PA""5 TEN ' THURSDAY. MAY 28. 1fl.11 .:. . 18 tf 1 r bigg (IrPailiiiiKiii, Da ( , I ' I ' . --1 i- 1 " ii n nam w iniM. miw , i i i a .-a i HERALD Tbre eent per word Pr dsy. 8m sd ma on wk. It percent discount. Sam d run on month, SO prcnt discount. No book chsrg mds lor leu then flfijf cents, ) a The Newi end Herald builnea office, corner tth and Mala streets. It open from a. en. nntll p. m. Between Ibeee hour Waal Ade may be placed at tbe counter or phoned by calling l0. If you prefer, a repreen!atlT will call at suy pure ot bualneaa In th down-town district. In order lo Inure proper classification In both the Herald and Kewa, Want Ad mut be la our office, corner 5th and Mala, not later than p. m. Advertisement will be accepted in the "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" column of the evening Herald up until IX anon of the day of tuna. Want Ada accepted for thla de partment will be charged at the rate of three cent per word tor the one paper only. Order to change or discontinue adTertlaemant for the next day' Issue of the Newe end Herali' cannot be accepted later thaa p m. All change and kill ordered after thla Urn will not take effect until the following day In the New. Any error fouod In advertisement chonld be reported to the News and Herald office immediately, aa the Newe aad Herald wilt not be reaponalbl lor mora than on Incorrect Insertion. The New and Herata reserve the right to reject objec tion! advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification, All classified advertising, except "Too Late to Classify." will appear tint In the Morning News and then picked up aad run without change In the Evening Herald. All accounts for classified advertising are due upon pra aeaialion ot the hill and overdue after tea day. v ' Want Ad Index ' All classifications are num oered Slid appear tD numerical order. TPs following srs Ins cumbers tor the more Import anl clssslflcsUoost automobiles for Sale - I Bpalnesa upportuuinea Contract Work Wasted I Bducallonal Furnished Aprs to Let 11 raislabed Houees to Let 14 r ui ii isncu ww.uv - Fiaaueial ' Ueueral Notloaa Help Warned. Mai. - 11. IP Wanted. Kama la . Uvasioca sad feed Lodges . Lost slid Found Ularllaneous for Sale lie 1 parsons ia KhI Katat for Sale . Real Uatate for Loaae UtMtm and Board Sttuatlnna Wanted ' of and Offices Trips and Toors 11 .lis s ro exenanxe Unfurnlahed Houaea to Lau lb Warned. Hlacellaneoua Wanted to Kant " Lodfes Klamath udg No. HI. I. O. O. T. meet every Friday night H l:0 In I. O. O. F. ouuamg at yirih and Main. Bwanna Encampment No. 4 sseets every Tuesday ntgbt- Crator Canton No. 7 meet eve rt second sad fourth weanesasy. Prosnerltv Rebeksh lodge No. 14 meets every tint sad tntrd Tnorsdsy. Crater Canton Auxiliary No. t Biaata every second snd fourth Wednesday. Visiting members are cordially .anted td all meetings. Moon Hall 41S Klamath Ave jMeeta every Thura- gaj, a.ew E. B. BENNER Dictator KLAMATH LODOB NO. 77 A. F. snd A. M. Stated Commnnlcatloa Snd snd 4th Mondays Visit!" Brother Welcome. LOOM 18 Rllll.llINO 3 General Notices Je per war per dar. Pfcaae lew AUCTION SALE A1 McDonald " ranch. Langell Valley, Friday afternoon, starting at l ociocx sharp: 6 horses, 4 cows, (jer seys and Guernseys), 9 Duroc and Berkshire hogs, turkeys, 2 mowers, 2 bull rakes, harrow. plow, derrick, cream separator, dnllk cans, harness, furniture, household artioles and other Items too numerous to mention. Terms, cash. C. R. Cowley, sue- lloneer. 1100 PIANO TC.NINO Plain uprights renovated throughout, free with tuning, this month only. Per manent moth-proofing at half the charges of demothing firms. Note: Seven years concert tun- tr und technician for Paderew skf, Kreisler, Schumnn-Heink and many olher celebrities, un der leading San Francisco piano firms. - Ten seasons with Karl Shepherd Co., who sent for Sherman Clay's best tuner. No connection Shapard Music store. Those "waiting tor Shepherd's tuner" (Earl Shep- ; herd Co., retired), please In quire Star Drug Store No. 1. Morgan. 1076 ANYONE lntrested in a polo or riding clubT write box 1056, Herald-News. . 1056 vim RADIO 6BRVICB Eipert radio aervlc ot all kinds, backed by years nf experience. Win Long '. 101. Donald SU, in from Fair view school. Phona 1464 M Tab, part, ate. ' -tf" 1 f ANDT'8 SUPER SERVICE Good fr tires; washing: greasing; storage, nth and Klamath. auad NEWS 3 General Notices Se per arora per dar. r-Siaae UPHOLSTER1NQ and repairing of furniture. Tharman. for merly wtth Klamath Furniture Co. 311 Commercial. Phone S071. 73 4 Personals per ward per Sar. Phase lewa TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I will not be responsible for nny debts contracted by Rosetta Morris from tills dsy on May !!. 19S1. Freley Morris. SS7 S ' Trips and Tours 3e per ward per ear. Pbwae Ivee LADY wishes ride to Boise. Idaho or vicinity: 'willing to pay lor gas and oil. can at 904 nai- nut Ave. 1094 6 Help Wanted, Male Se per avartf eev dM. panee laps WANTED Mss to tske contract for local lumber haul- Cash proposition. Phona 1123. 1011 WANTED Yoang man interest ed in permanent work offering a good future; email pay to start. Must live at home. Be tween 20 and 25 years old. Do not answer If you are afraid of hard work while learning the business. Write box 1087, Herald-New. I0S7 A-B-C Business and Profes sional Directory on the Classified Pare MEWS W A P H is that anyone can be content to go along with an unsatisfied want when it's so easy to get whatever you need by simply phoning a Classified Adver tisement to a News and Herald ad taker! Uss Waatt As Yew Rejudl. Tfa The Classified Section is Just as useful In connecting up people with wants as the telephone exchange Is Indispensable In connecting numbers for people who have toessage, with each other. The telephone exchange will connect you with a Classified Ad Taker and tbe ad she take will connect you with nil the people In Klamath Fails and the sur rounding territory who are Interested in your proposition. at-Oil T T M. " i I npwiniraii i WANTED Salesman with er to take orders and deliver home necessities on old established route In north Klaatntb, Lake counties, Klsmath Kali and nearby localities Steady work era ran atari earning Us week ly and Increase rapidly Hust lers on similar routes do Moos annual huslneaa; some estab lished SO rears Reply Immedi ately, giving age. occupation, references. Rawleigk Indus tries. DepL OR-K-1I-T. Oak land. Calif. - 347 7 Help Wanted, Female le per wore per ear, faene lee WANTED Competent house keeper, middle-aged; nice borne. See Norvall, Golden Kule Store. Hit HOUSEKEEPER tor motherless home, three young children. J. K. Schsllee. Rt. 1. hoi 251. 83 SALESWOMEN With reel.v-lo- wea, experience, sell made to measure knit ensembles and dresses rt Roucle Itstlno etc. Dignifli-d work. Liberal com missions. Write Parhlanlt. Dept, ii. Fergus Falls, Minn. 9 Situations Wanted Sc per were m:m WASTED Clerical work by ex perienced man. References. Write box 1150. Herald-News. 11 LADY wants work, day or hour. honsecleanlng or laundry: iron ing a specialty. Phone C49-J. 109. RELIABLE LADY wants house- cleaning, cooa in reeisurani or maid in hotel. Phone 1391-J. loss U AN want work of any kind. Is a painter by iraue. ii. iu in land Ave. ! IRONIN'U and aewlng. Pbone S90-R. 67 COUPLE. 15 years' experience, want to run one or two bands of sheep. Man herds; women packs snd moves camp. Salsry or share bsals. Writs C. Per ' nef. Phoenix. Oregon 7t9 10 Contract Work Wanted Se per war per Sat. Peaae tea KALSOMtNING. painting and papering: both new and old. Work guaranteed. 603 Jffer- eon. e ' s CAINTINC limine. oaDerhanslna Work guaranteed: reasonable prtres. jacs siassie. pnone 957. TEAMING, for all nnrooes. foun datlnn work: fertilizer, dirt. Prices reasonable. Phone 6nu 714 II Furnished Rooms e per war ae, dar. Pknae ISM krw RRDitOOMS Reasonable Corner Third snd Pine. 9S Rates Now In effect. - Room $4 per week and up - dftii louueru, KsE2,ftlh Hotel Phone 453 125 S. 6th St. Hort Hold Phone 1171 rl 2 Main Rt. mi HERALD NT. ADS. ME 19 0 ff.E As Otea As . W 'AH tm Ome'Sipblt THERE ARB ' HOSTS OP BARGAIN OPPOR TI'NITIES IN THE CITY EVERY DAY TUB ONLY DIFFICI'L TY 13 TO DISCOVER THEIR WHKRE'A BOUT3. THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS CLASSIFIED SECTION. IN IT YOU WILL FIND THEM ALL GATH ERED TOGETHER AND CONVENIENTLY INDEXED. , 11 burnished Rooms Se per ware per a. Ptaae leap FOR RENT Sleeping room, rlose lu; use of phone. 617 Pine. 1160 FOR RENT Clean ontaldo aleop Ine room, $1 per week. 421 Oitk St. - . 1091 PELICAN IIOTEI. Modern, spe cial weekly rales. Ii: with bath f 7 60 aud up. Quiet and home like. 811 MR, RAILROAD . MAM- . If you are looking for a quiet hotel centrally lo cated where the rooms are modern and the rates are reasonable call at TIfo - Empire , Intel- ' 633 Main Sir. Lena Noel, Proprietor. Special rate to permanent guests. ism 12 Room and Board e per wore per ear. Pbane IPSW HOARD AND ROOM 340 N. 9II. 1152 HOARD AND KOOM-1012 Wash ington. - io74 WANTED Young men to board: iree garage. IS. 50 week, dou ble room: J 3. single. 738 Cali fornia Ave 1010 329 WASHINGTON ST. Room and bosra for couple, or two young men. Congenial atmos phere; pleasant ropnt. excellent food. Phone 2200-W. 609 WANTED Boarders: reasonable rates. 1335 Sargent St. 428 BOARD AND ROOM IS per week: also- tight housekeeping rooms. Phone 1 1 38-J. l4-20t I . ROOM AND BOARD S3 and 19 " "tea, rjuft luuiiia. J II it lie I33S-.I " 10 13 Furnished Apartments Se per ward per dar. Pfcnae Ilea FOR RENT 4-room apartment, parity xurnisneu, til ji. oth. loss FORRENT 6-room furnished apartment, 50. 7th and Wash ington. 1048 FOR RENT. Furnished apart ments, electric wasner, lis and up: 3 blocks from Main street. 419 N. 10th. 1003 I FOR RENT EXTRA SPECIAL SUMMER RATES AT THE ARCADE APARTMENTS COMPLETE LY FURNISHED AND NEW LY RENOVATED: ELEC TRICITY, TELEPHONE AND OARAGE. FREE MAID SERVICE IF DESIRED. 11TH AND WALNUT. PHONE 700 KOIt KENT Furnished bachelor apartment, wllh bath. S22 Hroart St. 1081 FOR RENT Two-room apart ments at 812 Oak, 120 and 125. Inquire 806 Oak. 1090 THREE KOOMS, bath. Also one 3-room furnished house; one unfurnished. 1320 Oak. Phone 201.7-M. 1093 ' . FOR RENT Furnished Apart ments; wood, water, light, gas stoves: $22 and 130 per month. 1 block from Arcade Apts., 325 Commercial 907 ruiuiioiiEiv arai LmeiiL, uuuio keeping and Bleeping room. 920 uimuia, oaf FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished house. Pbone 1128-W. 234 FOR RENT Furnished apt, elec tric refrigerator, electric stove. hot water heat. Call 889 or at Apt. 3, Hermosa Apts. Ill FURNISHED Apartmont, 2 bed rooms, bath, living room, kitch en, use of phone. Reasonable rent Telephone 1248-W. 926 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, lot a. Riverside. , Phone 14 ' - Furnished House per wire per m. FOR RENT Two furnlahed houses, s and i rooms, newly decorated, lis K. nh lnun FOR RENT B-room furnished nouse, iu montu. inquire ii? Michigan Ave. 1069 FOR RKNT-t-Ftirnlshed or untnr- nisnea (-room modern house, close in. I'noiie 90 after t p. m. 107 FOR RENT 6-room furnlahed house at 530 Willow at. Phone ?-J. 1071 FOR ItKNT Furnished rablu. 31S Mlcblgau. Phono 1557. 1004 FOR RENT S-rooni house, part ly furnlahed, Hi nioutli. 304 Michigan Ave. lost! KOIt RENT furnished Hal. 4 rooms aud bath, close In. 71s Jefforaon 81. 1044 16' Unfurnished Houses Sr per Mara per dar. fpuae leu --- ........ . .r . PCM ItKNT One S-room bouse, tiufumiahvd. 422 Waahlngtou. Inqulra Hi High street, 'or phone HI. Hi VOn ItKNT 2-room cabins, five blocks Irnn Maiu, partly fur nlahed. 110, Including water. iih Willow. Ill The firms and Individuals represented In this A-B-C Directory of Specialized Business and Profes sional Service are known as Klnnmth Falls most reliable business men and women. Each is an ex pert in the particular services of which it makes a UIO TOP REPAIRING THE lion II VAN AUTO TOP SHOP Aulo. Glass and Radiator Shop Oweoed by K. M Hogue ' ; 1415 Main St. UTO PAINTING J ft 8. ALTO PAINT SHOP Spray system used. Match any color: 22 years' experience lu rehicular paliitlng. . Wurkmau ttilp guaranteed. (10 Spring St. Phone 2237-0 -HIROPRACTORS . Dr. Paul C. Long Chiropractor aud Nerve Speclallal 127 South Seventh Street Pbone 1640 Ifot Your Health's Saka See Dr. Glen Moore Cblroi actor Piluier Gradual Res. Pbone 450 Office Phone 1:178 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Building costs wer never o low let us plan 'and " tniHd for you. W'a are bomo-mod-erulzera. " ' " I. Gray 2880 Garden Ave. CONCRETE " CONTRACTORS Basement dug out and foun dations put In under old hous es. Concrete eteps and side walks cost no more. Make yonr old house look like new by kslsomlninx and redecorat ing with modern plaster finish. H. A Moon ' Phone 2141-W D RESSMAKING ANN LONDON Dressmaker .' Kemodellng Alterations 205 Stewart-Drew Bldg. Phone 987-W 731 Main St. D ENTISTS PORTLAND PAINLESS DENTISTS DR. D. D HAVENS. Mgr. Evenings by Appointment Entrance Mars Hotel, corner , Eleventh and Main Sis, . Klamath Falls, Ore. Guaranteed Dentistry at REDUCED PRICES t .' Life-Like Plate Guaranteed to Fit at Special Low Prices! .' Open Wednesday and Saturday . ; Evening. , Free Examination Dr. Thompson "The Beat fur Lena" Phon 1823 710 Main St. 18 Unfurnished Houses .pay ward per day. FOIt ItKNT House. 0: steady ratltatrsL lit) Until. 1 s a Is POIt ItKNT rirst -olsss pr. msnts, furnlahed. Kvan Ants Phone S( J or no t-tt 16 Wanted to Rent e per ward pet dar. f a I PUP WANTED TO RKNT-S or 4 room nicely furnished nous with ga rage. Phun 1087. p7 WANTED TO RRNT ria ae ale room unturnisbed modern hornet rli,,ta In 11' . 1 1 fl .nt 1 1 . ' - - - ,,,,a vui ivi. iidp Id, News. 174 1? Real Etate For Sale ?- yr?W"" P' ' faae I PUB UAHDKN TRAITS Itlrh loam ,, uowa anu in per mo. That flock ol Ithod lalanH l!....l.. k , cellar full of vegetables and fruit takea up a lot of slack. PI RE INSl'RANPK la part of my uueineaa. L,ei a UIM 11 UUIt business, RANCH TO TRADE Its own Ir- iiaeuwu, ciuae in. vtnai nave uu? LOTS Prom 1100 up. Term. JOHN C. FRENCH. Realtor 'Phone 1430 KOIt SALE By owner: IS acres. ..i.i..i... , . , , . . tuxaau iitiupe. iiua noUBCS SHU well: 4S miles out, Ashland route. ' II. G. DuWIti. lois The A-B-C of Specialized Business and Ptvfessional Set-vice . . . . I QEN1ISTS ' Dr. E. G. Wisecarver Denllstry Phona tti I'nderwood Blilg , 7th Main Dr. A. 0. Koenicke Denllstry and Orthodontia 007 Oregon ilank Uldg. . Phoue 1131-J D INNERS BRIMMING CUP INN 11 mile wea' of Keuu no Aahlnnd Hlwayl Serving a full courne Chicken Dinner for fl.uO and a new delicious fior dinner ENGINEERS . C. C. KELLBY Consulting Civil Engineer 119 So. Sth. Phon 1071 J. C. CLEOHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street MNANCE COMPANIES AUTOMOBILE LOAN8 Iteftnancing, extended pay ments. Confidential, easy paymenta. MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. 835 Main Phon 1144 7LORISTS HILL'S FLOWER SHOP Flower and floral atrange oients for every purpose at prices you can afford to pay. You will like our artistic service. Phone 1118 120 N. 7th H OSPITALS 'KLAMATH'S EMERGENCY HOSPITAL" THE VALLEY HOSPITAL Cor. Fourth and Pin St. INSURANCE M. L. JOHNSON 406 Main St. Phon 2111 . Competent Insurance Service Reliable Companies BE sure. In SURlJ What can't be prevented csn bs Insured sgslnst-' through Geo. J. Walton a Mutn I'bons tl44 A-B-U Business and Profes sional Directory on the Clatsltlad Page. v I? Real Estate For Sate HOT SPRINGS BENT HOME 1IUY ' 122(0 total prlre. Klamalh Kails' hest residential dis trict, among the elite; good view, large, beautiful yard with flue laws aud ruck gar den. See this home, not five minutes downtown; larga liv ing room, dining room, fin kitchen, I bedrnuin. big, full cement basement, and all for 12360, with only 1160 raah to handle, balanc on month ly payment, . . NEW BBAUTyTrORW WAY DRIVE DISTRICT Wonderful constructed Home, a large rooms all tapestry tin- ansa, ritisst nardwood floors, all Ills fireplace, full cement haaement, pipe furnace. rriied today ItlJO we can arrange good terms. If yon want a real home. It will b s pleasure to show you, FAVELL UTLEY REALTY CO. LhfJLIB PEYTON. Mgr. 121 8. th St. Phone 1414 FOR SALE OR ItKNT Modern nouse. 701 I'rosrolt. !) specialty. You will find them all ready td sere you promptly, economically and efficiently. Use this handy guide to the professional and b'jslness 'services they offer. They will appreciate it If you tell them that you saw their ad in this paper. o PTOMETRISTS -? DH. GOBLE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined. Glasses Pitted No Drop Used I'boo 641. 70 Main 8L NURSERY AND LANDSCAPING Gel the heal in shrubs and :reee a limited stock. K inert workmen. Planting free. We save you nionay. PARK LANDSCAPE CO. 1211 N. Second latter b p. in. I PAINTING ; AUTOMOBILES AUTO BEAUTY 18 ONLY SKIN DEEP! We do superior work In Auto Reflnlsblng. using the highest quality material. SNYDEIt'8 REPAIR 8HOP 8th and Klamalh Phon ItlO R EPAIR SHOPS THE NOBI.K Gun ' and Flxlt Shop la Equipped to do all kind of Flxlt Repairs. Work guaran teed, prices right. 933 Klamath Avs. 'CHOOLS & COLLEGES OUTDOOR KINDERGARTEN "Happyltnd" Morning elaas: to 11:10 ichll dran I tn yesra! Afternnnn clsaaea: Aeathella dancing, plane, Frem-h. (Children of all aaea), Supervised Playground Phona 2237-J. Ill N. 10th. LEARN TO DANCE Mr. Hogue' School of Dancing Ballroom, Ballet, Acrobatic, Toe Tap and Aesthotie Dan !lng. Moose Hull Phone 1003 For Space In . Thla Directory Phon 1900 and a representative will call in planning to buy, sell ,or rent anything, your first move should be to turn to this page of Classified Ads. Here you can find all the offers that meet' your need conveniently grouped together for instant reference and comparison. 17 Real Estate For Sale y,ft,"r.iiiiyaar. aap. ipini ACRE TRACTS Por Sal Arr tract along The Dsllss-Csllforol high way. Priced s low s 1100 Pr scrs, only 110 down and It per mouth. Larg city lota with guidau oil, lioo and up, 110 down snd IS per month. Also (In stock ranch of .00 ores: plenty of meadows aud graslng land. This Is a real bargain. Small down pay ment will haudl. and niak payments oft tbs ranch. Ws bav for lease 100 aires of potato land under Irriga tion. For furthor particulars call THE KLAMATH DEVELOP MENT CO. Ileal Katale and lustiranra Phone 1. 1406 Main St. WILL SACRIPICB 4-room mod ern borne and gsrsge; mort gage 1700. Will sell my euuit . for 160 raah. Phuue 411 21 FOR SALE At leas than coat, or would rent to adults, new four room modern house, with runs and garage. 412 Upham. loo 7 :CHOOL5 & COLLEGES SS. PETEIttj Instructor In Moslo Accredited by State Uosrd of Education. Violin and Piano Olher Instruments Taught Also I'hnn SO-J-1 STORAGE FOR FURS PROTKCT VOUR FURSI Agalust fire, theft, moths sod summer heat In our vaults. Tbe cost Is stlisll. Phon for Informsllon. CUM.VING'8 FUR SHOP 129 S nth Phone llll-W "AILORS Charles J. Cizck MERCHANT TAILOR Make Good Cloth 109 8outh 8evenb 8L w AREHOUS1NG A light clean modern ware house, for furniture nd mar Jhandls. Dryag sorvlie. KLAMATH WAREHOUSE CO. 144 Spring. Phon 1017. w ELL DRILLERS Well Drilling Contractor Automatic pumps, new nd used gss engines, pip and well casing, hut water well for healing plants. , 2000 South Sixth Phone 1160 W VOCHATZER BROS. OOD FOR FUEL WOOD FROM LAP.G." TIMBER Buy now for the furuac tnd suve 11.00 per cord. Fin split stove wood, pin or 'lr ready to burn In "tmk unve without roapllttlng, good :len wood. 20" and 1' uod r wood In five cord lota af t decided saving. Any letiath leslrcd. And you get a cord !nr a cord. PHONE 2141-W. LITTLE A U T -1M E Y .'P R O &U E RE S U L T