PAGE TEN July 1, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ELKS OBSERVE RHflHTFR nilY W I II II I I kll Will T HURSDAY Twonty-four charter me rubor of the Elks lodge Then organixed here 22 yean ao attended the 22nd anniversary banquet at the Elks Temple Thursday evening. The number of charter members TO BE SURE ( IT'S PURE I . insist on the mivonnaise 1 with this Certihci Seal. present vm considered an uo-1 usual occurrence as ouly 3a ot the 7S original cnartor member are living. Many of the ti charter Klks had not been seen In the lodge rooms tor many yeara. At least four dropped out of Klka ai-livi-ties 15 years apo and appeared to swap stories TliurMluy evening for the first time. The program. In addition to music by 1'ttt Patterson and his kinanls chorus and community sinning led by John Houston, con sisted of the "old tlmen" tilling of different incidents during the installation ot the charter and other early history happenings of the order. A dutch lunch was served during the program which, lasted for several hours, to 150 mem bers and former members alike who have dropped from the good standing membership lists, Thadlus McHattan, charter member and one of the best known pioneer residents of the county, sent a letter regretting his inability to attend. He is now mining In the hills ot Jack son county. BONANZA BONANZA. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Chot Eyers attended the grange convention at Pendleton and also visited .Mr. Eyers' par ents at La Grande while on the trip. J. L. Sparretorn and Cyril Par sons have just returned from a business trip to San Francisco where they spent a week. The sawmill at Konansa start ed operations last week under the management of Pete Lorens, giv ing work to a number of men. A larga crowd attended the dance last Saturday. Mont Hamaker of Grants Pass visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hamaker. last week. Mrs. Chet Eyers motored to Glendale, Oregon last week. bringing Myrtle Mnunce home with her to spend the summer. MIfs Mottuce also vliltfd here last summer. A. I.. Maguire has left rtonan a for Kort Klamath where he ex pects to drill some wells. Amos Slack attended the grange convention at Pendleton. A number of local residents at tended the Kebekah convention, at Klamath Kalis last Saturday night. Including Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hamaker, .Mrs. George Hart ley, and Mrs. Ilirdle Uurke, J. E. Lormnn has returned to flouania after a long absence. Lorman Is Interested in the Lan gell Valley oil well, which It Is rumored will soon start opera tions. Miss Elsie ileieltlne ot Port land is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hexeltlno. She recently received her diploma as a graduate nurse. Judgo William M. Durean and son George, and brother-in-law. Jack Hooker, of San Francisco, had luncheon at Hotel Hickman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Corpening of Tulo Lake visited in lionanxa Tuesday. Mrs. George Anderson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hama ker. Is 1 ere from Coquille visit ing with her two children. Mrs. John Horn and daughter Clarice and mother. Mrs. lloggs have returned from Portland and Koseburg. where they have been visiting relatives and friends. E. L. Elliott. Klamath Falls at torney, and Captain Ford and a friend from Tennessee were visit ing friends in Bonania, Wednesday. ALGOMA NEWS AI.GOMA, Ore. Miss U.'th Gardiner and brother, Scott Gar diner, avrlved from .M,'-re, it., to visit friends In Algoma and Klamath Falls. Among those returning to a-ork after absences on account of Illness are Georgo Morgan. Joe linmn and Ernest t.i.tnu. Little Jimmte Conroy. who has been atten.llnc snmmer school at the Sacred Heart acadettiy for the past two weeks, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Glen llarrett underwent an operation Wednesday morn ing for the removal of her ton sils. The community picnic held at Spring creek Sunday was well attended and a good tl-ie Joyed by all. Several games of ball and horseshoes wore in play during the day and a oellclous picnic lunch was eujoved about 1:S. Se-.r-' fumllles from Alcima Vital Statistics ItlRTHS JONES Born to Mr, and Mrs. YV. E. Jones of Shaw-Bertram, a son, June 29. 1933 at Klamath Valley hospital. Weight 1 pounds 1 and 12 ounces. Most all food prices have mater ially advanced during the past month, and retail prices must also advance. Al Emil's Saturday you have the opportunity to take advantage 'of present Low Prices for perhaps the last time. Our prices for Saturday reflect the savings we have made in buy ing before the market advances. Hams ib. t7 Swift 'a Premium Ovenised Half or Whole Strictly Fresh 3-Lb. Average PURE LARD 2&9 Swift's, in 4-Lb. Carton HrTl A TTmi Q J LU1JN n f m iuiAUiq.2)f PORK0, A .11 Guaranteed Good, In Bulk PORK ROAST T""1 T3T?T7T7 v ROASTS" ft-!d PorkR6ast,b"12 Roast t.nn Vnimtr Pork BEEF Ib6v Rib and Brisket Eastern, Well St n aked With Lean HENS lb.. 20 Fancy DrJ.pJrked Colored Hens Buy Your Flour vriI, , " Now and Save NEW PEAS - fl J Before Tax Becomes IDS. II JLv Effective Sw "d Tender Full Pods " SW FLOUR I BANANAS 4 ibTa Fancy. Golden Ripe Fruit g Northern Brand, Hard Whrat " ' " AO lhs 6fl 19 APRIC0TS-See Emil's First. Qff IDS. J .17 Before Joa bay Jour apri(,0,s. We hlln,lle ,h, tKmou, CroKn Orchards quality fruit. asBBBSBBSBanBSBBSBBlBBBBBSBeBBBBk? FLOUR I I0 3 lbs. 25' Drifted Snow 49 lbs. $1.59 LEMONS 2iAOf Fancy Sunklst "Jp 0r ' SssnssHMsassassHss9ssns3 , Prince Albert $ , FLOUR s0. 10 Anchor llrnnd Ot-lt h.LK I-RICE 49 lbs- fg; C0RN-G?W3cans33 .SMsMsMrmsmSMsMk. rrn No- 2 Tin" sw0r SUGAR I Snowdrift 6 lb. can Puro VoKOtiilile Shortening M 9 Pure Cnne 1001bs.$.97 Pork and Beans U Tl a ,,MI .,,, V" Camps Large Can & & T PAR The Perfect Concent rated Snnp. LAKCiK VKii. 2& CHEESE Tillnmook Full Crrmn 1,11. lb.. 18 Jell-Well Assorted Flarnni CERTO 2bottb?4g COFFEE Hill's Red Can 5 Pound ,3&F Corn Flakes or Post Toasties-Pkf 2d Wesson Oil For Salnd. or Frying. Full linlf cnllon A Bis; I !n run In I'cr Can 53j PhoUereMr Salurdajr and Mondr Store Closed All Day, Tuesday, July 4th have been pick'"- "trawlicr mi evenlnts at the McVey rancli near Modoc Point. Miss Thnla and Dorothea Bar rett and Homer I.emmon spent Sunday renins; with Mr. and Mrs. llrllton llnrrott. Keno Items KKNO, Or. Mr. U. K. Speiuor, who has hcn pcutKnt the pant woek vlnitlnir with -r rtilldren , V. n. Spoiu-or family ml Mi. N'eltlo Ami 8ou and family, both of Keno, Mrs. I.ylo r, union mid family of Ml. llettron, nmt urtttuh hl ' ?n, Mit. Clork Aliliott mid family of Keno and Mr, liar. id HI minor and family of Klnmnth Kails, returned to her homo In Ash land Wednedduy. Mts lleth Spender of lira wick In spending this week vlMtinn w Hh Miss llermetta Dahma of McCollum'i mill and her sister. Mrs. Clark Abbott and family of Keno She tMI return home Saturday, aqoimpaulod bjr yt Uahms, Mr, and Mrs. Hints Simmers and small datiRhier, Kleanor I.eiiiHe, mtoied to Klamnth Kails Monday to vlnl Mr. K m mer'a brother and ltr-lnlaw, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Simmers and datuhter, Joy. Miss Ma Me Pnenrer returned to her noma at Heswlrk, Calif., after npentllna: he pimt week vUlttnc her alnler, Mrs. (Mark Ahtmtt and fHtiilly of Kenn, and MUs llenrlutta Dahins of Mi-Col-lum's mill. MIks Vlrnlnlft Turubanuh nf Merrill Is spendlnx ho week wlthi Mlns Waive Uruhb of Keno. Bh will return home Sunday. Miss Hetty Marin Attho't, small dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Clnttt Abbott of Keno, la spemllni the week with her grand pnrenis, Mr. and Mrs. Malur Speueer of HeswUk. Calif. She will reitt"U to her home after July 4. Mrs. Harold Simmers and dauiihlrr, Joy of Klamath Kails spent Tuesday at the homo of) her mother, Mrs. Nellie Ander son Oregon Police Ready To Hold Tardy Drivers 8A1.K.M, Juno 30. (II Hlnte pnllra announced today that Ihey will start a roundup early to morrow of all motor vehicle drlvwra whoso rnrs aro without tlia new July 1 to Juuuury 1 li cense plates and alio do not Annual Catholic Picnic 'At the Lacey Ranch, Merrill Sunday, July 2nd Mum on tltn uronnds at III o'clock, t 'hit-kf n dinner served ly Ilia Ijidiea' Altar rlociety. (dulls ouc liilldicn li.V KverylKHly Welcome. hava avlilenrs to show that they hava ordered licenses. 8AM Kit ANI'lHt'O, Jllna 10. (HIM J, P. Aikln, I'aaadann, munatter of Tanfnrnn raea trark hero, lodny announced hs had accepted niipolntment aa manaaar ot uw hurso ractm track at Seal tin. Thero nra 17 acres wllhln tha While llousa srounds. Office Space Great ly Reduced in Price New llitht oulslda offices with hardwood floors. In heart of city. As l.ow As $15 a Month Ntowart Drew llldK. I(JI IIIK 733 Main St. SZEJ GET READY FOR THE 6 4th: With Picnic Accessories from Safeway Stores and MacMarr Come to our stores for all sorts of good things to eat for picnic lunches or stay-at-home meals. We are always ready to supply you with all your food needs for any occasion at most reasonable prices. These Prices are Effective Saturday and Monday, July 1st and 3rd Flous Safeway or MacMarr. Makes the finest bread and pastry. 49 11, $1-19 Cepfto Insures perfect Jams and jellies, erery time. 2 btls. 45c Nalley'i Potato Chips Delicious fresh potato chips. 4 ox. Pkg. 2 pkgs. 15c Sugar 10 lb 49c Fine Granulated Bread 1 lb Loaf 5c White or Whole Wheat, Sliced or I'nsllced (Saturday Only) iMarshmallows lb. pkg 18c Fresh. Light and Tender Cookies I'needA Pnkm Mnrfthninlloir Fluffs Lb. package 18 Stores and Markets Close July 4th Jello All Flavors 3 Pkgs. 19c Pen Jel 2 Pkgs. 27c Home preserving made easy Coffee Maxwell Houfe Lb. Can 27c Pineapple Can 18c Dct Monte Sliced, No. 2 enn Parowax Lb. Pkg. 10c For sealing Jams and Jellies Anchor Flour 98c For all family purposes. . 4ft-l.h. fins; Carnation Oats Pkg. 23c Premium package Crackers 1-Lb. Pkg. 14c Unceda Bakers Bnowflakes Cake Flour, Lrg. Pkg. 24c Swansdown For better cakes Salad Dressing Best Food Gold Medal Qt. 29c Kidney Beans, 4 Cans 25c Van Camp's Just heat and serve Sliced Beets Holiday No. 2 cans Can 10c Cooked Spaghetti Can 9c Van Camp's, Italian style Waxed Paper 2 Rolls 15c Quality Waxed Paper 40-ft. roll oee Airway Coffee Is a blend of pure HraziHnn coffees Lb. 19c 3 lb., 55c Edwards' Dependable Coffee There's real cheer In every cupful Lb. Can, 25c Watermelons Red Ripe, Delicious Klondlkes Lb. 2Jc Bananas Fancy Golden Rip 4 lbs. 25c Vegetables Boots, Carrots, Green Onions, Rad ishes or Turnips, Bunch 2c - Vegetable Prices Good Bat. Only We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. Picnic "Accessories" CHEESE Kraft's, -l f- 5 varieties PKG. IOC SARDINES North Star Im- A IOC - ' ported. i,i size can CANS t3C MUSTARD Libby's Prepared, 6 oz. Q jar JAR 7C aiPE OLIVES Highway Brand. No. 1 r 1 tall can CAN 1UC QUEEN OLIVES Happyvalo. So Oft plump and Rood QT. JAR JC PORK and BEANS Van Camp'. Med. ff size can CAN O C B. & M. BAKED BEANS No. 2 tall -1 J cun CAN IOC BROWN BREAD B. & M. Servo -I n with baked beans CAN IOC SWEET PICKLES Roscilalo Brand. 1 A Whole or Mix Sweet PT. JAR 17C DEVILED MEAT Libby's Q Ifs i size can O CANS 1UC VEAL LOAF Libby's. Excellent for -I A cold lunches CAN lrC VIENNA SAUSAGE For picnic and Q camping CAN J C TOMATO JUICE Camp- Q 1 A bell's 121,2 oz. cans O CANS lxC GINGER ALE Pale Face. O 9C Mellow, refreshing BOTS. aCuC LIME RICKEY Pale Face. Just - f hits the spot BOTTLE IOC GRAPE JUICE Kerr's finest flavor. "I f- PT. BOTTLE IOC MEATS Bce Roast lb. Boiling Beef lb. 7 Hamburger ib. Pork Steak 2 lbs. 2S Bacon !jcnn, Hugnr Cured, any size lb. 16 Shortening 4 lbs. Hams Hklnnrfl, llitlf or ttJiolo lb.l6l2 Boiled Ham lb. 35 LUNCH MEAT Head Cheese Weiners A ,K Liver Sausage Rnlna-no 72 F ID ITnnr. f hpPSP Sliced Ham ib. Dill Pickles 7 for 1 if I't it VILJbL 817 Main.