September 18,. 1933 ' A AT i .'rtt . . . THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FAMfl. OREGON PAGE SrSTTJ 1 E "GOLD RUSH" IS STARTED Many toutharn Oregon people plan lo llnnil lb 13J Cold Hush crlebrnllnn lit YruVa this weak-eiiri. The (uitllvlllaa slart i Krliluy with til crowning of the "queen of tin Gold l)l lir" and othor vmits and will continue ovar rliimluy. Saturday will be lb big day with a full program of fun ami amusement for young aud old. "NOT CONSTIPATED FOR SEVEN WEEKS" Writes Mrs. Johnson After Using KoUokk's All-Bran Sufferer from conitlpatlon will be Intaraatcd la thia unaoliclUd klUr: "Your All-Hun surely relieve constipation. I am ao glad ovar tha good It haa dona ma that I feel I must writ and toll tow "For lunch I take banana, larva one. Six tablespoona of All 11 ban in a aauce dish, and dip banana at each bit until all ia conaunwd. 1 havan't been const!. nstmi now for seven wceke." Mr. Ixiulse Johnaon, 1433 Forest Street, Denver, Colorado. Constipation often catiaea Tiaad achre. loaa of a Pint 1 1 and .neriry, aleepleaaneaa. Thia condition la usually due to lark of "bulk" to x arcisa tha Intaatinra, and vitamin B tn further promote regular habits. Kellogg' Aix-Bhan haa both, aa wall as iron for tha blood. Tlis "bulk" In All-Pkan la much lika that in leafy vegetablee. With in tha body, it forma toft mama. Oenuy, it clears out tn wasiea. Try All-Bran In place of patent medicinea often harmful. Two tablespoonfuls daily will overcome moat types or constipation, inronic cases, with aacn meal, ir not re lieved thia way, aa your doctor. Use cereal, or In cooking Kecinea on the red-and-arreen park- are. Sold by all grocere. Mad by Kellogg in Battle Creek. At a. m. will ba tha kiddiea' I parade, a pioneer pioceenlun of younaatera dressed In old time costumes. This will ba followed by a sports proaram wltb many uovel featurea. At 19 a. m. Ibare will be a baseball tame between the C. C. C. teama of lladdlni and Oak Knoll. Colorful I'arada Planned The big event of tbe day la tha annual Unld Hush parade, a colorful pioneer pageant remin iscent of the "Days of 61 when Yreka waa known as Thompson's Dry Dlgglna." This la to take place at 1 p. m. and local people who aaw last year's parade declared It to ba tha fin- t event of Ita kina may naa ever wltneased. Oi teama, elaae cnachea, covered wagons, pack trains, old fashioned carls and aurreya, bands or inoiana, cow boys, hundreds of quaintly garb ed cliurai'tnra and many attrac tive floata combine to produce a parade worth going many miles to aea. In tbe afternoon will be prise rock drilling contest and sporta eventa and at 8 p. m. will be held tbe chumpionsmp imaia of the C. C. C. busing tourna ment. Two big dancea will cou elude the evening's festivities, an old time dance at Agricultural Hall and a Grand Ball at the Kalr (Irounda pavilion wltb mod ern music by Federaen'e l-plece harmony band. On Sunday afternoon will oe held a race, program at tbe fairgrounds with borae races, novelty racea and a polo gam lo entertain the crowds. Tha Vreka "Hold Miner" have prepared a real celebration nroirsra for tbe entertainment of their gunata and have attended a cordial Invitation to everyone In aoutbern Oregon to attend. G. W. Ford Speaks At Rotary Lunch "Good Fellowship" waa the topic chosen by Oeorge W. Ford. Af the Klamath HeatlDK company and principal speaker on tbe program oi notary ai noon Friday. Ha lutersseraed bis addreaa wilb many bumoroua refrrencea to members present Murb applause greeted these eat- t. ..1 I ii4w mm .halrmaa for the day, introducing Ike speaker. K. u. uroasoeca appeaiea to mem bera of notary to donate aur nla hnAki In (hair rjoaeeaalon to the library, and R. H. Bosse announced the trip to D maae by Kotary members on Friday evening to the CCO cam at Lak 0 tn wooue. The proper costume for party at a apaakeaay ought to be full dress. INTERNATIONAL HOl'HE SOON Three Funny Men For Kids Kellogg' Trio Arrives In Klamath Snap, Crackle and Pop, tha three funny III t lea mn who go with Kellogg' Rice Krlsul- are In Klamath Fall ' . ' ut yju can't see them. That la, not un til on wields th mag.e paint brush. Then they enme to lire and are revealed In all their col ored unlforma and comical hate. Children everywhere ar hav ing lota of fun bringing Snap, Crackle and Pop Into being. First, however, mother must buy (wo parkagea of Kellngg'a Itlr Krlsplea at any local grocery store and tha magic color 'eards and paint brush are given free with the purchase. Borne water on the brush la all that la needed. Work It slowly over tha aurface - th carda and th three llltl men who have mad Kellogg . Jllre Krlsplea '--ous then coma :ilo being. And they're cut-out and standup figures, too. After the magic paint brush does Ita work these three merry little fellows become tore and add to -tor's or Jackie's toy collect! Local grocer are offering s apeclal price on Kellogg'a hire Krlsplea today and Haturnsy. And how thia tasty breakfast cereal dnea anap, crarkla and pop when cream la added to the bowl. And, oh, ao healthy and nourishing for growing young- star. Hire Krt-ne (It balls) Corn syrup. Vt cup; molasses, W cup; vlnegnr, ont teaspoon; butter, two tableapoona; Kellogg'a Rice Krlsples, one 6-ounca pack' age. Cook corn ayrup, molasses vlneaar and butter tcrether, atlr- ring only to prevent burning, un til the temperature or z de crees F. (hard ball) Is rc- ":cd. Pour hot ayrup over Rlc Krla plea. Form Into balls. Rice Krlsple Mararoona (ltt dozen) Egg wbltea. two; brown augar. one cup; Kellogg a Ktra Krlsples, two cups: nutmeata, H cup: cocoannt, one cup; vanilla ex tract, teaspoon. Beat egg white until they' ar stiff .nough to hold their aaape, fcbt not a til they lose tbetr shiny appear ance. Fold In brown augar carefully. Fold In Rice Krlsple nutmeata and eoeoanut. Add va nilla. Trop nn a well-rr-a.ert baking sheet. Bak In mod erate over (35 degreea F.) (bout 15 to to minutes. Remov p.os from oven, plac on mp t''-l and remove mararoona Immedi ately with spatula or aharp knife. If macaroons become hardened to pan, they may be put In the oven few minutes to soften. Iliuipy Krlsp Roll . (10 dervin :) Kellogg'a Rica Krlsple rumba, 114 cups; dales (chopped), H cup; nut meats (chopped), 14 cup; marshmallowa (cut Into place), (; honey, cup; whip ping cream, one cup. Mil all Ingredlenta except one-third of the crumba and whipping cream. Whip cream until atiff. Rhape Into roll, or pack Into pan lined with waxed paper aprlnkle with remaining Rice Krlsple crurr' '. Chill from to ( hours. (Tt rolls will have to be covered with waxed paper). To aerve. slice with sharp knife and top with whipped cream. Note: Rice Krlspleg may ha rolled or ground to make crumba. MKAT SUBHTITVTKS When low budget means leaa meat for the family, tie more beans and peaa, advises tbe bu reau of bom economic. They have protein content more nearly Ilka that In lean meat, milk and cheese than other vege tables'. If there la no meat for dinner, baked beans, bean aoup or plain boiled beana will help to till the gap. BUFFALO, N. , Y., Sept, 15. (UP) Th Buffalo Bisona last night won th right to meet the winner of tbe Newark-Rochester aerie in a playoff for th Inter national league pennant by tak ing their third atraight game from Baltimore In their aecond place aerlaa, t to 0. A hippo potamua can gallop with fair apeed along the bottoma of lake or rivers, even with tbe body entirely under water. IXTK It NATIONAL HOt'SB BOO II VISITS STARTED BY RELIEF HEAD - Employe of the state and county relief office, which will start the Issuance of requisition Monday, have been busy making home visits, according to Miss I'hylll ilartzog, executive aec retary. The home visits are mad to ascertain the exact neede of, those on relief lists and to ooum a general check-up on home living condition. : "Reporta from many coming Into the office are undereatlmal ed because of family pride and othera are overestimated Miss Hartxog aald. "After tbe visit t made a caae record will ba kept concerning Individuals of tha family, tbose able to work, what work they are best adapted to, th resource of th family concrnlna property owned or Income aud relativea' who bight assist them." The complete eberg-up of al; on relief llsta la expected to be completed wltbin 10 daya. Mlsa Hartxog, requests anyone having work of any kind avail able to report their needa at the relief office where an employ ment trade file la being kept and workera experienced In every trade will be supplied without trouble. Federal employee hav been faced wltb tbe tragic anomaly of their employer straining every resource to Improve conditions of fwage camera, while at the same time perpetrating tn them Injus tices which It waa the first to con demn In private employers. Luther Steward, president of tne National Federation of Federal employes. . Start the day RIGHT, ELKS LODGE PLIS The Elks lodge program for fall and winter activities waa ar ranged at the first meeting of the aeason Thursday evening with tbe first fall dance being aet for Oetober 81. C. O. Moore waa appointed chaplain and B. L. Harden brook chairman of tbe dance committee. Cbet Langslet, Orth Sisemore and Harry Bolvin were appointed on the entertainment commute for th month of October. The next Initiation of members waa aet for October 1 and the annual roll call meeting October t. Tha lodg win lead Exalted Ruler L. J. Ooble and Secretary F. D. McMillan to Portland Sep tember IS to attend the atata association meeting which tb (Irand Exalted Kuler Walter F. Meier of Seattle will attend. Plana were announced at the meeting Thursday evening for nation-wide Initiation and cere mony tha evening ef Armistice Day. Tha claaa to be taken la will be known throughout the United State aa the "national claaa" ef the B. P. O. B. Freshly cut roaebuda will not open but will remain buda for aeveral daya If tha stems are singed wltb a match before pleo-, log In water. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE BOON 33i52332R 'aafs'fcaM,.,. I per cent Chicago Worid's Fair refrigeration is far peatcctlnt an) ssrvlni feed end aVtali I 4mi flMtons vhttfef A CcMty Proffm In OsVjs, TOO eaat (100,000 peendO ef KIMApTC ICt r aonwsd daily, 774 par cent af all reiilgeistlasi We. Thar la ne Mvhfaotery sabwitet For ICC Our Sept. 1 price reduction assurea cheap refrigeration to every Klamath home Klamath Ice & Storage Co. Phone 58 661 Spring St. KLAMATH OWNED KLAMATH OPERATED Keeping Klamath Dollar In Klamath Public Market hone 169 535 Main $1.00 Orders Delivered at 10 A. M. and S P. M. Orange Stamp Warrant Accepted We Will Honor Relief Requiaitiona. Tomatoes 6 Pounds 10c Cantaloupes 3 for 10c Walnuts 1 2 Pounds 43c Pears 2 Cans 33c Auto Polish Free With Cleaning Fluid Both for 45c Shasta Tea -i Pound 25c Golden West, jar......31c Sweet Potato Squash, lb. ........ 2c Green Peppers, lb So Green Tomatoes, lb..... 3c Pillsbury's Cake Flour New Sifter Pkfi. No Fiias No Muss Per Pkg. 29c RICE KRISPIES, 2 FOR 21c Set of Magic Color Cards for Children FREE. Magic IPaint Cards (Brush included) J? j with two packages of 40C$P Rice Krispies! EVERY CHILD every boy and girl will be happy to have these Magic Paint Cards. ,.--. There are four cards in the set and they feature the famous "SNAP," "CRACKLE" and "POP" pictures. By applying water with the brush (brush comes with the cards) the color is brought out. The figures can then be easily cut out and made to stand by folding back the bottom - of the card. All you have to do to get this set of Magic Paint Cards and brush is to buy two packages of Kellogg'a Rice Krispies at your grocer's. RICE KRISPIES aw 4i le ssesw TBnftanTig wa Hyi Y Children are fascinated with Kel logg'a Rice Krispies. They map, crackle and pop in milk or cream an invitation that says "Listen . . . get hungry!" f Rice Krispies are nourishing and easy to digest. Especially good for the children's evening meal because they promote sound, restful sleeps And adults, too, will enjoy the crisp, crunchy goodness of Rice Krispies. Remember buy two packages of Rice Krispies this week and get the free set of Magic Paint Cards. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Quality Foods at r Saving Price Saturday and Monday Sept. 16th & 18th Pot Roast 0 lb. Baby Beef Free Delivery Phone 1904 Hens VVh I ArsMMrr M "V a lvrn 1 n A7,, a. n Af V tTTi nWWW f J I Mambtirget BaCOll sugar cured, slab )0 jq & Delicious in coffee I VaniUa4oz.bots.2for29 jstiiuijr unit-. tiom PAR - laVgepkge.27 EAGLE BRAND Sweetened Ceetderued Milk 22 can Rice Krispies 2 pkgs. 21 Set child! magic color cards free. , , Kraft Package Cheese, 2 Pkgs. 29c A awl Vat. a-iof loam rfavSrfZK sag FLOUR 49 n.. sack 01.79 ' Crater Lake Quality I J M. Macaroni 3 Lbs. 23 c Kmro SYRUP 5 lb. can 39 Light or Dark Calumet Raking Powder 5 lb. can 93 Double Stamps All Day WEDNESDAY ' GraMnlalee! SUGAR 28 lb. aloui k Free Delivery Phone 322 Grapefruit, 2 cans Royal Club, Fancy Florida, No. a Can O Stringles - beans, c, 2 cans Royal Club, Fancy Orrgna, No. a Can Pineapple, c.8H 2 cans39c Royal Club, Dole, No. 1 Quality 29C Baker. Premium rweeteiie 23. Cake Pa Thompson' PEAS No. 2 cans 2 cans 29 Chocolate Garden Glory Quality Malted Milk 39 can Box fl Puzzles Free K. I. M. A. Orange Stamps In All Departments FOUNTAIN LUNCH 30c Roast Young Klamath Turkey, Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoe Giblet Gravy, Cold Slaw. Hot Rolls and Drink Merchant's Lunch Fancy Concord GRAPES 2 baskets 55l TOMATOES fun weight crate 25 Rofrue River Valley, No. 1 Fancy Quality a7 ea Sweet Potatoes, fancy quality, 5 Lbs. . 25c Bell Peppers Cauliflower Celery Uniform, Crisp, Firm Pickling Onions Small Whit Pearl Bunch Vegetables All Varieties Local Garden Oranses 20 dz Large, Juicy, Sweet Large White Heed Large Whit) Stalk Coffee, Tea and Nut Stand Snperflne, our very best blend Coffee, 1 Lb. 28c 3 Lbs. 83c Economy, good Brazilian Coffee, 1 Lb. 19c 3 Lbs. 55c Bulk Mayonnaise, Pt. 18c Quart 35c Bulk Peanut Butter. Lb. ....12c 2 Lbs 23c Walnut Meats, 1 Lb. 39c