The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 23, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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!! .
Dine Here for
- , - .
Give the wife and children a real gift by treating
them to
Olympia Oyster Cocktail
Crisp Celery en Branch Ripe Olive
Chicken with Strained Okra
Consomme rrlnre&s
Chinook Salmon Cutlet. Sauce Cardinal
Fruit Salad Whipped Cream
Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce
Cream Whipped rctatoe. . Mellow Peas
Sweet Potatoes Southern
Plum Pudding. Hard and Brandy .Sauce
Fruit Cake
Hot Mince Pie Pumpkin Pic Arple Pie
Ice Cream
American Cheese Swiss Cheese
Coffee Tea Milk
WE WILL KEKVE I'lNXKK FROM 11:00 A. M. to :.- P. M.
u.U.r. Conclave ,!
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. iVc. 11.
(UP) While Kansas City repub
licans appreciate the honor to be
hsd from enrvrtalntnK the repub
lican national convention June
12, tilS, they have not com
pletely overlooked the monetary
value of the gathering.
A statement by Arthur Hard
(trave. president of the Kansas
City Chamber of Commerce, in
dicated information he received
in the east led him to believe ac
tual money left In the city as a
result of the convention will to
tal more than J3.0dO.ti00. No
estimate, he said could be made
of the publicity value to be had
from thla national gathering.
HanUrave was visibly proud
of the achievement of Kjnsaa
City representatives in getting
the meeting for the mid-west
, "VV got the conveution b j
going nfter it like eutlemen, .
lighting night and day. tooth ,
and nail, hut at all times like
gentleman." he said. 1
"That is the spirit we want to 1
use in taking care of the con-,
ventlon now that we have It,' he
added, lu warning all city offi
cials to use diplomacy when
making statements regarding the
convention that might be misin
terpreted by other cities.
The housing problem coinci-;
dental with a national political
convention was recognized by '
Hardgrave as one demanding ,
strict attention. j
Every politician in Kansas City.
Hardgrave said will exert him-1
self to assure comfortable lodg-
iwes for delegates while here. I
"We've got it now." he said,
"and we've got to put It over In
grand style. If necessary, every
hotel in the city must be emp
tied to make room for the visi
PASADENA, Dec. t.. (UP),
Funeral services were held this
t-fternoon for Alfred C. Stewart. :
younger son of Lyman Stewart,
founder cf the Union Oil com
pany. I
HOLLYWOOD. Dec. 1.'. (UP)i
The funeral of Mrs. George '
Medf;rd. known on the screen as
Diana Miller, will be held here
Thursday. She died in Mon
rovia Sunday . j
Kindly attention and a pleasant j
home atmosphere are assured 1
mothers at the Xlauatb Valley ,
ratine Tonight Miss Flor
ence A. Howe will leavo on this
evening's train for Salem, where
he will ip.'iui the holidays with j
relatives and friends.
Shopping From Aavury-Ttic
Miss,1 Florence and Clarice El
liott were shopping In the city
yesterday from their home at
Klamath Agency. They recently
returned from Eugene, where'
both young ladles are students at '
the I'litverstly of Oregon. .
Christmas Gift At Barn
hart's. See our window. Shop
open evening. McCarthy Hlilg. :
11S North 7th St. Adv. 18t( ;
lAitve r-Yr Salem Mr. and Mrs. 1
Lester Rich left last night by
train for Salem to spend the hol
iday with relative and friends.
Sinclair To F.ligvue Al Slu-(
clair. footbal conrh at Klamttth
county high school, will leave this
evening for his home at F.ugeue,
where he will spend the Christ
mas holidays.
Kaduitor Cow See the rad
iator cover that Bob Ryan's
Auto Top Shop puts on your car
for 11 60 adv.
leaving For Portland Fred
Berger and Everett Yanderpool
will leave this evening for Port
land where they will spend a
week with relativea and friends, i
To Vi-it At Home
Mrs. E. C. Bird of Sacramento,
is expected to arrive today or to-.
morrow to spend the Christmas
holidays as the guest of Mr. and
rMs. Louis Bradford and their
daughter Mnryellen. I
Lean for lilulio Mr. and Mrs. 1
Carl Wimer and their daughter
Jean and Mrs. Carl Litschenberg
er, sister of Mrs. Wimer. loft yes- :
terday by motor to spend the hoi-1
idaya with their parent at Lew
iston, Idaho. '
Visiting Sluer Mrs. Margaret '
Frener of Poe valley Is spending
several days in the city visiting
her sister, Mrs. Amel Klntt. i
... ;
living For Fugvne Lloyd Em
ery, teacher at the Klamath coun
ty high school. Is leaving for this
evening for Eugene, where he
will spend the Christmas vacation
with friends and relative.
Food Halo-The Indies uf the
Christian church will hold a
cooked food sulo. featuring home
mails caudy, cake, cookies and
mince meat pies, in the lxiouils
bldg., Sslurdiy, Dvrvmbur 3'trd
adv. SJ-St
. Open KveuluuH The Sunset
grocery, at the earner of Tenth
and Main, plans to remain open
evenings ft -in how until Christ
mas. ...
To Visit In Mitlfiml Mr. I..
F. W'llltts will leave Saturday for
Medford where she will visit with
her brother and slstor-ln-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Telford, and spend
the holidays.
Mirth lor ll'dlda) Mr and
Mrs. J..O. Ilamuker and daughter
Marjorie of llonanxa..Jutvo I. 'ft
(or Portland and Scuttle where
they will spend the holidays with
relatives and friends. They will
visit with their son-in-law and
daughter in Portland, and will
visit Si'uttlo before returning
(In HuIimhm From .Mnlfiml
Fourt Howe of Medford has been
spendiug several days In the city
ou business.'
From Dairy Charles Flaikut,
was a business visitor In the city
yesterday from his homo In
To Vlli At llolloxvay Homo
lr. and Mrs. J. II. Holloway will
arrive In the city this evening
from their home at Leavenworth,
Washington, to visit their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mr. Bert Holloway, over tlic
From Spruxuo lllver Jim
I.sndrolh. hog buyer of Spruguo
River was in Kamath Falls yes
terday on business.
lravc. Suddenly On receipt
of the news that his mother lies
at the point of death at her home
In Oakland. Arthur LalHeu. cir
culation manager of the Klamath
News, left Wednesday for lh
ffouth. He was accompanied by
'Nations Turning '
i To Arhitrnfiou In
Settling Trouble
GENEVA, Dec. :i. t UP) Ar
bitration and com Dilation are
tending rapidly In outstrip war
ns. the recognised means of set
tling International disputes.
Statistics Just completed by the
treaty registering department of
the Lcigu of Nations show that
j there aru now 130 treaties in
j force which contain provisions (or
j settling nil disputes arising un
der them by arbitration.
Thu great bulk of these have
been negotiated alms the organ
iltatton of the League and under
the Impetus of tho arbitration
Gambling Lid Is
Lifted For Xmas
MANILA. IV I . Hit. 31 ll'I'l
-The lid will be -off (or a big
Christmas celebration hero
The municipal board allium iced
: today I Iml nil gumlillug mil In
clines will be suspended for fotii
Idaya ticulmilng Saittrduy.
I Closing bourn for pool hails
f will be suspended (or lh. same
! period.
iMIIed Mi '. M. K. Willie. 7. In
her ho in ii it Tnpsham and hid
Imcii critically wounded by orn-cen.
movement which the league has
Uunched. During (he past year
ulone 4U sinli treutiea, neurly all
betweeu European nations, were
registered with the league.
Up to the present time 1A dlf
fi rent nations also have accepted
the compulsory Jurisdiction cIuusm
ot the league's permanent court
of International Justico of tho
Hague. Under this clauso tho
'statutory nations accept the coin
'pulsofV Jurisdiction of the court
for the ettlrmeut of all Juri
dical disputes which may arise
with other nations accepting the
j clause.
his, wife and two children. Mr.
I LaDlus has been In very poor
health for some time, hut has
grown steadily worse the past
few days. They plan to remain
south Inil. 'finitely.
O. A. ('. COIIVALI.IS, Dec. 31.
The iiiinuiil dairy inaiiiiiai'tiir-
I Ing short cnirse will be held
Hie four weeks between January
and February .1. Lec tures and
laboratory work of special In
terest to i-rcnmery maii'igcra or
workers are listed with special
j emphasis on creutu grading. A
I printed bulletin describing the
I course In detail will be mulled
on reiiuest. ,
I Hltl'NKW It'K. Me. I lor. it.
1 (API Raymond I'etll, US-year-1
old Insane cripple who shot and
i wounded Ills' tnl her and mother
hire last no; hi wus in pin red In
dnv but not until after he had
Pur reservations Phone 10FI1
Y ralnr lo prlvato parlle
and banquet
Olene Hot Springs
Chicken Dinners and
14 Hour
Tea miles out
at old Olene
Stop your uttering -u
-ViJW "-4 - IH-w
U!ts.l ua I it IiiKllnsf
fnuOft U- rtcnafy lutaa 1Ui pi
!.(. ;; vr ll Urn . . A -a I
The World's Largest
Christmas Tree!
fi.nn Francisco' best
popular priced hotel
Wl Powell St., be
tween Geiry and ()'.
Farrell In the heart
of the thealTlral dis
trict and close to all
down town activities,
dunning Icewater In
every room. Your
auto chocked at door
like . baggage. Our
dining room In con.
nertiun serves break
fast Si cents, lunch
50 cent and dinner
0 cent.
See this famous tree ablaze, on
the slopes of Twin Peaks, with
its myriad of briRhtly colored
lights. (December 17. to 31).
Dazzling and stupendous
a sight you should not miss. San
Francisco beckons you to join in
the holiday merriment. Make
your headquarters at tho popu
lar HOTKL MANX, at Powell
and O'Farrcll streets near ev
erything. Rates are most reason
ablei Running ice water in ev
ery room. . '
llUGo in
I jUw h
V of World'
rated Car
Motor Coach System
departures dally
Sao Fraui'lnro, Hacrauieutu,
llouiul Trip '.'O.llll
I'ltOTKt'TION assured by a
'crest responsible compsny.
serving all California cities,
mil going east lo HI. Louis
slid Chicago. Finest eoachea
tdeep-ciisliloned T e c 1 1 n I n'
ihalrul bust terminal facili
ties, most dally schedule.
Our agents will help plan your
trip, arrange stop-overs, make
I .os Angeles it. 45; II. T.
114. SO.
F. Paso 149.95; R. T.
89 10.
81. I.ouls ITS 10; l. T.
Leavo for Ihesa and a thou
sand wav points
7;IO,' lll:lH) n. m.i 1:00 anil
4:ini p. in:
fll.t Mailt Nt.
; The Master of Mass Production''
JLECTRIC power may right
fully be regarded as one of the
world's basic industries. It is man
kind's most tireless and efficient
By means of its magic current,
forces are unleashed that free
labor from excessive burden;
homes are made happier and
more comfortable, and the
wealth of the nation multiplied
many times over.
The wealth is that not taken
from others by trade, but new
wealth, wrung from the treasure
house of science, enhancing in
dividual production capacity
forty fold and increasing wages
It is obvious, therefore, that the
Says Dr. Henry Mace Payne
Consulting Engineer, American
Mining Congress
"America's prosperity is the fruit of
intelligent power development, with
skilled direction and mass produc
tion, paying the highest wages in the
world, her workmen enjoying a high
er standard of living than ever before.
Wherever we look about us we find
the evidences of the co-partnership
between brains and business."
well-being of everyone depends
upon the accessibility and abun
dance of electric power.
Through the foresight, initiative
and commercial daring of the
electric power companies of this
country, American industry to
day is supplied with more power
than all the rest of the world
combined twenty -four times
more power than was available
twenty-four years ago and at
a cost less than the pre-war
To the degree that the principle
of individual initiative, under
which these companies have
functioned is maintained, will
the continued prosperity of the
nation as a whole be assured.
IS. .'J L" - VI 'i f J ,M ,
Are You Square
with Your Coiisciencer
The complete text uf Dr. Puyne't address will be fwmithed upon request.
The California Oregon Power Company
Medford. Grants Pass. Roscburg. Klamath Falls -Oregon
Yrcka. Dunamuir -California
111 ruiuc ISj