PAGE EIGHT SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1023 THE KLAMATH NEWS Fingerprints on Door Not Kelley's, Expert Testifies LOS ANOBLES. Aug. 31. (U P) Erlilciira tending to show that lira. Melius as lieaten in downstair room ot hor home and then dragged to an utmtalrs room where her huJe body was found on a bed was ;atro "aced today In the trial of l-eo V. Kelley. her butcher boy lover, accused of the murder. A trail of blood spots from the maid's room In the lower Irt of the bouse to the woman's own room on tha second floor waa found after the murder, ac cording to testimony of Rex Wells police rhemUt. In the maid's room, he said, he alto found a tuft ot hair, similar to Mrs. Melius'. Clad In pajamas. Mrs. Melius met her lorer Sunday morning. August S. and a breakfast was erred. Maggie Kerris. negro maid, told the court. She said the couple ate and drank while the husband. Frank Melius, was on a fishing' trip. The couple embraced several times, the maid testified. "Were there any drinks?" she waa asked. "Yea. Kelley served the drinks. "Kelley and Mrs. Melius and I ark. had a couple of drinks." The maid left the borne shortly after the breakfast and the body of Mrs. Melius was found about 5:10 p. m. when the husband relumed home. Kelley was found aiding In a closet. The atate failed to establish today that fingerprints on the three-cornered whiskey bottle, the supposed weapon with, which Mrs. Melius was killed, were those ot the defendant. Sergeant Howard Barlow, po lice fingerprint expert, mas on the stand late today and testified that prints found on the door when Mrs. Melius was believed to have been slain were not those of Kelley. Elephant Slain in Busy Street Aimee to Stay in Los Angeles Until Suit Cleared Up Shaw-MacRae's I Police Court Is -Two Years Old Busy in August s 1.7 yr:j 1" 11 1 --7-". .-Mrir-'H'fVtt q 01111 llt'lirtll UP Today l the second aimlvcr I I TWt T t H ' f; VO' '1 1 lrv of Ibo opi'iiliig of Slinw-M.ii' Pi Vi'rfi ' Y. . !j LOS AN'tiKI.KS. Aug. Ill I I'l'l i Kae'a aialliinery slow la this city "WU9 L V ''-J&LifjrFXi: " ' -Allure. 8ero.le M.-1'hetm..ii must laud will be specially mwtnoiie revival wont in Kiigiaua mr me . " until she lias explained her iwrt ha inade. I In a land deal at l.ako Tah.Hi. Tn '"rs ago tho llllli' shop U'nlit.. II was decided today by opened In a small store room al Hi district attorney's office. ':.'' Main street, where. It thrived i , i..i,ai.,"n i iiiully tliul several months ....... ... i...... I I.v r..r lh. ac. i no preprienn. suck Jtrltlsti Isle-, but she will he j "forced to remitln here unill this curding lo ivputy District Allor-I"11 Mull "" "'' ney Hugh Mi Isaacs. Accused t'onsplntcy Mrs. MclMlersou was made co dcfciidant III a suit brought by Mrs. M. V. 1'ur.venr. Tho pastor of Angelua Temvle was unused i VvVs,Vi ' : 'ifiT ' X ' 9 ' conspiracy with real estale Sr-i.-" 7A .Ax .v ' sS5',-iit'w'KA'Siil dealers to promole salo of land Cx, .-:;'!'.vk. JZtkFtZ iat Lk. Tahoe. and It was .1- t .-:. ' .i-C3 fiiV'Vr:.. rV'Trrr.-KJSS I... ...I .h .,.e,l her milnit In for iheranre of the scheme, obtaining ll) per cent commissions. A grand Jury Investigation of the deal will be mude. It waa an nounced, and the woman paslor ll lo-ks like a bad year for the 0. O P. with elephants being shot ,wlll be tailed upon to face the in down on busy sireels. In l-ewiston. Idaho. Ihe oilier day five circus qulsilorial group, elephants boiled and ran wild through the 1 wn. One particularly 'n.' Tell Story big fellow crashed his way into a garaae inn as mum e.e..- ,( V9S (rw,a, ,ltll Mr,. Mc pherson would re called to tell , e I aliened llll' ll afieullim and tliay uaines JlanKs lor . tun.... i.-u .um ir wium Daughters Death;' . a sr-vn xt , way into a garaae thing in sighr when Ihe mayor of l-ewtstoi brought him down with a well-aimed shot. rolchuilcd Hie store non business warranted expansion, j Today the stationery shop Is one of the most attractive stores located In the Drew building, which lias j been completely remodeled. A j large floor spare allows a won derful display of articles and 1 their nonl hut good-looking win- 'dows liave drawu much comment. I til XM.W SHOT I DKTItOIT. Aug. SI. tl'I'l - ! Joseph Itnxiashl, notorious gun- t man. was shot and killed todny 1 by three men who escaped In an automobile. Ilnxtashl was arrest -;rd here lit 1924 following hia es- ;eapo from a I tab road ramp hero he w as serving a life term for murder. He was returned to ! fish tiut his seutcuce later was commuted. During August 4 cisoa wove 1.. ....., . .., I. Hits, llll'll 111 wiiiihv ! . , , ,. ii r the allure of naacii ihiii.v ciiiiii. , 1 Ilia heaviest inoulh on record " ' ""'"'"'It. ho staled ' Two weeks In the pnat six years 71 U eiii"' cuses have been tried lu .the piille courl. Arrosia since Juuu nry I.IHS7, by city police officers totaled 1&31. Thursday lllghl 10 men and one woman spent the ulKlit In the rlly lull, accord lug to figures relcMAfd este. day. ((Vniliiiieil fnm l'K" "e) tlreoii Itnko the tutor, nfier ! Iiivestlgiilloiis, linliios was formally cuivrgou who h dnuiJiier's death. At Hid trial, Louis' Morn, a, neighbor, tusll fled Hint Haines had confessed the nirder to I1I111. Tim aisle charged Dial Hylvla decided to leave home tu escape her father's oxlenli'd. . A new trial wat ileuled mid he was sihrdiilcd lu hang De cember II. IU3II. Tho t'asu wui uiValed lo llm si He supri 111 . court and Unities was found , guilty. ' A reheating was denied. A tier the tasu had boon rurrled tu the Pulled Hlatea supreme courl and lost, lUlues waa sen teuced agnlii lo hang on August 31, HUH. Old i.ctwapaHr for Hi ftt U) Council Changes j I Plans for Sewer! I (tfnntlaurd From Vmge One) 1 KtMHieily U (11 In mUJ Iiiiiiip dlntly tu li pront'til at rimfiT imuo ini'uttiiK wllti I lit tounril lip foro the iiImiin aro iltttl. It In iMitM-t he will nrnvu MumgUmi-i i llt'Xt WtM'k. ! Kollrv lit it tod ImhI tttltht tliut 1 many flrma hnvr wrtttn tli city, ri.Kiit'fra off too aktiiR fur iita on I Un prujtttt ami nil Imvti ' Hlutt tl thi'jr are IHIitit In put up the BtM-fmiry lMmt Franco-British Pact Explained (Contlnard From Pjmw One) a satisfactory conclusion through Ihe excellent die position of the Hrittnh admiralty. Our own text of the asreomeut was accepted much to our satisfaction and the Kremh auperior council of N tionnl dfen-ie approved unanim ously the afireemeut. Afitr we nubmftied the text Interested, power tnroueh nav oeen nrnmiM-n n Limch With Us! League Council to Invite U. S. Aid (Go tinned From Pace One) United States declaration because It concerns only the nations dir ectly interested. The general feeling here has been that the league would not con nlder It possible to become inrolved In the Monroe Doctrine because it Is strictly an American i affair. I May Answer Today j To satisfy Costa Rica's objec- j Hons to Inclusion of the Mon roe Doctrine in the league coven-' ant, however, the matter was dis cussed at a secret session today and reached an agreement which probably will be adopted a a reply Saturday. It was under stood the council will point out that mentioning of the doctrine In the covenant does not add ; to or subtract from Us force and attention will be called to President Wilson's interpreta tion as given San Salvador dur ing the peace conference. The council will plunge Into the final work Siturday, pre paring for the opening of the general league assembly Monday in one uf the most interesting and important sessions of years due to the fact that the rep resentatives will assemble just a week after the signing of the Briand-Kellogg treaty In I'arfs. Their action may have a de cisive effect on the anti-war pact. Women at Mft Three fashionably dressed wo men who presented cards for ad mission to the league council meeting today caused an entirely , 1 foreign thrill to shoot through ! tbe chambers where dignity al ways has been the first com mandment. The women wore no stock-' , lngs but they refused to heed the usher's attempts to keep them Irora the chamber. j Immediately all eyes were turned upon tbe stockfngless ! legs and eyebrows were lifted here and there about the room. 1 The discussion of opium traffic which had been heated until that moment suddenly lost much of its Intensity. , Later, the council members were informed that the secret ariat had issued orders forbid- i ding women to come to the league buildings barelegged, but that ' the heat had caused society , leaders at Geneva to adopt tbe stocking-less mode. I Mexican Solons 1 To Choose Head (Continued from rage One) Gov. Manuel Perez Trevlno of Ihe stale of Coahuila and a for-' mer minister of Industry, has been prominently mentioned as successor to Calles. Another candidate with a strong following Is General Jose Gonzale Kscobar, chief of operation In Torreo. It Is understood Trevino lias the backing of a large section of j the Obregonlsta party, which probably would make him a fa- j voruhle choice. "i cabinet members will celebrate Saturday the second anniversary of the present government. The eelehratlon will be in the form IO of a luncheon at Premier Ray mond Polncare's summer home. "It Is evident public opinion In the United Slates has been based on the wrong Ideas." t I-eveuea continued. "There riirrarenres ezisilng since "I understand unofficially.! lit fKI lloMi:. IIAIll.i: the war between the French however, that Japan is disposed s.Vl.KM. Ore , Aug. 31. H IM naval poli.-ies. ' o accept the agreement." . A rnarK,., ( iteltboraiolr "hum Submitted to Towers ! M. I-eygues said that . until , nis himl0 , a,.(raui ul "The Washington' accord the three governments reply to jHmaKP tnp insurer" was lodged etiled onlv ouesiions of air- the note transmitting the treaty toay malnst Martin Mikkleson. Foreign Minister Ilriand. w are awaiting replies from Washing ton. Hume, and Tokio. where un doubtedly the experts still are studying the compromise. l.oul anil Clear "I uuderstan.s unofficially. her story Vidnesday and her at torney said she might then take an airplane to New Yoik III or der to catch her boat. Prior lo the aliliouncenieut of the district attorney. Mrs. Mc Pherson said she was going to leave on her trip .Monday, "suit or no suit." Mcbaars tonight ordered rels- lire of all telegrams supposed '" I'hentnn and promoters of 1lu Tahoe tract. The telearams will be Main ly connected with the project, t he Our Food Is Prepared deputy district attorney ahl Just try one of our delightfully aopetixing lunches and then when ever anyone says lunch, you will alwav suggest "GET IT AT MACILL'S" FOUNTAIN by an Expert Cook. MAGILL DRUG CO. plane carriers and baitiesnips usi. neuuer r rm n ..... unuy larmer. sr. was iunii but we were Interested In other will make public the text ot the tied to a fence on his farm craft. Several conferences. In- compromise. Wednesday. eluding the one at Geneva, fail-; "Bat I assure the American; Tfle charge was filej before ed to reach an agreement accept- ' public the agreement is loyal. : Justice Talro. .Mikkleson was re- able to both Kngland and France. ; clear and contains no clauses leased on. S3. ouo b.ill and his pre- ouestlon rec-. which will arouse w lsmngion.. ;iiminary ncaring win ue mij y I.U in reach. he said. 'Tuesday. . 528 Main Street Without Any Argument, The official Boy Scout Shoes are the BEST School Shoes made. Start your boy to school in.a pair and he is started right. S25 Main Street QUALITY FOOTWEAR "I re-opened the ently and we were Closed Labor Day Celebrate With Labor GO TO THE FAIR This is your Fair Boost for it Encourage the FARMERS. In seven years we have never sold but Klamath Butter. We retail only Klamath Eggs. We never purchase Fruits or Vege tables cutside of Klamath county that we can buy in it... We sell Klamath Poultry only. BOOST PULL PUSH and WORK for Klamath County. We deliver all orders amounting to over $1 without extra-charge. Chesterfield Cigarettes 1 . Ill ill one curt i JO $1.15 Fresh Tomatoes From llngue Itlver Crate 50c Ice Cold Pop 11 tlnnirs. limit 5 bottles 5c Kellogg's 3-Minute Oats 10c Fels Naptha Soap Carton 65c f Soup Chipper FI1KK i.t t a KH( fill Dish M" wnrth Sitit- Two witli acli piickiiKc- of (iold l)ut 25c Horseshoe Tobacco Limit .1 iMHindH Pound 40c Fancy Bartlett Pears 42-lb. box $1.25 Fresh Wild Plums Twt'iity-jKiiiil 'rut:' $1.33 Kraft Cheese lt"ijjir iic 'hiis Limit - ran- 2 cans 15c Tea Garden Preserves nebular 30c Each 30c Red Check Pippins Apples Box $1.25 Foi-.r-pourd Snowdrift l.lnill two cans Each 90c Van Camp's Soups :l cans, 1 tomato. - avttirNil 3 for 21c Toilet Crepe Paper 22 Rolls $1.00 Mother's Coco - KeKular price "Jllc 5 iackKc limit Each 10c Muir and Elberta Peaches Crate 90c Klamath Yellow Corn, dozen 35c Klamath String Means, 3 lbs 25c Klamath Lettuce 2 heads 15c Look em Bij? full-cut Overalls -Saturday, 95c Three pair Rayonized Fancy Dress Sox 85c By the box, $3.00 Doz. prs. Just arrived 25 dozen new patterns, collars attached. Broadcloth Shirts $1.95 3 for . $5.00 The best Blazer Buy in town, $1.95 Special 60x80' Blanket ' Suitable for your camp trip - $2.45 Grey, Tan, Black Semi-Dress Sox Sold most places for 20c and 25c. By the box. . . .$1.75 Doz. prs. PUBLIC MARKET Phones 169-191 PAY CASH IT PAYS" 229 So. 6th at Walnut FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, WEAR OUR GARMENTS FOR DEER HUNTING CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY- LABOR DAY laAMAWKlOTHING J JLsVJL JL JL -A N A g- t tEADIMO CLOTHIER3 SINCE 18Q1