The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, August 03, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    August 8, 1933
Hall II "1.1 (Jurat Vlaltor at
Ih UII hutol Tueedey evening
war: J. T. l-rrjr, i;oriiln: B.
V. WIiik mid family, (ierber;
t L. llleck and I,. A. Mhoclfn,
HI. Louie; L. C. Klmnall, liar
kaley: W. J. Conerjr, W M, C'n
erv, Chtioi W. U. Clorg. Mar
rill; H. ('. Slpa, Long lleacu;
Mr. and Mr. Harry Hum, 8ac
ranianlu; Ixiula C. Ulrlrh, L. I.
Iuaard, Woodland; II. A. Mil
lar, Urnd: O. V. Moora. ICvalvn
K. Elton, Paaaileua; Kallb Am
broae, Meufonl.
At IHIUIile lloapllal Jark
Trumbly of llarnaa Vallay anter
d Ilia lllllalde hoaultal Tuaaday
to receive treatment for an In
jured loot. Mra. V. R. Lavlgne,
117 Nnrlb Ninth llraat and baby
aoit, l)onald Lue, Irfi for their
boma Monday. Mra, C. J. Gnber
and baby daughter ol Olone loll
Tuaaday eftemuun for thiilr lioina.
Ura. Kred Bliarrad of Naw 1'lua
(reek abla to raturn to bar
noma Tuaaday. Hh la recover
Ini from a major operation.
, Appear On Charge W. W.
ICdwarda appaarad balors Jua
Ilea of tha I'eace W. II. llarnaa
Tuaaday and aakad tor lima to
anlur a plan on a charn of ob
taining mon ay by falia pwlanau.
Ula bond waa aat at 1100. Tile
complaint waa alluad by K. H
Kind For Angling Virgil
Bmlth waa roleatad from hla
obarga of angling wltboul a 11
ceua when ba aurocd to pur
ohai a permit and paid Ike
coata of appearing bffore Juntlta
of th Peace W. B. Harnee, Tuaa
day. He wai arreeted by atate
HnrIM Hub lo Mart The
Kaaiern Hlar Hoclal club will
meet Krluav aflernoon, Auguat
. at tbe Maamilo ball at 2:11
o'clock. Contract and auotloo
will ba In play during tha aftnr
noon. Mra. u. K, D.nnle. Mra.
W. J. Hti'liitnoli, Mra. Harry
Marah and Mra. B. T. lllggln
aon will preald aa hoateaeee.
All nionibara aud vlaltlng mem
Iht of Kaaiurn Htar are Invited
to attend. ,
llerovra-Jna; fnm Operation
llonnla Lou Clarke, daughter of
Mra. Ida Clarke of 1000 Vine
elraet, la recovering from a re
cant omorgency oiaratlon for ap-
pendlcltli and will return today
to her home where frlenda may
vuitlna Worn Waahlnirtoi
U met, formar realdaut f Kla
.th ralla. arrlvrd hare Tura
day from bli home at Walla
Walla. Waeh., and will apend
about 10 daya here at 717 Koae-
way Drive.
ftwanerne VUlt Mr. and Mra.
limit Kdward Hwanaan and baby
daughter have arrived In the
city from their home at Pasa
dena. Calif., to apend a vacation
of two or throe weeae wun nr.
Hwanaan'a narente. Mr. and Mra.
J. B. Bwauaan. They made the
trip by motor.
1)1 rorre Suit Kllrrt Clem
Brown filed ault agalnat uarn
adlne Charlotte llrown In circuit
court Tueadav charging deaertlon.
According lo complaint, couple
married la Leniane, Franco In
From California Fred W.
nirchmore. aocreiary of the vel-
lejo, Calif., cliambar of commerce
waa vlaltlng In Klamath Kalla
Tueadav. He expected to con1
tlnuo to Hand where he will
apend hla vacation.
Club Will Miet Tha Happy
Doian club will meet at the
home of Myrtle Donaldaon at Ht.
yrancia park Thuriday afternoon
at 1 o'clock for a pot luck din
ner. All membora ar requeued
to ba proaunt.
Ieave for Bcaalde Mr. and
Mra. John Houaton left for Rea-
aide. Ore., Wedneaday. Mr.
llouaton will attend a meeting
ot the Equitable Ufa Asatiranc
Society. They will return to
Klamath Falla next week.
At Klk I-ake Mr. and Mra
William B. Koch of Santa Roan
Calif., wore vlaltlng In Klnmnth
Kalla Tueaday en route to Klk
Lake, where they will apend a
two weeka vacation.
Til at Mclford Mra. J. F.
Etherldga of Fair Acres haa re-
calved word her alitor. Mra.
Catherine Wright ot Phoenix,
Ore., la aerloualy 111 In a boa-
pltal at Mad lord.
Vlalta Pa rente Mra. F. H
Cooper of Tucaon, Aril., la vlalt
lng In Klamath Falla with her
parenta, Mr. and Mra. N. 8. Ballanger,
Leave for Olcll Lake Joe
nobuatelll left thla week for
Odell lake where ha haa been
employed In mason work.
Henry U. Davla, a realdent ot
tnie city lor the last four years
passed away at hla Inte real-
deuce. 320 Washington street,
Auguat 1, at 4:45 a. m.,
after a brief lllnsaa. He la sur
vived by hla wife, Mra. Mlnnlo
iiavia, ana the following chil
dren: Mra. I.octla Peiirod, South
t.nle, (Jul.; Mra. Oln I'nul. Oaks
dale, Wash.; Roy Davit, Long
Hunch, Cel.: Dean C. Dnvla,
Twin Falls, Idaho, and Hilar O.
uavi 01 Kiamalh Agency, Ore.;
also on sister. Mra, Mary
niucnor or. Amariuo, Toxaa.
Funeral aervlcea will be held
from th chapel of the Knrl
Whltlock futiarnl home Friday
iniiroina ai IV o ClOCK. HeV.
Fred Hornshuh of Klamath tem
pi will officiate. Burial will be
In the Merrill I. 0. 0. F, ceme
Madame Secretary Visits Workers in Steel Mills
ADAMH POINT Mr. and Mra.
R. K. Ilallry and aon Emll have
returned home from a tour thru
the Redmond, Powell llutle,
Prlnevllln and Vale, Ore., potato
region. They found the potato
Nliuatlon about the earn aa tn
Klamath oounty- aome good,
aome bad, but larger acruagea
than laat year.
Polatoaa through the Powell
Butte region are contracted for
at to cents a hundred net for
October ahlfiplng. In Vale apuda
are aomewhat higher, and In
Nauipa, Idaho the early crop of
potatoea are bringing $ 3.C0 a
hundred. They Hated that they
found alfalfa hay very acarce
through ltodiuond.
Mr. and Mra. Anton Pollvka.
Jr., and fir children returned
to their home In Ban Franclaco
after visiting Mr. Pollvka'a par
enta, Mr. and Mra. Anton Pollvka.
Nr., hla brother Kuill. and slater.
Mra. It. K- llulley and family.
Frank I'aygr, Jr., waa tranv
acting In Klamath Falla,
Mr. and Mra. R. E. Bailey.
aon Emll, Charlee Rlxilto and
liana (ierkjuson of Klamath
Kalla returned to their homea
after a trip to Nampa, Idaho
and Redmond, Ore. Mlaa Ethel
da Kuox of Merrill atayed with
Anna Bailey while her parenta
war away.
Leater Pierce purchaaed a new
team of horaea from the Aahton
ranch north of Po Valley a
few ntllea from Dairy.
W . Reynolda took hla brother-
in-law. Joe Klem, Jr., to the
eteruna hospital In Portland
where he uuderweut a major
operation tha fore part of the
Mlsa Joanna Smith underwent
a minor operation Hunday when
abe had her tonatla removed.
Mlaa Anna Bailey haa returned
home after spending a week as
sisting her grandmother, Mra.
Anton ralevna. Br.
Martin Kitchen of th Henley
district visited with the Bailey
family and with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Dehllngor and aon.
Tony Huty vlalled Richard
Tarkaa the fore part ot thla
week. Richard la now vlaltlng
at me Huty home.
Mr. and Mra. A. Sntr. M
Anton Pollvka, Br. and Mr. and
Mra. John Tackai, Hr. made a
trip around Tule Lake, Sunday
Chin Oln Poy of Malln visit
ed In thla vicinity Saturday.
Mra. Uenrge Yost of Tule Lake
visited with frlenda In thla vic
inity laat week.
Paul Kddy of Merrill visited
with frlenda In thla vicinity the
latter part or tne week.
Fellsherto Lawrence waa visit
ing with friends at Adanie Point
Wednesdny evening.
Mra. Anton Pollvka and aon
Emll visited Mr. and Mra. R. E
Bailey and family Wedneaday
Chiloquin Man
Reported Lost
Sheriff's officer Wedneaday
were looking for Bert Larka.
16, lumber worker and property
owner of Chiloquin who haa
been missing alnre July 18.
Larka for the past five years
haa worked at the Blockltngur
mill at Chiloquin. On th eve
ning ot July 1H he went to hit
home where he lived with a
family, tenanta of hla property,
took money from a dreeaer
drawer and left.
Emll Fagernaa, an unci ot
Altamont Acrea, becoming alarm
ed over hla nephew' absence,
enlisted officera to make an In
veitlgntlon. Anyone having seen
Lnrkn since ha left hla home la
requested to contact the sher
iff! office.
PELICAN Now playing, Fred
eric March and Cary Grant In.
"The Eagle and th Hawk."
Coming Friday, Kay Francis
and (leorge Brent In "Tbe Keyhole,."
PINE TRKE Now playing,
Joan Blondell In "Broadway
Coming Friday, Rex Bell In
Fighting Texana."
VOX Now playing, John
Jiarrymor In "Reunion In
.' L 1a," 7.' V-
Franca Parkin, Irat woman aeoretary ot labor, entera the steel code hearing with aome personal
Idea of what It la all about. For aha toured aavaral plant In tha Pittsburgh district, talking with
xeentlvea, foramen nd workman. Above, aha I howo baklng handa with Bob Graham, foreman
ot tha Carnegie mllla In Homestead, Pa, aurroundad by Uel worker.
Here, briefly, are answer to aome
dlveralfled question on Indnttrial
recovery, made by Hugh I. Joha-
aon In response to quarlae by
newspaper men in recent confer
Will government contract with
private Industry b adjusted to
metl rising prlreat
jonnson win rvcommeno w
Prealdent Roosevelt thet legisla
tive aanction b given uch ad-
Are subllc ntllltlea Included la
th acop of Prealdent Rooaevelt'
blanket wag and hour agree
ment 7
Thev are. exclusive of railroad
which are under the Interstate
commerce commission.
Include representative! ot the
No eodee have been approved
and none will be by Johnaon that
doesn't provide for aueh "con
trol' eommiueei.
What action will be taken If
employera who are under codea
violate their labor or other pro
vlalona? If any of these report are aub
atantlated Johnaon would turn
them over to the control commit
tee and If th practice were not
corrected tk "very prompt ac
tion" to the maximum extent of
the law If neceaaary.
Haa the administration had any
complaint! from communities
with frozen banking facilities or
inability to comply wun tne
I have nad complaint) of ev
ery kind you can think of," John
aon replied.
"Are von nrotoundlr gratified
with the response of the pnbile
utiiitiei toward ma program!
"No," Johnaon replied.
Kay Frsncte
"The Keyhole." a plctur ot
romance and gay adventure.
unlnue In plot and glanioroua in
setting, in which the two popu
lar Warner Bros, itari, Kay
Krancla and George Brent ap
pear together tor the first time,
opena at tb Pelican Thcatr to
morrow. Thcr I a wll chosen cast
of aelected players, lilenda Far
rell and Allen Jenkins form an
excellent comedy team, their
psuedo romance acting aa a toll
to aet off and accentuaata the
dramatic rolea ot th two co-featured
playera, Mlaa Francla and
Brent. Th other three playera
who have Important parta are
Monroe Owaley, Helen War and
Henry Kolker,
A fast moving melodrama fea
turing a laugh a mlnuta, aud an
action climax chuck full of
thrills. Thla Just about auma up
"Fighting Texana," Monogram's
new western, atarrlng Rex Bell,
which opens at the Pine Tree
Theatre tomorrow. Added to all
thla, the atory haa a real punch
and th plot would hold It own
ven without Ball spectacular
exhibition of fine horaemanahlp
at the finish.
Rex Bell takes advantage of
th fine opportuuitlea offered
him In thla picture to do aome
real acting. Luana Waltera
acoroa aa the object of hla at-
fectlont, while Betty Mack gives
a telllD performance aa the
"other woman" In the triangle.
Other deserving of comment ar
Gordon DeMaln, Lat McKe. Al
Bridge, Georg Hayee, George
Nash, Wally Wale and Anne
Howard, Armand Bchaefer't di
rection la all that could b de
aired. VOX
John Barr more, who la ater
red la "Heunlon In Vienna," now
playing at the Vox, waa born
February 15, In Philadelphia,
Pa., and atudied art in Europe
before beginning hla famoua
career on the atage with hla
brother, Lionel and hla alster,
Ethel. Hla first appearance on
the acreen waa made In "The
Sea Beast." Hecent picture In
clude "Rasputin and the Era
press." "Grand Hotel," "Bill of
Divorcement'1 and "Topaxe."
Diana Wynyard appeara oppo
site Rarrymore In the Metro-
Goldwyn-Mayer feature directed
by Sidney Franklin from the
celebrated Robert E. Sherwood
tage hit. Also In the cast are
Frank Morgan, Henry Traveri,
May Robaon, Edunrdo Ciannelll,
Una Merkel and Bodil Rosing.
R08EBURG. Or., Aug. t.
(AP) Appointment of Attorney
Carl E. Wlmberly of Roaebnrg
to aucceed the lat Judg Jsmea
W. Hamilton, aa Judg for th
second judiciel dUtrlct, I asked
In a petition adopted at a con
ference last night by the Rose
burg bar association. Th peti
tion, which wai forwarded to
Governor Meier laat night, la
signed by nearly every member
of the local bar association. .
Mr. Wimberly was admitted to
th Oregon bar June 15. ISO,
and has served a deputy county
clerk, city recorder, city at
torney, and a district attorney
tor Dougla county. Since 124
he has been engaged exclusively
In private law practice.
If a retailer Is a member of on
of I lie trade aaaoclationa signing
the leiail code agreement, la a
bound by Ita provleiona?
Not nniesa na auoicrioea ie it
directly and compile with It
term, and If ba doeen t sign it or
the president's agreement h
won't get th bin eagle.
Will Puerto Rico end other ter-
lituile bv separate code, or
are their indusirlea inciuaeu in
the general codes?
Johnson thinks he baa enough
to attend to domestically now and
will look Into the territories- later,
Will Iron mines and coal
owned by steel companies come
tinner the terma nf the steel code?
That Is a Question ami to n
Is the lumber code, on which
hearinga were completed some
time go, ready for promulga
Deputy AdmlnlstiMor Gate hag
not yet completed hit report-
la ther anything th adminis
tration can do tn regard to tb
coal atrlkea In Pennsylvania now?
Johnson haa no luriadictlon on
til the coal cod la formally
What la the administration'!
altitude toward the proposal thai
ateel Include In Ita code a provi
sion for a planning committee to
Owing to th Inability ot th
Klamath county relief committee
to get potato for distribution
to th commissary, th commute
baa requested anyon having gar
den a and enrpln vegetables to
tarn them over to tb commis
Th commltt mat In regular
semi-weekly aeaalon Wednesday
morning and cared for only
routine business matters concern
ing distribution ot Xood and re
lief list.
Chief of Detective Joseph
Taylor aaid today that a inspect
waa arreeted on Wllahir boule
vard laat night In connection
with th Dalbert Apoahlan mur
der case at San Diego and rush
ed to San Diego.
Taylor aald the man had mad
a confession to killing tbe seven
year-old boy. whose mutilated
body was found In the San Diego
bay July it.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Aug. t
Modified martial law waa d
clred today after a aerlea of ax-
Pioaion In th campo u Marts
arsenal cauaed considerable de
struction and Injured fonr mom
bars of tha national guard. Non
waa killed.
About tot men were ordered
to Managua from Leon ana
guarda were atationad at th ar
aenal. Meanwhile the govern
ment ordered an Investigation.
Early Report Denied.
Early report war 10 guard
men had been killed or wounded
but a aubaequent official etate
mnt aald there had bean ni
fatalities and th Injured totalled
only four.
Many or tn inhabitant
wro participating tn a tradition
al fleets at Santo Doming
Plain whan th tint detonation
occurred at 7 p. m P.8.T. Lea
ser blast continued until attar
Crowd of merrymakers, near
ly panic-stricken, rushed through
the atreeta. It waa believed tht
dlsaater waa accidental In origin,
but the populace, not knowing
what was happening, waa thrown
Into a atate of lntenaa excite
ment t first.
House were ahaken. Spent
cartridge ehelll war acattered
throngh th city, aa In a bom
bardment So atrong was th
blast that a larg pistol waa hurl
ad throngh th roof of a nous
a quarter ot a mile away.
Government Grant
Relief To Oregon
WASHINGTON, Aug. i. (Jff
Two additional relief grant t
atate war announced today by
th federal emergency rlif ad
ministration, $161,110 going to
These figure brought th to
tal thna far contributed t Ore
gon to $1,174,771.
Clark Gabl. ttlta (tar, waa re
ported convalescing tonight from
an appendectomy rtrd
earlier in th day.
Tha Marine Corps at Quantlco,
Vs., has a new ambulance plane
which cnrrlcg two litters In addi
tion to pilots and attendanta,
Theatre of The Stars
Now Showing- End Thar.
!tiuui Wynyjmt
Front, Morffi.ii
tn Mrrkel
Seven arresta were mad by
city pollc Tuesday evening. Five
peraons were charged with be
ing drunk, on charged with
reeklesa driving and another
with poaaeealon of intoxicating
Those to appear before Police
Judge Clifton Richmond Wed
nesday were: James F. Swope,
SO, mechanic, charged with reek
lesa driving upon being arrested
by officers after a 70 mil an
hour chase. Eric Lassen, l(,
cat driver, waa released Tuesday
evening under tii bail on a
charge of possession ot intoxicat
ing liquor.
W. L. Hartwlg, 23, logger,
Bill Breen. 4 -
Fraln, 4$, Carl Peterson, (4, and
Martin Foley itt.a .
and charged with being drunk.
Pennsylvania bat adopted a
financial responsibility law tor
operators ot motor vehicles. Sev
eral other atatea have almllar
Alaine's Beauty Nook
Pennanents 1.98, 2.98, 3.98
Code prices to tajte effect Monday.
All Pricei Raised.
Phone 1386 Next to Hall Hotel
To the memory of the President
of our company,
Our office and warehouse will be
closed all day, Thursday, August 3rd.
The PRODUCT and the
PLANT behind it
Now Playing!
Now you can travel almost any
where in the West on fast S. P.
trains for about 2i a mile on
way as well at roundtrip every
day. One way fare are Tourist,
good in coaches and chair can
also in Pullman tourist sleeping
cars, plug small berth charge.
Roundtrips are first Class, good
In all types of accommodations.
It it now cheaper to travel by
train than to drive your own car.
For further Information and
examples of fares, see
Pattenger Station
Phone 2002
Now Playing
To Thousands!
Cary f
, rviiftai Hi ajj. vr i m um mi ii iaV.iu il ,r
The PRODUCTBuDWEisER,King of Bottled Beer.
The PLANT.. ..The World's Largest Brewery
comprising over 110 individual buildings covering
142 acres of ground, the equivalent of 70 city blocks.
Of Importance To Beer Drinker It plant been kept tn continuous opetV
the fact, that thla great brewery, adon,but we have promptly adopt
the largest in the world, hat never ed every scientific Improvement
ceased operating in it butlne his which has been developed in the
torv of three quarter of century, beer industry from year to year.
The lame standards of brewing, From the skillful and experienced
that made Budwelter outsell any hands of our old brewmasterr
other brand of bottled beer on every bottle of Budwelser comes
earth, have been continuously and to you perfectly brewed and fully
scrupulously maintained for 75 un aged beer at its best. Serve it cold,
interrupted years. Not only has our Your dealer can supply you now.
MASON, EHRMAN & CO., 473 Spring St., Distributor