The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, September 10, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    September 10, 1933
Dr. Marvin A. (Mnl) Hluvtina.
fnrniar hrad tool lull coach and
now Ireahman ooacb at Yala, to-day
threw a bnmbiih))l Into tha
annual rulaa Intariirolallon moat
ing o( lh ualvrn Intnrcnllaglnt
aanclatton when ha said ha es
poctnd again to oa "la or 40
doalht from toothall Injurloa -lila
fall." I t
Addroaalng a mooting ol
roacha. ottlrlals and atlUaUfl
directors on tha "control and
triatinaiit ol (ontball Injurloa."
Htarana aald murh work muat
ha dona bafnra thara would ba a
notlcaabl doorsaaa In Injurloa
and daaths (rom tha lama.
Thara ara atlll too many
youngslar. apoclally on play
(round and high achool too mi.
ualng Inforlnr aqulpmont and
playlni without proper super
ylslon, ha aald.
Sccratary Wallace aald today
ha bad authorized 136 packing
planli at 13 procusalng polnta
to handle the pllta and aowa
ilauihtered under the ninrgoncy
bog marketing program.
Under tha contract!, ha aald
n a atatement. tha agriculture
lepartment la given a crodlt ol
live centa per hundred pounda,
Iva weight baali. for aowa killed
ind IS centa lor plga.
Mae De Rosier
To Open Studio
Mae Dnlloaler who haa opr
Bird claaalral and ballroom danc
Ing claaaea In Klamath Kalla lor
the paat two yoara, returned tlila
week-end aftor aludylng the let
eat modern atepa In California
and coaat cltlea and will reopen
her itudlo In the rellran th
lira building, September It.
Mlaa DeRoaler eipecti to or-
anlie claaaea ol children and
bualnaaa women and Inatruct
them In the lateat ballet and
ball room atepa during tha tall
nd winter monlha.
Former atudenta and membera
of bualneea women'a claaaea ara
aaked to call at tha new office
In tha Pelican theatre building.
Thoae unable to make connoo-
tlona with Mlaa DeKoaler at her
otflre are requeated to call her
at tha White Plna apartmenta.
Society of Week
Women of Realties
Begin Champion- j
ship Play.
Twenty of tha woman mem
bera of Hoama Uolf and Coun
try club qualified Friday for the
hnmplonehlp tournament wnlrh
will continue throughout the
mouth of Hepteiuner. Play be-.
gun at ulna o'clock In the mo
Mra. R. W. Mnraerean and
Mra. W. L. Qulnn tied lor low
groaa acoro, ' and Mra. 0. A.
Krauae, Mra. P. A. Alhr!aon and
Mra. C. I. Roberta tied for low
Qualifying lor tha vomon's
champlonahlp In all three ''.-hit
will oontlnua until Wednesday
evening, according to tha oom-
mlttea In charge. Tha thlnl
flight waa ahort Friday, and It
bna been requested that more
playnra In thla flight turn out
lor tho tournament by Woclnes-
Krlday waa tha flrat day of
play alnra early aummnr, when
the women golf enthualiiata be
gan their vacation from the
Tha engagement ol Mlaa
Elolae Long, daughter ol Mr.
and Mra. C. U. 1-ong, to Mr.
Uarold lllghley. of thla clly. waa
announced Friday evening to a
group of Irlenda at the Ixing
home on Oregon avenue.
The evening waa eitent In
gamee and dancing, and aupuer
aerved at midnight, during wblcb
the engagement waa cleverly announced.
(Junta at tha hotrothal party
were: Missca Martha Annla, Eva
Hrumlile. Hoaale l.aiitte-, Dor
othy Tedrlck and Marjnrle Davis.
Meaara Lavern Tedrlck. Itonam
Sexton. Al Donahue, George Don
ahue, Ed Hadley and Jamea Mc-
Alpln, Mr. and Mra. men Perry,
and the honor gueata, Mlaa Long
and Mr. lllghley.
e e
Tha Eaat Klamath Improve
ment club and auxiliary held
their regular bualneaa meeting
Wedneaday evening. Several Im
portant bualneaa mattora were die
cuaaed, and plana formulated for
a picnic to he held Bundsy, Sep
tember tenth at Moora park
Tranaportatton will be
If thoae winning to go will meet
In front of the club room on
Eaat .Main atreet at 10:00 o'clock
8unday morning.
e e e
The Woraan'a Foreign Mla-
alonary aoclety of the Flrat M
E. church met In tha church
parlora Thursday afternoon with
Mra. D. M. Smith prealdlng and
I Mra. H. E. Momyer leading tha
devotlona. Song, "Open Thou
Mine Eyes," Prayera, Mra. U. M.
Hmltb, Mra. Richard Darnlelle.
A brief bualneaa aeaalon waa
held at which time the following
officers were elected lor the en
aulng year. Proaideut, , Mra. D.
M. Smith; vlce-prealdent, Mra.
Maude Maddox: Cor. aecretiu .
Mra. Richard Darnlollo; Hue
aecretary, Mra. W. K. Comlnge;
treaaurer, Mra. L. N. lirannon;
extension aoc., Mra. John aden;
atttwardehlp aoe Mra. Claude L.
Kelaey; L. L. U oarer aupt.,
Mra. Klley D. Ilonaon; mite box
aec., Mra. It. A. Lyon; king her
ald aupt., Mra. Richard Darnlole.
Extensive pinna were made lor
tha Caacade Dlalrlct convention
to convene In flrat church here
Hoptemher 31. Prayera were ot
tered by Meadatnea Kulany. Com
Inge, Lyon. The Doiology cloaed
the mooting.
e e e
Ewauna Circle, Nolghbora of
Woodcmlt met Wednoaday, 8ep
tnmlier alxlh In the I. O. O. P.
hull. Following tho oponlng coro
moiilea, gueata (rom neighboring
clrclea were greoted by a aong
ol welcome, aung by Mra. Eliza
beth Handera, to which the
gueata reaponded with Intereatlng
talka and anecdotea.
The bualneaa aeaalon waa fol
lowed by a program conalatlng
of the following numbere: song
leat, by tha circle and gueata;
wnltx-log, by Ada Marie MrDan
lel and Gertrude Nybatk; vocal
aolo, by Alicia Marie Davenport,
accompanied by Stella Albera;
Jtalnhow aong, by aeven Wood
cruft Juvenllea; vocal goto by
Mra. Elizabeth Sanders, accom
panied by Mra. Mildred Smith;
Reading, by Jean Eachle; come
dyaklt, "A big Dvpreaaion." by
Stella Peraell. Inea Ron 'na,
Dixie Weed. Mildred Smith and
Not McDanlel, Alicia Davenport
and gather hellingliam, all mem
bera of tha circle.
A banquet followed tha pro
gram, and the rest of the eve
ning waa apent with mualc and
e e e
Mlaa Vera Thompson enter
tained tha Madame de Stae)
chapter ol Roycroft Junto at
her home on Walnut avenue
Tuesday evening. The next Jun
to meeting will be held at the
home ol Mra. Eugene Fulton
on Hillside avenue on Septem
ber ID when "Handel" will be
the dlscueeton topic.
e e
Judge and Mra. William M
Duncan, and aon George, re
turned Friday evening Irom San
Francisco, where they have
apent tha paat few daye vlalllng
e e e
On Sunday evening at t:00
o'clock, at the home of the of
ficiating mlnlater. Rev. Arthur
Charles Bates, of the Flrat Chris
tian church, at 528 Lincoln
street. Miss Franrea Maria Thew
and Mr. A. L. Horsley of Bo
nanza were united In marriage.
The young couple will make
their bom In Lang ell Valley,
e e e
Tha llrldglt bridge club met
at the borne of Mrs. Lola My era
at Merrill thla week (or a on
o'clock luncheon. The afternoon
waa apent In bridge, with high
score awarded to Alice Prlc and
conaolutlon going to Nina Ny
back. Tha next meeting will ba
held at the boma of Mra. Ny
back, at !83 Illy atreet.
Mlaa Leah Shoop of Vancouver.
0, C, arrived Tuesday to visit
ber brother and slater-ln-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Shoop at their
home on North Second atreet.
e e e
. Mr. A. W. Hammol waa the
guest of honor at a aurprlae
birthday party given him by a
group of Men'. Wedneaday ova-
ning In th Eaat Klamath Im
provement club room, following
th regul-r meeting of th club.
Pinochle waa enjoyed during the
evening, with seven table In
Pelican -Now playing "Hero
for Bale," with Richard Barthol
in eas.
Plna Tree "Th Sport Pa
red." with Joel McCrea and
Marian Marsh.
Rainbow "Three On a Match"
with Warren William, Ann Dvo
rak, Joan Ulondell and Bait
Vox Now playing. "Tb0 Nuis
ance," with Lee Tracy and Madge
Georg Klnrald, chairman of
the Klamath Falls boxing com
mission, announced Saturday
morning the commlsalon had ac
cepted the . resignation ol Dr.
George II. Adler as Ita physi
cian. Dr. C. E. Morrison haa
been appointed to fill th va
cancy. Klncalil, unwilling to enlarge
upon the Incident, aald the ac
tion was taken by th commis
sion Friday night. Dr. Adler.
however, revenlcd that ther had
been some dispute within the
commission and denied resign
ing. "I did not resign aa physician
to the boxing commission Aa re
ported Saturday mornlnx- At a
meeting of tha commission Fri
day night, 1 am told that Chair
man George Klncald, who I
know for personal reasons de
sired my removal, effected my
release ostensibly on th cbarjea
that I have claimed var'-n
matchea were 'llxed'," Dr. Adler
Klncald refused to comment
on this report ol fraud In athlet
ic boula.
Mack Llllard. Klamath promo
ter, aald as far aa ha knew all
matchea he had promoted were
honest. Llllard aald he always
Instructed his refereea to disqual
ify the athletea If there was any
evidence of a "fixed match."
ao that on nver Intrudes upon
nor domlnatea tha other, haa
been developed In tha picture
by Dudley Murphy, the director,
who worked from a script on
wblch tha noted humorists Ro
bert Henchley and Corey Ford
Warren William's three lead
ing ladles In th First National
picture, "Tore On A Match,"
wblch cornea to th Rainbow
theatr tomorrow provide that
picture with tore separate stor
ies which weave themselves to
gether Into a thrilling and in
triguing plot.
The Importance of tha roles of
these thre female characters
Induced studio executive to as
sign the parte to the three most
Important leading ladle on the
studio list Ann Dvorak, Joan
Ulondell and Betta Davla.
Besides these stars who fill
the principal roles. Important
parte are played by Lyle Talbot,
Allan Jenkins, Grant Mitchell.
Sheila Terry. Clara Blandlck.
Buater Phelps, Olenda Farrell.
Humphrey Bogart, and Patricia
Lee Tracy' fast-talking come
dy haa a remarkable new medi
um In "Tha Nuisance." wherein
he play a debonair ahyster
lawyer, an ambulance-chasing
charlatan who harries a atreet
car company with damage suits
on clevrly faked evidence and
Injuries, dodge the trapa of the
Bar Aaaoclatlon, and Incidentally
glvee hla audience an amazing
Inside on one of the legal rack
eta of tha day.
The new Metro-Gold wyn-Ma-yer
picture, ahowlng at the Vox
theatre Sunday, blende laughs
and heart throbs, thrills and
drama, with rapid-fire speed.
Sensational accidents, clever
skirmishes In court, legal leger
demain, romance, and some re
markable character delineation
are all In tha picture.
Jack Conway directed the
last-moving drama of a moderti
"legal racket" with an elaborat.
cast. Madg Erans plays th
heroine, aa th feminine detec
tive and Frank Morgan tha
quack doctor who aids th shy-star.
Logger a Arrested
On Drunk Charges
Erie Peterson. Harry Hanson
and Arvln Carlson, loggers, wht
were arrested Friday afternoon
at a local beer garden, pleaded
guilty to ehargea ol drunkenness
and were given tinea ol 110
each or five days In Jail, bv,
Police Judge Richmond Salur
Jerry Masters. 13-year-oi
aallor, also arreated on charge
ol drunkenneaa early Saturday
morning, waa given a atmtla
sentence. Peterson. Hansoi.
Carlson and Masters were al -committed
to Jail upon fallup
to pay th lines, and will aerv
ont their aentencea worklnt
about the city ball, according ti
police ollicera.
Vital Statistics
BUSSARD Born to Mr. and
Airs. R. D. Bussard. 1116 Main
street, daughter, September 8,
1933. at Hillside hospital. Weight
pounds, MH ounces.
COLLINS Born to Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Collins. 427 Oregon
avenue, a son, September 8,
1933, at Hillside hospital.
A daring screen record ol
these hectic times gives Richard
llarthelmeaa th material for bis
latest First National production.
"Heroes for Sale," which opens
tomorrow at tho Pelican thea
tre. The story, which was written
by the late Wilson Mizner,
mincea no words or situations In
portraying the career ol a "tor
gotten man " The action com
mences with the world war in
wblch the main character played
by Richard Barthelmess, la re
warded for his bravery with
wounds that leave him a wreck
of his former self. His efforts
io rehabilitate himself leads aim
Into many adventurea and into
a attrrlng romance until he is
caught In the tide of the "bread
line" claas. '
Loretta Young playa the lead
ing feminine role, while Aline
MacMahon, Gordon Westcott,
Robert Uarrat and Berton
Hill play other Important roles.
Boxing, wrestling, akling. foot
ball, baseball and racing all
these sports with tbelr thrilling
action, are seen In "The Sport
Parade." the RKO-Radio Picture
showing at the Pine Tree thea
tre, with Joel McCrea, William
Gargan and Marian Marsh In
leading rolea.
"The Sport Parade" special
izes In no particular sport hat
utilizes all as a background for
a down-to-earth sincere love
story about two boys, inaeparable
pals through prep school and
college, and a girl.
An entirely new technique tn
combining background and story
First Quality
t Extremely Low Prices
For three days only, beginning Monday, Cartozian Bros. Inc., largest im
:orters of Oriental Rugs on the Pacific coast will have a special display and
sale at our store. ,
It is a known fact that due to the drop in the value of our American
iollar in foreign markets, the purchasing power of our dollar is not nearly
-.8 great as it was a short time ago.
Mr. Leo R. Powell who is representing Cartozian Bros, with the' special
lisplay says that, "the market on Oriental Rugs is rising in prices almost
laily, and that now is the time for people to purchase their floor coverings
while prices are still so extremely low."
Don't pass up this last opportunity for saving on the purchase of these
eautiful rugs. You will never again be able to enjoy the savings that these
prices represent today. ' ;
Come in and see these beautiful floor coverings. Yon will be surprised at
how low they really are. Even though you may not be ready to buy now, you
will thoroughly enjoy -seeing them. And you will learn at how very reason
able a price you can have new Oriental Rugs for your entire home.
Balin Furniture Go.
430 Main
Phono T55
.tf&!3 jr
. i
h 5 :" :
ftratrr-frrrnA 'f ir 0
E "
Septoabar 8. 1933
jL s t j laaaaBBiaaBBSvaiweaai aasw
I ' . s ' CI
6 . . ? . Jfcii in iewtji aiiu'w ti
The Ford V-8 will eo 80 nlles an hour. Bat ho nany people
drive 80 milea an hour?
Hardly any. The speed is there for another purpose. If a oar to
be alert and oomfortable and economical at 50 or 60 Bilee aa hw, it
should be capable) of going faster than that. ' j"
A car, like a man or a horse, should have roootnw power to do ordi
nary things well, without showing strain or effort.
When yon drive at your usual moderate rate, and yet to keep up ttat
rate your oar runs at nearly its top speed, you are not getting an easy
ride and your engine is not doing an easy Job. It is wearing itself
That is why the Ford V-8 is built to precision standards and
engineered to do 80 honest road Biles fnot speedometer Biles) an home
E0 that it Bight go 60 or 70 Biles aa how all day with the utaost ease,
and with no strain on car or drive. Let bs add. and without excesbe
use of gas and oil. ,
It is the margin between what yost nave and what yoB wee a englM
that aakes for oonfort. longevity and eoonotay.
It is nuoh safer and far sore economical to run 60 or 65 Biles ao
bow in a car built to do 80. than it is to ran at the sane speed in a
oar built to do 65 or TO. There will be no excess noise bo o3?heatJac
no heavy laboring no straining aeobanisB because there is power ?
te reserve.
The benefits to the cwstoaser of baring a Ford w-8 able to do 80 Biles
an hour, are numerous. In the first place, such a oar Bust be extra
strongly built. It must have a better steering gear. It Bust be per
fectly poised and balanced. Its wheels, springs, aclee. frame and brakes
aust be of the finest strength and design.
In the seoond place, a oar Una built tor m Masher speed ranges
proves Boet alert la the lower speed ranges. In traffic it is not speed
yosj. want so Buon as quickness. Tom want instant response and quick
acceleration. The high speed reserve of toe Ford T-8 gives you that.
The advantages of a high speed ear are not in ttoe speed alone. You
ay newer drive at high speed. Few people do. But to Bake speed pos
sible, ttoe oar Bust be built to last losage. to two sBootber. and t wee
jmbs fwel.
Everything must be up to the 80HAles-e-fcor standard to give yom
ssjpeclatiwe perf oraanoe at tho leaser tapeeds.
- s