'AuRivrt 26, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREHON PAGE SEVEN TURKEY FLOCK 5HIFTED-T0 GEARY RANCH Flfly-flr hundred turkeys which nave bm feeding so hordni of graaahopiiera on the Klamath Marsh, will hare a change of dint within the mil few days and will devour otlior varieties at lh bopping posts on the Geary ranch on Worm ad Caledonia marshea on Up per Klamath Lake. The turknya are being ehlpped to Klamath Kalla In trurks by (tiffin and Itayimlds, prominent turkey gruwera rom Colorado. The partnera 'came to Oregon title eprlng, and purchased their lurka at Tangent. Ore., shipping them later to the Dig Marah to feed on hoppers. tilffln and lleynolda had found thle method of feeding very eucceaafut In Colorado and ridded eereral lo calities of almllar pests by feed ing them to the turkeys. The birds wilt feed on the Geary land during the fall, and later be killed here for Thanks giving and Christmas markets. Klamath Empire News MERRILL NEWS DAIRY DAIRY. Mrs. llollle llardln la visiting at the home of lur mother, Mrs. 1'hlllp Odou, who has been quite 111. Tex llardln, from Roane river, has been here visiting Harry Mc Cain ber. Charles Bnrgdorf and eon. Robert, left Wednesday for Ash land, where Mr. llursilorf will visit his slater, Mrs. Lena Flarkua. The Mlaae Mildred and Mar gery Burgdorf entertained with a lawn party at their 4torne near Dairy Friday evening. Those at tending were Jean DUon, Thelma Ilurgdurt, Myrtle Mounts, Mabel and Marisret Dunn, Vivian Jo nas. Hsrrlet and Kllnor Ilrnner, ltuhy and La Vena Arnett. Cleora Shoeahler, Florence Smith. Mrs. Mounts, Mrs. Mabel Ilurg dorf and the hnatras. Mrs. Rosla Powell of Aabiaud and son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Lester lieck, vlltd Mr. and Mrs. 4. Jones of Dairy Thursday. C. A. Brewer was a business visitor In Klamath rails Tuesday. Mrs. Money and daughter. Anna, of Loa Angeles-. trt here visiting with Mrs. Johnny Jonas. Mrs. C. A. Hrewrr bad as birthday dinner guVeta her mother, Mrs. V. H. HUss, and broiher, L. J. Bliss, Friday, Mrs. Ora Htoeahler and Mrs. H. Stoealtler visited with Mrs. M Ruerk Friday. 8hirley Tllton of ftprague River haa been spending the past week with Hetty Ana Brewer of Dairy Hoy Jonaa. a ho la employed at the Mayfleld ranch near Hpraaue Hirer, spent th week end at his home near Dairy, Mr. and Mrs. I. Welch and aon, Leroy, were Klamath Falls visitors Friday. Those attending church at Hlldrtirand Hundsy'' from Dairy were Cleora Btoeshler. Vivian Jo nas, Mrs. H. Htoeahler and Wil' Ham Wight. Thoaa attending the dance at Bonanxa Baturday night were Albert McCumber, Mr. and Mrs Wsldo Jones, Harry MrCumber, Dunham Arant, Kcho Arant, Or- land Mccumber, Lucille Jones, Anna Morsey, Mr. and Mra. M . Btoeshler and daughter, Cleora. Mr. and Mra. U. M. Welch aad aon, Edmond, of Sprague Hirer, visited with Mr. Welch's psrents, Mr. and Mra. W, U. Welch, Sunday, Keno Items KKNO, Ora. Mra. Lyla Gordon and daughter and Mrs. Herb Gor don were Keno vlsitora Sunday. Wayne Spencer of Beswlcfe. Cairr, la visiting hero this week. Mr. and Mra. B. V. Large and aon bars returned to their home from Malln. Mra. Hons Simmers and daugh ter and Mrs. R. V. Large and aon motored to Klamath Kails Tuos day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods ot Beswlrk, Calif., are now residents ot Keno, whnra Mr. Woods Is em ployed by Doug Puckett. They ar living at the Pin Trea auto camp, Mr. and Mra, Mnjnr Spencer and daughter, Mabel, Jtmmte Haymond and Carl Lea of Bos wick, and Bob DuUn of Dorris ware vlsitora here Monday era sing. Mary Roberts of Weyerhaeuser Camp 1 Is a guest at tha Pnttbor home this week. Charles Reaser motored to Ash land last week to visit at th" home of Mr. and Mra, M, B. Spencer, lIKItltll.L, Mr. and Mra. Louis 8. Knndra and daughters. Ida May and Mrs. Lao Dixon, re turned Saturday from a two week auto trip. They want as far as Hot Springs, H. l They visited Yellowstone park. The Contract flrldxe club was entertained by Mrs. K. F. Merrill st her home Thursday afternoon. Four tables ot bridge were In play. (Jurats were Mesilamea Hus sell Leevr of Klamaib Falls, M. A. llowman, U. Dlllard, II. P. Hlanton. K. T. Crawford, L. Bralnrrd. II. O. Col. J. B. Kid well, K. C. Htvkel, N. H. Hoyr. Kay Merrill. It. L. Dalton, (Jeorge Day, W. F. Fruits. II. J. Hen- drlrkann, E. Da l-ap and Br oil MrKenna and Mies Ellen Mo-Velgh. Mrs. Pearl Jones and Mrs. Rachel Caler of Klamath Fails visited with Mrs. Levi 8. Mc Donald at tha Lost River Inn hotel Huuday. i J. R. Pickett waa Merrill visitor Sunday. Madge O'Connor, who apent soma time at Crater Lake lodge as telephone operator, returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. Lelsnd Wllllts and daugh ter, Sharon, visited with her mother. Mrs. Levi McDonsId, at the Merrill hotel from Klamath Falls. Ivl McDonsId watt a business visitor In !anxill valley Mumlay. I'aul l-nmlry of Klamsili Falls spent W'edneeday In Merrill on business. Aubrey Fleming of Kyssa vis ited In Merrill over tha week end. Ho left for Kyssa Sunday, Mrs. Fleming and aon. Dale, who have been visiting Mra. Fleming's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John w. Taylor, returned home with Mr. Fleming. Mra. M. A. Bowman and Leon ard Bowman visited In Klamath Falls Tuesday. Helen' Anderson attended a bridge party la Klamath Falls Thursday. Mra. Mamla Glaeomtnl re turned Saturday from a several welis' trip. Soma time waa spent at Lake Tahoe, Calif. Cal Dalton of Oakland. Calif.. spent a few days vialtlng relatives In Merrill. Hla daughter, Jean, who haa been spending tha aurat mer In Merrill, and Mrs. R. Ksl ternhnrn returned with him. Mrs. Katternhorn will speod eev- eral weeks In California. . Be BcoKglnt, who has been spending tha summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Kcogglns, and grandmother, Mrs, Kile Scogglna, has returned to Oakland, Calif. Miss Scogglna la one of the teachers la tha Oak land achools. Tha Merrill Library club will hold Ita next meeting the first Thursday In September at the home of Mrs. Fred Stukel. Mrs. Sumners and Mrs. Jennie Hums of Klamath Falls were In Merrill Tuesday to attend the Burrlsa funeral. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stevenson bare returned from Omaha, Neb. her they were called by the Illness of Mr, Stevenson a mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Ramsby and Mra. Mauds Hosley of Klamatb Falls attended tha funeral of Mrs. Hurries Tueadsy afternoon Mra. J. L. Fotherlngham and daughter. Louise, spent the wee end In Hortlsnd and whlla there saw "Old Ironsides." Tha Merrill auxiliary met at th horn of Mra. E. C. Stukel Tuesday afternoon. Reports were given by th dolegatea to the re cent convention. - The auxiliary derided to ran for relief this year lnat year they gave S3? Jars of fruit. Membera present were Mesdamea Fred Stukel, L. Pen hall, p. D. Lewis, K. F. Merrill. W. F. Fruits, L. S. Crown and the hostess. JI STICB APPOINTED SALEM, Aug. 15, (AP) George F. Pusey was today ap pointed by tlovernor Julius L. Meier to succeed th 1st D, W. Freemen as Justice ot pear of the Clntakanle district, and Charlea B. Common was named Justice of the pence ot Seaside' district to succeed F. H. Leigh-i 'ton. resigned. " i HILL SCOUTS on Aium cw MKnnil.L, Friday morning 24 Hoy Scouts left Merrill tor their annual outing at Medicine Lake, Scoutmaster J. W. Kroggln waa In charg and W. F. Fruits, J. Sidney Johnson, H. J. Heo drlckson, .H P. Hlanton and C. N. Haaklna took cars. Tha boys spent tha lira hiking, swimming and boating. Tha troop returned Sunday afternoon. Tha boys asking the trip were Oarer Denunn, Handall Pop. Jack Laird, Albert Kuebtie, Clifford Jardlne, Jack Fensler, Hob Kbinden. John D. Moore, Carroll Robertson, Leater Turn- baugb, Paschell Hodges, Puree Motives, (Urn Hunnlrutt, Arthur Hrswn, Kverett Stanlske, Alden Lewis, Wilbur Hssknls, Ilea reus, Lawson Kandra, Junior Heaton, Hilly Falvy, tieorga An- drleu and Hegla Andrleo. I.ADIK.H' AID MEETS WKHRILU The Ladles Aid ot the First Presbyterian church met at the rlty park Wednesday afternoon. Mra. 8. II. Jewell bad charge ot th derotlonal exer cises. At tha clos of th meet ing Mesdamea Frank Hunnlrutt, wx Oldfleld and W. F. Fruits served refresh ments. Mrs. P. D. Leals' committee planned a fuod sale, which was held Saturday at linages uros.' store and the R. L. Dalton store. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. It. H. Anderson. Those attending the meeting were Mcs dames C. A. Harrows, M. Hartle- rode, C. and M. A. llowman, C. N. Haakina. M. L. Moore, H. P. Hlanton. W. r. Jlnnette, T. A. Illak. P. D. Lewis, O. W. Of tield. Frank Hunnlrutt, C. A. Brown, W. F. Fruits, 8. H. Jew ell, J. Crampton. Joha W. Taylor ana u. 11. canton. 1X1KMKR RKHIDKXT DIES MKRHILL. The death of Mrs. Frnrtne Burrlsa at Ashland Sat nrday was a shock to Merrill) friends. Mrs. Burrlsa had left; Tuesday to make ber home with her eon. L. E. Burrlas, and was! sick only a few hours. Mrs. Bur-j niss had lived In Merrill and vl-i cinlty for many years. Her tu-1 neral was held Tuesday afternoon ! from the First Presbyterian: church. Rev. Jewell had charge j of th services. Th Esslern Star, of which Mrs, Burrlss was a ' charter member In Ashland, had charg of th services at the, grave. Both th Eastern Star and auxiliary attended th services In! a body. Th funeral was onei of th largest aver held In Mer-1 rill. Her son. W. E. Burrlss, of Hakersfleld. returned to Merrill i for tha funeral. Her other chll-l dren are Mrs. R. L. Dalton of Merrill, !,. E. Burrlss ot Ashland. Miss Louise Dalton. who left last week for Berkeley, where ah la a student at th University of California, was home for th fu neral. Pallhearers were E. M Bub hot Klamath Falls, W. C. Dalton, R. W. Markln. W. F. Fruits, E. F. Merrltt and R. H. Anderson. States Vie for 'Super-Suspect' a n it $L mi- Th federal government and a tfoxen states are aaktng the prlv lleg of trying Albert L. Bates, abov, arrested In Denver. Hales Is accused ot kidnaping and maay other sensational erimea, but Indications are that he will be tried In Moulder, Colo., lor bank robbery. There are more than a ha;f million buildings In New York City. No act dona by any person un der seven- year of aga la a crime. FRENCH DELAY ACCEPTANCE OF WHEAT ACCORD tOKDOX, As. CAP) A lajft-mlaute hitch df-Jayed fh Knlng today of ma InteruiiUoni wbftt ftKret-mtml after U bmd bn nous4 Imparling na tions bail accepted tariff nd prtr proTi.ons whift. had sUtod lo Ibe vsjr ot th accord. The official explanation wan that delay had occurred in the preparation ot the FrencU text of the agreement, the purpose of which ) to amociate import ing: countries with a broad pro gram to boost price bj catling production and stimulating eon- sumption. The wheat conference, dele gates to which had beeo sche duled to sign the agreement late this affTsoea adissraed gsUl 8:30 o'clock tonight. Kayo Paroled I f UQKDOK, Aug. JS AF The international wheat confer ence conquered tariff and price difficulties t&dsf by arrivirR at, a final agreement which ties in wheat importing nations with a broad program desf fined (3 boost the price of the grain by cut ting production and stimulating consumption. The rbief barrjer to - this agreement had been the ques tion of how high the price of wheat roust go before 4ae im porters would lower their tar iffs. This problem was met by a com prom lie. The exporters, who had do- fedwcird (Kayo Kruvo&ny, 0tgr llpht-heavyweight ooxer, paroled from 6an Quentln prison alter serving 13 years fa eomaeetitm with the Son Francisco Howard at. attack cass at WO. mended tariffs be lowered one wheal bad stood at t cent bushel for four months, accepted a prlc of s7 cent instead. . Tk Importers had been demanding 0 to 6 eenU. . Thee figures la U. 8. cenU ar the preeent cbanjr erfaf valenta of tha price set forth In th final agreement and argu ed about during the period ol negotiation. Th agreement pro vide Importers are to adjust their tmrltta downward - when wheat has stood for four months st 11 pr-war gold French franca per quintal, th equival ent ot u, at. eenU en th gold standard. WASH IKGTOK, Aug. 15. tP) farm admlaiatratora pna4 delight today at word (rom Lea don that a final agreement bad boon reached at th International wheat conference. They withheld official com ment, bowerer, pending formal signing ot tba gremetkl and until they had analysed provis ions added In th last 24 hours. Informally, nevertheless, they nprcuxtd opinion It would be acceptable to them and in com plete harmony with, their pro gram for adjusting American wbeat avreag downward s rider tha voluntary domestic allotment plan. PiyiSIOlL USE OF in PEIIITED WASHI.VCTO.V, An, ts, UPi A provisional aae of the Blue Cagl Insignia by stores and fac tories claiming special hardships would b wrought them by full compliance with the presidents aereeeieet was decreed today by th recovery administration . - Thomas B. Hammond, execu tive director of the S. R. A. campaign division, ruled a white stripe with the word "provision al" printed upon It should be pasted across th Bine Eagle In stich establishment pending de olitios es whether the eiemp tlona asked would be accepted. After decision, either the bar nay be removed or th esgl will bar to be taken down. BY KEW PRESlDETiT HAVANA. Aug. It, (API Taking a I'.rra grip on power, provMnul president 0 Cepda today Issued a decree wiping tut all vestiges ot the ousted Alaeh ado regime, dissolving congress, and calling new elections tor rb. 14, 1M4. The aannn, signed with th cabinet's approval and effective Immediately. declared uncon stitutional the alachado admin istration and Its acta since May 2. n. when Oerardo Hach etlo waa laagnrate4 president (or a second term. Hoosec leaning Dcwianded An International obligations are to be observed, however, even though contracted since that d&t. The action followed a wide spread clamor for a thorough honmclecntBg ot th regime that tell two weelea ago. It waa taken over the opposi Mob o InHed State Ambassador Sumumg Welles who, la hla capa city as mediator, haa maintained tbmt ft ts necessary to tontlnno conatitiiUosaJ forma. Secretary of Justice Carloa tataMtn pointed ent that ml tkoush the government ana!a ulned Hachado acquired power tbroogb a virtosi eonp d'etat and herjee snconstitntJoaally, all foreign obligations contracted by Ma.chs.GO and all legislation paaa ed la the Jaat four years woald be considered as "things don" and therefore atn rn effect. Fifteen hundred persona were killed and . injured when a . store of war materials exploded at Halifax. N. 8., on Dec. , 1U7. WEATHER Tha Cyclo-Stormagraph at Un derwood's Pharmacy has record ed but slight changes In baro metric pressure Friday, although the tendency Is downward. In creasing winds 1h( erening and tonight are probable. The Tycoa recording ther mometer registered maximum and minimum temperatures to day aa follows: With 7 Low 5 Forecast for next 24 hours: Generally fair with moderate temperatures. TUK lit A Ml)! I ftlU C ttM tiUxsf. TikutMkar. Umr V KM4NBJ'(,r4,ta4Wi.Ml fll1Ml,ffli!l RKeft 0U T PaWrittJIJ MY lit V Ml V JHICHISTERS MU4 17 flTrflw ' aaia a t M ALGOIVIA ALGOMA. Mrs. Nellie Weasen back Is recovering from an In fected thumb caused from a silver. Mr. and Mr. Jamea Conroy ahd son. Jim. and the Wensen hack twins, Krvln and Darwin, vacationed at Lake o' the Woods from Friday evening to Sunday evening. v Ituth Kraus visited her father, Oeorg Krsuse, Sunday. Herb Stevens la a guest at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. Btone house. Mr. Stevens wss foreman at tha Algoma box' factory a number of years. The dnnr at Algoma was woll attended Saturday night, Among thou spending the weekend at Huckleberry moun tain wer 1. R. Brown and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Nnbnkowskl and daughter. - , Mildred Cowell, who nn been visiting with the Hoffman fnm II jr. relumed home Sunilny. J nan Hoffmnn accompanied MIhs Cow ell 'home for a week's visit. CAN YOU TAKE THE VUPS AND DOWNS? :.L ei i.i I w-l ... f ; 'jjP O and you won't worry so much which way tnings got it s tne tooa tnst lurmsnes th vital elements yntb is made of . , . proteins and min. eraW, carbohydrates and vitamins. They're mil la whole wheat. And Shredded Wheat it whole wheat, with all the bran measured by Nature. Nothing added, nothing taken away! Just crisp-baked biscuits ...ready Cooked, ready to eat. Serve them with milk or cream, with fresh or preserved fruit. But serve them for 1 ma tea days. TArat you'll know why Shredded Wheal is known to happy millions at the VITALLY DIFFERENT food mm 1 SHREDDED WHEAT A product ! NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY "Und stoker" s v. m s-. a n aa i v as i w w i l r -- I5 Qualiiy Foods At Saving Prices Saturday and Monday August 26th and 28th mra Fork & Beans 2 large cans 2!$ !S W1LIT . For Hie. Red Blnff, Elbcrta lPeacfees 53 Salnrdar Only All Bunch. Grateastcla Vegetables, 3 Bu..10c Apples, 6 Lbs. 25c TOMATOES box Son ripe. Rogue River Corn ::r0,,,c" 2doz.3S Grapefruit, 6 for : 25 c Juice Oranges, 2 Doz..23c Lemons, Sunkist, Doz ...29c Green Peas, 3 Lbs. StringBeans, 3 Lbs. Celery, Bunch ..23c 14c .15c Visnegais? 2? Bring your own container Quarts Pints 49 29 Pure Cane, 100 Lb. Sack lit Saturday Only Salad Dressing, Pints 04.99 17 Beet Food 23, Pickled Pigs' Feet, 14-oz. Jai. Swift's Boneless Shredded Wheat, 2 Pkgs. . Cheese, Klamath Triplet. Lb. 2St Libby or Mt, Vernon ThM Can 3 Cans FountainLunch Chicken Fricassee Hot Tea Biscutla and Jelly, Whip Potatoes, Tare able. Molded Salad, Beesec, Osee, Tea KU. mt Salmon, 2 Cans 45c Uhbf, Xo. 1 tall ran Vinegar, Qts. J. 15c lones Itroa. Qts. Fruit Jars, doz. 89c Krrr Regular Pts. Fruit Jars, doz. 73 c Kerr Regular Kerr Reg. Lids, 25c Parowax, 3 Pkgs 25c Pen Jel, 2 Pkgs..... ...27c PAR large pkg. Swift's Premium Oveniaed Hams Ef) Hr.lt or Whole PotRoast 'XV2it BOIL BEEF . lb. 5 Sausaqe ) & lb. 10c Hamburger Lard . 4 lbs. 39c Pork Roast ft, 12V2 HENS each 49 Ask tor KIMA Orange Stamps Sucrflne Quality, Mountain Grown Coffee, 1 Lb. 3 Lbs... 83c Economy Blend, yonr money' worth Coffee, 1 Lb. 19c 3 Lbs. 55c eaacy Oregon Fra eke nets Walnuts, 1 Lb 23c Vo. 1 Flowery Orwnjr Pekoe Tea, 1 Lb. 55c Honing Congou Tea, 1-2 lb. 15c, lib. 29c