PAfiE KJGHT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON September 1'.' 1033 S&-LOVV i4? I OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William. 1 OUR BOARDING HOUSE a 3 I ' s-j -; si ; " ; - .is5J roki sjr f No M weu, flv) HI UK TODAY fcVIC preMv Hwi(. nt to KAKI.K HAHNKS inl'r lUlnjf in h linger of llili' depart ment irtnrr, weerctely inarm H k IMOklt, a nmM iiit-lion u Mriiitiiideiit. I ck KMrt her contin ted employment '"! plejtd for home, but rive l determin rd to ieo on working. MAHVA VI.AI), fusion nrtur m! Altl.KNK SMITH, Mi-no, m titer In the mHortisiiig ofliet, notice cuitctneiit. hut do But PUsHrt lir M.vrrt. Two hour 1 1 rr h it tna rr Ine v lrn s I luil hIh miikt mnkc trip lo Now York for the mom. mid that -muH lti ve lli At night. She waIin until lie and IMi-k are at dinner Mrre lolling him thin new. Dltk taken her to llir till Ion and wnt her alwml tn-r train. t-roiii the train window he area him Join Rny party of young people, XOW iO OX WITH TIIK STOKY CHAPTER III. VE awoke with the davu and y for a long while watchini; the wintry Hudson river as the train sped by. She wonderea bout Dick what he was doiu at this hour, whether he wa sleep nd dreaming of her or on hi way to work. She reached tinder her pillow for the chamois bag. It wa8 there and the litt'.e gold wedding ring was safe. She tried the ring on and decided to wear It until she arrived at the hotel. Over - her black pajamas sh lipped a black silk robe with a great, golden dragon heavily em broidered on the back. A pair oi golden mules completed her Pull man ensemble and she picked up her dressing case and made for the dressing room. "Good morning." an uncertain Tofce greeted Eve as she entered "Good morning, Eve answered with a swift appraisal of the young creature before her. An extremely plain face, but one which was rapidly being trans formed by the expert use of cos metics. The other girl drew a bine wool frock over her bead In one quick motion. Then she ,stood before the long mirror and pullen the dress tightly over her hips, turning right and left. "There! All ready for the big adventure." she announced pertly. Eve lifted her eyebrows inquir ingly. The girl lit a cigarette and confided. "I'm as nervous as a cat. Thi8 is my first trip to New York. Married girl . friend lives right across the river in New Jersey but she doesn't expect me. You see, I've taken my life in my own hands. I want to find a husband before the bells ring 30. There's a new crop of girls springing up every year and there certainly aren't enough eligibles to go around at our four corners. M? sister discovered it too late, so I'm bitting for new pastures be fore I'm past the age. Eve fluffed her hair with a lit tie jade and gold comb. The girl watched her. "That's a pretty wedding rin.' she said. "Well, you're one of the lucky ones to have a hus-j band fn these days of competi tion!" The girl's hand was on the door knob when she turned back, "My name's Corinne Devore." she said, and paused. "Not that we're like ly to meet again, of course, hurried ou when Eve remained silent, debating whether or not to return the confidence by telling her own name. "I know what you're thinking." she went on de fiantly. "That it sounds made up. Well, it Is! My real name is Com Dilly. I've always hated it and I didn't see any reason for drag ging It along to New York." pea aunt style in a quaint Freuvh restaurant. That evening Kve dressed foi dinger In a new gown of pale gold lace. it represented the men. tire of her yielding to the trmiia t Ion to p it iv h a se every lo vc '.y thing she beheld. She found herftelf warming to Freda Carter. With her Kve tell none of the barrier of formality mat ouen emts between women who are brought to gel her by pro fessional interests. They diued pleasantly at Kve g hotel. "About tonight." Kreda said over the coffee cups, "1 thoucht you'd like to see a musical com edy so arranged for it. t met an interesting man on. the bhip. Ern est Franks is his name. He's 30- itiff to cut) for UK at eight o'clock Kve said he would enjoy going to the theatre. She was surprised when two men Instead of one met them as she and Kreda left the elevator. "I brought this lone wolf along." Franks explained aftr Introducing Theron Reece, 'be cause he needed company. I note you'll like him." "He looks likable." Freda uid as she and her escort led the way to a taxicab. Kve foltowed with Heece, whose charms easily over shadowed those of Franks. Judging from the applause the musical show was a great sucee.. Eve followed Its theme only vaguely. She permitted herself to lapse into lethargy, rousing oc casionally to smile brightly at her companions. She was conscious of pleasing music and then the final curtain. Theron Reece hummed one of the song hits as be guided her through the lobby. As .they Join ed the throng waiting for carts outside be suggested a night club. Reece was disappointed when 1 the head waiter was unable to I seat them at a table in the inn? circle. A smart chorus of you.-.g girls was dancing vivaciously, beautifully. The applause was hearty and long. Then the danc ing space was cleared for patrons Franks did not dance, but Ree.-el apparently wanted to be on tb. floor alt the time. Again and 1 again he managed so that he and I Ere were on the floor and the! center of attention before the other dancers left their tallies. Eve was not quite sure she liked this. The lights turned to a ro: glow and the orchestra playeu i waltx that made Kve think of I Dick. Reece held her closely, but I Eve drew away. When they returned to thtirl table Freda was displaying a cigarette case she had purchased I in Paris. She passed it Eve glanced at the other tables. then hesitatingly took a cigarette. I Franks closed his hand av-.r it. I Don't," he said. "It spoils the! illusion." Then he added, "With apologies to Miss Carter!" Feda smiled. She did not mind. And don't drink, either. Reece added, as be poured ihe j contents of a silver fla?k into I three glasses of ginger ale. "We want you to keep that 'little girl' look. It's a rare thing In a place! like this." As they left the night club Ern est Franks suggested walki j few blocks before he escort! I Freda to her sister's home ii Brooklyn. "Fifth avenue Is ri: around the corner," he said. "It's I a glorious night, and the windows) after midnight are alwava worth I n looking at." Freda agreed to walk with him The sidewalks were dry and hei I long fur coat protected ner against the cold. But Reece pre tested that Eve's wrap was inad equate, so they separated. Reeve signaled a taxicab and he and Eve I drove to her hotel. "Are you so absurdly yourg as you look?" he asked. Then, with out waiting for an answer. h de liberately took her hand. He held it tightly and Eve did not try to withdraw it. Aftei all. it I was but a few blocks to th? hotel. Suddenly the man took her fn I his arms and. before sue could I free herself, pressed his up tUlls. T'le: arrived at the lio el, and I Kv-: without so much as a good vglit, hurried to the e!e'atu. vTo He Continued) San Antonio Nine Leads Play-off SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Sept. 14. (U.R) San Antonio won its sec ond game of the Texu lea sue title serif here last night, by d-j-feaiing Galveston, 5 to 1. coMwinrs. (U.R Mimi )( championship h lean liasfhall a night by d'.-f; to 3. Columbus won the first of the series, 0 to 2. With that Corinne Devora was gone, leaving Eve with the gumy feeling that she had been a trifle snobbish. "She may not be so lovely but he's wise," Eve said to her ova reflection In the mirror. "She li make people notice her. She'll probably get her man, too, and when she does she'll know enough to hang on to him. Oh. how could I leave Dick as I did!" However, Eve was pleasantly excited as the train drew into Grand Central station. A redcap took her hags and led the way to a taxi. She reached the hotel if a flutter of anticipation. sb wrote "Miss Eve Daviess" on the register and inquired if tlire were any messages for her. di e held her breath while the clerk looked. Yes, there was a tele gram. Eve clutched It tightly a8 sh followed the bet) boy to the eleva tor. She looked attractive, but was entirely oblivious to the ap praising glances that followed her. Her suitcase unstrapped she dismissed the boy with a tip. turned the ley in tiie lock anr. with fingers that shook, lore opet the thin yellow envelope. t ?? IVTKItX.V lONAI, Mie stared at the message ; long moment. It read: "Inter view Phoebe. Inc. She knows what Lake City is wearing before we know It. Karl Jfarnea." Eve sank weakly into a deep cushioned chair. She was more than hurt. She was even a llttl" frightened. Would this thing she had dne always staird betwn:i her and Dick? He couldn't leave, his work to come with her on a honeymoon trip. Why should he expect her to give up her big op portunity to spend a honeymoon ftt home? oh. why had this whole miserable situution - come about? Later however ns sho rode to the style advisory bureau of Phoebe, Inc., Eve's trained mind concentrated on the business of the day. Freda Carter was tc meet her there. They had ma.'e the appointment In a hurried Lei epbone conversation. Freda sel dom stopped at a hotel when in New Vork, as she hnd a sister llv- ng In Brooklyn. With Freda, who wus just bark from Paris, her head full of f.iah Ion -news and her trunks pu k d with French gowns. Kve made i e rounds of New York's smart 1 shops. ' They spent a leisurei) noon period wlih some advernr 'ng vrmi n ov r fl men I served Ohio. Sept. 14. li evened the ries in the Anfer 'socinfion hre las., ting Columbus, 5 gain'.' Flapper Fanny Says 1 1 Every girl kicks when she ha- to toe the mark It' , I ntu. HIM' I. I I.X I I I rlU &IUNT r fK-rvrvr i . v: . v. u 1 v j v r ja . ;i .. lf-l 1 l If. TSJU THAT YJU SPKcAD 7 WM TntKti SALESMAN SAM By luck1, now Stouwe sPoiieo eveR-f-A. fy ResuLT op Te fttciCEMT, S -W ctci-vvrsMBp IV 'ma' . . J i immm mwm mm imm mm BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES " ' By Martin r ii N r "' ' i ' 1 . . WWWS W? TOO BO 1 RKtHQ M VJ HftVJt. & I f wr ,.1 I ' a . n r M I ' . v-, , V-l, .T-. SHORT , MOKitV h , : lir a r t r- By Crane f KtUNLtS AINU H15 FRIENDS 'By Blosser fr-i (EXCUSE ME, MR I WHY WEJRE " f PORK CHOPS ? 1 f WELL . . . f GEE... .60 FM?, I'M 8A.V.' WE APEN'T &0 TO THE MEW " JHt BOYS. HORMBLOWEP, BUT VE6ETMIIANS...BUT NO OSCAR M THAT 'LETS 6ETTIM' WO WHERE ; GETTIUG ANYPLACE If MARKET AMD HAVE k HAVE STARTED DID YOU HAVE PORK J WE DID HAVE SOME MISTER OSWALD L THIS FA.5T I MOT A &OUL THIS WAV - I HAVE THAT'D TVIEM GIVE THE k THEIP HOLE-TO CHOPS AMY TIME FISH ON SEVERAL DOESM'T CARE J HOUSE HD f?"0 i TO THIMK OF A bE GREAT NWES OF EVERYBODY ) HOUSE CHECK-UP LASTl0t,TH r--5CCA5lK FOR THEM t OUT 7 t V DIFFERENT WAY IF YOU WHO BOUGHT FORK 7 to fiiid rurr who -. ? rPK WA - , ' to go at rr.. ) could!! chops om that r-s. - C (Ttl P 7, fT hYftTfr-t X r- BUT WHAT 7 DAY.' TtMOWV HAD PORK CHOPS l! I r h: MytO rlXJ CAM WE V(W ON AUGUST L li ' M XlW H 'XCTS DO? I f TALKIN1. TWEtTTY FOURTH. 1 i ;! j j ffTK-7V I '(f f FRECKU6! THEY HOPE TO fX fe4i iV?Ti " IC-' gave poodle a ihjX kyfm' m). &A rsi L! fet jjm3m MMMiJ THE NEWFANGLES MOM'N POP By Cowan ( J POP, PULL UP AT THIS V WERE. PUT THIS Ut IDE P ) WHAT IS " t- i - f - I DRUG 1IOUE. I WANT TO V YCW? TOttGUE A MNUTE ( IT. MOM '- ff ,wT 1 ( f DJ (F GET A THEPM0METEP1 V J V ' ? J TlMrD - I OUT JtrDE OF I