The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 31, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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nil -ft-nTt
The Klamath News
I The Klamath News
The Klamath New
Official Paper ,
U" t. Official Paper
County of Klamath
County of Klamath , ;
fol. 5, No. 39. Price Five Centa
Pace Dry
In East-
?w i-a ! A a .
(YO.eUian "B"
to Guard NCW Year
I r . r - l a:
I 6TO I J a "
i Wet Ha Plenty.
' i, -,,, v,.n.x- r. on
(U.P.t Tho flowihg bowl
irtny lenk a little this New
. . . .. .. ...
yeara eve, but it wont now ( onan b()m. Th. tanttvi
publicly. Dr. Jame M. Dor-Inn wlilih ther had been working
.an. U. S. prohibition com- j "" on
V , . . ,. I fnalde to ejtrlcai Mattoj
itimttoner believcH. j,h , KA mr,t him
Ha proaberlea that jruur.n t91wlny r,,ni the mud.
ran make hl cnlry Into th f. Klver Fred MUliaela and I.t
. Halurday niltlit without rub-. fommander Kriward KHlerR
Ur b,H,t.. for federal .Rent. an. "" K..lle with a.lR thera
, from pretarloiia altnalloii wh-n
liannitiR in maae me cieorai.....
f tba drli'nt In yeara
To ai-roniptlKh thla the iimIit.i!
prohibition rnforcemi nt ofdrer I
are onlletliiR the aid or hotel ,
uit-n, cabaret and cafe owner. i
CIuIm Warned
' WurulnR haa been tubed to all I
nltiit cluba and other plar:-a In j
th. larner rltlen. where merry I
makera wilt Rather, that drlnklnR
Intoalratlng In the prem-1
Let will Jenpardlte the cluba a .
much a. If th. Iluttor. are ...Id j
by the owner. .
Mnjor Maurbe fampbill. ad- i
mtubttrator In New York, and K
V. YJlnwltty. atlmliiUtmiur fr j
lh Chicaao dlnirlrt. hv -
cured promiaM of raort at ihn ,
lariter nJKni chum ant rnuartn-
that cooperation will lie extended
In the enforcement of tho luw,
Jc; Imuran stated. Other prohlH
Una admlulktratars will do the
' same, he added.
At Ih same lime, tho federal
agents will work double .hlfis In
checking up on plnrra where liq
uor might be uned ur sold, the
prohibition commissioner said.
lirink (in HI)
Chicago. Dec. 30. ffl--
hrcat of federal prohibition
autborltlea to cnfur.e the law oil
Sew Year Kve h. impressed
prospective celebrant to the ex
(Continued i I'aga Hist
Buildyig Permits
During December
Beat 1926 Month
With the close of one of the
coldest month. Klamath Falls ha.
witnessed in the past decade,
building permits for the month
of December slood at J38.S95 In
Jlhe ottlee of tho poltce Judge
Total amount of building per
mits for December 1926 was $18
;,80, showing that this month for
127 leads by 20.33((. Total
permit last month Were 118,3.5.
The largest permit for ll'.la I
month was for the buUdlttg of a
brick garage by Christ lllsnas,
iu-olvlng 115.000. This Varage
will adjoin ths Arcade apart
ments. Coal Strike End
Is Believed Near
DENVER, Colo., Dec 30. (U
P) Tho end of the Colorado
coal atrtk apparently i near.
With northorn operators agreed
on a settlement proposal to ho
submitted through the .stale In-
diHtr nl co
ommlsslon Saturday,
Tom Connors,
I. W. W, .ecro-
tnry of tho strikers' execntlvo
Tommlllen, . annotincod tonight
that "any reasonable proposition
will be submitted to, the men."
Attitude ot strikers from every
coat field tn the state can be
determined. S4 hours after Iho
proposal Is , submitted. Connors
said. . .
New Year's Booze
' KANSAS CITY, Dec. 3(1. (UP)
Thirty revolors, colebrntlng
New Year' Eve with parties In
Kansn City holds and clutm, (
will have to cool their arums
with a personal supply of cracked
Ico, or depend on tho supply from
the dishes In which the Illne
Polnli will bs served.
The absence of Ice Is dne to W.
Harold tJine, prohlbliion adminis
trator. Ho has warno'd against
the furnishing of "sot-tips," gin-
gerale and Ico, declaring Injunc-
Hon Brppeealngs may remit,
tojhslists Train
Man At Work on Sunken I
Submarine Pull Mate
Out of Sea Mud
a. (l'I' Diver Tom Kmllo liai
ilded third ntDi,i In Ms list .
Jot rftruil III riinnocuoH wtm
(operation em til sunken sub
I muriiia 8-4.
I Kadte bicmght T. Mattuv.
, .urfnre alter Mattox had
jbeen burled under the submarine
In a
mud rai-lii till" tuduy.
Th diver, were working on
!lha tuuiu't. amidships of the H-4
! frum opposite. side. Huddcnly.
I Kuril received Inatrurtlona frum
"", '"'l''n above " to ,1,c
',,,., u ,.ompiinin,
1 Clambering over the Mr ate)
! '""" M" ;
i i tcly hurled In the dense mud
ml.h. orfllI.r,d dur- oa
I the wrei ked eratt.
Police Fines In
December Reach
New High Mark
At a lata hour lt night flnea ,
d,.par,m,Bt for ,h,
. ,
""""h ' timber amounted I-
.umer 01 arrci .r
month totaled C7.
Four bURftrnl ctuHant wrM! lo imllre fine louU lor tiif
month of Icwtiwlnr whu Charlie
Milk-r wsa fuund uully f P
lowiuo ami iranHponatm
Huiior. and fined :) on each
charge, yesterday.
Jlliltir was nrreaum inr,u; i
evening at 60S Broad street with
over a gallon of liquor in hi j
car. The car was confiscated and '
turned over to ths government, j
Miller paid bis fine. ;
Youth Who Shot
Chum Accidently
Returns To Home
BT. JOHNS. Arlx.. Dec. 3d, (V
lliiane Thompson, 13, whi
yeeterilay shot and Killed nifi i
, ),, Vrsnk IS. while I
Ihe boys were flm k hunting.
nirna.i i his home initav sfier
t,,r",' .''' I'.."? :. .L , ,lh
wandering all night in the hltl
and woods near here.
Young Thompson was suffering
rom exposure. Aiier e huh, ani
. k. ,.i fci. !,..:'
. "'. '.'....j i... Th,,s- K1,h otrangiilatlon or a ,
he rode to tell Frank' family.
Hoping to save his chum's life
ho again mounted hla horse and
started toward Wlnslow for a
doctor. On the way he mot a
titan and gnve him the horse
asking him to go for medical aid.
Then Dnane wandered Into a
woods and could not be located
hy searchers. Ho came home to
dny ami later tho man, who had
abandoned the horse lor an auto
mobile, returned the animal.
Otflrlals said the shooting was
accidental and that Dnane wottd
not be held.
900 Children Are
Held For Stoning
LONDON, Dec. 30 (U.P.,
Nino hundred homeless children
havo been arrested by police lit
ttign m connernon wnn ie .i.r-
der of the agon tiaiinn vice-con-
stil Kosxlo, who was twiton to
denlh with stones and robbed by
children on a dimly lighted
street, according to the Riga cor
respondent of the Dally Mall.
Knxxlo's body was found De
cember 27 on a remote street.
Ho had been visiting a niece the
night ot the killing. At, the time
It was believed that bandits bad
killed and robbed him and chil
dren were not sttipeclcd. Kven
the go'.d filling In his teeth bad
been extracted by tho robbers.
Cold Wave Due
In Middle West
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 3(1. (UP)
Several southwestern states
will observe the coming of the
now year with xero nntl stib-xero
A cold wave sweeping down
from the northwost, accompanted
by a piercing 2&-mtlti wind and
snowfall, win send tho mercury
plunging downward In Nebraska,
Kns, Missottr ana 0Hf!mti.
Fo u r D i e
Hits Car
On Track
Ratiroad Crotii n ampUtymnt problem for ft Ion
Gates Fail to Work;iinip' Kmythtng i tfom!R.a
Driver Disregards
Watchman's Signal.
FULLKRTON, Calif., Dec.
an ftttM Four nerarma
were killed luto tonight
i . . . . ...
When their automobile wait
Ktruck by a freight train at
a croHoing one mile west of
The dead are M. and Mr.
bert If. Arland. of Aberdeen.
Vah.. and Mr. and Mra. C. W.
Arlnmi. Of Pomona, fallf. ;
All except Mr. A. bert Arland
were ktited limlanlly. Kite died
enroute to the Pullertim hoa-1
. .
' ,
Accordlng to report, to tb
bertff office the rnw.lng .are-
ty gtte wa not working and
the Arland. failed to regard a
!utrnal lamp the watt-bman waa
The machine had crowed one
'track and wa onto ltd aecond
w nnrk bf
( tnr ,ralo Ths
i, trrt along t
cur was cirrifd 1
he trat'k. i
r. W. ArUmi anil liia wiftt and i
j Alton Arind wcro df-atl when p) The oii-f.-,h;oi.eti np&mog ! Pzrler. .t Ofeia Siate u&fren
tlHy Weri pjfd Up. Mm. AUwrtbe may bare been a rood idea"Tb testa." Df, Porfer said
iAr!antJ lived only a mtiiute. ' tn jtrandma'a timebut today U '"ahow us tijat men ara better
Doctor Denies,.,
Vi -
He placed Body
In Gunny Sack.
J.OS AXOKI.E3. tie.-. 3. (t;the old day. have no place in i
1') Convincing circumstantial the teaching o the modarnVhild,' college students fail, be point
evidence and J4 hours of Inten-jDr. j. u. w. Wallln. of Miami : ed out, are: tax high school
slve grilling bad failed tonight to university, told the psychologists, (standards: spotting at homes: the
cause Ilr, Charles M. McMillan, j "The new way." he explained. ', tack of right kind of encourage
formerly of Texas, to ronfe to '"is to first teach a child words ment.
the murder of Mr. Amelia An- which are spelled as they sound, j
plehy. widow of John F. Applejy, and non-phonetic words later." i WILD MAX Ht'VT
Chlrngo millionaire Inventor. I After giving approval to Dr. I
mm-e hi arret last night, Dr.
McMillan, who administered the
woman affairs and who awert-
lived with her. has been
j under constant quest Inning a id (
the same: -I did no
klll her." ; satd. but will also destroy the jed without making an arrest. At-
Mrs. Appleby's body was found quality of "it" by blunting the : though the man closely resembt
tied In a gunny sack near Ban finer Qualities in a maa'a oer- ed McClelland, thev satd. he ha
, . , . . ,
ernando the night of December
blow across tho forehead caused,
her death. . i
'Swearing-Off Time-Right After Christmas -
"vr TM T' s
Washington facing
DUjIeM ' ItJAK Wliri
WAKiitNOTON, I)ic. 30. ft'Pl complexion o congress bat Ib?
The political crystal gators as-pf1 " hs bope.
1;fe In predicting last plenty is The .ntllooa league ton, by
isanie Interna! personal difficulties
going to happen In tho United J rffowf r the death of Wsyne B.
Ktales this coming ) 'ap year.
Washington, whose only
dustry ta politics, expect, no its-
!lr the prewport of the hotte'ltin in the neat republican ptat-
eleetlun ramsalxn alnce the wer!"""- Dr., Kfrbotaa Murray Bot-
with freth' Inert and fr7h iittnea
; to ronfunt the rotere and haraas
tl.M ti.iItlU.tana
., ... ' , , that problbltl&n la not a poilticat
Kepubltrana apparently w'"'nne.
nave to wage tseir tarapaiicn wain i
. ' . . . - ------
tho I'oolldK admlnltratlon ao
atllt badly divided Internally with
the poaatbltltr of a large section
having to accept internally with f
Ai-jthe ponibflttr of a large aectionj,,,, bt WBerea, Wden and
to accept a candidate iwe, ,re tnT ,t On the demo-
whoM. balc ootlook on life to
alien to ita own.
.h.h -.. .tl. T' - . . T
- -"--)'- - o ;.atiwn ur.. i iis. oc-d atatea.
, to be made by both aide to keep 1 Pawing or the politic inrotred
j prohlbliion out of the campaign, in farm relief, the que.Clon of
,he nomination of Smith would, aatkiyisg the economic demands
iregardlea of all "he could do toof a large aeetlon of the popu-
.the contrary, keep th oueni ion iatlon I. a (ueattoa of aoch !m-
i , ton, Threa year, of ag- portance that it cannot but oc
greuive agitation by the wet copy a major place tn the story
! nye Produced no change In the of the coming year. . ,
Old-Time Spelling Bee Ruled Out
. , . .
Psychologists Would Ban Custom
COLl'MHt'S. o.. IW 3i. UUwit AtAA h. fw t. c
$ another tiity, &&d fmychoioK.ata
aiie- aing me annual meeung oi ,
the Anivrkan Pircholtgirat two-
a-iaiioa ura.r awn. '.mjmi j
I irauiti.B imi-tt ueiteiu, us it,e ;
Triple-Jointed words w h I e b
Wailin's idea oa how t teach:
children to snell, the nsyciioSo-
gists turned to tho nerolexittes
arising front ths drinking of bad
oi only win rnronic arunsrs-
ness eventually kill one. they
jaonallty. , . ;
i . intelligence tests bane of
many a freshman's existence dar-
ng bis first weeks In college, j
Wheeler, expects to solidify, it-
self tbla fear again In the ef
fort to beat att wet candidate.
aounrd hi istention
to an Iron-clad di
Senator Borah, dry. has as-
to trjftst
dry declara-
ilff t equally determined to net
wet plank. All of whfrh make
,11 dtftlniit far thoae who Insist
Farm relief t going to be
--tioBgreas prooBoiy wilt pane
jivarT,,r,n bill ..j !r
,e,o It, Thta wfil precipitate a
drect to.e .((n(a be puDeaB
w. ,tm. ...,.,
ratle ,toe seM!or Jarow( A
in arithmetic, and
languages, tnat men worit more
-ae-urntely but thp women faster."
t-arenta woo wonoer wny tnetr i
cuimren iati m college may mem-1
setves oe responstote lor toe tau-i
ure. Dr. Edward S. Jones, Unl-j
. The three main reasons that!
SAX LCtS OBtSPO. Calif.. Dec.
So. liPk Bheritr dennttes wha
were called today to San
by Constable Charles Davis, to
investigate a man answering the
nescrtpiion oi Kosert B. mci. iei-
land, sought kldnsner. reinm-
evidence to prove he was a re3-
dent of San nieaa and had no
connection with the - kldnasinr
Itl rf Tn
5 X J
Link Fox
With New
' ; county court f2tfy adapt the
... , , j budget for 132 S, drafted several
Hickman and Hunt to; we ago.
oe tnOICieO tBe -et lde for tlo-
day; Added Blame j;br cruising, tot a recheck of
P,J C. f timber already cruised, waa to-
Placed on Slayer. iittiei ,t , m ,Mk,
- fajto when objection, were beard
(U.P.) -A defense counsel
sought a plan that might
save William Edward Hick
man, confessed doable
slayer, from the gallows,
the state of California was
attempting tonight to con
nect him with two more
vicious murders.
Evidence tending to implicate
"The Fox" with the slaying last
January of Patrolman P. I.. Ben
nett and with the death May 25
of A, B. Drtekett, was revealed
by authorities.
Hickman already has confessed
to the abdnetton, killing and ma
(illation of Marion Parker, and
ta participating with bis bands!
pal, Welba Hunt. It, is the fatal
shooting of Ivy Thorns, Rose if Itl
To intflct Pair
i ne e c'lufjift; wit 09 pre-
. , iu" '""".town team of Merrtii.
oay . wnen ins pooy meeta to
Indict Hiekmas and Hu&t for the
ZZ, s , , , mtatette "ding strong! for the
9 ?l JaZ ""ctory ap until the. last few
(Continued oa tre Wxl ;m,ns)te. o pUy. Both team. di-
i nivaA ffsflWsM f Aaif KkotKftU
Bodv of Drowned
ri Iinf PT F fHinrf 111
Klamath River
The body of Ivaaboe "Joe"
Davis who was drowned Thurs
day morning while bunting ducks
oa the Klamath river below Keno
was found ta 15 feet of water
yesterday morning, 100 yards
downstream from the point where
bis empty canoe waa recovered
The body was located by Bricef
McCormlck, of Keno, who, with
Jack Corkery and Orte Woody
was probing the, bottom of the
murky stream from a boat. Rel
atives of the dead- man are ex
pected to arrive here today when
funeral arrangements wilt be
lis vis' body wes found, fully
clothed, v including bis hat and
gloves, a&d there was no evi
dence of a struggle en the part
of the drowned man. He was
drowned while- bunting -with S.
ft. Johnson and. a Hedford com
panion, both of whom were shoot -ing.
from the bank, white Davis
held to the middle of the stream
in the light cmoe; ' -
Stolen Machine
Abandoned Here
An abandoned car waa found
in Milts Addition yesterday after
noon, which bad been stoles tn
Weed, California. Wednesday. It
is the property of H. G. Wortmaa
Jr.. ot Weed and bore the license
number 176214?.
It Is believed by authorities
that the parties who took the ear
oniy used it as a mode of trans
portation to Klamath Fall since
nothing waa disturbed, and the
owner's identification card and
license slip stilt remained fast
ened to the steering gear.
The machine will be held here
for the owner, pstlce stated.
Stunt Flyer Hits
High Power Wire
' CLENDALB, Calif.,' Dec. S9,
(UP) At Johnson, 30, stunt fly
er for the Cadtli Motion Picture
company, probably was fatally in
jured when the craft he was con
ditioning crashed into a high
tension wire late today.
After receiving sever shocks
he was badly burned when his
plane took fire and felt to the
ground. Hospital authorities said
his recovery, waa doubtful.
Johnson was to play a part tn
a movie of airplane warfare.
Coffey Pasre Through City
Walter B. Coffey, chief surgeon
ot the Southern Pacific, passed
through Klamath Falls yesterday
earoate to Sap Frntutsco frons
Bigger School Appropria
tion Won't Be Aaked,
I Indication
Three important Qsteitton, In-
;Tolrlng protean lo (be tentatiTe
county budget, are expected to be
.agreeably settled today when the
to the budget. This actios
expected to clear ap much ees
Irorersy existing: betwees tim
bermea and the court for months.
Following the protest of the
Kiastatb county fair board
against the 15,000 appropriated
for the fain and the well
fonnded plea of the directors of
the fair for mare money with
which to conduct tbla Important
county enterprise, ft Ea generally
believed the court witt acede to
the reqaett of the board by al
lotting several tbsnsasd dollars
One of the major reasons for
fGoatiaaedt aw Face Stat
High School Fiye
Defeats Merrill
Ail-Star Quintet!
Xbe buketeera ot lh KUmalh
cnnnfv tth avfcAAi I'MAsT tha icmr
(halt test aigbt, winning front the
The game
both haivet.
was close
wltai; the
i1 itk thJ -
B excei:eat eaac to get to
The school Quintet plays the
local 'Eagles basketball team at
the fairgroa&da exblblt. building
tonight at eight o'clock. ' -
i . -
Portland (bps
Would Break Up
Pilfering Gang
PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. J0 i&i
Following 4 series of burg
laries last night, steps were tak
es today to rid (he city of a gaes
of prowlers which the police be
lieve to - be organised, operating;
under the direction of a leader, i
Extra Boilcemes bare been de-
tailed to the residential district e
and if this does sst result in tba f
apprebenstoa or the breaking ap
of the gang, plais clothes men
will be sent out front, the In
spectors bureau. , .
In a number et burglaries last
night, wherein bouses were en
tered and ransacked, evidence
was left to show that money was
the chief object of the boss
breakers. Even Jewelry waa
(spurned. This wa takes by tba
(police as evidence of the exper
ience of the gang.
The borne of Judge W. A. Ex
wail, was among those prowled
last night. The same thief, or
thieves, ransacked two o t b f
homes In the immediate vicinity.
Rotarian's Wif e
Drowns In Lake!
SEATTLE, Wasb., Dee. 30. S
Pi AtthoBsh be plunged into
th cold water of Lake Washing
ton, Henry Manny, district gov
ernor ot the Rotary club, was
suable to save his wife from
drowning late Thursday sight,
Mrs. Manny bad remained tn
as automobile on a ferry boat
crossing the take, after her hus
band stepped out. When the ma
chine rolled backwards and felt
lata tba bay the Rotary offletat
Jumped Into tile water bat bis
wife bad been Imprisoned tn the
car and he was polled oat of the
take by other passenger on ths
Weather Delays
Mrs. Lindbergh
BT. LOl'IS, Us., Bee. S&. ttFt
Unfavorable weather prevented
Mrs. Evangelise Lindbergh from
continuing her journey to De
troit by air today and the flight
was postponed until tomorrow.
Mrs. Lindbergh arrived here
late yesterday and bad Intended
to continue to Detroit last night,
hut th weather made tba trip
Morning Except Monday)
Gales On
Lindbergh Undaunted
By Storm Along
Unmapped Route;
Lands Safely, '
DURAS. Dee. 30 U.P.)
Fighting; storms es h flew
over mountains and dense
forests across as unmapped
aeriai frontier, "Colon!
Charles A. Lindbergh com-'
pletIS today the second
stage of his Central Am- ;
eriean good wit! tomr, . V
At S:4S a. m. il0:U .- a4
Eaaters Standard Sims, Lind
bergh Sinrftd the Spirit of St.
Loots at the Athletic field satf
the golf dab, having flown tba
Its treaebersaa' miles - from
Csatemala City is three hour. ,
and twenty-four ml nates. ' . . i 1
Forced Island ' . .
Tha famous firm ot - "W"
added to it fllaatrioat record af "
achievement. Liadbergb. over aa
knswa territory, was forced by
a squall deeper as4 deeper' .taia
the - coantry; ia 'iSsr rrgiaa.
sssBtaia raaga aid,' )jabrsk'a
forests is which ssqI tiea tke-xvs- -
liia Jtaya . India sa liver -: T
ttex(iB Was ths Usd plaas
ever to come' dowa as- $vitib
Hoadaraa: sol!. HHisrto, eahr7
few seaplanes bad vl.lled - fba
co'ooy sd taey jicCtfatled a
fbe stater.
. " .WeltQBMi - Ta aa allege . , t
. ' Lladberga's ' wefrsm' iras ; "is-'
mnltettt. Almost tfes astlra ,'y
of Belize earn out to. ta; fi!d
aad cbeerext srttdlr .wh -la--.
bergb waa -sighted. ..nrpassim
svea their own beat at aria whso
t be plane aetaattr taa4. Fty
special coaitabies, wtira;i-'ttt
Thursday alcbt,' aalsed the reg
lar police to consroi the excited '
crowds who aoagbt to swarm -around
the plane. . . . .
Lindbergh bad bad clear sail
ing from Aarola airdrome, Caat
(Conlinned oa Fasje- Sta
Men Battle Show'
To Reach Youths"'
Caught By Stony
srsvoaa raitr1 tw sa , 'rf"
V'l A search; party . of itt . mn
was toaigbt battling its why tbry
deep snow drift to reacb a gross
st -2 .boys stareesed . at Pin?
Creek, SS miles tram here ia thi
Sierras. :. : .- , - - r'
' The boys have- bees- vacation
ing in the mountains for the tat
week.1 According lo reports bertR
they had eaougb provltios tij
fast a week and were due -lo
leave yesterday. - : , - ' r
Alt roads and commaaicatisn -lines
bar bees obliterated', fey
the Uluard. - ... ',
Klamath Dairies
Lead Whole State
county bold first
lit KlaaaatSt
place- ta aallk
tests is the state of Oregon fr
December, according ts a repot
made by Lee Craft, dairy in-'
apector. yesterday. The verng"
score is 94.. , . . ':
The Mountain Dairy held first
place with an crerage of (,,
and the Lost River dairy second
with ii. Tba remaining averages
1 34.4.; ataaara 4.t; Jabaaoa ttt.
and Crater Lake tt.S-, Craft, re
ported that the Boftiday dairy'
bad no score as the sample waa
not a fair teat, s . ;
Community Chest
Still GetsFunds
I Fonds are atttt coming
f the Community Cheat aad
was takes In yesterday; which
brings the total amount received
tbla year etose ts lh ffgare for ?
1KI. " eS . :
Three families ho are great
ly in need of food and warm
clothing were resorted to cbeat . ,
beadquartera Fridav,. ccorsiigV '
to the Rer, i, Ksry : Thorn as a,
who it ta charge of the rtss,'
Cold weather and SHtemateyssest
are accentuating tbs ..: siftatiOT,. .
bs; ttatesV '