THE KLAMATH NEWS ( . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1927. PAGE THKEE i it .Men i For her Xmas Silk Gowns Silk Vests and Bloomer Sets Silk Step-ins Silk Hdkfs AH Packed in Xmas Boxes LAMATM KipjHING Poet-Victim of Sub Disaster Has Bourbons Being Left Dramatic Lines In ReauienV Invited To Big , Jackson Dinner,' I WAHIIINIiTON, I"'. S . A- 11. KiiiiwIi:i1k thul lie courted I the il "ii Hi wlili li now In hla wlthlu I hi' steel riiiilinin of the wrecked stihniurlno H-4 wan held hy Walter Hlshop nf W'tnliliiKto.i. ( lAdliiinun aboard her, tut like t iiii coiurnuc in hth, nu was - ( 'diluted liy "life In a dtiiuned old 1 Dili." I'rophcllc lit Im recital of ' 1 tin duiiiccra lirnvod aboard a ,"x limit" i poem written some tlmu uku by HlHliup, linn come Id IlKlil as a 1 r Mil u k rviiiim aver 'ilumu who went tf their death with the H-4 off I'rovlncetown. : Untitled "The siilininrlne." the poem til part It nlurly well Into in glory of the 8-4' with Im i.e- scrlptlon of the closa quarters of an undersea boat.' Opening with the observation that many "rave of battleships. Hpolless und clean" hut that ii'it much Is said of "llfo on a Hebrew Meets Creek In Big ' Fight Tonight ' NKW VOIIK, Dec. 2!. (L'f) No very Inrae monetary rowiird awaits the wliuior of the third fight between fetid TerrlH and Hill 'Mit'.raw which will be Toi Itlcltnrd'a pre-Chrlstmas offerinic at Madison Kiinurn Harden tomor row nit IU. The nun of f0.uuO. hnwevrr, may change hands If the New York Hebrew boata the Detroit tireek. . Terrls haa offi s d $60,000 to net Hum my Matuli II .Die elusive IlKhtwelKht champion. Into , the rime. Ktrnt. of course, Sidney must net punt M'tiruw, after which ho will pay Kdille Kane, Miindetl'a manager, the aum men tioned for a title bout. Klaht eiperla are pIckinK Tcr rla to sfop Mctiraw within the I lu-round limit. At the Orpheus the raukerona mind of the i devil, There festered a flendlah aeheme: j Ife called hla cohorta around lilm I And designed the anbmnrlno. They planned and plotted to do their worst. In perfecting tlila awful thing: And alnce completing their hide- oua work Are waiting what evil It will bring. The after battery la where we eal That la, when we roll the least While hiiiKlua; on to keep our place I.Ike inula prehensile beaut Moat of ua In the battery room aiu ciose to a lurking death; With tbo storage cella giving off gas That smothers our every breath. The torpedo room la. a deadly pot. Hut we have small choice, yuu know; 80 aome sleep there, next the overhead. With tona of T. N. T. below. Tho C. U. C. la a little place, Jut crummed with levera and toola. And let me tell you, on 'a dire, lt'a not a place for foola. It takca ten Rood men to operate The diving near Hint's there: And each man knows that a clear cool bralu -Insurea hla return to the air. We know lt'a 'a serious business, Vott never hear laugh or quip; Efficiency prevails supreme Our lives are forfeit for 1 slip. Yea, dally we make a risky dive, While L'r.i'lo Sam, with hlc brim ming cup. Bets ua a dollar, while we're alive, A dollar to nothing we don't come up. We're bottled up, Juit like a trap, ' WASHINGTON, Dec. tl. (VP) Invitations huvo gone out to rieuiocruta all over the country for the big Jui knoll Day party dinner to be glveu here Thurs day nlKht, January 12. This event, coinciding with the! 1 meeting of the democratic na tional committee to select a con vention city, will mark the form al opening of the democrat!': presidential cumuuign and the first real effort of tin parly to come back to life after the la mented affair at Madison Square I 1 Harden in 1924. Lending party figure -Ike Governor Smith and Senator J. A. ftced, who are mentioned as possible candidates, have been asked to apeak. John W. Davis, pti.ildenttal candidate. In 1924 will be toast master. Among those Invited as guests are the 21 democratic state gov ernors, the 47 democratic senat ors and the 195 democratic con gressmen, members of the na tional committee, democratic state cbuirmen. and the most prominent figures In the Wilson administration and subsequent campaigns. . - Authorities Say 'Fox' Slew Marion LOS ANGELES. Dec. 22. (UP) His confession to the contrary, Los Angeles authorities do not i believe Edward Hickman had any I accomplices In the kidnaping and murder of little Marlon Parker. ' "While the major portions of his atory ring true we have every reawn to believe this was a one man Job," Chief of Detectives ('line said when he entrained for Oregon. "We do not think he waa aided Ih&z&itFZ&qXtJ&l DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE4;2bS43i -H.I GALOSHES Just to inform you that they're here arrived last evening GALOSHES They go on sale this moming ijry News Classified Ads for Results "The llorder Cavalier." a Uni versal Western, to bo shown In tho Orpheus v Theatre commenc ing today presents Fred Humes 11s star In a particularly sensa tional and exciting role. One of tho big thrills comes when two with nothing In between cowboys run off with a high- The sea and death but a metal powered automobile they know cap. nothing about and It runs awny'i.u,, lne i)p on ,oup tureen. with them. Fred catches It how- v get a five dollar bonus, ever and a very disastrous accl- They rail It extra pay; dent is averted. Tho story which nut , always goes for dungarees deals with the trickery of a That the acid eats away. crooked land speculator. Is full The best blood In the service of fighting and love. In the sup- You'll find on the old pig boat. porting cast are Joyce Compton. For lt takP, mon tnan a common Cop Anderson, "Pee Wee' .mind .' ! funnies, Maltras others. Kolittr Radio ilour nf I'amout Campoirn ttrry Wttneuay rixnmf;otvrt CjTI yib Hition-uidc Columbia UnaJcailmg iplcm. At 0 p, nr. Eastern time. For lastinp, 1 KO t-B If Modcl jor example: - r,k. IM. 160 Itii hiilcrl.'i kulMcr Hlio. Ohinct uf wilnui wild Mei.iit miili ln $C com ipnkr. Prk't, Icisiuhcv mJJ 1 irK bi(trnlr) KnKlrr Kadin, rnclnm In iir,iiui inamfiny cintnet. i KtiMr Elcitrk Sl utrihcncw A.C. iilhct. No Nlirrini of njr kind rcqtiirrd. Operatrd tolrlv rm A- I., huuw current (100-1 JO k oucnki). Indoor or out. door Aoiair.tM. Kolitrr htirrynpf rated modrh ranji In pricu irum ftHv.M) to J73, Jhnrr ta rlo the KuKur lfrwrr Co it Stn-akcr at Jrtnnable time pflymentl if de ilr.'f nn all KoiMcr equtpnttnt. v ; T i satisfaction JLSTER Electric. RADIO You are probably now ready to make your permanent investment in a radio set that will give you years of satisfaction. And like thousands of other careful buyers you are determined to take no sub stitute for the exact qualities that are mak ing the Roister Electric the success of the season! i . Utter simplicity! beauty! and the absence of any charging problems whatsoever! The coming of the Roister Electric clears the way for lasting radio satisfaction in your home. Get yours today. Plug in and play. Radio will be revolutionised for you forever! Dick I, hnlrange. Bcolty T,i sink and still' In final.' Ilenny Corbel t and The officers are rejl he-men I Of character and nerve aupreme; , It takes the keenest Intellect I 10 command a suDmartne. i ney, must ue democratic. Hroadmindcd men and strong. Capable of quick decisions Khould anything go wrong. With all this it may seem atrange When you ask a gob off any pig boat. He'd rather be there than any- where Ax long as there's a sub afloat. There's a sort of fascination Attends this Job of ours. That Is only to be duplicated I By a rocket trip to Mars. ' We cuss and mutter "never I oglln" Vntll we get paid off: Hut the blamed old llfo will drag f ua back No matter how we acof. i We all come back. Come buck for I more, And there, friends. Is the rub; We like the lief beneath the sea Life In a damned old sub. I Uhlig's Electric Store A Ci- ri o- A a jV ivimii oncci 1 nunc s&ot i a Product of Federal-Brandes, Inc., Newark. N. J. At The Liberty by anyone In this hideous crime but we are mnking a determined search to find an Andrew Cramer or a June Dunning that (would fit his descriptions." Detective Inspector Cato said he believed the "Cramer and Dunning people were fictitious." ' YOUTHS BELIEVE j. THEY TRAVELLED WITH W. HICKMAN PORTLAND. Dec. 22. U A jtory of traveling from Cali fornia ta Portland with a ronn who they feel sure was Edward W. Hickman. Los Angeles fugi tive, was told here today " by Jnmea Nelson of Kansas City and Irvln Mowrey of Portland. At the Oregon line they said Hickman was in the back Beat and Nelson was driving. . "We slopped." said Nelson, "the police turned their" flash lights full on our faces. They studied us a moment then said 'Just driving through?' we an swered 'that's all' they answered 'all right, go en.' And we did." Just before they reached the Oregon line Hickman said ' be wanted to avoid officers because he had two quarts of of whiskey which he was taking home for Christmas, they said. ' KLAMATH SJJL FALLS A Brouco Buster at tho ago of 6 yearn! Iluxx Hnrton, 1 3-year-old tar of "The Hoy Uider," tluled his career an a cowpiincher from tho tiny when ho broke a wild home uiiuided seven yearn ago. As a result of It in training Huxr holds the diNtlnetlon of be ing the youngest western star on the screen today. Tho find pic turo tf hit. ntarrliig neriea, "Tho Pelilnl la ttrt. riiititttic nl ine ijiiieri.v t lieu ire. Flapper Fanny Says: AT THB- I PINE TREE i THEATRE UST SHOWING TODAY George Bancroft Evelyn Brent and Clive Brook ' "Underworld'; A Melodramatic Thriller Hint will THItllX Yon: ADDKD ATTRAfTIOX The New Ford Picttircil from start to tilllsli! The Ciift Meal! , THK.XTHK St'HIP ' HtltlKS I Discount! Ak U t them nt ellllet lo tUf.ce. ' m mnam .-:. x? rt" in il I fl aw u. s eT. orr. OlStT BT WVJ1 SOTVCt. ISC Many man la broke, from buying Just one Christinas seal. , ' " At The L-T-B-E-R-T-Y LAST lVIfl TODAY BUZZ BARTON (that lioy wonder) In "THE BOY RIDER" Yon' must see this greatest kid of all time . . . NOTE I'ndernood Kid Mutineo todny at 1 and S p. nn Coming HATI ItDAY ONLY Buddy Roosevelt in "RIDE 'EM HIGH" f CHRISTMAS DAY .' "The Covered Wagon" See the New Fcrd Car Being Manufactured - and in Oa: ::iti: :: sddty Through the courtesy of Mr. H. W. Poole, pictures of ' the new Ford car in the making as well as the finished car performing will be shown at the : ' Pine Tree Theatre Friday, December 23 "!! : -. ... ... ' ii -j Orders for the new Ford will be filled strictly . ! in the order received. ;1 BalsigerMotor Co, j Authorized Sales and Service. ; Phone 427 - 828 Klamath' , 1 I