The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 26, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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September 2fl, 1983
Klamath Gets
Ineffective Showing
Again.t Weed Place
Responsibility of Hard
Work on Every Player.
Pelican. Afflicted With
Too Many Quarter
back. Ernie Bailey
May Meet Elmer
Brown Here.
" The Klamath Pelican will b
known thi Tear In tootball a
the dark horse of the Southern
Oregon Interscholastle confer
ence. It is the proverbial term
o( description tor a team ot an
known. This, the responsibility ot a
successful season rests heavily
pen each member ot the high
school squid. It means when
a team isn't as strans as It was
last year or the year before
there must be more Ion hour
ot training, more fight, more
determination and more alert
ness to Instruction and the mis
take ot each contest.
Oa the strength ot the Pel
ican exhibition against Weed,
the rating won't be listed too
high. There are an abundance
of difficult teams on the sched
ule, and tt the Klamath dots
can progress through the season
with 60 per cent la victories,
then, lodging from what mater
ial ia available, they wlU be
It they can win more than
halt their games, or go through
the season undefeated, a mira
cle ta athletics will hare oc
curred. It is too early la the season
to pass tins! judgment on a
football team. Right now, how
ever, Klamath cannot hare
more thaa aa even chance with
Ashland and Grant Pass, and
only a rery slim underdog op
portunity against such teams
a Coral Us, Hertford and Bend.
Whea fcewls McAntnch. out
standing quarterback tor two
sua sou, was graduated, Leslie
Avrtt. head coach, selected Eu
gene Barrow as his successor.
Barrows, while not the best bU
carrier or defender on the team,
the most capable Held gen
era and field captain.
Vatertaaatcly, however. Bar
ms has eompetltiOB from ev
ery ether player oa the Klam
ath seaed. Gsards, center,
asutlss cads and becks took
over the Job of running the
tint against Weed, and the ln
evttaM result, the Klamath at
tack had a much consistency
aatd steadiness as a ma eh in
iwaalng ea eae plug.
Thai hs character et aa
lasaperieneed team. It hss to
learn the quarterback is right.
It be meets interference from
ether plajer, at the peak ot a
gams, he immediately loses hit
own confidence and the offens
ive, power ts reduced ay mls
aeieeted plays.
Red Barrows has the person
allay aad intelligence et an out
standing; quarterback, but many
a teem aa, been ruined by the
Ms of "tea ether euarter-
e e e
atbMnath meet Ms seond
test aent Saturday aga'jst Al
tera on Modoc field, '.bis sec
ond Xorthern California team
has always been stronger than
Weed, and this year tt kt one
et the heaviest eleven fat th
Klamath tailed to scon en
Weed except through Weed's
own mistakes. This week, the
second period of practice, will
be vital tn preparation for the
Alturas game and the coming
game with major Oregon lv
ens, see
Sr&M Bailey, a pugilist from
Washington, whe fought here
several times under Herb Ow
ens, ex-matchmaker, may re
turn In a main event against
Elmer Brown. Brown has nev
er been defeated In Klsmath
Falls, and has two victories
over Johnny Snell. Both came
with knockout in the first
round. Bailey defeated Herb
Whit ot Medford her ts
a senstion1 seml-wlndup.
The bout has been tentative
ly set tor October 6.
Southern Cal
Tramples Two
Gridiron Foes
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25. (U,R)
The University of Southern
California football team, na
tional Intercollegiate champion
for the past two years, scored
it list snd 22nd consecutive
victories Saturday, defeating Occi
dental college 39 to 0 and Whit
tier college 61 to 0 In a double
The Trojans took advantage
ot the Tiger' passing attack in
the first game, snd scored four
of their six touchdowns on In
terceptions. Passes Look Good
Ths second game. In which the
first and second teams were per
mitted to run at will, featured
a particularly successful psstlng
attack with Brick Bright and
Ward Browning carrying the
bulk of the work. Fumbles and
Interceptions also aided the Tro
jan In running up the large
Missed conversion appeared to
be th ' Trojan' great tailing.
Only three ot eight In the
tler encounter, an average of
less than 60 per cent. -
Recollections of single point
defeats by Notrs Dame In the
past will cause Coach Howard
Jones to drill hi kicker hard
In anticipation ot forthcoming
More thai 10,000 cow In
California sr known to have
produced 40 pounds or mors of
butterfat each in on month. (
Stanford Prepares to
Play Rugged Brains
of Southland
By Russell J. Xewland
(Associated Press Sports Writer)
SAN FHANC1SCO, Sept. 25, (Jf)
Opening skirmishes leading to
ward th Pacific Coast conference
championship will take place on
far western gridirons next Satur
In the most Important ot th
pigskin scrambles, Stanford In
dlans will square oft against ths
University ot California at Los
Angelee Bruins. For several rea
sons. Stanford has been in the
football dumps, but tbe 133
squad makes its first bid for con
ference recognition with high
hopes installed by a new coach,
Claude "Tiny" Thornhill, succes
sor to Glenn Warner.
Indians Impressive
Under ThornhlU't leadership.
the Indian started the fall cam
paign last week end with a 27-0
win over San Jose State, desplts
continued Indisn fumbling. Fol
lowers were Impressed with ths
dssh and tip displayed. The vis
iting Bruin will have th advant
age In th matter ot experienced
player and probably will take th
field as th favored eleven. U. C.
L. A. chalked up aa easy double
victory Saturday, defeating San
Diego State 19-0, and Los Angeles
J, C. Reserves. 34-0.
Other conference clashes will
pair oft Montana against Oregon
State and Idaho against Washing
ton, with the coast teams in the
roles ot favorites. Washington
beat Gonsagas 18-0 . Saturday,
while Oregoa Stats won two
games by scores of 21-0 from
Southern Oregon Normal and Wil
lamette, respectively. Neither
Montana aor Idaho have seen ac
tion yet.
Trojan Meet Loyola
Southern California' cham
pionship defending Trojans will
take on Tom Lleb's strong Loyola
ot Los Angeles Squad la a non
conference tilt. Follower hope
the game's outcome will be more
impressively ia fsvor ot their
team than was th ease a year
ago. At that time Coach Howard
Jones' eleven eked eut a (-0 win
over the Loyolans.
As a seasonal starter. Southern
California walloped Occidental,
!-, end Whlttler, 11-0. Satur
day, while tbe night before Loy
ola rushed through to a 12-0 win
over California Tech.
California' Beers, victims ot
the season's first msjor npset
whea they lost to Santa Clara,
7-0, Saturday, will continue In the
non-conference gam class next
week end. The Bears will play a
double-header against California
Aggies and the University ot
Washington State and Oregon
list non-conference gridiron ses
sions, the former meeting College
ot Puget Sound and Oregon play
ing Gonsaga. Washington state
ran up a 48-0 score on Whitman
last Saturday.
Chicago Bears
Score Victory
Over Green Bay
CHICAGO, Sept 25. 0P Pro
fessional tootball commanded its
share of Interest in the sports
world today following games In
which the champion Chicago
Bears Inaugurated the season
with a 14 to 7 win over the
Green Bay Packers, snd the
Portsmouth Spartans beat tbe
New York Giants, 17 to 7.
Tbe Bears were beaten nntll
tbe last fire minutes of plsy, but
Left End Bill Hewitt, who
learned bis football st Michigan,
saved the day by blocking two
Hewitt blocked Groves at
tempted field goal on the Bears'
27-yard line. Later, with the
ball on the Packers' 25-yard line,
hs passed to Luke Johnson for
a touchdown. With Just a min
ute to play, Hewitt blocked Ar
nold Tibert's kick on th 10-yard
lins and dashed for a touchdown,
alander again added both extra
points. Buckets Goldenberg ac
counted for tbe Packers' score In
the third period and Monnett
added the on point.
The Spartans scorsd seven
points through an Intercepted
pass in the second quarter and
in the next frame added 10 more.
Left End Badgro gsve the Giants
s touchdown In the last period
when he picked up a fumble and
ran 20 yards.
Tilden Defeats
Cochet In Paris
PARIS, Sept. 25, (JP William
T. Tilden II today defeated Henri
Cochet In straight sets, 0-3, (-4,
(-2, to give th United State
three matches and victory in a
Franco - American professional
tennis scries. It was ths first
meeting between the former Davlt
Cup rivals since th cup campaign
ot 1030.
Tbe film actress, Julia Mar
lows, was born In Caldeck, Cum
berlindshlr. England, on Aug.
17, 1870, under the nam of
Sarah Frances Frost; her parents
brought her to this, country in
A Mat Artist
, . jt.. .
v. V .. ,s
Napoleon "Nap" Devor. victorious over Billy Newman ot Dsn
ver two weeks ago, will rsturn Friday night to clash with Harr
Demetral. Seattle Greek, in the Legion htll main event wrestling
match. Fred Marsccl ot Cap Town will meet Larry Bennett of
Columbus, Ohio, in th windup.
Klamath Falls remained In th
heart of the calm weather belt
Monday, while storms raged up
and down the Pacific coast.
The local weatherman reported
low barometric pressure, but
stated that a gradual rise bad
begun, and that little ebinge
from present weather conditions
would occur during lb next 21
While other portions ot Ore
gon snd Washington shivered In
temperatures toe low for comfort,
Klamath Falls enjoyed fairly
moderate weather, with the mi
nimum reading' at 24, and the
high point 60 on Monday.
Showers of Saturday night and
early Sunday morning netted .02
ot an Inch precipitation, accord
ing to th TJ. 8. weather bureau.
PORTLAND, Sept 25. UP)
Winter held a pre-vlew Sunday
and last night over much ot the
Pacific Northwest, (ending tem
peratures lower than had been
recorded In more than lx months,
many sections ot Portlsnd snd
the thermometer reached a low
of 40 degrees, the coldest since
April IS.
At Adesss. Wssh.. In tbe wheat
country, the low was 20 degrees.
Condon had 30; it was 32 at
Pendleton, Baker and Heppner;
Wenatchee had 30 degrees, Ya
kima 84, Wasco 30, Spokane 30,
and Walla Walla. 42 degrees.
Coast Outboard
Events Started
SEATTLE, Sept 25. VP)
The "big boys." runabout with
a power rating as high as 64
horsepower, thunder Into action
today on Lake Washington and
Green lake for national titles, as
ths two-day Pacific coast out
board championship meet comes
to a close.
With no less than 14 coast
titles decided yesterday. 10 ot
them going south to California,
tbe final racing of th two-da
meet today takes on a national
angle. In th thre classes of
C, E and F, ot 21 horsepower,
22 horsepower and 64 horse
power respectively, title will be
decided In both divisions.
A crowd estimated at between
40,000 and 50.000 lined the sev
eral miles ot shore line ot
Green lake yesterday to see th
tiny craft flash over th mil
course, with the waters rough
ened by a stiff southerly breese
which made record titles Impos
sible. Two spectacular spills oc
curred, but th driver were un
hurt. 500 Persona Dead
In Bubonic Plague
DAIREN, Manchuria, Sept. 25
JPi An eDidemlc of bubonic
plague In central Mancburla hat
killed at least 600 persons In the
last month, it wa reported by
the hygiene section of th South
Manchurlan railway.
In Mallngyingtte, near Tung-
llao, 34 ot the 43 Inhabitants
BEATTY. Or. Work on th
road from Beatty to the day
chool, which was held up for
several days pending settlement
of a matter ot right-of-way
through the Brown field sevoral
mile north of town, la now be
ing pushed forward. Indian or
people connected with th reer
vation have preference ot the
lob. A new bridg acros Spra-
gu river I also considered in
the road building program.
From France
Mike Donlan,
Diamond Hero,
Dies In South
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Sept. 25,
VP) Michael J. Donlln. "Turkey
Mika" to the baseball world. I
Death overtook him as hs slept,
tor hs wss found yesterday morn
log, victim of a heart attack.
One ot the most popular figures
In baseball, Donlln reached tbe
heights sa an outfielder for the
New York Giants whsn tbe won
th world's ssrles ot 1006 from
Philadelphia. -
In ths twelve years be plsyed
In the National league. DonliQ
never failed to hit at .300 clip.
He began his csreer ss a left
handed pitcher with th Ssnta
Cruls, Calif., elub of th old Stale
Forrest E. Cooper of Lakevlsw,
president of the association of
20-30 clubs, was a guest of tbe
local elub at the resular meeting
on Monday. T'ooper urged club
member to attend th district
convention to bs held In Lake-
view on October 1 and I.
This district of 30-80 Is com
posed of Klsmstb Fslls, ssond,
Msrshfleld, Yrsk. Donsmulr, Al
turas, Burns and Grants Pass.
Election of a new district gov
ernor will bt held during the
convention to till the vscancy
left by th ppolntmnt of Jo
Knudson to tbe office ot trustee
for tbe national club.
Norman Taber, Klamath Union
high school fullbsck, was a guest
at tb 20-80 club msetlng. sod
told ot th season'! tootball pros
Arthur Schaupp, local attor
ney, was th principal speaker
and told of bis recent trip to
tb Chicago world' fair. Jack
Murphy wa chairman of th
Th board ot directors of the
club will meet Thursday evening
to rormuiat final plan for the
20-80 party to be held Saturday
night at th Reame Oolt and
Country club. Club member and
their guest are cordially invited
to attend this event.
Three School
Opened Monday
County School Superintendent
Fred Peterson spsnt Monday In
stalling teachers and opening
three new schools In tbe county.
These schools are located at
Kirk, Lamms lumber camp at
Yamtey and at th Algom log
Ing camp. Tbe latter school will
operate only about two months,
school officials stated, or until
tbe camp shuts down.
Mrs. Clara Tborne will teach
the school children at Kirk, Rob.
ert Currier of Gardiner, Ore.,
will teach at Yamssy, and Mis
Phen Flnchum will conduct th
temporary school at tb Algoma
P. D. Reeder Bags
280-Pound Buck
P. D. Reednr, father of Dick
Reader, brought In on ot the
largest bucks of ths year Mon
day. Th animal wa shot Sun
day nsnr Sliver lake In Lake
county and weighed over 280
pound. It wa a seven point
The flet hat tucking, not bit
ing mouth ptrts and cannot
a hole in cloth.
. .
htr rr i ii Humeri ii its i , nn-Lnin
Tommy Bridges Misses
Opportunity for '
Baseball Fame
By Hugh S. Fnllrrton Jr.
(Associated Press Sports W riter!
Final returns on tb major
loaKue bsHcball season won't be
In for another week, but young
Tommy Bridges ot th Del roll
Tigers hss clinched th erown as
the year's "hard luck guy" with
out further argument.
Bridges, on of ths bright spou
In an otherwise discouraging tea
ton which finally impelled Ducky
Harris to resign his post aa Tiger
Manager Saturday, has mad (our
gallant efforts to sdd his nsms to
tb list ot no-hit pitching nota
bles, and each time has failed by
tbe slimmest ot margins.
ills troubles started last year
whu a pinch bit by Dave llurrta
In tb ninth liming cost him no
hit gain glntt Washington.
Early this season he burled one
contest sgalntt St. Louis, and
tbe Senators, snd Saturday he
blanked th Browns again with
out a blow for 8 11 innlnxs be
fore Sam West, tbe "villain" on
previous o--tslon. and Art 8chare
lu found blm tor single. Tom
my' two-hit hurling brought th
Tiger a 2-1 victory In th first
gsm ot double-header, and
they went on to clean up with a
5-2 triumph In the afterpiece ea
Carl rticher allowed only five
Th Phllsdelphl Athletics had
romp at tb expenss of Al Crow
der snd two successors, snd hal
ted out an 11 to 4 victory over
Washington'! American league
champions. Th Boston Red Sox
beat the second place New York
Yankee 108, In a game which
produced 18 hits, nine error nd
15 wslks.
Th Chicago Whit Sox and
Cleveland Indian divided a twin
bill, collecting a total of 50 bits.
Tbe Sox woo th opener, 8-7, on
a ntuth Inning run, and th In
dian cam back to hammer out I
12-S triumph, scoring half their
run In tbe fifth. Earl Avtrlll bit
a homer In each game.
Chicago and Cincinnati let th
pitchers have their say for ths
National lesgua at they divided a
pair of games. Charley Root's
tive-hlt flinging led tb Cub to
7 to 1 triumph in tb opener, and
Cincinnati won 1 to 0.
New York Glno's won their
first gsme since they clinched the
National league title by srorlng
four rnns In ths tenth Inning of
ths first gsme with Boston to
best a throerun rslly snd win 6
to 6. The Braves had the Isat
laugh, however, slamming Glenn
Spencer for five tallies In two Inn
ings and winning a five-frame
afterpiece. 6 to 2.
Like the Giants, th Brooklyn
Dodgers saw their second gam
cut to five innings by darkness,
but they had time to beat th
Phillies twice. 12-7 snd 6-2.
The Pittsburgh Plrstes snd St.
Louis Cardinals batted each oth
er's pitcher, sround tbe lot to
split a pslr of 6-4 decisions, but
the Pirates had to go to ten Inn
ings to beat Dlsay Dean In the
second gsms after th Cards' fat
rallies had given Tex Carlston bit
17th victory in the opener.
Beaver Team
Scores Two
Wins Saturday
CORVALLTS, Ore.. Sept. 25.
(P) Ths 1033 edition ot the
Oregon state coneg rootnau
squsd won two games Saturday,
and they won tham with an of
fensive that presages a real foot
ball team.
The first contest saw ths
Southern Oregon Normal ot Ash
land go down to defeat 21 to 0
and the second encounter with
Willamette University favored
Lon Stlner'i boy by th urn
In both games th Orangemen
war unable to score a toucn
down In the esrly periods, their
oniy euori in uii iieia perns
safety against Southern Oregon
Normal In the second period of
the first game, when Oregon
State scored two points on a
Ths final periods of both con
tests gave a real Idea of Hie ot
tensive to be offered by Stlner.
Joslln snd Franklin carried the
ball In the opener (or three
touchdowns and In th flnitJ at'
fray, Pangle and Jessup com
blned with th pair of backflsld
artists for three srores.
Ily Ocll M. Joins ,
(A. P. Staff Writer)
25. (J3) Ths pennant winning
march of th Washington Sen
atitra hss pushed Joseph W. Bu
gel Into the limelight ngslu ul
though Dr. Engel la the type of
fellow who doesn't need much
In fsct there Is ne limelight
around when Mr. Kngvl Is serv
ing ss president of the Chatta
nooga lookout of th Southern
association he will make aome
and push himself lu.
Hcrluua Senator Scout.
He's tlie man who hung canttry
birds In tbs I'hattiiuooga stands,
slgued a girl pitcher, made bis
players greet biui wllh a nillllary
salute and swsppud a shortstop
to Charlotte for a Tbauksglvlng
But he take his Job at tcout
for tb Seuutort seriously snd
enjoys the confidence ot his boss
Chirk Griffith.
Kngel once bought a minur
league shortstop who wus bitting
'What do von tant with a
fellow who hit like that!" Grlf-
mn asked.
"I Just like him." Eniel re.
piled and Griffith left him on the
CTonla Bailing Over .800.
Ills nsme wss Joe frnnln ftn
he' now hitting above .300. la
bout th best all-around short
slop In th major league end
:y Southwlrk, who has boen su.
perlntcndent of tho Crooked
Creek (sh hatchery for the past
several years, has been transfer
red to the hatchery on ltosrint
rlvsr, near Albany.
During his msnsgrment of ths
Crooked Creek hatchery. South-
wick has greatly Improved tbe
grounds and buildings, and hni
proved one of th most successful
hatchery superintendents In Ore
Southwlrk. accompanied by his
two children. Hetty snd Jimmy,
snd his mother, baa left to take
up bis duties In ths new location.
Mrs. Southwlck will Join them
from Ths Dulles, where she hss
been visiting.
The new superintendent of
Crooked Creek bstchery. Mr.
Howland, ha arrived jnd will as
sume bis duties Immediately,
Young Roosevelt
Grid Candidate
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Sept. 26
(yP) Franklin D. Kooaevelt, Jr.,
son of the president, Is a randi
date for the freshman football
team at Harvard.
He reports to freshman coach
Cliff Gallagher at Soldiers' Field
this afternoon. Roosevelt played
tackle on the Groton srhool
eleven Isst fall snd was rated a
promising lineman.
Ruth May Become
i Detroit Manager
DETROIT, Sept. 25. Th
fans ars putting Habe Ruth's
name first these days when they
talk about possible successors to
Stanley R. (Bucky) Harris aa
pilot of tbe Detroit Tigers.
Frsnk J. Navin, president of
the club who accepted Harris'
resignation Saturday with regret.
Is saying, nothing, except that
itutn ana a lot or other good
men have been suggested to him.
Cats Discovered
Very Poor Racers
BYRON, Calif., Sept. 26. (IP)
The "kittles" which Charlie Hon
man trained for his proposed cat
race track certainly ran, but It
was a scatteratloa rather than a
At a tryout at which Byron's
sportsmen had gathered, Tom
Smith. Just down from the hills,
opened a sack and deposited a
wildcat right among those rac
ing kittles. All bets were oft.
SALhiM, Sept. 26 UP) Briga
dier General Thomas B. Riles
of ths Oregon national guard
left hers to attend the meeting
of ths National Guard association
at .Chicago beginning September
zs. While there he will also at
tend tbs session of ths adjutant
eenerale of the united Rtntes.
. . ...... tloP
..i.t h "' -''r
.vara, ml
manager ot th Amtrlean League
champion i.
ilnfriili' called Engsl by tele
thons a tew weeks ao snd said
"Send me a pitcher." Kngul wenl
down to the station and bought
Alex Mi Coll a ticket to Wash
ington. Now Mr. Mi-Coll Is 81 years
old, which Is considered aged as
pitchers go. and had never se 0
the Inside of I big league ball
park except as a spectator. Ths
wis boy grieved snd said Old
Joe waa slipping but Alet hat
dout right well .wlli tb Sen
ators and It likely to ss sum
world aerie tor vice.
Kngel also la responslhl for
Joe Kuh.l. Iiuddy Mysr, Cliff
lloltoii. Grurral Crowder and oth
er WaahluKton start.
Ho bus lots of friends and
they'll coin through for hint in
a pinch. When Paul Strand wus
burning up the Coast League
Griffith sent Engsl scross the
niouutulus five times. Each time
be cume back and said "No."
The Athletics finally paid
fancy price for Strand and when
Ihey came to Waslilnxloa Joe
went down to the bull pen where
Wulter Johnson waa wsrmlug up
snd pulled the big train aaid.
"Uarney," he wblspsred, "tills
Strand Is liable to cost m my
Job It he bits a lot ot bom rune,
go out ther and tuow th bl
mug up,"
birand tanned thre time and
didn't even hit a hard foul.
Player's Wife
III in South
OAKLAND. Calif., Sept. 35.
VP) Mrs. Johnny Verges, wife
ot th New York Giants' third
baseman, waa reported by her
physician to hav "a fair chance"
for recovery her today after
losing her tecond child, an In
fant dnugbter.
Tbe baby. Dr. William Mills.
ttandlug physician said, died t
birth yesterdsy. Ths first child
s boy, died at the age of one
month about a year and a half
Four deer hunters were (Treat
ed Sunday by slate police end
slate gam officers In ths Hsydsn
mountain district and charged
with violating hunting regula
tions. ' R- L. Hunsacker and W. O.
Crawford, both ot Klamath
Falls, were arrested for having
In their possession a aplk buck.
Arthur Poston and Hatlla Poston,
residing along the Oreensprlngs
hlkhway, were arrealed In Jack
son county and taken to Med
ford (where they are held In Jail
for a hearing on hunting with
out licenses.
The Postons were lodged In
the Jackson county Jail after
they attacked a atat gam offi
cial following their arrest.
HROOKLYN, N. Y., Sept. 16
(J) Col. Hosco Turner, spsed
(Her, hung up a new wvet-eaM
transcontinental record today,
bringing bis swift plan at times
to 816 miles an hour to crosi
the country In ten Sours snd (lv
and one-halt minutes.
Th wheals of Turner' shn
touched the flying field at 11:4
. m. eastern standard tlms. Tb
previous rsrord of ten hours am
nineteen minutes wss set b
James Ilniallp.
Return Abandoned
A severs hesilaebe, couple
with rough ami windy weatbr
and fog. Vatised Turner to aliai:
don bis previously announcs'
plan to attempt a return fllgh
lo th coast today,
Turner said he averaged 37
mile an hour and that be mlgh
have don better If be had no
been . compelled to (Iter hi
cours several times because o
storms and low callings.
Angels Assured
Coast Pennant;
Hollywood SinV
fly The A i-nclateil lreaa
Los Angeles as virtually tL
Coast leatiiir's only psnnsnt eoi
lender after two week-end vl.
tnrlcs that showed Hnllywoo
down Into a sucond-plac tl
with Portlsnd. seven game hi
bind lb Angela,
Hollywood must win til tov
of Its remaining gamee lo gati
lie with the Lelirelt men
Portland, with seven more game
to play than either th Angel oi
Stars, still hss chance for th
championship but t slim on.
Bealll. wina Hertea
Combined pitching efforts o
Fsy Thorn. Dick Wrd am
Buck Newtom gave th Angel
Suuday' opener, 8-7. Tnm Bhee
ban limited th Isadora to four
hits lo glvs Hollywood th night
cap, 4-3. for Its second win o'
th toven-ttin ssrles.
Osklsnd divided Its Bunila
doublehesder with Seattle to cap
ture th series, 4-1. Jo Cot
caret's lusty four-bagger will,
two man on spoiled a nice hurl
ing Job by Glenn Galiler and
lave the Indians th opener, 3-1
Ed Walsh, Jr., replied with
three-hit flinging as the Osks
wslked off with Ihs flvs-lnnlnt
second game, 4-0.
Breaking even In Sunday,
twin bill, San Francisco took In
eltr series with the Missions by s
4-3 msrgln. Johnny Bsblch's
steady liaising mad It two
straight for tb Mission as they
triumphed 8-4 In Hundsy's open
er. The Seala cams from behind
to flnl.h ahead 1-4 In the night
cap. Sacramento's three week-end
games in Portlsnd were ralnea
MOSCOW, bpt. 26. W) Col
Charles A. l.ludberKh and his
wile completed flight from
Leningrad this afternoon, bring
ing their plan down on th
Moskv rlvar.
Only M60
to the Orient
Sotntj day you 'te going to tbe Orient.
Why not tJrl winter? "I haven't tbe
time", you tnsjr iy, ot "I cta'l
afford If." Myb not. But It'i only
J 160 (Tourist) from Seattle to Yoko
hama oa th great President Linert
of the American Mall Lin. A sailing
every other Saturday from Seattle and
Victoria, B.G
No Tourist Class accommodations
on any ships are lupcrlor to those oa
President Linert. All stateroom! ire
outside, with decp-sprlnged bed,
not berths. And when you've esten
the lupetb meeli served on Preti
dent Linen you'll know toother
reason why world-travelers choose
these ships.
...Tourist Class trant-Pacific from
Cast all the way. Visit Yokohama,
Kobe, Shanghai, I long Kong, Manila,
Singapore, Pentng, Colombo, Bom
bay, Suet, Port Said, Alexandria,
Naples. Genoa, Marseilles. Stopover
when and where you please, continu
on another President Linet.
Mil, K. v.. AM)l:USON, Trnvi-nnu
raesenurr AkcM, will ((' In Kliim
nth I'nlls at the U'lllnril Hold,
Sept. unili, and will be ulnil lo
1st yon with any ciiiili'mplnK'd
travel plans.