Juno -. 1933 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TEN Darling Fool By MABEL McELUOTT OUT OUR WAY By J. R. William. OUR BOARDING HOUSE UUIilik HKMK rOUl ONNIB O-PAMK. " ""J ili trl.., " 4,"E CSHUIGAN. Wll "I Lai km la I""4 S.n - ""-' ium " ...likr sawim 'w3,,1 S..4r. rltrilu k Moaiilrt tnna. kr kt wl" "- t. -rr, I HAHLI- ELSTACK. ARTHI'R trystaliaM bar wonid be a tool to throw away a oh cbuot, Sne woo Id say "tot" to Mackenzie on the mor row and go away with him aa bhj wife WELL, pirate or sot. too liked him. girl Ukd to t swept off bar fees. Tho boldness, to swiftness and unesjieetec'nesa ot tha situation annealed to bar. m'.c-kkmik. wn Beyond th morrow aha would not M M...I. C.r uka II. akowna M...I. wltk att. II... mm mm ''" a.k. fc.r I. mmrry kfaa. I'. kitatwi. Tla. I" ar. fc B.vtrr am kil la trla t. .KM wkae ta 4a anlia a mtmm trmmm Daa. SOW !0 Oa WITH THK STOB1 CHAPTER XZXVIU TONNIB tarsed tha letter - slow II la bar bands. Dan' Umlliar writing, black and bold, tared back at her. Her heart tamed over. How odd how tvtt odd it was to reoetre a letter troa him at this moment, wnea look. When bis deep volea osma ; u her over tha telephone aha ! would car: "I'm coming with iyou." I There would be. naturally, no- ticea la tha newspapers. Ataciea ' tie was too Important (or bis I marriage to go unnoticed. Poo. i pie would say. "Who b abet A nobody 1" and dismiss her. Rs- oept in Belvedere. People there I who bad ignored her. tamed their (aces the other a ay when they passed bar on the street, would be anxious now to say they'd known her. It was silly she was trying to make tha most j lt vu unworthy and Monnle knew momentous deefcloa of her Hie! j it to tee! a thrill ot triumph at U was as It Daa himself bad j, thought bat she was only reached across the many miles human and could not suppress the tket separated them, saying, j feeling. -Wait. Moanie! Doat forget gb, Mul(l Bct sloep at least sea. I'm still beret" i mtU she read Dan's letter. It Ah. bat ha was the one wbo , was burning a hole in the pillow bad forgotten, her sore heart re- j underneath which she had thrust minded her. Be it wsa wbo had a written that other letter, tha creel ! Reluctantly llonala drew. It eae telling bor they'd better I forth and. snapping oa the ross "hoid aw the pUira" tor the I shaded lamp betide her bed. January wedding. No, ft was no I ripped opea tha thick envelope., asa depending oat Dan. She'd j Shs had steeled herself to cool dose that la tha past and her : aess. to tBdiCereace. but ra spits pride, her tore, bar faith la him ' ot herself her heart beat taster at bad beea wooaded past bcarfa. the opening eenteace. Should she opea It? Should ; -Berlins ntonnia.- (Dl he auJte ber ducisioa irst and wrote) "I hare beea all aorta of by this Una aha had pretty well a foot and caa you torsive me? decided what aba would say to : Ton know I'm not eery good at Arthur Msekenile on the morrow i letter-writing never was. I and read Dan's letter after- ; cas t say what I want oa paper, ward? Had he still tha power to ; But will yoa Just drop am a line sway her past reason, past be- : to say eTerythlnr'i all right? ( lief? Did abo dare to see what ; wired you at the hotel bat they Dan had written her oa the awry ; aaid they coaldnt deliver tha day before ahe had sailed frost j message because you'd already New York to adreatara and an- gone. I cot home Just aa yoa ether man's devotion? She won- j were tearing. Waznt that rotten dered. While she was pondering luck? I'll be waiting. All my the matter, flushed and disturbed, j lore." Uttle Miss Anstiee blew in. ajonnie stand at it. turning tha "My dear. I had no idea you'd ' thick aheet la her hands, lt was be home ao early!" Misa As-1 the lougeat letter ahe had ever ra stlee. imposing in sihrer cloth with i caired froei Daa. tha moat ar a cellar ot gray fox. stared Ucalate. All his km! Why. she frankly at her traveling compan- had beea a fool arer to think Ion. "I thought you'd be oat ! she'd lost it! When two people until all hours. 'Painting tee j (elt aa she and Daa did about town.' aa they say. Are you feel- ; each other, whea the whole world inc all right?" N . was changed and glorified tor "Yes no." Monica stammered, one merely by the knowledge that not knowing bow to explain. ! the other existed in It. it was Tli en oa a sudden impulse she j stupid wasn't It? to take scc blorted out the truth. ond best. "Mr. Msekenzie's sailing unex- ; suddenly arerything was clear pectedly tor home tomorrow," ' to her. Ber course wsa clear, he said. "He Miss Anstiee, he i Miss Anstiea admitted sba would wants me to marry him and go get along without her. 8ha with him." ' would leave tomorrow, not as Ar "Well. I declare." Miss An- thur Mackenzie's bride but as lice's beautiful coiffure of silvery j Monica O'Dare, going beck to the Orecian curls fairly quivered. ' man ahe loved. Calmness de Sue sat down abruptly. "Of j scended upon her. She slept, course, 1 knew something like i this was in the air," she begsn breathlessly, "but not so soon! My dear!" "I 1 haven't decided." Monnle coofpssed. "1 don't know whst to do. Help me. Miss Anstiea. What anall 1 say to him?" "If you're considering ma la this," cried the older woman 11T1SS ANSTICE woke her. sbak LU Ing her gently. "My dear, he's on the wire!" "Wbo? Where?" Ah, she wss dead, she was so weary. Whst did Miss Anstiee mean? "Mr. Mackenzie. He sounds terrifically excited and happy." It all came back to her at ones. shrewdly, "please forget all about 1 6on,ething she had to do to tell - . - " . " V NVB. BV1CW1IUIJ although 1 shall miss you, of course. The truth is Sally Rich ardson Is dying to do Paris with me with us. i mean, and saats to go on to Switzerland niter ward. So yoa see I shouldn't be alone. Do as your heart bids you. my dear! 1 never sdvise in mat ters of this sort. Too risky. But I will asy this. Mr. Mackenzie's a iplendid man and very fond of you anyone can see that." I don't love him,' 1 faltered. Monnle fond of him. friend but I like him i hut " "He doean't make your heart and still, eh?" Miss Anstiea considered this, bright head on one side like a silver-plumagcd bird. "Well, my dear. I've seen many a marriace In my time. Love matches. They don't always turn out so well, either. You hare an even chance for happi ness, starting with friendship and respect. Then, too, my dear, here's the mstter o! money to be thought of. I'm not a worldly person. You know that. Been poor all my life until Juat lately. And sow that 1 have bad my taste of luxury I'm afraid I shall never be able to do without It again, 'i "I'd be the last person In the I orl.l to tell a girl to consider I money only when thinking ot I marriage aud I know what pov- ! erty can do to young people. I'd like to seo you get some of tho ' whipped cream of life while you're ! young." It was a loni; (speech and Miss 1 Austlce wss rather breathless at the end of it. She stripped off ! ber creamy gloree and smoothed them together. "There's your family, too," fbe continued after a silence. "Kay think what a brilliant marriage would do tor her." "I've thought of that," Monnle aid briefly. She crumpled the letter to bor bands, looking at the Ore in tbe grato. "Child, child, you're shiver Ing!" the older woman said, ap- : palled. "Go to bed. You mustn t j catch cold. We'll talk ot this In 1 (be morning." i Monnle escaped, ber head In a : blrl. tbe letter still clasped In ! her band. j The clock struck one, struck : two. In the room beyond she I could bear tbe faint snore of ber heuefactresa. Monnle knew tbat . sbs herself would be a wreck to morrow, look a perfect fright. If I she didn't get some sleep. Bba tossed and turned restlessly ea tweea (he crisp Ungllsb sheets. Yes. Miss Anntfce was right. " lleuson triumphed over emotion hnre. Her mind bad been almost made up when tha conversation bad begun. Miss Anstiea bad Arthur Mackenzie. She wasn't going to marry him after alt. All i her dreams of a brilliant mar riage had faded. Dan still cared : tor her and wanted her. She stumbled to the telephone, ! knotting the cord of ber dressing jgown. . "I'm sorry," she said in a low voice. "I cant." Simply that. No explsnations. No excuses. -! Tbe man at the other end of the wire hesitated for a long mo . ment. Then. "Can I do anything to make yoa change your mind?" i be asked. Monnle, feeling utterly abject ' snd ashamed, said no. But. she ' added. "I'm leaving for New York ' today. It you don't mind I'm ' taking passage on your boat." He gave a Joyous shout, trt- umph In his voice. Monnle. with Miss Anstiee' r surprised gaze upon ber, knew what his thought was: it would ' be cary for him to break down ' her defenses on the trip boma. (To Be Continued) rtVE(-te.''6 vwvloiT' X GOT Mim Oni , it vsia doe-r WOO CrOTwP AT Tf-ioee OC.OC.V -Tmo , MOOvoKl l-C-C? Vr-W-T? A of-0TMAKI Kit-vjEWi 'eECAoe i cony UWS. TO cat u- eeFooe. . OA- U6HT 1 OOMT Uul Vtoa.OotTbC., OO MOO. OR V-.CT FILET, OV-t BAND BoP-Cri ,0 &TAL.E AMOVSIlCve, o Boa v-icie. FtNCEV OCT l)H- v i MOO APE A feOORTfe hnow t woo Oom'T UkC Time. C.OlKSl -fOO OOKlT UMS. CiCJEA'.-.r., II? OytiT-Au.s . f feOAl4' MACHimURV El!) -MCkt .art- UH- POr, DftV - TMAT& NCUtJ 1114 V NTVWf II i Boa wicje. FtNCEs, By Ahern r a Bar ajV'.- . - iv. ur m f a .ua, -v . a 1' niia I 1 ' b tm I . Ta. J m II II! - - -' , YES -IfW SENOtNG, TVAE WEr TOR MER VACATION. EITHER TO AN OCEAN REjORT, OR ON ATRIP TO TVA'CAMMJlNrA ROCKIES-. FOR rAVSEtF, BAXTER, I'M &fcTTtNS AVACWT--NOT KT,C ONE .VKNOW -JUST A UTTl.6 TITTY TOOT CRUISE! J-THE SEA VS IN THE HOOPl-6 BLOOD, BAXTER ?-VE3 WC SO HACK TO THE VIK1NS&AND ON DOWN THRU THE CENTURIES OF fAARINE . YOUU. TIND A HOOTVE W THE HEUtA OF THE VARIED CRAFT THAT SAILED THE SEVEN SEA'&.E-SA 4 -L rr THE SEA IN BLOOD -HrA-fA- NO WONDER HE LOOWw LIKE A -BIS WALRUS I THE ONCt TIE-UP I CAN SEE.OF A HOOPLE AND A BOAT, b A TQA.MP STEAMER 3 '3 Pi I i . i i Mipei A' THE FENCE "FOR NEICSHFJOR TiMOER. SALESMAN SAM By Small es.SAn.-tviis is a )TH6m cm'iwTtHM i& 3ak& VCKV SWttl LCllCK'l t?a.VW.JJ VJJj nunj ' V i m ajy SCOBS, 3TEIV: ) VySlRly CM V.. w mot so tfxsx! if sou tueiie REAlWi oo--e(i-uiBM TUlilVlUO AfcoilT ME. HiktV DIO SOU teCI0O Tb OORtTfel CfM IT ARCMMD TOR rXjW IHi t l tJNt-v tino ija ccm vorn tmnci AMO SOU Ulfti IOOM, I SPVMT TW' TURaVC TOO CHCAP Tb KlTW, cewTs U TM' PAPCH. (K tTiMPf MOUJ., , MOD eMVCLOPei BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES rr By Martin fl il Eft n saaiwAw silver jkn WMa j M M0SQ0VT0 U s.hkm'.f boom I yjan-Vvv. VyH if - Z WASH TUBBS By CrtuM BUT I'M--I'M IIBOL TO tjt? SMOT I WAVKIH' eMe0. V IT'S t)AH6tCOtyS. JE&. WE'LL BlINKIM' WEIL DO AS VE'RC TOLO . STAB ME ! OOWT V6 THIMK I KUOW HOVI TO HANTXt A 6UH, m m m .. m w u xL' rm i sm am . a r - awa II I I' V , I '.AW- W-L, .kf as III m iMtj yj.u La. 7 . , 'i 'iff)s!fS WEMJT Is'ATHOti LIKE ATOTOM -n J 7 VU XX&1eA&i 1 WHE CtCALLi WITH TtCCOR THAT MS WAS " V, I TMt SOLE WTMLSS TO CAPTAJM TOLLY'S OtATM. V, TCo n- i err. 1 a fti IS13 wt mtA wwes. at J ' kyyjyl' Z. . '- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Bloste AneienlK helieved that a email artery ran difctly to the hart from th fnnrth fincer of the l"lt hrtii'l: ihe ruviom oi plarinr the wddinif rlnr on Ibst flnser jrf-w from ibli. h?)r. I The ciri:umffren;e of the lar?- est Handing tre; in thin country I Is 3a feet. I Flapper Fanny Says QUO ny-pflpnT- A wnlMurncd ankle wins every aaTC 01 the wheel. jJ'JM AS. ONE OF THE. MAtED MEM KMEELE.O IM FROMT OF THE. CLMOJT PLAWT tTL. PED KIIJCj STAETED TO VELU. ten! I HOPE IT W0GK.. IF IT OOEbM T, OHOH.': ALL RIGHX MEN MOVE? INOM'EM! WE GOT TP EM CORNERED NOW.'.' JU J r-. Pl-s il . ,q I WF'VE MEM DOUbte CROfi&ED, oua ! quick WE. &OTTA TRY A GCTAWAJf f WHEBE TO, ) MAIN LINE AM' SLICK? J LAY LOW FOB PA-, FCEICHT TO IJJkwafWraME AL0N6f f YEAH...AM j ynNb out I THEIR 1 saaaeM stuucii ocniri- r. tWELLI IOOK AT THEM 60f LET) 60 Wi AMD UNTIE MR: CUU-EOf THE NEWF ANGLES MOM'N POP By Cowan -rr r.rc ar.r WJurM TUT. N f Jim ATTtft VOU LEFT THIS B(TY. THAT'S ( VICU-O. MP. TVTr: VOU'Wt JUST TMt V- fl JPE Ht'I OWtO Mt FIFTY -a?alw7f? iSa-r - MEAB I ii-ANC MrVE ALL, OOT T0O0M! I'U, FIVSON WANT TO SECTMC ClHHCSy tajsa. I ttarT WNCC LAT SOMMEB, J KC Try Jrfi gTtEB AND dStcd TO GO ftPOUNt) APt W.iNT. PUT OUT JCT.mrt V IVL J0T CALL THAT V SSToi TMT IN THC NeiGHBOOHOOO. V SEC VWAT 1 IN TO PAY THtiP PENT-1 V X, . " LJO i