PACE FOUR THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON July 18. 1933 The Klamath news KLAMATH NEWi CO. Publisher FRANK JEKKW tHW Published avary morning -copt Monday oy Tb Kimu New Publishing company t 101-1M boU Fifth atrwat, Klamath. Fella. Oregoa. Official pep" City ol Klam ath Fall and Klemtb eoanty. Entered as second elaa matter at the portofflo at Klatnata Hill. Oregon. SW"1 . tl, nnder act of March I. !.- SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier. month - Delivered by carrlar rear Delivored by mall. year, county Delivered by mall. outside county. " Subacripiion pajabl la aoveoc. RtprwiirO nationally by M. & EdUOENSKN CO. 1C. 6a a Fraaelaeo New fork. Detroit. Seattle Los Angele Copla of lb w and Bar aid. logtn.r wita J lormauoa abont th Falla rt. -ay b tor tba aaklcg at any ! tnaea office. Member Amdlt Bureaa Clrcalaboi Telephone 11 TKa) Touriata Ar On ' tha Highway! THE warmth of July brings tba tourist Into Ori on to number comparable to the Bum mer mosquitoes, but with a iraat deal mora profit and o annoyance. Tha highway of the state, particularly those la the weaura ectlon. relay visitor from tha aouth through tha at traetlv southern Oregon coun try, np the Willamette ralley. along the coast and then Into Washington and Cnda. Tha Klamath region. of coots, ihare generouly In the tourist trad, bat by no mean aa tompletely aa tha commnnl ti( went of the mountains. Bat now, with the selection of the Klamath-Weed highway and the allotment of a eeparate quarter million dollar or mora for gen eral road work In tbi territory, Klamath Fall and Klamath county will be Justified In ex pecting Increased summer travel business. Tha foreign driver on the Oregon highway, of eourae. come most abundantly from Cali fornia. Tb bulk of tba sum mer' out-of-state traffic usual ly travel through the southern tat befor beading into the northwest. In the year to come w will find this new highway and tb Improvement on the one already constructed mag nificent contribution to a busy summer. Klamath Laka Takes Its Proper Position THE Inventiveness of the Kla math Junior Chamber of Commerce Sunday turned the natural attraction of neglected Upper Klamath lake to practical and Interesting occupation Bun day with the first major sailing boat regatta held on thl- Im mense and beautiful body of water. W have said often Klamath lake has been smothered and forgotten by noteworthy concen tration upon Crater laka. But It wa. discovered Sunday Klam ath lake In It. own way can be ntered near the top of thl. country', long list of undevel oped resources. Thousands of citizen lined the loutliern shores of th lake nd wItneHHed a picturesque dl. play of watercraft. This I. but tha beginning of a promotion destined to bring the region In to prominence a. one of Ore gon', outstanding contribution. to the country', playgrounds. The Sales Tax Face Fight At Polls TJULITICAl, observer In Ore a. gou, closely witnessing tim trend of voting scntimtMit, have predicted nutMandlng victory for repeal at thi. week's .pedal election and almost certain d fest fur Ihn eules tux. The ex ceedingly prominent attention given these lo major lumps has Indlratud a henvy vole. Tbo citizen today Is vigorous ly alert to Hike a hand In the affair, of hi. city and state. Perhaps for Die flrxt time, there Is almost unanimous general at tendon toward affair, of gov ernment for there I. an Idea about Ilia country that "th gov arnment mast he returned to lb people." Tha only pns.llile way this notion ran he effected Is through personal Interest and scllvs use of tha hnllot. It Is hut a question of how badly prohibition will be defent d In Oregon. The sale. In count W'll he closer, but lis (le fsst Is Impending. Should the tax loss, It will he a remarkable agpreealoo of public oyl&loa la faca of tha bill, ldprad aupport Id tba praaa and among leading cltlsen. of tha atata. W believe In tb merit o! tba aalaa ui; wa alio know, howerer, tba people of Oregon ara not looking for aubatitul taxation. They want elimination, and alnca tba majority of voter ara not property tax payer they may not be too willing to co operate In an emergency pro gram which. ' if they but knew it, will haa Individual benefit. W can only arg the voter of this county to one more atudy the a lea tax. obtain a well-rounded picture of what It will mean and thea vot slu cere convictions. romance vi u. "Itldrn Ian ehit lb (Hxtaiul Aimee 1 over. All of aa aome - time hare to replace our ideal and Aimee's lost dream wa that of cornet tooter and a sing er. Eventa in tha erangeliet's life indicate aa attorney should bo brought Into tha tamllj the next time there la a marriage. If tha law can't atop this kid' aaplng wave It might just ai well go to work attempting make It hard. to Jack Dempaey to marry again. Max Bser reconciled with wife. All Is light la tha boxing world. Beauty Hints fco Ow Voitrwir oot Comfort I It h at rA m 1 u4 A i ai a lh sax an A at a i I It hard sledding these dys? Do yoa feel that you can't walk another atep or do another chore? Have yoa a case of "walk lag sleepiness 7" When it actually Is hard work to keep your mouth from aaixing open, tak atock of yourself nd,They will be graded SO per cent see if yoa ran t get more pep- It may be your feet! Some women who have always worn! pumps or delirste little sandals with high heels find tremendous relief from getting into ed sport thing on hot days. Ther I no question that bels mik a lot of difference. You can ren get medium-heeled oxfords that go well with summer things and find them a boon, if you are I unwilling to get into broaues. Try them, anyway. You can get a pair for so little this summer. Keep a pair of comfortable. ; ea.y .hoe. I. ,h. office. Changof Thi thing that make, it ee. J) "V" VUB " '"r Into them the minute yon coim worM tnis tim 1 tht they arei or mor ar high at any time. in from the street tslways care-l.A.. tiinh.. wn th. lln. th.n'and ft seem, hlshlv nrohabl. at IhUlP."n !h?" '"oHwjtha republicans did If years th. prMent moment that few.r hoe yott take off). Then, .go ao many people are out ol. ' , . h. .,. enang into a third pair when you i, , Kai ta-wtaiw friar n v b(nrf nt m '. m y 9 get home. And for your own per- j onl Information, If you take o:f v.. .iwi.iu.s, ioo, na aon oeacn aandala for eay eomtor ble homewear, your feet will oenent py It. If you ar over S5. get a hal- lie longer shoes the next time you buy them. It I tensibl to face the fact that your feet do get larger. Many a woman limp along without knowing that aha ha short shoes. Width make, far less difference In the long run tbsn length does. It is length that cramp the bone, of your feet which affect your en tire body and disposition. And If yonr feet still hurt, see an orthopedle specialist! Some People Say There I. no ubtltute for the comradeship of father and son. Dr. Uonald A, Laird, C'olga'e psychologist. e If thera 1 on luhject on which my knowledge is less thsn It la on Income tax return. I do not know It. Otto II. Kahn. fwho paid no Income tax lor 1S3U, lSU or 132). . The Roosevelt "Raw Deal" Is the biggest bologny ever perpe trated. Howard Scott, technocrat. International Affairs In Six THIMC7S -J?E IM TERPiBLE. . OF COURSE, THE SHeXPE W6 N6EP S COMFEREAdCe WILL WORt-O CONpEReA1cst ACe As LOT OF V OBSTACLES AS MATTFR OF FACT, DONT SEE HOW THEY CAM WHAT A. WASKXlTl TMIMGS A.RG IM SAV WHACT W6 THAM BEFORE COMFERSNCT ' WASHINGTON NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS a a a a The Inside Story From The Capital By PAI L (Copyright. 1IS. WASHINGTON. July IT Thia more to put all postmaster unde- the e.vll service ha mora behind It than meet the naked e?e. Such a atep waa badly needed at t li tat time to kill off a whis pered story going around tha country that the democrat at laat were ready to throw the republican out of the poet office with a vengeano that the apoil system wa to be reatored. It aid not take Poatmaeter-Ueneral Farley long to hear about It Purposes Hot denial were issued by Mr. Farley. The whispered etory, however, was nowbera publicly ii . , tA in n n n. .man! the 1 n- , general wa shooting at and hla seneral did not attract much at- tuition. Komethlna else waa necessary. ) The new postmaster aioveuien. rilled tha bill better than yon would ever auspect. It may be true that It take politic out of the post offlc aa much aa It caa be, pending an jadmlnlstratloa by angel. But somewhat leas hogs than it con there is more to It than that. 'Inmes, and so sets Its own prices publican;' out "of ...'poa. i ' tic and put civil eervlce demo-j"on cost. So the msrkst for hog erst la. thi fall will depend mora on Also It will put the democrats hsppened here on the pubir.7r.,ra.8,rherc Coast than condl.lon. is ever one. must change the 'n tha United States as a whole, civil service lsw to get them out e e e lutTon being put on it by cheer-i ilng congressmen and Job-hunt- . . .,. I. slu.eihaui 4morratk conirewlonal aulbor-j ... I Ity privately aa louowa: All first, second and third clau postmaster. In office now must taks civil service examine- lions. Tbey are all republican, Democratic candidates for the job also will take examinations. Ion business ability. Democrat will do the grading, Th three with the highest marks will be considered final Icandldate. Their name will be I flat-heel-Uuhmltted to the democratic eon. eressmsn. He will make th , final choice a republican might squeet I through under that aystem. If ihe rf.rf It would he an overaliht- . .. ' ' Th. rf.mcwr.t. ar. .cm. II. not being much more ruthlesai10 D,r- bow then successful parties ns- see .n. ar. government position is legitimate I, polls. Rush The offices of those who are supposed to have Influence with the democratic administration look lik basement bargain count er these days. Many seeking Jobs are obviously in want. Th offlc of Senator Byrd of Virginia, Harrison of Missis sippi snd King of Utah ar swamped all th time. Senator King position I probably th worst. Ha la trying to keep all those Joba which ex-Senator Smitt got for the citizens of Utah. Master Tbe most artful patronage dis penser of them all la William F. Stevenson. He Is- chairman of the Home Owners Loan corpora tion. His old South Carolina friends call him "Seaboard Bill" but the reason Is - obvlou. HI new Intimate here have switched It to "Steamboat Bill" for no reaion at all. In an admiring way, a demo cratic politician recently sug gested .Mr. Stevenson should be charged with depopulating tha state of South Carolina. He was trying to Infer that Mr. Steven son had Installed most of th citizen of that state In bis gov ernment agency. Mr. Stevenson haa already an- MAI.IiON by Hani Halloa) nounced that the merit ytem la all right In It place, tie 1 lo the author of the line which Is a loga for the Job-seeking army: 'Xaturalty wa ara not choos- ln republican, to carry out poll 1 " of a democratic admlnllra itlon." Editorials on News (Continued From Fag One) TSEPH B. EASTMAN, federal eo-ordluator of transportation, says that railroad presidents eal- arle ar too high. Several of the BOW receir ularlM la . . ... cees of a year. -.... . . . . I Tb0" of wau rcel' !' than 1100.00 a year will agree that h la talking common n. W ara nearly alway ready to agree that tba fellow who get more tha w do I getting too much. e e e DUT REMEMBER that the rail D -.j. k , .k. . I . . " , ' ,,Bd k" D'u wnpUining about ; It rather bitterly. For a business I that t. I. ,. r inn nun . """' a- -.j -. r -,AA.A. ,n ,n future. Leu for th higher-up and mor for tb lower-down la the new bnilnes theory. Christian Science "Life" was th subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Jul) K. The Oolden Text was, "Thl ! life eternal, that they mirht know ihee the only true God. and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent" (John 17:3). 1 Among the citation, which comprised the Lesson-Sermot, was the following from the Hibie: "Happy Is the man that findetb wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. Length of day.: Is In her riant hand; and in ber left band riches and honour" (I'rov. 3:13, U). The Lesson-Sermon also includ ed the following correlative 9as sage from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", by Mary llaker Kdrly: "When under standing changes the standpoints of lire and Intelligence from a material to a spiritual hals, we shall gain the reality of life, the control of Soul over sense, and we shall perceive Christianity, or Truth, In Its divine Principle This must he the climax before harmonious and Immorta obtained and hi. capabilities re vealed" (p. 322) Installments KLAMATH. Or. member and one visi tor attended the meeting ol the Fort Klamath grange, Tuesday night In tba clubhouse. Worthy Master Theodora R- Ntrholaoa presided aver tha business i Ion. at tha conclusion of which Rsy Loosley gars agricultural report for tb past six month. nd also gar brief but Inter esting talk on mosquito and liver fluke control. Mr. Leosley went oa to discuss a pamphlst dealing with farm credit admin istration, designed to meet the Immediate needs of tha farmer at the present time. Following Mr. Loosley'e ad dress. Ltnsey slsemore gave a brief talk regarding his experi ence personnlly with tb farm loan association aa secretary of the local branch of the associa tion, stating that It took mnch longer in Oregon to obtain loan on farm property than In Idaho and la California, due to tbe fact that Oregon haa no rep resentation at the federal land bank la Washington. During tha evening It waa de cided that no more meetings win be held In July, and that It will be a purely business meeting on August 1, with ns refreshments served, as this 1 a busy season for the farmer In this vicinity, with haying operations in full swing during tb latter part of July and Auguit. A committee of Mr. sna r. Ben H- Brlcco, Albert Brlcco ssd Vlx AHc Edwrd erved de lirious refreshment to tb mem ber preeent st the close of th evening. Earlier Days From File of The Klamath Re publican, "July. IBUtt Barrel! Short waa In th city yetterdsy on business. He says having 1 on full blast In bis ectlon of the country, with heavy yield reported from all of the rsnches. J. F. KI!ey and R. A. Booth, of Eugene, and Jme E. Dan aher of Detroit, Mich., who re cently visited their 17.000 acre tract of timber north of Yalnax. returned Tuesday nigbt and left for their respective homes th next morning. F. H. Mill will soon be mik ing his round in a rhug-wgon, hsvlng traded W. S. Worden the bull of hi boat on Upper Klam ath Lake for tha latter s auto. Wise Cracks Judging by those reports from Hollywood, "America Swet berf I no longer Doug's, ess Ohio summer resort featured SO girls In batblng beauty con test as part of gala July 4 cele bration. Doubless, tbe cheering was "Hips, hips, hoo-ray!" . Encllshman ha Invented prar tire golf ball, attached to sort of naraihute. that I guaranteed not to travel more than 10 yard. W find that an ordinary golf ball answer our purpoi qually well. AI Capon' successor In Chi cago has been Indicted for dodg ing his Income tsx. Too bad that he didn't have Banker Mitchell's attorney to advise him that It wasn't against the law, Announcement of Senator Huey Long's daughter that ah wears cotton lingerie to aid south s col ton farmers cau.e. on to wonder If the senator will now ch.nge from those pink p.Jsms. In which he receives visiting diplomats. FT. KLAMATH FORT KLAMATH, Ore. Kveryone Interested In th af fair of th local church I urged to he present at th church ser vices to ha held on tbe evening of July 2.1, when Mr. Pearl Kd wnrds, delegate to the recent Methodist conference held In Portland thl month will give her report on the activities which took place during the confer ence, and have Interesting news for all who attend. Church ser vices will be held here henco forih every two wensts on Sun day evening by Rev, II. V, llrad shaw, of Williannon Hlver mis sion, who has hecn assigned ad ditional territory of Beatty and Illy in addition lo Ft. Klamath and the mission at Williamson river. Mr.. Radye Page. Mrs. JiPfay- lor and Adrian Page were in Kla math Falls Wednesday. Mrs. Kate Russell was also a visitor to the county sent Wednesday. Monday night, a government truck bearing four passenger overturned on the curve near tho Dixon residence on the Crater Lake highway while enrntila to Crater Lake. The truck was bad ly damaKcd, and the men severe ly shaken and hrulsvi. one man being thought to have suffered serious Injuries to hi spine, This wreck took place at the some curve at which a Ford roadster turned over three time the eve ning of July 4, severely injuring two of the girl occupnnt of the cnr. Too much speed is the com mon verdict as to tha cause of hoih accidents by local residents; thl. being a dangerous curve which ha. to bo negotiated at a reasonable rata of speed. (leorge Denton has gone to Dia mond lake to work on th road construction detail them. Leon Knowles, nephew of Mrs. Hn Brlcco of Fort Klamsth, a'so left the first pnrt of the wool: for the same- place, where he will also be employed on the road work. Dur ing Mr, Denton's absenre, the fsrm work will b tlonrt ).v Will iam Copeland at tha Denton rnnch. Tlin Tuesday rirldie clnh was chnrinlngly entertained hy Mrs. Mollle Hnllou at her homo hep on Tuesday evening. Two unties of bridge wcra In play durlt.g the, FORT Eighteen SIDE GLANCES h ciark 'I'm not trying to hurry vou. poem before the delicatessen close. evening, with high score being made by Mrs. Jo Taylor, ind c-, ond high by Mr. Sady Pi.e. Re freshments wer served th fol-, lowing ladle, by th hostess t th ' cloe of th evening's play Me- oamee .-oia Jacrarllng. Mabel Copeland. Geneva Brattaln. 8dye Page, Jo Taylor, Amy Zuinurunn and Opal I'sge. Meetings In support of the 1Mb sniendment and In favor of retaining tb Oregon anil liquor law have been arranged by th local organisation for various sections of th county. Thursday evening. Rev. Arthur C. Bates, asristed by Adjutant and Mrs. Ford, will conduct a mass meeting assisted by their workers at the Merrill church. The Salvation Army will con duct an open air service at 7:30 p. m. previous to tha mass meet ing In the church. Th am vnlng Rv. Frd Horusbuh and a party and Rev. llarvev Devrle will conduct a mas meeting In Chlloquln for the same purpose. Tentative plan ara that Rev. J. R. Coan, new pastor of th Methodist church, will address a public, meeting In Fort Klamsth Wednesday evening at t o'clock. He may be assisted by Rev. Devrle. 'of Chlloquln. Legion Makes Rule For Concessions Official, of th American Legion convention committea -.-nounca that thera will b no street concession, during the convention here Au;ust 10 and 11. Thl. action wa. taken to pro tect th established merchan: from transient competition. Con cession will be let for th Fair grounds only, they ssld. In tba early day In th vest It wa necesstry to drlv spike. In telegraph poles to prevent buffaloes from pushing them over. World-wide conditions were a contributory cause to our disas ter, but we must admit our de plorable Hate I largely of our own creation. Senator Arthur Capper, Kansas, UT Ml 0 HOMf with vou, Do rrt DULL HERE l CANT "rl!,TTH00CRTOWO "-NOTH( WITH THI CROWO. mK QRANDMAH I SAKE. THINOS f MAY UVEN UP "BO." G0NEW o friend) now GRANDMA AND I WANT TO STAY ANOTHER WEEK.OAOOYl WI RE HAVIN4 t-UCH A 4000 TIMS - i r isv a K". - J I hope you flnlh your desr. but Bonanza. Oregon To the Editor permit me I llttl spae In your paper to ex plain wh I refused to b a can dtdat to tb repeal convention. Flrat, I tn a temperate man snd hsre been all my life. have always said that If men or women could not have the self control over their appetite for II quor, or any other harmful habit. they ahould have the good ene to refrain from Indulging In It to any extent. I am a believer In the oU school and think that there are time when a portion of good li quor Is eesentlsl and not harm ful. Right now I am bitterly op posed to the old aalcon days and the one harmful thing they allow. eo that Is, treating unllmltedly. I. for years before locnl option. always kept a bottle of liquor lu my house In the cupbnsrd and the children were allowed to have nine touity whenever It was thought best for them. Hlnc prohibition has been In vogue. I hive not tasted moon, bin. I hsre been n enforce ment officer for about 30 yearn, and I say that In that time of prohibition I have seen more crime breed and more deprav-d morals, mor criminals produced nd educated In thst line than n would hava been If it had been confined to colleges. Boy and girl alike that were properly raised drifted to tl.l. crlm wav. Why? Ilerue the most degenerate human peine wa at th head of this so-called moonshlne-antl-Vnlstead move. ment. And they never qulr. They wer Ilk th devil: "r l Chamber Enters Cm C, C, Campaign Th Klamath cnunly chamber of commerce I Inaugurating a campaign In connection with other chamber In tha state to collect used mgazlnes, papers, book and other reading mate rial discarded by resident to b turned over to civilian eon. servsllon camps. Anyone wishing to discard reading material I requested to leave th printed mslter at th. chamber for distribution to varlou camp. There r twice as r-nr auto mobile drivers In the Inited State a there rn sittomohlies. NEXT WEEK 1 TellinfT the i' O j Editor : "NOT OOINSTOTMI DANCE ...TIRED OF BEINa A wau-hower" WHY CHIlOl a J CAN I MAKI ur Ml 7 VIA '' r WE AU NRtPl.l ...AQUAS.TOAIIV.. Its purifying lather keeps complexions lovely, too IIFBBUOV lather Rett you am-itum from held to j tocl It guardt toui pcnonsl daintiness guards your skin beauty, too. That's because It at1o th pores. Wssh with It dsl ly-scc yout complexion grow Remember. Llfcbnnv's plcsstnt.hyglcnicscent.that vanishes as you rinse, Is your of real "B O " (W;sior)protection, Adopt utcDuoy tousy. them started they will never 0 ll to break loose " The evils of narcotics ar not to be com pared with this so-called pnihlot. lion, that does aol In Hi least manner prohibit, but I a man. to b a criminal. Tske It from the lowest hrokeu down hootlrscer to one of tne hlshrst ofllrlsis la our national gorernmrnt, the man who had full control of alcohol. He was Ihe worst grafter that Ihe world errr knew, and bis graft and the enforcement funds tbst hsre been, ws.ted and spent In tb Idea that they were going to enforce 111, same Volstead act. If the peopl had thst money now there would be no war debt against the Unit ed Htate. nor any nerd of fund for the unemployed. The graft In these two way would mora than pay every dollar the govern ment of the t'. 1. need, today. Now, In conclusion, let m Just say thst (lie Volstead prohibition has been and alway will b a failure from the aiandpolnt of prohibiting the sale and use of Ibat accursed slrohol. Our young people have become a depraved lot of headstrong fools, and are equal to the times when th 111. Die tells us of "lledlsm half,. turned loose". Now am not writing thl to Influenr voles but Just lo ex Press my own Dersonsl vl.w. and of course prohibition will gtt Ihe united auDDort of all I bootlegser and moomhlncrs. The ! right side of this Question mu.t 'depend upon thinking people If thl crime-war la kind t, I I. O. HAMAKKIC WSIIS MATH Thst proper diet snd norm, slly funrtinf gi.,, wod do .way wiia n,,l( f ,, ho,),!, HI I the opinion of Hr. o II Mather, 731 Main street, Kiml ath Fall., who has secured th serv,P f ,)r h. H. Il of Chicago, well known diet snd sland expert, to conperat with him for a few day In making dietary examinations. "I hsve felt for a long lime that such an arrangement would be welcomed by many people in this community who ar not sure wb.t food elements they need In their hodie to main tain good ht.lth," said Hr Mslber. "We will work together, of fering double examination while Dr. Hon 1 here. On, to and measure the cause of any disturbance In the bodies of applicants. The other to find out if there Is any nutrltlonil lark that would hamper effirn to recover health np n. arresting the proper foods to supply needed mineral salts, gland-bulldlng material, and so on. "Inasmuch as th... . - m . ii - - lions are offered grails to tha public, sppoluimcnl will b neces. sry, snd promptness essential. "Dr. Hon will be her on Thursday morning, July 2". and until Friday evening, July j, and examinations will be m. dally from 0:00 a. m. lo 6.00 p. m ." Dr. Mather said. By 20-30 CLUB Tho "New IVnl" w.. il,. k. Jet of an Interesting addrens presented tn tha 2n.SH rluh In resulnr meeting Monday, bv Frank Jenkins, publisher of Th ICvcnIne- Herald am! trim,..,). News. Jenkins nulllnrd ihree of tha most Important move, in tt. 'New Ileal." nnmetv: ihn .,lmin. Islratlon's new farm bills, blink ing reforms and the imlnatr control bill and national rocr. en act. The speaker revlen-erf ih. Ma lory of depressions In Ihe rs Hon' past, and took in iptl- mlnllc tone In nrnnlin.vt,.. . era of prosperity to follow the present depression. ham II trlite. nresldent of id. 21-30 organization, nre.l.l. A rhalrman of the .Monday meet Ing. IM OUOWINJ GRANDMAS AOVICf SATMIN WITH LIFEBUOY KEOUIARIY. NO 'BO. TO MAKE ME UNPOPULAR NOW I PinDif donT risk "B.O. BATHE SECULARLY WITH LIFEBUOY SSI ...EVEN MORI ON NOT DAYS., itTirrall