The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 06, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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Mary Pickford's
Sister Beaten
Mlaa Utlielu 0 Flaherty l,ui,.l Alls. VI Hull Cuhb of Alma
liiilirovmn lit her horns uu Jeft.-r- joe, nine of Daniel War
mi slreet after attack ( In- rcu Jiukto.i.
(Iu'iikh Mlu O'Flaherly la l j -li.ii-
of llio !.' HI lludeu, IHKh Ml AUl.u Tumi I it, l. , li.-r ut
(rllu.'l annual - Kenn. was tlu.tipllil In lln ell;
' ilttlo Wednesday afternoon
After being nnatpuii.-d week. ; .
lh butaar lM.lim .iionuorotl by, j, )inll, well-known
llu. II. i.K lluud aorloty "I f.,,1,1,,,,1 r n,,,agii Itlvor, baa
Mallu will I... Ii.-l.l Friday. t"- ,.... seriously ill lli.i past week 1. H .Iiok mi.l other , llf iri
I. , nun nf ontnrlnllimeul will fill
II, ., J.,,, part of the evening, A I
num..., or booth. .Ill dl.pluy ,rll.r)t ,,,,. ,.,,. ,,,
'"r M.Hl... I'l.llll, urn expected l , IIiIn week from ll.'lltiiic limn.
Hubert Furrur. formerly of wash . ,.um IIii y have b .11 uu
1 1, la illy. Iiui returned turn fur i,an ai.-iiili'tl vlall.
Visit from Wuaro, I.Liliu. and In1
now a guct m Hi.. Immu ul hl Mlawa All-in and Muurln..
slater. .Mr.. C. A. VII..n. ; (. r .ortian.l wore
Iguoaia thin pi week-end nt lUo
Dru C tuv. Portland attorney, homu ol Mrs. William McCluakey
was truniartlng business and via-; ut utillc j.uim
HliK frl n,l In llio rliy ' iln.,-
liny. Mi. Iuy l i'll kowu In
Ih0 city, since hi. muk.-a frcutiunl
trips hero. 1
M, and r. l.enla. i.f
aSmi l-'rniK U. ... wl,i. nro vMllus ;
here. 1.I..I Mi II V .M. uj..t.-ii
11 n.omr nip t- -ii-rihy 10 Fnrr
K In 1110 1 H. w-here thev visited the ,
lu-cinnru runcti bonis.
Mra. Hell l.awa.n will enter
laiu iiii'iu lMr ul h.-r sewing club
Kri.lav evening ul bur apartment
In the Arcade.
.Ml; I M ir'1,1 nf ( lill.Mlllill
a .1 - thi- gii.'-.t tiw tiny avenlii
.mi 'I W. ln" ly uf Mra. lira.c
Stewart n( Moe'a llcauly Shop
.Mia. Martin la leaving liumcdl-
lately after fhrlstniae for Arkan-
Mm. r. E. Andera waa able, to (,m,allMi Tua ami oilier
rmume h.r poilllnu I" ih hua-1 .uih,rn . hero ab will
vllt with ralatlvea and friend
! - f
t ;. v V NT.
Written by Special Corraipondrnti, Excluiiva to ilia
Klamath Newt
JIIW. J. C. K t III.K ; ' i I"H. Mll.llllKI IMI-V
.New a 'urrrMinil'Ut 1 Nrwa ( 'orrrapttHb ut
MODOir POINT. Ora.. Imc. HfltAOl'K KIVEIl. Ore..
Mr. and Mra. Kllla Miduv mo- Mra. II. K. Wulford la abla lo
lutvd lu KlJlnulh Kalla Hainrday ; " id about axulii aftur l,
In dinner and unjoyed Ihn ahow. : lii rundned tu her home with a
"Our lnnrliii Dnuxlilara." whir ) r, 'H r..ld.
waa the PI tu r.' abowlnx at th.' , Mr. Dunl. l Wonn haa been 111
Hue Tr-e tlu iler. I '"r "IH P""' week with Hi flu.
Il.11 !: Wltnnr, and Mra. Myrtle ' Ml- ull1 Vlrlor OHIiik
Van Wwriner were rallera ul lh hllrtren hpeul Tliauklln
J r Kuubl.t bumu Krlday Iter- "'"'" ' wiiu irienqa.
Pari Cl.leon and Mr. Rutb
William Duly ulertaind i
liumber ut llio yunnKer matrona J
lory department of Mue'a aturv
yetetdny after no lllueaa t,f aev
rrnl day.
A dnuMr wedrllnx reremony
waa performed Wedneailay after
n.,,,11 by Hev. Frank I.. We met! at
the Methndial paraoimKe. Joaepb
T. Ward and liur.ith.-a Marie
tlatbwrlalit iMU-omn ntuu and wife.
Thuraday and Friday
Lara Hansen
Pauline Starke
Marceline Day
Erneat Torrence
In a captivating
Sea Story
until aprlne. Mra. Martin la am
pb.ved at the Chlloquln I'rua
Anrua M.iore nf Orovllle. Calif.,
la a new rimldeiit In tho rlty.
after arriving recently by mutur.
j ILnJuinln Newmuti, repreaent
alive of lha Huuta Uuae Khue
Munufnrturlna: rompauy. la traua
il.-tlllg bualueaa III the t-lly.
t'bnrlea Cliek. tailor, yeater.lny
renewed hia luemberalllp III til
DreK.'U Automobile . UHun.'latlnn
tlirniiKli the local branch at I lie
rhitiubur of commerce.
The KiiNtern Ktur Hoclul club
will cniertnln membera of th,
Knaterll Star, Ihelr funilllea and
filen.U with a dunce at I lie Win
ter linr.leiia thla evenlna. Thla la
one of the aerlca planned for the
wittier iiiitiii he. The uffulra are
held 011 tin average of one a
month, mid hare proved very au
Mora la Lottie Plrkford, alater of
Mary, aa ahe appeared after be
In kidnaped, beaten and robbed.
Mlaa IMt-kford and ber eacort.
Jack Daurherty, were returnlni
from a night club In l.oa An
gelea about I a. m., when four
men attacked tb-m, knocking
Uuugherty unconacloua and car
rylng Mlaa I'lckfurd into the bllla
where ahe waa bealen and rib
bed. Hho waa later releaaed.
held Friday. December 7. A
largo and varied aupply of beau
tiful artlclea which will make
Idcul holiday ilfta will be dla
pla)i'd fur aalu In tho boutha.
Mra. I.. V, Ackerman, latcr-ln-law
of Mra. Hurt llaaklua. who
arrived here not long ago to
make ber hnme, left Wedueaduy
fur file nuitt. culled bv tllu death
of her mother at the family humo! Kwauaou
1 In Klammh Fulln
lr. and Mr. Haw ami Mr. and
Mr. Klcliarda wero abnppera lu
Wtuittatl. La,.ll. a....
I.e.. a iiwiw- wr.myi ik'hi , Mra
laai wreg wueu ino aeoan lu
wiiun iu.-y w.ra n.ima ,, u,.r... ,. i..u by. h.hw.r The .f,,nw).
..don waa Injured o the etteal H,Kb h '
of a amaahed wheel and broken w, ,
Sim. nuiilap.
Among llioo from thla com- ,Ir, Mrcelia Raw. a t.jaih-r
miiuliy who were aliopplu In at yurt Kiamaih, Kiwnt the
the city Hut unlay were Mr. nod , Tu;,t,kirlvlog bolidaya rl.ltlng
Mra. Wilcox and dinirhter. Viola. I her par. uta, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Ki'iir.Minirlilf r, l'4-te; Vra. ,T. C pmlth
Krwii.l.-, Vr nn.f Mra. Ellla Me-, . . '
:ce. Mr. C. 1. Saltinn and win.
Cotiley; Mr. and Mra. William
Cluakey, Mr. aud Mra. Carloaou, j
Air. auu aim. e. vy . cugenuo, an'i
Mr. and Mra. lllxon
Mr. and Mra. Jim Jfolm, tur
merly of Modoc Point, are eg-
MAMS', Ore.. Ix-e. ."Va. we
enjoyed our TuankrcJvIng holU
daya very murh. Ko, me didn't
o J ... u .' ' afterwarda. becauae
Hell ngham. Worh. jmolher a eaator oil bottle waa too
Mra. W. Wllllama and Mra. El-handy." Thla waa tba aummary
lla McOoe are ownera of newiof the atudenta' Thankaglrlug
White electric aewlng machlnea. bolidaya aa they entered achool
Mra. William Van linker. Sr..
la atlll Improving after a majur
Francla Btinpaon la confined to
bla home with lllneaa thla week.
Mr. and Mra. Knauaa are among
the roaldeuta of thla community
who are confined at home with
Tho amall eon of Mr. and Mrs
Carlaon la Improving after a aerl
oua attack of piieumunla.
Mra. A. Jaeota.011, Mra.- Car!
motoiud to Klumulh
,11 Oiuuhu. Neb.
Mr. and Mra. II. A.
uud Mra. ti. F. Ilohertu urn Tialt
Ig In the rlty for a abort time
from ihelr home lu Kan Fruu-cbuo.
Falla Monday afteruoon.
iinrold Wluier and Mra. Myrtle
liaymoml 1 Van Worcrmer. 'foraierly of Mo-
doe Point, woro married - at JS
o'clock Huudny utturnoon In Fort
Klumath. , ' ' . ' , '
Alleen anil" M'aurlne Seymour' of
Portland wore' tho week-eud
gtieale of Mra. William McClua-
The women of Hie illy are
imkiul l,l l.i r,.w,,l tliu .mli.iul
l.uaar of the la.ll.-a of tile Fl rat ! 1,1,11 "r0. '"'I'Pl" (r'
Metlo.illat clllir.-ll which la being
the following Monday.
Ileth Klrkpatrlck. 'i graduate
of the Mulln high achool, and
Earl Jarkaon. '28 graduate of
Henley high achool, were married
Wednesday, November 28, at
Klamath Falla. The young peo
ple will make Ihelr home at Hun
Icy In one of tho Halley houaea.
They were charlraried luat Satur
day night by the people cf tin
Henley commuulty.
After having been poatpouod,
the annual baiuar given by the
Helping Hand society of Malta
will be held this coming Friday.
The entertainment to be given
at the firat part of the evening
will roualat of fchorl plays, and
vurloua other forma of amuse
ment. After thai, booths will be
opened. Candy, pie and fancy
work and embroidery are samples
of the different thinga to be of
fered for sale.
Many aludnnts of the Malic
high school spent an enjoynbl"
"Steal My -Man, Will You!"
ftauV VI M .eeo I
Doug. Fairbanks, Jr.
It' the real life, stark, un
adorned) A Hula queen fight
for tha right to be loved. A
snake charmer turns temptress
and steal white kisses from a
yokel' lips. A father fight to
keep hi son straight. While
all the time the barker smiles
and spiels of the joy and fun
behind the canvas I
From the
Play that Re
ceived More
Praise Than
Any Show
in the Last
Five Years!
I All lliuae who have cutitrlbii
itiona to make for the Angel lal-. key.
and bo which members of the . Mra. Roy Wurli.r of CIioeuln
Daughters of the Amurlcan Ituv- visited with Mra. Norrls Hhbrt
thla . Monday.
city iiecemtier 11) uru. a mra 10 .virs. . r.meraoti or t nnoquiu i eveulug Decern her 2 at thu Bo
leuve Ihciu at the Clover Jewclr) ' called at the J. C. Kauble home j hemian Kokol dance. The old-
atnre. where Mia. Warren II1111I j Tu.'aday. ... fashioned dances were featured
will guthur thoiii for packing anil - j mainly the polka and beseda. A
vhlppliig. Marriage licenses were granted great amount of enthusiasm was
' Wedneaduy to Daniel VI. Jackson shown by the .young folks.
and Vivlnn Cobb, both of Algoma 1 Mr. aud Mrs. Clysle Paolo and
Were Setting the Pace in Value-Giving
With Such HiglvGrodc
Brought lo You Through
5-Store Paying Power at
What a rtal tileunure tu whop fur on
overcoat at me Iii-ownxville hundred
of fine coaU from which to ttelect are
here at $2"i.O0. Kvi'ty feature found in
much hipher priced garments nre in
evidi-nt-e in this jfroup, too
Pure Wool Fabrics-.
Single or Double
Breasted Models r
Light or Dark Colors
Full Run of Sizes-
Light weight, snappy-looking topcoats
or big, heavy overcoats, if you prefer.
All the latest browns, grays, tans, ox
fordfe navy blues, blacks, etc. -You'd
pay 30 or $35 anywhere in town for
their equal you pay f 25.00 here! .
The condition of lllll lllirke.
captain of thu city police force, j Joaeph- T. Ward and
was reported lat nlithl ns Im- lartwrignt. both of Kluui-,
nrovi-d Hilrke became III Suu-: rails
.lav with an attack uf lufluciua
I. J. tinier, district iroicnt and
passenger agent of the Southern , school.
Pncifle. wus back at his dcak . Miss MacMillun
to her home in Lebanon
changed her plans.
Mins Powers, Instructor in com.
merce. spent the Thanksgiving
holidays at the home of ber
grandparents In Anderson, Calif.
Several students of Malin high
Dorothea ; Phyllis Merle Poole of Henley . school attended the Copco dance
" roil. M.UX AXD FIFTH STH. .
They all reported a ' iSsaaWMMasaaWasaMfsTTaBaWJ4
but jored lights.
good time.
spent the holiday with Mrs. Klamath Falls Thursday night.
Poole's parents.- Mrs. Poole waa i The hall was decorated with col-
formerly Mlas nosle Hnnzlk, a '26 j " .
gruduato of the . Malin high '
Mrs. Mahlon Landis Is confined
to the home of &er sister. Mrs.
Will Hountou, suffering with a
severe attack of influenza. Her
daughter Barbara Is also 111. Both
mother aud daughter are report
ed Improving. 1
For Business
In West Klamath, sea
Slater Investment Co.
For results naa News Claa Ads
K. J. Goodrich, who was III
churge of the Kiamaih Falls Red
Cross drive, haa returned from a
busl.ieas trip to Onklund, Cullf.
' i ,
Wednesday aflur two .weeks' Kugllsh. spout tho Thaiiksglvlug
vucatiou spent
southern Call-1 holidays .In Ktatnaiu Falls with
I frk-uds. She had planned ,10 go
Tourists going to New Mexico!
through southern California will)
ho granted permits nf .10 days I
free of charge, according to word i
which has hern received at the
information booth of the cham
ber of commerce from tin A 11 to-1
mobile Club of Southern Cnlltor
ma. The permit can bo ob
tained at the custom house at
Tla J nana. When tourista plan
to remain 90 dnys the cars should
be bonded and tho fee for this Is
a Ik, i' I SID.
1 Teachers of the city school.,!
and ili.-ir friendn will gather nt
the Winter Cordons Frlduy eve
jning for a dnnrlng purly. The
j Jack Iluwrlng orchestra will pro
, vhie the music. This is ono nf
1 tho affairs being sponsored thu
winter by the Klamath Falls
Teachers' association.
E. B. Henry, county engineer.
Is confined to his home with an
attack ut Influensa.
Frank Sexton .and Fred Peter
son motored to Merrill and Mulln
yesterday whore they visited the
Frcdrlch Piper has returned to
Portland from Klamath Falls,
whore ho and his partner, J. H.
Van Horn, maintain an office tor
legal work for one of tho rail
roads. At Klamath Falls llvos
A. U. Ashurst, who with Messrs.
Piper nnd Van Horn owns and
operates tho White Horao mine
near Gold Hill.'- The trio have
the mine going 24 hours a day
and are well satisfied with the
results. The throe men have
not even Incorporated, nor are
they selling stock, but Just figure
they havo a pretty good thing
and are getting a kick out of be
ing mine owners as well as law
yers. Tho Oregonian.
The Gift of Gifts
Columbia Portable
What Gift Will Give' Such
Real and Lasting Pleasure?
$17.50 to $50.00
fim -ImPU
In I "
Give records, too
Give Columbias,
the records with
out a scratch. - -
'Get it at Ma gill's"
lMafjill Drue Co.
528 Main Phone 270
For Business
In West Klamath, see
Slater Investment Co.
Houses and Lots of Light
Know the idiivcnitncc of having lumps tin hand ready to '
replace burnouts-as tlu-y occur. Buy lamps by the ' ' '
. . : carton. '
.; ( This attractive toy bouse carton contains six Edison
Mazoa Lamps. Order a carton or two now. your empty .
sockets and get a novel toy for the children. . . - . -
You, may secure bouse cartons of various sizes Oi" lamps ' '.
'- ' at the following new low prices: - .
Six 25 watt lamps $1.20 Six 50 watt lamps $1.32
Six 40 " " 1.20 Six 60 " . "1.32
Six 100 watt lamps $2.10 iUt,
The California Oregon Power Company
Mctlford. Grants Pass, Roseburg.Kla math Falls-Oregon
Yreka. Dunsmuir-Californi
S wile if