AiiRust 18, 1933 - THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE 5010 DIE FLOOD All Former Grid Star Weds HANKOW, HUHKH I'HOVINCJC (Central China), Aug. IT, (!) Widespread floods of the Yellow rlvr In Northern China war aald today to hava caused 80, 000 deatha In tha laat few dara. Ofriclale of tha Klnknw-llan-kow railway, In giving llila esti mate, aald that many mora un dauntedly had perlahed alnce dikes began breaking ovar a wide araa early thla mnnih but that tlia complete total will nay r ba known. lUnillla Appear To add to tha misfortunes of tha daatlluta population, bandlla hava appeared In lha submerged sreae In llonan Provlnr norlh of hora and ara plundering towns and village, robbing th victims of vrytlilng valuabl that can b rarrlrd away, Ilnnnn provlnrlal authorities bar arnt an artnarad train aa far north aa pnwlhla and troop, burs bran dployed alon( the , southern edge of tha' flooded dlatrli-i with order to shoot any on caught looting. Water Klalna; In llonan th river, railed "China' Morrow," waa reported aa having ceased rising, hut In Shantung Province, farther to the unrtheast, th water con' -ned to rlae. Dninna ot towns and villages In Westorn Shantung wera de stroyed today as tin- llooil walere moved slowly toward th river's mouth. Thousands wera mada home less. Many clinging to treetupa when tha dikes broke ware awept to their death. All cropa In an area SO mllea long and to wide In Western Shantung war destroyed and great hardship visited upon In habltanta, missionaries from Tsaocbowfn reported. KX"::KrUTION HKfOHTKD PEiriNQ, China. Aug. 17. O. J. Todd of Ban Francisco, field engineer for the China In terna"onal Relief commission, re turned here today from areas flooded by tha Yellow river and aald Chinese reports of the num ber drowned were exaggerated. AGENT GETS E HEVKXTV lltOWNKn KINGSTON, Jamarla, Aug. 17. (IP) Relief and repair work waa In prresa In this vicinity today after floods, lightning and high wind resulted In the deaths ot 70 persona and property damage -tlmated at 12.000.000. It haa been eatlmated that there are 1 2 R.O 00 automobiles In Wlaconaln without 1V33 licenses; the state recently paused a new law providing for a SO per cent discount In the registration fee for the cara which wore not reg istered prior to July 1st. 7 Franca receives over fiSO,- 00,000 year from foreign vlsl-tora. 7w Li A romance tnal ergaaj an in ewen -"- fernla where be waa a football star, culminated III the recent wedding af Orvllk Mohler and Grace Bemardlne Olaen ef Ok-neTaJe. Moblei la new playing prof rational baseball, following m the feetatepe e tua father. TELEPHONE Oil 8TARBUCK, Minn.. Aug. 17. (Af A tnlitphont operator darrd dath today to thwart m rob bery, whkh reulld In tha kill lni of on bandit after he and a companion had robbed tht Klmt National bank of bttween $1,000 ind $1,200. Th loot waa recovered. A poaae pursued tha accora plire. Mlaa Florence Bulman. telephone operator, waa patalni tha bank whara two am ploy and two patrona war held at bay by on rob bar, whll hla companion atood guard t tha door. Tha latter, flourishing a plitol. ordered Mlaa Bulman to "coma In her." Instead, ah darted acroaa tht atreet. warning Rudy Hanson reitaurant proprietor. When th two Invadera left th bank few momenta later. Hanaon ihot and killed on of tha men. Community Church Benefit Friday The Young people' group of th Community church will give an outdoor entertainment on the church grounds Friday evening Two humorna aklta, "Wild Nell of the IMnlns" and "Radio Re ceipts" will be features of the entertainment. Two reela of moving pictures will be shown There Kill be music by "Jerry's Gang." A small admlHRlon will be charged and Ice cream will be sold. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church. AT FORMS PflfINT OKKIifIN MltlKONKll KHCAI'KS DKNVKR. Aug. 17. JP) Hand cuffed and chained to a bed. 11 H. (iruhain. a prisoner from Oregon en route to Texas, broke a heavy Iron bar laat night and eacoped while his guard waa out to lunch. Geologist says th earth la shrinking and that mountains all over th world ara dropping, (iood chance to try Inflation. Complete aeta of th various forma to be used by wheat (row. era In securing the adjustment payment provided for under the agricultural adjustment act In compxnaatlon for wneat acreage reduction, nave pern sent irom the county agent'e office to the wheat growers of Klamath coun ty who hava alrnlfted tneir in terest In the. plan and requested Information on the program, ac cording to an announcement from C. A. Henderson. Thla aet Includea pamphlets which explain In detail the ne cessity for acreage control and th method to be naed in pro viding adjustment benefits to the growers willing to cooperate with the government; a statement of production and dlapoaal of the wheat crop during the' base years 1930, 1931 and 132. together with forms for substantiating the data given In the production and disposal report; a map of the farm on which la to be shown th different fields with the crop grown: an application for allotment contract, which while not binding, Indicate I willlngneaa on the part of the grower to enter Into tne plan, a apeciinen copy of the final con tract which the growera will be required to enter Into before Stairs Made Her Gasp For Breath ' Penalty of Excesa Fat Although ahe haa lost but 7 lbs. of her overweight, thla wo man finds that 7 Iba. has made a remarkable difference to her. Her letter reads: "I am 53 years old and my height la 6 ft. Last year I weighed 154 Iba. I have been taking a half-tea-spoonful of Kruachen Salta, mak ing no change In my diet. Now I am leaa round the hips, and only weigh 147 lbs. dressed. But I feel lighter and can now run upstairs, which before used to make m gasp for breath. Every one says how vaell and fit I look." (Miss) J. H. Kruachen is an Ideal blend ot 6 aeparat salta which help body organs to function properly and maintain a aplendld degree of health It builds un energy and strength while you're reducing to normal weight. Get Kruschen Baits at Whit' man Drug Co. or Star Drug Co. or any other live druggist in the world Jar lasta 4 weeks and costa not more than 85 cents. pontiac.. the world's largest BUILDER of STRAIGHT EIGHTS erfeWIaba,lSH,.ali WM &rcM tjrtrm Here's why America is Luyincj ffiem f Ken aod women ate buying Pootiacs than any other car in Poav bac's price range! Why? Because tbcf have found that b is big, modern Straight Eight exccia on aH counts . . . Jaa yon will Bod when you tee tod 'drive k. You get poaver in a Ponciac mart powtr than you'll find in my itbtr auto mobiU at or near in frk delivered lar rhore smoothly by Pontiac' 77 horsepower Straight Eight engine. You get more tpeed, loo 78 actual mi lei per hour. Your Pontiac holds VUlAtGnnal Mtm b W btattridet mort comfortably because k'l a big car, with 1 1 J -inch wbeeibase and well-distributed weight (3264 pounds, curb weight, for the 4-door Sedan). And it's the only car la its price range with the Fisher Ventilation System greatest comfort (actor sinca the development of the closed body. There hist Isn't anything to compare with Pontiac at its price. In Fisher Body beauty in comfort in Straight Eight performance. That's why America is buying Pontiacs. That's why you'll prefer Pontiac, too. BaiUiitt, Cmmry V Prfrta THE ECONOMY STRAIGHT EIGHT mm Snyder Motor Co. Snyder's Alt Car Repair Shop 9th and Klamath thajr rt tllglbl for adjuntmont ptrmenti. w auV Included fur tht Informfttlon of tb growers lntrntd. Arranged. Thos groweri who dow fully undrtand th plan aod who dMlra to participate In tha bene fit! and prorUlon of the pro gram, hare been urged to fill out ta far aa pomlble the forma received at an early date aa tht flrat part of the adjustment pay ment will probably be available late In September for growera who hava completed the necee eary local detail. A sertea of community meet ings U being planned for next week to aet ut the community organlxatlona required Id the plan. At the meeting the plan will be fully diacuwed and alt question answered m order that growera not entirely familiar with the various provisions of the plan may understand K folly, Also, at these meetings, one rep resentative on the county board of directors and two community committeemen will be elected Only those growers who previous ly or at the meeting sign appli cations for allotment contracts will be eligible to vote for the community officials. Although many wheat growers have requested to be put on the county ag nt a mailing list to re icelve all information on the pro gram, there may be some inter- eifted growers who have not sub mitted their names, and if o, these ahould get in touch with the county agent's office at once in order that they may receive printed material, notice of meet Inga and other Information. Notre Dame opens tne football season this fall at Kansas U. on Oct. 7. which happens to be Boy Scout Day. Halfback will be Inspired to do a good turn on every spinner play. TO LEAVE CITY "Chlimonk" Hilton and Jerre Bordeaux, sentenced to $100 (Inea and SO dara In Jail, were granted snspenaton of aentence provided tbejr leave the city, ac cording to records In police court. Hilton and Bordeaux were aentenced Wednesday and left town at once. Walter Martin forfeited ball ot 125 and J. R. 81ms forfeited SS0 on possession charge when ther failed to appear oelore Acting Police Judse O. H. Lansa- let to answer to th charges Through an srror. It waa re ported In Wednesday's laaue of The Evening Herald, that liar- Speedy Relief From Bunions-Soft Corns tin' and 81ms' ball money was refunded to them. Nick Carter and Erlek Olaen. arrested early Thursday by po lk officers, war glvan fine of 110 each or fir daya In Jail on charges of drnnkenneaa. An Increase of airports over July, 1832, waa reported by the Department of Commerce for July, 193J; the total number of airports In the United States la now placed at J13, with (31 of them being partially or totally lighted for nlgbt as. Civil and government aircraft In the United State consumed S4.0S8.431 gallon of gasoline In 132. ' Th dirigible hot Angeles 1 being refitted for flight end I expected to take to th air late In .September aa a training ahlp. No More Bed Bugs! These Insect peata may get In to any bona but they don't atay long where ther la a vigi lant housekeeper. Not whan It la ao easy to get rid ot them with Bu-hacb! Simply aprlnkl Bu-hach oa the bed and bed clothing, and dust It Into cracks and erevicea around th room. Bu-hach brlnga a swift, aur end to any Insect pest, but la guaranteed safe for human beinga and ani mals. Money back If it falls ta end the peat. Cornea In handy lifter can at 25c and SOe at all good grocery and drug atorsa. No aenaible person will con tlnue to suffer from those In-1 tense, agonizing, throbbing bun-1 Ion palna when the new power ful penetrating yet harmless an tiseptic Emerald Oil can readily be obtained at any weir Blocked drag store. j Apply a few drop over the In flamed part and aee how speed lly the pain disappear and the Inflammation la reduced. So roarvelously powerful la Emerald Oil that soft corns seem to ahrlvel right op and drop off. Star Drag Co., fjth and Main Sta., guarantee one bottle to give results and Is dispensing It to many foot aufferera. ! THE SIGN OF THE EMM KM - - - r-. WSKSri Vour local Independent Merchant la a etaancb sapporter ot all community apbuildlng a dollar a pent with him give you highest quality at lowest prices, aad your dollar remains la circulation in this community. Ak For Orange Stamp with Every Porch) ' KLAMATH INDEPENDENT MER CHANT'S ASSOCIATION Premium Parlor Pelican Theatre Bldg. When you, in your car, can notice the difference between gasoiines, then that difference is worth talking about We urge you to try the NEW "FLYING A" because you can clearly hear and feel the difference it makes in your car. It is the same type of difference you get with Ethyl gasoline. To the outstanding "FLYING A" we have added a new quality a recog' nized anti-knock quality never before obtainable in non-premium gasolines. That's one reason why . - ... NEW FlWWig A is SrIOOTHER and QUIETER than any -other gasoline except Ethyl ASSOCIATED Oil COMPANY I V II