The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 14, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    September 14, 1933
PAGE nvi
-I mm A mmrA VI 1 1. T.B. II Tl
OoWlamlth. Klamath 'U. atudaut
of lh Uulverelly o( Or.un, haa
received a beautiful lot of leather
bound book. In a tlu (111(1011, o
th wrd for winning au an
nual book-reviewing oontrat held
on tUa Uraiun camuue leal
atirlng. Only two prliea wara of
fered In the eontait, MLe Cold
amltli taking flret. lb leavee
Thuredar for kluiMie, where aha
will begin her Junior year. dolus
epeolal bonura work. Klie will
be accompanied ae (ar aa Hugon.
br Mlaa llulb Newlsn, who will
continue her trip to Chicago, via
Ulni the World's Fair,
St. Vmul t Oaild The woman'a
lulld of It. Paula Kplecopui
church will bold Ita flnl mast
ing for the fall and winter eea
eon on Tnuredev aftarnuou, Sep
tember It, at 11:10 o'clock at the
hum a of Ufa. R. L. lialrd. 68 s
faelfla Terrace. Plana for the
Sear's work will be outlined and
laouaaed. and arraniauianta mad.
for the laymen's conference din
ner to be held at it. Paul'e later
la Beptembar.
Learaa lor Eugene Walter
heeta. popular mualrlan of
Klamath ralla. left Wedneedav
piornlng for Sugene where be
apeeu to attend the Unlrereltr
of Oregon.
Cunning. Vlalt Mr. and Mra.
Tom Cunning of Aabland were
la Klamath fella Tueaday eve
nlni for a brief vlalt with
Kneed we
eea el li nl-.1r
t Immm . 1 1 I J I
MeeWe ' W H I
1 fiIVMSf W Ha g
..a, la aV l I Ml I I
a.anari L? t. JU I
aviilal L ... JTt'
HUMOR V" jiy.l
in ctotat f Mf
in . hk4 ml fi 11 1 1
euual mm a V I
ajOUMUUH 1 v ' I I
war caauau M V-f
as oaan M Tl h si
It Should Slay
ALL WEEK . . .
But It CAN'T!
Ends Thursday
1111 Hotel Oaeeta Vlaltora at
the Hall hotel Tueaday eveulng
were: John 8. Fowlde, llomli
Mr. and Mra. f. A. Colburn,
Uerkeley; J. A. Yancey. Iti-rt-wuudi
J. L. Ituliy, Martin Ura
geray, Angel l.arraa, Kreenoj H.
W. Nner, It. W. Mslieod, Port
land: l.aon Ueuaflel, Jim Dene
tl.l, Lakvvkiw; A. Wara, Moil
ford: H. W. Taylor, Han Fran
claooj V. A. Boat and party,
Mountain View, Calif.; Albert
A. Hiulacr. Portland: Mr. and
Mra. K. J. Urowne, Lot Angelas;
0. Barrle, LakerleW.
Two Dlvorw Oraiilcd Two
dlvoroea were granted In circuit
court Tueaday by JudKe W. M.
Imuran, Alfaretta Crane receiv
ed a doeree of dlrorce from liar
moud Charlee Crane. Plaintiff
retired cuatody of three minor
ohlldreu and Hi per month for
their eupport. Frank oecereou
rncclvsd a decree of dlvoic troia
I. nulla May Oeceraon. No cull-
dren or property rlihta were in
volved. Couple married at Dor
rla In 1125.
Ctillmiuln VI-Hi.r Jack A1
raeter, Juatlre of the peace for
the Wood Hirer dletrlct at Chllo
iiuln, waa a bualnoaa vlaltor In
Klamath Fella Wedneaday. Al
meter la a niomber of the coun
ty relief commute and attended
the meeting Wedneaday morning.
Eaulre to MetAII Eagles
end lady kaalee bo wlah to ao
to Medfurd Friday, Heptemiier ie,
are aaked to mi"t Thuradny ave-
nlnic at 7: SO o'clock at the borne
of lletly Wood, lioa riue aireei.
Mr. Urahnol III A. F. Ora
linm la confined to hla home on
Front atreet with lllnaaa. Al
th,,uuh Mm condition wae aerl-
oua he la now reported to be
abowlng eome imprOTeniont.
ItMurna from Portland Mlaa
Vaile llouik of Henley returnod
from Portland Wedneaday. Bile
had apent two waeka fUltlnk
frlenda and roiativea.
U'lllanl OueaU Included on
the lurat Hat of the Wlllard
hotel ftoptamher 11, were tha
following aameai Ueo. W, Hake,
Portlaudi 0. K. Burnett, Port
land; R. Blackburn, B.atlepJ.
U. Jobnaton, Medford; Fred
Miller, Portland; A. F. Holden,
Jr., Portland I Made Klrtley,
paaadena; Capt. Ilown, Med
ford: II. V. Wrlllil, Portland:
Dan Uruy, Medford; C. A. Zor
borbler, fteatlle; Lee Yrek, lio
kune, Waab.: Ua J. Foley, Han
Kranrlaco; Vernlan Bcbarf, ban
Pram-laco; a. Y. Harry, Jr., Port
land; U. Hlllam. Portland; W.
II. Walker. Medford; J. W. Am
bler, Portland; I. Auland, feu-
gene; Mra. C. T. Sweeney, Med
ford; Mr. and Mra. D. N. Hun
aon, Bt. Paul; Carl 8teena, Port
land: a. w. Weleler. vorvauia;
(lien lueret. Portland; (Jeorne
Haflna, Seattle: II. A, Jacob.
I.oa Angelra: Clayton Phllllpa
loa Aiiaelea; C. W. Harrlaon,
Portland; Homer Uroat, Port
land; Mra. J. J. McNeill, Med
ford; II. J. MrMaban, Medford;
Doug Crulckahunk, Portland; A,
C. Lenta and wife, Brooklyn,
N. Y.: U. U. Condle. Portland:
It. A. Croalry, Portland; T. A.
Mryerot, Medford; T. K. fkhuler,
Medford; Lloyd Maglll, Medford:
U. Meudelaohn, San Franclaco;
Mr. and Mra. W. R. Sherman,
Portland: K. J. Bheeban, San
Franclaio; R. J. Martin, Ban
Franclaio; W, H. Leater, Port
laud) W. C. Kit. h. Ban Fran
olaco; I. B. Miller, San Fran
clai-o: W. C. Bell, Weat Lebanon
lnd.; W. R. Wllaon, Portland:
A. X. Stanaberger, Ban Fran
cieco; Jaa. B. Schwab, Stockton;
Joai ph Church, Cleveland, O ;
H. K. Mytblng, Salem, Ore.
lUllroad Mra Vlalt William
C. Filch, auperlntendent of per
lahahle freight traffic for tbe
Southern Pacific company, and
K. J. Martin, aealatant generei
manager of tha fruit eiphaaa, are
making a bualneaa vlalt la Klam
ath Fella, Both Fltih and Martin
are located In Baa Francleco.
Kndi-avor Mim-u
Mt-mhera of the Kl
tnrlntlan Endeavor
naked to meet at
Preabyterlan church
evening at 7:10 for a
neaa eeitelon concerulu
ber Kndeavor convent
Van uuker, prealdent
union are
the Flrat
ebon buat-
t tbe Octo
:on. Harold
will be In
cuts! TZ1 TV'-
- riiKAiith; -
lev, Ilrown to Wi-aU Rev.
Cecil Brown, former realdeut of
Klamath Kalla, now pa. tor of the
Antlorh Haptlat church at Port
land will apeak at tha Flrat
llapilat church Wedne'day eve
ning. Rev. Brown conducted
both of the church eervlrt-e Sun
day and waa eak-d to apeak again
Wedneaday evening.
Will Vlalt Aunta Patty Lou
Muyere, daughter of Mr. aud
Mra. Rudolph Mceri, left Tuea
day morning with her aunt. Mra.
Kather Harry for Ottaniwa. Iowa.
Patty Lon will vlalt with Mn.
Harry who baa remained bere
for a month and aieo vlalt an
other aunt, Mra. Sadie Blake.
l'(M)l.l:'S '
Leavee for Belein Dlatrlct
Attorney T. R. Ulllenwalera left
Wedneaday morning for Balem
where be will appear In the ap
peal to the aupronie court by
Theodore Jordan, negro convict
ed of murder In Klamath county.
Rnncher Vlaltr C. H. Kelley
of the Spring Lake dlatrlct waa
a butlnt-aa vlaltor la Klamath
Fa I la Wedneaday.
Olrne Patient Mra. 3. C. Tay
lor of Olene la a patleut at Hill
r'de hoapltel, where aha la ra
ving medical treatment.
Divorce Suit Flint Irene Hen
aley flfM ault charging cruel
and Inhuman treatment agalnat
William T. Henaley. No children
or property rlgliia involved la
en It. Couple married In Waah
Ington In IU2H. Plaintiff aake
for the reatoratlon of ber maiden
Dame, Irene Pike.
Ilerrlvlng Trratment Frank
Parla, employe of a atreet car
nival now ahowlng near Klamath
Falla, waa taken to Klamath
Valley boapltal for treatment
Tueaday night. He waa aufferlng
from evvera food poleonlng, but
waa dlemleeed Wedneaday after
receiving treatment.
Return from South Mlaa Anna
Muualf and Mine Ruth Vunnlce
have returned from Han Fran
claco, where they apent tbe paat
weak purchasing mercbandlae for
the Oolden Rule atore. Mlae Van
nleo la leaving Thuraday for Ku
gene, where ahe will continue her
work la tha Unlreralty of Oregon.
Knleaard From Jail Leo Dal
by, bald In county jail for eer
ernl montba on a charge of lar
ceny In a dwelling, waa releaaed
from ouatoay Monday aiterooon
Upon an order of dlamleeal alined
by Circuit Judge William Dun
Book Group to Meet Book
group two of the Bualneaa and
Profeaalonal Women'a club will
meet with Mra. Penrod. 416
North Sixth atreet. Thuraday
September 14, at 7: SO o'clock.
"The Store" by Btrlhllng will be
reviewed by Mra. Harriet Jonea
Eutera star Meeting Croup
I '. f tha Kaetern Star will meet
l"r!itv aftarnnon at the home of
Mra. Leo Hula, 1:00 o'clock I
Mra. Hula' home la at S0 Pine
atreet. All metnbera have been
rnqueeted to attend.
Tine ijfiMt llahv Frederick
MrMiirpky, 7-monthe-old aon of
tm mnA Wrm V K Mi-Murnhv of
Tuielake, le a patleut at Hlllalde
Boapttnl wnere ne la receiving
medical attention.
t-avre Hoanltjil Mra. L. E.
Lincoln, who recently underwent
a major operation at Klomatn
Vallev hoenltal. waa able to re
turn to her home at 426 Ada ma
atreet Tueaday evening.
rndrrgoee Operation Mra. E
C. Ware of Modoc Point under
went a malor operation at Hill
aide boapltal Wedneaday morn
ing. Leavee Hoapltal Ben Koonan
who baa been receiving medical
treatment at Hlllalde hoipttal
waa able to return to bia home
at tha Baldwin hotel Tueaday.
Vn.Icrgoee Operation Mra
Clanue Whlttord of Bprague
Rlvar, underwent a major opera
tion Wedneaday at Hlllalde Boa
pltal. Retama from Portland E. M
Chilrote, local realtor, returned
Wedneaday morning from a brief
bualneaa vlalt to Portland.
lravee for Yreka Roland T.
Warren, engineer for the Cali
fornia Oregon Power company,
left Wedneaday morning for
Yreka where be will apeud two
weeka making aurreya lor hla
Return From North Mra. W.
L. Kdwarda and two children
have returned home after a cum
mer vacation apent at Loon lake.
Waabington. The Edwarda chil
dren have entered acbool her.
Station Inaierlor Here J. C.
Jenny, Ureal Northern elation lu
apector, la making a two daya'
vlalt In Klamath Fall! from bla
headquartera offica la Spokane,
Return From South Mr. and
Mra. C. W. Sherman and chil
dren have returned home after
a vacation la Ian Francleco.
Midland Vlaltor J. A. Thomp
aon of Midland, apent Tueaday in
thia city oa a bualneaa vlalt.
Courthouse Records
Divorce Suite Filer)
Irene Henaley veraua William
T. Henaley. Plaintiff chargaa
cruel and Inhuman treatment and
aaka for tha reetoratlon of her
maiden same, Iran pike, attor
ney feee and eoate of ault. No
children or property righta In
volved. Couple married la Waab
ington In 1929.
e e . e
Divorcee Granted
Alfaretta Crane granted a de
cree of divorce from Raymond
Charlra Crane. Plaintiff granted
tbe cuatody f three minor chil
dren and It6 per month from
defendant fa their eupport.
Frank Oeearaon granted a de
cree of divorce from Luella May
Deration. So children or prog
eny righta Involved. CoupM mar
ried at borrle In 1126,
a a e
Order Signed
Order of dlamleaul for Leo
Dal by charged with larceny In a
e e a
Car Accident Report
H. K. Crawford filed report of
accident with car driven by
Jeaale Jacoba of Lakevlew Bear
Dairy Tueaday. Crawford wae
driver of highway truck parked
along road and elated tbe Jacoba
car ran Into rear of truck when
oncoming car prevented paaelng.
Minor damagea reported and no
C. F. Huaemeyar of the Klam
ath View auto camp filed report
of accident between Klamath Falla
and Olene Tueaday evening wltb
another tar, driver not known.
Aa unknown peraon received in
Jurlee and waa taken 19 a local
boapltal, report atated.
Outdoor target practice for
Battery D, 14tn eoaat artillery
unit of Klamath Falla, etarud
at tha long range field, about five
fflllee weat of the elty on Septem
ber 1.
Membera of the nnlt are report-
New VOX SrJTvf"0"
Theatre of lb Star
Hell below"
Robert Montgomery, Jlmmle Durante, Madge Evana, Walter
Huaton, Robert Young
NOTEt Thia picture arae played at thla theatre In inn for
four daya only to packed houeea wltb bandreda turned
away. Wa were unable to bold the picture over at that
time. Therefore we returned tha plctur at tliia early
data. Com early and hop everybody aeea thla great pic
ture, .
XI va 1 ,
lii-5r rferrr ; : V 1
(fliy aj-Lfrll "J Mason, Ehrman & Co., 473 Spring St., Distributors U
SOMETHING wonderfut hai happened.
We are coming out of the dark. W looked
to long at the clouds, we forgot the blue
sky beyond. Now we gee It again. And It
look good ... America gel bctterj
Smilca are bnck. Watch thecrowdj.Thcry'r
looking up! dressing up. Facet ar brighten
head higher... America looks better.
There's bright new paint and the sound of
hammers. Cash-registers are playing an old
sweet sonc,"Happy Days Are Here Again."
Somebody's doing better. Payrolls are grow
ing bigger. We're going somewhere and
getting there a a . America is doing better!
Something more than Beer Is back .... It's
time to be friendly and gracious, to enjoy
life openly, freely, with Budwelser, King
of Bottled Beer. For it Is to the happy,
human side of things that Budwelser
makes its perfect contribution. It's great
drink for these great days of a great people.
Ing for practice la groupa of from
all to twelve until the aeaaon
cloaae October .11. Officiate de
clared aa effort le being made to
qualify all men la eome grade ot
The practice 1a being earned
on during lb early part of morn
toga, before heat warea Interfere
with the eight.
Miss Kandra Back
In San Francisco
Mlaa Wanda War Kandra,
daughter of Mr. gad Mra. L. 8.
Kandra of Merrill, returned laet
week end to San Franclaco, where
ahe will take a graduate eourae
ot aursea training ta the St. Fran.
cla boapltal.
Mlaa Kandra graduated from
St. Prancla laat June after com
pleting a three-year eourae wltb
the blgheet bouore of any of the
othera who flniahed. Sb re
ceived a, 1100 acbolarahip to eon
tlnue with th eourae, whleh will
permit her to practice la any state
of the union. She spent the sum
mer Turning wltb her parent at
Merrill, where ah graduated from
high school three yeaa ago.
Every Indloatloa polntg ta a
record enrollment at the Soatk
ern Oregon Stat Normal school
at Aahland thla fall. Although
the official reglatratlon day,
September lltb, la alaaat a
week off, many atudenta have
already arranged their fall schedule-,
In order to avoid the laet
minute rush oa Monday.
Increasing numbers ef young
men and young women of South
ern Oregoa are taking advant
age of tha junior college offer
inga of thla school and are tak
ing from one to two year ot
their eollege work at the South
ern Oregon State Normal school.
Approximately one-third at laat
yaar'a enrollment wa la Junior
college work and It la antici
pated that the percentage taking
thla work will be much higher
thla year.
LY what to eat, yon could
help the doctor a peed up
your recovery from lllnea
or rundowa condition I
Proper diet daring II set
trwnt baa aaved tiro and
money for many ot oar pa
Buppoe oa eaaminatioq
on Uw fUdloole Inatrument
allowed that you had one
or mora STARVED glandat
or a lack of necessary
element elaewherel Isn't It
soinuioneenae to FIXD OCT
a bring back monnol fweat
cloning to -ronr kodyf
It la a pert at oar Starr
le to give yoa this l
forasatJoa oad eaggeetloaal
Ton don't HAVE TO fol
low It yoa cava recover
health wltboM It! bat M
will HELP!
Aud tha Radloal Exam .
nation, abowlng tha CACSB '
ot your tremble, and all
Phons 404-W for FREE Radioni
Dr. O. H. riathcr
ewe to t
A razor blade shortage
and its cause
AMAZING public response far
eil, exceeding our most optimistic
estimates greeted Gillette's drastic
price reduction.
At this writing many wholesalers
and retail dealers
are out of stock.
The factory can
not keep pace with
demand. The rea
son for this is very
simple. Quality
must be main
tained at any cost.
This instruction is
law in our factory.
In fact today
inspection is even
more rigid than
ever. Each opera
Gillette, Probak
Valet AutoStrop
Blades low
S ' 25
tion is supervised with extreme car
We are pledged to a continuance of
the highest standards of excellence.
Expansion to meet present de
mand without lessening quality now
is being attained
If your dealer is
out of blades hit
stock should be
replenished within
a few days.
In the mean
time we ask your
indulgence and
trust you will have
no difficulty in
finding a store
which has Gillette,
Probak and Valet
AutoStrop blades.
In our effort to fill a tremendous volume of orders and at the Mine time
forward your adjustments as promised, deliveries of Gillette, Probak and
Valet AutoStrop blades ae slightly behind. As soon as possible, con
sistent with the statements above, your shipment will go forward.