PAGE SIX Bargain Bride by KATHARINE BBCIK HERK TOD If ELINOR UTAKKORt). as, tall. In ot wllk BAHHKTT OLl S3, retorara te New lark attri yrara abroaS. Barrett fcaa aiaai lor aiaaarlf a aa erchc- IcNtl.t. Kllaar maraa hla affrf una aei ral,a. acarallni , Baalhrr. t.riM STAFKOHII, hrrak ap tbr ralnff ay raavtarlnr llarrrtt la, KUaa to kaari Iraa flirt. Warn Ellaor'a aaat. Miss KLI. SKXTOX. airs aka Iravra fcrr ra ilrr farlaar la nnrrrlt. Tara drnnkra AXCK fHTi:H ahaoi. DMNTUKLI. kTAFKOHII. Kllaar'. fntarr. Ilarrrll vrba tarm aal annl tkr Srstoa tariaar trlla tkr cirl tkat It aaa will aaarry klat nni lire la kla koaia aa a aaral for a yrar a will alra tkr aatlrr anal to bar to divide aaaoaat tkr rrlatlvra. Ellaar aarara. kaow lac laa aaaary mmr aave bar fatker'a llr. Tkr aaarrlaaa takra slaea Mast laj aaa Kllaar aal Barratt aa ta kla kaaae. IOW CO On WITH THE STOKT CHAPTER XXV pLINOR said firmly. "Tha most Important thine hi that I donl want to bother job. Not la the least!" To wont!" Barrett an swered. Lord bow be wanted to Me ber, to say, "Dont be afraid aC me. Well do oar beet to make a go of tbia aa long; aa wo mast!" laatnsrt be patted ber hands. "Powder yoar boss.' bo said briskly, "and come down to lancb. I aapposs If a to be a bang-op aaTatr. The cook will want to straw yoa Joat bow akHlfal aba la. Aaad I board Hlggins ordering aaoeoh llowea lor a hothouse. By tka) way. the bath la behind the aoor to the right." Bo karaed to sasses tha room watt critical eyes. "I aaat those atnaii.a easpty ao yoa aaa all them wMh aba boob aoa saaatar want. Meantime there la a enaorlana la mr aoora srom 'Bill Lb yoa roar be able to ebooae something that will send yoa to ataaa. la aaa nags bent work bag, I wooderr Ha asovad toward the bead at Baa narrow, roar-posted mabog aary bed to petal the emeu chain. Tea, It's a right," be sard with at the thiut aaa when "Barrett 1 wtioosod. again T I eaarX attar yoa eaoagh ar afl abas-." Her ace, lifted to baa, waa infinitely apreaHng In Bat gtatatede. "I'm awtoalr glad yoa Hke It," be said. "I had a suspicion (amitlng) that too might be rather fed-ap with Chinese red and chromium and modernistic amrntofainKa In general." "I was," she agreed. "Ill telephone to ask bow pour lather's been." he said, "and re port at luncheon. It'a to be aerred at halt past one It that suits too." "Perfectly. And thank you ao mnca lor everything!" Be smiled at her from the door war leading to his room, gave her an airy saints and was gone, clos ing toe door after him. aaa TOR a moment aha stood star fcng at tha closed door. Then - once mora aba tamed and looked aronrtd ber. K waa a lovely room. Lovely I Her traveling baga bad been placed in the adjoining dressing room. Elinor opened them, and, looking over her trocks, suddenly wished she had something that .rat Tory, Tery pretty to wear 'own to luncheon. She finally .elected a soft tan silk frock vhlch broaght ont the warmth f ber hair. Celeste bad said It as becoming. She mast remem ber to tack Celeste's handkerchief into her sleeve In order to show It to Barrett. She dressed her hair la a roll at the back of her neck. She bad worn It that way daring those falser happy days when Barrett had spent ao much time with her. He had admired it that way. Then, looking at the small clock on the mantelpiece, she hesitated. It waa only one o'clock, it seemed Incredible that her whole world could have changed as tt had in the space of an hour. She wanted to go down but she did not want to intrude upon Bar rett. Perhaps he would not want ber to coma down before aha mast. Aa ahe hesitated she heard a tap on the door. She opened it to And Higgles, the atolldness of tha perfectly trained servant's face erased by the smile he could not subdue. Mr. Colvln, said the butler, bad sent word that he wished to speak with Mrs. Colvln. Would she Join him down stairs whenever she was ready? "Thank you, Hlggins," Elinor said. He disappeared and after a deep breath she stepped Into the upper ball. Barrett was standing at the foot of the stairs, one hand on a newel post, looking up at ber. ' "Look oat for that treacherous step!" be called warnlngly. He found be could not keep his eyes from ber as she came down. He had never seen her looking more beautiful. t ve good news for you!" he announced. At his words she paused, two steps ap, her face level with hla. "Your father's Bursa Miss Hemmlngway, I ""ok answered my call and said that for the first time your father has shown real improvement." "Oh!" she shlspcred on a deep Intake of breath. "I'm so glad!" "I wanted yon to know right away because I understand what It means to you." "It means everything," she stated In a hash. HA VILAND-TA YLOR TTH smiled down at ber. "Sap pose we go Into tha library," he suggested. "Yoa haven't aeea it yet, have youf Odd bow old houses insist upon having libra ries, isn't itt Remember tha hushed. Important way bliss Blla always spoke of ber library?" The girl laughed, nodding. She liked the rear room to which he led ber. Its solidity spoke ot all she bad missed with out knowing It. The room bad a look of plenty and ot peace. She could not imagine her mother whining for money In that room or anyone planning to deceive an old lady in order to be remem bered in a wilL "I chink yon mast bava been very bappr la tbla bouse," aba said aa ahe sank Into a chair. For a moment hla tace clouded. "I dont suppose," he said, "that there are many old houses with out some unhappy echoes. Let's bopa that wa shall aot add to them." The table la tha stately dining room had been arranged with the bast the boaaa afforded. Biggins hsd aeea to M that tha bowl ot faint pink rosea In tha center ol the table waa a low one across which hungry, eager area might meet, "You're rooking beauti ful!" Barrett reflected, aeelng Elinor above tha soft eontasioa ot bloom. They wen served a dear soap, dellcloaslr seasoned. Biggins appeared, disappeared silently. "Toar feet dont touch the floor when yoa're perched oa that chair, do they, dearest?" Barrett asked aa rba bntler rs-ontered the room. Ha did this masquerading very nicely. Elisor thought. She flushed. "No, dear, they dont, ahe admitted. HIggina bad been standing at bis elbow staring at the contents ot a dish be offered. "Sou Hla, sir," be reminded after a eoogh. Barrett aald. "Oh. yea, to be sure! Souffle." She bad said that "dear" quite convincingly. Barrett reflected. . "Thia Is one ot cook's special dishes," he went oa. "Wa ass being honored, darling." see TTGGrc3 bad Barer beard "the - se of It." Most young mar ried people hid such moods and tried to seem only casually inter ested in one another at first, hid them even from their servants. And Mr. Barrett waa usually so slow to voice a feeling! "HIggina," said Barrett, "cant yoa hunt ap a small footstool for Mrs. Colvln? I want yon to be perfectly comfortable, dear," he added across the table. "Thank yon. darling, yon are so thoughtful."' she murmured. Suddenly they both laughed and then, aa suddenly, sobered. In light moments K could seem a Joke bat for both ot them, tor one shaken stretch. It had been too real. HIggina came back to raise the Venetian cat work cloth and push a small stool in place for Elinor's feet. "Ia that better, Mrs. Ootria?" he asked. "Yea, thank yoa, Higgras." Toe butler bowed. Tha aew mistress waa going to bring spring and sunshine to the old place, be waa sure. Already the bouse seemed changed. And never bad he seen a sweeter, lovelier tace. After the meal waa finished Elinor and Barrett parted. She waa to order Hutten to bring the car around when 8he was ready to go to see ber father. Barrett was going to look in noon Harris for half an hoar or so. Perhaps, he suggested doubt. tally, with keen eyes on her face. mey eouta nave tea together at a little after four. He spoke eas ily, anxious not to force nnon her any mora intimacy than ahe liked. They could -alk then about several business matters that mast be settled. If this did not salt, he went on, they coaM pat it off antll another day. H suited her perfectly, Elinor assured him. With quick-beating heart she saw him tarn from ber. "Until later then," be aald To Be Continued) IF YOU have sometnlnr M sell, have changed your place of business, buy or sell farm pro ducts or have anything to tell the public, the most economical and surest wav of gettlnr re sults Is through the classified Phone 1900 or write In to the News-Herald. Flapper Fanny Says A bench shnwl Is many a girl's cape ot good hope. em II OUT OUR WAY SALESMAN SAM HI If IS TUXVT FUGUTT "(Vep6 ' Y SCM. iTlSI ' I " eo--r- w potwaivu. MATtfl Fstce cw tw tmc f"4- Mu"r'&- fNO A OF fcCOMOkAW, ne FOOMO 3-, COC VMASS. p.ct OF OrtTW AU-. 60M;TRim' It) I -X3g 11 I WASTE TO -MftTON Owe VMl PE H HANS 1-, fcvT- WilPS kAW Pvf.Ce. Cf PAPESt OKI, AVI- TMCKI J. LOO WMSHERS-J HNM OKI- vjOTSOMOCr GETfe 'EM VWlPGD 1 l ," kJC . itjC.i rf- ,r 3ar I it a ' - l I Dllabfcrf -TV4AN1 I " ' ' -an-ww ;--3 w-.mch who. FIV.E- ROOA Ftr? I A 'AKAAlU OWeTtNTH OF- A S2 . r) l Fiv-E. HAMOV-t. A A HAMO VOCT IstmP, CENT ON Pk.Pkrt AN' l OU6T THIS OUTFIT FOH.W ) HEftOS I iOIU.CHORLeft fso FPR. to Oooo! UOUJ T, UP To SOU FELLft To 7 Tu.T , tT-; ... , s CIRCUS, AMD Vn C-OMMA ueT J AMD ki oVST Tfi.s7 &.T ToOeTrVsy?! AMD FVURe oSt HOuJ TbWORK t' Istofa I !JIH MlHuTfe WtL CrtV TO- aowyaL0' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES rjOVririViraM oooOOOOL' 'J a I WASH TUBBS if THE NEWF ANGLES MCWl I'M ALL IN FROM DODGING CMCKLUNCHCO ALONE WITH HAS BEEN APPESTtD IN COPS' AM 1 GLAD TO BC HOME A MUPOtOCA"., AND THE COPS ARC OUT TO TRT AND FIND HER LUNCHEON COMPANION! AiO WONDER CHICK HAS THE JITTERS. ' 'l JrJm 1 ItAiTHE JOV, WMENSHCl II UTH6t 60. ANO OVER THE SIDE. I I P, Y w lBUT AT LAST THE QIRL IS FREeQI J I t otIJ -J , P ..! i..JL YUipM ggag ' " Bggaaraaaaw.-lia.i -n. - i- a 'a -'"'-Tt FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blower f HERE VOL! APE, THAT'S VrWJDEBRlQ fwOULO ONE OF Tl f SURE, PAT I'LL A WELC..THANK6 A LOT, PEOu f AW. RUT WE TOSftfX flHKl'b 6PLCNDID1 MI&S.V PAT-FUED 1 lE ILL 6ET VOO BOVS COME CARRY THE LUNCH 1(0 V, BUT PERHAPS FRECKLES A COIN TO SEE WHO'D THEM FRECKLES ( L. CHICKEM. POTATO Ck.E OF THE AND CARRY THE JUST LET ME. HAVE ( WOULD LIKE. TO CARRY J GET TO LUO IT, AND AND I CAN I (i...a..f SALAD, RUCKLES ) hCHb TO COME LUNCH? WE J rr- THAT5 TOO I S Bf V X WON THE VVALK ON " J 1 E V"YV I) ANDLOTS OF FOR THE WANT TO GET HEAW FOR VOO! (. rCZ ' a 10. & AHEAD-- V S -X 60O0.l.S...YSSMn BASKET f STARTED ON J lrs VZC a L WT' Jk COME ON, hC$Z iLB-wsaj w-J rmr ?a -j -w vstemm V TrVtts. 6Veyrl ' v A a r- MOM'N POP y -Slf WHY. CVSCK; WHAT'w THC f S ' I Z I MATTER WITH YOU? TWD I I w-lt-w-z, Jfr . JUMPING AT EVERY X I FOR ME, FIND a i I i i ii jk v r c v II vire j KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON By J. R. William TrV'a,1. ACURt rAWBfe I 1 f 1 OOHHO I Fl If OCM. A oof COULO l " 1 '' .. . ' "'' OUR BOARDING IKTO TOWN PORTU UNCLE PO&C.R WIU. CONNE HOME ON VT SUNRISE -BETTER GO AN HEEL, 'EM OR YOUR UNCLE'S FINE REP IN TOWN WILL WIRE, LIKE KVTE 1m HOUSE it's, okav! all. H TUEVCANTJO cSRfcET OL WMI6KLRS,! AK1' f-,tPP ? EVENNS) TM ONLY EXCfTfcrAtNl , IS WATCHING CHANÐ ELECTRIC USHT riULBS cc UP ON AN OLD . TAL . SOIN .TO TOWN. WELL. GLAD ll GOIN GOING ON VACATION, AS JUMPY as rV rpoo August 1933. By Ahern 1 TJUNNO? TH Va AJOR WILL STIR UP ftObAE VOOPLAJ IF- H6 HA&T0T1ND A SNAsKE; TO ."BITE HN 1 HtD EVEN DRAIN EM IN TH TH' fcPIRlT (SLAS I Si TVi TOWN . aur-nkinUCTCD) HtWIVi'iui a- . a l 'v ''Is ft By Small By Martin By Crano By Cowan I'M YOU'RE A YEAH YOU'RE CANT SLEEP MY NERVES APE. AU. WOT, I CUES9 I0U BY Hf A gut U.. PAT. Off