PAGE SIX THE KLAMATH NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON June 2, 1933 E National, Local Markets There vera only eight clear days riurlnr the mouth of May. accord I m to recorde compiled at the V. 8. weather bureau in Klamath Falls. Eleren dare were partially cloudy, and 12 days entirely cloudy. Total precipitation for the pe ricd was 1.28 Inchon, or .3 of an Inch above normal precipi tation for the month. In spite of this Increase, the season to date ia 2. SI inches under aver age moisture expectancy. The maximum temperature for May. according to govern ment records waa 7 degrees on May 29. and the minimum tem perature was 25 degrees abova zero, recorded on the third and sixth days of the month. The moan maximum temper ature waa 67.9. the meaa mini mum 35, and the mean, 46.4. Average temperature for the month waa 63.3. DULY COMPLETE Installation of the Bryon- Jackson pump which will sup ply water for the reservoir In Moore park it rirtually complete, according to an announcement from E. Z. Thomas, city engineer, and tests cf the pipe line from the lake will be made on Satur day cr early next week. The pomp has a pumping capacity of 300 gallons a minute. The park reservoir holds 1, 600,000 gallons of water which wilt be used for irrigation pur pose?, and will furnish added attraction to the park. Grounds surrounding the artificial lake will be landscaped, and It Is probable that waterfowl will be obtained to beautify the pool. !N LANE HOSPITAL "EUGENE, June 1, (AP) L. A. Banks, convicted murderer of Constable George F. Prescott of Jackson county, will not appear in Portland to face bankruptcy hearings today. Circuit Judge George F. Skipworth announced. "If he's due in Portland today, he'll just continue to be due." the judge said, "Banks wilt re main here until after sentencing." The ex-publisher and orchard !ft, who ha3 been in a hospital here since a Lane county jury convicted him of second degree murder, will undergo an opera tion within a few days. r.s m mm ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 1, (AP) President Roosevelt to day handed the commissions to the 1933 naval academy gradu ating class with an Injunction to the new officers to make friends with their countrymen. Departing from his brief pre pared speech, Mr. Roosevelt dis closed to the cheering assemblage in Dahlgren hall that "I love the United States navy more than any other branch of the government." H FOEEST GUMPS APPROVED BY F. R. WASHINGTON, June 1. W) President Roosevelt approved to day 257 new forest work pro jects on wnlcn more than 51,000 young men win ho employed tht; summer and fall In 35 states. Robert Fechner, direcor of emergency conservation work. said 200 members of the civilian conservation corps would be em ployed at each of the camps. Approval of the New York pro jects orougnt tne total of ap proved forest camps to 1556. MORATORIUM IMKHKD WASHINGTON, June 1, (AP) The White bill granting a two year moratorium to desert land entrymen on annual and final assessments on public land was passed today by the house and sent to the senate. TO WHEAT RALLIES CHICAGO, June 1. (T) Kast ern buying late today, coupled with strength of securities, led to a stroi.z rally in grain markets. and more than overcame the ef fect of early downturns of wheat prices. Unofficial June erop reports suggested the United States 1951 probable yield of wheat would be 51T.000.000 bushels, about 100.- 000,000 less than was harvested last year, and 113.000. under the 1916-"0 average. Tentative fig ures on corn Indicated around 104,000.000 acres might be plant ed this season, compared with 107.TJ9.000 acres harvested last year. . . V'hcat closed Irregular, e oft to 1c up. compared with yester day's finish: ' corn, unchanged to 1c higher: oats at c decline to a shade advance, and provisions at 7c to 13c set-hack. Stock Market Quotations CHICAGO GKAIV CHICAGO. June 1. (P) Wheat, No. 1 red, to arrive. SOc: No. t mixed, 74c. Corn, No. 8 mixed. 43c to 44c. mainly white; No. 3 mixed. 41 Jc: No. 1 yellow, 431c to 4 tic; No. 2 white. 4 5c. Oats. No. 1 white, 25c; No. 3 white. 24c to !e. Rye. No. S, 57c. Barley. J 2c to 6 Sc. Timothy seed, per cwt., 11.25 to 13.60. Clover seed, per cwt. 17.15 to 111. S3. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTLAND. June 1, (JP Wheat Open High Low Close July .tl .1 .601 .601 September ,62 .S2 .2 .62 December .4 .641 : 64 1 .641 Own Wheat No. 1 Big Bend bluettera Dark hard winter, 12 . Dark hard winter, 11 . ."ott wnite .. Western white Hard winter .6 .691 I .6 : .60J .58 .60 .58 .58 Northern spring Western red Oats. No. 2 white. (22.60. Corn, No. 2 yellow. 118.50. Illrun standard, 119.00. Today's car receipts: Wheat. 45; flour. 10; corn. 2; oats, 1. Stock Averages (Copyright. UJ. Standard Stalls- SO JO 0 a; fnrfra DD-. F " . - . Thursday SI. 5 43.s n 77 J Prev. day 80S 43 c sj.l ? "go 75.1 40.1 S8 5 71 I Year ago 3. 11 1 si. J i; o 3 rears ago l9.s 270 3 194 5 High, 1S-3 11 1 43 1 85.1 77 7 '-o. 1533 43 1 33 5 CM 43 MICH. 1933 - 73 1 39.1 IM S Low. 1931 . 35 I 13.1 ti t New 1S33 high. 73 1 15.0 Bond Averages (Copyright. 1933, standard Statis tics Company) 20 20 Thursday 71.1 74.a rrev. day 71.1 74.5 Week ago 70.4 72.1 Year ago 54.1 47.4 3 years ago --94. 1 104.4 High, 1S33 71.1 74 Low, 1933 78.1 57 0 High. 1931 . 71 1 7S.0 Low. 1931 53.1 47.4 New 1931 high. 10 11 4 SI 5 81.5 70 J 0 7.l 76.1 74 57.5 NEW YORK, June 1, MV Stocks and staples maintained firm front generally today In the fare of Intermittent profit taking flurries. A late rally In the rails gave the list a fairly strong un dertone at the close, although early fains In some specialties were reduced to frerttons. The turnover approximated 4.000,000 shares. Thursday's closing prices: Air Reduc. 791 Alaska Jun 1st Al. Chem. A Dy 102 Am. Can ilj Am. For. Pow. 12 Am. Smelt. & Kfx. 35 A. T. T 117 Am. Tob. B 85 Anaconda Mining 181 Atrh. T. S. F. 671 Atlantir Ref 26 Baltimore Ohio 111 Bendlx Aviation 16 Bethlehem Steel 17 I Borden Co 33 Burr. Add. Mactt. 171 Canada Pacific 15 Case (J. I.) 74J Chesapeake 4t Ohio US Chrysler Motor . 13 s Col. G. A K. 1S1 Coml. Solv ISi Commonwealth Southern . 3 Corn Products 72t Continental Can 57i Curtlss-W right H Drug Inc . 64 1 Dupont De N. 1071 Kastman Kodak 81 Klec. Auto & I.t. 21 Kl. Pow. I.t. 8 General Foods 34 1 General Motora Gillette Raior Gold Dust International Harvester I. T. T. Johus Man. .. , Kennecott . Kroger Grocery .... Liggett Myers B. Lcrillard Tob. Co. Monty Ward Nash Motors National Biscuit 99 5 1000 85.1 7S.I 74.1 86 I 70.1 63.6 78.1 67 5 14 22 37J 141 IS 211 30i 89J 20J 2.5 1 191 55 20, 131 35f 261 4J 39 27J 141 49 411 St 31 62 43 30( 81 Hi 20 33 S6J 4 !2J 281 6 39 109 311 81 19 121 521 211 43J 38 George Bernard Shaw Is like a fly riding on the nvte nt m .1,..,., wheel and exclaiming. "What a dust I do raise!" Frederic S. Anderson, 23. member of an American eolleffe Hehattne. (earn I in Eng'and. ., . 1 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, June 1, U.R Hogs: 425. Moder ately active. lights and butchers barely steady; bulk good and choice 164-191 lb.. California. 5.35 to 15.60, latter top; Malta unsold: Few Ins lb., 15.10: packing sows, 13.00 to 13.75 Cattle: 400, Including 90 di rect, and 110 holdovers. Steers slow, other classes moderately ac tive, for two day all classes steady to 25c lower, good fed steers scarce: load rough 1388 lb., fed California steers, 15.00. bulk on sale. Including three cars rough horned Brahma type, lat ter held around $4.75; good cows abse.-, bulk common to medium. 12.00 to $3.75, low cutters and cutlers mostly $1.00 to $1.75; good 1600 lb. bulls, $3.50. bulk $3.75 to $3.50. Wednesday, load 731 lb., fed California yearlings and steers $6.00, car medium to common. 961 lb., $5.75, five cars grassers to feed lot. Cslves: 25. No early sales, tndicstions stocker outlet. Sheep: 800. Including 850 holdovers, loimhs dull, under tone weak with Wednesday's full 25c decline, very little early in terest, indications deck or more to more to feed lot. Late Wed nesday, deck mostly good to choice, 76 lb., wooled lambs. $6.00. 300 head medium and good lightweight shorn. $5.25 approximately 1150 head to feed lot. , Nazi's Arrival Sets Off Riot Mr X-yiJitn - ..- sv t tr - - i l"la3 More than a thousand Commun ists battled police for a chance to hoot at Hans Weldemann. Ger many'a spokssmsn at the Chicago Century of Progress Exposition, when his liner docked In Brook lyn, N, Y. But Police had taken Weldemann off on a tug. Hera Is the Hitler agent noon hie arrival. He insisted Hitler propaganda was no part of his mission. FOR W STEADY PORTLAND. June 1, Mi Market for butter reflected a steady to firm tone outside of the produce exchange, and there was no change there for the lute ses sion. Hutterlat was fully steady. Situation In the egg trade was weak despite the absence of price change by leading distrib utors. There was considerable secret price shading despite this, in fact, retail sains were occa sionally shown for leas 'than wholesale lists. Firmness waa auggested all through the market for live poul try, with prices well held for all offerings. Turkeys were finding a good call for dressed hens. b "unwise" to stop development In this field now. Asked his opinion ot the cause of I ho Akron disaster, the col onel criticised the naval pulley ut restricting cutillnuatlou of commund. EMPLOYMENT CAMP FOR WOMEN READY WASHINGTON, June 1. Ml Fstabllshment at llenr mountain New York, of the first woman's ramp for unemployed through use of federal funds was an nounoed at the Whits Houss to day by Secretary Parkins joint ly with Mrs. Franklin D. Hnoss velfT In an sroa already "honey, combed with girls' ramps," la use Mrs, Itoosavnlt's own phrase, this ismp, created at her aug gestloll, la expected to test out the problem of whether csnip life similar to the reforestation svstem for men Is suitable for Jobless, unattached women. POltTI.AN'l). June 1, t,TV Kggs: I'srlflc poultry producers selling pries: Jumbos, 19c; ex tras. 18c: mixed colors, 17c; me. dlums. 17c per union. Buying nilre of wholesalers: Fresh cur rent r Ipts, 660 lbs and up, 1 lit per dosen, National Dairy Productg National Pow. sc. Lt. , N. Y. Central North America , Packard Motors Penney (J. c.) . Penn. R. R. Phillips Pet Public Service N. J. Pullman Co. Radio Corp. ... . R. K. O Rem. Rand. Reynolds Tob. B. Sears Roebuck Shell Union Southern Pacific Standard Brands .. Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Co. .. Texas Corp. Texas Gulf Sul. Trans-America Union Carb Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp , United Gas Imp. U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel Vanadium West. Elec. Mfg. Woolworth PORTLAND 1.IVKSTOCK PORTLAND. June 1. ran Cattle, 175: calves. 25: market steady. Steers, good, $6.00 to $7.00; common and medium, $3.75 to neuers, good. Ia.iu to $6.25: common to medium. 13 On to $5.50. Cows, good, $4.50 to $5.25; common and medium. $1.50 to $4.50; bulls, good, $3.25 to $3.75; cutters and medium. $2.25 to $3.25; vealers. good. $6.00 to $7.00; common and me dium, $3.00 to $6.00; calves, good, $5.00 to $6.00; common and medium, $2.50 to $5.00. Hogs, 1200; market steady. Good. 140 to 200 lbs., $5.00 to $3.75; 200 to 250 lbs., $5.35 to $5.75. Sheep, 12,000; market quotably steady. Lambs, good and choice. $6.50 to $7.00; common and medium, $4.00 to $6.50; wethers. $2.00 to $4.75; ewes. $1.00 to $2.50. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. June 1. (,p, (TJ. S. D. A.) Hogs. 23.000; market steady to strong. Good to choice 190 to 260 lbs., $4.85 to $4.90; top. $4.95. Cattle. 6.000; market for fed steers and long yearlings steady Alaine Beauty Nook will meet any low prices ad vertised on permanent waves. ALSO REGULAR WAVES AT $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 Phone 1.1X6 Next to Hall Hotel to strong: light heifers and mix ed yearlings, alow. Bulk fed steers, $5.25 to $1.15; better grades, $6.50 upward. Best year ling heifers. $6.25. Other killing classes steady to strong. Vealers. 25c or more higher, at $6.00 to $6.50. Sheep. 7.000; market for all classes steady to atrong. 10c to 15c and mote higher in instances Desirable native ewe nnil wil,r lambs. $7.00 to $7.85; few strict ly choice lambs, $8.00. Washington Post Sold At Auction WASHINGTON, June 1. (P Th Wsshlngton Post wss sold st public auction today for $825,000 to Gesrje B. Hamilton, a Wash ington attorney, who declined to reveal who he represented. WASHINGTON. June 1. Un orders have been sent to di visional headquarters ot the army that the present strength la to be maintained, both In of ficers and enlisted men, unUl further instructions. A final decision on all econ omies within the war department ia to be made within a few days. President Roosevelt has asked authority ot congress to reduce expenses by furloughlng certain officers. This power was approved by the house, but was strurk out by the senate. WASHIVP.TllV June 1 JTA Cnl.inel lh.,l A f l.,lh-k day came to the defense of llght- vr-mau-air snips ss a vital pnase in the general development of latin. It, ,..tlmM,. - Joint congressional committee In vestigating tne Agrnn disaster. . iinunerga saia OS ten it would' Buy at theSigti of the Orange Stamp The local Imlopvndcnt merchant Is play Injr n important role in the upward swinif of the "NKW DKAL." Ho pays hin employes a hinrher sverajte wajre . . . Ha pays the farmer hiifhor prites for his pro duce . . . But he meet- all competitiva prices. ASK FOR ORANGE STAMPS Over a hundred local independent mer chant, in all lines of business, ifiva Or njre Stamps, redeemable in useful, valuitffle premiums . . . The independent merchant is hack of the "New Deal." Get back of him and keep the prosperity ball rolling. KLAMATH INDEPENDENT MERCHANTS ASSN. Premium Parlor lVllrea Theatre) Wdg. Fresh Shipment Strictly Fresh FISH Salmon ...15c lb. strictly Fresh Sliced Halibut ...15c lb. Strictly Fresh, Choice Quality Oysters . . 20c pt. Last of the Season Cottage Cheese 10c lb. ICrater Lake CLEAN COOL-SAFE The CHICAGO AN AN ELECTRIC-COOKING ACHIEVEMENT . . r y J WOMAN k Ijm resents a w eil-vMwnf im this 1933 CMcagoa wkwch ateps far ahead in its beauty, economy and convenience. The kitchens rf 1933 in whtob. it stands will ie Clean, Cool and Safe. Pets and pahs wffl stay clean and bright with scrubbing, scouring wd pot-watching eliminated. The adyan tages of this marvelous range mmi be seem to be appreciated. Yi will be surprised at its low price. Why not nee H today . Jee -ge "mg sor-viee astd atinMiit mmXkly tea. a. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY IN MO.tMl' Prgatut ... tht Flying TTV ' ' Horn... World Hid, V I J WW 'lij II M Soamy Vacmum Symbol la-IVsi Jf W JC l0V5" I'W H YOU'LL ENJOY w CENTRAL 4 FUN FEST 8 te &1S o'clock, Monl7, ImtAmj. Wedae 4mj, Jhaniij ds Friday Evcalngt ever KJR Seattle -KEXPonUa ted 77i Old FatvriU MEMORY LANE Ct7 Tecodtr treeing, Tt 15 le 7:45 KCW rerlhsd-KOMO Seetlle-KHQ Saekast Pacific Standard Tim ifiher Octane Greater Miliagtf I llmrkpr Starting Faster Pick-Up (fill Hp your Tank.. .Let your Engine Decide1 GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION OF a tacoNY-vacvuM c o m . n r CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT "GENERAL" DEALERS East Side Station E. Main at S. Sixth. Harry Nichols Bonanza, Ore. White Auto Camp Biehn St. and Pelican City Road. Lamm's Store Modoc Point. Lakeway Service Oregon at Biehn Sts. Swan Station Altamont Junction. Lakeshore Beach Dalles-California Highway. Pelican City Garage Pelican City. Pina Street Service Seventh and Pine Sts. Shoop and Shultz Main at Spring. M. L. Sutton Dallea-CaKfornia Highway. Community Service Station E. Main and Oak Sts. Pelican One Step (24 hour service) Sh'xih and Walnut. GRANT H. HESS, Wholaaala Agent.