PAGE gZVEN1 September 20, 1033 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1 900 v 3 Katwsi J par word pr day' "V. lossrtlou. 10s pur osnt dlscouut on idi running oat Htl . r- f) per cinl dlecoupt on iiUili ranalDi on moDlh, All lslfled ad r Insert Id In hoib Th Klmalb News nd Cnlni Herald, it th sbo rat, appearing la Tb New first. Tims limit for elalflction id lb following day's papers li r M. Ads dvstrvd Id tsrted on the same day mb milted will have to run "Too Lata to Classify." Too-Lato-tu-Claaalty ada ara put Id ont papar only at tba same rata aa auotad a bora, and elaaaltlad (or suocssdlng Insertions. Loat and Pound STRAYED OR STOLEN Two cowa, ona branded diamond on rtfht rlha. Krom Altsmonl Thursdsy afternoon. Nollfr M. O. Da tea. car Pelican Bur Lumbar Co. ODtiti Notice PaoDlaa Wsrehouse Farnltura and Houaabold food" Stores- r a o a I n g- crating Shipping. if Btorable, Wa Store It1 0723 PA1NTINO. daeoranna. canaries eetloialea on an lob. large or amaii. paon 1ST. l. u rw man (30 RADIO IBRVICb or an kinds Wm. Loot. 1406 Lookout St Phone I835J "UH wwswwwwwwwi 4 Paraonala READINGS daHr-621 Oak. 6c HawaawMawawi 8 Tranaporlation HVaiW By Sftaig Shortest Route to ' PORTLAND 15.00 one way SEATTLE . J7.90 one way SPOKANE $14.00 one way Via lltnd and Waplnltla Leave Greyhound Depot at 11:S0 p. m. dally, rhone 1530. 6 Help Wanted, Mala WILL GIVE room and board tn middle-aged couple la exehauge lor nouaowora. sss w. lum. ' 1111 iBHaMBMwMaaa 7 Help Wanted, Female REKINKD LADY, no encum brance, axe 26 to 40. to do . housework and Hlt In atnre and postnmcp, rnr atiiKIa man. R. E. Allen, Kirk, Oro. 1151 WANTKI) Girl for general housework, must ba experl- enroll. Ktate waxes expected ami give reforencea. P. O. Box 170, Merrill, Ore. 1333 WANTED Cook on ranob. Box 1318, Ncws-llorald. 1318 LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE r f MY-MY- YOU WgRB V'. I WONDERFUL TO-MIGHT- 1 TUB AUDHNCg WENT f-4 I CRAZY- YOU . . WIRI BUPSR&- J I If &UT, A.KIKIIB- - B euPPoeiMO I jt WE WBRE K LET MIM- M TO BBCOKAB K WE COULDN'T H A.KJCRV ,' MA.VCB IT B WITH YOU? fi MUCH JRj TOUGHER FOP tZTr: J15 we wa.s aaaaaaBi,, t-REAvCV- 9 Situation! Wantad WANTKI) Cooking and practical nursing by experienced woman. 1S7H Portland. I ;' ' " II Furniahed Rooaia FURNACE HEATBD tiadroon) la modern bom, i'bona (18J. losi 12 Room and Board HOOM AND BOARD 1701W. 1111 EXUKLLKNT board and room u, itt 1'hiilMi 6t,0-M. 13 Furniahed Apartment FOR RENT Furnished apart- mcnts. four moms and nam. Clos In. Ill Jtilferiou. uosv SMALL two room), aultabla for couple; wood, water, lights tur nlshud, 110 month. 326 Cora merrlsl, 10'( 14 Furniahed Houae DUPLEX, flv rooma and hath. everything furniahed. Phone , 20F8. oil N. lib. 0708 r"Ult RENT I rooma modern, garags, cloae In. 1'hoa 100. 1 IS Unfurnished Houses FOR RENT l-room modern house, partly furnlilied. 1013 Reclamation. I'bona 41J4. 131 18a To Excban.a , WILL TRADE J-room houae, two lota, hot well, fur beef cattle. Hot 1330, Nnwa-llerald. 133i WILL EXCM ANOE 6-room mod rn bona and three lota In Ashland for Improved acrcag near Klamath Falla. Inquire zoo corner. . 0917 Automotive HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! 1031 Ford T-l, rumble iat. 1928 Hudson Victoria. 1920 Hudaon Coup, rumble aeat. 1039 DeSolo Sedan. - , - , ( - 1920 Dodx Coupe. Armstrong Motor Co. 116 Mala Street. 1153 FOR SALE Chevy 1930 roadntcr. Thorn l2.l. evenlnu. 20 Miacellaneou For Sale SACKS Farmera attention. W hav used sackii for oats, barley and apuda. Wa buy pelta. wool, hldaa and Junk. And w will treat you rifht. MAS Bag Co. 34 Market. Phone 1939 kV. 06ii KOH SALE Female fox terrlor, full grown, thoroughbred. 1221 Monclalr. 1833 FOR SALE Weaner pig. In quire Wllliamaon River Store. 1320 1'INB AND FIR WOOD Phone 8S6-W. 1107 GOOD Colonlnl heating atove. niO Cnllfnrnla Are. 1317 20a Swap - FOR SALE OR TRADE for pota toes: Beautiful thoroughbred aaddl mar. Phone 700. 0019 WOWE6TLY, ANNIE- I DON'T THINK IT WAS VERY NICE OF VOU, TO 6P1A.K TO MR CHIZZLGR AS VQU DID- THE . WHO IS BOSS- Klamath Business Directory ConvaUacant Horn Muaic Axhland (or health. Lllhla Water, Climate. Convalescent Horn open Ptara Piano, Violin. Phoas to all patlanta. rentara. board- HUM. era. Reduced prlcea. 13 Uran- III atraet. Aahland. Optica Doctor . , Ulaaee fitted. Soal Sanitarium. H. 1. HALL, M.U. . Phyelclan and Suriaoa a . If . . I Muturnlty Caaca a Specialty Second Hand Storey ' Phone 70 210 Wlptara Bill. D0. W. Weatlln'd " Naturopathic ?'wn hu 0r 'r,de.,',a n"d Chyalclaa. Cbronle and nervoua 001 - h- Hambra. 121 S. 0th. dlaaaaaa a apaolalty. 211-113 L O. 6. t. Bids. Turlcieh Bath Pre" aho-', Maaaai. Colonic Irrlxatton. rUt Vlitt Toriler'a Upatalra Dreaa latared Nuraa. 127 So. 8ereotb Shoppa for attractive dreaaea at roonouablo prlcea. 731 Main St. ,. I'liune 4H2J, osio Typewrtter Hematitching School Trained Mechanic HEMHTITCHINd, BUTTONS oo, A1"Jf"' TT M ered, dreaamaklnf. Mra. H adding Machine and Typewriter M. Allandar. tli Walnut Sale and Service 0 1 T (30 Main Phone 242 19 Automotive USED CARS CHEAP Chevrolet Coupe..-. Dod( Pickup Davli Pickup Ford Truck, with compound (ear MS lttt Bulck Coup. 1221 Studebakar Praaldent Sedan. 1928 Studebakar Commander Se dan. 1922 Packard Sedan. 19 Old Coup. - Tarmi Tradea BUICS GARAGE- 1290 Mala. 1114 21 Wanted Miacellaneou . WANTED To bur. tood aaad boy'a or man' audio. Must ba roaaonable. inqulr Til Main, ofphona 80. 1112 22a Poultry For Sale STATE Blood Taated Whit Leg horn!. Barred Rocke and Red Chlrke. Nina Dollara 100 Pre paid and guaranteed. J. R. Ma intra. 2418 N. B. Oreino 81. Portland. QUI 23 Financial ' SAVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Lowait rat and alet term Inveatlgat and be convinced MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 108 So. 7th. Ph. 1141 atate Llcanae H-101 $ $ Salary Loans $ $ 8 TO 80 DOLLARS ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE ' No lnttrwt deduction, you receive full amount applied for. 1 to montha time. All loans confidential STATE LOAN CO. Oregon Bank Building. Entrance 120 N. 10th. Ph. 70S Lie by Stat 8-104 24 Buainess Opportunities WANTED Partner with aalca ability for going concern. $3uo cah required. Big profits. Act now. Writ News-Herald, box 0771. 0772 By Harold Gray AW. THAT DOUBLE CROSSE IS A SICK HEAD- ACHE TO MS WHY BB NICE TO HIM 1 LITTLE SMART ALECK. lt eaih id) rfcl I'LU PtyER- I WAS QOIKia TO SLIP THEM 25 I'LL MAKE IT SI7 THIS WEEK- AND I'LL KEEP CUTTINO THEM DOWN. TILL SHE FINDS OUT Neceaaitiet for Work WILL exchange painting or kal- aomining or automobll plnt Ing for rant of bona. Boi 914, News-Herald. 0924 WILL G1VG achool child room ana ooara in exchange for wood and farm producta. Nwa-Hr- ld. Boi 0840. 084 WANT WORK I m a good hand wr. wan ao any job lb logging camp. Will furnl.u the polish and wash and polish your car at your garage or home, and make It look like new. Room 817, Baldwin hotel 1081 middle-AGED man and wif warn work on ranch. Man ex perienced In stock raising of ail klnda, agriculture and Irriga tion of dry lands a specialty, woman an experienced poultry IT; "Ill,fli w wora at any thing for necessities. 818 Ful ton. om WOMAN wishes any kind of "work !? .""'"I- Call mornings at 2211 s. eth. loot Chicago Livestock CHICAOO. Sept, , (AP) (U. 8. Dept. Agr.) Hogs: tS. 000; governments 22,000; active, steady to lOo higher; moat light weight firm; top to 10c; good to ebole 180-280 lb. 24.85-5.00, top $5.10: 240-290 Iba. 24.35 4.90; moat light lights $4.75 downward; packing sows mainly 22.25-3.70, amooth light weights 29.76-8.90. Cattl: 7.500; good and cholc fed steers and yearlings rather alow but atrong, common and medium grades active and strong to 25c higher; largely fed steer run; bulk 20-25-8.75; all heifers firm to higher, top $0.25; cows low, bull about steady, few strictly choice vealara opened steady on Kosher account up to 29.00. hut market now 60c or mora lower; talking g.oo oa best Sheep: 10,000; slow, talking around stesdy: bulk under 27.00: numerous early bids around 10.75, beat held above $7.25; aheep steady, around 21.50-2.50 on common to choice natlv we, only bait light weight Quotable 21.76. LIVESTOCK STEADY 80. SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 19. (UP) Hogs: 1725. Includ ing 020 direct. 800 pigs and 60 aows for government purchas. Fairly active, light end butch era fully ateady, about three loads Californlas 200 lb. dowa 15.05. two load straight, I on load lightly sorted 25.15-26.40; parking sows mostly 23-83.50, few 260 lb. 23.75. Cattle: 100. Nominally toady, trade on cleanup basis, only scattered lots holdover steers and truck-la she-stock available; medium to low good supplementary or short fed steers quotable around 24.26 20.60, long ted yearlings eligi ble above 20: good range cows absent, quotable to 23.60, few lot dairy type 21.50-32.60. common to fairly good bulls 22.50-23.50. Calves: 75, all direct. Sheep: 1700, Including 1100 holdovers, dull, early sales me dium wooled lamba weak, good to choice under 90 lb. wooled absent, quotable possibly 27: six decka madinm 79-81 lb. holdover wooled Oregon lamb 15-35.76. BOSTON WOOL MARKET BOSTON. Sept, 19, (AP) (0. 8. Dept. Agr.) Medium quality domcstio wools ar very strong. Uuantltiea available for Immedi ate delivery ar limited and de mand la persistent. Bids of 89 cents and a fraction above In the grease have been refused on strictly combing 6 6 a, blood and 48's, 60 s, t blood Ohio fleeces. Sales have boen closed thl week on similar gradea of bright fleece from states farther west than' Ohio at 88-89 centa In th greas. Strictly combing medium territory wool are very firm at 74-77 cent scoured basis oa 60', H blood and at 08-71 cant on 48', 50', K blood. National, Local Markets STRENGTH EGG MARKET PORTLAND. Sept.' If, (AP) Strength of the egg trad was suggested at least la frean of ferlnga. General maintenance of prlcea recently boosted by th cacilic co-opa waa aaggestea in the privet trade. Receipt of fresh gg were Inclined to taper off some hat la general and tber waa mora or leee of a scramble among distributor to secure their needs. While distributor generally were tasking fresh egg, most of th buslnet continued In atocka out of coolers. Sturag eggs were selling again at a rather wide price spread du to tb fact that there waa such dlf- Lfsrsnc In quality. Bultr I'luteady Butter trade eundltiona war not ateady Lore or along the coast generally. Th make waa not only holding up better than seasonable or expected, but a further aurplua waa created by desire to unload cooler atutf. Market for lire ehlckena was Just holding Its own although thar wa more steadiness In heavy and medium weight than in lights. The latter continued in a aurplua movement. With demand more than nor mal, turkeys were not arriving la supply sufficient to take care of Immediate needs of th trade. Pricea were firmly held for live and dressed stuff. KluKglsh Tone Noted Sluggish ton and e'en weak-nt-sa waa displayed for country killed lamb and beef along the wholesale way with top veal flrmiy held but other a trifle or o easier and la spot lower priced. More peach ea of th lat var iety are being moved to market than expected and consuming de mand was somewhat lea than anticipated. Price were easier la all positions. Local potatoea wer moving much better, du not only to much better quality, but to pro per' grading aa well being able to undersell offerlnga from Cen tral Washington which normally dominate the market here. "De mind 1 better than aupply," re ports a local distributor. Cantaloupes from Dlllard of tha ouallty grade were In keen er demand. Th beat Dlllard atock baa been moved to 21.10 crate. Othera war (ailing 85c SP- Note of wholesale trading Horn grown brussels sprouts were finding a good call at 21.15-1.25 box. Onion trading was ust about teady with a few locale arriv ing. Tomato market waa ' steady with a 850-40 th general top. Quality corn waa conaldered a trifle firmer and in spot nigner. Wlna grapea war mostly around 75c lug on th track. Both salmon and halibut prlcea were firmer with a nominal sup ply ol fresh stock of th latter. Leader of thl week's revolu tion In Cuba 1 a shorthand re porter, thna assuring that tha new government will be headed Goes on Trial for Luer Kidnaping Mrs. Lillian Cheasea, a a 1 y woman defendant In th trial of alx for the abduction of Au gust Luer, Alton, III., banker, la shown, entering th Ed wardavlll, III., courthouse. SEEN TUESDAY '-AM "w Potato Grading Equipment Of All Kind. - , Will taka your potato lortlng job by contract either in your field or warehouse. Also have th latest design POTATO WASHER on th market. Can wash 20 oar daily with present equipment. Ask for Fred Mayar In tha Schwab-Stonebarger Wnrhntuc, Tola Luke, or Phone O-IOl Tule Lake, for further details. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Sept. 12, fTPr-A lat rally In metal agala pulled th stock markst out of a ditch today and enabled eevaral of th mora depressed leaders to par or cancel early losses of 1 to I or mor point. Th recov ery was attribute! partly to short covering by professions! follow ing a shsro morning Hunt. Tb clou wa idy to firm. Ap proximately 2,260,000 aUras changed hands. Price brok badly after th tint hour for ao accountable rea son. For a wbll th my:rlus slump found bidder scare and offerlnga plentiful. Tha aelllng dried up. however, almost as quickly a It began, and trading activity quieted down consider ably. Tb volume picked up af ter 2 o'clock, when support ar rived for most of th ncant fav orite. Mining atock were again aided by another advance la gold to 21.04 an ounce. Grain came back, with wheat finishing about 2 cent a bushel higher. Cottoa rallied and othar commodities firmed. Th dollar showed some resistance la foreign exchange dealings, but wa still easy. Bonds war heavy. Homeetak mining share, off 20 polnta at on time, got hick moat of thl loss, and othar metal Issues that ended up ! to around 2. om at 1933 peaks. Included Kenneeott. Cero de Pasco, Amer ican Smelting, Noranda. U. S. Smelting. St. Joseph Lead. Patl no and Mclntyr Porcopin. The copper war specially active In th afternoon. Texaa Gulf Sul phur, op 6 polnta. reached a new high for th year, while Free port Texaa advanced 2. Union Pacific recovered 2 polnta, bnt tha other rail did little. U. 8. Steel, Amer- can Telephon and everl other closed about even. Th utilities failed to show any appreciable progress. Today' closing prices: Air Reduction - . . - 106 Alaska Juneau 201 Al. Chem. Dy . 142 97 871 . 11 53) 128, (1 191 oej 31 231 181 381 251 171 American Can . American Coml. Alcohol . American A For. Pow. American SmelL A Ref. . A. T. T. American Tob. B - Anaconda CopVer Atchison. T. ae 8. F. . Atlantic Ret. Baltimore A Ohio Bendlx Aviation . Bethlehem Steel - Borden Co. Burrr Adding Machine . California Pack Canada Pactflo 271 10 SI 23 451 50 15 383 ' 21 (81 (91 3 Case, J. I. Caterpillar Tractor Chesapeake ft Ohio Chrysler Motor Col. O. ft E Commercial Solvent Commonwealth Southern . Continental Can. Corn Producta Curtis Wright Drug Inc. .. Dupont ft De N. Eastman Kodak Elec. Auto Lt. El. Pow. ft Lt. General Electric General Foodt . General Motors Ollletta Raior -. 431 821 851 21 7 231 381 341 15j Gold Dust 21 S60 Homestake Mtnlns . International Harvester International Nickel I. T. ft T. - John Manvlll Kenneeott Con, Cop. Kroger Grocery Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett ft Myers B 43 221 151 561 20 24 32 971 331 231 251 Liquid Carbide Lorillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward Nash Motor 231 National Biscuit 67J 151 100 National Dairy Producta National Distiller National Pow. ft Lt. . . .. New York Central North America Paciflo Gaa ft Electric Packard Motor Penney, J. C. -. Penn. R. R. Phillip Pet Public Service New Jersey , Pullman Co. Radio Corp. 12 48 191 '10J 41 50 351 181 851 613 SI 21 R. K. O. Rem. Rand . 9 Reynolds Tob. B Sears Roebuck -. Shell Union .... Southern Pacific Standard Brands .... ..... Standard Oil California Standard Oil New Jersey . Studehaker Co. .-. Texas Corp Texaa Gulf Sulphur 521 451 91 29 271 443 489 51 391 41 7 49 1221 371 (1 181 78 19 521 201 441 401 Trans-America Union Carbld , Union Paciflo ... United Aircraft United Corp. United Gaa Imp. U. 8. Indus. Alcohol , U. 8. Rubber U. 8. 8tel .. Vanadium I Weat. Elec. A Mfg. Woolworth dosing Curb Quotatlona Cities Servlc 1 Bl. Bond ft Bhar 191 Swift A Co 983 WHEAT ADVANCES CKICAOO, Sept. 19. (AP) Wheat advanced briskly late to da, much mor thaa overcoming tba affect of sinking spells met with earlier. ' Eaatara baying support which developed on wheat price set backs waa asaoctatei wltb per sistent efforts looking toward enrreocy Inflation. Notice waa also taken of Argeihln crop daasg advlcss and of Injury U. Canadian wheat by continued rains oter the prafrla provinces. aa well aa rtpnrta or rapid prn greas of s gnlr.g of United States wheat acreage reduction con tracts. Wheat eloaed firm at virtually tha day' top point 1T4-154 cents above yssterdsy's finish, corn V4-T4 up, oat advanced, and provisions anchangad to I cant decline. CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAOO, Sept 19. (AP) Wheat: No. 1, nd 92c; No. t. red 92c; No. 1, hard 92!4-tte: No. 2, hard l-93c; No. 2, mixed 91 He. Corn: No. 1. mixed 49-60ttc; No. 1, yellow 60 c; No. 2, yellow (0-60 Ho; No. 2, white Sic. Oats: No. 2. white 38-38 c; No. 3, whit 20 27 Ke. Rye: no sales. Barley: 40-81C Timothy aeed: 36.25 5.50 ewt Clover aeed: (2.00 10.25 cwt. Lard (0.10. Bellies 20-12. ' PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. Sept, 19. llPv Wheat Open High Low Cloae Hay .82 .88, .822 .23 September .73 .781 .73 .78) December - .771 .781 .77J .781 Caan Wheat No. 1 Big Bend hlueetem .121 Dark hard winter, 12 821 Dark hard winter, 11 .741 sort white Western whit Northern eprlng .721 .721 .721 Hard winter Western red .721 .701 Oats. No. t whit. (22.(0. Corn, No. S yellow. 214.60. Mlllrun standard. (18.(0. Today' ear recsloU: Whsst ((; flour. IS; corn, 1; oats, I. Stock Averages (Cep-rlght llll. Standard Its Us tie Company) 40 to 2 ( tndre RR'a Ura Total Tassday M.O (0.7 T I 17.4 Prsv. aay SI I 10.1 TT. 7.s Week ago M.O 01. 15.0 07.S Taar ago ' II I 10.0 0.1 41 1 I years ago . 140.1 til l lll.l 114.2 High, llll 101.1 11.0 111.7 li.l Low, llll 41.1 11.4 (1.0 41.1 High, llll TI.I II I 111. 711 Low. 1112 IS.l 11.1 61.1 It. Bond Averages (Copyright llll. Standard atatte tloa Company) 10 10 I 00 rndr RR'a Ore Total Tuesday 74.1 71.1 11.1 77.1 Prev. day 74.1 77.2 11.7 77.1 Weak aso 71.1 71. 11.0 71.0 Tsar ago - 07.1 41.7 IS.l 71. I yeara ago II I 101.1 101.4 101.1 High, llll T7.1 14.0 III III Low. llll II I 17 74.1 ll.s High, llll 11.1 III M.I 711 Low. llll 11.2 47.4 70.1 11.0 ITALIAN MATMAN WINS BROOKLYN. Sept, 19. (UP) Glno Garibaldi of Italy, threw Cliff Olseo, Minnesota, in 11 minutes. 46 seconds of a sche duled finish wrestling match at tb Broadway arena. First HORIZONTAL I Th lady la th picture wa th wlf of what famous Amsrlcaaf 1 Small body f land. ' - 12 Flyer . 14 What was th rat name of tha lady la th plcturT 10 Meuded. 17 Threat 19 To countersink. 20 Carriage having top that can be raised or lowered. 21 Company 12 Old form of "life." 22 Window glass. 24 Owed. Answers to 82 Narrow , 22 Bad 26 Iniquity 27 Interior 39 Mother 40 Thrfor 41 Northeast 42 Wand. 44 God of war . 40 Pertaining to air 47 Monetary unite of Rumania. 25 Frossn wateri 49 To prevent 27 Extracts of 61 Chao. game. 62 Since 29 A bulk. (2 Packed la a 20 Disclose. graduated ail aDs b'bIhI i In eBt on Lffiut G5WU0 SScfls ZEEA Uinum SjjSJ!-. cJolDl ""UraAl RnSjO L i t TnWAGlS I Hl6jO 6 PO BeiE NXfN E aTpQn E eB dip l tisIInJa V ALm b blR QJ2 L oHtPm a c ana eTa 8tE OPiO aB nave l SThTet" 1tia!m i Iniai IaIeis 2 4 iq 7?" "Tj li9 w i: I li 5 m 2 Jn 777, , . IT" Portland Produce PORTLAND, S.pL 19. () Bntter, print, extras 21c; ataad ard 21 He. Buttarfat, Portland delivery-. A grade, 19c; farmer' door da llvery, 17c pr lb. wt eraam ( higher. Egg. Pacific poultry produc ers' selling price: Overalls, (So; extras 20c; atandarda tic; me dium 22c; pallet 19 doeea. Buying prlc by wholssalera: Freeh extras, 9 la do. flrsu, 18c; mediums, 17o do, aadr grad lie; pullets 18c Cheese, (2 acor Oregon Trip let 11c loaf, 12c pound. Brok er will pay U below quota- , tions. , . Milk, contract nrle, i wet;' Portland delivery, 21.75 cwt; B grade cream, (7 Vac lb. Country meat, selling prlc to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butcher under 160 1-s, 2c; vealers (0-120 lb 10-10':C light and thin, 5-7c; haavy . calves, 4-0e; spring lamb, lc 11c lb; yearling 4-5e lb; heavy waa, 2-3o lb; madinm cows. -oc lb; canner cowa, i-a IB; bulls, 4Vfc-6e lb. Mohair, buying Brie! 1882 clip. 16e lb. Cascara hark, baying arlcs. 1(38 peel. 2Vc Hops, nominal, iii, M a. Live poultry, Portland deliv ery: Buying price: colored fowl, 4 to I lb. 13e; over ( Iba, lie; spring pullsu, 1 to (H lb, 14c; roaitsrs, ovsr (Vfc lb. 14c; leghorn fowl, ovsr tk lbs. Sc: under 1 lbs, 7c; broil ers, Vi to 1 lb. lSe; t lb and up, 14c; itags, 8c; rooster, ao; Pskln ducks, 11c; colored duck, (c; geeae, Sc lb. onions, walla, wane, i.i 1.40 central. ' Potatoes, local whit and rod. (1.35-1.50; Yakima. (1.60-1. Cantaloupe Dlllard standard ' (1.00-1.10; Yakima stsndsrds ( (0c crata; Tb Dalle, (0-30e crate. Wool. 1933 cup, nominal; Willamette valley. 28-26 lb; eastern regon, l(-21a lb; aonth- a Idaho, l-20e lb. Hay, buying prlc from pro ducer: Alfalfa No. 1. new crop, . 217: clover. No. 1. (14; Wllla- mette valley timothy, (15; east ern Oregon timothy, (!; oat nd grain, (15 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Sept 19, (AP) Cattle: 75. calvea 10; ateady. Steers, common and medium, 13.00-6.25; vealen, good and choice, 10.00-7.60; other quota tions unchanged. Hog: 400, alow generally about 15c lowar. Lightweight, good and cholc, (4.05-6.36; medium weight, good aad choice, (4.85-5.30; heavyweight, good and choice," (4.40-6.00; packing aows, medium and good. (8.35 4.10. Sheep: 500; (low, 16-1 5c low er. Lamba, good and cholc, (5.15-6.06; common and med ium, (3.75-6.26; yearling weth ers, (2.60-4.60. NO SHOOTING. LONDON, Sept, 11. UJB The News Chronicle' correspondent at the Royal Balmoral catl,a Scotland, reported that King George waa suffering from neu ritis today and could not par ticipate la hie favorite sport, shooting. ' Lady Prevlowa Pmaslo 12 Minor not 16FU. 17 Hon' seek hair. 18 Pedal digUa, N Ecentrl wheel. . 21 What waa the family nam of tha chlldrea 0 th aictared laawf 22 She waa a by birth? 28 T drag along. 24 Platform 20 Equable 27 Handsome. 28 Street. 29 Mother series (4 House where th pictured lady lived? VERTICAL 1 Soft mass. 2 Greedin 31 Always. 3 Mala sncester 24 Metallla 4 Goblet ( Newspaper paragraph (To bow 7 Gralo tabbr ) element aaad tn cancer curt, SO Idea. -(8 Audacity 39 Morning 42 Second note 8 Egg dishea 9 Goddeaa of Ur 43 Scheme, 1 Restless 45 Bronte, hsnkerlng 11 Feminine pronoun. 4 Dined. 48 Belt. 5 Right,