The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 22, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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pare ftvt
Cold Standard
Is Adopted By
. Italian Cabinet
, It O M Imv. rt. tV T.I's (rimluil ioal-wur advance
nl'i;n Inn uf the iinlil i indurd
nil Iho haala nfm Urn I'i the
dnllur waa announced IntiU hl Ity
Iho Ii waa hilled aa U'
result n( Ihn v'llrliut govern
ment economic policy, uit pU-U
with notlciiiul ilirlfl. Improved In
(I ml rial organlratloit uiiil firm fi
nancial incisures.
An officii! roinmuniiun attrib
uted I In' ability lo Hike this great
, step lurwnril lo inlulnliirliil pro
vision which wcro tnlon to do-
.fetid the. lit p. Theso were ni-na-urei
to prevent apcculntlon, firm
dlaclpllua, IimIuhI rliu:ini'itii of Ihn
Air Photograph Shows Scene of Sukaatfac Dhastirr Skippers Of Two
Race To Seattle
party and this Is Iho flrt
ncatlon ho has had durlnit
Italian population, balancing of ; photo la Hip hliininth New shows
111 llullun ImiiIki'I, unification nf , picture rroiu Ihn lllr of Hie
hanka, reduction of iia ..r clrruli- . vn f .. disaster i.f the I". H.
Iliin. funding nf ihn war di'hl. ! submarine K-l. w II It delrocr
j tlllllitllliC by III III" rescue III
I tempt. lU'lnw la n i linn shining
Iim mli.ii "f III" atiliiiuirliii'.
I'ltOVINCirTON. Mass, Dec. 21.
(CP) Thn flrt promising at
tempt ! penetrate Iho hull of
Iho sunken submarine 8-4, whore
40 men aro believed, lu have. began I'inlKlit aftir thu
BAX DIKtlO, Calif. Dec. SI. j i.i,, ,i.i1i.tIIiIii hail been ro-lo-j
II I"). A naval boar.l of Inqut- ,ut-A hy divers from tlio I'. K !
ty will Investlgato Iho csploali.n I h, Kulcom.
stabilisation of Iho exchnngu. ad
justment nf prices ciirroapiiiiilliiic
Willi aularlt anil Ihu foal of llf
lux, provision for a Ruld rusurvo.
Board of Injuiry
Will Probe Blast
CA?E COO v j
n.1 I
I 1
Tlila XKA Hi-rvlio Inr . I"li.
Lost Sub Located;
Get Air To Crew
oailniii'd from I'litce One)
of a laanllnn lank whlih look
llfo and In ii rc-rt ihrre rti' ti aboard
iho aircraft rarrli-r, I'. H. 8
jiiiRliy. hi'ra toduy.
Tha di'ad luan wua IdrutKli J aa
Jamea It. Allaworlh. 41. maitliln
Jat'a maio. of Waahtnaton. 1. ('.
. Tho Injured were H. U. Thnrlun
and (li'orae Brownlna. rhlrf ma
rhlnlat'a inattiM, and t'lorrn-o llrt.
aou. and Raymond llrockmun, apt.
trn-n, Hrorknian'a liotrni U In
Tho riplnalun orrurrod whlln
dt-ntltiz will bo krnl cnloc con
n i !
IMvcr oro now (!orfnd!ilff lo
tho wre'-kfd Fubnira!hlf. Ihf
n. min a i aildcil, and will attairh
n .i ap ;anntlur air line to anothor part
rather Ot Clara , ai,man,o.
Bow bets Divorce : -wn.. -r r, mam, a.-
.llniTiib' aildc. I. Indicating that
wa corri'-rMinlt'iil)
Vr. and Mri. E. U Cnppa ontor
, Inlnrd a number of friends at a
! birthday party last week.
Mm. Cits Mosby Is visiting
Willi rulatlvea and fripnds In Cot-
f r.
now. una aiar. ir-ni ji.i.uv, ,,.... ..-- - - .Chrl-tmaa Rva celebration. Every
Word lo lhat rTfrrt alven
out by Limit. Commandi-r Kd
wntd KIIbcrK. alMtard lb" 'al-
run. which moored dlr tly: I,.r,..sri ..iimi.t to r.,t ; dead or alive
hla wlf to llvo with him, h
orr Ibo wrotked H-4.
.'n flKn of llfi was apparent lo
child In this vicinity la to be ra
in, inhered and given a rack of
. (. f -.a. I . i i ...... ... .... I !. .1 1 V.iF. Mhn WM flnw.. f...iln1.t
Now , n. , vr. "". T pop-corn ball, and . baB
I hit KM U mttr inn, itiin n nu itiiniiiiiM'ni ui in mui i iuhc '
liorti d lot tr a fw hour cnrl'.or 1 ucVa .Mowiry llnw, 23.
In llm cvohIhk. UiHr nri i.iir j H ,,,;urr,i tho younzor wo
' ..ill . . . t, . . nn I Vi M
tha craft wan refueling. It aplll T" '"" , '
ho enllro flvln. deck nf Iho'fnllll ll"PO that " I""
will bo to bora a hole tnrouan i nnn nn() new.r n!emli d to llvn
tho forward compartment Iho . w(ll hlm , wlr nn( ,hllt ,h,
i.iriu.ilo room- and liiaerl a luho ., ... .,.,,. rr,. 1,1,. n
IhroiiKh whleh liny cun pump air .j ,p lhl, fotr l)8 niJtllt of
thplr wtildin(;.
Hlii irv.fe, rrporlid In New
York, did tint cnnttfHt the artlon.
nf ( tjt f Tf a
Hon of any .onnd, from wlthlu " " ,7; ,7 ' r"!ara
tho Interior of tho 8-4. jMr"' V;- "ward. bvo gone
VWe rolocated 8-4 about 4 p. . th-ronghly and
in. Main hV.y lino having boon n10t.0n "'e Su"d11Jr cho01
chaffed throitgh. dive, rlx'ged 1,1,1 a," other chll'iro' "
new dinrcndliiK line at rail of
. . Thn lnt mo.
ntr:itt run and aureaut tortied-j1
The last meeting of tho Mills
intlll eiHI Infldo tli wrock.
Will Send Soil"
After air. Kllaburgli anld. they
would endeavor to send clown hot
Mr. and Mra. Harry Halm of j kMil:er anld that the divers ,,.
Tha n-f Clfvlll.. ir-fl
Klamath Kali, were In Iho Korl wl,uM v,k n nlKl.l. !,. Sl. e: ancd from the slate
Monday. H.,.n Jivera hnvo been down 1 ,.,.,, fnr lh- ,...,- riv
. 1 .. .. .... t..t. 11 . 1 . ..... 1 . 1 . - .... .
Addition Tarent Teachers Ahho-
cfatlun wai one of the bent at-
hatcii. l)lver Wilson and Kll.en
n...itn fl'p ll . .ha .t...Untlnn tn .all
........ .1 1 .1 I . . . .
No rtnonuMe diubt . " ' M V" " u:,t
iim enKociaiion tins evor ncid.
PIIOKNtX. Ariz.. Ior. 21. (IT
The picture exhibit of tho week
C.'Mt too.
flint ulr bnpau solnn Into torpod
ri.ftm n hunt 1 A n m I
"This .hows men. It torpr-do 1 nd "nder ,he 'llces of the
room either shipped portablo lis- ' '""c' was also largely at
lining gear or that top allppr i -d- ... .
valvo opened pre-nare was built!."'' nd Mr"- r- L- w leJ snd
up four pounds then dented down ""a J- " "'c' Pnt
i s. ., .k V .""..., vnrlo, jlm.s today, am. .. ,, , Illrd kno,. . f Sunday duck hunting. The aame
K.7n.i. T,"",n our ' , the nlKht. ,n!m'in str.mrllng Mra. , cont'niioudy Diver Piben SllIlT the same rport when
""""r Thir effor.s to signal tho m-n . N E 1all- Bf,ed ,.hl,..Illx re,,. ln ""'n""'';1 J' ,er '''b" Mrs. Wles proved herself tho
Mick Wanptvr from ftoiky
Tolnt has beeu In town for a
few days.
Luclto (lorden and Marian
llumh wcro la the Kails Satur
day. Hill liaymond iinl Krnnk Ilrla
coo of tho Kalis wcro lu town
K. I. Ilrlacoe of Kurt Klamath
... ,,j-. nni ."'.in" """'now Eolnr don will rnnneet 'es provca nerse
on .... subm,r:uo have been -,, ,. A . A Jury frMd Z1 crack shot of tho crowd
as In Klamath Kalis Saturday. I fl,r nn ,,',. anil u. minute'
No It. i!l.K
Itepealed knocks on Hie sieei an evening on the date tho
hull havo broiinht no aiiscr. i crime was committed.
Hiirlng llm diving Kllsliorg
ntonil at th. phono as ho had ! pumb linra treading itlpn over
douo during tho diving in the ; ticket office) : "Oh, John, it say
early afternoon. "entlro halcon .Idc.' LeCa gc It,
Diver II. M. Hird went oou so we n no an ai.ine.
Mm of tlm charge on evince , ,blls K;v,nK douoo alr Italph J. Wesa left on Satur-
that ho had been at bis h:mo , lorp1;) r00n eW4,ner day for a Chris:ir,is vacation. He
remains good."
drove first to San Francisco
where he will spend a few davs
I Tho well rompped X-Rar lah ioni fro:n tb-or ' K to Los
oratory at Klamath Vailev II ;Anreles for Hie romainder of his
i 'tnl Is Indispensable In Ivestlo 'vacation.- Mr. Wleso has " been
illns difficulties of thi chest and employed for tha past six years
hiimn ihy tho Swan Lako Lumber com-
real , and Mra. Frank Oscarson accoin-'
that ' panted Mr. Ward and sans over i !
time. I tho mountains. uohkhi uti. uec. 11. lii--
i Mr. and Mrs. V. V. O'Neill en- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Plunders 1 Eliminating a two-mlla detour, a
Joyed a short visit last week from entertained at dinner Thursday temporary onugo acroaa uwr. .
Mr. O'NIell's parents of Portland. ! afternoon. creek hero was opened tor miw
I Mr. Ward camo un from Cur- 1 torlsta today and will bo uaoa ...
Wn.l. . llt'C Zl II! ... n ...I . L. hi. .wn Bins ttlfa aa mlmm CI... 14 .mill I IIM BRV 1.1 I. Villi l.r.llS. "
p. Two veteran sea cuptalni ' young ion; homo with him. Mr. i Cor remit. n. siewa Class Ada Serosa tho creek Is completed. '
tonight were employing all
knowledge they bavo gained dur
ing their lung and colorful ca
tr irn as their clipper ships
reared tho nod of a 2,400 mile
raco from Honolulu to Bcattl).
According to report, received
here. Captain Matt i'eailey, of
fiction as well as marine fame,
ha, rained a IC-mlle advantage
over Captain C. E Ilurmeister
with less than 400 miles to go.
Since Tuesday Captain Peasley,
who lia, lieen portrayed as "Cap
.y Hli ks' son-in-law" In novel,
l.y I'etcr II. Kyno, has been drlv-
I rise his four ma-te dnihooner
j vigilant faster and faster until he
has trained a lt-mlli advantage
over Ilurmeister, who Is master
I of tho schooner Commodore.
Hecommcnds Jfcu)
i Parisian Shades in
uxite Jlosi&rif j
DRECOLL Renowned Parisian Coutur
icr worU famous for hi creation of
gowrtt and wraps now guides the new
color selections in Luxite Hosiery.
Colors are authentic, subtle, always in
advance of the mode. With Luxite goes
the assurance that every color is cor
rect, authoritative, sponsored by one of
the master styusts of the world
Then tno. Drccoll recomimmd hose to com
pltrtncnt the prevailing colnrs tn outerwear.
Now he Krongfy recoTv
tenJf Svrte Oclicair
as iw lei a perfect
ranch for the raitcl
Puxhacnt thoe It may.
howewr. ccamratt with
a Mur cauuntr or hjrnv
mi m a pile rctx ninble
AH nil fuC fjJurnvtJc-r
ice how, kmt very ftnc
fiuft The mSk top ny
tcrbneif itb Isrie to prr
tect apimt fpner tan,
kiJc reinforced pole. It
tot and Mb pbtcd bed
Pleasing Gifts of Luxite li.iery
Needed By All Women.
The Xmas Shoe Store.
Open Evenings
Distinctive Footwear
Next to Blue Bisd
Ida Ilrlscoo and Mrs.
... .....w ,l,,n two lu iu
Taylor were lu Chllouln Saturday. I, .,,,.,,. (0nd IlKlus. These ,
Tho peoplo of Kort Klamath , ,,;,.,, disabled. J
who motored lo Chlloijiilu Thurr-, w K VaTr wa, B0hcr of the1
day night lo aco the basket hall l0 cnU.r h1 .,,., M , :
gamo between Chllmiuln and Kort R I
Klaraalh girl team, wero Mr. and rP' ; ,,,,,, Wright ar-
Mra. Charlie Noah. Ida llrl uoe , ( , m wlh (our Po. !
and C. V. James. Itobert Cordon. ! so oml nml tT.0
Al Deggendorfcr and Itlll Sutton, , ,
i Tho 8 S. the R-3 end tlio S-5. U
l-ui. h .rrive.l today, were moored :.v
.. . ...1. .Iti.ttiiell !.V
lo ineir moiii'i ......
ath Falls Krlday tn spend
week-end. Mrs. t. C. Crawford
Harold Moon, Kosrlo Carter,
IMshcp. Vernon McDonald
Lnren Moon.
aliases .-Nemo i nomas ami am-: -i.Hin.
drcd Ferguson motored lo Kinin- ..... . i. ..lsced If
IU .. ....... fill nnrvcv the' V
II CHll ,1 1 . .1. n -. ...
. ... ti,n ...I tor Iho lilac- 1 iw
or Kiamatn rails, returned nomo , - ,... ... ., atmched to1
iiik . ......... ... - .
llho pontoons. ,1
n... . .ii. ....nimpni nun
.. I no lui.uBitin -
mn.lo aboard tho Kaleoii by Ad-
wlth thotn Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Krauk
and son. Delbert wero
Denton :
Kulla nturday.
mlral Krank llrumlily:
sirs, lira (ioruen. itntiert t.or-i"' ..- .. ... anii n.
fast as we can. Thltil s have not
ilen and Stewart Nickolson mot
oreo lo .no raiia, .-iionuuy. ... u . .,,.. hnt
n ., .. . . ... proceeded lo such an extent mat
v O. II. Hunch aid Ceorgo Hoyt f . . ..,,.rmtn,,ioa
liavo returned from tho Mnrnh
.where they bavo boon tranraetlng
(llenn Ferguson was lu Klam
ath Kails Krlday.
(X'ews I'orrmponilcnl )
Old time community spirit la
still alive In Kort Klnmnth. Klvo
hundred dollars worth of work
was donated. Thirty four men,
eight tenms, and eight truck.!
worked for a week lo Improve,
the Kort Klnmnth roads.
Those who worked on Iho road
wero: A. II, Cnstel, O. A. Pago,
I Inrolil Moon, Leo Ferguson,
Lnren Moon, II. Ilrlceo, Marcus
llrower and Krcd Cordon, trucks;
II. 10. N'otili, ('. M. Noah, J. I..
(foriloti, llennle N'oah. I'nul Wnm
pler, I.. C. Hlsemoro, wagon?:
M. IIoss, T. J. Jackson, O. II.
Hunch,' U. H.'Cnrdwell, Dr. Coop
ver, Iter, l'olndoxtur, llcrt tlray.
It. L. McFnrland, nnd Slick llsn
tilns, shovels; Mnrvln Knnh, M.
L. Korgitaoti, Itny Korgiison, It.
A. Moon and Oris Moon, frosno;
Kd Loover and Hilly ltoland,
grader; Itnwlelgh Hrower and C.
K. Hoyt; loaded wagons and
Itny Taylor, Joo llelg and
Dr. Cooper hired trucks nnd
Dr. Cooper's road was Improv
ed because, ho Is always culled
wo can mjko any determination j A
as to tho results. I P
"Ellsberg anya thero Is a bare M
possibility there- Is llfo alumni. . Z
"If wo had tho boats to I'rov- I
Incetnwn harbor, wo would bavol fl
had her up long ago but the a
weather beat us." , j 1
.Water Wanner .
Tho tcmperaturo ut tho bottom .T
wns rl degrees today. hout 20 T
diitreos warmer than eloril.iy,j I
Hrumbly snld. I I
Divers found almost Ideal con-ljj
dltlons for their work tonight, jlv
Thero wna a allElit breeio blow- j.B
inn and tho sea was- calm. I
Tho brilliantly lighted roscue i
fleet gently swayed ut anchor. hw
To tho northeast llli;lilnnd HBl't
blinked Its warning across tho ! B
oxpanso of smooth harbor to
Wood End liKht, a dark red
blinker beacpn.
HK.NTCN, Ala.. Doc. ll. (UP)
Klvo Negroes nnd a white man
wore drowned when a skiff In
which they wero crossing Iho!
Alabama rlvnr overturned today. ,
James Nichols, a farmer was (
the while man. Of tho Negroes, !
two wero children. 1
Notlro Is hereby given thnt tho
Common Council of thn City nf :
... u , , . I... . J .11
III case of sickness and tho road i 0 ,. for a garbngo franchises i
wns Impnssahln In tho winter, fo. (,v ,, hni) Bol TllM. .
Unto. Olhor roads Improved wero ,y ,llP ar(1 ,llv o( jnntiary, 1D28. 1
from tho highway east to Ih.i (or recolvlng further proposals or
church, and nlso from Iho high-1 proposed frnnchlKes for gnrhngo;
way lo Noah's nnd Korgusnn's disposal. All persona desiring to
Tho low places In Iho roads
lhat wero Improved wero between
Hnllnu's and Knglo's stores, first
street wost of Main, and from tho
first street leading to Moon's
nomo, and from the highway to
JIarold Mallory'i ranch.
submit proposals mny do so up
to tho Jiour of 8 o'clock I'. tt.
of until dalo.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, this 21st day ot December,
Doc. 33-83.
Police Judge.
Poinsettias Plants
Single flower, in pot 7Sc
Two Flowers, in pot $1.00, 1.25
Three Flowers, in pot $1.50, $2
Four Flowers, in pot, $2, $2.50
end $3.30
Tive Flowers, in pot $3, $3.50
and $4.00
Six to Seven Flowers in pot,
$4.00, $4.50 ar-d $5.00
Every Pot, with tho exception of
the Sinfele Bloom Tott, are artistic
ally nrninfrcd with growing ferns
and the like Klamath Grown.
Our assortment of Fot Plants and Cut Flowers is the
largest we have been able to. grow. A visit to our Shop
will i)le?.se everybody who wishes the good Local
Grown Flowers. At this t;rne we wish all our patrons
a Merry Christmas. Service with Quality.
Cyclamen Plants
In a wonderful array of colors of
Salmon, Rose, Pink, Lavender, Red
and Bright Scarlet. Our Cyclamens
are full of pretty wing-like flow
era and have from fifteen to forty
buds on them to come into flower
for several months. Prices rango
according to - size from
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
and $2.50 . each
Klamath Grown
Cut Flowers
Chrysanthemums, Pink, Yellow and White
Large 35c; 3 fcr $1.00 Small 2.5c, 4 fcr $1.00
Pom-pon Chrysanthemums, Yellow and Bronze
75c per Bunch
Carnations, all colon .......$1.50 per dozen
Sweet Peas i 75c per bunch of 25
Snap Dragons . $1.50 per dozen
Baskets filled with Cut Flowers $1.50 to $10.00
Marigolds 50c per dozen
Klamath Grown '
Christmas Center Pieces
with Candles
75c, $1.C0, $1.50 and $2.00
Red Candles, 9'o-in. 25c pair
Red Candles, lin., 50c pair
Red Candles, 24-in., $1 pair
Holly, per pound $1.25
Holly Wreaths, each $1.50
Roses and Other Flowers
Red Roses $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per dozen
Russell Rcses, rose pink, $3.C0, $4.00 and $5.00
per Dozen
Columbia Roses $3.00 and $4.00 per dozen
Ophelia Roses, light pink $3.00 and $4.00 per dozen
Freesias $1.50 per' dozen
Lily of the Valley $2.00 per dozen
Violets 35c per bunch; 3 bunches for $1.00
Imported Stock
Begonias and Ferns
Melier Begonias, one mass of
flowers, $2.00 each
Christmas Cheer, scarlet blooms,
75c, $1.00, $1.50 each. Always in
flower. v
Boston Ferns $1.50 to $3.00
Whittmanii Ferns.... $1.50 to $3.00
Klamath Grown
Klamath Flower Shop
0. R. M0ELLER, Florist
Phone 589 834 Main St,
Send Flowers by Telegraph Anywhere in a Few
Hours Time. Members Florist Tele
praph Delivery Association.
Potted Plants
Primroses that are always in flow
er, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00
Cinerarias in wonderful range of
colors. A pretty pot plant for a
low price at 75c and $1.00 each.
Fancy Mix Pot of Plants, priced
from $2.50 to $5.00 each. (
Klamath Grown
..... .... ... ' . I S I
r . I