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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1933)
PAGE SIX KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON September 1933 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William. OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern BKUIK HUH 16 TXIUAt EVK RAYXKsa, prrftj aaalataat ta E1M.K liKSKl, ihmlalu much at BUbra eraartBirai atarr. Baeratl? Marries DIt.k BAUER, a aaaatrarllaa eaaarla traSrat. Dirk aapaaaa Bar eaa tiaaa aatalararal aa alraS : for a Baara Bat Era 1 Satenalaai. la K warklBS. Te aaaia ear Bra I rat-as fa . Bkr to ta a arat ta Nrrr Vork a. tha alar aaa Mart laara Ikr Blitki She aora Bat (il Dlr thla arrra aatll tary arr at ilaart Hr aara kar abaara fcrr trala. IB Krw nrk Era BKtt Fit ( DA CARTER, drraa karrr tat Rlrby'a, who Introdarra kr TIIKRO KtEl t Rrrra la Bare atfrartra hr Err. Ila aasare krt kr irrlac to fclrs krr Ib a taxi At tha aaa of a rrerk Era rr raraa ta l.aka City. Dirk nrrtk her aaa takra her ta the faah loaahtr Hotel Mlrataar. They arr Bboaf ta so Mm ta Slaarr rrhea a iroama trlrnhoaea, aaklas; tot Dlek. He learea laiaiealately aay. la aomelhln haa hapaeaea Htt the Job aaa fieaa aat rarer all Bleat. ROW GO OS WITH Till BTORT CHAPTER VI TT ni nearly tlmo for Era to 1 start to the office when Dick returned next morning. All ber anger and suspicion were lost In concern when she saw him. She ran to him contritely and clung to him. "Oh. Dick, what happened?" she cried. Hit clothes were grimy and rained. Bis shoslders sagged with weari- "SomtitMWrr trlAA ha mV Mi foundation.' ha explained briefly, "Used a crude bomb.' Era's eyas widened. "Rack eteers?" she asked. I don't think so. A man was fired hut week a sullen, spitefnl oil ao. He's the one thej're hunt ing for. We worked all night Isrytng to get at the bottom ot the mischief and trying to esti mate tha damage. How about some breakfast?" Over their coffee Dick told her of th night's work and she leatned, among other things, that the woman who had telephoned the night before was Mrs. Hall, who owned a barbecue stand across the street. She had over heard conversation which led her static uul trouble. I should bare called you," Sick said regretfully. "But things were la such a meat and by the time I could get around to It, It was long past midnight and I hoped you were asleep. Ton ee we had to make sura there was nothing mora that could 1 cease damage." see 17 YE reached tha offlce half an how lata. She hoped this tardiness would not come to Kr. Bixbr'e notice. He always was at Ilia desk early and expected everyone else to be prompt. On Ere's desk tha desk that had been Alice Marshall's was a note which read: "Memo to Miss Buy leas from Mr. Barnes: "After yon correct proofs ot today's ad, please see Miss I McElroy and get details for Basement hat aale Tuesday. Select sis or eight hats tor sketching. Make 8-coL lay out for Press snd 2-col. for Times and writs copy and heads to lit. Bee layout on my desk for depth of ad and approximate sire ot cut. "Send proof of your col umn in today's Press to Mr. Bixby for his O. K." Era read this through a second time. Basement hats! Well, they were starting her at the bottom, lit erally. She had taken it for granted that there would be a new girl to nU the place made vacant by her promotion. A new girl to write rela tfrely unimportant bits ot copy and do the errands that could not e trusted to Charles, the offlce boy. But there was no time to waste on injured feelings. Two lessenger boys entered at that xoment, both in great baste. "Anything for the Times?" sked one of them. Bra went into Barnes offlce to see. There a as a manllla envelope on bis desk marked, "Times Classi fied." The boy snatched It from, 'ier hand and was off. Bve turned to the other fed. "Any body here by the name of Miss Eve Bayless?" he inquired. He carried a box from a florist's shop. Flowers! Eve wondered if Earle Barnes conld have sent them In honor of her promotion. Perhaps even Mr. Bixby. There were six yellow rosebuds, long stemmed with glossy, deep green leaves. The card in the tiny en velope read, "Love from Dick." Arlene Smith and Marya Tlad entered tha office together, aaa run girts showered Ere with questions about her trip to New York and exclaimed raptor ouBly over the) gifts she had brought them a dram ot jas mine perfume in a crystal bottle tor Marya and a new lipstick for Arlene. Eve corrected the proofs and sent them to the buyers of the departments represented for their approval. Then she went to the basement hat shop to discuss to morrow's sale. She Jotted down de scriptions and prices snd selected several hats for sketching. "Please send these up at once," she said. "Miss Vlad wants them right away." "I'm sorry but I haven't any one to send now," Janet Mcttlroy replied crisply. "All the girls on the floor are busy and there isn't an errand boy in sight. I'd bring them up myself but I have to go to the receiving room to look over a new shipment that Just came In." Eva stacked the hats into an unwieldy pyramid and carried them to the offlce herself via the freight elevator. 8he regarded this task as beneath the dignity of her position and did not wish to be seen by anyone she knew. aaa rVH entered the offlce and A-i dropped the bats on a table near Marya'i drawing board. A girl she had never seen was sit ting at ber desk the desk that had been Alice Marshall's. A small, blond girl with ronnd, blue eyes. "This is Miss Allen, Miss Bay less," Marya said. "She's going to have fear old place." Eva smiled and offered her band. "How do yon do. Miss Allen. I hope yoa will like It here as muoh as tha rest ot as do." Languidly tha young woman withdrew a limp band from Eve'a friendly clasp. "Oh, I know I'm going to adore it here," aha drawled, taking Eve'a measure with a hostility that aha scarcely uooi tne trounia to veil. Eve brought layout sheet, a ruler, anarpenea pencil and piece ot art gum to tha desk where the new girl was seated, Mona Allen made no move to va cate ber place. "That will be your desk over there. Miss Allen," Eve said. Indicating a smaller, shabbier desk stacked with news papers and merchandise. The new girl surveyed Eva with cool impudence. "Oh. I think there must be some mistake," she drawled. "I am sura this is tha desk Mr. Barnes meant ma to have." Eva thought rapidly. Miss Allen, aha suspected, was trying to "put something over" on her. But Eva had no way ot knowing what Barnes had aaid or Implied. Fortunately Marya Interrupted to ask Eva's advice about the sketch she waa making. A moment later Era waa called from the office. TTTTHEN " office Eve returned to the office If minutes later Miss Allen waa nowhere In eight. "Tell you all about It at lunch." prom ised Arlene, looking tap from her sypuig. It waa this way," aha said gleefully after they had given their orders at the flftb floor tea room. "Barnes came In while you ware talking to Miss James. He gave Marya and Miss Allen and me a cooL distant good morn ing as if wo wars molecules and sailed right through to his office and slammed the door. "I think that dashed the new siren a little, but not tor long. She took out the good old paint box and revised her face some, and was about ready to go Into conference with the boss whan little ma barged In ahead of ber with a message. While I waa there I thought I might aa well call his attention to tha tact that i-our former desk had become a dumping ground for this and that and should I have Charles clear It out so tha new girl would have a place to park her vanity case. He grinned and agreed it waa a good idea and I should go ahead. Then I happened to remember that Mr. Bixby wanted to see htm. He stopped s moment on his way out to tell our new playmate to browse around tha store thla morning and take notes on any thing she saw that seemed Inter esting and that by tha time aha got back Charles would have a desk cleared for her. Then he said yon and I should make out a new schedule ot lunch perloda so one of us would be on hand all the time to take care ot phone calls." Ere did not ten Dick that eve ning of her unpleasant encounter with tha new girl. She owed It to him, aha felt, to keep their first week together tree from offlce gossip and offlce cares. But ihe waa uneasy. (To Be Coa timed) ROOSEVELT P. T. 4. TO MEET TUESDAY The first fall meeting of oose- Velt P. T A. will Ho halri T-noo- day afternoon, September 19 at I me scnooi ai a o clock wnen the following program will be pre sented: "Enthusiasm In the Home and School," Mrs. W. C. Van Emon; "Cooperation from me scnooi point 01 View," Carl Mnendar. nrinHnal Roosevelt, and special music in cnarge 01 miss Aagoat Frigaard. All parents are cordially In vited to attend thla meeting and meet the new teachers. Tea will be served ritirino tho ,11...... by Mrs. R. H. Radcllffe, and the I cummuiee. The following new officers win De in cnarge of the meet ing: Mrs. Glenn Kent, president; Mrs. W. C. Van Emnn. vlro nrorl. dent: Miss Hollis Swingle, sec-1 retary; Mrs. J. B. Foster, treat-1 urer; committee chairmen: Mrs. j. w. uarmon, program; Mrs. F. E. Drake, publicity: Mrs. H. H. Radcllffe, hospitality, and finance and memhernhin .nmmit. tee - chairmen to be appointed later. i Classing all those with an In come of $260,000 a year as mil lionaires, England hss 450; about 150 of this number hava Inrnmi. of 1500,000 or over a year. Flapper Fanny Says It's a good Idea ta acquire pol ish before stepping In, society. " r WW . OM - TS-AT5o tNHuraoov.O BS V-W ? MEPEey ocx-iT G'T -Told To -rvv coysvwo eecAoe he. VOO I eoPCl X COOV.O ROH TH' COONTW AlM-T GOT T, I DO VTJ Ao JOST BCTTt? 1UAV4 TW OKt-a j VMHY t I 1 WOO I OFFEi"A' V,vAO RuNM IXl I FHE.HAOT, j JOB, R r&ALU- V Rom T ifv BesT. Vr. J I SALESMAN SAM bM TUlO tSlROS seen PScTtN COCKV OKfW-BiJT ( uit5LL,W6ftCS IAUD , ) f 0';. MUO oMR WelV ) J OW t,e. -OORKOUT OM W TWC FlRsTl PJ " XSv " BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES flftvT U- SHCW TWEM. I " f jr TKMCV k W W KV 1 f I iowivQ may it u-iu-ia. ta" a,avo I Iff Htv WVll Vl0rr?'x YTMMH I 1 WASH TUBBS By Crane f tMoo! trteee rsn'T Vueu. .we won't oive'N ifntM,TO THeiR soe-Pa'se, otx.TEArA r 1 M -inept , peospecTORsf ms 1 ( u0 f hh-h not a bao I I 10 CCMTS UKXtTHA J UP, THERE'S BOONO I COMfe. IMTO Vl6W. , I I LUCK? STAKED WW CLAIMS fET K. J I WOOKIN' 5POT.6utS I II 1 UUUt It rrrs wnuw TO Kfc CjOLV IWA"" I B flttaVt 10 1 tk - I I m. I I t-u r - . . . . I V . cMtxr- ncnc goMfcweae.J VrSJfx . amp trv mv luck.too.1 yr PKIOliTmitt AMOIHV-W. -tet!is. .a. .Ja.V 1 mw lu-t s ira n tu is.' - m tmriJ?n III I lirih. I V. L-a-W 1 I I II ' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser r36e.OSSie.... SURE? AND SO T.'i) C jIB.SHULTr.THE PORK CHOPS? LET) r COULD I LOOK. Tl ( WHY. CERTWMLY c - ( BEING DETECTIVES U PAR WE'RE DOING MAkfi RirirHEO ?iAD JME 6EE.NOW OH II THROUGH VOOC 71 J1W,T UFAP VOL5l-F Kg-fil LOOK, OSSlE.'ONLY I I IS EXCITING, . S PBtTTTY GOOD. I'NV -fm THOT VOUR HOTEL ( VE5, 1 BELIEVE REGISTER. MR ) THERE-BUT I DOtfT pj TWO PEOPLE I ISN'T IT? J I ANXICHJSTO SEE WMATf ORDERED SOME I WE DID-AS 1 I HUFF f I lOOITE UNDERSTAND S OH WELL, I I wtRt REOISTEREO r- y I liirir- uutr u&tr T- si.. I nr -unr- ncrnocn cwypDstl I- . I Ivrwio acviLirt, fcRr, it I t'l I tfii I I AJTTHAT TIME a, I Vy yTZ'f:. Tv TV. HOTEL. ' I FOURTH A REQUESTED i - 7 n FRECKLES ff J THAT IN I CANT MAKE OUT J -,11 W-WyL-, -v- M 1 I week im UEMfL c ier? - a minute, the other name.' 1 YfmSm pIfeiV THE NEWF ANGLES WELL. MOW DIO I COME UP THROUGH If YOU SEE.THEPE WIW5 JUST TWC SAME, POP CHICK'X ( f CAN VOU. I MAG IN 6 " KNOW IT WOULD li THESE BUSHES. HEPCS NO NEED TUSSltrS. WE J I'LL BE GLAD TO WAKE UP Q'JICK1,! THIS? RIGHT .1 VH " GET OATSK SO l A PEACH OF A PLACE FOUND A PLACE TO GET BACK HOME. W LOOK VnMEGC 1 I tN SOMEONE'S JSfj..-T- QUtCKLY? TO CAMP I CAMP, AND GOT THE 1 A LITTLE OF TH1"9 3 CvF I V FPOMT VAPD LtT'Sy . JTA tBaB.tawaaswawawawt.iawawawaBwawawiBsawaa I H II ' I. .' . . r. , ' JMT ,tJi ... TTia.u. . WT.orr. rt ir?isX-'-t& If A AT THE HUFF . 7 7(Tl FROM HIM THE OF OUR GUESTS H 7' oflo THE PORK. CHOPS. J YOU ABOUT MR BOTTLt AND I MOM'N POP . "X-o WHEN YE SEU. A WRROX DON'T BE UTTlrJOM HE'S A RNeTALKfcB. WHEN WE CAhiT EVEN HOLLER TOR WEVP IM A jan wrm a cat y 3IST SAY ITS AfARROT, ; AN LET TH CLfSrTONAER. TEACH "IM TO TALK, OR Mr p.rrTTrrrririrrv'l :::iMt-t-: n IIU..UU1, If! ::t::::ij:!:i O tw s, at I BUT.OUAT IT. AAADDEN -I TELL VOU TM5 PARROT CAN TALK J IF YOU LL WAIT AROUND A BIT, WE MAY TALK ANY KMNUTEJ E&AT5. IT MH3HT BE THAT THE CLOG, a TWNirP-V WAS RAISED TSY MEN , AND WONT SPEAK "BEFORE LADY 3 tf DIDN l.y.1 TALK A ol HIMtLI- ZLI OUT YA.-Y, SALE.- SAY, MADDEN YOU SMOULDA HEARDM RATTLE OFF TH FACE ROOM FLOOR y ' TfD MAKE YOU SALT yeoboew wrm EJRD TEARS? A 5 - ONTY OF A . q-io'i'i By Small By Martin By Cowan I