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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1933)
AuRiiHt 22, 19.13 THE KLAMATH NEWS, KLAMATH FATJS. OREGON PAGE THREE Pictorial Highlights of Events in News of Day Ursthel Kidnap 'Prison Becomes Desperado's Trap U. S. Warships Ordered to Cuba Wartime Scenes Revived in Capital in Crop Drive ... - .ji' j - I: " VWi: - !L rmm'fr 'f-y-- a ' x I In the dosolato shack pictured above, near Paradise, Tumi, federal agents trapped Harvey J. Bnlley, alleged ringleader In Ilia 1190,000 kidnaping of Cbarlea T. Urachal, Oklahoma City oil million alra. and four of Ilallny's allcgod accomplice. Drachol Identified tha aback aa tha on In which ha waa hold prlaonor: ranaotn money waa found In B alleys poaaaaalnn. Bullet alao waa a leader In tha Momorlal Day prlirm break at Kinsas penitentiary and la accused of complicity In tha Union atallon mauacra In Kanaaa City In which four omcere and a convict wors killed. hii agonta surprised llalloy asloop ha had hlddon undor bla bedclothea tha machine gun, auiomatlo rifle, and pistol pictured below. All Hands Were on "Board" in This Sea Mishap! ' 4 - ! Ton can put It down that tha "City ot Victoria" la ona aturdy freighter. After her huice cargo of lum ber ahlfted off Cape Flattery, causing her to list at a to degree ancle, hera'a how tha ahlp limped Into Port Albernl, B. C run ot tuO ullea! A number of cattle wore lost. Tha ahlp waa loaded and went on to Shanghai. ROSEBUKG SCHOOL BAND STATE FAIR FEATURE For I lie firM time In many yearn a special I ruin with alrorni will rome to an Orrjcon State Fair. lnre tlmn flOO KimrlmrK nnd Ihinulim county trople hnvr chmrn this menni of travrltn? to Hnlrm, 8rpt. , the llilnl Any ot the Ktnte l'ir. TP Ftr oMnn IjirHr lny, Soit. Tim lcle-' gallon win wml a full tiny nt the Knlr. Ilradlnn the mravnn will be the wr'l-Iirvmn IO-ploee ItovehurK Rchool Imnd. under the direction of Jt V, ("Snap") (illtnore The band will feature thfoughotit the day. Teacher Nabbed. As Bank Robber Judge, Scene of Lamson Trial V, rjaaa- i I I .JLxl ! if ' J br.ii laaaaaV 0. k ri' P. ....--- aj fci I r 'a .... V ri n i u ArreotlnR Jamea Moore, above, il-yenr-old rnllfornla, Mo., school teacher, aa tha bandit who held up and rnlibeil an Otnrka country bunk of 9500, aiilhorltlea claimed Moora had robbed the name bunk of 1700 two months previously to llnnnce his eourlnlilp and planned to marry with tha sec ond loot. Wi L i .. .'ft. r I Santa Clara county courthouse, Ban joae, cant, wnera Dnvid Lamaon, executive of the Stanford University Press, goes on trial on Charlie of beating his young wife, Allene Lamson, to death In their Stanford camnus home Memorial ! Day, Inrct la 8vp:rlor Judga KODort K. ayer, trial Judga. ilirp' , o' rr"! --'V ' : I .. (V -: ... t. . m .aaaaaw B-aaaMaa- v . W-fs. IfcJr- 'r,sT W17 ' .' . a . t aaa awl II I II ! I . 'yZaV. ' ' - "V I If aa ... .jf-arfl Three American warships wera ordered to Cuba by President Roowrelt to protect American Uvea and property. Tha deatroyera Taylor acd Claiton (of tha type craft pictured ahovel arrived at Havana within a few hours after tha order. The destroyer Sturtcant (below) waa directed to proceed to Manianilio. bcenee reounitctnt ot ar days are being re-enacted in Washington aa hundreds ol emergency government workers lnthe department ot agriculture struggle with the mass of paper work in volved In the federal campaign to reduce wheat and cotton acreage. As this Photo ahows. Mehfa have been strung around makeshift offices, and kitchen tables pressed into aervico. . A y koocked-down tables aa bo aeea to Mm background. CUBS BUY HIM Bi- V aw -a ? - In ordor to pack a heftier punch on tbelr current eastern Inva sion, the Chicago Cubs spent 115.00 to buy Adolpb Camllll, above, Aral baseman of the Sac ramento club, ot the Paclfle Coaat, League. - The youngster will take Manager Charley Grimm's place on the Initial sack. Grimm going to the bench to confine his efforts to directing the Cubs in their drive for the pennant- Food Industry Chief Is Named jkJ.W aaiyai-J. James B. Davis, new Los Angeles police chief. Davis formerly was deputy chief in oliuge of traffic Helping Stamp Out Depression Fugitive Who Made Good Parfaiea ' K til . H je , r i..f x-i'ssw.'' Yj." USB I -t 1 mini s. ... a I ' ' - " I 1 1 Bmllea at the stcmp window and look wfio a selling tha first sheet of 100 three-cent NRA recovery stamps! It a none other than the sen. to i nimseit. genial Jim fancy. - And the satisfac tion on the face ot the buyer. Gen. Hugh Johnson, NRA head, la plainly reflected in bla broad grin. It was a dramatic moment for Paal Maxim. S, lasgsttw imam aa OMo reformatory, when be watched Governor wtrtte of OWo etaa taw Base don that will enable htm to resume has iLteofaat eaawer aa an ad vertising executive, Maxim waa sentenced lor tha thset at Jewelry from a small Ohio school, escaped an an assumed inmii .hrnl won an uphill battle to n fed recant is) Caacaeq, Heads Curtailed U. S. Dry Force James D. Pole, above, owiwr of the world's lnrgest plnoapplo plantations and canneries In Hawaii, haa been nnrncd chief of tho new food products sec tion In tho processing and mar keting division ot the Agricul tural Adjustment Administration. New L; A. Chief OAMlEHGES GAR vCS SOW KiNG John S. Hurley, ubove, toner U. S. assistant prohibition fUrta" tor, shown as he took office as atttt-tant director of the depart ment of Investigation tn charge ot federal prohibition enforce ment after the force of dry agenta waa drastically reduced. VINES' R AT) NEWS w , . mm Tftow in A Race against Tffe embush ?ArSSirtiA LlUwot lb inea is in for an other nightmare aesalon ot ten nis If he meeta Fred Perry In the Men's National singles to be held In September. Perry, shown above aa be arrived from England, la the fellow who gave Vines a drubbing In the Davis Cup singles, and who was the big noise In the English,' win over the French for posses sion at the cub. NC ' rr5SfeM tin