w f September 13, 1Q33 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ESVni Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1 900 Rata i 3ck:, mnrA Mff da Inatrtloa. 1 fi Par oot discount on Ivsds running on week. OH f Bt dlKOSDt OB AiUii running month. All classified tdt ar lntrt id In hull) Tilt Klamath Nwt and Evening Herald, at the tbov rat. appearing In The Naw first. Tim limit for classification IB th following day' papers l 1:00 P. M. Ads dlrd in rtd on th Mm day a aub mltted will bar to ruo "Too Lata to Clssslty.- Too-Late-to-Classlf? adi ar put In on pap r unir - a quoted abort, and classified tor mooaadloi insertion. Loaf and Found STRAYED OR STOtF.V Two eowa, on branded diamond on right rlba. From Allamont Thursday afternoon. Notify M. O. Bat car Pallean Bar Lumber Co. 0900 3 General Not lea Z. PETEHB Teacher of piano and violin. Endorsed by atat board o( ducallon. rhon 3188M. 1095 liiltiui UKinauu,. papa, it,,,. t estimate on any Job, large or mall. Pbon 107. J. U New man. . . 1101 RADIO BBrvicb or all klnda. Wm. Loot. 1406 Lookout St Phon 1816J - - MM far tonal RAJ)0alr-j5lW)akS 8 Tranaportation Travel By Stag Shortest Route to PORTLAND $5.90 one way SEATTLE . $7.90 one way SPOKANE $14.00 one way Via Band and Waplnltla Leave Greyhound Depot at 11:10 p. m. dally, Phone 1630. 7 Halp Wantad, Femala WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; reference! required. Call 806 Pacific Ter race, between I and 4 p- m.. on Wednesday. 0916 WANTED Housekeeper for motntnss nom. Koom, boaro and HO month. C. E. Dunn, Dairy. 1088 11 Furniihad Room QOOD rooms,. 110 per month. 1014 High. Pfcon 146. 40 rORNACB HEATED oedroom In modern bom. Phon 918J. 1014 VITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE LISTBKI TO P4IASOM. c.c- we've &ebk4 pals rort YEARS- I'LL CIVB VOU 8)25,0008, IN COLD CASM, FOd THAT CONT4SACT WITH THOSB TWO TRAINED SEALS I WBLL.C.C ' WASTING MY TIMB AROUND HBC!B- I'M MOVINO ON- 60 LONd AND GOOD LUCK, YOU ,. BOAPY" AND YOU OLD CROOK- rv 12 Room and Board WANTED Board and room. Prl- rat bom nrererrea. news Herald, boi till. 0011 WANTED lloomers and board . are. meals per day.. .407 N. Sill. VVU9 ROOM AND BOARD Reasnn- abl. 117 Pin. Phon 66km, 0440 ROOM AND BOARD 111 N. lutn. oiuu 13 Furnitbad Apartment FURNISHED APT8. Clean and reasonably Jacob Apartments, Pin and Cedar. 0440 (J Lie AN three-room apartment. sumac beat, electric conven iences; garami cloa In- Pbon 1876M. 0860 14 Furniahad Houaaa 1-rtOOM furnished houa. 1735 crescent. 0014 TIIHEK-ROO.M apartment electric . amy. vrylhing nirnistied. ' Also four-room partly furnlnei bouse. Cull 411 Washington. UflnS. 16 Unfurnished Houses FOR RENT 4-rootn house, 8th street. S-room house, Martin atrest. Phon 14I8.M. 10(1 FOR KENT Unfurnished mod ern four-room house, close In. mJhnnemj071ll 17 Real Eatate For Sale 10 ACRES 10 miles from Klam aih Falls, with liooo worth of Improvements. Can be bought tor I10UV. Uox 1081, Klamath Falls. 10(11 19 Automotiva used; cars 1930 Ford Coupe with air ., wbeela 192S Buick Standard Sedan 1929 Studebaker President Sedan , 1928 Studebaker Comman der Sedan 1929 Packard Sedan 1929 Buick Coupe 1926 Oldsmobile Coupe Buick' Garage 1330 Main FOR SALK 1919 Nash standard coupe, choap. Apt. 2, 1424 8. 4lh. 07211 19a Markets FOR SALE Hoorer power pota to digger. good mechanical con dltlon. Will demonstrate. Will trade for potatoes. C. D. Bar- ton. Verrlfl 11. 0718 20 Miacallanaons For Sal SACKS Farmers attention. W haw uad aacks for oats, barley end spuds. Wa buy pelts, wool, bides and Junk. And we will treat you rliht, M a 8 Beg Co. 114 Market. Phon 1919W. 014!i FOR SALE OR TRADE Fur nlahlngs of email apartment souse. ivews-Heraia, oox wiut. 0704 FOR SALK Large restaurant sir iriaigair in good condition, suu.uo. Ltn us on aituor a. C. or D. O." currant. K. 1'. Ranch, Dorrla. 08)8 FOR SALE Hoorer potato dig ger, 49. von rowers, canton valley, 0808 RUT SOMBTHINO MIGHT HAPPSN ' TO 'EM TO-MORROW- 25.0O0H IS A. H6AP OF MONEV, IN THESE I CILIA M I SAID 1 ). . D ER-I GOOD v. II HUNTING OLD SWINDLER- nv .aB.at.ea!Kai?i..-. '. TrVw" Klamath Business Directory Doctors R. 1. HALL, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Maternity Case s a Specialty Phon 795 110 Winters Bidg. Dr. O. V Westllnd, Naturopathic Physician. Chronic and nervout diseases a specialty. 111-118 L O. O. T. Bidg. Drat Sboppo Visit Torgler't Upstair Urea Bhopp for attractive dresses at reasonable prices. 711 Main St. Phon 08IJ. veiv Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING. BUTTONS oov rd, dreeamaklng. Mrs. H M. Allender. 414 Walnut. 0174 Music Si. Peter Piano, Violin. Pbon 21 8M 20 Miscellaneous For Sale 180 HEAD good we. I good milch cowi, priced to sell, w. U. Ball, Mt. Lakl. 0887 FOR SALE Green tomatoes ana u peppers. Crystals, Merrill Lalcevtew highway Junction. 0709 20a Swaps TRADE Baby chicks, spring de livery, tor bay, grain, poiaiota. E. B. Morrison, Ashland, Ore gon. 0817 TKADK RADIO for wood. 710 N. 11th. 0U 21 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY ror cash, 10 gauge anotgun. rnou ion. 0711 22 Livestock and Feed TRADE 8-year-old Holstoln milch cow tor nay or wnea,. lit. 1. bog 941). uie FOR SALE 14 acre excellent stock pastnre; also 200 tons alfalfa hay. W. M. King. Dairy. 0880 SALE OR TRADE Jersey heifer s nionins oiu. i;. rv. e,ricKsuu, Rt. 1, bog 418B. 0011 HORSES FOR SALE 800 0 1800 lbs. Rear Klamath Falls Auto Park. 0903 FOR SALK 11 weaner pigs, 83 each. Also 7 Shropshire rams. 1 year olds. 810 head. H. J. P-cardsley. one mile south Lone Pine school. Merrill rnnrl inn" 22a Poultry For Sale STATE Blood Tested Whit Lag horns. Barred Rocks and Red Chicks. Nine Dollars 100 pre paid and guaranteed. J. R. Ma guire. 1418 N. E. Oregon St.. Portland. 0119 FOR SALK 200 leghorns, fins condition, heavy producers. 4 5; encn. r. j. Eisner, s mtioa west of Mnlln. 0907 FOR SALK 16 weeks old R. I. Red pullets, 87.25 dogen. Y. Ware. Motloc Point. 0714 23 Financial 3 AVE SAVE SAVE ON -AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Lowest rate and easiest terme Investigate and be convinced MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 101 80. 7th. Ph. 1141 3tat License M-104 Salary Loans $ I TO 10 DOLLARS ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE No Interest deductions, you receive full tmount applied for. 1 to 1 months time. All loans confidential STATE LOAN CO. Oregon Bank Building. Entrance 110 N. 10th. Ph. 74 Lie by Stat 8-144 By Harold Gray I'LL TAKB THE CHANCI- AND I'LL NET A LOT MORI THAN THAT OFF OF DAYS THEM IN A YEA- TWBRB WAS A PORTUNB IN THAT ACT WHEN A BIRD, LIKE OLD SOAPY, OFFERS 15,0008 IN REAL MONEY FOR. ANYTHING, .IT MBANS THAT THINO l a utraTiA nvmuiB. Optic Olsaiea fitted. Soul Sanitarium, Paint Store Wall paper, 4 cents t roll and op Th most- complete line of palole. enamel and paper In southern Oregon. Painter snd paper bangers at your service. Patterson Paint Stor 110 Main Bt. - Pbon 1446 Turkish Baths Massage, Colonic Irrigation. Reg Istered Nurse. 117 So. 8evenlb. Typewriter School Trained Meehanle -14 Tears' Experience Adding Macbln and Typewriter Sales sod Service ISS0 Main Phone 841 24 Businesa Opportunities SMALL going business or loca tion. Mi agents, lttply atrictl confidential. Box 801, News Herald. 0e04 Necessities for Work WILL GIVE school child room and board In exchange for wood snd farm products. Newt-Her- ' aid. Unx 0848. 0846 Work for Necessities I WANT sny kind of work and need It. I am college ducatd. I've held good Jo us and given satisfaction to my employe. But right now I'm out. I'm not afraid to work and ca.i prov It to you If you'll give xino the chance. I'm married and have a baby coming. Ad dress 101, care Herald-News. 1091 WANT WORK I Am a good hand milker. Can do any Job !u logging camp. Will furnish th polish and wash and polish your car at yonr garage or horn, and make It look like new. Room 117, Baldwin hotel 1087 WILL TRADE two nanny goals for furniture or what hav you? A. L. Graham, halt mil from Hallo. 0846 WILL EXCHANGE carpenter work for farm products. Phooe 1159W. ioi6 WOMAN wishes any kind of work except cooking. Call morning i-i" m. etn. inns IF TOD bav something t sell have chaoged your place of buelness. boy or eell farm pro ducts or hav anytblng to tell the public, the most economical and surest wav of celling re suits- through the classified Phon 1 900 or writ in to tbe News-Herald. WEATHER Th barometrie prenur dip ped Into t low area Monday af ternoon but th Cyclo-Storma-graph af Underwood's Pharmacy shows that normal seasonal level prevailed Tuesday and a eon tlnuatlon of pleasant weather la indicated. Th Tyco recording thermo meter registered maximum and minimum temperatures Tuesday as follows: High 'T Low 4 Forecast tor next 14 hours: Generally fair with moderate temperature. The United State reclamation servlc reports no precipitation tor th 14 hour ending at 6 p. m. Monday, 8.5 for th sea son) 11.81 normal, 11.44 last year. Th aeason's maximum, 102 (official) on August It. GOLD QUOTATION. WASHINGTON, Sept. U. VP) Today's gold price was an nounced by th treasury at 1214.21. Th painting, th Golden Stairway, by Burne-Jones, was originally named the King s Wed ding: It was designed In 1871, begun In 1876 and finished In 1880. A papyrus more than 33 cen turies old mentions the camel ss a beast of burden.. 77 apper Fanny Says Ct-Apya rVrtKiq. People who are required to reduce usually kick about It, National, Local Markets HEAVY BUTTER SUPPLY MOVED I INTO MARKET PORTLAND, Sept. U. (JP) Local butter appeared about steady tt unchanged price levels. The market was apparently hold ing Its own agalnat the ex tremely heavy supply of short held storsge stuff which tend to lend sn undertone of weak net to it. Receipt last week were heavy but little was report ed In over the week-end. Last week's total receipts amounted to 149,464 pounds or 15,110 pounds more than the prevlout week and 22.000 pounds more than th same week a year ago. Egg Price Changes. Th previously announced In' creaa of 1 a dozen In tbe price of eggs on all principal grades except pullets becam effective today and found the market in a good position, inere contln ued a good demand for top qual ity extra for retail cnanne, Pullet size were In somewhat more than ample aupply. Total receipts st Portland for the week put amounted to 178 esses, or 698 cases less than the previous week and approximate ly 400 cases lest than tor the asm week a year. ago. Eggs were fully firm to lc higher at other coast points. Pacific coast whites were a cent higher at New York. , There was no marked change in the cheese situation at Port land or elaewhere on th coast. Tbe market looked fully steady on tbe consistent demand for all popular kinds. Peacb Market Steady. " A carload of Snake Hiver El berua arrived on truck and was found to be up to standard of this highly desirable fruit. Tbe car was from Home, Oregon, and Is ons of those occasional ahipmenta of Snake River peacbea that reach th Port land market. The peach market generally wa fully ateady, ranging 90c to 81 for Elbertaa and 41.26 on Hales. Th demand keeps pace with receipts. Some dealers reported better demand for dry onions. Most houses are listing lftc the pound. Sweet potatoes were down to 12 for the 60 lb. box or 4 net Tuesday. Th country meat situation waa about unchanged with mogt linea quotably ateady, , Celery prices were fully steady on the moderate supply - avail able here. The demand was only fair but taking all offerings. Due to closing of tome of the largest halibut fishing areas by treaty between the United States and Canada, done two months earlier than normal this year, halibut prices have advanced sharply here. Mediums were quoted wholesale at 18c and chicken at 16c. Other II nee of fish wert steady. No. 1 coast Chinook it quotablt at 13c and pale, 9c. Large and medium crab wer. pleotlfuL Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Sept. 11, m Cattle, 25; calves, 10; market quiet. Steers, common and medium. 13.00 to 25.50; heifers. god, common and medium, $2.75 to $4.25; cows. good, common'and medium, $2.50 to $3.I6r low cut ter and cutter, $1.00 to $2.60; bulls, good and choice. $2.75 to $3.50; cutters, common' and me dium, $1.75 to $2.75; vealer, good and choice, $6.00 to $7.00. cull, common and medium, $3.00 to $6.00: calves, good and choice, $4.00 to $5.60; common and'me dium, $2.00 to $4.00. Hogs. 8,000; market 10c to 16c lower. Llghtwolght, good and choice, $4.75-6.76; medium weight, good and choice, $4.90 to $5.50; heavy weight, good and choice, $4.50 $5.00; packing sows, medium snd good and choice, $3.60-4.00; feeder, good and choice, $3.40 4.00; feeder and stocker pigs, good and choice, $4.00-4.75. Sheep, 700; market slow. Lambs, good and choice, $5.15 to $6.25; common and medium, $4.00 to $5.25; yearling wethers, $3.75 to $4.00; ewes, medium to choice, $1.25 to $2.15; cull and common, 75c to $1.25. Suit Filed Against Railroad Company J. D. "Jack" Pettlnglll filed suit In circuit court Monday against the Great Northern Rail way company for $2,700 dam aget he alleges lt due from th company being negligent In equipping one of lit speeder. According to th complaint. Pettlnglll htd an accident with the speeder and received a com pound fractured arm and other personal Injuries. He chargea ibe company with being carelesa In not providing lights on the machine. IlONTON WOOL MARKET. , BOSTON, 8ept. 11. (P (U- 8. Dept. Agr.) Relatively little business has been transacted In wool this week t there It some Interest being shown. Asking prices are very firm -at recent advances but th advanced prices have slowed np sales. Good French combing (4s and finer territory wools In original bags are being held at 77-78 cents scoured basis. Similar lines run ning to short French combing ample ' are mostly firm at . 76 71 cents tcoured basis. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. Sept. 11. (JPy Profit taking stemmed the tide of speculative entbuslaam la the stock market today and early moderate gain were replaced by small losses in many Instances. Moat out and tome specialties displayed a fairly firm ton. Th clone wat somewhat Irregular. Activity expanded In th backing and filling movements, snd trans fers approximated 2,800,090 shares. As In yesterdsy's flare-op. pro fessional wer largely responsi ble for price fluctuations. There wss some renewal of public par ticipation, but, for the most part, th outsider maintained a cau tious neutrality. Gralnt turned easy under realizing. Little at tention seemingly was paid to a sharp rally of foreign exchangee against th dollar. Petroleum shsres, np fraction ally to about a point. Included Amerada, Pur Oil. Standard of California and New fersey and seaboard. Gain of around a point wer held by Great Westeru Sugar and Kelvlnator. Chrysler crossed 60 for another new year's high, then retreated for a point loss. Case, Allied Chemical an U. S. Smelting dropped about 2 points each. Homestake Minior waa off 4 points, and declines of fraction to a point or more were registered oy new I org uent.-ai, Westlnghouse, Union Pacific. Consolidated Gas, U. 8. Steel, American Conrmerctal Alcohol, Johns Manvlllt and Alaska Ju neau. Tbe Alcohols ac'ged after an early advance. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 10S Alaska Juneau 261 Al. Chem. Dye , 13 921 S1 American Can American Coml. Alcohol American For. Pow. American Smelt, Ret. A, T. T. American Tob. B ..: Anaconda Copper in 19 iatt 90 17J 681 30, 34t 181 391 24! 171 28 151 76 23 46.. 48t 171 191 2( 5 88 3 42 8H 84 Hi , 9 241 38 34) 141 23, 300 401 20 161 551 271 lit 961 24 23 241 241 661 181 103 131 491 23 11 41 49 16 18 391 51 91 ' II 91 61 42 91 Atchison. T. 4V 8. F. Atlantic Ref. Baltimore Ohio Bendix Aviation , , , Bethlehem Steel Borden Co. Burr. Adding Machln . California Pack Canada Pacific Case, J. I. Caterpillar Tractor Cuiupeake A Ohio . Chrysler Motor Col. G. 4V E. Commercial Solvents , Commonwealth Southern . Continental Can Corn Products . Curtlss Wright Drug Inc. Dupont It De N. Eastman Kodak Elec. Auto Lt. El. Pow. Lt. General" Electric General Foods . General Motors Gillette Razor Gold Dust Homestake Mining International Harvester . International Nickel I. T. A T. Johns Manville . Kroger Grocery . Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett 4t Myers B Liquid Carbide Lorillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward Nash Motor . National Biscuit National Dairy Products National Distilling National Pow. ft Lt. New York Central North America Pacific Gas ft Electrio . Packard Motor Penney. J. C. Penn. R. R. , , , Phillips Pet. Public Service New Jersey Pullman Co. Radio Corp. R. K. O. - Rem. Rand Reynolds Tob. B , Sears Roebuck Shell Union Southern Pacific Standard Brands 291 28 Standard Oil California Standard Oil New Jersey , 41 41! 41 28! 214 71 481 121 381 8 181 741 181 544 27 46J 191 Studebaker Co. Texas Corp. Texas Gulf Sul Trans-America Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp United Gaa Imp. .. U. S. Indus. Alcohol U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel Vanadium West. Elec. & Mfg. Woolworth .............. Closing Curb Quotations Citle, Service t Elec. Bond ft Share 241 Stock Averages (Copyrlaht 1S33. standard Statle , tics Company) 60 10 10 40 Indl's Ft R's Ut's Total Tutsd.iv P6.8 M.C 15.5 17.8 Prov. day 97.1 .12.1 S.l 8!.4 Week ago S3. 1 .11. 86.1 86. t Vear ego 8 33.4 19.9 4.7 ;3 years ago .. 1S7. 111.1 2 I 170.T High. 1?H l"l l 4.0 113.1 . Low. 1934 41.1 13.4 41.4 48.9 High. 19.11 73.1 8D.I 111.0 73 1 Low. 1131 16.1 It.t tl.t ttt Bond Averages (Copyright 1913, Standard Statis tics Company! to 10 10 40 Indl's RR'e L't'a Total Tuesday 75.S 79.0 82.4 l0 I'rev. day 75 3 78.S II I 78 8 Week aa-o . 75.5 80.4 83.1 79.1 Year ago 18.1 71.0 85.8 74. 9 years ago - 94.7 10K.0 101. 1 101.4 High. 1933 77.1 14.9 tl.t 11 1 Low, 1939 ... 68.1 67.0 74.1 61. High, 1931 71.1 T8.4 86.1 78.1 Low. 1981 ll.t 47.4 70.9 41.4 PORTLAND, 8ept. 12. UP) Effective Wednesday morning, a three-cent raise In pullet eggs will be effective on the Portland market. Th price will be 17c Other grades unchanged. CHICAGO. Sept. II, Ft Wheat scored a maximum ad vance of 1J cent a bushel todsy following yesterday s net gsln of 2i to 11 cents. Th fresh uptnrn. however, wss more then wiped out by profit taking. Inflation possibilities attracted continued notice, and to, too, did need of rain In Northern Argen tina, where a repetition of sever crop losses In 1929 waa suggested. Wheat closed unsettled, lc to lie under yesterday s finish; corn, lc to 11c down: oats, lc to Is off. and provisions varying from 6o de cline to a rls of 7c. CHICAGO GRAIX CHICAGO. Sent. 12. (JPi Wheat, No. 2 red, 851c; No. 1 nara, gee; no. I Bard, weevlly, 85c. Corn. No. 2 mixed, 48c: No. 1 yellow, 48c; No. 2 whit, 491c to 4ie. Oats, No. 2 whits, lie to Jlc: No. 1 white. 14c to 15c. Rye, no sales. Barley. 45c to 74c. Timothy seed, per ewt, $4.71 to $5.00. Clover seed, per cwt, $8.00 to $10.60. Lard, $6.62. Bellies, $6.50. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND, Sept 11. UP) Wheat 1 Ooen RJeb Tviw ninae September .48 .4S1 .68 .681 December .73 .72 .721 .721 Cash Wheat N. 1 Big Bend bin stem Dsrk hard winter, lit. . .79 .80 .71 .48 .48 .68 .48 .64 Dark hard winter. 11 . Soft whit Western whit Hard winter Northern spring Western red Oats, No. 2 white, $22.60. Corn. No. 2 yellow, $23.00. Millrun standard. $17.00. Todav'a ear recelntar Wkaal. 61; barley, 1; flour, 2; com, 2; oats, g. SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 12. (UP) Hogs: 260. Slow, tew early sales under 200 lb. Cslltorniss $5.50, about stesdy, some held higher. Cattle: 150, Including 100 holdovers. Dull, few early sales killing xlssses about stesdy with Monday's weak to slightly lower trade; better grades scarce; load medium 926 lb. holdover steers $4.25; few range cows $3.25. Dairy types In tint hands; odd bulls $3.50-$3.75. Late Mon day, medium and low-good-927-1127 lb. steers $4.76-$5, com mon to medium $4; medium and fairly good range cows $2.60- $3.25. Calves: 70. all direct Sheep: 2200, including 640 holdovers. Slow, market not es tablished, early -tales steady con sidering quality; about 425 head medium and good 74 lb. wooled Oregon- lambs $6.75, sorted 10 per cent; medium 69 lb. wooled $5.60: holdover ewes qnsold. Slapstick HORIZONTAL Answer to lWho la th man In th plctur? 13 Liquid part of - any fat 14 Audibly. 15 Shouted, n Inlet 18 Minute skin openings. 20 Verbal 21 Sudden over powering - fright 23 Irish fuel 24 Months (abbr.). 25 Matter-of-fact 27 Sneaky. 23 Suffix form ing nouns. 29 Period. 30 Chum. 32 Spanish (abbr.). 33 Waa vic torious. 34 Mover's track. 35 Exists. 37 Poem. 39 To permit 40 Seventh note. E T ON Elw A RDpIo lIoL cXEP:lGlAlLnNIAPg irT" 3"" T fa" 7 s 3"!oii 1- I is - i5 1 S U, r r lyll4ir" l-ln-lw ssi U mil rt n 1 1 a Portland Produce PORTLAND, Sept. 12. JPy-. Butter. Brlnta. him, si. .... dards, 22c. Butterfar. PArttafiit -tl- a grade, 20c per lb.; farmer's door delivery, 20a per lb. mt cream, 6o higher. Egg. Pad Mf TVrttl I, nnAn. era' selling prices: Overslie, 26o; . c; stanaards, 21c; mi dlnmt, lie: pullets, 14c per dog en. Buvlne nrl t v. i . iFresh extras, 21e per doseal ""'", no per dozen; under grade, 10c; pullets, 11 per dozen. Cheeae. St wam n-n n lt(, 11c; loaf. 12c per lb. Brok ers will pay lc below quotation!. Milk, contract price. 4, Port land deliver. I1.7A n -w c grade cream, 271c per lb. country meat, telling prle to retailers, country killed bog, beat butcher. nnAmr IRA IRa 11. to lc: realera. 70 to 100 Ibs.T 10 to ivic; spring iamb. 101 to lie per lb.; yearlings, 4 to t Per lb.; heavy ewes, lo to la per lb.; medium cowi, go to 4c par lb.; canner towa, 2 to le per lb.! ouns, etc to sc par in. Mohair, baying pries, 1992 slip, 15c per lb. Caacara bark, buying prita, 1938 peel, 21c. Hop, nominal, 1911, 44 ta 45c per lb. Live Banllrv. PnFtUns .ll.. buying price, colored fowl, 4 to id., no; over t id, lie; spring pallets, under 1 lbs.. 14c: roosters, over tl lhs . ls . Leghorn fowls, ovr 11 lb. 8c; under 11 lbt. lc; broilers, 11 to 2 lb., 15c; 2 lb, and np, 14o: III,. - VflABtAf-fl ttWlM ducks, 10c; colored docks, (e; gee bb, c Onion, Walla Walls, $1-11 to $1.40 per cental. ' Potatnea. IjwaI wlilf- m A 4 $1.35 to $1.60 per cental; Yaki ma, i.ou 10 gi.eo. Cantaloupe, Dlllard standard. SI 00; Talrlm fltafiriavila 7Rj 4a 90s per erat; Dalles, 75c to 90s per crate. Wool, 1933 ellp, nominal, Wil lamette valley, 21c to 25c per lb.; Eastern Oregon. 16c to 21a per lb.; Southern Idaho, 16c to 20o per lb. Hay, buying price from produc er, alfalfa. No. 1, new crop, $17.00; clover. No. 1, $14.00: Willamette ralley timothy. $15.00; Eastern Oregon timothy. $11.00: oat and grain. $15.04 per ton. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Sept 12. (AP) (IT. S. Dept Agr.) Hogs: 4t 000; active 10 higher; 180 230 lb. $4.50-4.60, top $4.(6; sows $3.75-2.26. Csttle: 7,500; steer and year ling trade slow, generally ateady; best early $6.60, but several loads held .above $6.75; about 500 western grassers la ran, mostly stackers and ah stock; stock steers sold on country ac count at $3.75-4.95; fed heifer yearlings steady to $5.25-6.76) grass fat cows $2.76-3.25; Ta era $7.00-8.00. sheep: lu.ooo; rat tamos ac tive strong to 25c higher; natlvea $7.25-7.60, asking npward ta $7.75 and above to toppy weet- . erns throwouts sround $4.00- ' 4.50, sheep steady; common to choice native and rang ewes around $1.60-2.75; choice 11 lb yearling ewes $8.25. Previous Pvnsle 12 Th Ictrd ' tna plays tbe , part t a vag-, abood with hlghe . 26 H t the stoat famons -hi Industry produced 4L 1$ Rodent, 17 Melody. 14 Crystanina ttrbctaaca., 21 CavK. 11 Beret 41 Popular tree. VERTICAL Mma walttaal 43 Peaceful. Painful tme- ' ta . 46 Projection et tlon of fear, eg Seaweeds, a lock. drtad and at- 29 Fat. 44 North America, borrane. 21 Tardy. 47 Like. I An asMssed 24 To strike. 43 Silkworm. name. 28 Hairy mt. 49 Stain. 4 Roll of Mis, 19 Falsifier. 61 UnconditlonaL 6 Cover. 40 To weary. 65 Equable. 6 Halt an em, 42 Not far frona 66 Pitcher. 7 To glitter. 44 At no time, 68 Lubricant 6 Sound of 60 Three. 69 War flyer laughter. 62 Toward. 10 and 41 The man 9 High mowv 63 Point in the plctur tain. - 64 Prophet gained world- 10 Deck above th 65 Small shield.' wide fame In spar -v 17 Nay . 11 Entices. 69 Preposition.