The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 13, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    Septpmber 13, 1033
I Saw-
TUre little buy under tlx
year ut at running: up anil
down th trail ovr Kaplan
site itfnt Tuesday niuralns
buut trom time. K, L.
Wlllanl (lunii The renlatar
at tli Wlilard hotel - Inrluiles
tb fnllowlnt iuwt llt:
Coleman. Seattle; rnxl Itolth
eteln, Brattl; C. A. Cutttr,
Portland: H. It. Ittnf, Port
lands 11. A. Mitchell, AroiK-o.
A. 1. Wrbolsoa, Seattle; Mxrl
P. Hssrer, Band; J. N. itlahup.
8alam; I. K. Measuer and wlte.
Ban Francisco; Pan Grey, Mad
fordl F. K. Luckey, 1'ortland:
H. O. Wll.on, Md!orl; O. K
ctmttb, Chlco: Mr. and Mrs. A.
(I. Utenthel, Ran Francisco; Ben
Richardson, Yreka, Cat.; W. 8.
Willlama, Yreka; R. 1. Btmpeou,
Medtord; John I.. Taylor, fort
land; U. 11. WilaUr, Cornells;
George Hoffman, 8tlll H.
aitbreatb. Portland; aeora Boe
ara, Portland; Natl Walter and
wlfa, Ban Francisco; V. M.
Heolt, San rranclaco; K. 0. Ly
tla. Band; Cba. Olltatta, Port
land; T. W. Thotnaa, Portland;
M. Carlton, Ban rranclaco; B
Mathara, Baa Francisco: ilucb
Hmltb. ZX rancb; V. -A. Sheerer
and wlfa, Seattle.
Return From Trip Mr. end
Mra. William Sorruja returned
last wek-nd from an extended
(our wavka trip through western
atataa. Whlla on tb tour Mr.
and Mra. Herruys rtatted Yellow-
atoo National park and raturn-
d via tha Dorttiarn atataa ronta
tbrooib waablniton. Bar run,
manager of tha Klamath llllllard
parlor, daclarad eondltlona look
much battar In tha Klamath
baaln than otbsr placaa wbara
ha Ttaltad.
(irliler llecelre Dlvorca
llasel Meal Ortdar wa grantad
a decre of dlTorca from Ueorse
Grlder- Tuesday morning. Tha
ault waa (lied In circuit court
Monday and tha decre mada
coaaibl Tuaaday by Judfa W.
M. Duncan orarruling a demurrer
(Had by tha datesilant. fio pro
parly rlghta wara involved in
tha ault.
Hall Hotel Gneet Vleitor
roclatercd at tha Hall hotal
Monday evening ware: I. O. Slum-
wall, Coluaa; 8. tarry, Seattle;
I. R. Frtdeaer. Aahland; B.
Stone,, Eugene; Charlne W. Hu
bert. SJeilford; W. at. conery,
Chlco: K. B. Anderson, Portland:
Fred X. Hamlin and wife. Port
land; C. C. Heldrich, gprague
Eastern Star to Mori Th (irat
meeting (or tha new club year
will be held by Aloba chapter of
Eastern Star in tha Maaonlo kali
thla (Tuesday) evening at t
o'clock, with Mra. W. .J. Stelu
men, worthy matron, and Dr.
Harold M. Brown, worthy patron,
Make Hualneaa Trip Edward
B. Aahuret, manager " of tha
Home Ownera' Loan eaaoclatlon
for thla district, accompanied by
8am atotherhead, district P-
pralner, are. apending a (aw daya
In Band on a Business vian.
Tbay expect to return Wednee
Dlvorre Granted Turnkey Cir
cuit Judaa William Duncan elan
ad a divorce decree In circuit
court Tueaday morning (or Inea
H. Schneider agalnit Cbarlaa O.
Schneider. Plaintiff waa grant
ad tha cuatodv of a minor child
Defendant waa charged with cruel
and Inhuman treatment.
Kvaiun-lltt Here Evangcllat
Donald Smith of Salem. Ore., will
preach In the tent at Main and
Broad atraeta each evening thla
week. Meetings have been hetd
at tha tent continuously this
summer, and have been welt at
tended. Given ftaftjMwicd Sentence
William E. Krouier, arreated and
Jielu Monday on morale charge,
waa given si ntontha append
ed acntenca to tbe county Jail
by Juatir of the Peace W. B.
Barnea, providing Krouaer leave
tha city immediately.
Comlltfong Improve Tha con
dltlon of Mra. Charlea N. Howe,
wtio waa aeriouaiy injured in an
automobile accident Sunday at
ternoon, waa reported to be om-
what improved, according to at
tendanta at Klamath Valley hoe-
pltal where aha la patient. ,
Daughter Born Mr. and Mra.
Charlea Catee of Hlldebrand are
tha parents of a baby daughter,
weighing t pound, wiio waa
born at the Cottage hospital,
September g.
(lemma to Stockton P. H
Cartwrlglit returned to Stockton
Monday after apending the jiast
three week vlaltlng with hie
family In Klamath Fall.
itctnrna Homo M. A. Emmltt,
Klamatb pioneer, baa returned
from Hoaebttrg, where he enjoy
ed a week' vlalt with relatlvea
and frlonda.
Itcturn From South Mra. Lee
Kennedy and daughter, Jesalo
have returned home after
three weeka vlalt In Sacramento
Theatre of Tha "Writ 1
Hedge Kvane, Frank Morgan,
Clinrlee Iltitterwortli,
It' (aat and funny!
l.eK- Tueaday Mia laabal
Vanderbum left Tueaday morning
fur her home (n Arenco. Or..
after apending tb past 10 daya
vlaltlng her bauther-tn-iaw and
alatar, Mr, and Mra. ldor Hen-
etika at their noma ou tiigtt
HlHieumnn Vlalt Maurice
Crystal, Klamath county sheep
man who la running bla atoca
ou the reservation, waa a busl
neee visitor In Klamatb Pail
Make linaiflrae Trip 1. T.
Penrod baa left for Spragua
Ktver where be will spend sev
eral daya on buefnee.
tnaurance Agent Meet Th
Klamath lursnce Ageota as
aoclatlon will hold Ita regular
monthly luncliaon meeting Wed
nesday noon at th Wlliard hotel.
fleetly Patient Llttl Irvtn
Welser, Jr., of Destty, Is s pa
tient at Klamatb Valley hospital
where lie 1 receiving medical
car. He la two yeara Old.
Leave Hoepitai Mlaa Thai ma
North, who recently underwent
a major operation at Klamath
valley hospital, returned to bar
home Tueaday. ,
Name Announced Mr. and
Mra. K. D. Jlussard of 111 Main
atreet have chosen tha same,
Janet Kutb, (or tbelr baby
daughter born recently at Hill
side bospltal.
(fellta ltaliy Named Richard
Dale la the name chosen by Mr.
and Mrs. 1. U Collins of 1427
Oregon avenue (or their Infant
son born recently at Hillside bos
pltal. Railroad Man Here J. VI.
Fiiscereld. district auperluteu-
dent tor the Southern Pacific,
with headquarters In Duuaraulr,
Calif., la a bualnosa visitor In
Klamatb rails.
ftoturns From South Mlaa
Ann Avery returned Tuoday
morning from San Franclaco
wher she enjoyud 10 days
visit with bor sister.
Make Buslneu Trip E. K.
fhllcole, prominet,. realtor and
Insurance dealer of tbe city, la
making a brlat business trip to
Snragu River Patient Mra.
Claude Wbltford of Bprague
River la a patient at Hillside
bospltal where b la receiving
medical treatment.
Nam Bali Roy Mr. and Mra.
A. U. Msrlow of tbe Linda Vista
apartmenta hat named their
baby boy, born recently at Hill
side hospital, Toomaa Arthur.
IX-Molay to Meet The regular
meeting of the Order of DrMolay
will be held Thuraday at 7:10
p. m. Is th Masonic sail,
Haa Minor Oixrntinu Mrs.
Pet Olvier of Fort Klamatb is
recovering from a minor operation-
at th Cottage hospital.
Hoanlta! Patient Mra. George
Tuguot of 701 North Eleventh
atreet la a patient at th Cottage
rmleriroe Operation Mra.
Hilda Eckman of IS1 HUlaide
street underwent ft major opera-
tion Tueaday at Hiilaid hospital.
Recutita From Portland Mra
Claude MrCollorh baa returned
from Portland, wher ah baa
spent tb past few months.
Courthouse Records
Divorce Suite Filed none.
Other Suite 'riled -J.
D. PettlnglU versus Great
Northern Hallway. Amount in
volved . $2,700 (or which plain
tiff alleges la equal to extent of
damages received In accident,
Clem Brown veraua Bersardln
Charlotte Brown. Piaintftt grant
ed decree of divorce on charge
of desertion. Coup! married
In France In 1918.
Han-I Neat Orlder granted
decree of divorc from George
Urlder on charge of cruel and
Inhuman treatment. Couple
married In Metiford in 1928.
Incs H. Schneider vcrene
Charlea O. Schneider. Plaintiff
granted divorce on charge of
eruel and inhnman treatment
and (ranted custody of a minor
child. .
e e
Order Signed!
Decree: Bertba i. Holden
versua William Jones at al.
Plaintiff declared to b owner
in fee simple of described real
' Decree: R. W. Smith Toraua
Wallace D, Sticb, at al. Plain
tiff received judgment (or
(6tle.S5 and 1100 attorney feet.
Morigng ordered foreclosed.
Dismissal: Order of dismissal
(or the ault, C. I. T. Corporation
versus OstendorC Motor company.
e e
Justice of Peace Court
William K. Krouaer, appearing
on. a moral cbtrrg given six
month anapemled sentence in tbx
county Jail providing b leave,
the county.
A i rtpbint
mystery drdma
m a i ae
nmk MtHegb) Alias UMr,
Forty ntrlea of tummr blog-
soms at tb annual flower show :
apontorad by tb Women' Lt-:
brary club Monday afternoon
made up Is Quality what waa;
lacked 1b Quantity, and an
award war mad to to two
elass of exhibits, -
Flowers were arrsnssd In ar-
tlatle bouquet with bo limit to :
sis, or la display appropriate:
for tab! decoration. Is the
first clest, artistic bounuels.
Mr. J. Percy Well waa award-:
d first prlie for -charming
arrangement of gladioli. Mra. :
Lesli Roger took second plac :
with ft lovely basket of pmk cos-:
mos, and Mrs. D. K. Clemens:
took th third prli with bug:
basket of slnnlas sod foldeo
In attractive table arrange-:
menta, Mra. L. L. flendrlrk
was awarded first prise for a
low bowl of dahlias arranged in
a water-illy effect. Mrs, G. A.
Kraua took aecond place wit
ft colorful bowl of marigolds sod
mountain ash berrfva, and Mra. :
George Lludley took (bird pris
for an arrangement o( lavender
cosmos, golden glow ftsd goldeo
rod. Many (lower lovers end garden
enthusiasts (ailed to enter their
biooma because of tbe peculiar
ity of th past growing season
which ha not bees propitious
for, flower eiceltente.
Mra. L. U. Hendricks waa la
charge of tbe arrangement for
the flower show, and had only
three daya In vblt'h to prepare
for the event. Mra. Neat Stewart
bad been named chairman of tbe
committee earlier in th aummer,
but Mrs. Hendricks was forced
to take her piac ob abort notice
when Mrs. Btewart was taken 111
aaveral daya ago.
More than 100 members of
the Library club and their
frienda enjoyed tbe fall luncheon,
and many mor called to see tbe
flowers during tb afternoon. .
Vital Statistics
CATES Bora to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cate of Hlldebrand
at the Cottage hospital, Septem
ber t. 1833, girl, weight t
MAUN, Or. ailsc Violet
Judy nd her brother wr visit
or la jSJftl.n TriiBf nroute.
home from Douglas,' Wyoming
where they peut their vacation.
Fred Judy is a medical achooi
itudent. Miss Judjr will resume
'hnr teach in j ia Kiat&ata count?
schools, been transferred
trom Matia to ti)e lieniey high
Mrs. C. J. Van Orsdel,. presi
dent; of tbe Malin Ubrsrr club.
and Mrs. Joe Kotera, iibrarian
attesdea tne bs111bt coc rent ion
of Klamath county branch llbrar-
isos st tbe county llbrsry lo
Kfaroath Kalis Thursday morn
ing, Tbe meeting bs contlucatl
by Miss Margaret Nye, librarian,
and ft funvbeon at tbe Pelican
griil concluded the session.
Mrs. John L. Bat ley has mored
into th i'aspice apartments and
will bare charge of the csicterls.
LKSN'OX Mr. Pearl Gibson
proprietor of tbe Sunshine Jer
aey milk aUttion, la having the
station remodeled. Tb station
ha been moved to the Dory
cabinet shop while th remodel'
ing 1 being done. Mrs. tlibson
plans to open up a grocery store
In connection with til otllk ata-
tlon when the building ta com
The revival meeting conduct
ed by Rev. L. B. Sigle of the
First Baptist church are being
welt attended.
Mrs. Ray Condlt returned
Thursday from Vernonia, where
she spent the past week visitinx
relatives. She was accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. H. Howell. Mr.
Howell was called tber to at
tend the funeral of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weaver
and faintly spent the week-end
in Rogue Rlvr valley.
Motaoitoea r tb . favorite
dish of the bat, ao th city of
a& Antonio, texae. erects bst
roosts to encourage mora bat
to patrol tha TiciuHy.
War conducted by irregular
banns of raiders in conjunction
with regular warfnre. Is known
as guerrilla .warfare; guerrilla
is Spanish for "llttl war."
, Will require TWO kbtracter certifi
cates for each abstract. ' . x
We will make the TWO certificates for
the regular charge of ONE on all these
emergency loans,
Wilson Title 8C Abstract Co.
Bit Main Street '- '
Abstracts or Title Insurance
"We'Bo Our Part'
Klamath Empire News
iioier our
' B1EBER. Calif. Covarrt wa
gons, s lot cabin and a ataked-
out mining taim in minister
mad ft cntrpiec for th iiaa-
tjuet table when old resident
sf file Valley and tb Blinoor-
Ing territory were tb gtief's of
Mt. LftsaeB Parlor, av
Daughter of the Ootdea West.
Frloajr at -ite annual "pionwr
dtnncf" la Bleber.
Robert O. VeaUt of Pittviiie.
bora In Fall Klver Valley S
yeara ago, carried off th honor
among those present for length
of residence. ir. Lily M. 8cJiott,
who bom la soiitsaast of Bl
ber. would bar beaten him by
year, but Illness prevented her
from attending. Ira tannon, j,
and Mrs. Belle Bombard, tl,
both of Adfn, war th oldeat
serson st tb dlonsr. Cannon
cam to Sic Valley in 1S75 and
Mra. Southard la I87.
Talks, chiefly on oldtte to
pics, ware made by 3. I. Potter
of Lookout, T. i. uurie, y. b.
Phllllber. Mrs. Carrl Kellogg
and Andrew Babcock.
Other guest include Mr. and
Mrs. 8. J. jamea. J. W. South
ard. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bath.
Mr. D. T. Ca. Nisi ITersoO.
Mrs. Fred Kasoer. Mr. adS Mrs.
Q. W. Harvey, Mra. Andrew Bao-
.cock. fjeorge W. Loomls, Mra.
VlrgJula Adams, Mra. J. J. fos
ter. Mrs. Mattl Wbtttai, Mr.
T. 1. Darfe. Mra. C L. Fraoier,
Frank Holmes, Mrs. fiente
TbontpsoB. Mr. R. O. Vestal
and Mr. Ira Cannon.
Mra. Ketti McKenil. Mrs.
Marl Walsh ftnd Mra. Anoy
Mitchell war tbe Katlv rfaugb-
ters committee Is charge o( the
affair. Mra. Vlra Ai&augh or m
Unas. Miss Muriel McKemie.
Mrs. Kettie Harvey. Miss Rotb
Jack and Mra. Bsssi Chac fur-
sisbed entertainment.
ML'nRILU Ore. Mrs, O. F.
Myera enterUlned tb members
of tb Bridget club at bar borne
Thursday at luncheon. Two ta
ble ot bridge wen played. High
cor waa won by Mrs. Price
and low score by Mra. ffVbaek.
Gueata were- Mesdames l.ucii.
Heifer, Kathleen Hepbura, Adah
Hunter. Alice Price, orace Bi,
Nina JCyback, and Mlsae Mar
caret Siaymaker and Benlsb
Miaa Gertrud Toll was tbe
guest - ot honor at surprise
nartv at th home of ber par
ents Wednesday afternoon. Me
damee P. D. Lewis, T. A. Blake
and Fred Fletcher being Boat-
essee (or the afternoon. Miss
Toll was given s handkerchlet
shower. Mlsa Tolie left Friday
(or Pullman, Wash., wher aha
will teach la th high achooi.
(James were played during the
afternoon, prfte going to Mr.
V. F. Mjer and Mr. E. F. Mer
rltt. Refreshment were served.
Guests were Mesdsmes William
Walker, Arthur Frailer, J. W.
Srogsin. Oeorg Offleld, Frank
Hunolctitt. V. r. Myera, J. W.
Taylor, Stanley Anderson, W. F.
Fruits. M. Hartterode, 4. Goida
worthy and Calvin Prton of
Klamatb Falls. E. F. Merritt. L.
Book, W. F. Hill. Ralpb Aosted.
S. H. Jewell. William HuSeo, W.
F. Jinnette, L. T. Hill, M. A.
Bowman. O. W. Kltscheim o(
Klamatb Fall, Velton Hssklns.
C. H. Cirletoo ftnd Misses May
Toll, Marjorie Bowman, Anna
bel and Geraldln Fotberingbatn,
Benlab Myers and Lola Fergu
son. Tb booor guest nd th
Mi Edltb Benson wa the
honor guest t ft surprise party
Friday evening; tbe occasion
ing her eighteenth birthday. Her
mother, Mra. M. W. Howard,
was hostess. The lawa waa at
tractively decorated wltb atrlngs
of electric lights and games were
played on the lawn, later In tb
evening dsnefng was enjoyed. A
lntich waa served by the host
ess. Mlsa Benson received majiy
beantlftit gl. Gneata wer Mrs.
Frank Zlabek nd Mr. Or A.,
Barrows, Meliaaa Hrrodei
Fannette Offleld, HelctrWiS"'
Pauline Thorn, May aao Lena
O'Conner, Ethelda Knoit, Beaiah
Mjars, Margaret Ferguson, La
clla and Rose Marie Barrows.
Mona Fans. Ida Myers, Mary
Oalsrneau, Evelyn Henasrin, Mal
ta Miller, (.nciS Osborne, Pearl
Beaslcv, and Albert Bla, Her
man Hodges, . Pierce Hodges,
Walter Thorn, l.oyd Myers, Joe
Ferguson, Richard Anderson.
Bill Rogers, Vernon May and
Atvla Oeborn.
Th Merrill Rebekaa Lodge
held Its meeting Monday re
nin. It wa voted to bv a
aocia! at th next meeting, "Sept.
IS, observing tb founding of
the Bobcxflfc lodge, A program
wilt be gives and refreshments
served. Tb member of th 1.
O. O. r. tndjta wiit i Invited.
Mr. tai Mra. Vrn Wick and
daughter. Utiles, ftnd Mr. and
Mr. Myrea Wick of Cottage
Orov wer week-end guests of
Mr, and Mr. Frank Vaa
fr-Befuek. Ted Pearl of Cottage
firovs waa a dinner guest an
gttsdey of- Mr, snd Vti. Van
Freak Merrlii of CarvaliU
(pent tb week-end at tb borne
of Mr, sod Mr. W. F. iiBM'.te.
Edward Goeckaer of Eugene
spent the bolldsys Is Merrill a
tb gueet of Mr. and Mr. R. B.
Asdersos. Tb weaaing ei r.
Ooeckner and Mit Helen And
erson will be sn vst ot riy
Mr. od Mrs. LaBcy Book
pent th week-end ia Central
Point guest of Mrs. Book's
parents, Mr. and Mra. C. K.
Mr. and Mra. Stanley Piaev o(
Klamatb Falla nd Mrs. Chas.
1. Studer and aoa, Robert Mar
tin and Mlsa Wasd Albert of
CbllofiBis were dinner guaata t
tb bom of Mr. and Mrs, B. H.
AsdersoB Monday.
Mra. C. A. Barrow and dasgb-
ter, Lac!!!, apeat tb weekend
with Mr. Barrow's mother, Mr.
F. Zlabek at Maiia.
Miaa Maud tarietoB, woo ns
been spending tb aammer at
uaction t'ltr, wa tb got of
Mr. nd Mrs. B. H. Carietoa lor
several daya.
Mr. and Mr. M. A. Bowman
had a dinner guest Sasday:
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Moor.
Walter Btranss and teeter;
Moore spent Saaday with Mr.:
Strauss' parent Br Central
Mra. K. C. Burke bs reinrn
d to Merrill alter apendtag the
aummer at Pellcao camp Ko. i.
on the Diamond lake road.
Mr. and Mr. H. F, Toll and
Mis May Tolie apeat tbe week
end at Diamond lake. They spent
several hour t Crater lake on
their way horn.
Mr. and Mr. W. C. Bailer
spent Sunday at tb Jv bed.
They were joined by cousin of
Mrs. Bailey (rom Ait Mra, Calif.
Mr. Bd Sire. Barton King
visited with Mrs. Kin" par
ent last week. Mr. King re
turned to MirsMteld, wher be
ia employed.
Mrs. King will tsars ftgala
this year at th West Side acbool
at Taleiake. Th school opened
Mr. and Mrs. RoWoett bar
moved to Merrill. Mr. Rs&inette
will teach in th aeflool ot Mer
rill this winter. '
Mr. ad Mra. W. R. WynBt,
Gordon and Jck Wysant spent
Sunday at Mt. Hebron. Calif.
gaest of M. Wynsnt brother
and (amlly.,
Mra. C. 8. Davis and daughter,
Laeila Lee ftnd S. Katterhorn
left Thuraday (or Cbico, C!if.,
where Mr. Davis will visit her
parents, Mr. ana Mr, ferry
Whitney. Mr. Katterhors is ft
brother of Mr. Whitney.
Langell Valley,
Mr. Eftoert of Sioai City, 8. B.,
ia visiting her with relative
and friends.
John Tbew. Chas. Loom is ftnd
Dale and Frank Brown accompan
ied Mr. and Mr. Frank Sextos
to tbe state (air t Salem.
Tbe second annual picBic t(
former Owena Valley, Calif, resi
dents will be held Sunday, Sep
tember 17, at the Frank Dear
bora ranch la Langell Valley.
All former reetdeats of Owena
Valley are urged to ttcnd ssd
bring ft basket lunch.
Cbaria Portng. Jr. ol Bishop,
Calif., has purchased tb Egbert
Among those fttteadiag the a
aaai Lakeview roand-np wer
Mr. and Mr. F. S. Thompioa,
Mrs. Mary Dearborn and son
Myron, Miss Mary Langell, Mr.
and Mra. Owen Peppi and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Horsiey
and family and Mr, and Mr.
Orln Johnson.
Iter. i. Henry Thotnaa waa ia
r-5 -v ..aviv-
She raiiey (or a few day. Mr.
Thoma returned with elm to
Berkeley, Calif.
Mis Franc Thew ssd Mr.
Arthur florsiey. member of tb
valley yosBger t, wr.
la marriage iaat Sasday,
Mr. ftnd Mrs. !. W, Monro snd
family are rfmisg relative ad
friend at vartoos points lo Cali
fornia. Tb ferldf dss wa sterlsis-
ed at iuacbe&a at tb boat
of Mr. S. M. Tr Tsssdfty sf-
tersooa, ,
Mr. Fitrbagfl ssd cblldrss,
Mrs. Walter Smith and ebiidrea
and Arthsr fttosroe sst last
Thursday oa a cicale ia ta hiiia
at th Smith ranch.
Mr. cad Mr. Clifford Jackson
9est (ctr Day t tbe boss of
Mrs. Jackson' parents. Mr. ad
Mrs. R. kf. Tear. Tb Jacksoss
aav rataraei to Klamatb Fail
after living or tb past two
year ia 8a Francisco.
Mr. Uord Qi!t and Mrs. P.
R. Monro spent aavnai daya
at ' tb blackberry patch sear
tirsat Pas.
Mr. Tatti mad ft business
trip to Grant Pas.
Tb Keller family has moved
(rom tb Tattle ranch to tb
old school sobs os tb i. HeBry
Toomaa ranch.
POE VA1X.ET, Ore. Sr. ssd
Mra. I-oaea Sea ar enioyinf a
visit from iit. Ksss' saresu, Mr.
and Mr. Dick Eos and brother.
George Bos sod family, oS Santa
Kusa, Caiif.
Mrs. Archie Hobcrt ssd fam
ily, Seort Savia, Mra. Homer
and Kay Koserts, Jdsxls ssd
dowrey Roaeria, Jtrae and Doa
sld Robert ssd 3iii jadssts re-
taraed (rom Haekleberry aoaa
tais ktosdsy. They- resorted that
the (irat berry crop ia aaoat goae
bst the second will boss o ready
(or pickinc.
arl Kester si TbIs lsk was
ta tbe vaiiey satberias hi beef
cattle Wedsesdsy. H was as
sisted by Glea Keater. -
Threrfslns; 1 is isll swlos ia
th vaiiey. Tb Kork ad Hoii
hoBser Tlgf sr rss&lss tall
time. Homer Robert and eos
hsv their cosihls is the Hen
ley district at tb present time.
Lee Booert ssd Jess licFsl!
aasaed tnrosgb tbe vaiiey with
ft bench ot estti Thursday.
Mrs, Ctairage and aoa Wiiiiaat ;
reenrnea rrost iiijnoss fast wees,
waera they were called by tbe
accidental death si lira. Clalr
age's bnsband.
Rex liiso sa sees cossblslsc
araia on hi asper vaiiey ranch.
Tbe dry land srais is fflrisg a
heavier yield than wa expected.
Beany Xork, 3r. has bees hav
ing considerable troabi with bia
throat. He wss takes is ft physi
cian Snnday.
Lftsra Bd Marl Kork sad
Kra. Clara Van Meter returned :
(roat ft trip to th Hsckleserry
aateb Taesday srber they ob
tained several gallons ot berries.
Lesli Fraitt, George and Eiar
oid Davis took s track to the
Koga River conntry test week
and returned with s iosd of trait.
Mrs. Hayne wa a efaitor t
th Xork boms Sssday.
Mr. aad Mrs. Daraeil aad
Betty Joyce, bar returned to
prepare (or tb opening of ta
fail terss ot school.
cad Sssisiii has sgftiB hecos
th aataii aaaataia baatiet that
it 1 sis siosih sst ot th
year. Tbe ataay snmzner boat
. Note Playing!
Just WlTat The
I Doctor Ordered
I For That Tired
Feeling . , .
it seldom wiio".
Vaa iatt know
b wt imf yf
Paramount News
, PtXLE'
I i
i '
eoioBiit wno coss bar frost
11 psr! ttt tb United Stti ta
end their venation bar sear
if 3 !Hrnd to tbeir boat.
Tb Sea C. Oey family ha
left. Mr. Bey left tor Jisw York
City ev a week go. Mr, Bey
lft OEsy, Mr. Key 1 gen
eral eoaatel for th. Sostssrs
Pacifle fompasy.
Of. w. s, Cffy at 8B Fra-
eaatptay, waa called wy te t
tsd these Jsjared ia ib S, P.
wrck waea bridge u wasa
d swsy by flood is Kw Mex
ico. Mr. Coffey aad Mi lA'itz
ecssiBBltd his.
Mr. ad Mra. Paai (wrres ad
dsngbtsrs isft isst wk. Mr.
farrea it eeaaiai tot tb i. P.
eoBtpssy, Th ?srs heos 3
ia fortUad.
Th school rsSldrss of
d Sasmit will ieav Taaaday
tor tb different places wher
thy wiit ttad achooi. Mr. A.
Jon will ejov to Crescent
t with Anna Lee and Ac ca
lve Joae. Mar; Briiey will sisc
stisca school ia Crescent Uu.
fraac Sriiey sad Roland Por
ter will sttsad acbeoi ia atiam-
atb talis, prase Brllejr wiii
sttesd K. V. H. S, and Roland
Porter wiii sttead Mills school.
Mr, and Mrs, Ol Liadiaad
and Mr. and Mra. WIS Petersss
spent Saady at Bobby lake.
They wer ssccesslal Is cstchisg
sissy jrc fisij.
Mr. A. Jones and ebiidrss ssd
Mrs. Xtayisa Bart apeat Maaday
ia agea aaoaataa.
Mr. asd Mr. Hoy Teatsl are
managing Summit isd( sd
or at sreseat.
t,'cv3 Summit ha sees vls-
ited sr trot several aixbta fahfac. Sta;r hi tttar s &
tb pat two week. Th
men of
& It usual!? takes & jwaSsaclie of leT fB
ob your bead before 70a reaMzs ftt atuiriB, w
uggaat trip through ur new fall sportswear sec
tion . , . there are jsnsy new Bportey thiagi jut
we're tmly going to Bserrtiea coup.
Mz$h'Shim Shower
ffcj' T V i
New Shades
New Styles,,,
The sport lSp-oa jacket
so popular this cessots.
Adjustable buckles st
hips ... many new faH
. shades ' . . Ws a "shine
snd shower" germest.
Coat iesgth with aU-arouad beit aad a ?arley cf
coIIbt ire&imesU . mar.y uew shades in these 1SS4
sr3ettsl sports costs thst iKBgli t showsrs.
Riding Breeches
Lsdles whipcord riding breeches ia Sight taa or
brown ... leBlher reinforced si itsees smartly
tailored is military cat , , , battoa legs , . ideal for
baatfeg for ail oat-doer wear.
Your for
dests ar xsctlaf ia
eefor lost.
71hr Brae Co&atmctteet
coBSBaay of Qrefos City bss
rived at She t end at Lake
&dii. Tbi eoBtBaay bac ss
swtrded ih coatnet to eita
tear tztt a. half atiie of rlsSt
of way &r Tb Saiisa-Caiitevai,
biebway. Taey cr baUdlsc
Iscce ossirsffioa ata oa G?iii
ere. They wiii tits east His.
Kesscr'a tsbia and coital.
Pioneers To Lunch
At Church Friday
A iBBrbees sossriaf "picaeee
Kbaal sjiria- wiii a held rrtity,
Bsptenjoer It, at I o'clock at
th i'irtt Metbsditt cburcs sn
de? tb ftssslce st Sii aioa
aroasa, aecordiaaj to a s
BtBcssss (rsat sirs, f-ranra
X, &fiy beraeit oa at tb statt
promiaect sissr ia this
iios of th ttat.
PaiiowisaT iOBthsos, a s&ciai
aiterasea ot talk a4 remisis
cecoe wiii it tcjoysd is ti.
chorci- parlor.
Ofiricha baicje anraaed er
rack; f rossd, tirow stsss with
arrest tore at tb 5artar; tit
rest bird sot swart
this act, bawvr.
Don't Suffer From Sour '
Stomsdi, tadicetsias
ladlfeatlsa, acidity, beartbarat
end soar stomach tts lead ts
aerioas tomacb traabia. Dr.
Emir Aii. Tsbits ssstrs
the eoadiliAaa. ftivs, aniea- veto
rtsi-jKnner Drat; Co.
Leather Coats
sand Jackets
ette process jacket by tie
famous reEker of "To?fii
bS Coujjtry spsrtswMr,
Siowr proof leather
3'sf kets is both suede sd
caSfafcia r datiscily
Fall Sporwr