The Klamath News "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER-GET OUT YOUR HORN" The Klamath News Official Paper City of Klamath Falls -The Kkaatb New Official Paper County of Klamath '; Vol. 6, No. 182 Price Five Cent. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1928 . ' (Every Morning Except Monday) Klamath Redskin Indicted By jury Federal Body Charg es Jackson With As sault Santamaw Also Held. . Drinxing to a climax tan gled U'Rul procedure which followed hl initial arreat. Ted Jackson, Klumuth In dUn, was Indicted on a charge of aiuault with in tent to kill by the federul Krand jury Friday, local of ficials learned last night.. Tho Indlrtmeht followed Jerk on's srreal by federal offlcera nn grounds ot alleged Impllralloa In the death of Jaaier Turner, alio , known aa Jasper Jarkaon, at Realty, April XI. Turner died following a dim-day drinking epree with' other Realty Indiana, Jarkann aninng tham. Arrested flrl by county offl (CoalUiaed oa Pag a-lve) P ATI. WHRKPRS ASSURED AID FAN FRANX'IHCO. June IS IV p) Creation of f 11.000.000 fund to aaauro Dayman! of all III Insurance clalrua of members of tho Brotharhoud uf Ftremeu and Englnemen when they reach tha a (a of 70 araa approved at lbs organisation's couvonllon bar today. Tira ptmencisry -veaarT map. .Vhlrh will he for the special and ipllrlt purpose of paying clalma wben members raacb oU age. will ba tot aside at one and It la believed tha Intaraat of tha amount will pay tha pollrlaa. John F. MrN'amee, apokaaman of tha organisation, aald that during Iba period of 10 years that ended lecembe the organltatlon haa pa Ita 10S.OOO memliers who reached 70 year.! The amount paid these men ho said, "! II.1U.7S0. "It baa always been our policy to pay our members In full when Ihey are 70 years of age," Mc Keruee aald. "If they have been carrying minimum policies of SS0O they receive that amount, or If they hold maximum policies of ttSOG, they receive S4S00 on .their 70th birthday. . Holloways Leave For East Today Following nonrly two years' residence In Klamath Falla. Mr. wnd Mr. Bert W. Holloway, IIS 'Lincoln, will leave this city to- day. enroute to Ec?ton, Mass., where Mrs. Holloway will study yolre. Holloway, who has been editor it th. Klamath Newa for tha paat year following a year's service with this newspaper as reporter, will continue In newspaper work In Hi oast. From her. th. Hollowsjs will taavel north to Snattlo In com pany with Mr. and Mrs, John II. Houston, to attend the Klwanla convention. The trip Is bolng made by motor, , Howard Wlnnard, well known In this city, will succeed Hollo way on the Newa desk. Radio Will Be Hoover's ihief Campaign Weapon ' WASH1NOTON, Juno IS, (UP) ' Th. ratlto. over which Secretary ot Commorce Herbert C. Hoover waa tne iirsi aiciatnr, win ue nib ' chief weapon In his csmpalgn tor . the presidency, It was said today. p And "mike" th. Inconsplcu : oui little dial at the broadcasting y wkathkh' ;; Fair tonight ; and Saturday warmer In1 4 the Interior Saturday; v j ". . moderate f . northern I winds on r3 the cogst. FLYING CLOUD IS LEADING IN REDWOOD RACE Mad Bull Running Strong In S. F. to Cranli Pat Marathon I KIAIt. Tallf.. Juna IS, (UP) Exactly II boura aliaad of tha word Hue for Ilia lll-mll. run from Ran Fmnclero to thla dir. "Flying Cloud" arrived hero at SI0 p. m. today. Tha K a rook Indian waa I lime boura ahaad of tili cloaoal , com .alitor In to. ku.ual redwood em pire Indian marathon from Hau Franclaco to Omnia I'aaa. Ore., ut that time but be planned to real born for about two boura. Tbe record lime from Han Francisco to thla city waa eat by ".Mad Hull." another Karouk. who won the K-mll. race laat year. "Mad Dull" waa bark In the rare tonight after suffering for several boura from chafed lege. "Cblrr rklah." of Hie Porno (ConUnuod oa I'age Kin) Strange Reptile Found on Beach In Wake of Storm BAN 8ALVAOOR. June IS, (U I') A reptile of prehistoric ait and appearance waa discovered on tha beach of the Oulf of Fon aeca, a league from Port L'nlon, a dlapatch received bare today aald. Apparently It hid been killed by lightning. , According to the dlapatch, the aerpenl waa ninety and a half feet loug, marked with blark and white atrlpea, waa eireeillngly corpulent, and a horn protruded from Ita head. Ita fanga were gee and a half Inches long Oreat caverna are found along ih. .hr. or .h. ., .,M it l. "a h.V. V . --" . tnem. An examination macioseo. It fed on plga and sheep. Floods Threaten Dnlir,,n!lr t,. W. Ploda. ehslrman of t mis ouuiiincsi K A NBA 3 CITY. June 18. (CP) dent ot the Los Augaleg Cream- Streams and rivers, swollen by ry company. . ' ' exresalve rains, were threatening I The Loa Anaelea firm has to flood aeveral districts In Hiep,BU ln Lol Anccles. Tulare. I nulhwMl .,.rf n..n w.r. r SI. lJifVh in. to v. their home. nl paid 7tl ofi n 'd,M" h"mM 'n hrMrh.d ,h"..?'"l",d"- . . I While many sought .,,. Ih.'ev. ol the St. FYaucIs river hi Dunklin county, Missouri, refugees In Arksnaaa) were moving to levee-protected towna. Heavy ralua In south-1 weat Oklahoma crippled commun- i icatlon linos early today. Showers and unsettled weather! over the week-end gave little promlso of relief. LA. Flyer Out For.Air Record IX)H ANGKLKS, June 15, (U P) In an attempt lo establish a new transcontinental flight rec ord, Frank Tomlck. former World war aviator, will hop off from 1 here Sunday morning tor' New YorST He will fly a special DcHavll and blplaao. owned by Howard Hughes, president ot tho Caddo Motion Picture company, and will carry a recently produced film. BPKIXTKH HI'KKDS CLENDALU, Calif., Juno 16, (UP) Frank Wykoff la a fasts young man. Saturday In Los An geles he will sprint with the na tion's best at the Olympic finals, hut today he drove an automo bile In excess ot the spocd limit, ofricers sny. Hearing will be Monday. ..'.. end of a radio station will place the republican nomlnoe on an equal footing with the most vo ciferous candidate which tho democratic party might choose. Hoover Is not a good orator. His speaking voice does not' carry woll. His delivery lacks the Res turos which go fur in holding attention or emphasising a state ment. But "mlko" will ollmn ato this inequality. Hoovor has a good broadcasting voice soft, stoady and unemotional. as dem onstrated In a number of radio speeches he has made. Hoover thinks clearly. Is ablo to put his thoughts Into concise words without loss of time. In this, he Is the Ideal radio speaker. (Continued on Paga Five) Crew Of Dirigible Menaced By Cold Italia' Men Drifting Toward Open Wa terFace Death in Blizzards.' KINGS HAY, J tine-15. flJPi Central L'mberto inoowo ana nan ct.mtmniun.. of the wrecked dirigible Italiu tnniirhl worn" men. liana lonigm wire men aceu by storm, mincer com and open water an the Ice- j pacK, breuKing up in ine warmer waters, d r i fled eastward, nccording to a memtage from the explorer i... . u r:i - ai r:i..A .1... Italia mothcrahiji, A heavy southwest storm strurk the encampment Thursday nlgtil known Friday 1lh the filing la manager of tbe same concern, and although Hie mcaaage said II the county clerk's office of l; Thursday inspected a beautiful waa suhaldlng fday, tho -lie flno trust deed to the I.os Angelea j jcre -residential site, lying was drifting with Increasing ran-; r'n" National Bank and Truat i ,lnnc,loe HHUIde additi. y. owned Lilly toward warmer waters. No- company by which properties of ; br I)r K u, John,,,,, uoi nw blle gave hia position nt 0:38 "' Inmboroncera are held aa ,r(i .,.rrn, a is the plan-of tbe (Continued oa Piure Klvo) .security for tha bond issue. Klamath Falla men to develop 1 I According to trust deed, the tno ,ract to , ()ne r-elclerjUal r'KC iHIIDIlTC Ibonds will be six percent. Tbe district and tho Portland experts UivEsAiTlEsJvlEiO ''l"t issuance will be for f2S,-jwere eought to Uy out the pro- r'rXTCsriT 1I irrr nd ren,a,n,n igram of development. CUifeULjlLA 1 lJ wl,on )b need manlfasla. - Following aa extensive survey. SAN FRANCISCO. June 1.- (C P)-Con.olld.tln of the Cold.n Htate MUk Product, comoanv and i ....u " : pany, two ouisiuuuiua urnn u. the coast dealing wlih dairy mt...,. ,.-..r,n a hr. r.i- rl. L.r.or ... .d- known The merger was made- known th, ha board of the 'oolden State firm, and George K. Plilt. pml 1.7 . . . " J""' . P Mm" n"; Oxnard Ventura. San Pedro. Long Beach. Sin Fernaa- "!?" .rZ.i . ' I Santa Monica and Hollywood. The Oolden Slate company had about SO plants In California when It started an expansion pro- grsm two years ago and bought th planta of lha Northern Call- 1 ferula Milk Producers asaocla- 4! .teri winer. 111 tin. .,, v., ,uv i .. u,m. innu selling arrangements with the rataluma co-operative creamery, ife-jr Ot .ee,jV Ih I "3 ff ,li & i'tl ' tMM -'OREGON ' . fx 1 hMiJ-ySm 1 UA'5e 'if' mil txftrfl ' ' ."Hoover! . Hoover! Houver!" shrieked the wildly enlhuslastic throng as the Callfornlan was placed In nominatfca at Kansas City, even staging an extemporaneous demonstration as John L. McNab, San Francisco attorney, arose to fcrmally nominate Hoover. This remarkable NEA Service telephoto, showing tho gigantic picture of Hoover carried aloft, depicts the Joy-maddened delegates, momentarily .turned dervishes, parading and dancing aa thoy carried their stale banners In tbe overwhelming Hoovor procession if the doings of such an excited throng can bo called a procession. While the cheering was at Us height, NEA Service cameramen leaded the picture In a special airplane, which flow through th night to St. Louis. From there, th. picture was flashed by telephoto to San Francisco, and rushed to The Klamath Now for; still another first photograph. ' ' iV''.t:'.m, .-'' - - : ' - "' . 'She'll Race lader U. S. Colors 4 T ... .. IT ' iK . M1 JMn o( r,u,hlni, board motor raring, will repreaent ll0""' "wl'" b l" row,t "w,r , ( )0 hor Ib,b craft. Algoma Lumber Company Floats Big Bond Issue Flotation of a million dollar I bond Ins'je by tbe Algoma Lum- ,er company, Aigoma, Became i no ij iuouhuv uuiwini m. ho'",s b.' "t!red iS" 1 - --'".-. ' ' "T "Ji " "nuaiv. . u j.n - "" " of;n.n.l pl.u will be worked oufraospon "-w". - the 1025.000 Issue will be re- tired. Nn date for the iKsmui-at of . H-5mnlnlng S76,0(.O lo bond, waa 'Indicated. ; i .. pQOr Handle IS IJllO in UnhhorV vauv iV m.wj.j KANSAS CITY. June IS. (CP) , Aipeo of m motor car ooor ! handle as their only cine, police , tonlht B,d arrc.t(.d fK, , j tMtM. .,, ,, . id ? I bv4 mfd.e ',eu. con""",on aa participating in me ronuery of the Home Trut4 comoanv here Thursday. The bandits killed one patrolman and escaped with 119.000 in the robbery. Those held by the officers are j Carl Naaaello, !0; John Messlno, jx,; aiaurire Angle, it; sirs. i i.aura, situ lust man- glarrlno, SI. They all gave Kan- aas City addresses. . "., , ,., CROWD GOES MAD "lUuevWi, V&tie. tMm, li t,. , . American champion of out- the I'nlted Hlatea in the Interna- ""many, thla month. Here ebe Experts Here to Map Development Of Homes Tract J. A. Iflllaa. Portland, presi dent of the mills Construction .company: W 1). Morton, genera! inq our men acciaea li was loo 18 r4"r lo '',,' ev;. e m " .T. '7""" ",,n' , res.oentmi ai.inci. However, me thla year br a scenic engineer and early next year actual work - lll, begins. Tenia'tr phnfcalLtr,,., (.krti -g ! for paved strev a water system D,ef" Mnt Und a modern lighting aystem. announced In 1 ..... . . . M-n--,i wm klr. Hillls la noted in the line of , developing residential dls - iHe developed the Moc Creat and w" . "'V.. , ianu. ana in auumua rousiruci- ed th. famoua Oregonlan model home. He atanda high In flnau - cal circles ot Portland. LOSl DIAMONDS. LOS ANGELES, Juna IS. (U pi Loss of diamonds valued at'tlnental air line reaching to Iew 114. (IS was reported to police today by Mrs. Eloise Crouewell. She lost them from her purse somewhere In Hollywood, Mrs. Cromwell aald. : 1 June 10. ine retca - iuu, mi 11 .iici Hermann Mueller. soclilo:t party leader, has formed a ra net. AS HOOVER & Ji.J JPfcidet 'W UnteTCSt Turns To Bourbon Meeting Political Leaders Con cede the Demcratic Nomination Will Go. To Al Smith. KANSAS CITY. June 15. (UP) The Lowden and Watson campaign banner were taken down from tbe Twelfth street windows an hour after the republican national convention adjourn ed today, and the cry of campaign followers became "on to Houston" for the Al Smith show. f Republican leaders read with Interest news reports showing j Smith bsd captured It mors jvotoa In Kentucky and about 7ti jin North Carolina. Their notation pads Indicated th..t Kmlih has rolled no a flrat. ballot strength of 55 votes. JZlV'. Z?Z 7 short of lb. two-tb.rd. ma- "M , ' ""J- ru.,i-.. while the son. Frank. Z4, an- (ConUnuod oa Page Five) died Ut, from wrr, -. t'rm 'bit wounda. The two were re EXTEND COAST burning from a country dance ' ' AIR SERVICE K,OT1... .. , ,.p, PORTLAM), June i. tArj Service of tbe West Coast Air 1 ! by tbe Union Air Lines, will be extended to Loa Angeles and Ban! 1 , d.r.. u b.. San Fra:lsco In connection with filing a ro laue,t for peamlt to sell 1360,000 of ,toe , California. The .n.ouncement waa Terlfled at the - 'l l company. 1 nton Air i-ines was mcorporaeu in Oregon recently. The next step will be estab- llshment of air pasetnger service belween San Diego and El Paso aa the first link ot a trans-con- j York, tbe announcement said. Three new planes have been ' ordered for the coast service. One Is the Sl-passenger plane 'announced some time aga and the others will be ll-pasaenger jcratu ue auuouucviuvui .i.u ; .u.u u. iuuiuj .u.u.iwu . ; mora Its headquarters from Port- Hand to Ban Francisco. WINS ' H0METQWN OF HOOVER TURNS OUT FOR FETE Holiday Honor "Hcrbia" After Folk Hear of Nomination WEST BRANCH. la.. Juno IS. (UP) Eight hundred eltlsane of thla little Tillage celebrated a holiday today, the flrat they have had for a long time outalde of Fourth of July, Chrlatmae and .New Yean. . Bella rang, whlatlee blew, flre- ' ! nd erpioded. lapeecnea were maoo ana oanaa played. The occaaloa waa la honor of the one-time Tillage blackimltb'a orphaa boy, "Her ble." who played along "Main treat," where the butcher, baker and barber joined la rejoicing today over tbe great honor laid auddenly at their doors. Hia former acbool ehuma, now distinguished cltliene of Weat Branch, know hia aa "Hub:" bis Iformer school teacher, who ea- (Contlaaed oa Page Foar) Father, Son in Duel With Guns, . . Both Are Slain HATER, Mo., June li, (CP) A father and hia son fought with pistols la a woods twelve miles -west of here today and both , killed In tbe dneL . l.l trtrfw whw thav nn.rral.ri I ,nd decloed ,0 a,,e,- Th no.P) Got. Alfred B. Smith today , w.o U...U i m tonnd the two men wounded, . Que,.loned eoaeeralna tha , th. .., . ouameas except oaa ara . MeKenzie Pass Drive Landed McKenxie pass Is probably the moat dellchtful drive nravided by f ,1. M,h.. io ' - " ' B0W, .ecordinf to Arthur Kuhn- h.usen. Portland, who with aa. Kuhnhausen arrived la this city Friday In th Interests ot th Electric Service compaoy. Port - land. "There is no snow on the highway, and. very little at th edges ot the road," Kuhnhausen stated. Tbe drive serosa th Cascades from Eugene Is snperb. end offers more Interest than any highway sector la tha etate. 1 believe." Kuhnhsusen s Port- tana ouainess carries mm to aii uaruf oi vivkds oy motor. j . , . Woman Hurt as . . Car Is Smashed j Her machine struck by a taxi cab at Sixth and Walnut late yes terday, a woman whose nam was not known to authorities last : night was knocked tram her light 'coupe and slightly Injured, i The woman was stunned In being thrown violently tram her car 10 the pavement. Her car waa badly damaged. No 'report of the accident had been made at police headquarters Friday night. 8KKK LOST BOY RED BLUFF. Calif.. June IS. (UP Searchers for William Kauffman, Berkeley youth, were scanning chasms ot the rugged Mount Lassen district tonight They found traces of the box on the edge ot a hot mud spring near the Lassen volcano and be lieve h. lost bis way on treacher ous trails after dark. Coolidges Settle Down In Summer Outing Quarters CEDAR ISLAND LODGE. Wis.. I her Journey to Wtnnebuujou. June IS. (UP) President and I four miles from the summer Mrs. Coolldge. noticeably weary home. She motored this short"' from the long train Journey from Washington, were settled ln their isolated summer house tonight, ready to make the most of their woodland vacation. The president retired Immed Itely to his room tor a brief rest bofore hw re-appeared at the lodge to poso for' more than 30 minutes for cameramen in the picturesque surroundings of the ostato along the Brule river. The president had motored to th. lodg. from Superior, but Mrs. Coolldge, fearing to exert herself by participating ln the Superior reception, remained aboard the presidential special to , continue I Curtis Is Picked As Mate For H. Hoover Kansas Solon Gets Big Majority as G. O .P. Convention Ballots : For New Nominee. KANSAS CITY, June 15 (UP) The republican na tional convention has gone into history after nominat ing Herbert Hoover as its presidential candidate and Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas as vice-presidential candidate. ' ' . ,' "": Nomination of Curtta a. HooverVruanlng mate waa made this afternoon. ' Curtla awept tbe -convention, getting It SI votes, while VTce-Presideat Dawes got 12; Hermann Kkara. LaFolletU ' leader la Wlaeoaala. polled IS; . Hanford afacNIder, prominent (Coatlaaad aa) Fae Fire) SMITH GUARDS HEFLIN SCALP at daw ST V Van IK ITT . urucreu lum pnwa v w (state police of New TorkT for rt,i,i cu.t bsstsr Tinasi J. 7-.vI-. -k.. th. t.t. " V" --" T ter speaks her Bandar afternoon. The Alabaman belligerent to of Smith' presidential cameetgm and swora wTUrtny Dt mraaclxti- i- a . HmmmiiI eallv" I00""0 th "r Um,t- Smith Issued an order . an order - to ,J" Jhtt Wamer. anperta- "uoeni oi aiaw ponce. that Heflln and his e,tla "ar -n- ,.-4 K. -n JM'ed " "tV,," - ' : to do o without lnterier- , ,nce- aa in peopi oi new 1 YoTk t co-ope rata with th foT- raor la offering to th senator ot a sister state tall opportunity to say anything he desires with out Interruption or discourtesy." Charge Bondsmen Act as Jailers LOS ANOELE8. June It. (UP) Ball bondsmsa la Lo Aagelea have acted aa jailor tor men whoae release from Jail they ob tained, according to chars mad la court today. j , J. F. Reddy accused L. It. Markle ot keeping him prisoner. In Markle' bonding office from Jan T to Jan t and tbea re turning him to JalL . . ' Markle said Reddy had beea anabl to obtain money tor tha bond "re." . Radio Telephone ' : Proves Success BUENOS AIRES, June 15. (U P) A sustained conversation by radio telephone between Buenos Aires and Berlin was held this afternoon with completely satis factory results, the voices being heard as clearly as It the speak ers were In adjoining rooms. Th demonstration was pre pared by the Trans-Radio Inter national. - - - , remaining distance. Although smiling when escort ed by Mr. Coolldge across a wooden foot brldg. conectlng Cedar Island with the mainland, the first lady was wan and tar from the exuberant personality familiar to America. With tha president, she posed tor numer ous photographs, holding In leash her pet red chow "Terrible Tim,' before retreating Into th lodge for a rest. She was greeted by Mrs. E. M. Lambert, wit ot th s superintendent, who offered her th hospitality ot tha Heary Clay Pierce estate. (Continued em Pag Ft) V