PACF. I";HT Bargain Bride by KATHARINE HAVILASD-TAYLOR HUMft UKKK TOU&t fSLiNon PTAFH.nn, an, taita lava with B4BHKTT tOUIV 3A, kBt m Jralnm. arfcrMlaa; Maihfr. I.IDA DTAI'KUHI). break aa ! aaaara aaa vlarlaa Ramtt thai KNaar ta hcanleaa flirt. W ara Kllara anal, wealthy Mlff KM. NKXTON, lira aa leavaa arr fartaa ta Harm rhf a rat. km VANCK CRTKH ahoala HKNTWKM. ST AFKOHI. Kllaa"a faiaar. Himil trlla KH anr that If aaa will aaarrr htm and llrr In hla aaie mm a far a raar will la arr ta ratlr SinBara' fartwa ltl a moms krr rlatlTaa. Kwlf ta nnari aay mtc ha faihcv'a Ufa. I la at- aarraM. Ta marriaa; take Uw. Bar rtt, la apltr af taa Ilea Uda Baa tl htm. BaSa h lata If aaara lava with Kllaar than Tr. aaa a ar, alaa-year-ala 6EH ALD MOOHK, Wka la ta aaa hla aal'-alalar, MAHC1A RAD KOWU Barrat km prlH Hf rta wvff m revaal (aa ay'a irar alary. Tfca Saater arara akaaa at ait mat far KUaar'a father aaa fc iraaa with hlai ta Aikra. Uaa aaha Barrett far A mrm ha rafaaea ah pata del, lira aa hla trail aaa" leara ahaat hla ward. I.Ma eaaelaaea tka hay la Harrtla aaa. Ilarratt aaiya aa waaaaaa aialt la Aikea. Ha BOB TRLFARR thrr Bad aaapeeta mt af arrylav a a Mrtattaa with Baa, ROW CM) ON WITH THE STV CHAPTER XXXVI ttT'HAT attractive cbbs. Br- " rett eomtnMtvi glanctac at the tray. EUlBor sodded. -BTerytBlB; era It attractive. I maderstand the owners haven't much money bat they certainly have excellent taste. It's a darling boose, I love It! "It's for tale, Elinor. Jost aa R to furnished. May I bay for yea' Barrett asked earnestly. She looked startled, raisins her ace to his. "I'd like to leave something vlth yon that will make yoa re member me," he said wistfully. "I should think yoa could let me do that If yoa leave me. Let me set It any way and yoa can decide later about keeping It. Will 70a. dear?" He had said, "If yoa leave me The thought churned la Elinor's heart and set her pulse racing. Then he had thought she Klght not leave him! "You're very kind " sa whis pered. "Not a bit of it!" He drew his hand away, moistened his lips and sat back away from her. He was go tag soft again, he wanted" him self. "How about taw hoaser ho questioned after a silence as she set her cup on the tray. "I'm tempted, she admitted. They oven have the books I like on the shelves. Could ya buy the books . too? she finished eagerly. "X should think so. I under , stand the house is offered Just as It Is." . It was offered as the result ot another domestic tragedy, he knew, bat he didn't want Elinor to know that. It might change her feeling for the place a bit Later she played for him softly. so that .the piano could not be beard In the wing where Beat- well Stafford slept. Finally, re solving to "get It over." Barrett suggested that they go to the ter race. He laid a light wrap about her shoulders, remonstrated that It wouldn't keep her warm. She answered, as women always do. that K was very- warm and they stepped across tho wiadow-sill Into the night. aaa DAIM was coming and big, bfl- lowing clouds raced across the moou Mo the tort-am was bathed In sliver, now black. Tsa lights of ihe village pricked thi ebon curtain to the north. Tae soft stir was in the atr in comes before a tempestuous, southern dpwnpour. Leaves trem bled, and somewhere a shutter swung. From the aoarest honee. a half acre away, came the hueued strains of the latest, seiiuides taJty appealing waits. Jlome w !?-. soma proclaimed themselves amd the fact that the noon haa. Been hot by loeetng a heavy, Barrett wanted tv ae heyoad reach of the house, beyond a point where a. keenly listening ear could catch eve so much a a chance phrase. Drawing her arm through his, he led her to bal ustrade that guarded a terrace from a dramatically beautiful drop. This Is a charming place. he murmured a trifle thickly as she withdrew her arm. "Yes " He leaned against the balus trade against which she too, was leaning. He found It difficult to begin. "Ctgaret?" he asked. No, thank you." She watched his face as he held a lighter with a wind guard to hfs cigaret. Something had made him rather nervous, she saw. Long lines were pulled at the sides of his lips, which were stiff, yet uneasy. "How long can yon stay?" she asked. "As long aa you want me to. ha answered. He snapped the i lighter shut; slipped It Into a 1 pocket. She felt that his eye brows were dravn close although Just then the moon was kept from shedding light by a dense bank of clouds. Was he already regretting bis ' genumess, she wondered. A keen-bladed knife seemed plunged into her heart and drawn slowly out again as she considered the question. "I want you to stay as long as you want to," she said with a coolness ot which she was proud. "I want from you only what you can give without regret.' I shall regret giving you noth ing." he said quickly, "if yoa will remember our bargain. "What bargain, Barrett? We agreed, you remember, (hat neither of us was to Indulge la a flirtation during this yesr." "But, Barrett, I never have. ihe a no wared. MI cou Idn 't ! f never did before onr marriage. pOR a few minutes ha could not 1 trust himself to speak. Did she think him a complete fool? he asked himself. "Elinor, I know yoa are very attractive. You must have had lore affairs, he managed to say at length without betraying the deep anger that shook him. "But I never appealed to me Barrett. That's a hratal fact. I don't like to admit ft; bt It Is the fact" The moon had shskea herseaf tree from the mask ot clouds. Older aaeaT Barrett quea- lloned slowly. "I've heard they liked yoa? He was looking down at her, w eyes Barrow. 'Yes," she admitted and smiled. Ta him her smile aeemed cyal- cally and eruc y amused. He drew a deep, rasping breath. One great atorm cloud slipped ovet tr.e titter moa -ud out out iU light. Barrett put his hands upon Kliaers uou to ataw aer close. His motkia was rough, ha knew afterward alrntatty rough. 'All older ties," ha confessed , UBeteadil. are aot so oW mm they teem. H e fair the thing i ron aa as I eauT holp my fee lias ior yoa evea though I know what you are or area' I "I eoa'i aha negam, hut his hot lips pressed against hen ta atiile the sentence. tie held aer away, magbtor. Again he swept her etose, Whea aha at last straggled tree Be sagged back against the bal ustrade, breathing hard. She 1 touched her bruised lips with trembling angers. She too was breathing hard and crying a little. I know yoa better than you ! think, you see. he stated. He had not seen her tears. "X hap pen te have known af seme ot your affairs for seme time. I'm sorry I lost my head. But don't pretend surprise aad fright! Yoa 4e I weaMnt be fooled! aaa CHC fajraed abrupt and. head high, moved toward onev ot the long French windows an ob long, lemon square the black ness. Her knees were shaking. her heart pounding. She had learned love and hate aad their possible blend. Something made aim foHow her. In the Mving room he ever- i took her to my aa arresting hand upon her arm. She tarned to him. head still high. "By God." he whispered, staring down at her. They real "Do Let me goT she ap pealed, voice breaking. He fol- j lowed her, humble aad utterly shaken, to watch her make her way up the stair. After a long moment he fol lowed her. "Elinor ?" he whis pered. "Don't she begged, "I cent talk bow!1 8he went Into her room and hs Into his. He heard her turn the i key In the lock ot the door tween the rooms. He stared long and dully at the door. The slight sound hurt almost as deeply as the fright he had seen in her eyes. Would he ever again have the trust she had once given him? He remembered a maxim an eastern priest had quoted, "To know the value at a tBm-g yoa must lose R. He heard her moving In the ad- Joining room as he sank back ia a low chair. He did not sleep and knew she did not. He ssw the light In her room go on at three, printing a slit ot yellow beneath the door. The light re mained there for two hours. Elinor lay perfectly quiet. K Barrett had loved her how she would have welcomed that mo ment! But he had said only that he understood her and her af fairs. She would have trusted him anywhere L He could believe aa he liked. He had had the chance to know her. Never would she say a wor 1 to defend herself. What would be the use? 8 he had denied her guilt and he had laughed at her denleL The Bight was endless. She looked at a small clock that ticked merrily beside her bed. The hands pointed at half past four. (To Be Continued) IF YOU have soinetnlng t sell, have changed your place et business, buy or sell farm pro ducts or have anything to tell the public, the moat ecunornlcal and surest wav of getting re sults la tbrough the classified. Phone 1900 or writs 1b to the News-Herald. Flapper Fanny SaJ It'i In the Ionic utrfttnh that Ih, landman overtake, you. HI OUT OUR WAY u I HI - .mi.i : V A.. ,,- V. II 7. Vm ATCR V 1 UOKOr WnT . .' f WIFE IS AWAfV.l iVMNK ' I y 1 1 OPOPPiKk' on one. fcNOOCH FE.? i , .' i , M MAVE SOME OF THE BOYS Or U W SPor NNitV. FtMAt-W 1 .A VEAO UW6 '$ THE OWLS CLUB- OVER ONE NKbHT. k I S, MAk6 A HOLt H 1 VOOfiial yl U'dT TOR A TSNNER OF VOUR FAMOUS j ? , E. A STONE.. 5?lT00lPLu,- ljfVY$ 1 HOT -DOdJS AND WAMBUR6ERS ? ' r-err rrrr i i w: i'' ff. ueriTLE.nicKy, feer - I I . I I ttJ oo, larryV i t ."w u. ' .i'jtr1 vi mm Ki a y i i w "v. - - ft. vx v'v i l i unit, v w x v-v-'twa: i i j m . ijtr i . . .- '..-..r soft wickins. v;;t. tsj I v til ,J . - SA1F.SMAN SAM By Small Wrf.LMJOUE1. WHO OO Hfkr'Tft Set) VOU ewTeR. fx A tp's, AROOIM; uWS,eR OMl-W HfvCF THeRe fl moboov KIM -TfeLU f t'fA cRftl-V, OtT VMM I I - .- ,T.., m. UUUl TUMSl I I'll rlrif nJVB bKl' MT I L FELLA I J I .,Tu .-i ' '"i I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Martin MOU M ftVLX WM WERt K10 VV 1 HIV TjWM6 - . VN I 60 ! M VlOt VfcVtWtO TO R OH I lMPl KOOUt TKIM I 'w"- 6 Ht MAM I VCMKT 91 VlVt VOO-VHOVfc- J I MOW- 1 I WASH TUBBS m he girl cots one wav JSwL rX-, - v -c...-.,CTt , e,irr - cpprvri r; and his FRlF.Nns Bv Blosser C 1 . ) SOMEOOV TELEPHOmED I 00MT KNOW, BUT IT CAME I ZJ"i fcluT I 1 f( ) HaWO-HX, 50M-6CT OR TELEGRAPHED. I DON'T FROM 6HADY&IDE-NEVER HEARD ) TSJT lrV ( HOME A BOY FROM FT OVER- ) KWOW WHICH-I GUESS THEY OF TH" PLACE-ANYHOW, THEY SAID SURELY E-Y f AVE JSl, I " ) S f J y-t PARADISE WITHf TELEPHONED WELL.ANYWAY, SOMEBODY WAS 6ICK,0R HUCT, SOME NAME J.'y TB'Ur S JUWaiOM, U J IT DOMT MAKE ANY DIFF- y OR IN AM ACCIDENT, OR 'SOMETHING y iSr W HMt K '7?7 S .. . 1LMJA3 I 7T. tw t fl n n. -t ' u ' ' THE NEWFANGLES MOM'N POP , . By Cowan f I IM SIMPUY DYING TO HELLO .GLADYS CHICK WAS BCCN ' NOTING . PCALLYl " f HERE'S THE EGG - ) KNOW r THOSE TWO DARLING'. CAME t HAVING A LtTTLE yHV- WHYA ( IT WIGHT HWE CAUSED AND A LETTEW! YOU I II MEN WHO CALLED ON OVER TO BORROW j TROUBLE-THANK WHM- ) Vo CNl) or TROUBLE. A CAN RETURN THE S VjpS SiMMIW ocSC CEAVLy AN CGG.H0VW HAVE TO SOME TELLTALt. HAPPENCD CcOUPLE OF OUR BUSY-BODV EGG , jT" . sftf CURIOSITY THE POLI--ET METHINK" YOU BEEN? AND I'LL. GET THE VS-rWHBOPS WROTE A j f, . U roorW how's chick egg for Viti:TTERTOTHE rni3j.- -4l' 1 tM.0 1 .L' .- . j t " it : ( r " i t zjzt. ' 1 Vl X,o. OEOKI I CHAKfeCS THE BWS' PLANS I V ..." I WHO CAN ALLANS TAKE CARt O UiWy"0 TME OTHER. AiMN0EHT t EVE THE!R W,M UMES1 N , HEWEL ooj4v lJAfT: oops! i think i v KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON By J. R. William, i OUR BOARDING HOUSE 'ff i A3 Anpiwt 1933 By Ahem k-t i v Tit .WP .4 ..-e-w ik. lAcc :ATsrs X. N 1HTAiNNRY TOR TEN CAYS ? "THEY WERE COrvMN VVOrVNE TROM A HOUSE -WcVftWN -TH OTHER MORNNN AN THEY COMfc TO A STREET WVAW WeV TORN UFJ AN STARTED TO CATUER ARNAVULS OF- TH RED LANTERNSJrUNWN TVAFV WEUE tSERANIUNNS, THEN A OOP ,rUT TH J " m Rar v a wmm i