N N EWS CLASSIFIED EWS COVERAGE 4k , m" Tba Klamath News la serrlcsd by llie niamaill nrm is rraw in rwrr wtiua ill Klamath county and northern California. If there le sopirlhlng. evil, mat or trade iir II yua ami sunirllilng, th aelel mm hod Is lha classified ad. ad Press, I'nited Pim, News tCatsi ui an Association aad MeNangbt Paalara lynda. cat. Coaatr coverage by auff writer aad corTespoadeatSA Vol. 8, No. 201 Price Five Cents KLAMATH FALLjS, ORE., SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1933 (Every Morning Except Monday) Im Emmmr News Editorials on tht Day's News . By FRANK JKNKINn "CALEM Asks riva Million! lor Public Worki Project." 80 runt a toeadlln la tha current news ot tha day. liar Id Klamath Fslls, wa, aakad tha othar day lor seven and halt million!, balnc Juat that much mora Important than Balam. Portland dropa Into tha hoppar a modest request lor aoma SIXTY MILLIONS. Thesa ara thraa cttleB among tha thouaanda In tba United Statu. By tba tlm they ALL tat la tbalr btda. It will pre sent QUlta a aum. won't lit MEA.VWHILE. private Induitry tulfari for lark of credit with which to sat going, and so pro vide employment for thos who bare none now. Thla writer atlll holds to tbe opinion that If what the lorornment wanta ls to create jobe It could get farther by lend ing a modeet amount to private Industry than by spending huge eume for none-too-bsdly needed public works that will have to be maintained by taxation after they ara built. a a THE WILLAMETTE valley, we read, will have a abort prune crop thla year, present animates running aomewhere from 15 to It per cent of a full yield. Douglaa county, however, ex (Contlnued on Pata Four) UUSted fireman 10 Be Given Hearing Thru Civil Service Tha city civil aarvlc commie aton has set Monday evening at 2:20 o'clock aa the tlm for hear Ing petitions from Fred N. Davis, fireman, aa to w-.v he should not be dismissed from the depart ment. ( Davl, was discharged June 1 by Fir Chief Art llardcll on chargea of disorderly conduct fighting and Insubordination. Ac cording to tha chief, Davla waa tha aggressor In an argument with C. H. Lewis, lr mirk re lief driver, and that ha became abusive to Lewis. retltlon Filed Bardell dismissed Davla at ance. Davla filed bla petition for civil service hearing Saturday morning with Police Judge Rich mond. He waa suspended from the de partment on the same charges on January 37 by the commission, but was put bark on tha force af ter a month's discipline. Under the city civil eervlce code, an employe under discipline la required to furnish the burden of proof at a hearing. Several witnesses to tha alleged disorder ly conduct ot Davis will he pres ent at the Monday night hearing Mill Construction Near Completion Construction work at tha Ivory Pin company mill near Pelican City la being rapidly completed nnder tha direction ot F. Hill Hunter and la expected to begin operatlona the Utter part of next Week. Bill Horhelt, sawmill foreman when the mill was operated by tha Wheeler-Olmstead company, will hold tha same position when the mill resumes operatlona next week. Floyd Ranker will be foreman in charge of tba yard and shipping. Tha Walker, Hovey company which will aupply loga for the mill operatlona from a body of the company's timber near M se rine, expects to start moving logs Wednesday or Thursday. Will Roger Says: BEVERLY HILLS, June 3. Editor The Klamath News: "Farm prices have advanced 17 per cent in the last month." Now that's bet ter news than a speech on "(rood r e 1 a t i ons" by Mussolini and Hitler combined. Our new ambassador to England Rot so elated over the Prince of Wales introducing- him that he turned over America to England to be used as they saw fit. It takes a strong man. to remember what country he is repre senting when the wine and flattery start flow ing. If the republicans ever decide to enter another presidential e a n d i d ate they better hire this lit tle fellow Pecora to run for 'em. He is the best bet I see right now, Yours, Vatican Lav'i -Ousts. ArflD mtim CIU'HCII KX-OUMM. .iCATEB GOVKRNMKNT FOR NEW MADRID RllIXO VATICAN CITY. June S. (AP) Tha entire government ot SDaln has been automatically ex communicated from tbe Catholic church for algnlng antl-Catbollc decrees, tha Vatican alat de partment announced today after Pope I'lus had Issued a surprise encyclical declaring that new Hpanlsb religious lawa constitut ed a grievous attack on tha church. Tbe department explained that no decree of excommunication will be proclaimed becaus the acta committed by the Spanish government come automatically under the provision of canon law. Representations Made (A religious congregation law waa published In Madrid today changing religious orders to civil societies and turning art treas ure worth millions of dollars over to lha atate. Tbe Spanish bishops and archbishops called the new law "Infamous" and "oppreaslve.") The Pontiff said he had made representations to the Spanish government because ot "the er ror of Ha course In wounding (Continued on Page Three) ROOSEVELT IN ON VET ISSUE Reduction of Veterans Funds Taken Up With Senator Cutting WASHINGTON. June I. UP) President Roosevelt today took up the decision ot the senate re stricting the administration's pro gram for economies on veterans allowances, talking with Senator Cutting, (r.. N. M.) about II. The administration's course waa a matter of conjecture. Speaker Kalnry having hatarded earlier the house was "in as much revolt aa the senate against the economise In vetoran expenditure. Reduction F.atlniatnl. Senator Cutting estimated yes terday's senate vote limiting to (Continued on Page Three) Morgan Partners 'On Spot' in Tax Evasion Probing WASHINGTON. Jun 2. (CP) Senate Investigation of J. P. Morgan and company, which re vealed that the famous bead ot the firm recelvea a 25 per cent share of th profits, la turning toward th personal tax returns ot at least one partner. Chairman Fletcher ot tha sen ate committee Investigating th world's greatest private bank, revealed that Income tax ques tions wer Involved In the ex amination of Thomas B. Lamont, a junior partner, who appeared briefly In th witness chair yes terday. Tbe United Press learned to day that senate Investigation will propose for Inquiry th per sonal stock transactions of two other partnera In' addition to Lamont. It Is understood they are William Ewing and Harold Stanley, Prussian Prince Weds Commoner BONN, Germany. Jun I. IIP) Hallowed Holientollern tradi tion, a rigid "house law" since th 1 6th century, waa broken to- day by the marriage of former Prince Wllhelm ot Prussia to Dorothea Von Salvlatl, a vlv' clous 25-year-old girl of "unequal birth." Th prince, who will be IT July 4. one waa In line for the German throne, but by the mar riage he may forfeit all bis chances If th dynasty should roturn to power. Candidates File For Convention SALEM. June S UP) Thirty- three eandldatea for election as delegatea to the slate constitu tional convenlon filed with the secretary ot atnt her today, all hot two of them favoring repeal of the 18th amendment. Twenty' fly were listed aa Multnomah county candidates. With thla group a total ol 110 have filed for vote on July 21. Fourteen ot thee favor re tention. A total of lit dele gate will be elected. Tule Lake Cains Rent Deferment PORTLAND, Jun t. OP) A. special dispatch to tha Journal to day from Washington, D. 0., snld 'Secretary of the Interior Ickes has advised Senator McNary that settlers ot tha Tula Lake division ot th Klamath reclamation pro ject will be granted deferment ot land and water rentala due Jun 1 to November 1 upon exec 11 (Ton ot personal notes a( security." - , I 1111 U UULLLUU U. 5. BUREAUS Dope on Love Life of Frogs, Wear on Sheets Held Unnecessary "If You Cut Veteran's Allowance, Trim Frills Too," Says Leader SALEM, Jun I. (CP) Fed eral bureaucrarlee whose func tions are to determine the "love life ot a bull-frog and the wear ing qualltlea of bed sheets," wore held up in ridicule by Louis A. Johnson, West Vir ginia, national commander of the American Legion, in a speech at th Salera armory tonight. In a vigorous appeal urging mora atrlngent economiea In na tional affairs. Johnson Inter spersed his remarka with witty descrlptiona of how some gov ernment agencies ''spend your money and mine." , laugha at Kolona Referring to the thousands ot pamphleta mailed from Wasb Ington under franking privil eges, the Legion commander pointed to on entitled, "Tbe Love Life of a Bull-Frog." "Who," Johnson a'sked, "would be Interested In that ex cept another bull-frog? "If w are going to have economy In America at th ex pense of the veterans, then we want to hear nothing more about the sex life of bull-frogs. We want the 27,000.000 that la being spent on bugolog'sta In that department wiped out If It Is going to be cut from the disabled veterans." Tha national commander told of another department that aent an "old maid" - a pattern tor the making ot boys' pants, and h said he assumed they are ending aurh material to "all the old maids In America." "They apend thousands of dollara Investigating to deter mine where bed sheets wear out first." , he added, "and they friend out' "that they wear 6ut where the heaviest part of the noily rests. Any chambermaid could have told the government that." Indirectly, Johnson referred to disclosures In the J. P. Mor gan and companv senate In quiry, when he said "half the wealth of thla country la invest ed In tax-exempt securities. "If we are going to have economy, then let our govern ment call In these tax-exempt securities so that the dollars of the rich man ahall be taxed pro rata with the dollara ot the, poor man in carrying on tnis govern ment ot ours." Striking Sheepmen To Elect Officers Tuesday Evening The meeting of the newly or ganised Sheepherdera association which Is calling on all sheen- herders of the county to strike ror miner wages, will be held at tha Lyceum hall, Tuesday eve ning at 8:30 0 clock. Permanent officers of the as sociation will be elected and methods of demanding a more ravorable wage acale discussed New members will also be taken Into th organisation and meana of communication adopted witn tnose unable to attend meetings. Although herders of th county hav not yet been generally called on to quit their Jobs a large number have left their work and have Joined the association fight In Klamath Falls, according to Con O'Keete, committee member assisting In tns movement. Alleged Burglar Put Under Arrest Joseph Kirk waa arrested by Sheriff Lloyd Low and Sergeant R. D. Davla of tha state police. Saturday on a bench warrant is sued by the circuit court clerk on order ot th Klamath county grand Jury. Ho ia being held In th county Jail charged with burglary In a dwelling. Kirk la alleged to hav stolen property from a house of Clayton Kirk with Leo Dalhy who waa arraigned before Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, Fri day. The Indictment against Kirk Is on of the two secret Indictments returned by the grand Jury at th last session. Lakeview Youth Honored At School LAKEVIEW. Ore. Bart A. Whltehous ot Lakeview, senior In pharmacy at Oregon State college, waa honored with a lit membership In th National As sociation of Drug Clerks at a recent meeting ot tha Oregon S'at Pharmaceutical associa tion. The prise Is offered each year by the drug clerks' asaociatlon to encourage a higher scholastic standing, service to the school of pharmacy and a sens ot responsibility. NewX'aws In Effect June 9 CIX MARRIAGE, INCOME TAX, Al'TO LICENSE CHANGES ARE INCLUDED By CLATTOJf V. BF.RJCHARD (A. P. Staff Writer) SALEM, June t (PI Th Ore gon "gin" marriage law, Income tax Increaaes and lowered re demptions and revised drivers' license provisions will be smong the 240 legislative acta whtcb will become .effective on June 2. Only a few of the acta of the 1922 legislature which will be come effective at the expiration of tha 20 daya following the close of th session sre of major importance, tbe majority being amendatory, corrective or ot a minor nature. The legislature enacted 462 new laws, but the most Impor tant ones, such aa appropria tions, racing bill, banking au pervlslon, city refunding and un employment relief, were de clared emergencies and became lawa upon the signature of tbe governor. There were 110 emer gency bills. Kale Tax t'p To augment the group of en- actmenta not yet effective are hose referred to the people by the legislature, Including the general sales tax and those to be (Continued on Pag Three) POLICE ALLEGE DEATH MOTIVE Quarrel Over Wife's "Coolness" Asserted As Murder Explanation Ily GEORGE E. HF.LMF.R I'nited Preaa Stnff Correspondent PALO ALTO. Cel.. June 2. (CP) Developments In tbe murder case of Allene Thorpe Lemson, campue Y. W. C. A. secretary, whose romance with David Lamsrjh waa almost a university tradition, ataggered dignified Stanford ton'ght as 1 lh ln.vur.nlil htisliftnri mnvf closer toward trial on a charge of first degree murder. Less than a week ago, the Lamaona, whose life centered on the campue for sine years, were regarded aa the most Ideally happy couple In the college com munity. Tonight, Lamson was in Jail in San Jose, charged with murder. His wife's body wss in the morgue. Theories Conflict She was beaten to death, po lice claim, as she stood in the bsthroora of their cottsge on the fringe of Stsnford campus, within a atone'a throw of the San Juan bill residence ot ex- Prealdent Herbert Hoover. - Lamson'a attorney, Arthur M. Free. Insists her death waa due to an accidental fall. In sup port ot his theory, he said he bad a written statement that a prowler, allpping into the house In aearch ot food, so frightened Mrs. Lamson that ahe fainted, fell In the bathtub and struck ber head on a fixture. The as serted ststement appeared In a letter the prowler wrote another person, and precipitated a aearch for th author. The motive. Sheriff William Emlg claimed, could be traced to a sharp contrast ot emotional (Continued on Pag Three) Gold Repeal Plan Passed by Senate As Leaders Drive WASHINGTON, June 2. (UP) Th gold repeal .solution waa passed by the senate today un der a drive of the democratic leadership to have the blil en acted In time for the treasury to begin Important funding op erations Monday. The measure eliminating the "gold payment clause" In public and private obligations, already has passed the house and Is now ready tor the president's signa ture. Th Tola wss 42 to 20, and csme after Senate Majority Leader Robinson had refused to permit adjournment until the resolution waa voted on. A few minutes before final action the senate defeated, 21 to 42. an amendment offered by Senator Reed, republican, Pennsylvania, which would hav required pay. ment of present outstanding ob ligations In gold, , Bravo, Will! Let's Make the People More Air'Minded UNITED AIRPORT, Los Angeles, June 2. (UP) Will Rogers, cowboy humorist and film actor, la a confirmed air traveler, and recently, posed with hie arm about th shoul ders ot a comely stewardeas aboard a pasaenger ahlp. Today Rogers returned th company's card furnished tor suggestions about service with th commeqt; "Suggest one stewardess tor each passenger." KNOWN DEATHS IN OIL BLAZE PLACED AT 10 More Than 50 Injured In Explosion; Damage Reaches Millions Eearthquake Alarm Given ' 10 Miles From Blast; Dead Are Heroes SIGNAL HILL, Calif., June 2. UP) Tbe number of known dead in the explosion and fire whlcn devastated an area of four blocks in this city of oil derricks and retlneriea yesterday, was Increas ed to ten today. More than 20 persons were injured. The dam age, still being checked, ran into hundreds of tbousanda ot dollars. The bodies of Robert Bennett and Carl E. Robinson, both of Long Beach, were found In the wreckage, of the D'Angelo Oil company plant, which adjoins the Richfield Oil company refinery, scene of the blast. Both had been reported missing. Robin son bad worked yesterday for the first time in nine months, friends said. Hia automobile atood near the plant, unclaimed. llodlra Identified Another body In the morgue at Long Beach, where the dead were taken, was atlll unidentified. The corrected list of dead: Robert Bennett, Long Beach. Iharlre J. Brown, WhltUrr. Mrs. Lottie Carl) on. Signal Hill .Marilyn, H, aaugmer or Mre. Canyon. I baric X. Cope, long Reach. Duke (iaughan, Uelllluwer. t'arl Robinson. Long Uracil. J. L. r.numwa). Uellllovrer. fcdward VI Her, Anaheim. Signal Hill, adjoining Long Beach at the northern city limits, still watched black streamers of smoke drift from the remnants ot oil derricks ravaged yesterday by concussion and flame when a lit. la compression chsmber, bare ly 20 feet long and three teet in diameter, loosed havoc on this rich petroleum-producing area. Flame Cover Fields Tbe latent power in the J'black, suio gusning tram signer Hill which only 12 years -ago -was merely, a .cucumber patch be came a roaring inferno as tba compression chamber of tbe re finery on the Richfield Oil com pany properties exploded earlv in tbe afternoon. Gas rushed from the tank, to spread flame ana envelop th field in a tor rent ot nre. Concussion added Its itmiM. lvenesa as fire licked at oil (mi k-. ed derrick structures in the psraeo neia. demolishing - frame buildings within an area of many blocks, and giving rise to frantic shouts ot earthquake. Lung uoiu aua lav surrounding area (Continued on Pag Three) School Operation Expense Reduced In Klamath County Financial mmmriiAn, n nine Mnent m.11,1... .... - " 'l'..D m mc Klamath county school unit wnr mad taiurrjay By Superin tendent Fred Peterson fn. since 1931. Outstanding warrant. .. notes on Jun 1, 1921, amounted to 125.677. During the year 1932, the budget for operating and maintenance waa decreased from 2199 44 ia 1 1 c s iei June 1, 1932, outstanding var- sua notes were oecreased to a total nf 111 4 Tba hnriret ,. . th year 1932 to 2170.420 and uu iuiis i, mas, no warrants or notes Ver niltalnnriln mnA - total ot cash on hand amounted to siu.uuu. The aavlng above the amount CUt til lha hllripat m-. m .4. I. a decrease of supplies, equipment. repair wors and decreased sal arles. City Improves On Water System LAKKVIEW", Ore. Work will begin Monday upon further im provements to the Lakeview mu nlrlpal water system. A new eight-Inch pipeline will be laid from the city in th Industrial section of the city near the rail road tracks to the cltv reservoir. About a mile of two-Inch pipe which has been used for many yeara, will be replaced. The cost of this improvement la be ing taken care ot by th earn ings ot the system. More than 216,000 In revenue has been ex pended during th past three yeara In tha Improvement ot th transmission line. ' About 26 men have been en gaged for tha new work and th Job will take about three weeks. Treasurer to Call ' Warrants Monday County Treasurer O.' 1. ' Tay lor will Issue a call for 115.000 current expense warrants -and 22,000 road warrants Monday, he said Saturday night. Th current expense fund war rant call will cover the period from March 29 to May 1, Road warranta up to January 1 will D pieaned up, . .; 1 1 Speeds Over Sea James Mattern of Oklahoma of Progress," In which he sped in an attempt to reach Berlin on flight In which he hopes to beat shows th principal cities along FOREST CAMPS WILL BE CUT Five Outfits May Be Abandoned in Klamath Area, Says Report R. E. Bradbury, director of relief, Saturday morning received word indicating tbe elimination of at least five forest eampa in thla territory. The announce ment waa general throughout Oregon and other countlea re ported reductions In the number ot civilian conservation corya campa. The Klamath order probably will mean abandoning plana for one camp In Fremont forest, two in Deschutes and two In Rogue national firest. Recruits Leave. A young care-tree civilian "army" ot 88 reforeetatioa ra crults piled Into two school buses and a truck In front of the court house Saturday morning and were hauled away to their new home ten miles from Silver Lake. Knowing little of what they will face at the timber camp or what they will be expected to do for six months had no bearing on their leaving, few seemea vj care, for It waa a Job they, were going out on aometning me ma jority had not known for many montha. Recorda In the gover nor relief showed the majority ot those selected hav been out of work and receiving relier.. Few Have Bassage. Some carried amall bundlea nnder their arms, aome had suit cases with a gsod change ot clothing and othera bad nothing but hopes, and the clothing they wore. A desire to leave tor the camp was shown by some of the men Friday evening. One lad from (Continued on Pag Three) - Rolph Signs x Bills Closing Klamath to Fishing With Nets SACRAMENTO. Jun S. UP) After an extended bearing here laaf til-ht flnvarnor Roloh alsned iwn hills elnslns- the Klamath river to commercial fishing and prohibiting ns 01 nets wunm sou 1 eel ot in river a mwi aflee JsminrV 1. 1934. On of the bills carries a 215. CO0 appropriation to compensate Mrs. George Fields, owner ot the iriBmaih Rlvee Packers associa tion who will b put out ot busi ness with the closing or ins river to commercial fishermen. d.Iam I h a eneemnr signed the measures he obtained the promise of tbe legislators ana othera present that It be aends a special message to the legis lature when It meets In July to compensate Indiana for the nets and boats they use in commer cial fishing, tnat sncn a diii win be sponsored by tnem. Man Injured When Car Leaves Road A small delivery car. driven by Worth McVeigh of Modoc Point, ran off The Dallee-Call-tornla blghwav about two miles south ot Mod oo Point Saturday morning. Johnnie Gentry of Moro, Ore., received severe lacerationa and brulsea on th head, upon being thrown from th car. Gentry and a companion. Buck Howard ot Bend, wer bumming their way north and were picked up by McVeigh near Algoma. State police and sheriff's offi cers Investigating th case de clared McVeigh had lost con trol of th car and It bad ran over the bank. M'MBKR WORK HIT SALEM, Jnna 2. (UP) Petl tlona protesting proposed lumber operatlona along the Crater Lake highway wer In th bands of Gor. Meter Uir- Th petitions contend that cutting ot timber would despoil much ot th nat ural scenery ot th highwt, On World Hop! City and his plan "The Century over th Atlantis Saturday Bight th first lap of a round-the-world the Post-Gatty record. Th map th rout. . Solum Kill Sales Tax MVST FIND BOMS OTHER WAT TO Bllf PCBLIO WORKS PROGRAM WASHINGTON, Jun 2, UP) Th senate finance committee to day rejected the sales tax as a means ot financing the 22.200, 000,000 public works program la the administration Industrial re covery bllL -v McAdoo Rejected The Tot. against th sales tax as proposed by Senator Reed, (R Pa.), exempting food, clothing and medicine, was 10 ts S, with tbe following listed as voting against: Democrats King, George, Bar ney, Connelly, Costlgan. Clark. Byrd and Harrison. - Republicans Consena and La Follette. Democrats voting tor It wsra Walsh, Bailey and Lonergaa. Republicans Reed. Kays, Met calf, Hastings and Ws".cott. Th tax proposed wag 1! per cenc. The committee also rejected an amendment by McAdoo (D.. Cal.) for an issuance of treasury Botes to finance the public works pro gram. The vote waa 12 to f. The house provision calling for exclusive use of American ma terials in - the construction pro gram wa eliminated after repre sentations were presented on be- n.iu ot. ue state and war depart ments. Gasoline Prices to Rise Here, Survey Of Stations Shows Gasoline prices are expected to be raised in Klamath Falls on and one-half cents per gallon Im mediately, according to a surrey Saturday siternoon. A preea report stated Saturday that the Los Angeles coast head quarters of the union Oil vom pany advised tha Portland Jour nal by telegram ot a on and one-bait eent advance In their gasoline price, effective Imme diately throughout Oregon. Although th local Union Oil company bad received no defi nite order to advance prlcea Sat urday afternoon. Instructions wer expected. ' Several other companlea also announced expec tations ot receiving orders for advances. Farley, Forecasts Two-Cent Stamps GROVE CITY, Pa., Jun 2. (JP) James A. Farley, postmastsr, general, today forecast th re-' turn ot two-cent postage on let ter mail "within th next few weeks." Speaking at th dedication ot Grove City's new federsl build ing, Fsrley said he expect Pres ident Roosevelt to sign the pos tage cut bill In a few daya. Press Time ' SALEM, June 8. . (VP) A court order restraining; en. force ment of- the n.w truck and bua bin will be sought by the Truck Owner and Farm era' Protective association, it waa agreed here today at a meeting of repreeentatlvea of It anlta of the organisation. H ACRAMKNTO, Jan 8. (VP) The atate liquor con trol bill, which insures regit latloa ot liquor if the 18th amendment ahould he re pealed, was signed today by Governor James Rolph, Jr. The measure would bar th saloon. WABHINGTOX, Jan 8. (VP) President and Mrs. Roosevelt took their first dip Ia the new Whits House swimming pool late today, en joying halt aa hoar ia the cool water. WASHINGTON, III! . (IT). President Roosevelt MATTERN OVER OCEAN ON HOP Hopes to Reach Berlin Sunday Morning on Firit Lap of Flight Post-Gatty Record As saulted by Aistor, Weather FtYorsblf paris, jass 4. (vry (Saarlay) Aviation flattta, aerial etattoa aad aort aa thnrltles kef a sharp lenkoss) today - for Jimmy Mactera, American anmsd tha world fUer, who Teas expected a reach tha eoatineat Mora 10 a. m., G. M. T. rt. iniraa m-m . v a Sunday (UP) Jimmy afattera Waa nrMnmiKk, a nnw.. coast of Europe in bla brightly coiorea -riying Tan" catunr ot Progress early today oa th moat dangerous phase at his daring attempt to fly around tha worn, solo. From thla "haihi mM nti..n to Enron th Mnilu.-i. maa lies entirely orr water and tha usiiway marc la considered th crisis ot any trans-Atlantic at tempt, Onco across th deso late stretches ot tba north At lantic Matters' coarse will b largely over land aad hi chance for a new world flight record brightened. Th Texan has not been re ported sine hia gaudy Leek-heed-Vega aped over Lewisports, ISO miles from here at 2 p. xa Newfoundland daylight tlm heads! for Rltn at Tela mSm a 1,250-mile trip from Kw i org uity in aignt Boors. By raJeed Preaa Flying a gaady-haed mono plane, Jame Mattern sped east ward over th Lindbergh rent to Europe Saturday sight oa as attempt to fly alone aroosd th giooe, . Th noaeplas waa fast sighted off th MV"' n coast,' making- good - Mafl 'abeT heading into ravorable weather. With a tall wtnd. Mattern was believed to have new trans-Atlantic records Is hia grasp it all goes well. Back ia Week Th Texas flier planned to be back In New Tork within s week, which would break th Post-Gatty record - for circling the globe. Along th Irish coast, at Lebourget field ls France and at Templehoff air- (, drome, Berlin, preparations wer made to welcom him wherever he first lands. His objective was Berlin. Mattern passed over Wadhaai Island. 10 miles sooth of Fogo at 2:20 p. m Newfoundland daylight time, going northeast at high speed. Mattern left Floyd Bennett field in New Tork at 2:11 a. m., E.D.T., today and mad s awlft passage along th Atlantis coast to Newfoundland, covering 1.2S0 miles In approximately eight hours. The plane, named the Century (Continued on Page Three) New High School At Tule Lake to Be Meeting Topic TULE LAKE. Methods ot fi nancing tbe construction of s new high school building here will be discussed at a meeting this afternoon at the Americas Legion hall. . The proposed new school will be built by a union district com prising the present Tule Lake and Wlnema districts. The meeting this afternoon will be sponsored by the cham ber ot commerce. Members ot the county high school board will attend and A. G. Grant, chairman of th board, will speak. All persons Interested In tha new school hav been nrged to attend. News Flashes sent to the senate today the nominations of Harconrt Alex ander Morgan of Tennessee and David E. Mlllenlhal of Wisconsin to be members of the Tennessee Talley author.'. ty. FI.IXT, Mich., June 8. (VP) Ralfe MaeDonald, 17, sought for more than a week in con nection with the murder of his wealthy mother, was left one-third of her estate, ac cording to the will filed for probate today In court her. ' PAWHV9KA, Okie., June 8. (VI') The man hnnt for th 10 Kanaaa convicts still at. large tonight shifted suddenly to th Osage hills. ' IMLKKMA, Sicily, Jane 2V ((:-) Mt. Vesuvius wa ts eruption tonight emitting thick amoke and meandeaeeat rtaaV era, bat selsmologtite saM th activity wa not likely t eeert th customary spring; daw tai-baac.