The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 18, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    July 18, 1983
On Day' Gossip
If the huge municipal stadium
at Cleveland la too btf for the
Indian to win In. aa some of
the Cleveland sports writers
claim, It la only natural to es
aum that the other parki around
tha circuit are too aniall for the
team. . . . Heinle Manuih was
booed by Washington fans early
this season, but Heinle won m
over by his sensational mid-suni-'
mer batting and fleldinf.
Spiritual, Physical
One, of the superstitions of
trainers is that when a home
throwa a aho In workout it's
a bad omen and the animal
should b scratched from his
: next race . . . which was one of
the reasons why Equipoise didn't
; run in the Stars and Stripes
handicap against Gallant Sir (the
other reason being that btf
bundle of weight, they wanted to
nut on the Whitney hos.)
And Van He Play Tag?
Max Baer'a father Jacob must
be awarded aome sort of trophy
for his ideas about recreation
... the other day, explaining
son Max's tastes In amusement.
Jacob aald: "The trouble Is he's
Just a kid. always wanting to
romp around- with somebody,
whether It's a little kid on the
aldewalk or one of those Broad
way dolls."
lust a Pal .
Boston and nearby Massachu
setts bailiwicks hare been help
ing New Hampshire on the way
back to prosperity ... the rea
aon being Rockingham Park
which contribute to the state of
New Hampshire a nice percent
age of the profits of a bang-up
running horse meeting . . . and
It'a still Immoral to bet In Bos
ton. ... A frensy of race-! ack
building la breaking out in Cali
fornia since pari-mutuel vager
lag on the equine quadrupeds
was legalized.
Old Meanlea
Tal la a wee hit peered at
Harvard for lot sending the re
gular Crimson crew to the Paci
fic for that regatta ... Old
Eli being obliged to wreak re
venge on a combination outfit.
... Bill Brown. New York's new
boxing commissioner, doesn't fool
. . . after Sharkey wa knocked
ont. he leaped into the ring, cut
off Camera's gloves and exam
ined them carefully for horse
hoea, saah-welghta, etc.
Jimmy McLarnln's father. Sam,
who brought Jim over from Ire
land when the welter champion
vu a baby, is 70 now . . . and
lives in Vancouver, B. C.
Klamath Boys
Eliminated By
Medford Squad
The Klamath American Legion
Junior baseball team was unex
pectedly eliminated from the
drive toward a state title Sunday
against a rugged team of young
sters at Medford. Klamath, play
ing without the services of its
star hurler, James, dropped the
contest, IS to 0.
James, one of the teams out
standing players, wss withdrawn
from the lineup before game time
when it was discovered by the
Klamath officials a mistake had
been made In his eligibility. The.
- officers of the team, finding the
- error themselves, held James out
and notified state officials of the
Legion at Salem.
The team, although led by the
excellent pitching of young How
ie, was discouraged and played
loose ball.
Wilson. Medford hurler, led his
team on the mount and aided the
accumulation of runs with a
home rnn. Psstega and Hodge
hit homers for Klamath and Quls
tad cracked out a three-bagger.
The summary:
Medford 18 17' 3
Klamath . 1 7 10
Wilson and Stoddard; Howie,
Knudson and Pastega.
New York state wss the first
:o license motor vehicles. In
101, the year the license law
went Into effect, the state col
lected IS54.
r lt
I n l . m . .- na "
Klamath Outfit Smothers
Visitors in One
sided Game.
The Klamath Pelicans main
tained a firm hold on the second
place standings of the Southern
Oregon baseball league here Sun
day by smothering Hoseburg, S
to S. The Pelicans, clicking be
hind the excellent pitching of
Lefty Molatore, were out in front
through the nine Innings.
Frisco Edwards, playing mana-
aer for the Pelicans, saw bis team
coma through euccessfuiiy. to
avenge an early seasonly loa
Roseburg, meeting the Pelicans in
the valley several weeks ago
dropped the Pelican! for the first
loss of the season.
The Klamath team still Is with
in striking distance of the cham
pionship. Klamath Pelicans
Thompson. Sb
Wakeman, rf -
Wood. Sb
Peterson, lb
Grander, as
Floetke, cf
L. Granger. If
Edwards, c
Molatore. p
49 2 11
Rush. If 5 0 1
Avery, Sb ....n, (14
Goff. e : S0
Mardlnl, lb Sit
Thompson, cf SOI
Sanders, rf 4 0 0
Zimerick. lb 4 0 0
Cedarstrom. si 4 0 0
Beckley, p 4 10
so s 11 i
Great Gallery
Follows Young
Golf Champion
SPOKANE. Wash, July 17, A1
Bobby Jones, himself, couldn't
have created much more excite
ment than did Albert "Scotty"
Campbell of Seattle, the north
west's overnight golfing sensa
tion, when he joined a field of
more than SO competitors for thf
start today of the 72-hole, two
day Washington state open tour
nament. From the moment the lt-year-old,
bashful appearing youngster
reported yesterday from his re
markable victory march through
the Pacific northwest amateur
and Canadian National amateur
meets at Victoria and Vancouver,
respectively, the last three weeks,
me gaiiery was "on" him.
Virtually every spectator at the
course swarmed around "Scotty"
when he appeared at tho club
house yesterday and they follow
ed hfm all the way around an
18-hole practice round, hardly
noticing the other golfing artists.
It was impossible to keep tho
boy's score as he played from
three to tlx balls oft each tee.
Standard Oil in
Cold Mining Deal
(VT) Persistent reports that
Standard Oil of California would
become a large-scale gold miner
circulated throughout mining
circles here today.
The reports were denied for
mally by P. H. Patchln, assist
ant to the president of the oil
company, in a conversation with
the United Press.
vines, ;
k. . v -.
Jack Dempsey. former heavyweight champion, has admitted that
"there might be some truth in reports that he Is to scarry Hannah
Williams, former wife of Roger Wolfe Kahn. And yon sstgbt take
this picture of the two aa they snuggled affectionately at Kansas
City, Mo- just the other day aa corroborative evidence, for they
look mighty happy together.
San Francisco Star Extends
Hits to Fifty-three Games;
Portland Ducks Lose Again
By The Associated Pates f
San Francisco's Joe De Mag
gio had run his consecutive
game hitting record to SS today,
with Jim Oglesby of Los An
geles still In pursuit with a 19
game mark.
They got their hits as Los
Angeles won one of the three
week-end games with the Seals
to take the series. 4-S. Dick
Ward beat San Francisco Sat
urday, 8-5. but he took a maul
ing from - De Maggio, who
banged out - three doubles and a
single. First inning singles kept
the 18-year-old rookie's record
intact as the Seals trimmed Los
Angeles, 1-1 and 5-3, Sunday.
Oglesby collected four singles In
the three games.
Hare, Seattle, Split
Sacramento declsloned Seattle
3-1 Saturday and divided Sun
day's twin 'bill to Increase Its
first place margin to two full
games. Bill Hartwlg blanked
the Indians 7-0 with five bits
In the morning game at Stock
ton. The Burns men bunched
six of their nine hits In the aft
In the first of a series of two
games, Klsmsth Falls' golf team
defeated a squad of 15 men from
Ashland on the Reames Golf and
Country club course Sunday by
a score of 25 H to 12.
No outstanding scores wer;
chalked, up although Becklry of
Ashland captured low score for
the meet.
A return match with Ashland
will be plsyed on the valley
course within the next few
weeks, according to loci! plsyers.
Members playing on the Klam-
V. v(vr i W1I
ernoon game to turn back the
Senators, 7-4. Sacramento cap
tured the series, 5-2.
Hollywood vaulted over Los
Angeles and Portland Into sec
ond place with three week-end
triumphs over the Missions.
13-11 Saturday and 11-10, 2-1
Sunday. Orville Mahler, recently
signed Mission shortstop, col
lected a pair of doubles, two
singles and a home run In the
three games. Hollywood walked
off with the aeries. (-1.
Heavers Beaten
The Indian sign Oakland holds
over Portland worked -as effec
tively last week as in the two
previous meetings of the clubs
this season, and the Oaks won
their third straight series from
the Beavers, 6-2. Rudy Kalllo's
wild throw to first Saturday
gave the Osks an unearned 8-2
win. Ed Walsh. Jr., of Oakland,
bested Sam Gibson In a pitch
ing duel In Sunday's opener,
2-1. Mike Salinsen and Lou Mc
Evoy combined on the Oak
mound in the nightcap with six
hit pitching that defeated the
Portlanders. 3-2.
nth team Sunday were Otis l.rnw
sey. A. J. Voye, Dr. Pan! Sharp,
J. Royal 8haw, Wilson Wiley, w.
O. Smith, Dr. Geo. Mnrryman,
Oscar Shlve, Earl Wymer, J. O.
Stalling., N. H. Jones, Tom
Towey, John Houston,
The play-off for the pres.
Idcnt's cup tournsment of the
Reames course is nearlng com
pletion with the winner of the
lorn Towey and Frank Sanford
match booked to meet A. .1
Voye. The winner of the Voye
matcn win meet John Houston
for the championship. The
matches are expected to be com
pleted this week.
Angler Drowned
In Willamette
PORTLAND, July 17. (P)
Paul White, 45, drowned In the
Willamette river near here Sun
lay while fishing with two con,
(unions. Angling In rompara
tlvely shallow water, White at
tempted to wade out from shore
and was seen to slip Into a deep
hole. Weighted by his fishing
clothes and gear, he did not re
appear. Chinese Merchant
Accident Victim
SALEM, July 17. (JP) Wa
Hong, 85, Chinese merchant, was
In a critical condition today
from injuries by a hit and run
driver here late Saturday nlglit.
He was on the operating table
for some time at a hospital,
weak from losing blood from
head and leg wounds. Old resi
dents said Wa Hong came here
when a lad.
The body of Emperor Frede
rick the Great was not em
balmed because of his expressed
wish; two regimental surgeons
bathed the body and prepared
It tor Interment.
The U. g. army's newest air
port, the M.000,000 llnrksdale
field, at Bhreveport, I ., was re
cently dedicated before tu,000
Planes flvlne the routes nf sir
line operators In the United
Stales during 19.12 covered more
Uum 50,900,000 mile.
St. Louis Blanks Leaders
of American Flag
By Hl'OH 8. rTI.I.KRTOS. Jr.
A. P. Sports V Htcr
The slump which strikes
nearly every good ball club at
least once a aeason. has hit the
Washington Senators Jut when
they seemed to have first place;
in the American league parked ,
away In moth balls. .
A week ago. Washington, with '
victories in 2 games, had
pulled away lo IS game lead,
over the New York Yankee. !
Then, as the Yanks started a1
streak, the Senators went wrong 1
and today the clubs again were i
lied for the lead.
Soloaa Blanked
The Senators took a 7 to 0
whitewashing from the St. Louis j
Browns Sunday, their firth de-
teat in eignt games.
Irving "Bump" Hadley gave
the Senators only four hits, three
of them by Helnie Msnush.
while Earl Whltehlll went up In
the air In the ninth and Bill
McAfee also was hit bard to
! give the last place club six runs,
j The only other American
league game aaw the Clereland
' Indiana defeat the Boston Red
Sex 2 to 1 In 14 Innings when
I Frank Pytlak and Willie Kamut
I nicked Bob Wetland for singles
:and the former scored after Bill
Knickerbocker's fly. Willis Hud-
in held the Sox to five hits,
only one of which cam In the
first nine lnntnge.
Glaare Divide Pair
The New York Giants. Na
tional league leaders, continued
: their career as "btlless won
ders" by dividing a pair of 1-0
decialons with the last place Cin
cinnati Reds although they got
only 15 hits In 34 Innings. The
Iteds won the opener, a 15-in-;nlng
duel between Red Lucas
land Bud Parmetee when Rollle
l?'m,l" ?rXZ "LMnr:; place pennant. With a
ham home. Manager Hill Terry's
double and Johnny Verges'
single produced the uiant tally
oft Paul Derringer In the fourth
Inning of tha nightcap.
Two of the Giants' principal
rivels, the Chicago Cubs and St.
Louis Cardinals, also split dou
bleheaders while Pittsburgh was
kept idle by rain at Brooklyn.
The second plsce Cubs dropped
the opener to Boston 2-1, when
Wally Berger clouted his 17th
homer of the Tear In the eighth
Inning to break up a mound
duel between Ed Bryant and Pat
Malone. Guy Bush p'ltched seven-
hit ball and Woody English and
Rlgge Stephenson contributed
fnncy slugging to give Chicago
the second game, 3-1
Bill Hallahan's flinging gave
the Cards a 4-2 decision over
the Phillies In the first game,
hut the Phils piled up eight runs
In three frames to win the sec
ond, 8-2, behind Snipe Hanson's
six hit hurling.
Boxers Invited
To Championship
Events In Fall
Amateur boxers of Klamath
county have been Invited to par
ticipate in the annual Pacific
Coast championships at the
Multnomah stadium September
6 and . All athletes In the
county eager to enter have been
asked to send their entries to
James J. Rlcbsrdsnn at the
Multnomah club at Portland.
Only registered A. A. U. box
ers can participate. Events will
be held in all divisions.
First game
R. H. E.
Brooklyn 2 7 2
Pittsburgh 14 It 1
Carroll, Shaute, Holmach, Ry
an and Lopes, Outen; Swift and
Second game:
Brooklyn ................
Benge, Thurston, Shaute and Lo
pez; Swetonlo and Plcinlcb,
Crass Fires Menace
Property in City
The grass . fire menace grows
more serious each day, according
to Fire Chief Art Bardell. Three
grass fires have been extinguish
ed by the department In the past
24 hours.
At 12:40 o'clock Sunday after
noon the department was called
to the Irrigation canal bank on
Upham street. At 4 o'clock Suo
day afternoon another fire broke
out at Broad and Oak streets,
and at 11 o'clock Monday morn
ing, another grass fire broke out
at the end of Crescent avenue.
- The small fire truck and tho
booster pump are used In cells to
grass fires, according to the de
RENO, Nev., July 17 (JP)
Jack Dempsey, In telephone con
versations with friends here, was
understood to have advised them
he and Hannah Wllllnms plan to
marry In Keno or at Oil Neva
lodge at Lake Tahoe within the
next few days,
Another Comet
Another 17-year-old lad with red
hair has arisen In California ten
nis to thrill aa did Maurice Mc
Laughlin two decades ago. He's
Donald Budge, Oakland, wbo took
the California tennis title and is
east afttt saUonal Junior honors.
(Herald Special Correspondent)
Hell Diver, black horse of the
sailboat race held on Klamath
Lake Sunday, sailed triumphant
ly across the finish line four
and a halt minute ahead of Its
three man crew consisting of
Rolland Watt and Emll John'
son. co-owners, and W. E. Lamm
Of Modoc Point, this Fish Class
snlltioat finished (he four-mile
course In 63 minutes, 50 sec
onds. Zephyr Second
Dr. A. O. Roenlcke, skipper of
Zephyr, carrying 100 square feet
r ", howd P'nlld general-
m """I""
'rom The Wu. carrying
135 square feet of canvas and
skippered by Nelson Reed. The
Zephyr crept up on The Wn's
lend, gained at the start, finish
ing the first lap Just a boat's
length behind. Pointing closer
on the beat to windward, Roe
nlcke nosed out Reed to round
the last buoy a slim 80 seconds
to the good. The boats, both
built by Telford, are of the same
design, the Zephyr having a
Marconi, and Tha Wu a gaff
headed rig.
Reed, disqualified for falling
to cross the finish line, sacri
ficed third place to Phil Brlx
ner, skipper of Gull. Innls Rob
erts in El Diablo cut down a
handicap from a bad start to
take fourth place from A. D.
Lambert, skipper of M-2.
The Hell Diver made Its first
appearance on the lake Sunday,
having been completed only the
night before. With the paint
hardly dry and the finishing
touchea atill In the rough the
boat performed like a veteran.
Neither Rollahd Watt nor Emll
Johnson, who had been building
It in their spare time during the
last three months, had ever been
in a sailboat before the race.
W. E. Lamm, when compliment
ed on his splendid helmsman
ship, replied with a laugh that
he hadn't skippered a sailing
craft since he wss 16, at the
same time remarking on how
easily the boat handled. It car
ried 136 square feet of Belli.
Docks crowded with specta
tors, hills and highways dotted
ith automobiles, and boats of
all descriptions on the lake at
tested to the Interest In Klam
ath Falls' latest sport. The
Junior chamber of commerce,
sponsors of this first sailboat
race on Klamath Lake, and all
the others concerned earned high
commendation for the manner
In which the race was conduct
ed, and for initiating a sport so
well adapted to this locality.
Democrats Honor
Charles Martin
About 7,000 persons from many
sections of Oregon gathered at
a picnic grounds on the Bnndy
river nenr here Sunday at a
slate democratic gathering In
honor of Congressman Charles
II. Martin of tha third district.
Governor Meier, city officials,
and prominent democratic lead
ers attended the meeting.
Masons Attention!
All Masons aro requested to
meet at the Masonic Hnll at
10 A. M. Wednesday, July
JfHIi, for the pnrnose of con
dnrtinp; funeral services for
our departed brother, Hubert
A. Iliirrnwa, a member of
Snnla l.iirln IoiIrc, No. S02.
King City, Calif. (Impel
services at 10:110 A. M. at
YYIilllork Funeral Home,
Is. h. Hendricks, W. M,
County Team Beaten in
First Contest Here
on Sunday.
The Malln town team went
thumping down to Ita first d
feat In 10 games Sunday against
the powerful bats of the Klam
ath All-Stars. The final score
of this hard-hitting, well-played
game was 11 to 7.
Gvhrman, Klamath's pitcher,
and Kay Welch, second base
man, were the stara of the con
test. Uehrmsn struck out 14
Malln batters and hold his op
ponents to seven scatlerod blows.
Six errors by his team mates
were responsible for many of
Malln'e seven runs.
Welch Hits Himirr
Welch batted out the only
home run of the game
The Stars, rising rapidly as
one o( the best teams In the re
gion, will move against the
Grants Pass Athletics here July
30. Grants Pass Is defending
its 1133 state championship.
The Stars plan a series with
the Klamath Pelicans at the
close of the Southern Oregon
League schedule.
The summary: R. H. E.
All-mars , 11 17
Malln " 7 7 1
Gehrman and Booth; Jackson
and Winkler.
Woodburn Wins
Junior Title
WOODBURN. July 17, 0P
The Woodbuin Junior legloti
baseball team won the district 3
championship by defeating Hills
boro 8 to 1 In a playoff game
here yestorday.
Berena allowed Hlllsboro only
three hits. Two previous games
had been divided by the teams
Woodburn will next play Mil
waukee for sectional honors.
R. H. E.
Hlllsboro 13 7
Woodburn 8 8 1
' Davis and Dlerlch; Bevens and
Mill Team Beats
Lake o the Woods
The Shaw-Bertram ball team
entering mid-season in winning
form, wrecked the hopes of the
Civilian Conservation Corps team
at Lake o' the Woods Sunday,
14 to 4.
A recent shnkeup In the Klam
ath nine brought In victory and
a new combination In the infield
and a new battery gave promise
of outstanding success In the
The summary: R. H. E.
Rhaw-Bertram ..14 17 2
C. C. C 4 8 6
8crogglns and Deerlng; Jurge
son and Mors.
Shaw-Bertram expects to play
the undefeated Lakevlew nine
here next Sunday. In case Lake
view Is unable to appear. It Is
believed a game will be sched
uled with the Klamath All-Stars.
Board of Control
Meeting Delayed
SALEM, July 17. (IP) The
scheduled meeting of the state
board of control set for today
has been postponed. The execu
tive office announced Governor
Julius L. Meier would not be In
Salem until later In the week.
Hal' E. Hnss, secretary of state,
now at The Dalles, telegraphed
Sunday he would not be able to
be here this week.
I I'M wig
Eastside Trims
Beatty, 26 to 6
The East Sid ' Klsmsth Im
provement club was In winning
form Sunday and turned In an
easy It to t victory over Beatty.
The eontoat, played on the South
Sixth street diamond, was one of
the must sensational of the sea
son. Three rastnldn players, Oll-
crlst at sociind base; lleuuott at
rt rat. and Groves, catcher, bit
ham runs.
Kasislde will play the Ewauna
Ited Sox her next Sunday.
The summary: It. H. K.
East Klamath It 20 I
lleattv 0 t 10
Newton and Orores: Oodwa
and Royd.
Tha limtaln MmmlMa, tit tti
Im.rlMn I a. In tm mablnv nt-na
tA ear fnr Ihm Xmrmm niSi.h,r- nf
delegates from the state expected
10 aiiena tue annual state con
vention here August 10, 11, It.
Since state conventions have
always been attended by large
delegations, the housing cam-
mltteo requests local residents
hsvlng rooms tn rent during the
meeting to notify any of tho fol
lowing people: Mrs. Vina Coxad.
Mrs. C. II. Foster, Mrs. O. U.
Matthews, Mrs. Jl. E. Koskamp.
Max tfacr Drops
Divorce Action
SACRAMENTO. July 17 (y?)
Reconciliation of Max User. Cali
fornia's heavyweliht aspirant for
the world championship, and his
wife. Dorothy Dnnner llsr-. was
revealed here last night on the
eve of their final divorce pro
ceedings. Rser was due to appear in
court here today In connection
with the suit, tiled Isst April by
Mrs. User.
It Portltnd'i lirgeit hotel,
located only 3 blocks from
the Uidlng banks and
worea, yet out of tha nolay
traffic. New modern furni
ture, new equipment, new
. decoration. Excellent
dining room, cafeteria and
coffee ihop. Popularpricca,
Oarage bctom the ftrcerj
rtendanta at the door . .
. . Lobby pipe organ concert
every evening.
Ml r.nnn