-I July 1, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NIN2 Want -AdsBringR esu Its Phone Yours to 1900 Rates t 3cnr. f word per day's nacrtion. 10: 20. par cent discount on d running o eek. , Dr cent discount on idi running on . month. All elelfled ula art Insert td In bulh Tbs Klamath Newt and Evening Herald, at Hie above rata, appearing la Tbe nowb lirai. Time limit for claastflcalion la tlia following day'a panera a a miu p. ti. Ada seatred m terted on tha aama day aa eub nilttvd will hate to run "Too Lain to ciansirr. Too-Lto to-Claeeiry aria are put In one paper oniy at me aama rale aa quoted nbora, and claaalfied tor succeeding insertions. ' Lost and found LOST -I.ady'a brown purna near I.orang Co. Howard. 710 No. 11th. 02T,8 3 General Noticea Double Orange Htampa thla week NEW METHOD CLEANERS Bulla. Dresses. Coata. Data. ' . r ' 6nr. CASH AND CARUY - Phone 782. 1463 Esplanade PAINTINO. . mining. 143 W. papernnngrng, J. T. Itoper. kalto- Phone PAINTINO. decorating, papering, eallniatca on any Job, large or antnll, I'hone 107. J. L.. Now man. - 3300 H KM STITCH I NO. bnttona, pleat ing. Ooldi-n Itule Store. 3204 TUriKlSH BATH Wastage, col onic irrigation. . lleglatfirud ; nurao. 127 South Sovonth. . -. 3152 RADIO SKttvicn or all kluda. Win. Long. 1405 Lookout Ht Phone lsaiJ. Ills HKMSTITCHINO, IIUTTONtt cov erad, dressmaking. Mra. H. M. AllcmliT. I1 4 Walnut. mi im m m tifi 4 . Personals ' ' MA HAM ZAI1IIA . Clairvoyant and palmlat. give truthful advlco on all afiulra of llfo. Don't fall to conatilll thla gifted rendor. 629 S. Mh. 0073 HEADINGS dally 621 Oak. ?6c. MADAM MAZA If In troublo. you nerd my help. Hear the truth, good or bad. Klamath Falli Aulo rark, Cabin No. I'., on so. th. n;:ii S Tranaportation Travel By, 5tage 11 Hra. to-PnrtlRnii 17.00 one way (10. so round trip. 18 lira, to Seattle t. 00 erne way, 214.00 round Trip. Via Bend and Wsplnitla. Leave K. Falls 12:30 1'.. M. Uroy hound Dnpot. Phono 1530 3"r4 6 Help Wanted, Male WANTED Rosaw man. Rofor ence required. Bprague Hlvor Hox To. 024H 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Woman for homo work. Must be good cook Phono 17R1W. 002.-1 - 9 Situation! Wanted TYPING and bookkeeping export encfti Box 0247, News-Herald. 0247 CAPABLE, oxporlenccd man will help cut wood on ehnrce. News- llornld hox 0001 nnoi 13 Furnished Apartments LAROR THRF.R ROOM apart ment for leaae renaonnblo. Hot Rnrlnga. 1834 Froomont. Phono 718-W. 0022 FURNISHED 2 ft 3 room apart ments. Jacobs Apta., corner Pino ft Cednr. . 0246 PARTLY fiimiahed. heantlfitl now five-room npartmcnt. TUod ahowor and bath. Reaaonnhlo. 2012 Mnln St. Apply Mrs. Stark. 0067 THH ROOSEVELT Hot Springs Addition, Phone .6.72 8860 WHY PAY MORE? Arcade Aoartmonts. Completely turn- lahed wlth-garavta and no de posit (or olootficlt- 120 nn. Phori 700.' 1237 THREE-ROOM, furniahod apart ment, nook, store room, hard wood floors, etc., laundry, frlgldalre. Hot Springs, 805 Eldorado. 8464 TWO - ROOM apnrtment with light, wood, wntor, 116.00 no. Inquire 1022 Main. 02:10 13 Furnished Apartment MODKIIN APAnTMBNTH-F.very thing fiirnlKhi'd. Ilermoaa Apu. 1411 esplanade. 0041 roll It laraa room,, two bed . rooma, piano, garage, no elee trlclly deposit. AdnlU. SSI N. 1 1th. ooo 14 Furnished Houses root ROOM modern, partly fur- matted l:ruio. tiu jonnaon .Apply 1434 Johnson. 0141 3-hoom 127 8. duplex, 7th. 110. 0231 TltnKW and fonr-room I'hone 44SW. duplex. 0052 IS Unfurniehed Houses FIVE-ROOM houae. two car gar age; clone to (Iraat Northern shops. 110 month. 126 Com mercial. 0269 4.HOOM modern unfurnished houte. Will - lake, furniture, wood or what have you aa ront. Inquire 2441 Orchard, way. NKWLY redecorated three-room hfinu tnr rant. 1717 Crescent 00H MOIIKHN duplex, cloaa In. Phone ill,. 0076 J 7 Real Estate For Sale win BALE Modern S-room fur- ii lull i-d houaa and Bleeping porrh. garage, emsll lot. c orchard Are., lint off psvi . ment; no street aaaessment. Total price o. Will take light car aa down payment. ID' quire 2441 Orchard Way. innwn-.il Per month, will buy cloie 1o Irrigated, garden tracta. tear paving ana una service. A. J. TRACY, REALTOR t,,:i Cuu So. 6th Rl 3618 ONE ACHE Klvo room houne, clone to Great ivortnarn anoin Altamont. Two car garotte Cheair for cah. Be owner 326 Commercial. 0267 ACREAGE Irrigated, cloao In .,riH.i rivht Kanv terma. H. E ilanghar. Bulck Garage, 1330 Mnln. MIS 18a To Exchange FOn SALE OR TRADE for cows in head ahMn. llox 180. Dor rla. 0246 19 Automotive FOR SALE 1029 model Ford coupe. 176 cash. ri Bill Vale at Johnaou'a oruceterla . i . " 0028 FOR 8AI.B Oil TRADE 1928 Ilndge-Uraham l-un trucx. Good condition. 1988 Want land. .- .. 0077 fitKvnoLET wood truck, good condition. 846. . 826 Donald atrnet. 0062 DOES YOUR MOTOR HKATT V have aomothlng exrlualve to offer you and guarantee our job. Uulck Garago. 1830 Main. . 3611 19a Markets FOR RENT SO tractor. Newe- ii 2 r. "t iierniii. iioi 20 Miscellaneous For Sale Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hera are depression prices on ICE CREAM Quart . irc Pint 15c 3 cones (nil flavors) . .......... 10c Call us on wholesale prices. OLD FORT DAIRY Sunshine Jersey Station Freeh Eggs, lSe Doten Milk, 15c Gallon' Beat Butter. Cream and lea Cream 1 Miles out Keno Highway Wa Deliver 0028 FAltMEltS Blockwood direct from rliuto at Shaw-Rortram box factory, 83.00 per cord. Hollhronner A Bea. - phone 239W. . - 3009 FOR BARGAINS In slightly Used . furnlturo and raugea. Wa pay cash for socond hand goods. Piano for sale or rent. KLAMATH FURNITURE EXCHANGE .'21 Mntn Phona 894 Your credit Is good. 0443 TORGLER'S Upstairs Shopps for smart and auappy sports suits and summer coats, voilos and Donna Lees. 731 Main.' 8660 USED two-oven reatnurant range. Mnjoatlc. Klnmatb Furniture Co. 721 Main. 8720 HHKWCKKS. complete line. So. nrn Htreet. city limits. uzif 21 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Second-hand wheel rhnlr. News-Herald, Box 0250. , 0260 WILL PAY CASH for power wnahor.' Must he cheap. F. Wiulo. Rogue River, Oregon. 0018 22 Livestock and Feed WIENER pigs MrMaumon. Malln. for sale, 4 miles John north 0261 FOR SALE Team 'fl.17 Klamath. ot horses. 0252 FOR SALE Horses 1300 to IB.0O nonnda. Cnmneri Smith 6th Btreet, opposite Klamath Auto ramp. i 'Onzs BLOOD TESTED White Leg-horn.- 'Burred Rock and Red Chlrki 19 100 prepared. J. R. Mngulre, 2415 N. E. Ore gon St. Portland, Ore. 1656 19 Automotive USED AUTO PARTS AT Roy Call's Auto Wrecking Phona 186 Wa bars recently wrecked tha following ears for their good parts: Bulck 4, 1881-84. Bulck 6 Sid.. 1926-28. B ii Irk Mailer, 1925-27. Cadillac 8, 1917-2. Chevrolet 4. 1928-37. Chrysler 4, 68 and (0. Chrysler t. 60, 62 and 70, Cleveland 6. 1926. DeSoto 6, 19 29. Dodge 4. 1924-28. Durant 4. 1928-88. Kaaex , 1924-27. Flint . 60B. Falcon . 1928. Ford T, all years. Franklin 6. 1920-24. Hudson 6. 1920-26. Hupmoblls 4. 1924. Hupmoblle 8. 1926. Jewett , 1821-18. Rebuilt Batteries, 12.60 Up. Used Tires Sea Us and Sara Money 23 Financial $ $ Salary Loa'ns $ $ i TO 30 DOLLARS ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE No Interest deductions, you recelvt full amount applied for. 1 to 6 months time. All loans confidential. STATE LOAN Co. 101-Ore.Bk.Bld. Ph. 768 Lie. by State 8-164 SAVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Loweat rates and easleat terma. investigate and ba convinced. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 101 Bo. 7th. Ph. 1141 . State Lleenee M.-104 24 Buaineas Opportunities FOR BALE Fin little bnsiness. Inventory. News-Herald. Box aaaasaaawaawaaaHBBMaaawaBKaai . Necessities for Work WANTED Good Inalde houaa . flnlatirr In exchange for room and board or rent of 6-room house. Inquire 630 N. Fifth. 3668 Klamath Business Directory Beauty Parlors Permanent Waves $1.96 and up. Orleans Beauty 429 Main Phona 1681 Permanent Wave Shop. An oil solution for 81.50 complete. Phone 109. 1112 Main Board and Room Room and board. $6 week. Bamaon. 126 N. 6th. Ida Electric Cleaners Sea tba new Blnger 2-spsed air brush cleaner at tha SINGER SHOP 1406 Main Phone 823 Rents ft Repalra Jewelers "LET OEOROB DO IT" George L. Mets Expert Watchmaker and Jeweler REPAIRING. 837 Mala Bt. Mineral Baths Mineral Baths Hot Spring Nat, 1 - THIS CURIOUS WORLD - 't?'-:'? r I ...N eNGLAND I ' -'-i.. . ;. AT SETTta, YORKSHIRE, v.tN'-TW'o--(''.'' WJ'.s,'-.s -Jfrt M41S, ABOUT IOO . VFARS AGO, THERE NUM " i v ' iftetfl," A SREAI NATURAL SUN- j r:VSU Tu? V ' Dial that was visible V 7SVytVlL"X - FOR MILES. NUMBERED n?SOjJ&3o STONCS wEtte PLACED "TS -VrVT wro CATCH THE SHADOW J e law wi Mat tames ex. CPES7ED SCPEAMEJ, A BIRD Of SOUTH ' AAaBRICA. kshts with AnOhat TUOHQQNS T4 B7BCH ' A-r0 - a is The OP NeTVAOaV 10 Automotive TIT Commercial SL Maxwell 4. 1111-16. , Naah 4, 1921-24. Naah t Std.. 1927. Naah Spec., 1926-27. Kash I Adv.. 1926. Oakland I, 1924-27. OldimoWle 4. 1924. Oldamoblle . 1925-27. Overland (, 1926. Plymouth 4, 1929. Pontlac 6, 1926-28. '. Reo , 1924. Sludebaker ( Light. 1914. Studahaker ( Btd. 1926-27. Stadebaker 9 Big, 1924-17. Whippet 4. 1928. Whippet 6. 1927. Wlllys-Knlght, 70 and 66. Willys-Knight 4, 1924. Work for Necessities BOMELES8 MOTHER and Daughter will exchange worx for room and board and aomv wagea. Box 3611. 3(11 WOMAN will do homework by nonr or day, in exenange lor groceries and aeceaaitiea. 1711 Oregon Ave. 0050 WOMAN WILL DO any kind work for fruit Jars, clothing or need aewlng machine. Call 6 Lowell Street. 3337 EXPERIENCED woman will can fruit on shares. Will mske Ism, Jelly or pickles of any ;ind. Mrs. W. , TJhrlne. RL 1. Box (46. 0008 TWO yenng men will belp with spnd plsntlng or farm work In exchange for spnds or gaso line. O. R. Wells, Rt. 1, Box 117. Klamath Falla. 1961 WANTED Middle-aged glngle man to work on small farm adjacent to town In exchange for room and board. Phone 1800 or 362J1. ' 1632 WOMAN will work for necessi ties. Experienced In cooking and homework. - 1618 Siski you. 1649 WILL DO ROOFING and painting for groceriea or what bare yon. 1186 8. 6th. evenings. - 1641 Plumbing Save on your new plumbing In atallatlona, materlala and repalra. Make your kltcben alnk and oath room modern. Will take old fix tures on trade-in for new. O. C. MOTLEY. 82 Klamath Are. Tel. 1054 Second Hand Stores Will pay highest prices for second hand tools of all kinds, rifles, sad dles, small cook stoves. O. K. Second Hsnd Store, 821 Klamath Ave. Swimming Lessons Ella Redker, Instructor Ph. 1178 Typewriters School Trained Mechanls 14 Years' Experience Adding Machine and Typewriter Sales and Service 580 Main Phone 842 Adding Machines and Typewriters 124 S. 7th. Phone 1067 its WINGS ONE. ..aaataw' -aal Ba W National, Local Markets BOSTON MART SHOWS FI WOOL DEMAND BOSTON, Jane JO, JP) The Commercial Bulletin will ssy to morrow: 'Demand for wool baa bean of fair proportions, everything con sidered this week. Prices have not been marked np materially, but tha trend of the market Is against tha buyer. "Manufacturera are not press ing goods for sale any mora. In fact, they are allotlng deliveries and buyers are eager to get their commitments. Bales for the more remote months are not heavy There Is reluctance on the part of the manufacturers for tha time being to quota far ahad, on ac count of the new proccr-lng taxes i and the question of labor costs In the matter of wages and working hours. 'The new dip la wall cleared from tha weat, except for some wools which are held at prices thst dealers now consider prohib itive. "Foreign markets are very strong, and for tha week a hit higher once more. Advancea of 15 to 25 per cent are predicted In London. Tueaday next, medium croaabreda being tbe strongest feature of the market." Tha Bulletin will publish tba following quotations: Scoured bssls Oregon, fine snd fins medium staple, 70c to 72c; fine and fine medium French combing, 67c to 69c; fine and fine medium clothing. 62e to 66c; Valley No. 1, 63c to 65c. Mohair Oregon, 12c to 18c; domestic graded, frrat combing. 35c to 40c; aecond combing, 82c to 35c; third combing, 27c to 30c: fourth combing, 28e to 25c: good carding, 27c to 29c; first kid, 60c to 63c; second kid. 60c to 63c Portland Livestock PORTLAND. June 10, UP) Cattle, 35; calves,. It; market nominally steady. Steers, good, 33.25 te 35.00; common and medlnm, 33.00 to 36.00. Heifers, common and me dium, 83.00 to 34.76. Cows, com mon and medlnm, 2.60 to (4.16. Bulls, good. 33.25 to 33.50: rat ters and medium, 32.26 to 33.15. Vealers, good, 36.00 to 16.76; common and medium, 83.00 to 36.00, Calves, good, 35.00 to 36.00; common and medium, 1.60 to 35.00. Hogs. 100: market tor light butchers. 10c higher. Good, 140 to 200 lbs., 34.3S to 34.86; 100 to 150 lbs., 34.25 to 34.86; over 150 lbs., 33.30 to 34.60. Sows, good, 33.50 to 34.16; medium, 33.15 to 33.75, Pigs, good, 31.75 to 33.15. Sheep, 100; market steady' to Ilrm. Lambs, good and choice, 35.15 to 35.75; common and medium. 33.50 to 35.15. Wethera, 31.00 to 34.00. Ewes, 81.50 to 31.16. Portland Produce PORTLAND, June 10, (JP) Butter, prints, extras, 14c; stand ards, 231c. Butterfat: Portland delivery: A grade, 21c-lla lb; Farmera door delivery, 21c-12c lb; aweet cream, 6e higher. Egga: Pacific poultry produc ers' selling price: Overslte, IOC extras 18c; mixed colors, 17e mediums, 17e doxen. Buying price of wholesalers: Fresh current receipts, 66c lbs., up, 12o dos'n. Live Poultry: Portland deliv eryBuying pricea, heavy hens. eoicred 4-t ins., lie; . Do 61 lbs. up 10c: broilers 2 lbs. np. 9c-10c; under 1 lbs., llc-lllc colored springs, x lbs. up, lie: roosters, 5c lb., ducks, peklns. Broilers, izc-13c lb.: old ducks peklns, 10O lb.; do colored, 10c per lb. Strawberries: Oregon dollars. 31.25 to 31.30; New Oregons, 31.40 to 81.65. Cheese: 93 score Oregon trip lets, 12c; loaf. 13c lb.; brokers will pay o below quotations. Milk: Contract price 4 pet. Portland delivery, 31.70 cwt.; B grade cream, 37ic lb. Country Meats: Belling pries to retailers: country killed hogs. beat butchers, under 160 lbs., 6tc to e: vealers 70 to 100 lbs.. 70 to 7ic; spring lambs, lOc-llc; yearlings. 4c to 6c; heavy ewes. !c to 1c; medium cows, 5c lb.: canner cows, lo to 8c; bulls. 4Jc to 5C in. Mohair: Buying price: 1133 clip. 16o lb. Caacara Bark: Buying price: ia3 peel, go id. Hope; nominal, 1133, 84o to esc per id. Onions: Selling price to re tailers Oregon 11.15 to f 1.86 per cental. New onions: California Bermu das. 31 per 60-lb crate; new red. ai.s& per cental. Potatoes: Local, 81.50; Des chutes Gems, 82.00; do. bakers, 81.25; Yakima Gems, 31.85. New Potatoes: Local white and red, 3150 to 31.65 per cental: California white, 1.65 to 82.75 per cental. Wool: 193! clip nominal; Wil lamette valley, 13o to 35c lb. Eastern Oregon, 18c to lie lb.; southern Idaho, 160 to loo lb. ' A giant Sequoia tree yielded 1,000 posts, 650,000 shingles and 100 cords of firewood; the upper one-third and the branches were not used. A five-mile stretch ot Colorado road Is paved with rocks from mine ore dumps; gold In this rock la said to ba worth 120,000. Stock Averages (Copyright, ills, standard Statis tics Company) it n s 9 lull's RR e Ufa Total Frldar o !. lol l T Prev. day st.t 4T.1 toil Si.t Weak ago 17.1 4i 14 f SI S Tear age It t 11 1 H I St.l 1 raare ago .111.1 1111 til l 1SI I High, 111! ll.t 4l.t lil t ST.I Low. llll tt.l li t ;. 41.9 High, ltll . 11.9 IM 111. Low. llll 11.1 ll.l 11.6 St. New llll high. Bond Averages (CooTTlaTht, Ilia, Standard Statis tics company J IS 10 IS tt Indl'e RR'a Ufa Tetat Frldar 7 ' ' ' Prav. day 71.4 77.6 ll.l -11.7 W.ek ago 71.1 K.i It.l 17.1 Year ago 61.4 il.f 71.1 11.4 I yaara ago 11.4 1S4.I Sl.l - High, 111! 71.1 11.1 15.4 1.S Low, llll f S.S il.e 14.1 Sl.t man. ml - .s ll.t H i Lew. llll 61.1 7.4 674 Naw llll high. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, June 10, P) (U. 8. D. A.) Hogs, 11,000; market slow and steady. 110 to 190 lbs.. 84.50 to 84.65. Cattle. 2.000: market for me- dlnm and weighty ateera, 84.00 to 35.70; best, 34.00; all yearlings and light steers barely steady. moatly 35.60 downward; yearling heifers steady, 35.16 down; real ers about steady at 14.00 to 34.76. Sheep, 8,000; market strong to 25c higher. Choice 80 lb. Idaho range lambs, 37.50; native ewes snd wether lambs. 36.76 to 7.25; tat ewes. 31-00 to 31.50. CHICAGO, June 10. UP) With a broad bnytng movement sweep ing into the speculative pits laie today, wheat kited to 4 eente ahova aarlr low prices. Late strength in in wneai market was baaed largely on ap prehension that crop damage bad nullified benefits from rains In Weat and Northwest. Much buy ing, too. was stimulated owing to expectations that private crop summaries to ba Issued Monday would disclose startling curtail ment of Indicated yields. Wheat closed nervous at aoont cent nnder tha day'a top fig ures, bnt 1c to c over y eater day's flniah; corn, lie to 2c np; oats, 11c to 2lc advanced, and provisional Tarring .from 10c de cline to a rise of 2c. CHICAGO. June 10, ff) Wheat, No. 1 hard, 90c; No. 1 hard, weevlly, 90jc. Corn, No. 2 mixed, 48e to 50c: No. 1 yellow, 60o; No. 1 yellow, 491c to 609c: No. 1 white. 61c; No. 1 white, 60!c to 61c. Oats. No. 1 white, 40.c; No. 4 white, 401c Rye, no aales. Barley, 44c to 6c. Timothy seed, per cwt., 33-15 to 33.90 Clover seed, per cwt., 38.00 to 812.00. Lard. .40. Bellies, 87.16. PORTLAND GttAIX PORTLAND, June 10, UP) Wheat Open High Low Cloae July .67 .67 .67 .61 September .691 .691 .69 .60 December .741 .741 .741 .741 Cash Wheat No. 1 Big Bend blueatem Dark hard winter, 11 Dark hard winter, 11 Soft white ... Western white Hard winter Northern spring Western Ted Osts, No. 1 white. 314.00. Corn. No. yellow, 315.00. Mlllrnn standard. 118.00. Today's car receipts: Wheat, 11; flour, 14: corn, 1; oats. 1 LITTLE ORPHAN 1EAT REUS FROM EARLY LOWS IT Twasr laki )$8?TwsLir- I HMS A QWCK-9-NO LET'S) CUT 1 ROTT THAT ' t INTO OU I CAR WILL MEVEB I OWM CAR L ee DI9CCVT2ED- J ANO CAT l -V J MWAV awoM nam-J C WHAT J VB- THIS. IS ' AGATE- GREAT! TWEV RAM J TMS 8EOAKI INTO SINK-HOLS LJ LAKE, EH? AND NOW THEY'RE H . ' COMING ON IM THEIR OWN M CAR- OH, THEY'RE SWINQINd SpSi AROUND COSMIC CITV- THE . IT UTTUI GUM. ISN'T WITH THEM- Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Jane 80, P) Financial markets (elt a little better today despite cairtncy sta bilisation, uncertainties, which teadsd to alow down the recent fast trading pace. Rallies la tha rails, mining snd gpeeUatleg ami ties gave stocks a firm appear ance at the close, with gains in a number of issues ranging from 1 to 1 or more points. Turnover dwindled to approximately 1,800, 000 shares. ; Whfls tha' dollar only a HtUa more than held its ewa In for eign exchange markets, expecta tion 'of some announcement from London on as agreement to enrb speculation engendered an atti tude of caution In share dealings. Grains rallied fairly well after earlier uneasiness, bat eotton showed little enthusiasm. Bar sil ver - Improved fractionally, and secondary bonds recovered. Today'a eioaing prices: Air Reduction . 89, 111 1151 90J Alaska Juneau Al. Chem. at Dye American Can American Coml. Alcohol 191 American St For. Pow. American Smelt, ft Rfg. 16 14 117 831 T, at T. American Tob. B Anaconda Copper Atchison T at B. T. - Atlantic Rfg. Baltimore at Ohio Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel Borden Co. Burr. Add. Mach . California Pack Canada Paeitle 411 151 10 HI 171 Case (J. I.) 881 Caterpillar Tractor . 18! Chesapeake at Ohio . 411 Chrysler Motor Col. O. at E. 35 22 lit Commercial Solr. Commonwealth So. Continental Can- Corn Products Curtles-Wrlght Drug Inc. Dupont IDtK. Eastman Kodak , Elee. Auto Lt. El. Pow. 4k Lt General Foods General Motora Olllete Raxor 41 11 791 S 60 781 v811 24 121 17 191 141 131 Gold Dust International Harvester . 401 I. T. ft T. 181 Johns Manvtlle . Kenneeott Con. Cop. 101 Hi Kroger Grocery Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett ft Myers B 301 931 Liquid Cars. 18 Lorlllard Tob. COi , Monty Ward 254 Naah Motor . 10 National Biscuit National Dairy Products , 671 131 National Distillers 17 National Pow. ft Lt. . 171 N. Y. Central , 43 North America , Packard Motor . 31 51 441 32s 141 61 (IS 91 Penney (J. C.) Penn. R. R. Phillips Pet. Public Service N. J. Pullman Co. Radio Corp. R. K. O 4 Rem. Rand Reynolds Tob. B 81 45 Sear Roebnck 891 91 Shell 'Union. Southern Pacific 11 Standard Brands 171 Standard Oil Calif. . 16 Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Co. 17 6 Texas Corp. . 14 Texas Gulf SuL . 11 7 41 117 Trans-America , Union Carb. Union Pacific United Aircraft . 14 11 11 60 11 68 16 46 United Corp. United Gas Imp. U. 8. Indus. Alcohol . U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel Vanadinm . Weat. Elec. ft Mfg. woolworth 46 We don't know what wedding march was played when that Irish broker married Ruth Kresge, daughter of the rich chain store magnet, but perhapa an approprt ate tune would have been Found a Million Dollar Baby In a Five-and-Ten-Cent Store!" ANNIE MV.MV' CERTAINLY CO PEEL, RELIEVE THAT BRAT CONS' ANO NOT A TRACE LEPT-LOOK-TMEBE'S A PLANT THAT THEY NO OUT JEW BUSINESS REPORTED BY LUiEl PORTLAND, Ore., June 10. UP) New businsss amoantlng te 66.011.000 feet, or about 17 per cent above tbe three-year weekly average for June and lass tbaa one per cent below the previous week, was reported by the West ern Pine association here today for the week ending June 14. Of the 111 reporting mills, TO wsrs operating. Shipments were 55,181,000 feet for the week, and production 41. 195,000 feet, nutting production at 11.6 per cent of capacity, com pared with si.i per cent for the prevloos week, and 14.S per cent for the year to date. Current orders were 48 per cent of sawmill capacity. CATTLE ACTIVE 0T O. BAN FKANOISOO. Jane 10. (UP) Hogs: Package fair, ly good 181 lb. traek-lna 11.16; few 114 lb. slaughter pigs 34.76? load 76 lb. holdover feeder pigs 34.60; packing sows Quotable around 33.16-34. Cattle: 100, Including 10 hold overs. Moderately active, trade on clean-up basls better grade ateera ateady, common to low- medium graasers and cows as suming weak to 15c lower tone for week; load largely medlnm 144 lb. California cake and grass steers 16.60; few low-medium 883 lb. $4.60; few good range cowa 13.15; package medium 11.60, other cutter to medium, including dairy type 31.60-33.36; medlnm bulla 83. Calves: 16. Weak, few 116-161 lb. truck-Ins 35, common to medium 84. Sheep: 1.400. all direct. Good to choice wooled lambs around 76 lb. down quotable around It to possibly f 6.8S. t for nines PORTLAND. Ore.. June SO, JP Despite the talk heard on all sides of decreasing churning oper atlons latest reports of the de partment of agriculture shows not only an Increase in local churn ing over a week ago, but gome In crease in arrivals from out-state points. There was no change In the general butter market situation for the day Insofar as the open trade waa concerned. Cubes held former prices with East, with here and there indications ot strength and especially so for top scores which were being held down by shipping interests. Butterfat buying prices were held fully steady to firm. There waa no change In gen eral egg market pricea for tha day. Demand for top grado was keeping supplies of that character well cleaned, bnt there remained a surplus of others. Reward Offered 1 For Flier's Body, PORTLAND. June 30. UPyK reward of 3600 will be paid the person finding William Tonng alive, or his body It dead. The Portland aviator was last seen when be left the Medtord air port the night of June 9 on his way to Portland. Twenty days search by many other fliers and ground partlea have produced no clue. John E. Young, father of the youthful flier, made the an nouncement ot the reward last night. By Harold Gray -4. iWjT VTIAM- MOST LIKELY A MAIL PLANE- WELL, NOW WE WILL SWIMQ AROUND AND ENTER COSMIC CITY FROM THE OTHER SIDE HA? MA! TALK ABOUT A PERFECT WAS BILL HAWK, THE PltTT- HAD THglR OWN CAR HIDDEN I THERE'S I -S r 1 A PLANE-Jjfc f rf" OVER IN THE PLAT-WOODS. MVONO LONE-PINE MOUNTAIN- THEY'LL M COMING INTO TOWN, FROM THE OTHER WAV- BUT REMCMfeCR. MEN- VIOLENCE - WB MU FIND FROM THEM WHERE ANNIB IS- J I y ANNIB IS- ,