f TTIB KLAMATH NKWR Two Killed When Launch Sinks (Continued Vtom fag Owe)' up dlvliix to aid uilicr members of tint pny. Mra. Hliurp, Mra. Knsjlali nuil llitlu Null Kuxllsu, mud I, wsro Hnved. from poualblo drowning by Hani Mortouaon, wlto llvoa on du laland In tha river, whon he lirard the bout alrlko lha Iro, and ruabud to tlx araim of thu accldmil In hla own bat. .' Hvti'n nn llout Mr, mid Mra. Kngilah, Ibnlr two .. Pcnojf, okm) (, und Null, nirf t) ' 3, lir. and Mm. Hliorp and Mra. C. II. Muollfr left on Dr. Hlinrp'a now 13 foot raliln liiunrh HundaT ulluruwu fur irlp duwu Kluinulll river, flio Imul finished Ihri'u wrnks u. and wua oihi ol tbu Irlimni'sl Inuiirbca In soulliorn Orvguu. On tuo trip down lbs rlvur Dr. ftharp. oporutlng (ho luurxri, had not uollrod Ira. In (ml. the woathsr, rompiirtitlroly spouting, was not rold. Ton. mllos dun lb rlvur Dr. Hliorp and Mr, Knsllah agroad thai It waa tlma la rvturn. Th phrslclaa woa Juat about roady to i' awing tha boat arouud whon a entailing, grating aouud arrmtitd their attention. Tha boat slowed to a atop II had bi'tn travaliug at about lt-tnllo rata and tbu bow raised. llIUt I'llHKlt-d Tha big boat had crashed, head- on, Into a abiel u( Iro about an Inch thick It napponvl to bo In a placa hera there aa no cur runt. The Impact and (harp edge of tha lea batlored a hula on audi aldo of tha prow about lliree lurbaa wld and foot long. ' ' The bow ot tha boat, at first high In the air, allppod bark Into tlio hula It bad made In tha lea. anil wolor began, to pour Into the cockpit. Still not realising Ilia terloua ueaa of their poaltion. Dr. (Sharp lulu KiiRllah to get tuo plka pule and abovo tha boat to a patch ol tulea, near shorn. Tha pole, ten feel long, wouU nl reach bot tom. Women Hysterical ' Mr. Mueller and Mra. KnglUh went gradually bi-romlng hyatcr l.al. Water In-iian to pour through tho Jagged fissures In the prow. Tho aleru appeared to bc'aellllng. ' Dr. Bbarp slurtod Ihe nintor, ooplttg to got I ho boat to ahoro boforo It aank. Tim motor "caught" tho Ural timo, and alart VI to' dim. Iiut nVrn at lb-' launch aUrtod tho Ililiwl ita n'volvlng In water. Tho cnflut stopped stono cold. ; Hlrrn Hrlllr ' Then the men rvaltted the srl ouanoaa ot tho situation. Thero were (our lllo proavrvera. Uno waa given to each ot lha three wo men and one to Engllah, who, by (hla time, hod hla oldost eon clutched In hla arma. Dr. Bhorp told ever) body to re main on tha boat. He thought ai the boat aank. that by standing on tha top ot tho cabin, the beads r. y 1. 1 1 1 ivy 1 1 w Western Lady k Tells Story Nuturo conlrola nil the- func llona ol our digestive urgnits ex cept one. Wo have control over that and It's Hie funetiou that eiiusos the niosl troubhs See that your ohlldren form regular bowel habits, and at tho first sigu ol bud breath, coated tongue, biliousness or constipa tion, glvo them a Htllo California I'lg fiyru'p, II regulates the bow ohi nnd stomach und gives these orguna strength so they continue V to uct ns Natura lutends them to. 'It helps build up and strengthen pale, listless, underweight child ren, children lovo Its rich fruity tnste, nnd It's pttroly vegetable, so you can glvo It as oftuu as your child's appetite lags or- he seems feverish, cross or fretful. .' I .emllng physlcluns havo en dorsed It for CO years, nnd Its overwhelming snles record of over fouc million bottles a year shows how mothers depend upon It. A Western mother, Mrs. H. W. Stewart, 4113 Rurllan St., Don Vor, Colorado, nys: ' ''Raymond waa terribly pulled down by con stipation. Ho got weak, fretful und cross, had no uppelito or energy and food seemed to (our In hla stomach. California Klg Syrup had him romping and play ing again In Juit a tow days, and soon he was back klo normal weight, looking hotter than ho Iiud looked In months."- V' Protect your child from linlla llons of California FIs Syrup. Tho mark of the genuine Is the word 'California" on the carton, iAdr. ot lha aeveii ooi-upaott cuuld bo kept out of wator. Hlowlr tha (Urn (011101 Into Hie water, The water erupt to warda Ilia bow and the prow ralaed (lowly, Suddenly Mra, Muullor, with a Win preaarvor In her baud, could ataud It no Jnngur, She leaped Into tbo Icy waters ot the Klam ath. Altenipls to Nwlm Ashore A aucond later, aa the boat aet tled down gradually, Mr. Ragllah (aid ha mould nioko a try for thu slwro. With hla arma around hli aon, bo In in pod Into tho water, and began la awlm (lowly but atcnillly toward tho clump ol (ulua, thirty tarda away. In tho meantime Mra. Mueller had lunt ber Ufa proaervar and w.m r!,,iwi,.rl,, ...ruinlvuhuiii to go under llelglum and Oormaiiy, wfture Dr. rUiarp threw off hla over- rlT.,',,l',u? W'" I""1" "U' by coat and jumped Into tha river, rapidly 'King flood w era. Ant llo recovered the Ilia pro.orv.ir. ' r So.0tf Population Is In put It over Mra. Muellur'a head I ,,"u"r-: "shv. cut off and around her body, and then1".1' dr'"!'",'? '"'"i ho city, lowed ber tn.arJa alior.. jTheHeheldl rlv.r dykea have lr. Hliarp Hero lwn broken aud many huu.ee When a few feet (ram .Lore "recked by Ihe i.comlng water. Mra. Sharp, who waa perched I .., , Ihhh dp on tho bow of the launch. .ere.md Ih.l Mr.. Kngll.h and ; illtllo 2-jear-old Nell Kngllab had , , "- .-.". !-ii... ( i... it.. ,i i .... . have been flooded by the break 'allppel off Into the cold water of , , . , , ... in.. .I- . v. .ii i. j 1 lug of dyke.. Ulrica a are of the too near the (tern, and aa lha atern aank bcueatb the wavoa rin,..i .1.. iiiiiuwruHMi rcifuriuu lour muiva Lh! I , ?i k. . ? P I ""-. l"IHIon to a num She held on tight to bar .on, bulb,r ,(f , , (eemed In Imminent danger. i... ... .....i .. Dr. Sharp-llio only on. of the iaeven niia waa an expert awlm-1 mer turned and aw'in rapidly bark toward the b)nt. Hut even i7 r , ., , ""'"tali and .mall fl.blng craft Hliorp with admirable presence ol ; mlud. grabbed bold of the leu-1 loot plka pole aud hauled Mrs. Kngllsh and tbo boy Lack Into the boat. Near egliaustlnn. nla clothes weighted down. Iir. Sharp turned; Shop, are closed at Oatend, i ITesldenl Coolldge'a moro la to j towards the clump ot tults to at- Hilgltiin. and damage la reported jbear fruit, cither. Europe must .tend to Mra. Mueller, throughout llelglum due to the .nlLindon Its opposition to the Ab ha wna pulling her the fcrj rapidly rising waters of thalsenate reservation or . the senate remaining feet to the lule clump R. heldt and Dyle rivers. Engl-j must aluindnn lis reterration oi he heard Ills wife (cream again: ncers hava been scut lo tho scene; there must bo a compromise in "Mr. Err.lllnh haa alopped!" jol Ihe worst duningo with lirgol which both aides shall yield I It"!' Woks detachments of workers In an at-! from their former portions. . ( All this timeand It waa ahort-; tempt to halt further disaster. j llnrnli May (lunge :or than It tukea to road this ac-j Kiiglsnd l e.-ls Kurr J Whether Rurne will do this Is count Mr. Kngllsh bad been England, which felt Ilia first 'unknown. Thero Is Utile llkell 'making hl alow way towards tho fury ot Ilia storm, wan only hood the senate will recede. Sen- tules. lie had traveraej approxl-! partly spared today, as Ihe death 'ator Dor:ih, chairman of the for matuly fifty foci when Mra. Sharp called, ! new advlcca from various parts hooking back,' Dr. Sharp (aw jot the laland. Floods In Wales Mr. .Kngllab, hla faca dawn in tbo. and In Scotland havo caused w- .water, and saw tha lltilo boy slip . out uf his father's arras and s'.uk beneath tha (urlare. Tearing off his cMtbi-e, Dr, Sharp again service, weru JulteiL. or greatly plunged Into lliu wator. Itoach- Idumaged. I Ing Mr. Kuullah tha man was al- I - 1 1 ready dead he dova twice furl MANILA, P. I.. Nov. S6. IUP) I the boy. hut could llot locate him. j Damage estimated at millions i All i:h. ihn. ihn hvinrioi ' of dollarj was caused In the mother with her youneeat son was ! looking cn. Atlcmpla Rrciisclfatltm Dr. Sharp then hnuled the body of Mr. English Into shore and Im mediately commenced attempts at recuscltatlon. He worked for some time, and then collapsed I la tho meantlmo Hans Morten son, a nearby resident, hs. been ; attracted by tha cries of Mrs. : Sharp, anal rawed up to tbo econa of the tragedy. Da removed Mrs. Sharp, Mrs. Kngllsh and little Nell lo tho tulo clump. M Sharp endeavored to resuscitate, Mr. Kirgllsh, but to no avail. A tragic commentary Is that.lt all soven had remained on tho t'oat no fatalities would hava re sulted. Tho storn sunk, hut tho bow remained out of water. In fact, Ray Telford ( builder of the boat. Mild that the wood In the host wiyild have hcjd up tho launch, dcsplto tha weight ot tho engine. Dr. Sharp, Mru. Kngllsh, Little Nail and Mrs. Mueller wore takon to a farm house and later return ed hi automobile to' Klamath Falls. llHly Itocnvcrtil Tho body of Penny English was recovered at 10:30 o'clock Suu dny night by Lewis A. Duncan, at about tho an mo spot where be had sunk. Duncan usod pike poles and n grappling hook. Nono of the othors suffered ex- jcopt from exposure. Mrs. Kngllsh' Is at her homo today. I The remains of tr. KiurlUh nml I Penny English nro at tha funeral homo of Karl Whlllock, Sixth aud il'lno atroots. :.j ,. . t Mr. and Mrs. English and their two chlldron had been residing In Klamath Falls for tho past five months. Thoy formerly resldodi In Everett, Wash. The English rosklenco In Klamath Falls Is on Paetfla terrace. r ,.jf, Mr. English was purchasing agent for tho Woyorhaeusor Tlin- bor company, nnd 'has been con,' nectcd with that huge -corpora- lion lor years. Funeral services will bo announced lalor. ('. U. Gannon, L. H. Robert und Eurl Murphy, who aro con-' nectcd with tho West Coast Telo- phono nnd Telegraph company, nro registered nt lliu Wlllard ho tel. Roberts Is from Lakevlaw and Uniinon and Murphy are from Coos Day. Yuko your physiclan'g prescrlp Hons to tho Pelican Drug Co., 712 Main street (next door to the Pino Tron then ter). Thoy us only tho highest grade drugs; all prescriptions oro compounded by (killed pharmacists ot years ol cxpcrlonco. aud their nrlcag ara right. Adv. ia-ll. . Storms Ravage England, Europe (Continued rrota rag On) purled 2 J known dead. Fourteen aullort were drowned when tha atoomer Ceaarro aank off Cape Canine, near Alslers, In the Med iterranean, . A roullnunua dream of death reporta filtered In throughout Ihe day from laolalod towns and ahlpa at koa. Many more are feared dead In flooda and ahlp wroeka and a long Hat ol mlaalng Inriudi 38 aallora known to have been oo lour ahlpa which are unreported. In addition in thu many ahlpa sinking or In dlatrena, flooda have eatiM-d great damage In Holland . T , " .dr'" '", , "V""'"1, VlZ". T I opinion that Ihe flood, ulready have eo.t a largo numlier of Uvea. v cmft Mr1 ))m n' f uiountaluoua ai:aa. The lale of Marken la under water and the 'cnant la drawn with wreckage of Hirers Flood lilies I Tli .It'lff.H ntn Iihvm 1ufn ! )tnkea Bt ,blluj f Hylu om ;of Nurtn -r,,lall iHands. and , .,..,,. rivr. i., (irnianr have .cniiHed eoiiHidurahla d a m a a e ! ihrouih Ihe western areas. toll was Increased ntcadlly by orul deaths and great daraago. I Everywhere tho storm struck. , comuitiplrajlomi, on.l, traiiaportA.wllh. iho-t-hsmiiet and i b.x-ssith Philippine Island today byn typhoon which exceeded tho se vere storm of last week. Luxon Worst Hit Tho wind's fury seemed to cen- ter on tho Island ot Luton, whero " volocl,y moro lh,n 70 mil of on hour. Crops, trauspor- 1 tallon and comniuiilcatlon (uf- 1 fered most of tho damage. One-third ot tho cocounul crop waa reported destroyed. Several small vosacia went aground and wore wrecked. Reports of caa- j uoltlea could" not be confirmed n"""a rntinn hitl vn..i horn tinil 1 hi' OU( It had been totally dis rupted. Freighters (irouiifleil L Crews wero at work clearing Ihe wrockaRo of lust wcek'a storm and lines of communication iiiil been partially restored to normal when tbo now typhoon camo'ln from tho ocean. Activities lo rescuo sailors from tho Jnpnne.io coal freighter Sakn Mum, which went aground on Masbslo Island, lat Thursday, hud not boon reported hero since Saturday, whon tho United Stales cruiser. Memphis suid It had beon delayed In IU mission ot morcy by hurricane winds. Mrs Schoenf eld Taken by Illness , Death claimed Mrs. Amolln Schoenteld, prominent ' Klamath resident aud wlfo of Otto Schoen fold, well known basin farmer residing seven miles south of Klnmath Falls on Siemens Oil Well road. Mrs. Schoonfeld succumbod fol lowing nn Illness ot some dura tion. She was 5.1 years ot age and had been a resident ot Klam ath slnco 1910. She was a' na tive ot Germany. Survlvnls lucludo throe- daugh ters who rosldo at tho Sehoeu- 1..IH mnrh lTrnrin. TllWln mill Mar- gorot, and a brother. Emit Schlo.. ! act, well known dairyman. I Tho body Is In tho enro of the Enrl Whlllock Funorul home. Roqnlem high mass will bo colcbratcd at Sacred Heart j church Woduosdny morning at g o'clock with Rov. Futher Casey presiding, and Interment will bo In 'Mt, Calvary cemetery. VOI.NU TO TOKYO TOKIO, Nov. 26. (UP) Tho emperor and ompreBS, accompan ied by Premier Tanaka, were at Nagoya tonight en route to tho capital (rout Koyoto, ancient cap ital where the emperor was en throned. Toklo was brightly dec ora tod loilsy in preparation tor lhair arrlTaj Tuesday morning. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1928 Coolidge Plans To Join Court (Continued From rose On) negollailona goon to open will bear trull.' ' - k To ,lah lleerallona Tha prealdenl lias told some Inllmulea be would like to glvo Europe another chance to accept our reservation) and permit ue to adhere to the Court protocol bo fore he retire, from office. ' 1 ' Neither at the (Into depirtinent nor among oenatora la there any Information toludlcato that for eign powers have been Bounded out aud found more agreeable to the fifth an unto reservation than they ware when thuy diplomatic ally declined to accept It two years ago. The (enulo. In voting to adhere lo ' tho world court, made It a condition of ratifica tion that a serin of reservations should lie epnciflcally agreed to by the signatories. Including one reservation tho fifth which .aid that Ihe court should not consider any rceucat for an ad vlaory opinion In any maimer In whh-h Ihe l ulled States clalmaan Intercut, without Ihe consent of this government. The oenute felt i hit roserrntlon only gave tha United Stales equal power with members of the League of Na tions council, each of whom had lie power to voio the aubmlaslon of any question lo the court. Other powers felt the United Htatea waa aBktng a epeclul ad vantage and declined to accept thla condition ol roembarsbip. . One Must Vh-lit . This left the United Slates out of the court, although the senate hmA vntnii that mrm Ifiin II. Th0 qucin ow Is whether anything baa happened that would make our reservation Ko. S any more accVntable la Kurotte Ithan It was two years ago., 11 eign relations committee," ,op norcd entering the court, nl thougli he accepted the reserva tions and Is willing- lo go In on thai basis. However, bo tecls !ihQ court Is too closoly affiliated Senator Moses, fceusior Iltram Johnson und other null-league republicans, expected Hint- the reservations would kill the courtly, Roberts, Howe Kinney. Edith JIAKllY B. GOODMAN, pres-! so far as tills country is con-ij. Oscar, Edward O. Young apdjent owner: SWV4W!4, SEIii corned and they saw to It Uiatlfleo. Karl Young, D. O. Lear, ; BE i sec. 10, T. 41 S.. It. 8l Ihe reservations were so at roug a. In make this roault probable. v l, ?hr.r , ht t a Kg Yet there ar , signs of a "0"'',B " r Bbly significant. Hughes May AM Peace groups are still agltat- 'ino for ronownl of neitotloi Ions tn take ua Into the court... Former Secretory ot S'.ato Hughes, recently was made a mem es who m'lier of . m a inoni- LOB court, anil wiiu wu.it. m .... her of the Harding admlnlslrs - Hon attempted lo bring about American adliercnca to the pro- locol. may be a faclor In bringing chandler.- Jas. It. Melvln, carl: nbout a"chnngo nt mlnil abroad. Joelson, Hs L. Mills. L, H. Syd- Secretary of Stale Kellogg Is.nor. T. I. -Hamilton. John U to confer wllh the , president ahnrtly as to the -text of diplo matic communlcallons to other court membors regarding tho senate reservations. ' ' ' COCNTY JVIHJE NAMED SALEM. Ore.,' Nov! 26. (UP) Governor I. L. Pnttorsou today named P. L, Phelps. The Dalles attorney, as comity judgo for Wasco county, to succeed J. T. Adkissoa, recalled.' -l ' : ': o. F878 ' SCJ1AIONS I.N I'llltlSCIAiStHK OF DK.L1XQCENT TA CUHTU'ICATKS (Tax of ltKJ8) . IN THE' CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OHBUUM, rN AND FOR .KLAMATH COUNTY. . . Klamath County, a body politic und corpornto of the State' of Oregon, plalutlffi llarry B. Ooodman, Geo,. B. Al len, Anna Kattorhoru, N. II. Rogue. Geo. B. - Iceiihowcr. First State & Savings Bank. J. W. and : Kattle Anna Teal, ' Kluinulll Luke Land & Live stock Company of California, J. R. & Ktbel E. Pickett. Mor ay L. Applegato, Maggie Sloan. Geo. W. Heavlln, F. O. Wil liams. L. Jacobs, Wm. Cross ley, Goo. BlooinliiKcnuip. Ho mer P. Hoberls,' Rowe Kinney. ' Killth J. Ostar, Edward . Young and Goo. Enrl .Young. 1). O. Lear, Caroline Lewis. E. F. Hitchcock, W. B. Lundon, M. Greeley, L. M. Austin. Mon roe J. Lytle. Geo. B.' Carlisle, Jonah Sparks. Margaret J. Fink. Joseph Chlottl. Frank E. and Mulllu E. Hummel, B. P. Goff, Frank Kulok, J. 1). An derson, Elmlda Hawxhurst. Charles A. Arnold, H. L. De Armond et al J.-U, Hall, Glenn O. Parker, John .Mich- anlson, ThoB. Boggess, .Ernest lllmdian. N. D. Gtnsbath. A. D. McCoy, W. T. Daily, Henry K. Dennis, Dudley 'clnrlc. White - Pino Lumbar Co., Homer Hut chinson. Ivnn M. Bode, Nlla Ma- Fnrlnnd, Chnrles Chandler. Jas. i R. Melvln, Carl . JoelBon, H, L. ; Mills,. lv H... Syd(inr, y T,, L. Hamilton, John D. Mund'S. W. upon any of the re'l estate here-IIK A. Btell. Ilarrv Uravsa. W.ilnnlter deacrlrrod. defendants: Innoa. II. Clayton. David B. Dow. L R. Ur, Little R Iiody, Clarence J. Smith, 1. O. I.sue, M. Cross. David C. Bkecit, Sylvester Welscr. Itlley D. Dundinond. Compsy Trimmer, Souirliy Savings Trust Co., William Crawfurd, Mollia Cor bell, I. I.. Larkoy, llco. lien Jnniln II Harry Wright. Emma Hamilton, Maltha Hamilton. Ueo. right, Elizabeth Sloll ker, Vm. Phillips, John Mer rill Parker, John Harrison, Chs. A. Ksllck, Alec Hlnton. Belly tinnier. Wra. Brlcbot, . Ssrver Ic HixginH, llarrls.m ' Drown, Jackscu County snk ! of Mudford, J. A. and Ilertha Maasev, 1-eo II. Sharp. Julio' E. Vau Kinon. A. M. Melhy, T. O. Ilsgue, John Ilellolis, l.nka K. Walker. Arthur Vernon, 1. II. Ilellmnn, J. f. Mngulre, Earl Simpson, II. i. Winters, W. E. Seehorn, W. P. Johnson Co.. K. Sugarman, Mrs. C. O. Clark. Ella and Herbert -C. Clark, Matt Anderson, Klamath Kor porstlon, Jane hose et vlr, Christie Clevo, Jno. Wyo. J. A. Stewart. Klamath Kails Land & Trans. Co., Henry Sloehsler, James W. Kinrade, Paul M. Noel. Chss. K. Wor den. Mrs. O. A. Johnson, J. 8. price, llattle Golden Noal, Louis Itath. J. Z. Dufresne, John J. Cuunliigham. Helen Drown. Chas. B. Wlldey. Low ell L. Jones. Win. Tinder. Theo. W. Teinpske. Fred H. Ilothcbild, Mrs. Pauline Keh relwrger. Ony L. and Jessie B. onrd. Mike Rice. A. -A. Rellman, F. C. DeCbaine. Fred 'Rucslng. J. E. . Book, P. 11. Goodwin. Thos. 11. lirnbb. B. 1. Van Buern. Ada Duke. P. E. Mallory. J. N. Masten. Theron h. Eberls. J. H. Johnson. W. P. Johnson. Abraham Charlie. Itay Paraxon. Frank Hoover, L. O. Mills. The City ot Klam ath Falls, and each and every person, firm and corporation named in the following list as being the owner or owners of the legal title as tbe same ap pears ol record according to tho tux rolls ot Kiamam County. Oregon, of Iracta and ' nsrcels of land. Iota and blocks therein described and follow- lug their respective names, und wo-b and every person, firm and corporation owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest, lien or claim therein, nnd also all other persons or purtles unknown, claiming any right, title, estate or interest -In or Hen upon any ot the real cs- tato hereinafter described, de . fendunts. To Ilarrv ll. Ooodman. Coo. B. Alien. Anna Kntterhorn. N. H. Ilogue. lieo. B. Iceiihowcr. First State & Savings Bank. J. W. and Kattiu Anna Teal. Klsmnth Lake Land ai Livestock Company of California. J. It. ft Ethel H. lle kelt. jmirey Li Apple-gate. Mngyle Sloan. Geo. W Heavlln. F. O. ll'ltllnm. I Inn.).. Will frOS k moomingcamp. Homermro as follows, to-wit: 'Caroline Iwls. E. F. Hitchcock, ! W. It. Laodon. M. llreeley, L. M. 0, 1928, for 1923, $41.65; due Auslln. Monroe J. Lytle. Geo. B..for 1924 lax. $35.0S; duo for 'carlislo. Jonah Sparks. Margaret 1 1925 lax. $87.12: due for 1926 j rink. Jnscnh Chlottl. Krang E. and - Mollia K. Hammel. B. P. Ooff, Frank Kulok. J. B. Ander-; 'son.- Elmlda Hawxhurst. Charles . a. Arnold, H. h. !?Armond et ol.. J. C. Hall. Glenn u. i-nrxer, John Mlchaeloon, Thos. Boggoss. ' Ernest Hiraman. N. D. Ginsbsch, A. D. McCoy, Helen Bvown. W. Henry n Dennis. Dud - l, c,.rki white " Pine Lumber ,,- Homer Hutchinson. Ivan M. Bode. Nlla McFarland. Charles . . - .- IL. .-' uraves, r. v. jiuicn, n. . David R.Dow. L. R. Moser. l.ixtle R. Rody, Clarence J. Smith. J. O. Lane. M. Cross, David C. Skeen, Sylvester Wclser, Riley D. Dend- ond. Comusv Trimmer. Security Savings & Trust Co.. Wllllom ) Crawford. Mollie Corboll. 1. L. i l.arkev. Geo. Benjamin at uarryjior ism. 1015.10; aue lor isx-i Wright. Emma Hamilton, Martha Hamilton. Goo. Wright. Klixa- j stollkor. Wm. Phillips. John Morritt Parker. John Harrison, Chns. A. Esllek. Alec Hlnton. Betty Ramey. Wm. Brlchet, Ser ver ft Higglus, Harrison Brown, Jackson County Bank of Mod ford, J. A. and Bertha Massey. Leo. B. Sharp. Julia E. Van Union, A. M. MoTby. T. O. Hague. John Ilellolis. Luke E. Walker, Arthur Vernon. L. H. Bellman. J. F. Maguire, Earl Simpson, H. J. Winters, W. E. Seehorn, W. P. Johnson Co., K. Sugarman, Mra. C O. Clark. Ella and Herbert C. Clark, Matt- Anderson. Klamath Korporation, Jane Hose et vlr.. Christie Clove,, Jno. Wso, J. A. Stowart, Klamath Fulls Land and Trans. Co., , Henry Sloehsler, .lames W,, Kinrade, Paul M. Nool, Chas. E. Worden, Mrs. O. A. Johnson, J. 8. Price, Hattio Gold en Neul. Louis Rath, J. Z. Dul resue, John J. Citnniugbuui, Chas. E. Wlldey, Lowell L. Jones, Wm. Tinder. Theo. W. Tempsko, Fred H. Rothchild, Mrs. Paulino Kelt rebergor, Guy L. and Jesslu B. Leonard, Mlko Rice. A. A. Bell man, F. C. DeChalne, Fred Bue siiiK. J. E. Book, P. R. Goodwin. Thos. T. llrubb, B. B. Vim Biiorn, Ada Duke, P. K. Mallory. J. N. .Masten, Theron L. Eborts, J. II. Johnson, W. P. Johnson, Abra-j ham Charlie. Rav Parntoo, Frank i Hoover, L. C. Mills. The City of Klnmath Falls, and each and every person. Ilrm nnd corpora-1 lion, named In fhn tnllowlng list as beltiit the owner or owners of tho legal tltlo as the sumo ap-1 pears or record according to the tax rullu ot Klamath County. Oragou, of tracts and parcels ol land, lots and blocks therein de scribed and following their re spective names, and each and every person, firm and corpora tion owning or claiming to own, or buying or claiming to huve. uny Interest, lion or claim therein, and also all other persons or par ties unkuown, claiming any right, title, estate, , or Interest In or Hen tIN THE NAMB Of THE STATE OF OREOON: Yon end sach of you are here by notified that Klamath county. a body politic and corporate ol ownur: NEVi, sec. S. T. 41 8., Ihe State ol Oregon, la the holder ( R. 12 E. W.M. D. C. Kill. Issued ol certain cenillcstaa of delln-jjuly , 193s. for IfiA, (1111; iiueney Issued to it by the tag due for 1924 tax, Ht1.lt; due collector ot Klitraaih County, Ore- for 1925 Isx, 1192. H: dun for gon, pursuant to the statutes In !"l 2 8 tax, 072.41;,duo for 1927 such case made and provided. I tax, I14.32. which said ci(rllflcates are bound; KIK3T STATE It SA VINOS In book form as required by law. j ffxSK, present owner: SE!4, see. That the said certificates ofis T 41 s.. H. 12 E W.M. D. C. delinquency as hereinafter t s 1 4 3. Issued July . I2S, for forth In thla summons were l-1 j r 23. 1221.31; dne for 1924 tax. aued ny Ihe dueriir ami iax 1 oi-! lector of Klamath County, Ore-j gon, on the lollowlng datea, wit: Koine on ine sin oar ".S24 1I4. July, 1928, and others on Julyi j. w. ft KATTIK ANNA TEAL. 7. JUty . July ju. ana juiy n. present owners: KV3HWV1. NH; respectively. In Ihe ear 12; I HK w,c T 4l H H 12 K , for the delinquent taxes for the w M n (. titii MPrt July . year 192J, and were filed ty said. j,2g nt ji23 j33K it. aue f()r Tax Collector In the office of thol j92 (ax 1345.7',; duo fr )25 Connly Clerk of said Klamath Ux 524.&H; due for 1926 tax. County on the 11th day ol July. c(,, 2;1. auo tur n,;7 tux, 192, upon all tbe delinquent j;7i.gj. , property on the tax rolls for said KLAMATH LAKE LAND A , year for whhh no certificate of. LIVESTOCK COMPANY OK CAL-! delinquency had been Issued. 1 1FURNIA. present ownor: SW(4 j That after the said delinquen-' NW!4, NWKSWVi. sec. 13, T. cles had accrued, and prior to the 41 8.. R. 12 E.W.M. D. C. S4 4S, I Issuance of said several cerllfl-' Issued July , 192), for 1923, 1 eales of delinquency, respectively, $144.28; due for 1924 tax. due notice of said several dclin- 1203.04: due for 1925 tax. quenclca was given as required . (217.05; due for 192 tax. j bylaw. .ir,0.C8; due for 1927 tax.! That complaint and application 32u.. HKfcNW'U. NBW for Judgment to foreclosure sold 8V, NH8K. sec. 13. T. 41 J certlflcatea waa filed In Ihe above 8.. It. 12 E.W.M. D. C. 844S. entitled court and cause on the issued July . 1928. for 1923. 13th day of October, 128. 11281.20; due for 1921. 1391.58; 1 That In addition to the taxes due for 192 tax. $608.28; duel included In said certificates of;tor 1927 tax. $55.f. delinquency for the year 1923 ! R- ETHEL E. PICKETT, ' Ihore were due to thla plaintiff present owners: N. 39 a. of , certain other taxes for subsequent NEi4NW, sec. 1, T. 41 8., R. I years, and certain Interests 00 E.W.M. D. C. 8447. imucd ' said several amounts, at 12 July , 1928. for 1923, $221.(0: per annum from the date ot the and personal. $40.43: due. tor Issuance, of the res Dec live cer- 1924 tax. $102.89. and personal, 1 Mtflcules. and from the respective dates of tbe delinquencies of the ana personal, (lv.&i; due lor said taxes due for subsequent 1928 Ux. $127.44; due for 1927 years, and penalties and costs as' tax. $136.00. provlded by law; that the aggre-l .Continued! on Four Six! gate amount of all taxea above! - - -- - - referred to on each tract and parcel of land and property hereinafter specifically described. lor saia year inza ana 14T WLUj year subsequent thereto, aa in-, dlcuted. Including tho Interest to; the date ol issuance ot sEld cer-' lificales of delinquency respect- Ively, penalties and costs, and the description ot the said property,) all ot which is situated in Klain-; ath County. Oregon, and the name of the owner of the legal ; title thereto, as tho same appears: of record. If known, as shown on the tax rolls In Ihe hands of tbe. Sheriff and Tax Collector of Klamath County, Oregon, at this time, and the uumber of the cer tificates and the dale thereof, all of which aro owned and held by said Klamath County, and the amount for which It was issued.' and tbe year or' years' for the delinquent taxes for which ft was Issued, and the amount of all ! ! taxes due for years subsequent. E.W.M. D. C. S438. isiued July tax. S134.32: due tor 1927 tax. IS 132.08; duo for 1922 tax. $10.04. CEO. B. ALLEN, present own- or: NRM SK W . seo. 7. T. 41 S., it. a e.w.w. i. miy. issued j July 6. 192S. for 1923. $16.49; .duo for 1921 tax. $14.77; due for' 1953 tax, $10.98; duo for l926 tax, $64.58; duo for 19S7 tax. $63.62. ANNA KATTKHORN. prosent jownort' Ely 12.90- A. lot 3. (v.l 17. p. 3S4.) s"c. 12, T. 41 s., R. 10 E.W.M. D. C. 8140. issued July 6 1M for 1923 $148.23; Vio . 'Vr.',.',.,:"; " ... j - tax. $104.68; due for 1927 tax. $lvl.8J. .N. 11. IIOGUE, present owner: , Lots 6 to 10 Inc.. sec. "; S(4 NE , RHNWH. lots 1. 2. 3. 6 6. sec. 18; T. 41 S.. R. 11 E.W.M. i D. C. 8441. Issued July 6. 1928,' tax. $370.0": and personal tax. $38.78: due for 1925: tax.l $344.69, and personal tax, When privacy is needed The answer is found in an Extension Telephone When guests are in your home, the telephone rings . . . Dr. Whitcomb is wanted. He lays down his hand of bridge and goes to your telephone. . It is a prof essional conversation. Must he carry it on in the embarrassed hearing of all his fellow-guests? Or may he step to an extension telephone, in another part of the house? An extension to the main telephone costs but a few cents a day. THB PACIFIC TEtrfPHONB 00; I38D It due for 10'.!0 tax, I and personal lax, , due for 1917 tax, and personal tng, 184. 31 : I3U0 32, 143 12 CEO. I) ICENHOWER. prosent ,ll!4.v,. aal, tBT 92j ,RXi H; duo ,or' 193s tax.l to-;J241;; du0 jr . 1927' tax.l 18.54; due for 1925 tax, $125.31. ' tVlFYYISTIGEOF' THEAR0MA0FGO0D COFFEE ISSFAIED I N EACH CAN OF GOLDEN WEST GoldertefWest For Business Opportunities In. West Klamath, see Slater Investment Co. AND TELSORAPII COMPANY "Ill PAGE FIVE. 1928 Chevrolet ' Coach Only 3 thousand miles. Fully Equipped. Perfect condition 1928 Chevrolet i -;. Sedan . , Fully equipped. The f i r t depreciation U gone on thi car. You get the benefit. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe ThU car owned by lad and had wonderful " care. See this one - 1925 Chevrolet Roadster Car i in fair condition and a wonderful (nap py car for little money i927 FordTudor. Sedan Juat new paint and ' mechanically perfect 7 Fords Roadsters Some with delivery box es. Your choice at 975 Six for $400.00 1928 Chevrolet Ton Truck Dump body. 32x6 tixea and in perfect shape, a real buy on this one, 1927 Chevrolet ; Coach . Just overhauled and 1 guaranteed. New rub ber and lots of extra. 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet Fully equipped and in perfect shape. ' A real . snappy car Many otheY cars to ; select from, priced at .';. ; .''.'!, $50.00 to $150.00 Co. CHEVROLET -. Sales and Service 522 South Sixth St. Phono 49