Aiifnist 2fi, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FA LIS, OREGOl? PAGS Wan t-A ds Bring Resu Its Phone Yours to 1900 word Dr day's Insertion. pur cent discount OD ail runntni OBI 20J or cent discount OB d runulm 00 month. All classified sds era Insert d Id buih Th. Klmiintb New. nd Evening Herald, al Hi sbove rale, appearing In Th News drat. Time limit for elaaalflcaliou 0 the following day's papers U 00 I' M. Ada dealred In tened on I bo aaiue day aa sub mitted will bare to run "Too l.aie to Classify." Too-Late-In-c'lHMir aila are put In one paper only at the same rata quoted above, and classified (or succeeding insertions Lost and Pound STItAYKD to ranch of Stephen llnrrv. Ilonanxa Hour tuK. Owm-r niny huvo name by pay. Ing ad and lord bill. uiJ3 LOST Lady's traveling bag. 'te ward. 1424 t'r.wrciit. 0)111 3 General Noticea TO IIOMB LOAN APPLICANTS llnre your home photo implied by Uavld A. Zumai rapa. Very reasonable. 2144 Wantland. Phone 1309W. 090 PAINTING, paperhanglng, kalno nilnlim. X. P. Houer. PIuiik 14SsV. 0979 PAINTINO. decorattugr-aeverlag eatltnatea on any Job, large or mull. Phone 107. J. L. New man. . 8301 RADIO srkvicb. or ar. alnda Wm. Long. 1404 Lookout tit Phone I saw 9186 Personate RRAIIINII8 dally SSI Oak fo Transportation Travel By Stage 11 Hra. to Portland 15. to one war 110 (0 round trip. II Hra. to Seattle 17 90 one way. 114.00 round Trip. Via Bend and Wsplnltls. Leave K. ralla 11:10 P. 51. Urey bound Depot. Phone IIS0 S064 7 r lp Wanted, Female) WANTED Woman to work on ranch; reference!. Rt. 8, box 154. 0II97 10 Contracl Work Wanted TRUCK FOR-JIIHB 4-lon ca pncltv stake truck, good drlv er. contract hauling, Oregon and California license. Call 176 or write P. O. box 7(4. 0844 11 Furniahed Rooma LAROB tunny bedroom, 1160 crescent, near nigh achooi. 0(96 12 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 1761 W. 0575 13 ' Furniahed Apartment FURNIAHED APTfl. Clean.'cool ' reasonable. Jacnba Apia., cor' ner fine nnn uenar. uii:i 14 Furniahed Houaet 1-ItOOM furnished honse, clove In. 11H High. 0045 17 Real Eatate For Sale 1 ACRE With htilltllngs, clone In Price reasonable, lit. i, box aonn, loop 1 7a Real Eatate Wanted FOR LEASE Lunch counter at Pollciin One-Stnp mat Ion, .sixth nnd Wnlnul. OK 19 19 Automotive WANTED 1929 or 1930 Chov rolel coach or aednn body In fair shape. State price. Ad dress X Y8 cam Hcrnlrt office 20 Miscellaneous Tor Sal FOIt BAHUAINB In slightly used furniture and ranKoa. We nav cash for second hand goods Piano for aala or rent. KLAMATH rUKNITURB ... . EXCHANGE 711 Wain Phone 194 Tour oredll la tood. 0448 10 roit BALK OH TRADB Small A work hone for cow or whut , have you. Four-whenl chasls, 200 pound fnt tow, net light harness, several amnll horse collars, 1927 Pontine conch, two-wheel trailer, Do Laval sep arator. South 8th, acros, from Pelican Lbr. Co. 1002 20 Miacellaneoua For Sale SACKS Farmers attention. We bare used sack fur oaia, barley and apuda. We buy pelts, wool bldea and )unk. And we will treat you rlslil. M B Hag Co., 634 Markut. Phone 1B3 V. Qtiiii KOH BALB Cooking apples, Anlrai lunula. 3 cents pound. Mrs. r'rud Peterson, Bummoi's Lane. Phone 1 6K8. 0947 KOK BALK Female l I or pup. 4 months old. Cross betwour. Irish setter and Oonlon aetler. 13. inquire 2441 Orchard Way. 0941 FOIt KALK Guernsey bttH, 11 years old. Inquire Letnlet ruucU, Oleiie. 0UH4 FOIt HAI.K Pickling cucumbers, .Merrill - Lakerlew Junction Phone 522W4. Crystal's. UIL43 FOIt KALK Thoroughbred fox terrier puiiplea, reasonable. 1222 Momlulre. 0942 PICKL1NO cucumbers. Mrs. Tay. lor. lit. 1, llux 93. Third HI., Allauiont. 0734 GRAIN BACK.t for aala. 1. W. Kerns Feed Btora, 734 Bo. ih. 0460 FOIt KALK Trailer box. $8.00; Western Field 20 gauge double barrel shotgun, shells, caao, shell vest, 120. 154 E. Maul. 21 Wanted Miacellaneoua TRUCKS for log haul, easy grades, good pay, long Job. In quire Ward'a Garage, Dray. 0738 22 Livestock and Feed IIOHKKH FOR BALK 809 to moo lbs. Rear of Klamath Full, Aulo Camp. 0980 WANTED Cattle. 400 bead yearllnga, mixed. Uox 13', Klamath Falls. oo 22a Poultry For Sale STATU Rlood Tested White Leg horns. Marred Hocks and lied Chicks. Nine Dollars 100 Pre paid and guaranteed. J. R. Ma gulre. 2415 N. K. Oregon St.. Portland. 013:1 23 Financial JAVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Lowest ratea and easiest terms Inveatlgate and be convinced. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 103 Bo. 7th. Ph. 1141 ltate License M-104 $ $ Salary Loans $ $ TO 30 DOLLARS ON YOUR PLAIN NOTB No Interest deductions, you receive full amount applied fur. l to t mom ha time. All loans confidential STATE LOAN CO. Oregon Bank (4 ii I Id 1 ti at. Entrance 120 N. luth. Pb .45 Lie by state 8-14 24 Buaineat Opportunitieg ONE-CHAIR barber shop, fully equipped, with living quarters; rent. 87.50 month: on Red wood highway, Oregon Cnvcs Junction. Call at Act Tlte Shop, 831 Klamath Ave. 067i FOIt SALE Roomlnr house. best location, good proposition. Must leave. Cheap. Box 09M, News-llorsld. 0991 It KKT A Lit A NT FOIt UKNT Uond proposition for man and wife. Hub Pool Hall, sprngue lltver. I'BNl Neceagitieg for Work WILL give high achooi girl room and board In exchange for help wun housework. 1'hone 3biwt. 0759 WILL OIVB young man room In exchange tor choroa. Call 1393J. 0201 aBaxBsaaaBaBsaBsaaaaesMaKsaaasaBasBaoaaBt Work for Neceggitieg PIANO TEACHER will exchange lessons tor two lor washing. 480 Main. 1001 VOIINO WOMAN will do house work In exchange for clothing or groceries. 200 Mortimer. 0939 MECHANIC with 18 yean' experi ence will exchange work for clothing or groceries, lou Mortimer. 0988 WOMAN Will work In exchange tor gooo used riirnrture or wha- have you? Boat refer encea. 1703 Oregon. 0296 Tit A UK Carpenter work or aoi tui usvu var or iruca, est UP ham. 059k WILL exchange neat mending tor groceries, call HoIIot Offlco, Court House. 0045 WOMAN will do any kind, day or hour housework. Also care tor children. 1711 Oregon. 0531 Wooden Boxes on Display at Market Wooden boxea of all ehapot and also, manufactured from Klamath timber aro on display In a show window at the Public Mnrket, between Fifth and Sixth on Mnln street. The Klnmalh Counly Ship by Rnll cluh. nnd the Ship In Wooden Container! club, are each cooperating with B. L. Crambllt In aponsorlng the dis play, in honor of the twelfth an niversary of the Public Market. Several pictures' and wooden placquea add Interest to tha win dow display, , ItKltltlKS RIPKMXO - Cascade Summit. The huckle berries are ripening here. The crop la fair and the berrlci arc quite large. Klamath Business Directory Doctors K. I. HALL, M l). Physician and Surgeon llaternity Cases a Hiwclalty 110 Wintora liliU. Hr. O. W. Weetllnd. Naturopathk Physician. Chronic and nervous dlaeasea a apeclalty. 111-211 I. o. o. r. Bldg. Dres Shoppe Visit Torgler'a Upstalra Dress Hboppe for attractive dresses at reasonable pricea. 731 Main Bt. Phone S2J. 0510 Jewelers LET OKOHOB DO IV Georxs L. Mela I Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler HKI'AIRINO. 887 Main St. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING. BUTTONS cov ered, dressmaking. Mra. H M. Allendor. 514 Walnut. 0178 Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Aug. 25. OP) Cattle, 1; calves. 18; market steady. Steers, best, $8.16 to $5. 7b: common and medium, (3.25 to 84.80; heifers, best, 14.00 to 34.25; medium, (3.25 to JJ.5U, cowa, best, $3.00 to $3.25: com mon and medium, $1.76 to $2.60: cannera, $1.00 to $1.00: bulls, best, $8.00 to $8.60; good, 35.00 to $5,160; ordlnsry, $4.00 to $4.50. Hogs, 61S; market steady. Ton llaht hutchera. SS.U0 to $6.60; heavy butchers, $4.76 to. $6.00; sows, $3.25 to $4.00; slaughter pigs, $4.00 to $5.00; feeder pigs, $4.00 to $6.00. Sheep, 40$; market steady, lambs, best, (.00 to (6.25; me dium, $4.76 to (5.25; feeder lambs, 14.00 to $5.00; yearling wethers. $2.00 to $3.00; ewes, $1.00 to $1.60. CHICAGO. Aug. 15, OP) Bull Ish sentiment ruled the grsln msrketa today, although the vol ume of deallnga ahowed no great Increase. Announcement thst tha London wheat conference had reached sn agreement, talk of Inflation, and firmness of aecurltlea gave graina a sharply higher opening. Wheat wua up almost four cents a bush el, and corn three centa, but reac lions carried away part of the gains, Tradera wars little influ enced by the London agreement, aa portions of It were contusing, and all Interests preferred 10 await clarification of the obacure polnta. Trade in all graina lagged after a brisk opening flurry. Wheat closed firm, 2ic to He above yesterday's finish. Corn ln firm. He to JJc higher: oats Musician HORIZONTAL 1 Who Is ths man In ths picture? 12 Silkworm. 13 To dins. 14 Paduls. 1( Notion. 18 Threads plscsd under ths skin. 10 Bslsam, 33 Snaky Dsn, 13 Pigment In ths human body 15 To be seated. 18 Northwest. 27 Fourth note. 23 Dslty 30 Exclamation. 31 Sorrowful 32 Grief. 34 Maple shrub. 16 Above. IS Form of 'bs." 41 Type msssurs. 42 Pertaining to beee. 44 Muscular power 47 First note. 4$ The pictured man Is ons of ANSWKR TO PREVIOUS PHCZLR UiM-PjE. PQ3H I IR OiHjl jTiOl fM2&1g Emperor difefin Hirohito fMt YljAlRB JAP AN HVE.UVL absoit agADiappnt ANMAiNjCHiUilySttn$ Ijd.rBSo'1- ubeeIsJJ the world's finest (4 Sun god. 65 Bark of ths neck. (7 Fruit dots on ferns. 68 To scorch" (0 Rows In series. 62 Jewel. (3 The pictured man was a prodigy In muslct (4 This type of .talent Is suppoisd to bs Sis 04 7g- I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I L Paint Store Wall naner. 4 eents a rnll and nn The most eomnlefe lint nf nnlnla enamels and paper In southern Oregon. Painters and paper hangers at your service. Pstterson Paint Store 230 Main St. Phone 1845 Mineral Baths Mineral Batha Hot Spring Nat Turkish Baths Massage. Colonic Irrigation. Reg latered Nurse. 127 So. Seventh. Typewriters School Trained Mechanic. 14 Yeara' Experience Adding Machine and Typewriter Bales snd Service 630 Main Phone (42 lc to lie up, snd provisions 6c to 16c sdvanced. CHICAGO, Aug. 25, (JP) Wheat, No. 1 hard, 89c. Corn, No. 1 mixed. 51c to 511c; No. 2 yellow, 61o to (lie; No. 1 white, 641c Oats, No. 1 while, 38c to 19c. Rye. no salea. Barley, 42c to 60c. Timothy seed, per cut., $4.0 to $4.76. Clover seed, per cwt.. $10.00 to $12.75. Lard, $5.80. Bellies, $(.87. PORTLAND, Whest Aug. 15, Cf- Open High Low Close September .78 ,73 .78 .73 December .77 ' .771 .77 .77! Cash Wheat No. 1 Big Bend bluestcm . .11 Dark hard winter, 12 .83 Dark hard wluter, 11 .74 fioft wbito . .. .71 Western while .ji Hard winter .71 Northern spring . .71 Western red .69 Oats. No. 1 while, $24.00, Corn. No. 1 yellow, 116.25. Mlllrun standard. $18.60. Today's csr receipts: Wheat, ($; flour, 13: osta. 4; hay, 1. Stock Averages (Copyright till, atsndard Statla tlos Company) ... ., -j 11 (e ' Indl's nil's (It's Total Friday 97.4 (4.4 sl.4 Prev. day K t CI S 7.7 14.1 Week ISO 40.1 44 8 SI. 4 l C Yesr aire 43. t 4.J t.4 ii 1 S rear ago . 161.4 117.4 !15 5 t uign 01.1 (.e til l t. t.ow. 14S1 IS s & cs s High. 19JJ 7J t 19 8 Ill.S 7l' law, l,,l se.l si.S BS.V Bond Averages (Copyright ls, standard gtatls tlca Company) 80 10 10 (0 Ufa Total Indl's Rlt's Friday 76.7 Sit 7H.I 80.8 76 0 31.0 49.S 73.1 14.7 tO.I 14.1 10.4 15.4 SOS I'rev. day Week ago Year ago ysars ago HlBh. 1S3I Low, 1911 High. 1531 ."tr l3? 4 7t.t 83. a 103. s 100. T 101. t 77.1 t S8.6 11 1 III 17.0 T4.1 11.4 71.1 78.0 86 1 71.1 SI 7 47 4 70S Bi t Austria? - 15 Writer. 17 Moisture. 18 Southeast 19 Nirkel (abbr.). 21 Falsehood, 23 Insane, 14 Modern, 17. Distant 29 Card gam 31 Half. 33 Level. 36 H wai a In ths World Wsrf 17 Orsen Jewel, 19 Blsck bird. 40 Onager 41 Parents' liter 48 To prevent 45 Scratchy 46 0ns under guardianship. 49 Bone, (0 Theater box, 61 'Anger 61 Deadened, 63 Exlals. 66 Vegetable. 69 To hasten. 61 Note in scsls. 65 Floslsd. VERTICAL 1 Roll as of film. 1 God of war 4 Seventh nots. (To turn ovsr ( Polynesian chestnut T Typs of Collar , I Therefore. (Upright shaft. 10 God of lors. 11 Ths pictured man was born In i (3 Company. National, Local Markets jEGGS REVEAL CPDJITIP TRWr Liiimiiu IUI1L T PORTLAND PORTLAND, Aug. IS, OPV Market for shnwed s. verv erratic tons except (or the strictl fresh stock, which was ancbang-. d. Bulk of eggs sold la Porttsnlj lodsy were ont of coolers, wito ; moat retailers unwilling to pay j for quality. . The condition of the knttat trade appeared artificially stead here. Make waa Bp snd dowa slightly by turns within ths bom(ed around their tops. Graina. af- aector, but there appeared little real anap in the buying. Prices did not change today. Demand for chickens remained slow in the trade here, and espe cially ao for light and medium weights. The weather was still the adverse factor. Spring stuff was in call. Demand for turkeys wsa sll'l generally unfilled here as a re sult of continued very acant of ferings of fresh stuff. ' Only ooe operator waa reported with a storage supply. Trade In country meats was marking time snd practically no price changea were noted for the day. Top quality atuff waa sought in every line except beef. With Increased demand and the movement to market eome- what restricted, market for to - matoea again ataged a comeback In the trade here. General lop for the day was 50c per box. Generally held prices were sug gested Friday In the cantaloups market, with Dlllards moving ont readily at $1.25 per crate and a carload demand In sight from dis tant polnta. , Congestion was noted In the spple market, with local stock in heavy offering. Notes of Wholesale Trading Potato trade waa gaining for ahlpmenta of locale In carlots. Onlona were quotable steady. Hothouse mushrooms were scarce at 50c per lb. . Demand for green beans was firmer. ' Dry been market was marking time. Craba were In an over-supply and lower priced. Salmon and halibut were ateady to firm at lata, values. CATTLE ACTIVE 01. SO. SAN FRANCISCO,. Aug. 25. f UP) Hoars: 100. ' Load C&l'fornlas on sale, asking $5.75 on best end. Cattle: 200. Moderately ac tive, steers fully steady to strong; cows strong to 15e higher for week: two loada fairly uniform, rest largely me dium 847 lb. alaughter steers $5; losd 1056 lb. $4.85, odd head $4.60-16; car 1172 lb. fed steers $5.50; medium and fair ly good range cows $3.25-13.50, common $2.26; odd dairy type 2-:.oo. Sheep: (?(. Slow, all hold overs, market not established few early ssles around 25 cents lower considering quality: deck good 81 lb. wooled lambs $6.75. 25 per cent (5.75; choice ab sent quotable $7, possibly above. Lake Trout Enter Creek To Spawn CASCADE SUMMIT, The Doh ly Varden trout have again en tered Trapper Creak to epawn Each year during the month of August these fish enter the creek from Lake Odell and go up ths creek about a half mile and then return to ths lske. Ths Dolly Varden trout are large, sometimes weighing aa 15 pounds. Ths meat resembles thst of sslmon. Their hesds ars larger than that of other trout oxaeasaaaoosawaosaooooaaBOOBaaaa Second Straus Works for U.S. t. ( .T . r" 4i a.-l ., .k . , i ii i .. . , While Mi tattler, Jesse I, Btraus, Is busily engaged In conducting Franco-American re lations as American ambassador In Parla, Robsrt K. Strsui works aa a secretary to ths pol icy board of the NRA re-em-i i-.impalgn. Y o n n g Straus Is ahown here at his desk In tha NRA offices. f i t "f - ,'ftg t ' t .a -. V a a ' 1 "J Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Aag. 16, yp Stocks swept forward today la rlgoroas advance based, largely, oa the Inflationary Implications j attached to Increased credit ex pansion activities of ths federsl or mora point were recorded by numerous Issues In ths most acl- 'ive trading ol ths past several i weelu. The close woe atronc. i'farnoieT approximated 1,100,004! sharee. Equities were pushed Bp st a fMl rlt. early. The proceedings tnen quieted down somewhat, hot there was another rush of buyers jaat before the close. Despite soma profit taking In the final fee mlnulee, most leaders finish- ter aa early sport, last soma of their buoyancy, but ended with most of their gfclns. The dollar slumped in foreign exchange deal ings. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction ion 30 1421 3 70 13f 2 1291 (21 18j (31 10 (41 19 421 291 17$ 281 ll 79 241 481 47 19 401 11 (41 901 31 47J 83 84 221 91 38 141 14J 23! 421 17! (71 23 28 317 Alaska Juneau AL them. AY Dye American Can American Coml. Alcohol American er For. Pow. American Smelt, at Ref. A. T. A T. Amerlcaa Tob. B Anaconda Copper Atchison T. 8. F. Atlantle Ref Baltimore Ohio Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Borden Co. .... j Burr. Adding Machine California Pack Canada Pacific . Case. J. L Caterpillar Tractor Chesapeake A Ohio Chrysler Motor ,,,, CoL O. B. Commercial Solvent Commonwealth Southern . Continental Can Corn Producta , Curtis. Wright Drug Inc. Dnpont De N. Eastman Kodak ,, Klec. Auto Lt. El. Pow. A Lt General Foods General Motors Gillette Rssor , Gold Dust International Harvester I. T. 4k T. Johns Msnville Kennecott Con. Cop. Kroger Grocery Llbbey-O-Foru Llggett A Myers B Llanid Carbide Lorillant Tob. Co. Monty Ward Nash Motor National Biscuit National Dairy. Products National Distillers National Pow. Lt New York Central North America Packard Motor Penney, J. C. Penn. R. R, Phillip. Pet. Public Service N. J. Pullman Co. Radio Corp. R. K. O. Rem. Rafld Reynolds Tob. B Sears Roebuck Shell Union Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Oil California Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Co. Texas Corp. Texss Gulf Sul Trans-America Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp. United Gas Imp. U. 8. Indus. Alcohol . U. S. Rubber , U. S. Steel ., Vanadium West. Elec. sV Mfg. Woolworth Compulsory school attendance! ages vary in the different states: no ststs requires children to atart to school before ths ags of I six. LITTLE ORPHAN 97V I 35 . I 9 I ( M.L MV LIFE A IN THS THE-TR6 ' OEE , THHs I BUSIWBSS, AND AWFUL ' I MgVgP. I MICE p' vou SESK1 WO ACT TO SAV L : THAT THB POBUC THAT f - LIKED SO MUCH- S CVSKI I LIKE JT CEB . V j CHIZ2L6B- VOU " ' "J SMOULO H.AU si MV- MV- TUi OVJSLL ISN'T THAT I THJOS TME I cine? YES tsJ THEA.TBB MANSOSP I INDEED- SAID ABOUT OUR . ilTl ACT AMD HOW , MUCH HE V LIKES J Jp j BOSTOrl WOOL MARKET FIRM, BUYING FREER BOSTON, Aug. IS, 0P Ths Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: "Evidently Impressed with the statistical soundness of wool, manufacturers have been buying wool mors freely this past week, snd salea appeared to have been rather above the average In vol ume. Medium grades are scarce snd slightly dearer. All qualities are firmer. "Reports from the goods cen ters Indicate good business on dress gooda and eloakinga, and also on tropical worsted lines. In ;ite of some uncertainties In ths NRA codes. "Foreign markets are mors active than usual at this point in tns season. Higher pricea are predicted for the opening of the new Australian season Monday at Sydney. "Mohair Is In modersts move ment and very firm. Price ten dencies for ths atapla are against the buyer, as with other miscel laneous fibres." The Commercial Bulletin will publish the following Quotations Scoured basis: Oregon, fine and fine medium staple, 76c to 78c; fine and fine medium French combing, 73c to 75c: tine and fine med'um clothing, 70c to 71c; Val ley No. 1, 70c to 73c Mohair: Domestic, good erlg Inal bag, Oregon, 18e to 80c Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Ang. 25. OP) (U. 8. D. A.) Hogs, 32.000; market sctlrs and 10c higher. 180 to 320 IDs., (4.50 to $4.60; sows. IZ.75 to $3.35. Cattle, 1,000; market dull. Steers, $4.60 to $5.76; other kill ing classes were uneven, but most ly steady; ths market was spotty. Vealere steady, selected ap to 18.00. r - THIS CURIOUS WORLD 27 " S ,1 mtr ! m 24j I , 'AirxmA . 671! svsfy-f1- a mVt'im 7r 71 U I ZSAl lVflWei rMrVB li I r-m VIM AMSh'tryyl 1 - I M - va- B a. C -w- M B fcw . W V 31 - " C& A!: A J bbtorm Pf - . 1 in rK ;?) f si f-MMtChl V3xl h Kv. i5i r . vi vra n.i- j "' FASTEN RFLS INTO THE. 4CStS - m If 1 - ,; ... r . 1 Iti I J MAS NO LAN I JCZT -X ' ji III AOEAS LOWER. t- ea. Z i? Ps-? a-Jillil)ia-J.II i.e. Him. fW-TLgr'1 f.J V Jn4- . rCr. JI 1 T3P s i er wawec ANNIE mono I ( THAT THBATBE MANAOSBj I WILL REAR WATCH1NO- HI'S LIABLE TO POT IDAS OS 1 IO MONEY INTO THAT KIDS I HAO I CAN'T .APFORD TO -I HAVE MY TRAINED SEALS . V TAMPERED WITH A HsedCy j L - 1b i r Portland Produce PftnTT.ANn An ea m Butter, prints, sztraa, 13a: eland- darda, lto. Bntlsrfat Portland I.llvery. A grade, 19s per lb.; farmer's doul delivery, 17e per lb.; sweet sream 5e higher. Er... PaclM 9mm1I sr.' sailing price: Overalls, 14s; extra.. 12ft; iFinHiF, a. diuma, 10c; pullets, lie psr doS- -u. nuying pries ny wnoiesaisra. n-jn .xiraa, sue; mediums, lie; undergrade, 10c per dossn. Cheese, (i score Oregon trip lets, lie: loaf, lie r ih tink ers will pay Is below quotation. Miia. contract price. 4, Port land delivery. 31.70 np , K grade cream, 171e per lb. country meats, selling price to retailers, country killed hogs, best butchers, under 1(0 lhs 71s ta 8e; vealers. 70 te 100 lbs lie te 10c; spring lambs. 101s to lie lb.; yearlings, 4e te ( per lb. I heavy awes, 2 to le per lb.; me dium cows, (e to 4s per lb.; Ban ner cows, la to to psr lb.; pal sic io sc per id. Mohair, baying price 11(1 ells, 15e per lb. , Cascara bark, Seym pdes, lie per lb. .., Hops, nominal. 1131. s 45e per lb. Live poultry. Portland deal v. err. hnvln- m-fe colored, 31 te (1 lba lie; do. s ios ana bp, lie; hens, ever i lbs le; under 11 lbs, 7; springs, 2 the. nn lie- hm(la i . , e lbs. 13c; colored springs, 4 lb. up, x.c; eoiorea roasters, Baea 3 lbs., lie; roosters, (e per Is. Dueka, Pekina, broilers, (s te lee per lb.; eld dacks Peking, and do. colored, not quoted. New onlona. Walla Walla. 11 la to (1.(0 per cental. New potatoes, local white aatd red. $1.69 per cental; Yakima, $160. Cantaloupes, Dlllard standard. $1.16; Yakima atandarda, T(s te 85c crate: Dalles. 16a as 11. crate. Wool, 1(11 dip, nominal! Wil lamette Valley, 23c to 26s per Ik.: Vs.l D Amn 1.. t .1. lb.; Southern Idaho, lie te Ms - u. Hay, bnylng , price from pro ducer: Alfalfa, No. 1, new crop. (17.00; el over. No. t, (14.90; Willamette Valley timothy, .le a a . .. il .1 .i. . . u . v u , cnotviu UlCBU. VllUU,Br $18.00; oau and grain, $1(.0( rvor 1 nn SCIGNTISTS TAXEN TO -M4A4QrVI6f . BUT7EQttJS ' f MAfiMNt MAN 7MOUSAT40S OP1 THK AuoeAUNd mohukm iVrTtLss, Trdry TO F1KO our MHeTHER THE SAMS. avorvro- By Harold Gray. A WONDgRBJU LITTI.I QIOL- MATURAL TALENT, AND A LBVCL HIAD TOO- THAT GUV CHIZZLECt- I DON'T LIKE THAT FELLOW- SH-IOOSljy AS AN EEL- tATT IT'S oa MV RUINE9-