THE KLAMATH NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON September 9, 1988 PAGE TWO East Coast Looks To Pop Warner Now Temple Coach Ex pected to Revive Na t i o n a 1 Champion hip Along Atlantic Seaboard. County Baseball Title De termined Sunday, The Atlantle ((aboard rather looka to Olen Warner to re turn It to football aaprvmscy thla tenon. Poor "Pop." wherever he toea tha gridiron world expects him to win. This man wbo haa travelled from caat to west, won mora gamea than ha haa lost, pro duced more great teams than any other eoach and invented more offenslva. playa can't re tire on bia accomplishments. a long aa ha remains In tha coaching profession, a continua tion of victory will be tha first demand of bis employers. Temple University at Phlla- elphla, acquiring Warner when Stanford wearied of him, will have an opportunity to take command of tha eastern situation. . Temple has been reasonably prominent for tha last tew year but nothing In the way of a championship team haa been developed. Warner will turn to bis new Job thla month wltb material admitted strong even by him self. Temple, however, despite the qnality of its candidates Bay not win many games. Warner Insists on Installing bis Intricate system the first year and It takes at least one season of experience before s player can acquire the habit of Pop's complicated maneuvers. But Warner usually knows pretty well what he's doing and by the time Temple reaches Its major games, it may be ready to match Colgate. Syra cuse. Columbia and Brown, some et the strongest of the 1931 assortment In the east, e t The old-fashioned days et the dominating quarterback will ke revived en the Pacific eoast this year. Tha huddle, the modern destruction of fast football, haa been definitely removed at California. B1H Ingram believes he has kaptured enough good, intelli gent quarterbacks to resume the colorful practice et gen eralship en the field. Thla rear's Quarterback on the Goldea Beer outfit will be something more than a block tog back, a punter .or a ball Barrier he will be the signal barker. Tea, for the first time in any season there will be ene am la the conference suf ficiently confident in its qusr terback to permit him to stand Bp before the multitude end athoat his iaetructlons. And that means more plays and teat delays ta the progress of B loot ball same- Ingram, who will have ene M the eoaat's strongest teams thla year, has rather abandon ed his reputation for conserva tism. Two line bucks and then a pent has been the essence of Ingram football In the past, but now, well-equipped with outstanding veterans, the Cali fornia eoach will aae a little daring. California wUl have aa of fensive team this year. Ths punt will be a weapon of at tack, not of defense. The paas will be used as frequent ly as ths running play and back-to-ths-wsll fighting will be replaced by drives for touchdowns. e a The baseball season, al though departing. Isn't quite dead in Klamath county. Ths Klamath All-Stars and Shaw Bertram, still have the county's Independent championship to settls on the Fairgrounds dia mond Sunday afternoon. Since the Klamath Pelicans concluded their schedule in ths year-old Southern Oregon League, Shaw-Bertram and ths Stars hars been struggling for the region's popularity. It's been a close fight. In deed, for both outfits havs progressed through the closing weeks of the season with more victories than defeats. They were Improving clubs, too, for while they suffered frequent losses early In the aeason, they had nothing but wins toward the end. The strength of tbs Stars can bs clesrly Indicated by their triumph over Lakeview on Labor Day. Lakeview smothered the Klamath men early In the season and then lost last Monday by an over whelming score. Shaw-Bertram's power was fully described in the Sunday win over Hilt, champion of northern California. This last game of ths sea son should be the best Dink Templeton, columnist for the San Francisco Chron icle and one of Stanford's atauncbeat supporters, haa de veloped ths strange Idea too many hands mar a football game. It's quite all right. Dink says, to have music and color on the field but, he adds, "how can players think with all that rocket!" Well, it is a horrible shame to tak such a stand of opposi tion to a hard working band. Think of all the young man In colleges who toot and blow five nights ont of every week to prepare for the football aea son. Bands have assumed such a prominence In athletics, their responsibility for a suc cessful season Is almost as great as ths players'. There Is of course, a time and a placs for a band even at a football gime. Partic ularly In large, noisy stadiums equipped with expensive publfc address systems, ths banda BOXING LEE E Clever Oriental Scores Five Knockdowns In Main Event The calm, clever possessor of a deadly left punch. Ah Wing Lee came out of a ten-round tight last night still ths cham pion lightweight boxer of the northwest. This smooth Chinese athlete, tlgttlng with deliberate rare, put down valiant Frankle Monroe in 10 rounds of the most outstanding boxing ths Le gion hall has harbored in years. Ths oriental, flashing aggres sively with his southpaw attack, crumpled Monroe with five knockdowns. Ons knockdown, occurring in ths third round, however, followed more from Monroe's miscalculated footwork than Lee'a left hand. Lee Takes Lead The Klamath lad, making his first appearance here since re turning from a successful tour of the northwest, dropped be hind on points from the start. He led the fight vigorously to regain his lost leadership and frequently Jolted Ah Wing with rights to both body and the face. Lee scored his first knock down In the third round. Mon roe fell Into the arc of one of the Chinese youth's lefts to the hesd and slipped down for a count of three. . Another left to the jaw In the seventh, pat him down for five. Twice in the tenth round Mon roe was on the floor, both times from left hand blows. The first time there was no count, and the second Frankle waa ap after two. Monroe Bark Strong Each time Monroe waa down he came back strongly snd suc cessfully moved ' through the round to escape the tnreatening knockout. He ahuttled away from the Chinese fighter's left snd peppered his rlval'a face with explosive rights. Elmer Brown added spies to the card In the semi-windup when he crushed Johnny Snell of Portland in the first round. The St. Paul boxer, out of hia corner as awiftly as the wind, scrambled over Snell with such force the Portlandar tailed to land a blow. He was down tor a count et eight before the knockout. BneM Smothered Basil had ao opportunity to I make a battle et ths short-lived encounter, and Brown easily marched through ons more fight to keep his Klamath Falls rec ord unmarred. Two sturdy lightweights, Ad Cadena of Los Angeles snd Whitey Neal of Portland, fought a serious six-round special fea ture with Neal coming to the front ta the last round to cap ture the decision. Cadena, aa experienced veter an, took command of the tight in the early rounds. Neal, how ever, took ths aggressive in the fourth and fifth and evened the score with the tiring man from California. The Portland ' lightweight, rushing out for the final round, smashed his wsy into the lead. He shook Cadena with a terrific right to the head and then fol lowed with a two-handed attack when his opponent began to wilt. The successful flurry wss snfficlent to give him the bout. In the four-round curtain- raiser. Jack Fellows, ISO, of Medford, declsioned Wilbur Ghirkln of Klamath Falls. Two youngsters, sged It and 1Z, put on a clever piece of en tertainment between ths semi- windup and ths feature fight. They traveled under the names of Dempsey and Tunney and col- lected a generously donated sil ver shower for ths four-round exhibition, Gorman Defeats Boxer From Cuba NORTH ADAMS, Mass., Sept. 8, (U.PJ Joe Gorman, New York 155, defeated Tony Domlnguei. Cubs, 190, In tha feature 10 round bout hers last night. In the six-round semi-final Charlie Badaml, New York, 136. defeated Elmer Ciccone, 133, Schnectady, N. by decision. have taken a little too much valuable time. Those brief seconds when there la just enough time per haps for the announcement of sn Important substitution, ths band, Invariably, will blare out the worn-out tune ot ths alma mater. Templeton can complain about the band during a gams. But before a game, between periods and after the contest, just let the bands go their own ways. OUTPOINTS FRANK MONRO ID) A MCE with Murphy's Melodians .Tule Lake Legion Hall Saturday Night Admission 25c Each Person Sporting BASEBALL FRENCH RACE TRACK RULES MAY BE USED TO PREVENT DOPING OF AMERICAN HORSES WASHINGTON, Sept. t OP) Adoption of ths regulations In effect at French race trarka to prevent the "doping of race horsea ta recommended for courses of this country by Harry J. Ansllnger, commissioner of narcotics. The use of narcotics has been brought to light In a campaign against the practice which baa resulted in over to arrests In eight months. "Raring associations, sta commissions and the better ele ment among racing people htvs OREGON, CALIFORNIA SPLIT EIGHT BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS PORTLAND, Sept. 8. 0P Cal ifornia snd Oregois boxers divided eight ot ths Pscitlc cosst smataur boxing chsmpionships ss the an nual titular tourney came to an end hare, while William Petti John, a C. C. C. worker from Chi cago, won the otha award. Once again, Johnny Agulrre, 113-pounder from Los Angeles, wss ths sensation ot ths night's bouts, just ss he bad been on the opening night v The clever little defending champion titllst scored a technical knockout over the hard-punching Ambrose Loyaia. Buckley A. C, Oakland, in the second stanza. It was anyone's tight in the Initial round, but Agulrre waa just too mnch for Loyasa In the second, and mid way the bout was stopped. California Wins Paul Shumway, middleweight from the plains of Central Ore gon, who surprised everyone with hla stiff punching In the prelim tnary bouts, met his master in an other of the evening's features. Harold McDonald of Salinas. Calif., punched him Into submis sion with a spectacular exhibition ot two-fisted milling In ths sec ond canto et their championship mix. Dick Foster, a clever 147 pounder from Oakland, carried oft the welter crown with a nice Yankee Owner Chief Backer . For Byrd Trip NEW YORK. Sept. t CIJ! Rear Admiral Richsrd E. Byrd, a bit gray at the temples, sat alongside Col. Jacob Ruppert to day In the Waldorf-Astoria and discussed details of his second expedition to the south pole, which he expects to start on September 25th from Boston. Colonel Runoert. owner of the New York Yankees and ons of Manhattan's leading producers ot 8.1 beer. Is reported to be prin cipal backer of ths second jsunt to Little America. When asked it this were true, the colonel said simply that be Is one of 14,000 backers of the expedition.. "Do yon expect to send some ot your beer down to Little America and put It on ice?" he was ssked. "No," said Colonsl Ruppert, "but I hops to organise a ball team at the south pole." Bass Suspended At Austin For Alleged Foul AUSTIN. Tex., Sept I (U.B State Boxing Commissioner Jack Flynn last night formally sus pended Benny Bass, Philadelphia boxer, and ordered forfeiture ot a 1250 purse. Bass, ranking lightweight No. 3 of ths National Boxine associa tion, was disqualified after fight officials charged he strn.-k his knee In !te nrn'n of Pav-y Ahsd In s bont at Houston last Tues day night. "Ws are going to ha "lean bouts, and If fighters enn't ome Into tbs ring and abide by the rules, we won't have them In Texas," Fi.vnn declared. Bass was ths first fighter to bs suspended under state box'ng regulations. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Genuine Steinway upright piano; King saxo phone; Star sedan. All first class condition. Big sacrifice. 337 Main St, Phone 85, room . 1083 TENNIS offered to cooperate with the bureau In eliminating ths doping of horses." Ansllnger ssld. "To sld them ws havs ob tained the French regulations on tha subject snd will msks copies available to those desiring them with ths recommendation that they be put In effect at American tracks." Ansllnger aald ths bureau con sidered the French regulations ths most effective of any and expressed the belief their adop tion In this country would end "doping." exhibition of boxing that gave him a derision over Eddie Oollk of Portland, while Frank Connel ly, heavyweight defending cham pion from San Francisco, account ed for the other Golden stats win on a default from Andres Llnd, Jr., Spokane. Who auffered a broken cartllege In hla noss dur ing a semt-tlnal bout. Connslly swarmed all over Frank Little. Oregon State college, to win by a knockout In ths first for bis place In tbs finals. . Portlandrrs Win Pettljohn, ths 0. C. C. worker stationed at Medford. Ore., took the lightweight title on a close decision over Al McLean, a great little fighting machine from Ssn Diego. Four ' Portland boxers carried oft titles for Oregon's share of the swsrds. Mlks Abah, Splvoy A. C. 105-pounder. accounted fur the first when hs outboxed Klcn ard Stoke. Eagles, Seattle, to gain ths judges' verdict, while his team-mate, Frank Hammer, punched his way to the llgtr. heavyweight crown with a two round knockout over Ken Ander son. Portland boxing school en train. Multnomah club boxcra won the other two, Harry Cortesl taking the award tor 118-pound-ers, while Kermit Tewart da elsloifed Al Penna, Spokane, to win ths Its-pound class. Altamont Meets? Big Lakes Team At f n'Hrvh- flnniti, .ft...... the Altsmont baseball team will play a return gams with the Big Lakes Lomber company team at the diamond on South Hlth street The Altamont team la a pre vious game defeated the Big Lakes team whlh ha bui a return game. Last Sunday the Altamont team was beaten by Henley 11 to 10, James and Crapo will be the battery for Altamont against Big Lakes. Navy Loses Star Football Player ANNAPOLIS, Md., 8ept. 8, U.B Navy's football team haa loai a regular tackle. Coach Rip Miller aonouncea toaay. He la "Bull Brooks of Corpus Cbristl. Texas, who developed ear trouble from swimming this summer, snd will not be available for tha sntlre season. Pelican Rifle Club To Shoot On Sunday The Pelican Rifle club will hold Its weekly shoot st Pine Grove Sunday. The range la a half mile north of ths Lakeview highway and the road turns off from ths new Csthollc cemetery. The public has been Invited to .witness ths event. Officials of any airline receiv ing government subsidy are Urn ited to a salary of $17. BOO. San Francisco's Newest AND MOST MODERN Downtown Hotel! For rtttfotimn, Wrw tw . Li ff ii ! Mil li ll 101VT?1P.EROOMS 222 single moms at 11.50 dally 15S single rooms at I t. (10 dally 71 room .1 1.0, al V, 3o al IA.M, 10 al Kill at 17, II at tS-Unkta nana II aa 10 dalla-Tla baS root Iran M-Hna aa aalta fraaa 110 Towar ranm. IS h 111 al.ala. 17 lis oaaMa, aaHa-Taww aarlaa COLF STARS REGAIN COAST HONORS Hollies Put Down -Lbs Angeles in Last In ning Rally BT Associated Press Lets gams rallying powers of ths Hollywood Stars here once mors given them undisputed pos session ot the Coast league lead ership snd rsused Msnager Jack Lellvelt to wonder It his Angei mound staff la still ths beat In the circuit, Thursday night Loa Angeles entered the ninth Inning with a two-run lead over ths Stars. Em met Nelson was In tha Angel box. and spparently In control ol the situation. Vlnce Dlmagglo. Star outfielder, hit sn Infield single Lellvelt sent Buck Newsom to the box. Newsom wslked two men to till tha bases before giving war to Wynn Ballon. Before Hallou could retire ths side sn Infield out and four singles bsd given the Stars five runs snd ths gsiuo? 11-8. Sara Win Agnln Dick Wsrd and Hal Stitsel did ths early hurling tor ths Angels. while Vance Page, Ueorge Buch anan and Buss Wetsel handled ths Hollywood pitching duties. Sacramento made it two straight on Its boms grounds, Thursday night, beating Portland 4-1 be hind the ,7-hlt toaslng ot Ed Bryan, who turned In hla first victory since esrly July. The Sen- stors pounced on Rudy Kalllo In ths Initial Inning to aend home three runs on four safeties. They jumped on Kalllo again In the fifth for two more, and added sn other off Art Jacobs In the same inning. French Bordagaray drove In four ot the Sacramento tallies with a doubls and single. Heals Square rtrrtrs Outalugglng the Oaks to win 9-4. Seattle squared Ita series st Emeryville. Effective relief fling ing by "Junk" Welters and a six run ninth Inning scoring spree gsvs the Indiana ths game. Wal ters cracked out a doubls to drive In two of the ninth inning runs Jimmy Welch. Seattle outfielder, had a big day st the plate getting a pair of triples snd two singles. After dropping two In s row. San Francisco cams back to trounced ths Missions 11-3. Jim my Zinn wss steady for ths Seals His mates banged Lloyd Johnson for 13 blows. Including a double and a brace of singles by Joe Dlmsgglu. Ross, Canzoneri Ready For Fight NEW YORK. Sept. 8 CU.R Lightweight Champion Harney Ross of Chicago, and ths man from whom he won the title, Tony Canconeri ot Brooklyn, met today when given their official examinations by the New York athletic commission. They were pronounced In perfect condition for their next Tuesday bout at the Polo Grounds. Georgia Bush Trims McKenna PATERSON, N. J. Sept. 8 (U.F5 Oeorgle Bush, 133, Grand Rapids, Mich., last night won the decision over Frankle Mc Kenna, 128, Baltimore, In ths six round main eve- DANCE Sat., Sept. 9 Bonanza Admission 50c Hotel Sir Francis Drake just off Union Square moat conven ient to theaters, shops, stores, business and financial district. Private garage in basement with direct elevator service to all guest-room floors. Only California hotel offering Servidor feature thus combining "maximum pri vacy with minimum tipping". In every room connection for radio reception, running filtered ice water, both tub ana shower. "Dinner In Coffee Shoo from7S! up in Main Dining Room from f 1.50 up. Also a la carte service. Hot pi Sin Francis HDHAE)E ftpntiM Nnrcmn Hom. C. Powell Street ttt Sutter Son Franc Itco News RACING Shaw-Bertram, Klamath Stars Clash Sunday Baseball's "world series" la Klamath county will open Sun day with the first gains between Shaw-llertram snd the Klemslh All-Stars ou ths Falrcron- '. dia mond. The contest has been billed tor ths unofficial title. Managers of the two toama met Friday morning and an nounced they had di-chln1 to con tinue the serios for three games. Ths second contest will be play ed September It and ths third on September 17. Both clubs have strengthened their lineups for the uit ser ies. Neither had an apparent advantage over the other. Lakeview wound up Its ached ule last week when Ita state In dependent title hopes were bl- t ed by the Stara In the feature gams ot tho round-up. Although Phnw-ltortram was beaten by the Detroit Colored Giants In a close game Labor day, the mill boys ths day before smothered Hilt, champion ot ths Northern Cali fornia league Amateur Stars Preparing For 'National Play CINCINNATI. 0.. Sopt. 8 "IR) Par was cracked by three pl'x ers yesterday st Kenwood as thj advnnra guard of the nation's amateur golfing army began as sembling for ths national ama teur championship, which starts Monday. George T. Dunlap, Jr., ot Kew Gardens, L. I., N. Y.. led with 09. two under par. Dunlap wunt to ths semifinals In the BrltNh amateur and then lost out in the first round ot ths New York state amsteur. Lswson Little. San Francisco, snd George Dawson, Olen Kllyn. III., used 70 strokes. Those low scores need not Indicate thst Kenwood will be burned up In ths 38 hols qual ifier Monday and Tuesdsy. All play today was from the mid dle tees berauss ths bsck ones wsrs roped In. Stanford Star Sets New Mark In Discus Throw TURIN, Sept. 8, (UB Henri La Borde. Stsnford's globe-trot ting weight men, paused hers In day and aet a new Italian univer sities' record for ths discus In s meet st Mussolini stadium. Is Mode tossed the platter 48.80 meter. (Ho feet 4 Inches!. Saturday Pears for Canning Medford Bartletts rf 40 lb. boxes DJC Tomatoes 20 lb. boxes 35c. Potatoes 10 lbs Red or White 50 lb. baffs .... 19c 87c Apples 5 lbs. ( raven ntvin 19c Crapes i lbs. .... Ml Kinds 25c Oranges 2 dozen 39 Corn Per dozen 19c Egg Plant 3 lbi , 25c Picnio Ham Lb 13c Swift's Empire Bacon. Lb 18c 23 Baby Beef Pot Roast, Lb. 12ic Short Ribs of Beef, Lb 9c Shoulder of Lamb, Lb, . 14c If You Want Baby Beef Buy Your Meat At Johnson's FISHING BUGS THREATEN LEAD OF GIANTS Easy, Victory Reduces New York Advantage to 5Vi Games By Hugh H, rullerlon Jr. (Associated Press Sports Writer) A series which started out as Important only to ths Plltaburih I'lrsles. serond pises club ol the National league, moved Into lis final singe looking like a serious matter Indeed for the New lork Ulanta. , Tbs lesgue leaders, beatsn lb three of the first four games, hsd reached a position where they al most had to win tha final clash to enjoy any degree of safety during ths remainder of their wealsrn tour. Their margin, 71 games st the outset, wss reduced to 61 by their 14 0 3 drubbing Thursday Another would leave theb a slim margin on which to tackle five gamea st Cincinnati followed b s series sgalnai the Chicago Cubs snd St. Louis Cardinals, almtal unbeatable ou their horns grounds. Carl Hubbell, first of tho Olnnts "Big Four" to fesl tho sting ot ths lluccsnssrs' bats. seemed eertsln to get Msungvr Hill Terry's call. It waa tlal Smith's turn to work for the i'lratee. Helnis Mains did s nest job ot baiting ths Glanta Thursday, giv ing them, ten hits. Including a homer by Hookls Phil Welntraub. ; Tbs Cubs and tha Cardlna's also took a cut at ths Glsnts' lead, winding up t snd 8 games behind respectively, Ths Cubs edged out ths Boston Brsvea 1-1 In a duel between Lon Wsrnekr arid Dutch Brandt , as Gabby ilartnett did all tha Chicago scor ing snd Warneks lost a shutout through Wslly Berger's tih homer. . The Cards walloped tho Pbllllt! 10-1 behind Dlssy Dean for their 13th consecutive gome Save Your Roof for a Few Dollars! IF." SOS All TVPIt OS SOOM NOT AN 0OINArNlOOF COATINO '1KB SHISTINOLONOIS LIS! For Sale by lumbar, tulldina Mate rial, relet a,nJ Hardware dealer. MANUFACTURED IV IONICS fAIR COMPANY Ettabtlahad IMS tea Asfeles. C enterals i ' i and Monday Specials ii $2.29 Sugar. Cane 55c 10 lb. cloth bag Rat, Only c Cocoa OQa. Bulk, 2 lbs. 8 aCssJl Dog Food Doyle's, 8 for 25c Coffee, Cres- HI cent, 1 lb. con wlC Rolled Oats M 10 lb. bags Allwr'S 35c c 'Cookies 2 lbs fancy Mixed 39 c Brazil Nut flQ. 2 lbi. for ...... New Crop ( 'WRESTLING victory under Frankle Frlsch, and .moved Into fourth place, s half gaiua shssd ot the Urates. 'September Mom' Early mornings snd late eve nlngs are beginning to gst chilly. This Is only a forerun ner ot what Is coming later on It's lime thst woodshud Slid basemen! wars being storked with wood sod-eoel, oil burning In maces should bs checked tu see that they srs working prop- 1 erly and oil tanks measured tu see that there Is sn smpls sup ply of fuel oil. Our service men Is available al any tlms and our prices ars reasonsbls. Ws carry a complets line ol fuel fur ersry kind ot stove, heater, or furnace. Itlockwood. direct from tnt factory, clean and dry, for souk stoves snd beeters. Slabwood In 18-ln. and 4 ft lengths, for cookstovss, heater and furnaces. For quantity an', pries you can't buy better wood Limb snd body wood In It lu., 1 In., 3 ft. snd 4 ft. lengths cut from llvs trses snd sea soned. For heaters, furnace and fireplaces. Coal.' our "Utah Aberdeen coal la "the beat In ths west.' Ws stock both ths nut snd lumi slses, tor your olrculstor healer and furnaces. Keupa a firs all night long and Is famous be causs It has less ssh, clinkers snd soot than most othar coals Fuel snd Diesel oil for sli standard wakes ot oil burnsrs. Hart Automatic Oil burnsrs quiet, economical snd stfielent. luslsllod In your present fur nace. Ths modern way to heat your houis sulomatically at a reasonable price. Fifteen yrsrs In ths fusl busi ness In Klsmstb Fsils guaran tees, our alogau, ' -' "Fuel That gstleflea" plus Service HEILnltONNER RBA Offlcs and yard 831 Spring St. Phone JSV. Branch Yerd--Merrill. Oregoa 35 20 2 "bottles 45C Wax Paper 40 ft. rolls, each C Formay ACkn 8 lb. cans ......... J7 1 Calumet Baking ) Powder, 1 lb. OC Milk, all Ofi brands, 6 for O Jl Ginger Snaps f 2 lbs. for IV C Fresh and Nice Corn Flakes or Post Toastiaa 1 C. 2 for IOC ws so oua past ft