The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 27, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    August 27, 1933
.ivtf 1FNK1NS - Editor
. nln Kf-
Publltbcd '1
,,vt Monday try Th Mamttb
Ji.w. publishing l
lui-Ul South F,t,u ,t-
w F.I la nM(IB.
Official pP ot City ot M-
. . im. matter
.t STtoS olllf t
Fall. Oro. November II.
ml. ndr net ot March .
Dsitversd by crrlr,
Delivered by writ,
Delivered by mall.
mr, county
Delivered by mall. 1M
outside county,
Subscription payabl In ndvnae
Represented nationally
an Francisco
Mw Yorh. Detroit. Beattl
Lee Angelee
Copies ot The New.
mid. together with, oomp ete i
lorm.iioT nbont lk. Kl..tb
mn. k. ,bt'"
tor th asklag nt any ot these
Member Audit Bureau ClrculnttoB
Telephone l0t
tjatiar Control ProkUm
A Difficult On.
SOOIAL too 4 Ti,io
rto.M W th fBd..l
Milrawt " w,OT
aatrol eototio km oUbIb1
oaalbl lcUUiKa tor tk pro
,04 apclal So. Tk riU
ut a b4 eBirloi K k
llaiB.t4 ft thorowht -k
rill a4 tateJrJM t ,
klkttiom. I
LM a ot tP BT ol
itotk bp for k oWo ot
kaoraul rTau th
t li.or koald aroktbltioa W
paalAaa It will tk-Cat-art
Stat. Rtb t tbto tn
koala not k aruda po
tU larc ja
Tk atoawnt tk !
aio K a kw'ry
aoUortlon. 1 at -latd
to h ti ohtoctlT ae
(.tlttl. Rpl koald tak tt
aatural pUc oaly; aothlnt t
th hlh-prtar aikod ihould
accompany It-
Oa ot th most aiacoarafiac
thini atuchd to prohibition
aa th rlm ot th bootltr
and (fiertl TloUtloa ot th la.
A raulat4 liquor prlc ut(V
ctently low to rmor th boot.-,
lrifr mutlh tabllhl. Re
peal ltlt wll hart lllpiltCy ot
aal. purchas and consumption.
Th goTrnmnt liquor ttor.
a plan found tucctosful la Caa
adisn pcoTlnc, lends ltlt ad
mirably to rpal in Oroa. Tb
permit aystrm will '1t th com-
snlssloa a record ot all persons
atinc hard bererafe. It will
mak U possible to eliminate the
f kabltual drunkard, th criminal
and th minor.
Revenue from th sal ot
liquor cannot possibly be great.
It It to treat w will know Im
mediately th proper control o!
sals has aot beea arcomrllsbed.
But uhat to left after adminis
tratis expense hire beea de
ducted, shonld to to boih the
tat and th district wber the
aal ha been mad. Tb-s eut
teetloa hat beea, mad Jotatiy by
Dr. William & Knox and Joha
Beckmaa. two mea who hart
take a lead la th repeal mor
aeau A pric tutficieaUy low to r
moT tk kootlecrcr to deairaV.;
but. at th tarn time, tk prt-e
should s kixk uocxk to mak
automatic lestiktlort for coa
sumptloa aad krlxf la nasoaakle
profit tor th state,
Tk ttsuor aoatrol problem la
ot aae te k dtcuted at a spe
cial tesaioa by commercial tx
tems. It to oa to be w.rked
oat la th ax-latira taterestt at
tempvraxc aad maderatlca.
Cottdemninf tk Meeiac
of r irebtiga.
w rlGlLAXOK aad rocteratioa
V k, th force, tor tow te th.
ly. evxnty ard tut pprei.y
bare ended K'amath Fails' aa-
recedeated ee-.e ot Incendiary
fire. Tier worked a!o t.-r.
dPite tie criticism ter perea.t-,
tir.t peioa'.sr.iact to go free.
ther was little a d aad swme
latvrtvTva.-e In the capiar. haa bee tree-
bld by Ik tncead.a.-iL Tke
... ...
naeeourg aas care-
tally described the results:
bag bat left kis blat!i.g tra.1
(. CWl U I '
vrTtave. k. .r..
rear. Urea hav ere, aa.
Th cost ot tire, however.!
cstnBot b aheasuired altogether IB '
throaghcal th ceaaty la pan
term et tax, ta li. wkeai "'"" w w.u ererstor aa aptrov:xg the N. R w ,t O.S nieaea. raaca.
a. . r .: fl"r -' Tb tnodeat llinstretea Ue nw tie proenv of C. V. Looer-
le Jce4insl was eepeca..; j jroru, material tor smt.e m ' tact that a one care to cnticm ley. prominent Wood River Val
ciiv. the dens smoke, over-iike woadertal agrstaltaral pro- tk X. R. A ta pab'.ic. .ley stockEta. Dixon Brosu are
banting th ealley tor days.' dacooa at Klamatk l.k u1. .v. - -: -
skrv-cled tk rrasrs oa tke trey.i I""', ' n"1 he ha writ- oa U,ir targe baidixg te tt
'"t'iv'c" Earlier Days t---s
reealt.d tn other dsmsg wkich , the prea-deat of ibe Na'.joasl i. -jn bav.rg th week.
btwt Ikowsands of dcllsrs to' KetUmatioa association to jvv:a , rvwea FlVre eat Tb klaxut R. , Recvrd crone ar reported
farmer, and ewvhardlst., .' .r. r. ! f ?T I S!"""'.A"W .throagboat tk. rs'.ley. th. hay be-
T. av. r a.-.. k. I ..,1 J .i. Work em th aew taueMger ,lg at excetosevtlly tta aaallty
"The toll e b.maa live. t j eny valar eg tke targeet. et drewt tt pmrrrmni ta fine j
detiraction of watershed, tke ! Kvvmtal aid aeent prodsititt I slti. The base ssone are el Moet trari court diapeaee
ansa toarwt IrarH and
tare, tke efecrlOc ad aceuttt bea
ty, th polutton ot treama with I
uhH that destroy tlsh IK. the
wholesale slaughter ot bird and
(m animals, all ot thee which j
ntr Into the destructive .tore
ot forest tint, intangible tbouih
they rnny b. they anal nvr
theleea b rontldcrod."
Public opinion must b ttlmu
Ihted to prosecute th man wko
would deliberately t tiro to
foreat or k building. Hit to th
wort tort ot robber tor hit work
to hit for year. Th law move,
aa swiftly M poeslble, but It
can't catch up with tho Hre
or ch flrbug . unl thr to
th support ot publto opinion to
coaaWmu hist aa a nut destruc
tive menace.
There may bo legal respon
sibility for covering exposed hot
sprteg bat th moral responsi
bility should b utftcintly
strong to mak adequate protec
tion tor playing ehlldrea.
Telling the
Te ah Editor: Accordlnc to
year stemed newspapers. colB
cidenla multiply.
wirst. you report that Mayor
Mahoner has tiled an apolicatioa
tor water from Klamath rlrer
and. It memory terre correctly,
tor direrwon at the exact site
the California OreiroB Power
company prerioasly tiled upon,
tud tor exactly the same amount
at water.
Then you report Mayor Ma
hoaey makint the same wortn
lesa promise to the water users
of Klamath project that the
power company made, and In al
most Identical tonnage.
Nov. en August i- yon re-
port that Mayor Mahoaey has :
made aa appucattoa to airecr , it wanted to beat tne gun on in ecoud-iec ot water from illation aad the codes. It pro
Unk MTr aad the power com-1 dured at pre-inflatloa nnd pre
hear has a similar tiling tor; code costs Intending to sell at
exactly th earn amount et : inflation and cod price,
water which antedate Mahoney'sj e e e
tiling by l years. IStntvs Quo
1 wonld, through your col-j Tfclt j, th ,lctr, BD t0 Aa.
umas. ask the people ot Klam-i- , Sm ,hM1 ,
ata coaaty cnder two qnee j
lions: rirsi. tiq ,a--..
caooee ror at iu:in ine vxa-
site cnoeea y rco aaa way j
aia se asx ror exacii.w ihw moit
amoaat water: and. second,
should the aecfvtary ot th in
terior release the required water.
wkich t thee aprucatloas would
be granted tnr tne state a na t-r.
the present Oregon law. Copco i j
prior r Mahoneys suWqaeat I
Iiuur dw. neo iw uie I
.v.. ti" impreJon that th N. R. A.
.tslrl ,Jr tftaw M torci bt"t1 re-',,
fht. il tlZl? "(employment tke face ot re-
Or that it would be aa easy to
over-ride state law aa it waa to
over-ride the city 'a constitution:
And I would ask the land
owners ot the Klamath protect
to consider one qaestiou: What
difference wonld It make to their
land values whether Copco or
the city acquired the right to
their water supply?
Th mayor, in his indiscrim
inate power filings, should be
supprveseo. it am apparent rrom :
what he to reported already to " . , .
hav done that either ke doesl AB important factor la buDd
aot know what result th tne- The Index for June waa 1:
cew of kis pita would have oa . ,1: August (estimated I. 14.
the agricultural commua tr tu T '" o " I
rounding Klamatk rail, or th,t'ntracu let in IT states of !
he does aot care. the Rockies.
It dive not matter whether T57 iow k,w f-r hnUding
Mahoaey is acting, sub-rosa. for " "na'" behad all other la-,
Conco. seeking bv IndiscreUo ! dlT f business. ,
to get the water for them under! . ' improvement to torge.y
. . .. .
me gaise ot municipal power
- .1
k. . . .
ttcal pUv that
that iVd keep
m s.f.,-, .
mjiaicc a poiiiKU
nffatrti raa ltat
kis name ioonu, tt,. .
i:S.r,i ,.si.. ...i'i -... .v. ,
--:,-"- . " ,
cere la the belief thai ke w.ll'
ppreaeaaioa ot .
seare eBoash . . , j ,.., "mil unci tae nrst ivt ween - - - J n i -
rpo?er SSSt for liilmath IV to i August). At thla rata Uey i Falls. Taesday after-1 Monday night SsJv.Oob ArmJ
hii attack oa th. w.-.v 1-Vhts 1 M long tim patting out noon the and Mrs. Porter kiktd Girl Guard meet at ;:! p. m.
c thi KtomUi iVeTtwt to "a " r to Gold lake. , Delia Jjonac. leader. T.eaday
renae-mlrs daxroa. toideed u" er, oub pictere, taken by Mr.:' Soidlers meeting I . m.
iZx n , Tf Obvxmy tubsantlal .nem- 'Lester Hahle. aad Mr. A. Brew- Wednesday .1: J p. m Udiea
tempted Ming by th pewi"1 " " tlie Ror T1. ' WJ, JVA
company, for good peop: l:g . . j p ac Pnd.y and .turday nigh... "Cotute prayer "!?'"4
MtaU Da and liberal new-! , Ts. Hablc. aud Brewer fn,Uiea Tkllrda rvln
paper. Oregon Journal ,Bd. , '.r. Caornan. -ho have m-. f jSmJ 'V
" snaauoa reox oa n...r u.i ng.iw, Mri- Hable. wbo with her h-; meeting. Saturday evening
with approval. (est hew tk. liberty bond iat.e. ,M ,r, , oUo, pKI. th- w m' raise .cV of long and
There I. littj, danger tUt the T b r.nanced. It U. bead. K!IC cltT. c,liforau . fJJS. sTtla? .'.
r--ewt Mcrecary ot U laterk.r to be called, u Wi:H' lpKd) ,mt, UlM a.r, follow: H s m. prayer. Id: I
lt" n.rT rrvsiri.o'-lc, e.e4 s.rta-r ula. ,Kl1inm ct ,11 .nil county J.J ierTT lt Morn-
power cempary. ke to to much j IPc,b" .v . ! large ratchet ot tisb. She U ver. :-g o:-ea air service 11 L s
o tasan.iee aaa i-sai-
ravor a ma-
I.f direcirrs, move prcsiptVj aad
i decisively.
i decisively.
! r-Tl.",J of U.
Kliaitl divtrtct as r;orted at
, , a , rv
adred js-.o prcject
'-fair, la tint staxg that hwsrj
' . "-i"n
nri-Tt of evcrv lardcvr
mjg lh, ..: aser, t;a
; arwe tin tke board take uume-
: '- effective adieu te tke ed
i '." ' r. I7. w. . ,T"T
mmb tJ., c,
: vsliey oatrag, rvvrcg kere. .ar
. i ike fair
- -- -
.n.. aeea ror a coven at-1
ltsck oa cr aevcftv
,.v a ivw twi ietters trom
, rrnrs tt 1 r. Irv. might
aot r amiss, tkst we do
. '
" " tr'ni "'
sect as at it. rirst rsmnver of
a political ramw.errr. that cap-
port of Mahoxey a tr.diecreeg ac- i
: V vunJ,.
atar.a. or.
t ..1 a ."'", f,TtT m- S' i wt- Jl',,. . """ been ccmlrg to Sunday Sctool and Bible Claaa.
i,?.'"" B:'" J" . fwVji. i T, Od" ' th, past It tumrlera. . . 1 Toutg People- Legion er
i prvect sitaacon was carefai-v rerstdg sesse at a low- " . - Rnir eblie sn, ta kirn. If MarahaJ ' rate. The q.eic, ! Bfwer. wk. live, ,car J- VI.
3aa aid U. Oregon Joarral how maty bondholders would t Asgelea. ha been coming to T.rid to come to
can Se evaded. eTi?v uV dea4 fk. and wk.tber the' Summtt for tb. pan the ,r n'b'c mSt-fn I
Irerarv of the interior be. an ew trea.urv coald etaad It. years to spend the summer. The 1 A, ,,rll
IU. w:er .sera. tkrgh their U tk to dopted It will Brewer kom is one of the 4't- officer, will b glad to
.tLLl rcureeeauuvea. the bAar, ixk .is. il. tnatK-e ot rrr 1 o. ixe it ice bitvc ...
Now Bhm tbo Now
h Inside Mory Frews
Ik llipltal
Cpyrl(kt. 13. by rul Mnlloa
Whsn you tit all tk rosy busi
ness uplift newt into a composite
picture. It to soiuewkst lop
sided. That to tkowa Tory clearly by
the (OTernment't own business
chart, the one used prlrately by
(OTtrnment officials to keep tab
oa things.
The current chart shows In
dustrlal production was almost
normal during July. That means
our factories wer irluding out
nearly the same amouut ot goods
this season aa they did during
the seasons of 11)1 to Ills
But they wer doing H with
7 per cent of the normal num
ber ot worker and 0 per cent
ot the aormal payroll outlay.
The gorerameat figure you
have beea reading from time to
time are all accurate, but they
do not clearly present the situa
tion. On day on department
announce factory employment tt
up nearly six per cent. ICheers).
The next day payrolls are ap
nearly 4 per cent. tMore
cheers). Then production Is S
per cent, t Oration I. It looks
like we are out ot th , wood.
But w are aot.
When yon lerel out th figures
you find industry Jumped 1U
production 24 per cent sine
May while employment Increased
only 1 per cent aad payrolls
oaly t per cent.
It to eery easy to tee wnac las
happened, industry went on a comas again these taxes will pro
cheep production spree. It held dace a lot ot money.
dowa oa employment and wagea
hM rt.Bgl. The code hare
'."neT" Prod'ucSc. now I continue to Improve But if
more costly. As a result tt tojbuelne doeant contina to
fllimr off.
'?Pt!lf,ito " i!
industrial production index tor I
this month will be fl. oft T.
No one has a very clear Idea
what that will do to factory
..h uvroll.
Tn; thm, thtT wtM
M1 iollt tfc H:It4
gust as July.
That supposition to based on
Apparent n aa P'v"-'
empioyera from V-rirg mea who
would have beea tot go
".t"';..... v w. ' B" ur pro,pcu f deqaate Sundy school nnd morning wor
Poib.y " hav beu lacoa,. lB ibe tatnre are good. It ship. 1. Mr. K. A. Ohman. u
ati'berMT have" bW"iald"oft ;" n of wisdom, there- , Evening service In
"iXZE? tZJSZi&.t. to borrow agalnn fu,ar. ' .' 77.
saouia t witnaeia unut a mor
JtitaM" ""ti"
r, 1 1- ,
in in bib v m t ira.
, - '
ap tk wet Jk kABt C 4 an an Jl sV A rT
irB! mntra! arva-w ban i
goTrraeni contract i wer KM
? .
durlrg th first week of August.
durlrg th first week of August.
Th raboc work program la
mov-rg taster but tie nace to
.;iw.iy ptuMiun . , (
- l-ms. i
--- . fr "
nscier l( tisane the deal. The
ads:ciMraton it sot ready tor
"TU-ng bk. thai.
' Every Insider bow be bis eyw
t oa the latere, not tk ores-
- or ie imst. ervevttr win:
,iw x.rck. ni Hji tT. v .
be tke most
latponant xaocta
la car fsvcraMe ha'.aoce y trs.
reflects farther flight of tke dol-
aT- . e increased rouazia-
k Ir.daetrial tii i'"";.'": '
mg July.
A cowl ptMiclrv maa teat
!aro..s tA w ... . ...
.ic receaUv a STatemca
sc-a-.hea-a coal cjrstor strtng'.v
cr-.ocir.ig Ue N. R. a Later
" w. n jk. ,rx , . up-. t i.-- tamer-
eierraTked sll offirea aik- ,T?'J . W
tag that ike eiatemeai be kCed. ' F.' te about a week.
Si'-a toter came etoiher state- Haylr wai cemmenc th
stent ctu.g tk same re B tk IT ecrre ot ha
mmttM hmi;:is. Thewr of small tewa
I e ork ef tke araia
building to tud
come front near Bray, Calif.
The granite tor the building it
obtained at Kwklin, Calif., aud
the contrast between the granite
and the rubble work to striking
and presents a fine appearance.
Tk editor ot tke Bonaata Bul
letin came orer to call upou aa
Friday, from kit kome ewn. He
waa looking happy and feeling
Editorials oa News
(Continued from Pag On)
a tax would probably b defeated,
e e e
"OULD tk boada be told, M
Possibly aot, oa th open mark
et. But th federal gorernmeat,
through torn ot it rarlout
agencies, ought to b willing to
accept bonds as th stale's share
ot the relief money.
At least, an effort should b
mad to find oat.
,1.. 1 wnn,an. I. hMltl
But Its prospecte are good.
K wtlsttng improvement In but
In continues, K to probable
that in a few years this tint will
hav all the money it will know
what to do with. It business re
turns to normal, much ot th ex
isting tax delinquency will be
paid up, or at people get mosey
with which to pay their taxes
they will aot let their property
In addition, w hare exceeding
ly high income and axels taxes,
which can not be amended or re
pealed tor at least two - years
mora, and aa w begin to get in-
Meanwhile, we are reducing
tke coat ot government steadily, j
which will mean that the money
collect la taxes will go farta-
LL THIS, of course, to predt-
vaivu oa au 11 1 eaei-
Drove. If the nreeent
it" collapse aad we taU back
to the level ot last spring, ws
all be broke, anyway, and'.. J00 Williams building. lit
it wont matter.
pROSPECTS ot raising any con-
i aiders bis amount of atone )
- added taxation are aot maoi at !
tim. n-. 'ning. Aa attenoant la la charg
Pr-nt t0r U 0r troi II anUI 1 o clock aad from
,U tax Uw. hav to go to -.ha;,.,, ,ntl, 4:Ja ,i;,pt gun-
,re la bo mood bow ta r'e aew
l-T th"B-
prospects, as the federal g wem-!
imeat to doing, instead of at-
I tempting to levy aew taxes biw. i
r.Qf-tnw cr-A.rv , .
daughter was bora to Mr. Gene
LaVoy In a Eugene hospital last
Vr. aad Mrs. Ws. Peterwa
aad aoa Holhs have returnee
..!- . .
'"a inrir nri.wa. i ney vis.t-
, . '
Creecent City. Calif, aad also
otored to Portland wkere Uev
... ... r ,,,.
tke Constrtation.
rott or KUmatr
Mis Rahy Potts of Klamatn
. . i
h-t et'it, oa uti vaeii.
.d .v. .-4 w.
H.hl hn k, .-.r. to
family a '.so apends each Cbrin-j
: ma here wkere tkey enjo, !n-
ter s porta.
Maay ol Mrs. Brew
ere pictures were of eaow ere an.
Roeebarg wk'er. she is a w'tnee
oa a coirt
Haying In PrOgTCSS
Un Large Holdings
FORT K1.1V1T1I Or. -
.wnWKM .tZl' ""T . . Wood Riwr rantk Bear see
Port Klamatk Motday.
It It ei-
1 Via rilf-i nirfc nanM. t?-f..
. , " . -
irt, cl f it Mur ltd
walls t thej- sprrg trajn. bavrr. merc.yl
f mk tkKtl4va with R.
SIDE GLANCES h dor ciark
"JtwO "-"'-ssj
yHnsvCTT s..i.
"Aren t airplanes marvelous!
front mother now.
At The .Churches
May we remind the ministers
of the city again that the dead-
lins for church notice la (:0t
o'clock Friday evening? W ask
your cooperation in this, and
notices which com In Inter can
not be set to appear la Satur
day's paper.
FM Oiarch ot Christ, . Sckraw
i '-h ".r'l.5.
lm-loe)ocl Morning service ll:t
c.u, -,-i,i., iMna '
f Testimonial meeting Wedne
'day evening at t o'clock. This
Main street, where the Bible nad
authorised Christian Science lit
erature may he read, borrowed
or nurchased. Th reading room
nu, i'iw fr.ii, a a rkvk !
the morning until ft la th v-
SnMrdituivlaa Mtsetoa. Hotel
fEarley Bldg.. tth aad Main ta.
Friday evening Bible ttndy. T:4.
Saturday morning at :JI the
confirmation claea meat la th
I Bail. an arw wi,roxnk a
Ohmaa. pastor.
Ztoai Latbrraa Charrh, (Miss
ion Synod I. lo:S High St. O. W
Hoffman, pastor.
Morning worship begin at
1:!. Sermon text: "Th -ir-teee
aad the Publican." Sunday
school mee-.s at ft: It. Young
People's txlety meets next Fri
day evening. All are wlcom at
th. BalvMi
L,' t'
! .Ba Mr-M.f
Army. Carta!
Inennr. officers la
icharge. Hall located at 1 Wai
ant .ireet. Phone tl-W. Offi-
nut street, r-none esi-.
, r, ,
Holiness meeunc. 2.1
Ssnd.c .V-tianl
Klaaaath Temper. P r s s a t
' ehurcl service are coadacied la
the teat located at East Msia aad
Oak streets. la case tb tent is
moved to a better location read
Botlre at old loeat'oa. Sunday
school ts held nt the tent and
evervoae is Invited to this mass
Snnday srkool. Set ikes each
alght evceyt Moadsy. Special
aific both laatramenlal aad
vnrsl et ike beet talent avails hie.
1" :r welcoma. Tred Horn
. . u
. jrTi..?r. pT. jBom iij iot
.v)R it . . rriBrg;ii. a r
i 1 brings a menage fa. Ue
!,hrck. Evangelistic service nil
be ke-d la the teat oa Va a
street Bear Braad. at 1:41.
Evange:ituc meet. at win coa
llsae all aext week except Mon
day venlng. A beany weknae
is ex: e dee to tk. pahllc
The rttwt Methodist Cfcarv.
corner of North Tecik aad H it
etreeu. Joha R. Coaa. miatrter.
Tt eammeetjm ecteds'e ot
ervkrea oontiBe. Th Sudsy
school 01 :- Morning war
skip eerrtrai IS J. An hour of
isspimuon. Tb Pi-r will
speak on The Cvwcsal Paoblem
ot tt Christ. WorJi. Or
Gnryirg seaga. na
whip.. Splendid u mated lase
a. m.
We are only tour hour away
congregations. Th nnlon eve
ning service will be held la this
church at g o'clock. The Rev.
James A. Smith, pastor of th
First Presbyterian church of
, Dallas will be th speaker. Home-
folk and visitor la the -It' are
cordially Invited to make this
your tharc-h home this day.
e e e
Taw Vnioa Evetunff Sea vie
The nnlon evening service of
the down-town churche will be
held in th First Methodist
chnrch, corner ot Tenth and High
streets Sunday evening at I
o'clock. Rev. James A. Smith,
pastor ot th first Presbyterian
church of Dallas. Oregon, will be
the spesker of the occaaioa. All
member of local congregations
not otherwise engaged In their
own churches and th public la
general are cordially invited to
participate la the Inspiration of
this hour.
Th First Preeerterlaa Charrh.
Rev. James A. Smith ot the
First Presbyterian church ot
Da'.laa, Oregon, will occupy the
pulpit nt the regular 11 a. m.
service. His tiihject. "The Group
Around the Cross," la one "That
will lnterevt every true Christian
and follower of Christ. The
Presbyterian church nnltes in the
union service at the First Meth
odist chnrch with Rev. James A
. Smith bringing the message of
ths evening entitled, "rollo
Tour Leader." The Sunday
school hour at ft 41 a. m. Claasee
for all ag. departmentallted.
Th Christian Enilsavor group
meets at T p. m. Th 1'reali.vler
lan church attends a hsarty wel
come to strangers whn may be
visitor and to thos of' our city
who ar without a church bom.
e e e
Pilgrim Mollnee MkeJoa, 1401
Esplanade street. Rev. O. I.
Weaver, pastor. Sunday school
at (:4 a. m. Preaching at 11.
Young People' meeting at 1 p.
m. Preaching at I. Prjyer meet
ing Wednesday Bight at 1:46.
You ar always wslcom at Che
Pilgrim Mlaaion.
Immannel Haptlst Chaevh, 11th
and High streets. Rer. W. T. S.
Sprlggs, pastor, Th pastor bsi
returned from hi vacation and
will b la th pulpit Sunday.
PI hi school at ft: 46 a. m. Marlon
Bunnsll, tupt. Morning worship,
at 11. Bubjct, "Digging Agsln
th Old Wells." or "Doing As
Itoddy Did." B. Y. P. V. at T p
m. Union vnlng irvle t
Methodist church at I. Midweek
service Wednesdsy, J p. '.
Studies I Revelation.
e e e
' C o ra aa a a I ty Coaarrloajl
Charrh. Garden and Martin S's.
T. Davit Preston, minister.
Church school will meet at
:4I with students going direct
to clssses. At 10:10 members
and frlenda of lh church will
meet at th church to make a
trip to Camp Comconrku, the
church Olrl Scout camp at Lin
coln on th. Ashland highway.
Ther will he a plcnie lunch at
11:10 and church service In the
outdoors at I o'clock. All friends
of tke Girl Scout and ahurck
are cordially Invited. Those
planning to go phone Mr. Pres
ton 1447R. The Sunday evening
picture servlr at I o'clock.
Reautlfal colored pictures of
Clsrler natloaal park loaned
through the courtesy of the
Great Northern railway wilt be
ahown. This It tht fourth ot
the special series et plrturee la
August on Qod and the Great
Out-of-door. Hymn from th
e e e
First Baptist Church Corner
ot Eighth and WashlngtOB. Pat
tor. Leonard B. Stgle.
Superintendent ot tht Sunday
school, Geo. O. Welch. Director
ot the choir, John T. Brown. Di
rector of th B. Y. P. V., Haael
Mlrhaalaon. Sunday school be
gins at I U l. m. Morning wor
ship servlr begins at 10:4 . m.
B. Y. P. U. betln at 4S p.
Evening vangel!tlc service be
gins at T:4S p. a.
First Christian Charrh, Pine
street at Ninth. Arthur Ch a.
Bates, minister. Residence (J!
Lincoln street. Study In the
church. Bible school, 45 . m.
H. I. MrKlm. supt. Mrs. Pearl
SehulU. primary supt. Una hun
dred and twenty-eix present last
Sunday. A good attendaace k
expected this Suaday. Commun
ion and worship. 11 a. m. A
worship service that will be
helpful. Sermon topic: "Vain
Worship." Many new folk are
coming each Sunday. Yoa will
enjoy the fellowship. Evening
evangelistic services. Chrlstlaa
Endeavor. 10 and 1:00 p. m.
A Young People's meeting of
interest. Toung folk sot now
In Endeavor ar most cordially
Invited. Evening preaching. I
p. m. Song service wltk the
orchestra. Dr. Cassel. directing.
Sermon topic: "The Forgotten
Waterpots." On hundred aad
twenty-ftv were In attendance
last Sundsy evening. Mid-week
service Thursday Tit. Bible
Is Everything Safe.
DoNT leave inrwirare, jevelty, and
other raJuabla ungutxded ia your home
whik you are away on jour vacation.
Locking your doors aad windows will
not insure you against the hazards of
burglary aod rc
Use the security of our vault
Bring your valuables to our vault for
safekeeping during your absence. You
can have this ptxxcctioo for a small
rental charge.
A $ft Dejxmt Vault can ie rtnttJ for smalt articltu
Larger space it available for trunks, boxes,
and bulky packages.
C staMie gagas
study of th tenth chapter of
Arts. An opportunity to know
your lllbl. All Invited.
Nr. Paul's t'liunli llnbnrt Lee
llslrd, rector. Church school,
10:00 a. m. Morning prayer and
ssrnioa, 11:00 a. m.
Some People
Th Indications are that radical
remedies must b resorted to to
safeguard Ibe butlnest ot th na
tion aud tb happiness ot th
people against foolish end th
reat reined transaction on th
market. Ssnator Joseph Robin
son ot Arkansas.
M - 0
I am old-fashlonsd snough to
still believe that the word "bond"
carries with It aa Implication to
the ordinary man of something
possessing a reasonable elouieut
of security and stability during
the life of the baud. Claud L.
Porter, Interstate Commerce
Th recovery program will
never tucceed without Inflation.
. , , The administration has had
ao real Inflation to date. Sena
tor Elmer Thomaa ot Oklahoma,
e e e
I am a man of peace. Me
hatma Oandhl.
Valley Cattle In
Prime Condition
cattle pastured on th fertile
meadow lands of the valley ar
showing tin gain In wslght on
th grass feed. Th annual fall
roundups and shipments of th
Imported catil will commence
next month when th csttls which
bar beea oa pastur during th
aprlng and summer will b pur
chased by cattle buyers from
California and Oregon cities.
Th csttls will b shipped to
various market In prim condi
tion s a result ot their fare ot
natural grass In one of the most
valuable grating land, to be
Snow Melts From
High Cascade Peak
Diamond peak which to boot
eight mllee from Cascade Sum
mit la now almost bare of snow,
only a few patchee remaining.
The mountain has an lvatlon
of TI0 feet It csn be .sea at
far away aa 40 miles.
Cafe Customer Shot
In Chicago Fight
CHICAGO. Aug. It. lAt
Caught In a revolver fight be
tweea a robber and a reetaurant
proprietor. Miss Florence Qutnn.
It, was shot to death today while
eetlng breekfsst tn a cafe lust
north of the loop.
A tingle bullet out ot several
fired by each maa pierced th
girl' temple. Albert Pappas, res
taurateur, was wound-d In the
left band. He believed he wound
ed th robber, who fled.
Cincinnati doctor aayt predl
geeted food of future will mak
humn teeth unnecessary. Doe
he look forward te th day when
man will not chews to eat.