The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, June 04, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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    June 4, 1933
Society of Early Summer
Finds Setting In Sports
And Oui-of-Door Events
WITH th first warm dayt ot aprlng ther bu hee a concerted
rash to th (nil oat ot door, and Klamath Falla society haa
i.....-! in th mch for snort and Informal tardea panto.
. hr.M residents ot
Ukea. and th drone ot motor
E-auna and Ir-ner Klamath laaoa
boating bus boron-. popular, and
peared oa I'pner Klamath lak
FiCBlc. swimmiag. golf, tra-
Bis. and other out-d,v.r w
merits. well as th tt pora
lar hridire.wlil gat-dra luncheon
and ia promts lo coetry tba
renter ct tba social rata during
th coming month.
Th oiwporttT irtt snow ana
g-srdea par
10 b girea ot or
aboat Jun fifteenth by tie Wo-
ma"a Library c.ab at the n,ra ; eoa aad bride Friday afteraoea
of Mrs. R. R. Msrartw, la per-. lt The noma of Mr. Harry Goel
hapa tb most important ereat ler. Pine treet.
scheduled fr.r tb moatk of Jan. , Laa.-heoa vis serred la Mr,
aad I oarerlx anticipated by al. ; gnor s lorely yard at taMea
flower loxers. j grouped aboat tb lily pool. Th
j rooms ot tb Goeller horn wr
1 1 "T" 'decorated with taiipa aad spring
Theatre Guild io. newer.
Present Popular
Play June 14.
Tba IJttl Tbtr Caiid of ,
Klamath Fan. will pro, ,
tain Applejack.- three-act play
tka 'matn uT JsS 14, tB th
Klamath rk hujh achool a4-j
Th play, wrinea y Wsttef
kckwtt. haa tor It Vocal a ram-
n. .v... e it. snci a rans-
n a . n
blrng eoaarry aosw.
( KnglaBd. It to1tb aboat a
taid Knglath rilmB. grow
tired f th BJOBOSoxy a his ox-l
hMsM Sa eraeoa th excite-
a a rmatnae bis
mast hae xpreBce4.
aw-ii. tw a ttroaja. tc
Vstsis for th cod act which
cwmea o throath th play. j
-Captain Applejack- raits
klsTpalaV fhTorit. among
thSrr gwUds. aad m Te.:nrg
BB enormous amoaat of hard
work from th local cast. Tb
cast is aider th direcuca o! C
W. Lyraa.
Tickets for th pertormaBr
a- bow heist .old he mew hers
atf tw gafld. aa4 th reri pab -
lie it iirtred.
rf .1.. -T MeThod-
1st Ephwpal charch met Thar-'
slay arterroc-a ra th charch par-1
Jots, with Mrs. Maae Maddol
wmsidixt and Mrs. W. G. Com-1
Jrrs Vesiirg oeeotic-nsl serw .-es. ;
Th eeerfliowt iarlioed ng.
prsvers be Mr. Georc Casper
and Mrs. H. E. Momvcr. aid a '
daet. -Xohode Told Me of
Josws.- he Mr. Vsad
BX Mrs. Betty Wire. j
Mra. Riley It. Eeaaoa. lead wg
tie rady period tor the alter-1
Booa preewired th torcw jtt :
rogrwm: -
After Max? rty. Mr. Gorg
T irdley. ,
Sitg Kterris. 1 Enaliea
Laris. be six ttt girl.
Ksa Sah. a lsiias Kory. Joha
hta-sA. i
Soj,g: Frc A3 th. rrk
. . ,
Sruc ti ETO.aoe,B of th
Earetsi.-a Xesbera. Mai Itarri-
Ms: la ti SecnK rf
lZa Proses.-. Mrs. C"- Kelt.
Jfr. Masd Xadd.tx
s -..-.. ar mA T. -
tia. Mrs. Earrr Marsh.
Le.'. t sa v.-ch
Tie Sett. Mr. ! t. Katies, I
Srr Fmm GreexlkTi'i Ire
Tirig ti il lrs. K-s.
riaxi L. Keler. Mrs. F.uc-e r.
Kea.-x. Mrs. Gecrg CTr t4
Mr. Lcnel'a Krrgh. ec-ed re-
frasimeaa. CweTir"e-a Ljsrcrj was
rrttTTimeite-i w-.- a del gltftl
sxrrr. V-.rthisy inrre be lf
mother. Mrs. 0 C. lrer. last
SxrilT ir.fai.
Tr h.-e.-r g-.e-t re. ee' t
tnKr .- rtntit t - "if
ereed te ,h hr-.e t- Sea--
ha-a Jerl.trs. Mare ait:, C.-'-
weV Jt.-garet PrrVe :-4 r.A
l.-he. i rii-.Ts 5e.: - Vi-i
. . e.,. . v -
aad C- wer i rs, Ueau.
.. .
-..e. 7.tTiT !-..- IT;
vx-re x.-'te w f. it
rxr-.-rsl i.rjer ja e . Tf
Cx: se -x ea A.i
f i'riar.
TixrjiiiT e-rv-.Tt Fi
T 1 1-
r.sers 'vst-! a r.-.:
terr.- ti l- f
ever we-e t I '?
Vrv Xsr.-j fsir.'x.
v-s. r. fc:
"xl -..-. Vr P'r
.-.:(- r.'c si,s
f"r tr i tt.- T-.-TT.
Tv- rr.s-r.sje e r. V.-wi-i
T So-l : -Ve'.-it. tc Tr-e..s
V.-A.rcx t Katrl-.T Fi" . t
ertt.e e rr T ri -.t Vk. i-i
y riAs e arev. j.c t. t-.-xt -e-Tre
re-e eed ke-e ' T-W-s
McaIt a w-a e T- i -,
pH'rrlar neshr.-i ef tt.e -.-t-rrfr
g-vx IT n CftT.
Vr aid Vs. - w.U
IVr h?.-or t Wo'.-.ri.
, .. Jc-r-t si,.. . 1
TO,otdr,tic.ctrach!J" "th M'-onal bU. .
Xse-rj at,d M-s. F. V. W .-"
ed t"ft-t aoorw pasSed be V Hs-tjs at, Xar-oal C '
frrd. wee Tve-:.tVt txe-. s
K'trath Fsr.i We-resBlse. x t
?7t at lYr knsse e Mr. afi V- ' e t-.Nfe et fte sirryet.
rs. 0 fieT Mr. asid Xtv r-1
sn daxghtee.
Mr. a M-v F. C-.-rw. "'
Prwiner rjT(tr sTatnsth
Fa.i.. mrt rertt?reJ this
rtj therr arae at Ceel,
R C. Tt s ta staid th.
siatrw orathi rf?:-e4 a (aa-
h rxOs. i
th city aroreriate their beautiful
boat ana ha board ob both Lak j
at any hw oi in - ensu .
vrI new Ball boats hava ap
this sprint.
- n p r) L
- t t- VJ. ftlemDerS
Hold Garden Lunch
eon and Bridge.
Vemher of Chapter t. P. K 0
wer ntertaiued ftt deasert laneh-
Mrs. Frank Mosler of CorraHi.
formerly a member of Chaptor C.
a gaest f , aftoraooa.
Th commltte ia chare of
arrancomoata for tha aftoraooa
was composed ot Mr, raal T.
th hosta. aad Mr. Fred Peter-!
Prise wer. awarded to thoee'
! holding kith acor tor each table
proseated with U ia
rtK1K1611 '
aesnt su-m. for t
... . i
i aw srkMu
i .
'UMiKtx Arxlt.lART TO
The Americaa LegioB Aaxili-
ary will meet Toesvsae eucirt
i . - ,
w;u o niscnssew aad tone a- i
at.-s. Georr. tar presjdeat I
or in I- AatUary. Mrs. 1
, Mclat.rK. .rat. wtary. and
hrs Horsfall. ,, wane chair- i
maa wul he guest, of th local
; Aaailiarr at th Taeeisy .-re-
auig meeting.
I AU members, eepectalre those
! wh ar rhairmea c eoaTentioa
committee ar, rge4 to b. pre-
ieatt. Refreehmeais will sere-
t ed at the close of th meet'tt.
) Al informal art , cltvk haa-i
IM preewltrs: th aveet-ac of !
tb lcioa Aatiliare will Sw. h.,1
Twesday ereaixg at th Willard
b""1 b hoimr of th Tsuting
aaraairT snesahers ar
arred t arted th hoc, and
t make rumancsn e cal!;rg
r. Earl Ten at ff.
rUf B. Sewn was
hwtess at a deKghtfal hndre
party TeittvUr arteraooa at
her com ra Erie street. The
rooms were rharmiag.'y decorated
w-.h bo i sf sweet peas aid
tal ps. Three tablie wer ia
rT owring , afteraooe.
Vrt- ymer was award-
krr for krt acor. and
Mrs. Chsrle Oilman was pre-
"U"! jat rree
.hose wh ctf th aer-
wer Mrs. WT. L. (Jtitr..
Ks-ry Fe'ta. Mr. A. H. Pap.
v-s r wr w. w -
Pamir. Mrs. Earl W7e-Trer.
Vrs. 1 v. tt.i. w t v
Harrs. Mrs. CSa.-a 0-Tt ai4
Ih fcosreja.
eiT!C. kvrs SW rwWTVG I
PAK" rtix.vts irot ;
Ore of ti gar t cmrt-ot part-
ies cf u past week was ciryd
StritT on Tpper Kjtna h Late.
fw-nttrirg as sa-Jng. fr"rwe
re a w erer rrt a: Stnsec
w-'h w-re ercy hy Mr. ax
Kr. ptn B-.rner. Wr. ard V-s.
r. latrr-ert. Mr. aad Mrs.
t. w " cry. Jtr. xyt Mrs. ta-1
ctti a:i Mr and Mrs. K w
' ' e"1 -
r - ;! r. P. w. cc-ci - r- w. xt-
. 14 : fJ
-" -- Farker ar Xs Ca-M
, -- 1 w rT"
lT- ?Zt'iV2Z
i - ,' .
v- . ... .
.. " --.. iw V-S -e
, , , rt ,1 rTT , u ,
'-'-" tire- w he -t.;
ITt - .! H T
lex '
y St tt e. w .
W rre-JT.-et
Tnci ,. wr.
ri-e. c writ.iie dm it
st s i t t .k -x
F. ul
''i a- x-x4 :t w
T-v, t. . .r .".(? d-
ci rr-t ji-.-j.-t r.-asw it. :
t-e-?: crm rev .
l e 1 ,.s rs xi-c: it w- t
''- - wet te -y'-is-twa-.s. sere-t
" corr-n ttee t.;iKsM .?
':'t!"" wov V-j.tiy s -e :x
w' '"''""- h k tr e K "net-'-x
is t'U'-BAT st.i w- fee t-
ei t h. H-ft Kew -x.
" 1
r. E tcsri w r n-c-
.ii-e-T . tie
., . 1 . !
r .-..o-1
igt itvA'iuri t'l ! i
f f" itti
ljlVr'w - -
XT' C D !
sx uuicii ui tc-ciiucs
Club Awarded
Golf Prizes.
Mora I haa fifty womea of the,
Reame Golf and Couatry club
played la tournament daring tha
month ot May. and oa Friday.
Jan aecoad. priioa ara award
ed to winnera ot tha cooteata.
Trophiwa aora awarded to Mra,
C, C, Keiley aad Mr. W. L.
tjuina. who tied for tha modal
srtia la to tirM
flight with
acoroa of eighty-six aet. la tba ;
htubq sutoi, -wr. s. uanea a
Roberts took first award aad
Mrs. T. F. Dixoa oooad. Mr. I
Winifred Joaea took first place 1
la ti third tlithi
Fr-.sea aaarded for tb month's
toarnament were beaatiful Spaa
Uh pottery sandwich plates.
Mra. R. w. Merseroaa woa
kith electric in th first flicbt
for play oa Frtdvs Jan eooad
a: d Mrs. Frank W. Sanford first
plaoa ia tb third flight. Both
Mrs. Merseroaa aad Mrs. Sn
ford receired olf halls as prires.
Mr. C. C, Keller broutht In
the low medal aoor of ninety
f;T tM U day.
Ia team play oa Friday. Mra.
W. U tiaina's team was Tktor
kns orer Mr. C. C. Kelley's. aad
Mr. H. P. Bcawonb s team woa
T-er Mrs. Sam Coall'L
Bridte was la play at tb rlab
hous after luncheon oa Friusy.
Oa Wedneeday. Jun n;!i.
member ot tb Reame womea's
i team will to to AshUnd to play
I ia toamsmeat against th wo-
Grnu Pas.
. . v. . ,-e ,os.-n
"ll... ... .
Am f . v 1 MsTtssr to Mias
- -
. . w a t- ui.i.r
Taesday for Portland to enter
street traiaing. Teral of her
friends hAaored her at a misoel-
I laseoas shower. Moaiay eeentng.
at her home aa Crearort areaa.
Mis Benaerts mother. Mrs. J. K.
RM!1 ,rt hcee s;.ed
Hiss Renwett s motner. Sirs. J- iw. I
he Mrs. Caleb Jones.
- ' - - -
jot a dossert hndge. Eat fuests
l.V. .."I". a. . low i
. . " , .
TwT tah w4 '
' Joh ch tTl
fL -J-i 1
J!l , , ! . t. 1.,,.! , v!Z
,0 t
T " . '
Tinw 1,TB, "ere V-s. Ten
JfT: Rj,t"x,FJTv
"ie. PoU. Mi Ra h Cofe..
Mw Joy FM. Mi Jaae Cn-:
"!,,m- Mnl ' ,
JBrc ,
I " 1
wsdT. Jswe S
Retrclar meetitg of the Three
R clah w.ll be held Moxdae
arteraoc. Jane S. at 2 o'clock
at the home of
Cheyne, Xor.h Third
street. All Btembers rped ta
be press ct.
Anaaal sprltg oanBK of
Exlalora ev.ptcc of IX A. R.
at the W-.'.lard HoteL
portal cc.ttttatiratioa of
K-smath loire No- TT. A. F.
and A. X. at th Xascnic hi'.!
at : s 'clock. Visiutg Xa
aons ias-ited.
Report of state cotef th.s
of Ore-.- FedersMcn of B.
atd P. W. to he g:ra at
xree::xg of Bnsires axi Pro
le3rxl Wm s c'.ah at &
hrsre clib rocm. Iv-Zter at
t It p. m.
Twewday. Jause
Maiasa de S'.s el chapter of
Rrrrrrrt Jto ta meet w.tx
Is Ve.-tMA MrCanley. I4(s
tarry streeu a: s a. a- T.-pic
T --r d:stnssxx; Rcben Leas.
h exsc.
p. MrCatire at Lima Eil
r-t nrir at 1 c'rl.-rk.
W;;l3 p:rt riipter. rsifh-
Trs t :m Sr.-.isi Xmgir. -.s
rc-e-. at tr horn rd Mrs.
A ire B. Kerens. X.-CarLty
apa--.Jtt. at 1 p. m.
naithte- of th NM wUl
treet . I el e aftemort a. 2
e c.vk at t f r-.-.rr rt Mrs.
K C- Eia-gsTx. ill Pacif r
kersr aeeutg K tie
Axteo-aa V .x Atrlun a: hal All ntnt-rrt
i-f-i ta re imni
aeds-dst. Jams T
spcrwrei y tie KisCAti
rvtrry tsnfr rC r.Mtaxerr
a: th W-.Us.-J ki'tet
W . xtex s r-Tt of Rs
V.-.lf td O-txtry clah t y isr
X i rx-tAtsieat ,-.k iu i
ax-4 u-tj Pas team ex
Aft .kit Ctt-W.
f .ttt..-c z w r..---x: w.r.
k.-.d tie' re i .A- mee-.rtg a:
T rjcet -.X tr 1 t.X Cv. F.
hi.'-. t'L-e-Xies tteet-.t g ta re
e te a 7--tkIX
v.-x ct cfl E.ssTrrx 5-sr
So-a. t it le tx-eet fr 1
r .'j;e t It.xte.x a: Yrm
i"s. F. : "J. i I K itt
s: t a'-eai-e.
.'refa vrsfni- Nmm ae-
!' ai.-.Ji X. t:ftt-j;t slt. ta
tt-e-r tMt'J r ifti t at
ai.xie e h'-s. Kirravn o-rts-
i 14 M.arK a;n-r:xnes.iK
a: s a. m.
FrsAsy. Jaase
tie a: tie Remnves
c..; .jit ..titr cixK h:-l e
sc tie cts hcirt lb ti
W coat ml ws-yhsssj csaaaaat bb
m HO nm -,rU.wTTVI aTVLtgt
rat - - s-t e- a t ix-iri f I
Her Majesty Queen of Roses
I1"1" awis-yi.j ft-jpr . v. ; mm V m-S '-1!r. S:
1 T , . . w . 1 .ViJ 1
It - J v M w')v V 01 .1 - 3 ' ner Salle T.vlor Ur.Tr ni. Tk Tkardsy ev,r.Ini brldte olaiioa. Moaday alnf at th
! ..J. i . Vli VA I i orL'-lli c v HhrLk irl Uluh Mjoyed a nohcieM din,rjillsrd hot.l. hoaorlai tba aou
Jw it - t V W 'J' Swaeho.. Mrl r r"hTl" tb. Wlll.rd hotel darmg the ol officers, aad tho .1
!NJ I V ' 1 1 f kSS v J 1 Cortoa JaTviw. i I' ; l "bicb M, Jer-: t .ere daring th.,(
I , & VaVVlV k. I " f ' c v RrTai " Wlckersh.m . ho.tM t This 1. on. ot Ih. most Impart,
l u g,- -r .ev l V . .... " VlV... . . . brtdt. at her bom. oa Lincoln t or'al fane-Hoc tla by tb
To tie elected e-jreo of PonUrxf't Row Pestrral hi a much soocht
honor any year, oat the 1SU3 celebrauoa ruler b even root torumau
than her oreiecewars. Scics Jean Srerenson. hich school buss, who
wU be c Jeec of the crlcorttx-i aiarking the sirrtr Jabtin ct tb
intiTtlirn ot the great Orccos tsrsta.
Queen Jean To Rule Over
The Realm Of "Rosaria"
tT. .
-Jean will rale over t'- "Kslix
of Rnsaria d.rmc the S.lrer
j H tcos rmu . o oe ceia
her Jan t to 11. For these
I". . ; ' . - .
T Cl. -'
i!L !,-.t ,T
Hr ":5
"" Mlor 11 J'"'rsc-n hits
school, en of Psr:laad s most
heaatjul girls. Queea Jean was
chosea from candidates reyre-
T11 r?1 r0-"3 -f M
B:5a echoes. Th o.- er setea
wla t her pritce the They are: Miry Atae
i,rW, wcoji m.
r.xseee... ;rg.a-A fsac.a.
Fraaklin: Nodra Harwood. Girls'
Polyteclti.-; Valsn-a Vaaeili.
Commerce: Manaa Irrer. Graat;
! Shirley LAmhert. Wsshitrtca.
j The rVstieal will be forma"
Opened with tie opemrg of the
'anaaal ro sh.-w of the Port
land Roe society ia c:t-:c saJ
tcjiam at 1 o'clock. Jan f A.
S o'clock ia a gorgeous sett-lug
- ia Multnomah the C'jcea
;w:!l be crowned wrh imprr-ss-T.
: pomp and color;! pageantry.
I From tb corotstirn cerestca
' ial t. tb end ct tie !et:cal
; -ere he on eeent
ap-ra another. On tr.. eeer .rc ol
:t firs: day there w-.u he a
treat wJ:-sry aid fratemsl it
.eaat ia Maltn.zsl s'acizm 1
wtxk B2:ts of the Orsgra M-
;ioaal gwsrd aad rors of rtii-
in-:lT UT-'.-raed fraternal dr.'.l
teams and fear basis will par-
' Tb grand flirt! -pxraie. tl.-
mac xt teatxre of tie annas'.
: J. headed ty t'teta Jean aid
ter roeal roxrt. u b te l rt
th alterx.-x of Jtne h. Ttis
ra-iie ti last word in r.rrsl
pareantry. w ..1 b xt.le 1 if
w-th sscT g-rre--5ly free-on-!
xehSre aad -ores of pants and
ntarrlig orrxxtratlo-x.
Oa tf erenlng of th aec.-t!
tax. th Ryal lairto w-..:
hrvt ti-rir kn -.gittng ce-en-M Jl
a rrrrc !:ta a: wtith iJ-.s-
gxlsred rt.jtErs w. '. r kx tf.ei
Tie -tlx. rrnl pif ant. In
wtick" ! cn;ldra w.ll pir-jti-
pste w.ti jrare x-;xe extr-.-ts rf
tr r -wn axi de:-it..ta.
. w-: he held at clerk rwt s--
die. Jlx 1. tx Gatt kith
sctsM htxl A hr.".:iT-.r - x-
laa-ed water psr-ait at f -e-
-rs.i w.ll he he a cl tee-
xtxg r Jtn 1 ct the wr. -jtt-
ett" r.ixr.
Tt fesrtrx; r:mi.r.y x-.ll
at cr.vk Sitii'. Jit 21.
" w - xesper e-e;rx ix rfe Tl.
wivhirt.- pi-k. : xti-t xt,xss-
! rx- -s rrtjtii ctt re
x l! f-ex a prrt itr of rtg ant
7cean-.ry ;x e x tx. "s X c- the
Fssrh day dtrt tY ;x--rca"
to Boj- and Girls
rVrs exxutVaste aasl Sstsr trsfty
cewstsk sssststse assy bwg sir
gwt whsssw etnUs) as ha Joase
aast wwsssw c Is baiwot X
asm IS
3sOm tVta Jam 3X 3J
Artie rmiaispasjasui
CSreceai Ess4 FOag.
II i
.v .. .
ot th .outdoor srst prodsction
of "Aiic ia Woaderiaad ta Fe-
tieai tenter, ana tner. win o
a-.ary other special erenu oa th
yaeea Jeans Bam win lit
"''"r ,k" th SljTW J"b:"
Kan Fest.ral. Her memory will
perpetuated a a hea:tfal
roe, for one of th most besa-
t:!sl aanamed rpe ia th la-
ternatiotal Kos Test Garde ta
WashtBgt'B Park is to b chns-
The roe to b aamed -Jaeea
j,,.. u , contnhatioB of M.
i,itT Ca. S..,Tl-TeieceB. Hoi-
land. . ho bar m. this 4 ea-
p, IJtr , t,1E t the
garde. Tb
rose to he named for vaeea Jeaa
he selected by th Portland
Koee Society before th let. Ta of the ro will take
p sre a: th knUhting cerectca
Jl n ;h Kfral Rcwaraa.
was rompll-
Mrs. I. W. H;
n.ei:ed by a froup of fneiis with
a farori l.nea itcsir at her
home ca th Lakenew highway
Wednesday afteraocn.
Games wer played durltg the
,y. of hh
del.c.cca reireshmeru wer.
Th.-e who hooored Mrs. Kar
were Mrs. S R. Berry. Mrs. H.
C Br,-ex. Mrs. A. W. Hiattxel.
Mrs. B. H.
PanU Mrs.
Praitt. Mrs. Ant!
Pearl Sckal-x. Jtrs.
Le-.ha Laxia. Mrs. " i t MiJer.
yrs. Can. Mrs. T. .
c- Vr- R- J- KalU Mrs. ack
Kale. Mrs. Jea K.gtlee. Mrs.
J W. Parent. Mrs. Fera Warner.
Mrs. E Ko:er. X-s. Jc-ra Ges-he-s,
Mrs. SmfJu Mra. W inters.
Mrs. Newman and Mrs. fiaru.
Tl Eartera f :r S.v'.sl rlxb
tret Fr.ity aftomooa at V storx
ixi w.rh X-. C. G Srttn.
Vr- c -- Kareey. Mrs. C- W.
Horx.trock and Mrs. Xrrg
ix taMes of brier wer Jt
play itr.xg -I arterxorw. w.-h
Hi .rr f.-r ccx tract ax-ariei
to Mrs Verxon Nor-aJ and
!:w aa.-tioa to Mrs. Kan.
The hall was wecrrated with
iris ai d s;r.-c risers. Tea was
serned when rrttfe eras ceer.
Mrs. Fritk and two
thSrex. i Crrralbs. are xistt-
rrg ;x K srjth Falls a; tx of Mm. Mrsrt pares. -j.
V- at 1 Mrs. J. A. KoaHoi ta
w k( r .,x -eet. Mr. axi
V-i. X : r wer fnrxcer rej.
texts t'. tin rrry. ax4 Mrs. Vs-
t tntntMrel as Vera
Sundav Dinner
.-nj c-s'iti tf rv.) t w-.ti
C rrr axf Rj:
K it! ixeet htl s
-r riisi-es
Ss-at F t Cray Sant
Vs rtxa-is
t hive:
Frft $;-tr ctirkea. Cm
fttirw Kuij-t Tt-kcT.
Vr-1 se-e. .'e-.'-'y
vital.": C"t Stak. xtiC-ftiatiW
rr'f. Fwlciax Kir. Fix
C-i-y Fisren.
Frr-asare et nuln. m" (T E-ir
Iwj,oet Teal Cxr.jeta.
W tats is
l. rox-t Prune
N i rt.arrk rra afiltt
f&r Ria
ytrt fjm CtrxsMl
Cat FYts Jed
..-axls-rrr Sher-smA
."i.!T It Teat 1C31
Brick Cafe
in v. riti
A (Csssst rv. s Us
nC Ail
ower onow Ami
Garden Party
Set June 1 5.
Th tenlsllie dais for tl an
nual tlorr V vh'1tJ b'
beea set for Thuri. Jun'. til-
terKih. whra aa ins show snl
sardia party will he livid in Hie
beautiful J.rd of lb Macartney
horn on Washirtnt-'a street h'il
Mrs. Kslph It. Mscannry
act as hoelos. acd Mi. t'rrd
Sch.liock u chairman ol arranKe-
menu ror tn tea.
Mra. Kuth Balhisny Is rhsir
tr.aa la rbars of the Ins she
All Tarie'.K ot Ins alii he dis
piaed. wilh evpeclsl Ir.trrevt i1d-
ed by ethlhlls of tb rarer eauied
varirtiea, which bloom 1st. In the
Aseisttns Mrs Bsthlsny on the
flower committee will be Mra. K !
G. I uromlns. Mrs. K. D linh. !
Mrs. C. C. e!ey. Mrs. Myra lain l
Stewart. Mra. U L. H.ndrKl.
Mrs. J. Perce Wells. Mrs. H. K :
Gets. Mra. W. L. Quinn. Mrs.
tieort l lrlch. Mrs. K. W. Van-:
"",ra K- " "ersereau
i no wno win assist Mrs. i .
. u4... in arransemenis I or idp
i befor. noon oa tb. dar of tb.
! flower .how. ia order that tb
'ludces. who will b a-
Bounced at a later date, may ae-
lect tb most beautiful specimens
and arrant them with their
awards hetor
tb afternoon s
Community Banq u e t
To Climax Week's
Social Events.
Cllmailng tba week's orlal
events will h the sn&nsl ba&Qaet .
ct th. Klasiath chsmNer of com-1
mere to be held Wednesday ae- i
nine at tb W iliard hotel.
Prcmicect speaker from Or-!
' gos and California win address
n, ccmmanity. sad a deltthtfo! ;
-r-iral program. 1, charge of,
Mrs. no, J. will S. pre-1
sented. Mr Le Jscobs will act!
. toasts-aster. I
j Th ma'sirsl program has been i
announced as follows:
risno Solo Country Gardrc
I Gratneer
' Betty G.Usther i
rVtsg Sing. Smil. Slumber. I
Gcanod '
riat. tiMttato. Mary He t ere SI
Mr. Leorte Hi.lit
lnt Solo Selected
I Mary rjeeereaax
The fit roaTent:-a of tie
Ore t oh Slat Gndiiate Nurses
I aoc.stioa wis held at Meit-rd.
ally : and J T. a-tended he dels-
fate frm throurhott tb state.
ll(gate from d. strict :cM ct
th aocjtioa wer Mrs. Vsde-
Ltint. Mrs Errma Scenes
and Visa Lydia Fntke.
Otters attend r.g it
trra tr..s c:y wer. Jeinie
T.iwcy. Ruhr !. Xldr. KeJ.
ireni. E.iisheth fharr.
Wo'.tws-.. EirA H:i Alir Camp-
"I'r deur . - . wir
crKiiir.sT when
thT' a trei: for yoa
:d Fr:d Hubrii a:
tie TeCAa Gr.j?
' Azi i.i Ton Viowr
. . . tie TtUcAS Gri:i
his chef . . . ct
dr. I Eean a ttt'
tnire-d ia Euror asi
Antrjca- Ki tA is
C b a r 1 e f Groiinand
aad be cilri a
til. It cf tt-nf cruf-al
. . . titrt tiiiiets
:iit are k rare aid
fci-3 w f.zi is tie c-r-iirATT
foj-f e1 San jar
iniprrr A.d cake a
iire fcr i rrer a: tie
Feiitaa Gr.'A. Xe."J
?'?t tie tsss-fj-litaa
ATTirrf T.t c tieir
trers. ar-d tire prxe
are ia c. mitii
;rfst tri."
rasa riaseM
bell. Annl Powell and Eleanor
ki. l.rl IslVrd on "In'llttt
tlonal Nurslni" and Mrs. Long
oix-m-d tb tu.-u"ion oa " Trl
ral I'uly Nurslni" Members
from this dltlrlrt er h.iitesnes
st th Friday luncheon,
i Mrs. KlUsbeth Shsrp Id h.r
of arrangements. eral cltr
tlunis r presented.
It was toted to h ld tb 111!
rontrntloa In Portland.
i.i , t, IIJ Tt
j A seci'Sd ot tb. ..rles of de
' sert brldt. parties which prored
M porulsr. will he sponsored by
nienihers of the tuiid ot pt. I'aul's
Kntsi-oiu.1 chart h on Monday at
tprutwn. Jun. 1. at trie parisa
houir, at I IB o cioi k Th. first
ot the N-nrs was held oa Mua
day. May !2.
Th. commttlee In rhsrt. of sr
rancertiebts for the party Is com
posed o! Mrs H. E. tlett. chslr
ntan: Mrs. D. V. Ku..kendslt.
Mrs 0. tv Konschot and Mrs.
, u ouinn Reser.atlpns for th at -
.... v . . .
! '" ' - buw . '-'" mtj
mem See of th. commute..
''"b score for th .renlrg was
i awarded to Mrs. L. Z. Carter, and
I 'w 1 Miss Ethel Fenwlrk
Tbo who enjoyed tb erenlng
! r Mist Lila Mo. Mrs. Bernsrd
Ivawllns His. Christine D. Rord.
Mis Ethel Kenwlck. Mrs. Ethel
Hoaglaad, Mrs. L. I. Carter. Miss
Grar ftchaetcr aad Miss Jury
"SENSATIONS" of supplespun.
the exclusive NEMO-FLEX two
way stretch' fabric the utmottt
A beautiful Mp-in of
protrn to oe tr.e periect lounaa
tioii for everyday wear.- All
ties 24 to Si.
An intermediate ter-in that jut artawer th
demand of your.p mtxiems" 12 r
inch 2er.ih in all siie 24 to S2. s -ZjJ
And tit wca'.dhl b
tnrtHod ... 'ensatloa'
Omhixatscxa go trr.
wher smartly dressed
w.uie . . . ariirt hast
svtjca ... hex floss . . .
avoakleas ... teeer hiitg
c a wr-.xkj.
JUi la all sir
it to li.
Out of Town Guest,
I lonored Thursday
At Garden Tea.
Mrs. II. P. Roswurth Jr. ss
'hosiers al a rhsrmlnily Inforroil
tardea parly In lb yard of
t iii(er trenu nnm. oa Thursdi.
siternotin. ronipiimsntlng nr
tuesls, Mra. Maiwl 1'l.rc ic(
Mrs. Hen Trowbrldg. at Msd
furd. Mrs. Jon., who Is elsltlag
her dsushl.r. Mrs. Atls McCoa,
nell, of Klamath Kails. aa alas
un. of Ih. bonor.d gast.
A number of frtads a!!4 at
th linsworlh bom daring l hi
h'.urs of tour antll an o clock.
Tea was served la th house t
tshle (atr4 with
spring tlnwera.
Mrs. gam ronll, Mr. Uuli
errura and Mra. Frank Willis
Kanford assisted tba hostess at
th tea table during tha aftsr
Ona of Ih moat IntarMtlag
1 .rents ot tha coming week
; . . . l - . - i . w .
vm 1 1. Rfims "...1 T.
he Kulalana rhsnter of tk.
I " A IO',lr """"
pror,m- ! X",," ' aamhet
of talks by promlBval mmbrt
' .
j Mr. aad Mrs R. H. flranbr aad
i dsushtsr Usrl.ll. of Sai..s
wer wk nd gt la Klamath
Falls. They wr ot.rtlad by
Mr aad Mra. Walter Wt at th:r
bums oa "oath RlTcratd tesaaa.
So light ... to eotaforta
bl . . . why thmw Jat
Isn't a thing ta wrinkle ta
this dltghtfl s'.rt raw-inch
at.s-la ... tha -Xipa' ex
tend high aoci th waist
lira and long rar th hip
Mad ta all i
24 t 11
fourteen inch lep.rtli