM , WHILE 1H' TlTOCM" i-voHSti Botsnvd n LOHU VMTW hitMl VtloaT T7u't? Irw drr. H- rc i Mv. rcor; J PV1T tlR TrlSRsz, HUOOyl VOV1 UJOM AM' f scr suae exiTiTueo "Co W oouo-Ml too If SEZ. JE,T tM W-SO-RAM AM' rev eM"OTLeo JCsoui Jockey -'v c. .. OUR BOARDING HOUSE EAD, WDtAR AND MOW WOULD YOU LIKE. A PET OP SOME SORT "FROM ffY PET SHOP? A CANA,T?Y , A SOME tSCCQTISW,, OR PERCHANCE., A. MONKEV EAD, I HAVE SOU WILL ADORE ! Ns What SaW. 1 ura. u. t- mt. c NOTVNVC&lNOT ANY MORE IN mouse? i mavc some chimpanzees AND HYENAS PAPROT, NOW, YOU CAM TMt TVAMKl VOUR PET SUOpy ONE Liei weR.e.cHAftLtif'- HALFA TM OOOG-H AM I By Astern Tufl eW& V-e SWELL CRUST ONTrVP.6 TOMKbUT. DUCHESS J IC NThJ CAN TVMS HERE,! t-c-w i TM' HI AAlCTURE.YOULL rWANUr ACTURi N& WALL-x30A,TOV SURE PEEL AT HOME " By Small TU' WftrAe. ot our. mvo " K6CP "WS. OTHER. MALfJ By Martin