The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 07, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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The Klamath News'r
Publtuhed ev.ry morning ei
eot Mooday by tha Klamath
News Publishing company at 101- j
121 South Fifth atreot. Klamath
Pittli, Oregon.
Official Paper or City ot klani
la Falla and Klamath County
Robert Galloway ..... Keillor i
liyaa Zimmerman Adv. M(jr. '
Entered aa aecond clan matter
at the poatoldce at Klamath
falla, Oregon, November It,
ISIS, under act ot March S. lilt
Delivered by earner, month .5
riellrcrrd br carrier. Tir. e.IH)
Delivered by carrier, year a.oO
Dflllvorrd by maU, year 6.00
Subscript lona payable In advance
tl Member Selected Oregon
Pacific coast repreaentatlTe: Ar
thur W. Sty pea. Inc., San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles and Portland.
Eastern representative: Charle
. Miller. New York, and W. H.
Stockwell, Chicago.
Telephone 877
Member Andit Bnreaa Circulation
. ?
May 7. Itwii
The earth shall be tilled
with the knowledge of the
glory of the Lord, as the
waters cover the sea. Habak
kuk Ml
PRAYER Lord, for this
great a c c o m p I Ishment we
would live and labor contin
The preparatory disarma-
tnent commission of the Lea-1 ma'n twcn,y" cen;s a qnan for
gue Of Nations, sitting at!"k does not increase the four
, .i or five cents a quart paid the
Geneva, has decided that ; farll)er.
neither poi,son gas nor dis
ease germs may be used
hereafter in any wars.
Tliia agreement beyond
doubt, will presently be rat-
ified by all of the world '
powers, from Abyssinia to i
l--.,,- M,.0.'"'""' .. .... .
l.iueua, di.v. i.. F.uvv
loving people of the world '
will tell themselves iW.t an
other great victory has been
Well-intentioned gestures , wjenry kord has an idea;
of this kind sound very nice. ' il for government financlug
It is reallv too bad to be j thutmay interest you. :
, "Respectahlc hankers will call
Obliged to admit thai they bcMievism and anarchy, worse
don't mean a thing. (than Trotzky's. however. Hc-j
To begin with, no one but is""'"bl" ""T. 5tab!c m??. once
. called fords "gas buggy out-
the most hopeiUl of optl- ! rageous nonsense. Nevertheless.;
mists would suppose that i the buggy runs better than It
such an agreement would dld h"n ' h-ree pBUed "
reallv be binding in time of
pORD wonders why govern
ar' if ment creates banks, prints.
If one thing in this world ! money, then pays the banks for!
is certain, it is that any na- i lending the government some of .
.... I Its own monev. valueless, except
tion, going to war now orfur thc MtioI1- creoit.
henceforth, will use every' ir like a father borrowing;
weapon it can lay its hands ! ,rom nis in(a,lt ' hild
on. Poison gas mav be I
prohibited by treaties' IJAViNG mad., a wnion or .
, .... ., 7 iX X two. keeping on hand a few
enough to fill a library hundred In cash always.
nevertheless, the next war ! Ford is entitled to his opinion
will see poison gas used on i "n mn,u y' ev"n " -v"u
, , with him.
a greater scale than ever :
before. There simply is not large scale is simply too
any doubt about it. hellish to be borne. And
Disease germs may be an- poison gas. which can wipe
other matter. It is quite; out whole cities full of non
possible that they will not combatants overnight, is one
form part of the properly- of the things that make it
prepared nation's arsenal, so.
You see. they are hard t" No'.'.', when we declare t
use effectively. Chemicals lhat we will not use gas any
work better than bacteria, more, what are we doing?
r-l .. i -ii i
ihey kill more people for
the same amount of effort,
But poison yjas will be.
used, just as high explosive all ami so v.-e are takinir The irti,a of nnix any pro
shvllrt anil niachino runs away on' of the muvX ar-,j-'i withour fint rofiirihuiini;
and airplam w ill bp usod. ' jruments that should make to I),e Uu y i-n num y
And .treaties of the kind us work t avoid war alto- .
just proniulcrjitcd nt Geneva .pet her.
may conceivably, in the long It wouldn't be .o btul if
run. do much mure harm the unti-jras prohibition
than jrood. would work. Hut it won't.
No one ever gets any- Foolinjf around with it sim
where by kidditiK himself, ply prevents us from mobil-
A,l ..-1..... ..... .... .. 1... ..c
nu licit i- j;n tu u mi 111
Itisa and bother to outlaw
the use of poison pan, in wtir peace.
time, we are kiildinj; (iur- rjttchiiiK tip rules for
celves in a bic way. war is the most futile oc-
We ore blinding our eyes cupalion imajfinnble. War
to realities. Even the dull-'will abide by no rules. In
est man can see, in what trying to devise some we
happened between 1911 jure merely kidding our
and 1918. that war tut aiselves.
Our Turn Now
That Debenture Plan
Ford on Finance
What Will Bankers Say?
CV.pjrtKht, tvStt, King Feature. Syndicate, lac.
' YTASMIXGTO.V reports I
i VV President Hoover has
.. . . ...
eva to Keep out or questions mm
' cencern Kurope only. Americans.
will tliuuk him for that. We ;
i should not meddle in Europe's'
affairs, or Kurope In ours
TIIK president says our sea I
strength must be on a parity
with thai of Ureal llrit.uu.
That is putting It mildly, but ;
It will noi suit Hrltain. That .
I noble country, f.r mysterious'
reasons, thinks itself entitled to.
! rule the oceans. When Hritain
could AFKORI) it. she Dill it.
We can afford It now. Itrit-;
ain canuot. Why not do It? tt
is our turn. Must we always
ask what someb.-dy else wants
us to do? Britain never asked,
hut built ships, singing. Britan
nia rules the waves."
THE senate may put through :
the "farm relief" debenture ;
plan in spite of the president's :
protest. That Is good news for
middlemen. They mould buy i
farm products, export them and '
get a bonus cn exported pro-
THE farmer would get the
bonus IK be could ship '
wheat or cotton direct to Liver-:
pcol. Bui he cannot do that.
It is "hoped' lhat giving a
bonus to exporting middlemen
automatically '
prices paid the farmer
out., k. II.. -in tl.. n.i.l.ll.b
O W EVER, the deleiiture
bonus would put monty in
circulation, even If It did tho I
farmer no direct good. Also it
would add to the rich man's
Uim and make that resourceful
xentleman say 'to himnelf. "1
,hin,i p" a7 lo 5ulve
that. tana, problem."
l-vi-nIvj lahnr comDels nro-:
KxBen&fve labor eomncls ' pro- .
ductlon cf new machinery, ex-;
pensive farm cure-alls will make ;
financial intelligence Interest It-:
self in the farmer.
T , . , .ii-
Just this: we are tellmj,'
oiir.-elves that future wars
won't be so terrible, after ... . l t. -
i.nis 0111 iuii Mienj.ui un
the flfht for continued
1 Y rrostnoni noover uas ui-.n,
1 dcred our representative at tJen-
TOKD talks t,i you now from
' ...... ... ... . , .......
,.iy iniiietopny oi inuus-
try." Just published In New York
ny i owuru-.uci ami. inc.
"Take the uioney quest ion
for example. Suppose we In
the L'uited States find our
selves with some public im
provement work t.i do. the de
velopment of some of our nat
ural resources.
"The usual way ihe govern
ment sets about doing this sort
of thing is I Issue bonds
say for thirty years and lo
sell them to the highest bidder.
Then they go ahead and hire
workmen to do the Job. pay
them with the money received
from the proceeds of the wile
of bonds, and then at the end
of thirty years pay back the
bondholders, together with in
terest. What happens In the pr.- ,
iv ss
"In the first ptai-e. what
makes the bond valuaM?
Why are poodle willlujc to buy
"Well, bevause the United.
States government stands be
hind them: In other words,
the government is putting up
security for Its own loans, and
the security which it put up
U nothing more nor Iesa than
the energy of wealth in It
moft productive form, ie. nat
ural resources.
"It in the best H-;irity in
the world, necnrity thul sur
vives the wrecks of banks and
"So. then, if we mart with
a security which is unqutfs
tinned and hU u the people
are wIIUur to accept as collat
eral for the bonds Jxued, why
should we go through the ex
plicated and unnecessary pro
cess of paying 12o per cent (4
per cent for thirty years equals
120 per cent! out cf our own
pocket to somebody else for
Ihe privilege cf gctiing 30.
li'iM.oou which, la reality, wo
already own?
"Tako, a iWeta of .paper and
' in.ll ...t ....
r - . . - .. u I'hui c vol . 'J
yourself. Suppose we b?rrow
3t).0oi).0uo and pay 12o per
cent Interest, we litcrairy have
to pay tC6.UOD.OOU fur the use
of i30.oov.uo0.
"That l. we pay J30.00n.000
for the public improvement
and $.16,000,000 for the loan.
And It was the government's
own ,money to begin with! It
sterns like a very childish and
utibiiHiness-likc method.
"Xow here ia a way I see by
whi.h our government can get
great work completed on a less
complicated plan. It Is a sound
way. but there is one thing
hard about it: It li so gimple
and easy that maybe some peo
ple can t see 'It.
"Suppcse, for example, we
dwire to relieve unemploy
ment by (arrying on some
necessary public Improvement,
and to do this the government
needs $30.0io.ou0. That's a
million and a half Iwentv-dol-
lar bills, or three million ten- I
dollar hills. !
"Th- g vernmciit can iue
these acainst ihe value of the j
thing tn prospect and with
them pay every expense In ion- '
n.ctl.iu with the work, then
put the plant In operation and
out of its earnings retire the
enure ihhi.uimj worth
eurr-ncy whh has been- Is
sued. EcnnnmUln n longer
question that method of doing
things. Indeed. It looks as If
financial engineering will come
round to something very like
it. We shall .see great im
provement when we apply en
gineering mh:ds to finance."
Whatever you may think of
rutin loan, yoii.wiu ie II leresi-
,d , srrrESS iommands
attention. What high finance
wi" ,n,nk of " cua:d "u' ' u,;l
kNCK. all over Kurope. Hutc
was a fax on door utifl win
down. Air and Hunllxlit tost
, nothing and hplonjrcd, tresum-
Jbly. to the peapk. Hut the'
UxiiiK Kiii'- did not n-a It thnt t
way. Financial kliiR rnnnot .
"see" uuy plun to let government
.. ....
ue its own money witnoni nay-
lnR- a' '"ri1 "'" n '"-;
min. ouo r.r the use of l"".u,".-j
FUKI) will be told, "that's In
flation. Inflation Is heresy.
I yon should lie nsliained of your
self.'' I Hut Ford Is not ashamed, nnd
; being on the rjnd to make a fcrw
' billions more with hla "queer
j Ideas" he says what he pleases.
Karl Dane and Ueorg K.
Arthur, wandering through mys
terious grottoes, amid weird
mummies, sinister ahadows, and
secret trapdoor that hurl the
heroes of "Hookies" Into the
black depths, are making their
bow In a uew and very hilarious
type ot comedy nt the Orphcuiu !
theater In "Detectives."
It is a straight mystery story 1
with all the thrills of the crook I
drama at Its best
comedy Is Introduced i
-lind Ihe
a lien Dane
and Arthur, as a "hick" house
detective and a bellboy who
aspires to be a second Sherlock
Holmes, blunder Innocently inlo
oue tense situation after another.
Junior Orpheum Vau.le. !!e
The Junior Orpheum randevllle
show- a, the Pelican today and
tomorrow offers five acts of tal-
lent presenilis song. dune, and'"""'" "rlu"" n" "
novelty numbers.
The big act of this bill Is "Oh
You Klin" presented by Billy
lllros, Com,v,ny To tho.
who possess a daughter of mar-!
riagcuble age this skit will have
a genuine appeal. Ii will aljo
I strike a chord of sympathy from
'the voune men. ami the rest of
talXtl,acf! m , ulld,.r thai... .' .. "
spell of the Irresistible comedy, i
The other four acts are Arm- .
lrong and Blondell doing A
n.l II Inn .t -It .litiii A
'Couple from Hollywood." "The;
Banjo Ruster." a cowboy act i
1 which includes music as well as
some very fine rope work. They
are followed by "Musical Xoti-,
aenae." a vaudeville treat, and
I "A Ponourrl Affair" Is offered
: bv the Trenneii trio, who xo ln'u...i ..i. .in.n vnn,
for sensations that come last
an.l furious.
The feature film attraction Is
; "Harold Teen" starring Arthur
.Lake. Booth Tarklngton's Ju-!
veulle hero it a scream in this j
AT TIIK l.lltntTV
'You Can t Heat the liw."
lhiu mmuneu t.f lha unil..rv.orlil
which points the flniter of warn-.
inw af t lunm uhn lnliiVa fttov ' rinTwlt th unA nt.'tnn I
punishaicnt for crimes commit-.
ted. has as Its star I.ila Lee.
thut dainty little artist of many
a successful photoplay, whose
portrayals are always ravels ot i
finished artistry. And in this she
lire, un lo. the standard net hri
Iprevlou. parts In the role of the
jsfster of a erook whose life of
ertmo and means of livelihood Is
unknown to her. Her sweetWn,
a policeman. Is .the one who
nocently make, known the stag-
gerlne truth and then there -Is
the clash between love and bones of Christopher 'Colum
duty. .-bus He Is of little consequence,
Announcement was made 'today
Ithat the next attraction at the
! I'lne Ttee theater will be "Tim
! Little Yellow House." from
j Beatrice Burton's serial story of
the same title that ran In Mr -
I C all's magazine. It will open
A notable cant appears in the!
production. Martha Sleeper plays
th, girl: prvi.le Caldwell. ,h.
young worker; Lucy Beaumont.
the mother: Kdythe Chapman, the
wealthy grandmother; Orlamond.
the good-for-nothing father: Ed-
ward Pell. Jr.. the smart-ale, k
uromer ana freeman oou. uie
(girl's wealthy employer.
Clil Ittt'jin St ience f'liurtlles
! "Kverlasting Punishment" was
( t ho subject of t'le Lesson. Sermon
in nil Chinches nf f hrist, Kelen-
ti-t. on Siiniiay. .May 5.
' The Cohlen Te;.t was. "The
I eld pres. rveth tlo- strangers;
'lie reiievelh 'he fatherless anil
widow, but the way of the wick-
(ed h I it met li uis-lilv down"01 '"sails.
i'sallllH 1 ;i.:!i I
Among the eiiailons which
fimiprfsid ilie l.cson-Sermon was
thtr following from the Bible:
"Mnny sorrows shall he to the
wicked: but he tlpt trusieth In '
the Lord, tnercv shall compass
I 'm uhnttt It.. i-l:id ill 1im I...r,l
n.l ivioi... ve righteous: and .
... i..v v.. tl,.it ..e nt
' ' '
right ill ne.irt ii'sulms .i.mii.-,
I'iii. l.'i ion-K:ri!ion
al?n in-
r!.,d. d tic roilnwins nivni-aK?
from th- Chrl'tall Ki-li-nrp text-
hook, "rtcl'inee ind Health with
Key lo the .Scriptures", by Mary
llaker Kddy: "Let us reiiiemls r
Hint the eternal law of rlglil.
though it can neter annul the
Iar which niakes sin irs own
execui loner, cx'-mpis man from
all peualtii s but tli'isi. duu for
wroncdtiing" i p. s.'ii.
l'l!KHllKT WON'T Al l KPT
CAIIACAS, Veneruela. Miy B
cien. Juun Vlcetit (. timer., die-i
tutor of Venexiirla fur
In hi.
remained iidtnnunl lodny
refusal to accept the presidency 1
of the republic once more. The
entire membership of the senate i
and the chamber of deputies will
go to the gener il s home near
Maraeay op Thursday to Insist:
upon his acceptance.
Classified advertising li '
doming newspaper proposition
Uwaya. Use Tha Newt. i
MAY 7. 1P20
'piioughts We've
Been Thinking
Women Use Cigarettet,
Impression Fail. Cities
Brinf Divorce. Where
Are Bone of Colum
bus? rliy BRUCE DENNIS1
Hardin, has gono to the terrific
I trouble of sending to all the
I newsnupers ot the l ulled Slates
I ., .u. r a nrll 8
j ' , .. ,
i " w """"
' very proudly proclaims:
j "We hope thnt we accomplish-
,..J what we st out to do. to kill
1 ,hl. ruu.UU)1 uhoo aymlM'.llc of
, mi) ,,,,., discrimination.
. Nu( . ,,,., .
.... .
more seriously than it was to'ilKhted
! have bi'en taken, but after all.
; 1 told newspaper men in New
v.vk that II was a slllv emboli'.'" """ '. " "'."" " """is., closed, showed a slight ac
t - -;,;,
nmoa.ii. mi, a was ion wise to
j "'-''luallty. There Ms no smke a social brand by w hich
more reason for woman not smok-j be could be Irn.vd. but he Knew
lug ou the sidewaUs than In the!'1"" Harold did. .
1 i .... Quickly lie spread Ills hand-
" '
! T 1,1
I"' " w
letter which dear Airs. Toy -
tor-Scott Hardin has sent to all
thtj newspaper people of the Unl-
, . .. .. ...
' J to tX,vm "
a certain day alio was came
enouih to loin Borne of her nex
' v.lrl ,,,,..,,.,, ,h
... ...
,uvu -,uw
' be a fine attainment for Mrs.
'!ardiu. She may rejoice over It.
ilt j,., hrr thoroughly nuder-
11.111,1 lli.l 111 UMb.l lu I.,
, , . ,
of the lotted Mates do not anre.
: with her lu any form or manner,
! ...
pAXADA still has the lowest dl-
ra,u any euumry.
' " '
tier rale Is ouo divorce for every
" marriages, uivorce seems lo
b Increailng. however, across,
tl,0 Canadian line, as the coun-
;tiy becomes more Ihl.kly popn- (.
laied. which goes to show thnt
(domestic life does not go so well
jn btic :crtle- In UttU ones,
.Voule. to h. at their beat need
in-1'" C,hOW r00m-
I. ...
T"1,E "Kninent over where the
:rr ,0me nrw,v!l'Kr ha "ald-
"W1,nt the re" maa Wllh reat
imagination docs, lives always,"
'and Ihe mere fact that his bone.
rest here or there Is of little
j-' ,a '"'''. 0I,"" 1""e uro
where the bones of Columbus are
burled. Some say that they are
j ,,uHt.d , a tonlb , San I)om,nK():
,hc oldc9l ,own , ,
c,u """"i'""' """" ""'
' bave visited the tomb of Colum -
bus in Ilavanna, In Seville. Spain.
, and now they are aaylng that
the courageous nav gator Is bur-
led 15 miles south of some Span -
ish town with a funny name.
rvll. HALPH W. CHKYXK. of
Carnegie Instltntn, Is piaii-1
nlng on a completo and exhau.i
tis'e study of fossils around Bend.
Would It not he better for the
eminent doctor to go over lu
ln" " " ami no vauny in scare,,
'T'HK silly twaddle coming from
a recall of Senators .Moser, Hal-
ley and Corbett, becanise they
voted against the telephone
measure when the last legislature
mn. I. in l.,.nln slth th. .llvn
cnndiiinn ,,i Pnril.nd t.,l 1,-r,
n...- i..
iiiitit.i.ia.c bui.uiiii.s vuui,.,...
when there Is nothing else to
do. when the Portland ball team !
Is losing, business la a little .low,
on(J thtt t.oudn hunx low with
.hreatenlni? - mho whim. and th
weather Is murky, 111, nearly ,l fingers slipped from Jho wood
always. Portland peoile find : w,rk the marks would remain.
some political pastime such as,
a re ail or somellilug of that ' accident theory." the housu du
nuture. iiectiro said.
They have no chance, what
soever, to recall Harry Corbett, j
,Joe Bailey or (Jus Moser for a
vote thai they gave a measure
when they thought and uiiile.-'a
'stood that tbey were voting cor
rertly. Whether they were or
not Is not a question to decide
by recall election. Kacb of these
1 senators Is an holiest, man and
ear "otcd according to his own
conscience, is inai noi me proper
thing tnr a public official to doT
CT ATE Came Warden. Harold
Clifford, wants lo trade a
bunch of antelope over In Lake
county for a hunch of buffalo
with any state In the union where
buffalo may bo obtained. We
doubt if Oame Warden Clifford
CHAPTKIt XXXU . 0n of the men regarded thn, v lilt om unyln lha boy
Aa Harold opened hi. mouth to window .peculatlvuly. Then In , l..d killed liimreif It waa but
yell lor help lluelt viciously stepped forward, threw It up. ( I mural the poll. should seek Mr
clapped a hand to his lips. The and climbed lo llio sill wher.i lie u motive. Muck wa not wor
hoy fou nut desperately hut In- j crouched aa thouith preparing to f!-l.
eftecllvely. It was too lute lo' throw himself out. I Hut he knew that Mr. tinsel
live himself now.
The ret , if lluek Cotiuor's
murderous act sal qulckl car
ried i . Holding and allenclug
1 Harold with one hand, lluek
Id' alt him a stunning blow with
Ihe other.
There waa not even a cry as
, Bllr,m,, bmly ,,. ,ho win -
! ulu t rashed through space lo
deaili below.
I Then, almost' Instniiilv, Murk ;
' ot himself to fo'low Hie dictate 1
j of his rapidly wo.-kmg brain,
j 1( ( J t-ac1 out his hiimlker-
j , l.lef and ran li over Ihe wood-
cork of lh window lo remove,.,, . ,...!
j ' fingerprints be may have left
: n "' A "'!
; n I n. U; I H U .
'""r "virnriuu. ne
ilshte.i it in one swiii move-
Kiaiue men icu upon '"e.,,, Wmow lh, r,im. which
ker.hlef on the table, look up
" r wun a coruer oi aim
mpueu inecunienisou uie .inen.jclulhJnj( Bg h(j WM (o j,,,
f ran nm vm-T urr
; "a1". 1 invu-
: . uestroeu ail. cient, turner 10
teave the room.
Al '"0 V"r n" ,xa """" ,T
1 '' aecond. while he held
It .Mainly ajar ami wiped off hla
! fingerprints. Hearing nothliiK.
ne oiH-neu , a mer .no ,k
: ",'u " "''"' "J, ,,:
'! , , ,.
i " " snenny au.i .rnoouny
hadow. lluek HteptH'd out !
hii'l made his way to his own
, rooms.
....... . ... ...
""'7 """''"'
,o..n afterward. A mi-n on a
j lower f.oor had Kllmpsed a fail -
I Inn object aa It paused hi. win-
:,luw ttnd '","y r,ll!'1 "J"
I.ce to repori uis oeue,
Jir. nasei nimsei. rusne., , n
; rooi oi mo aujoiuio. uu. .......
n,,rr g"nce irom mi uen.v-.
1 window. But first he stopped to
iaend word to tho house phyl-
, uF minu. u... ....u. ...
several other hotel attache, lot-
'owed They found the body lying
foco l'""""'''- ""
the feature, showed to make lis
identity recognisable.
, ...My ,;od. f. Harold Judsnn'
Mr. I):iel cried nnd went down
on his knees beside the
He reached out his hands.
Someone touched him on the
Khonlder. "IUv to leave It as
It Is for the medical examiner,
sir. He's- dono for.
Mr. Ilaxel sprang to his feel.
fait thn nnllce." he ordered his
assistant. "And yon. Citmmlngs,
fetch some blankets."
That was all they could do.
The house physician arrived on
the scene shortly afterward and
Pronoun. c.i ine uoy u. u
an ire aarKtiess, uetore uie m u
, ical examiner g" !.. ....-.....
1 for the body to bo moved. It
' wa ",k,, ,n ""ul director's
! establishment nnd Pamela was
- -
! ,u ln "" r"u'" '" "
I detective and tho police had been
making their Investigations.
Nothing aroused their suspicions
that It was more than a suicide
ruse or an accwrni unui mey
came !o u.e.r ...
window. '
Ital her perfunctorily they went.
over the floor, the baseboard.
the window sill and the frames.
Then, suddenly, when they hud
finished liisiwctlng lh wood-
, w(ir, thelr superficial air van
j gravely
-there were three of i
I them and expressed n
i opinion In a single word,
j .
tt.. .....i.i it. ...'a I..... ihmirii
i. . . .- ........ '. ....
niniseil or laneu. iiom vne wiii-i
,iw without leaving n finger
mark there In falling he would
have rlutclied at something. The
rnrtains. had he caucht thim.
1.1 tnrn A nrf h..l
"That Just, about set I lis thoi.
It ... .!..... tl.. l.n,l... .1..
lias obtained the permission of
Lako county people who havo!""" '"..iseii nun u,
j been caring for the antelopo for,1"""'' "r" " fllle Irall.
good many years. We do not -
wish to question Clifford's Judg
ment but wn would llko to ask
him who will catch tho antelope
and deliver them on board tho
flHC now stato normal school at
La (Irando Is about ready to
open. Now we have two schools
In remote parts of thn stato, ono
at La Grande and ono at Ash
land and both are under nour
ished and under supported. It
might have been better In have
one good normal school and been
able to support It.
Wheu ho let himself down
again Ihcy all agreed that Harold
could hardly have Jumped from
the window without touching t li
woodwork with hi hands.
"It's a safe guess be dldu'l
slip." the third mun remarked.
looking at the thick curpol uitdJ.'
1 ,ho Wmlw
i ..,,.
And It' Just as aafu to o-i ;
I that ha didn't go out of thu.
j window on hla own powur," the
man wnu had rlliulwd lo Hie alii
declared emphalleaKy. "Ioki
like murder, hoya."
Their tusk became grim Horn
wtiri.h(,d , ,, ,.,
l'P'"'t "r theory was louml I
,,.,, , ,., , ,wj
. wlBIow , ,w, Mm n,,.v '
M tn) (tl w1llH()rk hK1,
,)1(1 f,,,,,, Wped. The ee.
Icnmnla.lon At Co.. du-l on the
i,tUlll, ,hll, , p
j mlmlllw w0,j nuVe collected a
i greater amount of dust bad ll
, ,,,..,i aa ,h r.
i ,,, w ,o0 thorough lu have'
bt,H( At)M by
dead hoy's
. dfth.
t ..ow aboit h(l Joore. ohe of
j 1(J offm( aHkpiJ of U)n UoXv
' ilti.iitilvM "til. I tMfiiinlufin flml
l-k.d when he wa put on
..Nn,- ,, j,0,,. m, ,,, "but
I ., . rt,,., ,... n,uri, I vo had
(u Btn rr
time and aitaln about
their doors unlocked"
..w,.n wo ,., u ,yihln
more here," the officer BtAled.
"tome on, Hill we'll make our
lien lue rep.ii u.
t.bll.hed a theory of the c..ei
hM M n j,., uliaiir.mllt
. wl(( l(io popi, Mir( ihat
.. .. .,. h.. ,,,.. . .,. ,
'clde's death or been Ihe victim
of B ,.,,,,.
Hut Ihe police preferred to
kopp tMf h(,ory (J Ih,mw,,M.
Th(,y dJ nn wnn( Q pu h
imirdori-r. If audi there renlly
was In the case, on guard.
i A man was sent lu hnsle to
the funeral direct. r'a estibllsh-
,.,, ...i ...1. lfnrtil.l's
j,,,, ha(1 bB,. r,0t0li. A
,,, j,p,rtion nf his belong-
lnc was nnd all metal or
hard objects jaken lor possible
flnrerprliit clews.
shortly thereafter nl!
that Hun-Id had met
death at Ihe hands of an nwui-
In vanished from the mlnda of
lh(MM wi .,,, ,, ,he
boy's silver belt buckle was a
bar thumbprint thai did not
(,o (u dMd own(;r
. .....
The funeral director waa sum
moned and avowed that no one
had touched the belt In his es
tablishment, to tho best of hla
1 T(, ,yold
a misleading clew the police on
1 tnini.a. ,hmbprlnt. of nil Per
son. who might have touched th,
hell after the tragedy. None cor-
responded with the print on tho
"The man who left that
thumbprint was the last man to
tor .Markeson said In assigning
, mi,n fron (h, ,,,.,,,,, ,
tho case. "It looks like a tough
Job, hoya, but I want you to
clear ll up. (;ood luck to you."
The Investigation Immediately
ceuleroa In alid around the Jnd-
sou hotel. II was not lonK be-
forc. IIu(,k kn(,w Iho bM
n.t.lore. we.o
. , . .
Harold's habits and associates.
Word was brought In him by
service durlni: what he culled Iho
"milk wagon watch."
Tim information was more cas
ual Utah ll would have been had
the man known what Ihe police
i believed.
Ills orders fro n Huck
had been tn nee that as I It t lo waa
known of Harold's attendance at
his poker parties In tho hotel aa
"Thought you'd want to know
a couple of .lull 11 Laws aro
pussy foolln' around for done on
.', .' .. ".' """""
"""icu liy IIUCK HOI IO
forge! lhat bn was waiter serving
I a guest.
I Huck aswed a few uitestlons
Cleaners & Tailors
325 So. 6th Phone 1408
Hulls Cleaned A Pressed, l..0
little, font, cleaned
VI. I. At)
I'lnln Nllk Dresses .fio
I'hiln Wool Dresses 9I.B5
Wo Also Clean Hug.
THF KLAMATH NEWS rt .-:v. d a canto irom Amoa
J idsoa. uuyliig he waa flying
: li"tn London lo Cherbourg In
, . t It lb- dr. I boat sailing from
ilat porr lo Hew York.
This vi.s roiiiinnn knowledge
' out the hotel. Hack bad no
. d fflrully In learning of II. It
rvc.1 to heighten his determine-
'oi hi lurry out his plana a
i""r1' " puaaiuio.
' - - L
I " a-klurlo ' !
'"" answer.. Kor tha lime
, '":! enure y ui-
lle her world aa though he'd
t ver known her. Kren lha
""" - howered ! Ur
.M "o word o,
' ' "W.
i . Apparently she was plunged
I lino grief hut Huck knew lhat
' number of her frleuda had been
.n mltlefl lo
her rooms, which
had not left stucv the traidy.
aid tin auMHHlud I'mt sho waa
n't no rrushed as hi-r ecluslut)
Kould ludlcaio,
Hla failure to read, her com
ih lied him l a notify l(4a robot
lln of a ih-lav In (hit plan they
I had made on his n reul visit to
the man's "poultry furni."
I'oherlln'a wife eitmplalned
over the letter. HIi suld the'd
been 'to. a lol of trouble carry.
Inn ottt 1lnck' Instructlona. rlht
damned hlin up one aide and'
down tho other for bl "well"
ramrla, beautlfnlly recumbent
upon her ln.y plllo.n. where hn
wept fitfully uud pilled herself
for havlni loai her only brother,
would have been mu fed at tha
result of Itnne J'obcrllns !-
; tempi In crenlu an utmoaphera
fit to receive hey.
, ,,, r omu-rnieui wuuiu U..O
been shortlived. however. It
Huck'a determination lo Introduta
her to the ruberllua had been
. ,. . k.
j Knowlnx nolblnit of either Itosa
i Poberlln or Huck'. plan, aha
hu"led hernelf with selecting ba
comU,H roo.rnng rb.
( mitlrA n bll .,,0,1, for th
time being, lluek set himself to
d"vlo some way of breaking
down Ihe harrier she had erected
between ihem. He was still un-
.......... -r .. I wh.n 1.. rv.i.J .
mrsso ,hat sent him la bads
in see Duko Brnggan.t
(To tie Conlliiuod). '
I IVI: M TliltS hll I.KI)
llllt lli:KS, KriRce. May .
Five nimy aviator, were k'lled
when thilr b'lniblnc plane crash-
ed nt Avon! aviation fleldl near
t-"re todiv during bomblnc prae-
tr0. Collnp... of
caused the crash.
Start Vcday
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