The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, July 16, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Tha Klamath New la rrad III every Mrlloa
nf Klamath comity and northern California.
If there la eomtHliliig la sell, rent or trade
or ir iron nard something, tha easiest method
la tha classified acta.
Tha Klamath New la serviced bjr Aaaodat
ad Praia, Called Praia, flews Enterprise
Association aad McNanght Feature Bynrtt.
cat. County coverage by staff writer aad
Vof. 8, No. 233 Price Five Cents.
(Every Morning Except Monday)
on the
Days News
filial Recess
present proipecti ara raalls
ad. will product a million and
halt sacks of potatoes this ytar.
Because ot a abort crop ovar tha
country generally, thlt crop
ahould brim somewhere from a
dollar to a dollar and a bait a
aack. at tha least.
That will mean a total ralurn
of around TWO MILLION dollar
lor tha potato crop.
ADD TO THIS tha money
" brouaht In by tha hay crop
tba grain crop, tha lamb crop, tht
wool crop and tha beet crop and
It bacomet apparent tbat agricul
ture alone will put a lot of new
money Into the Klamath countrr
thla tall.
. Then add to thla total the moo.
ay that It being brought In by In
creasing payroll.
Yon will get an Interesting pic
ture. a a a
ryrB HAVE BEEN asking our
" aalrea when business will
really begin to get better, and
tha answer haa been: "When
more money geta back Into cir
culation." With the amount ot new mon
ey that will be put Into circula
tion In tha Klamath country thla
tall, there should be no doubt
about business being better.
day's news must have caught
your aye:
"Tha stock market whirled up
ward today In tha heaviest trad
ing In more than THREE YEARS.
The day's turnover ot 7,450.000
abarea was the biggest tor any
rising market In the history ot
the stock exchange."
TwTOTE this further sentence
"Prices, ahoved by what
aeemed to be an Insatiable do.
maud for stocks from MAIN
STREET and Wall atreet. wert
carried 1 to more than lit big
ar at tba boat."
"Demand for Blocks from
Main street." Our grandfathers
wouldn't have believed that,
would they? They looked upon
atock speculating as a vice petu
liar to Wall street.
nn than a lot of things ar
bappenlng that our grandfathers
wouldn't bar believed.
a a
fONTROL of all business by the
government, for example
Including price fixing, wage Itx
Ini and tha frankly announced
determination to put out ot busl-
Bess tha price cutter, the wage
cutter and the chlaoler so that
legitimate business may no long
r ha called upon to meet this
type ot competition.
Tha world Is moving. Where
11 ! aolni. wa don't know. But
we ara hoping.
a a
ANOTHER sentence from the
financial newa:
"Without help from commodl
tie, which were mostly sluggish,
or from business and trade newi
(Continued on Page Four) ..
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 15.
(UP) Ralph K. Moody, assist
ant attorney general ot Oregon,
V and Reglna Johnson, city editor
of tha Ashland Tidings, Ashland,
Ore., were married here tonight.
Roosevelt, Johnson Will
Meet Today on River
For Wage Discussion
Blanket Emergency Call
Reaching to Smallest
Business Man Planned
tremendous boost to President
Roosevelt's recovery program
came today from the great Iron
and steel Industry, whose roar
ing furnaces have moulded in
barkbone of America' Industrial
and business structure.
The Industry, announcing 1 II
per cent Increase in wanes ef-
ferllve Monday, came forward
with a recovery act coda or lair
competition striking directly at
many controversial Issues, some
aggravated during the years ot
Rome here down on the quiet
Potomac, near where George
Washlnglnn chose to build peace
ful Mount Vernon, two men will
meet tomorrow to consider
bringing all American business
Immediately under a shortened
work week and a minimum wage
Tha derision Involved would
affect practically every business
man and household In the roun
trv. It would reach down to
he smallest rros roads country
store, lta effecta would extend
from the city stenographer to
the village clerk.
Tlnn Blanket Call
President Roosevelt, away on
the week-end, poking around
isolated backwoods country
Maryland's quaint eastern shore,
asked General Hugh S. Johnson,
nations! recoverr administrator,
to fly down the Potomac and
(Continued on Page Three)
LONDON, July It. (UP)
Tha American delegation will In
sist on Indefinite adjournment
of tha world economic confer
ence to avoid Interference with
President Roosevelt a determina
tion on a domestic recovery pro
gram, It waa learned authorita
tively today.
The delegates were represent
ed to feel that a set data for
re-assembling after the "recess"
to be taken on July 17 would
amount to Indirect pressuraon
the United Elates to stabilise Its
currency by whatever date might
be named.
Await Announcement
This It waa aald would Inter
fere with tbe domestlo recovery
Previously It had been said
that tba United States larored
adjournment to a definite d'..
At that time It was said that
tha delegation also bad aaked
President Roosevelt for such In
structions whether be Intended
to Institute a "commodity dol
lar" with a sliding gold content
or go back on the gold stand-
ard. Unless he committed him
self, it waa aald, there waa dan
ger that the conference might
adjourn for good.
Where Lindberghs Chart Arctic
Six Sail Crafts to Enter
1st Race of Its Kind
On Upper Lake Water
Will Rogers Says:
Editor Tha Klamath News:
Tbls fellow Roosevelt can
close tha banks, be
can ten industry
how much to pay,
and how many
hours to work. He
can hold bark tha
sun, he can evapo
rate the water, but
when he demands that a post
master has to b able to read,
that's carrying dictatorship
too fnr.
When he take the post'
mastors out of politics, ha I
monkeying with the very fun
damentals of American politi
cal parlies. How la the army
going to fight If they don't
get any of the loot.
I tell you this auggeatlon
ot hi -1 bordering on trea
son. The Idea of a postmas
ter being able to read, tt
looks Ilka an undemocratic
move to favor the college
man. I tell yon be will ruin
tha Democratic party. We
mustn't let him get away
with It. Your,
Kidnapers Pick
Wrong Salesman,
Dumped at Eureka
EUREKA, Calif., July 16. OJ.B
Pour mon who allegedly kid'
naned E. T. Wiggins, 60, Stork'
ton salesman, reloasod tbolr
prisoner when they learned he
was the "wrong man." Wiggins
told the sheriff's oftlca here to.
The salesman ataggered Into
the office with a story that on
Thursday night at Berkeley two
men took htm prisoner and alter
blindfolding him held him tor
two days, presumably In Berke
ley. Last night they gave mm
aleen Ins notion ana -aumnea
him from his own automobile
near Eureka, Wlgglna claimed.
The alleged kidnapers believed
their rantlve was W. Q. Wright,
San Pranclsco .head of the realty
firm which employed Wiggins,
he said.
In San Francisco Wright told
of receiving a note addressed to
his firm demanding 150,000 tor
"Mr. Wright's release ' and con
taining a page bearing hla name
torn from a notebook which
Wiggins bad been carrying.
After reporting tha kidnaping.
Wiggins went to his home at
Qulmby Island, near Stockton,
while police started aearch tor
tha four men, two of whom Wlg
glna described.
European Powers
Sign Guarantee
To Keep Peace
ROME, July 15. OP) Tho
Four-Power European peace pact
waa signed here today by Premlor
Mussolini, and renresentativea ot
France. Germany and Great Brit
The accord which Is designed to
guarantee tranquility among Eu
ropean countrloa for a period oi
ton years, facilitates reduction of
armaments and lead to Improve
ment In economic conditions, was
given official approval In tbe
mice's huge office In the Palaiio
Venexla. -
No Change Mailo
No change was made In thn
text as Initialed In the same of
flea June 7.
Bealdea the head of the Kalian
government. Ambassador Honry
De Jouvenel of France, Anibaaaa,
dor Von Ilassol of' Germany and
Sir Ronald Graham, tha British
amhaasadnr, all of whom attach
ed their Initials to the document
early last month, signed It today
L. )
o Ai
r v.
X '-"Halifax
ScAie of Miles
The above map shows the area and cities Colonel and Mrs.
Lindbergh plan to visit In establishing a proposed trans-continental
air route while on their flight into the Arctic.
vnirru iunmJackson Hole
Barrier Identified While
On Stand As Killer of
State Highway Officer
Bowles Admits Taking No
Part in Roadway Mur
der with Confession
Rolph Orders
State Search
Six skippers will compete for
first and second prize pennants
at Klamath Falls' first sailboat
rare to be held on the Upper
Klamath Lake Sunday at a
A trumpet call by the Sea
Scout drum corps will assemble
the rontratunu behrnrTtliV rftart
Ing line at 2:45 where they will
Jockey for position. At 2:55
two shots will be fired at warn
ing, and at 3:00 tho final gun
will start the race. Any boat
crossing the line before the gun
Is fired wll) be penalised with
a handicap ot double the time
Tbe race will consist ot two
laps around a triangular course
marked by buoys. The boats will
be In full vlow of spectators
from the Oregon Boat Co. docks.
Moore Park, and the West Side
road for the entire distance.
The list of entries with their
numbers which will be sewed on
their sails, are as follows:
1. Nelson Reed, skipper
2. A. D. Lambert, skipper
3. Innls Roberts,' skipper
El Diablo.
4. Phil Bnxner, skipper
5. Dr. A. O. Roenlcke, skip
per of zepnyr.
6. Koiana wttt, SKipper or
Hell Diver.
The first boat to cross the
(Continued on Page Three)
World Record on
Mile Run Smashed
By New Zealander
PRINCETON. N. J., July 15.
(UP) When he turned the first
quarter In 0:51.4 they said "he
will collapse pretty soon."
When they called his time
the three-quarter pole, 8:08.7
they aald "he's a wild man, but
he can t do It."
But when he did do It when
Jack Lovelock smashed tha tape
for a 4:07.6 mile, breaking the
mark the experts said never
would be bettered they, mean
ing the 6000 spectators In Pal
mer stadium, rose to their feet
and gave the young New Zea
lander a cheer mat is still
echoing and re-echoing through
the New Jersey hills.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. July 15.
(UP) Police throughout the en
tire state were asked today to
look for Eddie Doyle, Stockton,
In connection with tbe disap
pearance of Helen Lyons, 13.
Sacramento girl whom state au
thorities believe may have been
Search for Doyle waa apurred
by Charles Stone, acting chief ot
the state bureau of criminal
identification, who aald a man
Interior Secretary Sends
Money for Construction
To Ten States Saturday
GRANTS PASS. July 15. (UP)
Evidence that John Barrier, 17-year-old
California boy, admitted
killing Mllo Baucom. state po
lice officer, waa presented In
court today, the aecond day of
the youth's trial on a charge of
State Police Officer Raleigh
Taylor, who took Barrier and
tis . companion, Harry Bowles,
21, Into custody after the shoot
ing, July 1. told tbe court of a
conversation - be had with tbe
boys at tbat time.
To Tavlor'a question of who
shot Baucom, Taylor said Bar
rier answered, "I did."
Confeeslona Read
When asked why. Taylor add
ed, the youth replied, I was
afraid my mother would find
out 1 had stolen a car.
Separate confessions of the
two asserted slayers were read.
Barrier, In his, admitted fn'ing
the shots that caused Baucom'a
death. Bowles. In a 10-page
statement, took none ot the
blame for the crime.
Secretary of Interior Ickea today
dispatched $77,561,914 into 10
states and tbe District of Co
lumbia to speed highway con
struction and provide Jobs for
thnnxanHa nf unemnloved.
n .. -i en idenca in the youth's murder
n.r e.nt of th. road money trial In which the state la seek-
.uv.......w. . --- . - ju Mlllnv frt rflnltal
u with fh M-lvl near Mormri wnnlri he anent In WaEee. Qlrecl "e -" "
week ago may nave been ana indirect, ana unempioyea
trom rauex
JACKSON. Wyo., July If.
(UP) Within this little town
ot 633 persons 1930 census
a scandal assuming nation-wide
propostions and Involving fa
mous flgurea ot finance and
public affairs may aoon flare
On July 11. there will assem
ble In the courtroom of the lit
tle courthouse in Jackson, coun
ty seat of Teton county, tbe
most distinguished assemblage
ever to gather In tht Jackson
Hole country.
Court of Senators
Sitting aa a court of inquiry
will be half a dozen United
States senators, and appearing
before them aa witnesses will
be men whose names are known
in every corner of the nation.
Called at the behest of Sena
tor Robert D. Carey of Wyoming,
the hearing before the special
sub-committee of the senate com
mittee on public lands will delve
Into charges of terrorism against
men and women who have
sought to settle In the pictur
esque Jackson Hole territory.
Three Men Charged
Chargea will be made, it ap
peared certain, that in tbelr seal
to increase tba national park
(Continued on Page Three)
Wiley Post Flying Alone,
Takes Off to Lower
Around World Record
Two Lithuanians Attempt
Non-stop Trip from
U. S. to Hom6 Land
GRANTS PASS, July 15. (AP)
Positively identifying John Bar
rier. 17. as the taller wearer ot
the darker overalla whom h re
called as the one who fired the
last two shots into State Police
man Mllo Baucom'a form slump
ed onto the highway from a
bright-barreled revolver. L. E.
of the Greenback mine
today set the stage for . the evi-
O'connell Case Remains
- Mystery; Wealthy Men
Of Chicago Guarded
American Sailor
Arrested on Leave
YUMA, ArU., July 15. (UP)
Loren F. Fnlka, 24-year-old sai
lor on leave from his ship at
San Diego, Cal., waa arrested
tonight In connection with the
death of Elliott Wood. 24, ot
Walla Walla, Wash., in an acci
dent near Attec, 42 miles east
ot here.
Fulka wa held for Investiga
tion on orders of County Attor
ney Glenn Copple folio-ring an
lnqueat at Atteo where a cor
oner'a Jury found tha University
ot Washington graduate died at
result of negligent operation of
a truck allegedly driven by tha
French Anthem Has
Unpublished Verse
PARIS. July IB. (UP) A
ew and previously unpublished
verse ot I Marseillaise, French
national anthem, la Included in
a yellowed copy of the aong
which came Into tha hands of
Thomas Sexton, young American
painter widely known on the Pa
cific const.
Sexton, a native ot Gnldfleld,
Nov., was given the old script
by George Andre Klein, French
nrtlat who found it In an anti
quated trunk purchased from a
Marseilles peasant.
Farley Predicts
Repeal This Year
MEMPHIS. Tenn.. ' July It
(UP) Postmaster General
James A. Farley tonight pre
dicted the repeal of the 18th
amendment thla year, with 40
states enabled to rote on the
question before January.
Farley opened tbe admlnlstra
tlon'a drive to win the aouth to
the antl-prohibtlon movement. In
an address to Tennessee demo
crat at Overton Park.
" Girl Never Return '
Doyle entered the case through
his alleged Identification as the
man who helped the girl's father,
William Lyons, Sacramento con
tractor, repair his automobile,
then took Helen to lunch while
the father awaited completion
of the repairs.
The girl never returned from
the luncheon trip. Five days
later an automobile abandoned
in Salinas was Identified aa the
property ot Doyle. Police also
learned he had sent a telegram
and a postcard from Watsonvllle
to a Stockton girl.
Following Stone a announce
ment ot the slsylng theory. Gov
ernor James Rolph, Jr., directed
a statewide quest tor the missing
Filipino Cult
Lodge Records
Remain Secret
MARTINEt. Cal.. July It.
(UP) Frustrated In Its attempt
to locate records of a Filipino
lodge meeting wherein Mrs. Ce
celia Novarro assertedly was sen
tenced to death, the state was
expected to rest lta ctsa when
the murder trial ot teven Fil
ipinos is resumed here Tuesday.
Minutes of the lodge meeting
have been sought tlnce Pablo
Bustamente, chief prosecution In
former, told authorities Mrs.
Novarro waa burled alive after
being charged with Infidelity.
Officials and members ot the
lodge denied knowing what hap
pened to the records.
The minutes, it waa felt,
would serve to bolster the state's
claim that the lodge eentenred
Mrs. Novarro to die because she
violated a sacred code of the
mysterious cult.
California Plans
To Spend 3 Million
(UP) The state emergency re
lief committee met here today to
dttcuss plans for spending 63,
000.000 during the first quarter
of the present fiscal rear. Funds
for the purpose will be made
available through the 620,000,-
000 bond Issue voted In the June
27 special election. '
would Je moving
roils to pay rolls lmmeuiaieiy.
Meanwhile. Ickea prepared a
rivers and harbors program In
volving expenditure of almost
$100,000,000 for reforestation
to President Roosevelt at a con
ference tomorrow aboard the
yacht Sequoia.
The rivers and harbors plan
originally contemplated expendi
ture ot more than 6200.000.00.
but the cablne advisory board In
charge ot tbe 63,300.000,000
public works program whittled
the figure down substantially.
State highway plana approved
today Included:
Oregon: 66.106.S96. 50 per
cent tor federal aid system, 25
per cent for federal aid exten
sions, and 25 per cent for sec
ondary roads. Money to be spent
in 30 counties.
Washington: 66.115.867, 50
per cent tor federal aid systems,
30.7 per cent for extensions and
19.3 per cent for secondary
roads. Money to be spent in
34 counties.
Higher Education
Board Will Elect
New Heads Monday
PORTLAND. July 15. OP) Of
ficers of tbe state board of high
er education will be elected at tnc
regular July meeting of the
board to be held here Monday af
ternoon. The offices of president, vice-
president and treasurer, now are
held respectively by C. L. Starr,
C. C. Colt and B. F. Irvine, who
have served since creation of tilt
board in 1929.
The Associated Press learned
that It Is Dossible that a secretary
ot the board from outside Its
membership may be selected to
succeed Dr. E. E. Llndser whose
term expired July 1. For the
past aeveral months, during Dr.
Llndsey'a illness, Charles- D,
Byrne, director ot the informa
tion service ot tbe entire educa
tional system, has been aervlng
aa acting secretary
Ha ni followed to -the wit
ness stand' by Jailor Fred Hont-
(Continued on Page Tnreej
IB. (UP) George O Brlen,
screen actor, and Marguerite
Churchill, actress, were married
today In the Santa Ynet mission.
35 miles north of no re.
Italian Fleet Achieves
Scientific Air Record
Italy's winged armndd glided to
rest today on the bobbing waves
of Chicago harbor, goal of their
6.100 mile flight.
Th first dual-motored sea
plane in the fleet ot 24 was that
hearing General ' Italo Balbo,
Italian air minister, high coun
sellor of Mussolini and one ot
tha worlds foremost aviator.
The lone black star on Balbo's
plane bad biased the way In tne
first mass flight across tha north
Keep Formation
The armada and Its escort ot
American nlanet was sighted ap
proaching the fair ground at
4:43 p. m.. C. 8. T., and at 5:31
tha 24U thlp at th group tat
tled down upon the urfaca fo
complete the flrght.
The shlus volplaned to a land
ing in the tame precise forma
tion they assumed when they
took oft shortly after t a. m.,
today at Montreal for the 870
mile last leg ot tne sgy tourney
from Lake Orbetello, in west
central Italy, to a Century of
Progress at Chicago.
Purnosa Set Forth
In lest than 100 hours' flying
time, the' Italian avlntore had
achieved a momentoue feat to
add to tha wonders ot tbe
world' fair, celebrating 100
years of progress In science, the
art and the humanities.
When tho quadron reached
(Continued on Page Three),
Forest Fire Near
Olene Threatens
Yellow Pine Stand
A forest fire which had its
origin in a wood-cutting oper
ation on the Jim Sumpter ranch
two miles north of Olene Friday
afternoon, swept through 161)
acres of yellow pine reproduc
tion and threatened large feed
ing yards on the Marshall place,
as well as some ot the Rex Bord
holdings before It could be
checked by the Klamath Forest
Protective association crews ana
equipment and reinforcements
called out from c. t;. i;. camps.
According to Duncan McLean.
district tire chief, the pine re
nroduction area, which has been
looked upon as one ot tne tinesi
future areas, was a total toss.
"Ami" To Rescue.
With fifteen recruits from the
Civilian Conservation camp near
Bly. caterpillar tractors, and the
huge tire line drag, the destruc
tive blase was put under con
trol early Saturday morning.
About 10 recruits were left sta
tioned in the tire tone to guard
the lines.
This Is the first major forest
fire of the 1933 season.
During tbe height oP t$e
(Continued on Page Three) u
Plane Hits Power
Line, Lands Safely
(UP) An airplane with its pro
peller three inches out of line
survived a terrific Impact with
a heavy power cable across Car-
qulnet straits today and lanaea
safely at Livermore airport.
LeBter Nichols. Berkeley pilot.
told the story of the midnight
crash after searching partlea
spent hours In tha vicinity of
the straits seeking a plane that
waa thought to have fallen into
the water.
Airmen expressed amazement
at Nichols' feat In keeping the
plane aloft after the accident.
Search Shifts for
Spanish Aviators
MEXICO. D. F.. July 15. (UP)
Search for the two missing Span
ish transatlantic fliers, Capt.
Mariano Barberan and Lieut.
Joaatiin Collar, this afternoon
waa shifted suddenly to the state
of Tabasco on the gulf coast fol
lowing definite Identification ot
an inner tube as one used oy
the aviators for a lite-saver.
ALTON. HI.. July 15. (UP)
August Luer, 77-year-old retired
banker and meat packer who waa
kidnaped from bit home here
last Monday night, still la alive
and a note signed In hit hand'
wrtting haa been received by ne
gotiators from the kidnapers,
the Luer family disclosed . to
In statement Issued by the
family here it was made known
that the kidnapers' note had
been received too late to comply
with the demands.
Tbe abductors were asked to
night by the family to send new
Instructions immediately.
Wiley Post, flying alone, and
Stephen Dalrua and Stanley
Girenas, In another plane, were
somewhere over the Atlantic to
night, presumably running Into
light easterly wlnda in their sep
arate attempts to new records.
Pott waa off on an ambitious
try at circling the globe In let
time than he made two years
ago when he made tba grand
tour with hit flying companion.
rtarold uatty.
Poet Over Ocean
Dalrua and Girenas were at
tempting a non-stop flight to
Kaunas, Lithuania.
In a clear sky, and with pros
pects ot excellent weather ahead.
rose pasted tne town of Brians.
on Conception bay at 1:30 p. m.,
then headed over the last strip
ot tana to pegin the Atlantic
stage of hla flight.
TORBAY. Newfoundland. July.
15 P Wiley Post. American
round-the-world flier, passed sea
ward irom hero on hla flight to
ward Europe.
Post's airplane passed Torbay
at 3:40 p. m.. Newfoundland
daylight time 1:10 p. m., (East
ern Standard Time), and beaded
out over the Atlantic
BAY, Newfoundland, July 11
An airplane believed to be
tbat piloted by Captain Stephen
Darlua and Stanley Glrenaa,
bound for Lithuania, passed over
here at 1:45 p. m., (E. S. T.) today.
ALBANY. N. Y., July 15. 0J.PJ
The O'Connell kidnaping case
remained a mystery tonight a
the handsome young captive's
politically-influential family con
tinued lta patient waiting for
further word from the abduc
tors. Meanwhile, legislator told the
United Press they were ready to
support any movement to change
the penalty for kidnaping from
the present 10 to 50 year term
to life Imprisonment or even
capital punishment.
Polar Explorer
Leaves on Trip
To Unmapped Area
(UP) Lincoln Ellsworth, polar
flier and explorer, sailed today
on the first leg ot his greatest
adventure, a flight over 3,000
miles of untracked, unmapped
wastea In the Antarctic region.
Ellsworth was accompanied by
his wife on the S. S. Lurline,
bound for Australia and the Bay
ot Whales. The latter will be
tbe base for the daring flight
which the explorer and Bernt
Balchen. noted pilot, will make
about December IB.
A Northrop low-wing mono
plane powered by a single Wasp
engine of 600 horsepower will
be used in the trip, which. If
all goes well, Ellsworth plans to
complete in 20 hours.
One of Ellsworth s most noted
Arctic expeditions was the
Amundsen-Ellsworth-Noble trans
polar flight to Alaska in 1926.
The Portland Association ot
Wholesale Baiters today an
nounced an increase ot one cent
pound in the wholesale price
ot standards brand bread and an
eight-cent minimum price tor
secondary branda effective Mon
. JJBW JCOBK...July 15 WW
fh monoplane Lithuania took;.;
off on a projected 4.900 mil
non-stop flight to Lithuania to
day, without approval ot tha
American government and 'With
the prospect Its co-pilots will
subject themselves to a "spank
ing" if they should land in any
country short ot their goal.
The plane, wnicn lert rioya
(Continued on Page Three)
Presidents Son
Linked With Girl
From Fort Worth
RENO, Ner.. July IS. (UP)
Elliott Roosevelt, son ot tht
president, will leave by airplane
tor Chicago Monday, Immediate
ly after his wife, Elisabeth Don
ner Roosevelt, obtalna a divorce.
the United Press learned today.
Co-Incident with thia informa
tion. It was reported without
confirmation, that Young Roose
velt would meet Misa Ruth Goo
glnt of Fort Worth, Texaa, In
the world fair city.
The Fort Worth girl' name
waa linked with that of th
presldent'a ton thit tpring when
It first became known that there
was a rift between Elliott and
his wife, daughter of a rniia
delphla steel magnate. He
stopped oft at Fort Worth while
en route to the Pacific coast to
become an airplane executive.
The Roosevelt-Googin reporte
subsequently were circulated but
were denied. "
Reward Offered
On Information
Of Lost Flier
In the hope woodsmen or tour
ists might find the wreckage, a
description of tbe missing plane
flown by William a. loung.
Portland pilot, was given out today.
Young took oft from aieaioro
June 16 last on a night flight
to Portland and has not been
seen or heard of since. A 6500
reward la offered for recovery
ot hit body.
Hit ship wat a tmgie-motorea,
silver and black Stinson mono
plane bearing department of
commerce numbers NC10820.
The fuselage is black. Young
was wearing an orange sweater
and a tan leather jacket.
Press Time News Flashes
Kelso Flood Area
Nearing Normalcy
KELSO. Wash., July IB. (UP)
The recent flood area, embrac
ing 414 house In and around
Kelso which were aurrounded by
water, la now nearing normalcy.
a Red Cross survey thowed to
day. Officials aald buildings
will aoon be ready for occupancy.
It wat Just a month ago to
day that the dike broke and re
leased a torrent ot water on
southeast Kelso,
. WILMINGTON, Del., July
1H. (UP) An airplane they
were testing exploded and fell
Into the Delaware river near
hero lato today, killing J. Al
lison, aportsman aviator, and
Jack Moran, Inspector In the
aviation division of the Unit
ed Htatra department of commerce.
CHICAGO, July 18. (UP)
A daring and spectacular Toy
ago Into the unknown regions
of tho stratosphere higher
than man haa ever before ven
tured drew near tonight. -
(I I') Representatives ot Cal
ifornia Junior colleges decided
here today to are J,0OO,()O0
which they claim , doe then
from tha state.
DEL MONTE. Oil., July IS.
(IP) M. E. Spansel, Pacific
(irm-r, took the lead today In
tho annual Western Arclierj
association tournament hereby
shooting 800 in the first york.
CHICAGO, July 18. (UP)
Organised kidnaper, Ameri
ca's most desperate criminals,
today were revealed aa ope rot
In g in defiance of even tha
most drastic abduction law
rnarted since the tragedy of
the Lindbergh baby.
(VP) Daniel J. O'Brien,
into director of penal rnatltu
tlona, today aald that 111
health would prevent hla ac
ceptance of the chairmanship
of the alate racing commis
sion, U it war offeree) to him.