The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, April 22, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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Entitled Christian Science: The Revelation of Reality
Charles V. Winn, C. S.
Marcher ef the Board of Lectureship of Ik Mother
Chunk, TM Tint Ckarck of Chrlat, Scleotltt,
la Boston, MaowckuMtli
On bahalf of th riitt Church
of Chrlsl (MeuUst, Klamath
1- I la. Ore., Mm. Marion II. I'ar
inolu walcutiiud tho large andl
n'o and Introduard llin lea-turer
with Ilia following remarks
frfanila : It la mr groat plaiaa
uia on behalf nf Klrst Oiurrll
I Christ bMunll.l ul Ihla city to
leom you tn Ihla Icture.
Jesua, said: "Ye shall aimw Ilia
liuili ami llin Irmh shall maa
uii free.'' Kor many years in
our limna no piruaah'd villi lai a,
Miknois and dlarnrd, anil Ilia
mora wo iruaali'il materially to
Into oumelvaia lha, muraa lln-mi cr
lura aa-etited to govern ua unltl wo
talm-il an iiiidi'rMlaiidliig nr that
Iruth tlllitlllh I'hrlallsii Ha'leniai,
It la wlili a heart overflowing
with giatltttds that I fan bear
witness to Ilia fart that lbs truth
infer nil tn by Joans anil tauahl
hy Christ inn Krlciirn dnea niiika
ua f iw. It ban liriiiiKht hitilth,
Iiariiioiiv. liaiiplni'MH uiiil au
ahutidaiii a, nf Kuml Into nnr live
and homo, and II baa tauiht ua
in look to Ood, our rather
Mother fur our needs.
Mary llitki-r Kddy, lilm-ovrr and
Kuumli'r nf Christian Hi-leim, In
her wisdom and pur denim to
help insiiklud, asiabliihtid a
Mount of l,a'lureahlt uf Thu
Mother Church, Tim Unit China h
or CbrIM, rfcietitlst. In llnntoit.
Maaa , I ha nmnibtii a of which
Hoard aro aul hnrlicd and fully
lualltlfd lo p'ak un christian
SVIenic, to deliver messages ot
iruth so that tho world nttKht
learn nf thin truth whli-ll liiaki'N
man lia-e, and It la my happy
prlvilaKa in Introduce to you a
manibi-r of that liiuinl. Mr.
rbaalia V. Wlun, C. II., ot I'as.r
dena. Cal., whoso subject Is Science, Tho llvela
llou of ltalty."
A aaih)ecl ihat la rtiKafilliK thn
moat iatnrt thought ami alien
lion uf liivu loduv la that nf
leallly. ho rapid have hern the
hanaaa In Ih affairs of mortala
that former theories about raall
ty have been overtiirneal with
startling suddenness. Ill tho llalit
of mod"-ii discoveries many the
urloa ahoul what la true and real
aio no lunger ta-uehle. Whan one
ian and a uiaaaga frotu hVhe
llecladv, Nrw York, to Aualralla
aud lia. k, a dlataura uf abnut
Iwrntv thouaalid nitla'S. In a tew
seconds, ihi-n Ihe theory of a
malarial unlverao si'paratrd hy
lime and aparo la aaan aa an
aturalll, Willi former beliefs
onccmlng reality helm: thua
aiverthram n. II la auiall wonder
that lha world la In a Constant
elate nf flux and change. Iltaw-a-ver,
It la not a ilia" of ili'spulr
hut tif an-ut hopi'lulnrxa. for in
tho tnlilat nf all lit turmoil and
I'onftialon t'hrlailan Si-lrnrr haa
,oino lo tha world lo aatlafy lha
ilmpoAt buninn naad and to ra
rral an undaiataiidlim of dlvlna
ralttv that will plant our fi-at
firmly on tha rnrk nf aiartial
and uu.hatiuiiiit Trtub. Nothing
laa inii pvcr auffl"e, for Truth
aluna la raal, aud ruallty la al
wava true.
Vhnlar dafliitia rnnllly aa
"alalo or nnulliy nf halttK rril;
artual lii'lng or axlatenra, . . .
Ihat whh'h Is r rii I: an nrtuul
rxlatanra; . , . arrurdatirn with
what la; truth." It la heionilnic
ilcar to thlnkrra that aiii'h romi
tv ran bo found only In th aplr
Itual raalni. Kvarythlna In ilia
malarial rvulni, ao callad. Is Itn
pariiiaiK'nt, rhuiiKlns. and auh
Jprt to rviMHuiil dlaanlution. It
la apt-fvldi-nl, thini. thut wt ran
not find ai-nuil hlua: or exlat
rnra In Hint which will aoniPtlmo
erao to axlat or ha. It h alo
i-oinlnrr to ho m-nr-mlly roin-oil d
that that which tit soma tlmo
aana.H lo he, iirvrr had anhitunt
liilltv or raal bPlna. hut waa only
plifnonirual or aaonilnc.
Yhtlo wp rejolco In thla ad
vanrad thinking on tho part of
mauv of tho natural aciantUta.
i tho irwa knowlrdno of rrallty
iiPada no i oullrniiittuii Irnui any
ona, for It waa dl.rovarad ovar
alxty yaara ago by Mra. Kddy. and
alnco that lima baa been contin
ually taatad and proved, la hvr
linmnrtal wtirk. "Hi-h'nre mid
lloalth with Kay tn tho Scrip
titraa" (p. 47X1, with that n
niHikahlo clarity that only ilia
I'ml.tnaplrc-d poaaea. llr glvra
ihla ili'dnltloii of whnt la real:
'i'hiit only 14 real whh-h i-oflacta
tioil" it Klut'liiciit that wnll
nlgh tho phllnanphy of
tho iigp. It tiirnn ua from tho
acpti to thn iinappu, from the iiiii
tnrlnl to thi aplrlliinl. from lha
phvalnil to tho inetaphyalriil, for
an uiidi'ralHiiding uf iillltnnlo
reality. Thin aiarllluK declurutlon
wna no ronlrnry to I'pcojinlr.i'd
alnndaida that If ChrMInn
Scleiiro htid not horno coniltiu
oiim fruit mill hail not Klyen
rounlloMH pi-unfa nf lla eorroct
ncK, It would long nito hnvo
pr-rlnhpit. Thnt It cnnilntiea lo
rioiirhh nml grow In lnrllapuluhlu
ImoiiI Ihat Mra. Kihlv hna itlven
ua llin rimil nivoliitloii of truo
helliK and Plnrnul retilllv.
Slurp t tint nlone pilKseHriPt I'Plll-
lly which reflpcK (lod. then n
true hllnwleditp of t!od Is pkmpii
tlnl In order to understand Hint
which la rent. At this point It
nipy he Hinted Hint rhrinlinn
Science, la founded onilrply on
tho Scrlpiurpa. rilra. Kilih- de
cliired. na nhown In "Mincpllnna
niit Wi ll lugs" p. 1 fin l, I hill
within lilhle pngeii nlio hnil found
nil lllp lllvlno HclPllee alio nreni'll-
nl. And ho lit defining Oeliy alio
adharaa atrlctlv to Scriptural defl
nltuioiiH. Of Hint alio anys. "Ood
ia what tho Hcrlpltiraa ilpclnra
I llin lo bo. Life. Truth, l.ovo"
i Si lence nml llanlth. p. nnni.
Kara ia a definition of Unity
which inov wall engnKo our moat
enrnost. thought and which will
go PllliRhlotl na aa tn thn plernul
varlllcvH of hping Hint untold blpa
alnffs will follow.
(iod In the vory nnltira of Ilia
hping miift hp Infinite. That find
could ho limited In any wnv la
unthinkable, find being Infinite
nml I.lfp, there niuat he one Infi
ii If o Life. All forma of life miint
prnrepd from n,nd be tho ex
proartion of this olio Inflnito Life.
All creation inuat bnve Ita being
In nml he aiiatnlned bv Ihla one
rreallvn Life. Thla Infinite Life
mnat be "our Fnlher-Molher Clod,
riil-hnrmonlniia" (Science and
llcnllh. n. K), and muit be per
fect nnd clniiinl. H niuat he
pvprywhera manlfeatlng Ita llfe
Rlvlng qunlllics and tiphnldlnrf I"
pci foot Imimony oil Its Ideas, or
creation. If thara war an alo-
nirnt ot friction or discord In
l.ifa, than I. If would rvautuully
be aalf d'atioyvd. Kyerytlilui that
truly wxlala uiuat aapruaa Ihla on
luflult 1,11a, which alwaya uiatil
faata Itaalf In vliallly, atrsiigth,
baallh, rigor, aud parfacl oclluu.
tllltl.iTIAN Hf'IKNCK
lii I'llOVAIIl.K
What I bay aald la not only
sound logic, but It ran ba proved
In a uiual practical way. Whun
the grout trutha nf i'hilatlau
nvtpiic wr rvrcalad to Mra.
Kddy, aha did not ul once give
IhPit to tho world. Hho waited
tbrrat yeara hefor ah liegun to
leach them, and then only after
nine ypars did ahu present Iheui
In bar text-hook. Hho aaw that
they inuat h put to tho tPa!
Ihrough dotnonairii'lnu. hhn has
well auld that "daiuotiatrutlon
and aplrllual uiidoralaudlug at
liud'a Imniorlal kaynotea, piuvcd
to hn audi by our Maatpr and
pvldrnred by lh sick who ara
cured and by III alnucra who ara
reformed" IHciencu and Health,
p. 3bi). ua sue bow thla great truth
ran ha utilised In a innal help
ful way. There la nothing, per
haps, lu which mortala are morn
lutprpatrd than tho subject nf
heulth. Tho vast amount ot time
and money spent In trying to
gain It and maintain It shows
how blirhly It la prlted. That
health la eometliupa thought to
be lh exception rather than the
nil la self-evident from the fact
that a very largo percunlage of
dlaeaaea, trrordlng to human
theories, are aaia to ne lucuianie.
lu theao caaea material eyatema
claim Ihat health cannot be had
under any rondltlona. Now, It la
coming lo bo conceded more and
tiinro that back of every raae uf
Ill-health la a certain amount of
fear. And In every inatance you
will find that at the bottom of
one fear Is a belief that eoine
thlng can ileatroy. Impair, or laka
away Ilia. I'brlallaii Science, how
ever, ahowa that tlod. la man'a
life, that man'a Uf la one Willi
the Kalher. "hid wllh Chrlat In
land." that Ihl" lllo la not ma
larial, not auhjeel to matter, ma
terial lawa. or material condi
tion, hut la protected, upheld,
and maintained by tlod and there
for can never b luat or ox
llngulahed. When theae great
facia are aclenllflrally llllderatood
and declared, the tension of fear
begltia In relax, faith lu iod lli
crcaaea. aud illaaoae la perfectly
and permanently healed. There
are Innumerable raaea on record
whera the ao-culled liicnrahle and
dllllg have been rillaed to lllu
and heulth through ,lhlar demon
atrahle ay.ilem of practical fhrla
tlanly. ('.Oil IS Tltl'TII
If Christian Science bad dune
lathing mora than to give ua an
underataiidlng uf find aa Truth,
the world would atlll ha Ita ever
lasting debtor. Thla aclontlflu uu
dpratiindlug haa changed the
thinking of tho adhrreuta of
Chrlallan Rclence. nnd na It he
cnnipa inor generally aecepted H
will uplift and redeem l ho think
ing or the entire world, find he
I ri e Infinite Truth. He can only
insnlteit lllmaelf In that which
la trlithlul. light, aud good. That
which He knowa la eternally real
lipcituau It la eternally true. He
knowa nothing that la untrue,
nnd nothing that la iintruo cull
ha known by Him or can bo part
of divine conarloualieaa. Th flrat
chapter of tloneala lteriitia and
relieralea the fart that Uod aaw
Hie work of Ilia hands that It
was good, and finally declares
Hint Hp "aaw every thltiK that
he had mado, and. behold, it was
very good." Now, seeing la In
cluded In knowing, and thla atate
ment of Holy Writ la equivalent
to saying that all that flod knew
about 111a urcatiou was good.
And so it will alwaya b. tlod
being Truth. He could not se
anything know an thing - that
waa utitrtithfiil or unrlfihteoua.
All things material or mortal
will sometime ceaae to aeem to
pxlt. that Is. wili become un
known, nnd "the placea ouc
knowing them will know theui
no more forever" ( Miscellaneous
Writings, p. "!). If (Iod could
for one moment know anything
material, mortal, or finite, then
w-n ahould bo forced to tho con
clusion that aometitno Ilo would
ceuao lo know that which once
Ho had known. If error could for
one moment bo real, then tiod
would to thut extent ho deprived
of Ilia knowledgo of reality. Tint
Ihla t-uu never happen, tiod will
always know Hint which la nver
laatlngly real and true, for "to
Truth Hipi-o ia no error. till Is
Truth" nnd "to Infinite Spirit
Ihprn Is no matter, all la Spirit,
tllrltiH i'rlnclplii nnd Ita Idea"
(Science nut' Health, p. ITS).
The prnctlciil application of
this dlvliio verity ! Indued tho
"pearl of great piiro." Whnt
ovpr one hel'ovea to bo renl will
govoru bla thinking and acting;
uild liecnuan mortala hnvo be
lieved In thn reality of both truth
and error, hlilnnii thlukllii; has
been laruely negative thinking.
Tho mcdlcnl avHtunia havo cou
certicil thtiuaplvpn lor lite moat
part Willi illapano nnd ita symp
toms, or tho opposite of health;
scholustlu Iheolugy hna denll nl
moHt ultogethur Willi kIii mid IIh
dlru conaeiiueiicea, or the supposi
tional opposliu of good; human
law lias given Ha nl tint inn very
largely to proviillur: penalties lor
tho Infraction of Ita lawa; edu
cation bua given Ita uttentlon
chiefly to material ao-calleU
acieiico Hither than to uiiiiiluul
Now riirlatlau Silence, throutth
lla rnghllloli of positive truth
nnd dlvliio venllly. pitta us on tho
conatructlve aide, it tiiows ua bow
to dwell on tho positive, not the
negative; the right, not thu
wrong; 'I ho renl, not tho unreal
or tho shadow. It you were go
ing lo puiitt a Plcturo of u hcnull
t it I lake, you would not rhonso a
stagnant pool for a model. If
you were going tn Initial an auto
mobile, you would not take an
ox-cart for a model, nor would
you attempt to curve a beautiful
ntulnto whilo looking at an Im
perfect fonti.
Why wns our groat Master,
Chrlat Jesus, tha most eitccesafttl
healer, teacher and reformer
that lit world has ever known?
Itivutiao he always thought,
taught, aud saw tho positive,
constructive fact and not tha nsg-,
ailv opposite. If a sinner cam
lo him, ha did uol constantly
sc. and talk about a slnusr. He
saw Uod a child aud th poaltlv
fail about bliu. bla goodness,
purity, and pilcllou, -and th
sluner was roformad. II alwaya
cotidpniupd lha siu, but b loved
maukluil whom he ram to save
from aln. deferring to a man
blind from bis birth, th dlarlple
naked Jealla who bad alnned,
Ihla man nr bit paranta. In other
words, What has brought about
Oil aeemlugly real condition,
they aald, for her It Is. Jesus
answered substantially, Neither
bus thla man aluncd. nor bit par
ents: hut he exlata that tho works
of (lod ahould ha made manifest
III him. that he should mani
fest good, aplrllual, sight and all
other Hodllk facultlea. And as
a result tho man was IiuoIpiI. At
another time Joans was railed to
best Jalrni daughter. When he
arrived, the child had apparently
passed on, but thla did not dotar
the Maater from rnmplollng his
work. He put out all those that
wore entertaining any negative
duuhls or falthleaa thoughta, aud
Ihruugh hla pnaltlvo. ronatrucllr
thought ot life, tha gill was
Mra. Kddy declares (sklsnce
and Health, p. Iti) that "Chrlat
la the trua Idea voicing good,
the divine meaaago from (Iod to
m,u spuakiug tu th human rou
aclousuess." This true Idea enisu
ataai trum God and alwaya ex
preaaavi Him. It tella us ot Ood a
goodness, power, aud love, aud
l eves Is to us a clearer vision of
terntl and abiding reality. This
vlalon of lha Christ necessarily
diapelt the illusions ut mortal be
lief and brums to human view
that which In reality la always
at hand Uud aad Ills perfect
We know that we cannot have
two contrary facta about the
same thing at the as me time.
The earth canuot he both round
and Hat. It Is either on or the
olbir. When th right idea comes
tntai ronscioucneea, the wroug
concept must disappear. A wronw
belief baa aeeming power only at
long aa It la believed to be actual.
Let ua suppose that one has ac
cepted a counterfeit bill. To all
appearances the hill la genuine;
and ao long as It Is accepted as
such It seems to have the aaui
value as a genuine hilt. Hut once
let Its llctltious nature be ex
poaed. and It la seen to be utterly
worthless. 1m seeming value and
power were only a delusion. Now.
what gives lh gtniilno bill
value? It baa no more paper. Ink,
et cetera. In It than the counter
felt. Indeed. It may have leas.
The genuine bill derives Its
worth from the fact that there
haa been deposited in Washing
ton or elsewhere a certain
amount of gold or sliver, or of
other securities, which tho bill
only represents and which gives
It lla Intrinsic value and true
worth. In other Instances, other
valuubla, securities have been de
posited. In othpr words, tho re-Miiir.-oa,
authority, and luwa of
nnr Government are behind It.
Helilnd tho coutiterfplt there are
no resources, law, or government.
No government authorised Ita is
suance: it seems tn have come
Into biing enntrury to law nud
authority. When ita haseles-oipss
and luwiossness are ouco seen,
aw-av goes all its seeming reality.
(lod Is the only source of reali
ty, und everything that has true
lieing must express and represent
lllin. Cod Is Inlinlto, unchanging,
and ever present Love, and th
only uulvurso there la la the lint
veiao of l.ove. Anything unlovely,
allscordant, or inharmonious rsn
not and does not exist In thnt
universe. Anything unlovely can
not hava the slightest reality, for
It has no authority, law, or gov
eminent behind It. God's universe
la a creation of perfect Idrsa, of
beauty and lovelinesa. Ood's
hliwia are harmless. There is
nothing frictions), harmful, nr
destructive in God's kingdom.
God's kingdom Is a wholly splr
Itnsl one, und Hla creation must
live and mov and havo its be
ing In Him.
Scholastic theologv has taught
(hut Ood waa somewhere, inside
Ills unlverso nnd that aometlme
we would approach Him and he
near Him. Christian Science
ahowa lis that we are In God't
kingdom tho realm of reality
now, nud that wo cannot b sep
arated from Ills ever-presonco.
God has never erected any bar
rlera between Himself and Ills
creation. Onlv a fulso. material
sense of reality hna dono this,
and ill tho proportion thut wc
understand reality ns It actually
la, spiritual and good, any seem
ing separation from God will
Mrs. Kddy tells us on page 32!
of Science and Health, "When
li n Iithio ml ItiK changes the stand
points of life and Intelligence
from a material to n siiiiittinl
basis, we shall gain the reality
of Life." Aa we change our
standpoints from false thinking
nnd unreal beliefs nf aln. disease,
nud death, which do not and can
not exist in the unlverso ot
Love's creating, to spiritual
thinking nnd true concerpts of
health, holiness, and life, teem
ing discordant conditions vanish
from our experience. In the last
few yenra the art of mup-mnklllK
has been materially changed
through tho use of the airplane.
It is now potVaiblo to inn It p a
mnp-snrvey of a state In n few
ilnvs which formerly took ypnrt.
Whv? HerniiHO trom the vantage
point of tho higher view, afford
ed by lha airplane, things may
,1 nw he aepn from a larger and
broader viewpoint than thejn
could he from the earth.
Christian Science ahowa ns
how to rise above the restricted
viewpoint of limited, matorla
vision and see creation a God
sees It lovely and good. A mtr
ago ran only deceive one ao long
aa ho remains on a level with It.
Aa soon na ho ascends a neigh
boring hill the Illusion disap
pears. And ao a we ascend the
hill of purified thinking and tplr-.
ituullted consciousness, the Illu
sions of sensn no longer blind us
lo the eternal realities ot Truth
and Love.
Perhaps nothing lifts us to
greater heights, and to clarinet
our vision of reality, than grat
itude. No lunger do w plead;
Willi (lod to do something fur
u and then thank him , If llo
grams our request; but we strive
euustaully to pruls lllin "for his
gouduesa, and for bis wonderful
worka lo th children of men."
We ihank Him not ao much for
what we waul, but lor what Ho
Is. The Clirlatlan Sciential endeav
ors lo pruy without vuasing. The
prayer of gratitude la constantly
In hla heart for God's Infinite
manifestation! of Luv inau and
the unlrursc.
Our larg holela hava a differ
ent key for each ruom, but they
alao bav a master-key that un
locks all th riMiius. The master
key that unlocks every room in
the slorehouso of good It grutl
tude. Many a case of delayed
healing, many a case ot seeming
lack, uiuny a case of obdurulo
aln, bua been ovurcoinu when
mora of gratitude to Uod baa
com into cotvaclouaneaa. It bus
been said that fear never fill
Iowa a song; and when lh heart
la full of gratitude and praise lo
(lod, fear and worry toon fall
behind aa one Journey along the
roud of contentment and peace.
Aa aratltude ahldea mora and
mure iu thought w find our path
leading Into a universal aense of
thluga and away from that which
la saltish, finite, and limited,
iirs. Kddy says, on page 2tjG of
Science and ilealb. that "uni
versal Lov la thn dlvlna way In
Christian Science." Aud ao aa w
kuep thought In line with divine
reality we are contributing to
tha universal good aa well s to
our own. It ono accepts a count
erfeit bill and passes It on to
someone else, that one In turn
may paaa It on to another, and
thua many may be deceived by
It. But If one la alert, delects
the counterfeit, puts It out of
circulation, then ita power to de
ceive is at an end. If each one
to whom comes any spurlou cur
rency were to dete-t It and put
It out of circulation. It would
only be a short while before there
would be no counterfeit money
circulating. Aa we refuse to ac
cept fnlse. erroneous beliefs, we
find ourselves on tho a-nnstrue-tlv
side of thinking, the posi
tive side, and helping In a most
practical way to bring the king
dom of heaven on earth.
lie who has rained this vlainn
of spiritual reality hus found the
true sonrc of Joy. not the emo
tional aenae of Joy that for so
long has been associated with
certain aspecta of religion, but
th true Joy that cornea from an
abiding rnnaelouanesa thut good
alone la real und true. Thu Illhle
ssyi that "the Joy of tho Lord
la your strength;" and be who
haa diacerned something of the
Infinite love and goodness ot
(lot! rejoices In the eternal veri
ties ot being. Many material ays
terns of healliig recognise the
value aif cheerfulness in bringing
relief trom discordant conditions,
but all except Christian Science
full short of that dlvlno iinder
atandine of prnaent and ultimate
reality which ulnno bringa peace
and Joy. A blind optimism Is far
removed from the aplritunl un
der etundlng of God'a na-arness
and alluess thst brings full meas
ure of Joy. The lllbl mys that
"the Lord shall rejoice In hla
works." and we ran never full to
rejoice when we see God's crea
tion as It really ia, spiritual and
good. Does the first chapter of
Genesis ever bring any gloom to
th reader? No; because there
everything Is described as good.
It Is the true account ot creation,
positive and constructive. It men
tions no difease. accidents, pover
tv. death, discord, or inharmonv
of any kind, hut all la thn work
of God and all Is good. A lesson
may he learned from the little
Christian Science girl who refus
ed to bo robbed of her Joy aud
to be disturbed when someone
told her that her playmate waa
sick. "Yes." sho was told. "Hi
doctor saya that she Is verv ill."
Th little girl replied, "Why. she
couldn't he eick, for sickness is
uot mentioned In the first chapter
of Genesis ' If wo only accepted
as rial the very good things ot
God's fronting, ss spt forth In
tha first chapter ot Genesis and
III the flint five verses of the
second, what Joy would ho ours!
A- acleiitifle understanding ot
this , good creation of Uod. as
given to ii in the first chapter
of Genesis, would completely
overcome nny aeeming belief of
lack. Hid you ever think of this
truo account of creation as be
ing perhaps tho greatest work on
eeononilca that ever was written?
In It we read nothing about lack,
stagnation, inert In , 0r unemplov
nutnt. There creation is described
ns very good. Truo being, aa un
expression of God, is constantly
heating witness to the Infinitude
of good. We are Ood's witnesses,
nnd how- can man, tho beloved
of thn Father, the very expression
nf Ills being, do nnvlhliiir else
but benr witness to Hint Infinity
of good which ia tho Hole fact ot
being? The Infinity of good Is
here to ho reflected, and God
never withholds any opportunity
to manifest this infinite good.
The ideas of God ore always hero
to he reflected, and we pan never
lack tho wya and means of ex
pressing thorn at all times and
under nil rondltlona.
Oh, what a Joy it Is to keep
these positive, upbuilding. and
uplifting tdeala of divine truth
and eternal reality over In our
thinking and see the results In
honied and redeemed lives! How
beautifully the poet has ex
pressed It: .
"Chisel In hand stood a sculptor
boy. With hla marble block before
And his fare lit up with a smile
of Joy
As an angel dream passed o'er
He rarvod fhe dream on that
ahapelesa atone
With many a sharp fnrlalon.
Wllh heaven's own light the
sculptor shone,
He had caught tho angel-tiision.
"Sculptors of life are w is we
VIth our Uvea lincarvod before
Waiting the hour when it God't
Our lit dream pastes o'er us.
It we cars It Iheu oa the ylsld
lug alone.
With many a sharp Incision,
lu hsavenly beauty abail b our
Our Uvea that angel-vlsion."
Hut, oh, what vlatat of eternal
reality come to ua a God'a won
derful love la revealed! When
God la en aa altogthr lovely,
we taunut help but love film
with that Meal love that a child
baa for a loving pareut, Mra.
Kddy hat written. "Spiritual lore
makes man conscious that God
Is his Father, and the consaioua
iipbs of God, as Love rives man
powei with untold furtherance"
(Message for 190J, p. t). Thla
glorluua vision solve th riddle
of the ages, Wbut la true or real
substance? Since God la Love aud
that only which la rial that re
flects God, bin th only aub
atauce Is that which reflects (lod.
Our textbook tells ua, on page sen,
Ihat "Truth, Life, and Love are
eubstance." Such recognition of
true substance and reality will
do more to quail strife, eliminate
friction, and end war than all
human efforts combined. Not that
we would disparage any righteous
effort to do away with human
conflict, but auy human diffi
culty run be permanently over
come only by removing the root
cause. The root cause of all ba
nian strife la the belief that real
liy la material, that there are
mind many, that man la mater
ial, and that bla life la depend
ent on material possessions.
Mortal man believes that sub
stance Is material, limited, finite,
und restricted; that at timet
tin-re la not enough to go around,
und that the ouly way that hu
can get enough la to tak aome
away from aomeone lae. This
kind of thinking U Inevitably ac
companied by such erroneous be
liefs aa envy. Jealousy, greed, and
the like, and leads lo conflict
und war. Now what aayt Christian
Silence? It deelarea that God la
Infinite Love and that Hla uni
verse consists of that which x-
prensa-s 111m. right Ideas, pure and
lovely: that Ideas are
abundant, adequate, and Infinite:
that thi-y bless each one aud
every one. As our Leader has
declared on pug 13 of Science
ami Health. "l,ove ia impartial
and universal in ita aduptatlon
and bestowals," ao that one Idea
cannot possibly crowd, Justlc, or
deprive another Idea of anything
that ia rood. Wheu this great
fart ia grasped, war, poverty, and
strife will vanish from the luce
of the earth, and peace, glorious
peace, will reign.
Did anyone ever hear of a con
flict arising because of Hie us
I of the multiplication table? Why
I not? Because one can use It nr
a thousand can use It. and atlll
it Is available tn all. Divine Lovo
la our Shepherd, and at we fol
low lilt guidance we shall all
enter the same fold and partako
of Low's Infinite beueticonce.
This Inevitably leads tit to an
other great truth with which
Christian Science bier-sea us, and
that ia that the real man the
man of God'a creatiug ia wholly
spiritual. Mortals have been
taught to believe that man will
eventually become wholly aplrll
ual but that now he la material,
or both material and spiritual.
Now what la real and true al
ways baa been true and alwaya
will he true. It is also readily ap
parent that what fa not now true
ns a matter of fact never has
been true. If mint It ever rolng
tn be eplrltual he Is aplrllual
now, although to our limited hu
man sense wo may not fully cog-
nun tnis eternal fart. "Man la i
idea, the image, ot Love; he la
not physique" (Science and
Health, p. 4fS): and when this j
real status ot man la clearly
aetn, our capacity, our Godllke
uess. our ability to achieve, will
be cnhaucd many told. Th pbys.
ica i senses would have ua believe
thnt we are all right where we
are on arrount of what has gone
before. that our material birth,
education, tralulng, and environ
ment have placed na where we
are. but when we toe that this
is only the human roncept of
man and that In reulltv we are
children of God. aplrllual and
cood. the human roncept Is re
placed by the divine idea and we
are set free.
Spiritual thlnkhiK can change
our belief about man. and that
Is all that ever needs to ba
changed. There la only one aplrlt
ual man. the divine idea, which
does not need to bo changed: but
there seems to be a false belief
about man. and thut la whut we
need to reject and replace with
the truo roncept. It has been
proved beyond question of n
doubt that thla fulse, erroneotia
concept of man can only seem to
have power over us so long us
we identify ourselves with it.
When we refuse any longer to
identify ourselves with It, then
It goes where error always goes,
back to Ita native nothingness.
I have a friend who went to
see a Christian Science practi
tioner about treatment. Physic
ians had previously said that a
large part of one lung hud dis
appeared. Christian Science
tteutment was given, and a later
examination showed thut the
lungs were perfectly normal.
What had happened? A false con
cept of man had been replaced
with the right, truo, or perfect
idea. Another friend who la now
a Judge on the bench went to a
Christian Science practlliuner tor
release from tha drink habit,
and the desire for liquor Instant
aneously dropped away. What
happeued in thla raae? Simply
this, the concept of man as a
sinful mortal was cast out hy
the divine fact that man It God'a
beloved child. In whom He I al
ways "well pleased."
We have Ood't promise, "I
will not fall thee, nor forsake
theo," and Ho will never fall to
know nhotit ut the real, the true,
the perfect, Isaiah eujolus us,
"Cease ye trom man, whose
breath Is In hie nostrils: for
wherein It he to be accounted ot?"
Cease thinking of yourself as a
mortal limited, sick, sinful
and trying to account for seeming
beliefs. Strive to know yourself
as you really are and alwaya will
be, "tho reflection of His power
and goodness'' 'No and Yea, p,
It). Then will follow on of the
greatest blessing that Christian
Hcienc bringa to ua th ability
not only to ae our true aalves,
but to aee other in th game
way, A Urecluu philosopher one
said, "What thou oat, Ihat thou
bassat." Could we conceive of any
nobler achievement than always
to see thla real man, and ao aep
arale blm from any mortal be
liefs that we would constantly
heal by Just being what Ood
mad us? it la recorded of on
of lb apostles that at he ptssed
by, if even his shadow fU oa
th tick they wre healed. No
one supposes for a moment that
his ahadow bad any healing pow
er, but la It not obvious that hla
thought waa to Imbued with
the contclousness of divln Love
and Itt reflection that the falae
Image of discord and imperfec
tion was Immediately effaced?
Thta bringa ut to a qnaatlon
that ha vr loomed large In
human experience th question
of environment. At children of
God ws dwell In the realm of the
real, the kingdom of infinite
Spirit. No matter bow we may
be situated humanly, onr thought
can dwell In this contcious real
ization of spiritual reality. We
cannot alwaya choose where we
are to be, but we can always de
termine where and what our
thinking ia going to be. If there
It anything unfavorable in our
environment, there it only one
thing that la going to change It.
and that ia a clear realisation of
reality. In the kingdom of In
finite good there It no discord or
inharmony. and a knowledge of
thla divine fact - will harmonise
our present environment. Jesus
once aald. "Fear not. little flock;
for It. your Father'a good pleas
ure to give you the kingdom." It
la God's pleaanre to give ut all
good: but thlt mmt com to ua
In God'a way and according to
wisdom's directing. Does this
mean that we mm alwayt work
out our problem right where w
are? Not necessarily; but It does
mean that we are to recognize
laoai a preaence where we are,
and then let God dirct our way.
e cannot always control condi-
tlona or clrcuiustancea to ault our
llklnr. but we can alwaya control
our attitude toward them. Condi
tions In themselves cannot affect
us, but our own attitude toward
them determines their seomlng
power over us. Aa we dwell more
"In the secret place of the most
High." and gain a clearer sense
of God'a allneas. our presant con
ditions will reflect more ot har
mony. Good la ever present, aud
as we become conscious ot this
fact and are grateful for It, more
ot good It manifested right where
we are.
Jesus aald. "The kingdom ot
God ia within you." And love
ia the aure passport to this hea
only realm ot reality. Thoughta
that reflect Life. Truth, and Love
gain a ready entrance there, and
no ono Is ever denied an entrance
that come wllh sincerity and
The questions naturally present
themselves: How are we to learu
about reality? And bow are we
to know what Is true? Surely we
cannot learn about reality
through material sense, for ma
terial sense tells us nothing
about reality. It can tell us no
thing about God. Life. Truth,
Love, or reality. All of these are
tuper-senBible. or beyond the cog
nisance of material sense. The
physical senses cannot discern
oven what are called material
It you want a few loadt ot
Extra Big
for the present or future use.
we will sell them for a short
time at regular price.
Single Load 83.00
Double Load 97.00
This is furnace wood, order a
lot of It at once while you
can get It,
"Wood to Burn"
ISO S. 7th.
Phone S3S.
We Ape Measeau to
That we have been appointed exclusive sales and serv
ice dealers for Klamath and Lake Counties, Oregon,
for the Remington Rand Business Service Lines of
Dalton Adding Machines, Dalton Cash Registers, Rem
ington Typewriters, Noiseless Typewriters, Remington
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'All Makes Adding Machines and Typewriters
Repaired, Rented and Sold
Phone 602.
force. No on can tee light, heat,
air, or eloctrkity. We can tee
their effects, but not th force
themselves. Material sen a I al
ways a lying, fraudulent tense.
Jeaut defined It aa a liar from
tb beginning. Itt whole effect la
to deceive and defraud. Tb
Scripture refer to Ita a a asr-
pent, because It 1 alwaya subtle
and misleading. It present It
self to th aenaea for the ict
oppoait' of what It la. It cam
to Jvaua In the wllderneafl, prom
ising power and glory If ha would
only accept ita auntl tuggeatlons.
Jeau waa to Imbued with th
understanding of reality that ma
terial aense could not deceive
blm. He would not listen to itt
Ivlng arguments because he knew
that they were falae and unreal.
Material tenae never can tell ua
anything about what la true, for
it la never truthful, but alwayt
Christian Science showB ut that
Spirit alone ia real, and that
spiritual aense It the only real
sense. Spiritual tense, or a sena
of Spirit, I th only true avenu
ot correct understanding. It Mill
ua of all that I good, beautiful,
lovely, and spiritual. It constant
ly ttanda at th door and knocks,
awaiting only an entrance to tall
ut about Ood'i Dowar. roodnaa.
and love. Material aense la proud.
ooastiui, ana vainglorious. Spirit
ual aense It humble, meek, lov
ing, and kind. Material aense al
ways deceive and misguide mor
tala. Spiritual sense alwaya guide I
a into pains or peace ana nnt-
eouflneas. Mrs. Eddy has nsed a
term to defin material tense a
term which did not originate with
her which completely exposes Its
fraudulent nature. She calls It
"animal magnetism." or animal
attraction. She show us clearly
that Its constant effort la to
draw us away from tb things
of th Spirit and attract u to
wards that which It false de
graded .and baae. How could inch
a false, misleading, lying tense
ever tell ua anything of true
Its two main arguments are
the fear of disease and the lor
ot sin- Spiritual aenae completely
deatroya them both. It ahowa that
God. divine Love, never rreated
diaeaa. that disease haa no pow
er behind It, but ia only a delu
sion of falsa aense that Truth
can and will nnnlhlhlate. It com
pletely reverse every argument
ot material sense that ln could
possibly give any pleasure or
bring any satisfaction to man. It
shows, on the contrary, that tin,
animal magnetism, la th cause
ot all the misery In the world.
What a debt we owe to Chris
tian Science for revealing to us
the only true aenae of being, tbe
spiritual and divine! And what a
debt of gratiutde we owe to that
God-Inspired, fearless, and con
secrated New England woman.
Mrs. Eddy, whose thought had to
Many are the Uses
of Steam Heat
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poses, steam supplied
. Water heating, steam table service, coffee
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Stationery Co.
far ascended above the thing ct
earth that ah could lay hold of
th thing ot Spirit, and reveal
to ua that spiritual verltla alone
are ml! Why waa Mrs. Eddy
th on to rctv thla revelation?
Thar waa nothing hysierlous or
unnatural about It. At tb rising
ua touch tint tha klghett
peak In the range, o because
Mra. Kddy' thought had risen
above tha lowlanda ot things ma
terial and earthly, she waa Hie
flrat la thla aa to catch lh
viaion ot spiritual truth and real
ity. Bh baa ahown ua how we.
too, can lay hold upon that vla
lon of Infinite Love and omni
potent good that will bring an
other, a better and a higher, con
cept of God and man. In her own
words, "Thlt revelation will de
stroy the dream of existence, re
instate reality, usher In Science
and th glorious fact ot creation,
that both man and woman pro
ceed from God and are III
eternal children, belonging tn no
tester parent" (Science n d
Health, p. 6:9).
.New IlcflnJahed
Formerly Elm Hotel
Clean Quiet Modern
.Veer Far-altar. Large Room.
Fireplace la Lobby
Reasonable Rate.
Ml Booth Fifth Street.
tUS Vine Mill Addn.
2-year-old field grown Roses
and 1-1 ft. Fruit Tree I4.S0
per doten.
Extra Special Evergreen offer,
f.o.b. Toppenlsh, Wash., tn
Concolor and Douglas Fir and
Norway Spruce (Christmas
Trees): Reg. pair
2-1 ft. high. 11.15 ea. $3. on
I- 4 ft, high, 11.10 ea. 14.0V
4- 5 ft. high. 11.00 ea. 15.00
We alto oftei Dwart Jlngho
II- 24 In. spread 11.25 ea. IX
1- 1 ft, spread 21.(0 ea. 14
We have a few
g-1 ft. American Elm at 11.00
-S ft. Norway Maple at tl.on
t-t Schwedlen Maple at tl.SD
5- 1 ft, Camperdown Elm 12.00
6- 6 ft. Paula Scarlet Haw
thorn at 11.50
2- 3 ft. Siberian Elm 10c each
C. W. KVKKKTT. Locnl Agl.
Call Afternoons
Phons 140
used for heating pur
by us can be used as
729 Main St.