The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 22, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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' Paddock and Locke Both
Getting in Trim For
1 Amiterdam Trip
Ily Kt-Hiik limy
t'nlKNl l'n(M HNru Killttir
NKW YOI1K. net, .1. The
HlhirlnK proaiwt nf a trip to the
I! Olympir enmea at Annlir
dam ti ml i whack at athletic
alory morn enduring than na
tional fnma hna templed hark
,ln the board tracka nf Hi reetit
winner a number nf American
runner who. for one roamin or
mint her, were virtually In re
tirement from artlva roraneiltlon.
Two of the greato-t eprlntert
developed In the t'nlled RIMei
ilhln the paat dorado. Charley
J'atlitork and Koland Locke, are
'working out on the hoard and
may be tempted Into eome of the
dinner end totter Indoori meeta
In the metropolitan area.
I Lorke, who hold the world'a
(record for 120 yarde, having bet
lered Taddoek'a mark, recently
had hl tonalla removed, and be
lieve that with that load off
hia cheat he will be fatter than
Another rrack "printer who
will attempt to flaeh auftlclenl
form during- the winter and
epring to win a place on the team
la Rob MrAlllater, eretwhlle .ly
ing cop,' holder of a couple nf
Indoor mnrka.
It la the fact that McAllister
Bold Iheee marks which hat
temrtcd Fnddo k ! to the
H item board. Charley awore he
never would run In the eat, pir
ji:cnlarlv Indoor, bat now he ears
flist If a loo yard mralhtawav
van be found and there' a good
ene In Drooalvn he will come
here next month for competition.
; I.OS ANCSRLKS. Dec. 11. tt'Pl
rharlea F. Dean, captain and
fiillbark of the 191S California
fnotha.ll team, was arraigned hero
today on a charge of battery
growing out of an alleged attack
en a motortt who backed into
hi automobile. Dean waa re
leased on hla own rerognltanca
pending trial January,.
at the
Hal Blackburn
and his Band
"The music is the thing"
A IVmpcat of Nikh.1 ami
"The Winning Oar"
"Ain't Love Funny?"
Has moved into the new
Murray Building
119 North 8th Street
Our products are Union Made
Nails Gorman
Tlit lm-W Im U flKhilng
l.efty VhhuIiii if Port In ml In the
i itmln rvent on the litimjtiiii
smoker lecer.thrr 2,1,
Schacfcr Loads
! In Championship
i Billiard Match
j NKW VOHK, Dtfc. 21. tCP)-
j The world 'a championship 18. 3
; hnlkllne billiard match tot wen
j Welkor Cochran and Jake Schaef
er wa all but concluded Wednes
day afternoon when the chal
lenger piled up a lead of 447
points over the champion.
1 When the player wont mthe'
1 tub I for th final block "the
score stood: Sehaefer 1.200,
Cochran 7R9,
Hoth played hiahly Indifferent
! billiards (lnrhtK the fourth block,
. Sehaefer havlna: a hlnh run (or
t th nftcrntwn of 71.
I Hitter complaint whh ntado by
the champion rpxnrdtnic the InlU
uod during the championship
mutch. j
'How run they expect me to
make carom with those cannon
( bllii?" ilpmnndcd Cochran.
Schni'fcr was equally dlails
fted, and on one occasion, mlsii
Inir a draw shot hy at tri one
fonf. ho ex"!a'med:
' WeM thnt' ni rw n 7 crn
ycri tb come under auch con
dft!on" French Davis Cup
Committee Winds
Up Tourney Stand
PARIS. Dec. 11. (CP) The
Tranrh Paris nip nunml'ti-a nan
romplptrd practically all ar
rawcrmenU for the 1928 Tarta
cup play.
Tbe committee today fixed the
tlnala definitely for July IT, 2S
and 19. The flrt r:und cf th
Europian inne must be finished
by May S: tha second round.
May 30; ttrd round. June $:
aemt-f'.nala. June 24, and the
European tone finals mut be de
cided by July IS.
Th Interione final will be
played July 10. 11 and 21.
President Doumeritne. taking a
lead out of Prealdent Coolldge a
book, will hold the draw for tu
IaTli cup matches at the Elyee.
the French vhlte house, in the
presence cf diplcmata on Febru
ary S.
The switching of the Davis
cup battleground from Forest
Hills to Paris has reawakened
Interest in the trophy and most
of the 11 Ha vis cup playing na
tions are expected to make thetr
entries before Boumergue shakes
the sfips in a box.
At The Liberty
Only 11 years old, but a full
fledged motion picture star.
That'a the record of Buia Bar
been glren a long-term starring
contract and who Is featured In
"The Boy Rider." to be shown
at the Liberty Theatre starting
today for a run of 1 days.
Seldom has the movt-ig plrtur?
Industry known such a rap'd rise
to fame as has been accomplished
by this likeable kid His uncan
ny ability as a stunt rider, his
general fearlessness In tackling
an yfeat. no matter how difficult,
and an unusual' personality is
respon'lile for his present exalt-,
ed position among the stars of
the western picture world Rttti
Barton's camera presence does
credit to a veteran actor.
For results ne News Class Ads
Oa the mri'i.Htli u( a divided
come-back tu the plxth round or
their nchuduli'd 10-roiitid loui,
Mike haly, IVUcan t'lt , won the
UocUloii over "HattUnx Jttck'
Klnn or Mctlford In Mooe hall
I nut ntsht
Hecaufe Mtko U a popular 1kv, 1
a clcun rtahtor aud n ctn latent
ptiiKter an anytody' ring, the
decMon was popular with the
ffltm, KtuK ( howctcr, put on n
Hood thow and wnrt entitled to
draw, denptte tho ract that Mike,
had he himself rrterved i'ikuikU
Rtrensth for the fln:U canto,
could have Mnt the ranav Med
rord flKhter to the canva- in
the vixiU.
The boya foulit hard. Klntt
mltlenf. tied to the ettda of rm
ohvloliMy much Ion tier lh:,u
!aly', played a tattoo on Mlkc
Irish coitntenani'-e dtirliiK early
rounda of the rtjxht. Mike wan
unable to reach the Medid'p
battler'a ract much or the time,
hut got tn hia usual tellina
blown about the body.
Klnjt waa ready for a kayo
In the Plxih but try hard though
ho did, Paly was unable to finish ,
Pat McKaddcn of this city,
scored a knockout over Hilly
Coleman of Ashland, In the third
round of thetr 4 -round bout.
Coleman prored a touKh boy nud
one of the beet outsiders Me
Kadden has fought In a local
Tho bout was itthul uftor the
Phil McGraw Slated For
Knockout, Says
Sid Term
Sid Terris of New York and Phil
McGraw of Detroit meet in a
boxing Ing for tue third time
Friday r sl't In a U-r.mnd boui
at Mad' ton So,Uare Garden.
Rated the leading challenger
of the lightweight division. Ter
ris wll. enter the ring a 1H or
thre tc 1 favorite.
Tje winner will meet Jimmy
Vrl,arn!n of l,os Angetos at the
garden on February a. McLamln
recently knocked ont Louis Kup
lan and beat Billy Wallace. He
has never fought in New York
After being knocked down four
times In the first round. Terris
stayed on hla feet to win a close
decision from McGraw In thetr
fnj-st bout. Terris lost the second
bout on a foul in the second
Both Terrts and McGraw com
pleted training today.
Terris promises to knock out
McGraw to establish a clear
claim to his superiority over the
Detroit Greek.
Sport Snaps
OMAHA. Neb.. Dec. SI. (IT)
- J?hnnle Adams, l.os Anceles.
won a decision from Chubby
Drown of Rochester, X. Y., In a
10-round bout.
NEWARK. X. J.. Dec, il if
Pi Krankie Oenaro. former fly
weight champion, outpointed Wil
lie l.a Mcrte of NewaTk here last
DENVER. Colo., rv 21. lTPt
Mickey Cohn of Denver won
a dct.,-n ovf-r California Jo
Lynch of lx AnjtHMi and San
Francisco in a lft-round hout hre
Mast rlpht. Coh"n weiphfd 12.1
pound)! and Lynch 122. The (co
in wa fa?t and clo ihnnph
ont. with many pectat :rs d" lar
inn the verdict thould have boen
a draw.
SAN FRAXt'lSCO. IW. 21 tl'
r - Youni: Corhett. Krno wt it
nrwi icht. easily defeated Yotin
Sam Lansford in a lft-round Ifoni
here mnicht.
("orberr floored Ian(rford twice
ence in the fifth round for a Innp
court and acafn in the final
tana Lane ford failed ti win
' a :n;:lr roiind.
New York , Dec. 21. V P
The 1'niversity of Michican
wimminc tam defeated Ner
York VntverxUy in a dual here
mnlaht. 42 to 15. The Wolverine
won fiiet place in every event.
Vrs Wl T JKHS WIM.Utl)
MOI.I.VWOOrt. lrc. 21. (IP
,Uw Wlll&rd. one time heavy
ficht chanipion of the vnrid.
wan eonht hy detective tonisli'
efter Georpe Trie necneed the
: lormer pnellitd of fttrtkinn him
: In the course ot a nrpqment.
biivera wanned up and Coleiua'1
Miidtb u f It'ii 'l till t a ii v.i r
prov d u surptii' to larv
Jimmy Moore, city, mi n
draw with Spider Ktelt: l
M d f o rd , in a 4 - ro n n A n pc c i a 1
The looao'pointed KleUN put in
mnuv uod Iiik4, but Mooro wh
nhle to carry the (iRitt wit lout"
undue exertion, apparently. Mttoiu
played with hia opponent tor the
most putt and obvioualy ftna not
tlKhtlna hla bci.
I.ittlo Ho HnW'M'd. a name
kid with plenty or pluck and lit
tle experience, was knocked out
In the fir: i round hy a Mnlford
opponent little Ish t han twice
hla sine. The Mcdford fighter was
a substitute picked up at the IhnI
mluutn when llowntd'a Hcheduled
opponent was unable to appear,
Itoiw did hii host and received
an ovation from the fan who
wero all on the side of tho little
chap, but dljp and experle-ico
were too much for Kunienetts.
Moth tho main and ftcini-wlml-up
event were cut down because
of poor ho line and due to tho
fact ( lint the local Itoxitifc com
mission had not Kireu the capable
fighter the cutotmny auara'ilee
Faced witl prospin't of light
"percentage" the leading battlcrr
of tho exvnlit', rightfully refused
to go their scheduled 10 and 6
It is to thetr credit however,
that they fought bard whllo in
tho ring, despite the prospects of
a light pum-,
Rajah Smile Is
Missing As Ball
Player Testifies
i CLAYTON'. Mo, Dec. !1. (I'l l
Minus the famous 'RaJn."
smile. Rogers Hornvhy. captam
of tho New York Giants, testt-
. lied In his own defense here to
day In the $15,075 damage suit
brought by Frank L. Moor Fort
Thomas. Ky., betting commls-
, sloner.
i Voorc, who rrlg'nally sued f'r
$91,000 but finally rcdii ed th?
alleged debt to $4 5.0'JO earlier
bad told of an alleged two-year
mutual betting agreement with
llornsby. In thrt j months, h
said $357,995 vis involved 'r
tbeir mutual tuiv anions.
. Il&nsby admitted moct.g
Moore at the Pinion hotel, c'!
clnnatl. In the spring of 102...
admitted that shortly after th"'
lntr:ductl:n he asked Moore if
he had any race tips, and .that
he later placed bets on the
streusth of Moore's informal 'on.
, Before linmsby was called to
rthe stand, htft attorneys filed r
formal demurrer ,to the charges,
which was denied. His defense
is that all legitimate debts bvvc
been paid.
I At The Pine Tree!
j For weeks, word has been com
in from Hollywood of "a new
picture sensation."
Apparently It Is arsasin more
discussion amons directors, pro-!
iducers and stars than anything1
' made In recent months. i
The title Is "I'nderworid" s
melodramatic story ri modern ;
crime In a areat American city
AccordlnK to all reports. It
trely tears aside all the pretenses
subterfuges and ipnorant rantinc
that have been shielding crime
conditions from the eyes of truth
lien Hecht's story Is declared
to be the most startling that na
vel come from his versatile pen.
dealing with actual conditio-.
that eiist In a metropolitan cen
ter. these woven Into a stlrrins
; Dives, criminal haunts, gang
sters, their women, their feui!
with each other. tnMr battles with
pollc?. (heir marauding eiprdi.
tions Into treasure vaults, all
are shown In a realistic mann-r
by Joef Von Sternberg. Para
mount director.
Hecfr Tnrnhull. under who.e
supervision the picture was pro
duced says:
i "One of the chief difficulties of
'making the picture was In find
ing a rat capable of a;nc--rf!v
har..llir.g the powerful rharacter-Izai1-ns
called for. W ancre'd
cd. aa the roll call of p!:.yfr-
hows. The names are all' fam
ous fiorrge Rancrol. ("live
Trook, Evelyn I'.vnt. Larry s
mon and Kred Kohic-r itrv
among them The striking j r
f.rmances they have giwn mak
it worth while "
"1'nderworld" comes to the
Tine Tree theatre for a fir;
showing today.
' 'M He TronWe Here
Siimmy MCndelL the lillh'
f ifht rhampion. must fiRht Sid
Terrlti hefnre Jan. 15 nr he tn
funded in all the state allitd
with the National Boxlm A.
riatifin. Krom the iroRip haul
in New Yori. it will rimr;
more than aa edlrt from the
aaeorlatinn to itet Tenia Into the
ling with Mandril.
Twinkling Stars
.5 -cr - iii ji
14 vv V Wi
B MS ,e7V
Throo fiiars of Intornaiional
(ihiultitu who nlmiii.'il lnitf N'W
orU irom Kuroiw a-twlnklo with
holiday nmtloM ire Uh'jp: tiop lo
hoitumt Li do PnUl, iM'rman:
Klora l.o Rroton, KnUsh. and
!i.:t:iy C.-h. Yank.
Rogers Hornsbv
Won't Have To
Fay Race Bets
CLAYTON. M. il. iVV)
A Jury tuday ref iMil to awji-J
Fr.'Mk L. Moore the Ifi.O'io
which MctTf riaKllt'J
Horiit), tin placr owed
him mi r(ir Imrsc bciH. The Jiiry
was cut about an h o ' i r anil ,
Tl;e ;!it -an ortn.iliy fUe-i
hy Moore Ur SflJ.noo. ThW
amount was sulmtMiuntly r'l'id
until tlie f'nal fic-.irc rencliei
Moore or.tcn.i Hl t!iat he an 1
llo.r.shy li;ul a bo-iini; nureemeni
wh-Tt-hr Moore phtced tli h.t
rmi furiiisV.fd the ti;s and they
dividt'd the winninp.
The nsrecm-'nt ext'-nded over
two y ar, i was chiimed. and
th orisrln O au.ount n d for ro
prrtntetl cnnilOini; lo.-e and
loans to llnmby and hi wife.
Dode Bercot Is
Winner of Fight
SEATTLK. Warti., Dee 21.
t'P. AlthoiiKh he had to f:Kht
lrird every minute ta ma'ntaln
hts advantage, Dixie Herpot. Mun
roe tntddlewrlcht, defeat ed Hilly
Adams of San Fr;imbco tn a tx
round wain erent lu re lt nirht.
Hercot deserted the verdict.
In the six round nemi-windup,
Johnny A damn. Auburn Upht
wepht. defeated (leoritie Lee of
Sacramento, an Alaska welter
weight, Walter Cl chom. knock
ing ont Rilly Smith of Sicramen
to In the firt round of the sched
led nix round special event.
ninNIN, Aril. Der. 21. It
P. Five Catholic slsltiri. nttnrh
ed lo the -talt of the St. Jojc-ih'a
hoanltal here, ntnde applicatinn
today for c!tiensliti p.ipera. They
ire n'ativea ot Ireland.
Pain Gone! Rub
Sore, Rheumatic
Aching Joints
St-ip "disiiij:" rhr umaitsm.
V.'h t'iia only. St. Jr.cohfi Oil
will tiij any pnin. aril not rne
rhenmf.tis.Ti cs.yf in ttf:y y-ar
requires iiiiernal treat n. en t. Huh
r .i thine, p r-. r; fnc Sf. Jacohf
Oil ripiit fn t e tnder rot. and
hy the lime yea av Jat k Koh-fn-cn
-ont prrf the rheumatic
pais And dtfUrcM. ir. Jaeohs Oil
' h urn. I of. rh-'! m Hni
metii a inch iv-ver diRappoin'R,
nd dae-nt hum the nkin. lr
tke. psin, rTi Df i.r.d tiff
ne", from chinc jnint, niaifle.5'
snd hfin" ; j lop n-istir-i, lum
bar o. ba' it- a nd n t:t ir :.
I.;IT! v i.i! C.r: a fricii trjj.l
bo.tle oT o::M,";.7e, honert St. Jic
ch Oil fn m but rus tore. and
in s mfftil yftu'ii he free f-om
pain, arh and :iffne.-. Don't.,
suffer! Rub rheumaMftm away.
Portland Heavyweight to
Meet Popular Gorman
At ChiJoquIn 1
I'HU.OiJl'lN, .h 21 iSliivlul
HunporUTti tuul rmuu fHowtrs
of NaHa . (!ormnn. t'htlnnuln'
uowly iuit'iirtl fu'ttvywolhl (,uht
im. wtMM tn mi upniHi' bvyo tuiinv
wlih tho arrivul ot l.t-fty VauKtm
t'oi tlttiwI'M romliiR ht'ttvywoU'lit
Hluslior. who will moot Oin in ni
(it Hit main (vtnt ( tin? ChrlHt
mam miiokcr nt fhlUKiuln, Krlditv
VtiuKtinn luoki'il llKKr (tinii
(!h irivirlll iiiottuiuln (n th
lunnv r 1 k h t (nits tn llttit rtiy wtiu
wore plHi'iiiK nil thi'tr niouoy on
In IIihhI Hli knockout kln,
Nulls (tormnu. !oriimn tn hU
rtrnt nppnrtitHi hori. llinn wt't'k
uko won n flttht vtr ihn popu tn r
Larry Holimtn of Mind hy ih
K. o. rnntti In tlm fifth rnnlo.
This look ltkt n ro:tl halllo
H: tho off Inn with both tmyi
ha tin plenty nf Hitniiortcr!. In
th x roti ml wtMiil-whulun Kruuk
l'nlrTr.:vo, tnltl1Itwtl)ht mnnntlon,
will lock hnrnt with lletw
irmly of Ahtml.
Jtick luvit', popular boxor
fro in thin e it y will fa co rtii e 1 k
Hui-rirt 4f Ashland In it Hpeelnl
tlx round event which promise.
to b- u fanl r. Thee hoyn foiiRttt
tu .fhl.uid recently and lLtrrlx
won tho derNion.
I!:t told WrUht. Indian hoy
nhier. and UaiTy Hanm. rhllo
o it i ii ht.y, have heen slrtu't! to ca
a: ohcr four round opener. Theo
;.ti! put on the curtain raiser in
' he latt fipht heris nntl proved
' ' i)v one of the bent ntntchoa of
'he evening.
Kid Oopeland. Kort Klamath'
hnmplon UhtweUht. will meet
t-rddie Jonea of Mmfoc rotnt, who
U the champ of that nectlon of
the country, loth these boya are
Indian r.nd will nhow four
routuls nf faM boxlnp with both
Irving for a knockout.
The fhllequlti Ioxlnc Com
nilvslim H fiiMitiftorinff thi card
which Include 3d rounds of hlKh
cnn boxing nml It will he up to
the standard of th beat Chilo
ouln card. Ashland I vomin?
over in a body to see their two
battlers in nation and much
money U h"inff placed on the
fnvnrltes by their rabid aup
porter. ' :
Jacobs Buys Up
Jack Delaney's
Fight Contract
NKW VCI1K. Dec. 21. ilT
The famlilnr romhinatluu of Jock
DeUney. former hht heavy
weight champion of the orld. :
and IVte ilrilly. who has been
in the Kr mh-t'nnadtan' corner
as manager for a number uf
year. w,i ended today when Jo
Jattib-i purchaed IVUncy' con
tract, as well as that of Sammy
Vorel. lightweight, for JSn.OOO.
Rellly. who 1 retiring from
the boxing game, released the
two boxer to Jacobs, who aliened
a two-year contract with Ielaney
and one for three year with j
Jacob Announced that Delaney
will continue lo finht a a heavy
weight, nnd will challenge Jack
Sharker and other contender for
(icne Tunney'a title.
At the Orpheus
"The Winninc Oar' li far
m-re than A vehicle upon which
tn hane the athletic talent of
(.corse WaUh. It It p11N.1t !nft.
hnman atory of the emotion, a
(' 111. a.A.l f Ja.o.-a
a dramatic revenlmcnt of the
hnn fr Tenjteance.
AM the dignity. poNe and dra
matic ability thnt Charlea Hill
Mailes, emphasized in hl role
in the recently enmnltted produc
tion of "Old Ironaldea" romei t
the Orphean acnin In a widely
diverrent role to be enacted by
this clever artNt in "Ain't Iove
f nnny" an F. n. O. production
t-iaTrlns Alberta Vauehn. Mailea
has been asiirned the role of
"John Rrice" banker in tbia pro
drctirn. Tha picture la not a war ple
trre atthonsh before and after
inridents of the w:rld war
groove into the action.
ronTI.ANP. Dec. 21.
j?even-year old Paul Clark. Salem,
rtrnck out on a lone trip alone
last night. He expect 'to be
with hia prandpnrenu in Ames,
Iowa. fr Christmas. Mrs. W. K.
Hamilton, Inion elation matron,
h'-lpod Patil Ret ready whin he
came from the capital city to
Portland, turning part of hia
"rr.h cn hund'' orr 13 tho ct.n
duttiir of fhe t'nion Porlfic lon
tincntal Limited.
Old new-Rpapera for sale at tbe
Newt offica.
Welcome Gifts for a Merry
Christmas at the
Shari ScU
Hhtirl Iwo-iiltv titnh;nn
tlon not tttllot W itlT U!'ll '
.Shari Vanette
Twin vanity ias.
slick nnd lcrfttme.
Shari Pert unco
III Kltlll covered gilt I" . h-H oltlirn
Car a Nome Vanette
fain Nome Vutieito h'uee IVwder t'lunimi-t, l:ilt-k, K)olrtiw
I' and Kongo, with lent her case
'J ...uf... ,.,m... ihhI I
. l-liinoa lloimehold (IimmU x.ii lllainuro 1
S I'lititioKinph
Se in la-iunn
f I vunks
t City Transfer
744 Klamath
Say Merry Christmas
with Flowers"
For your Chrbtrius selections, we
huvo a l.ugo Hlock of 1'oiiiHvttia plnnta
tORi'thiT with various oUier bcmitiftil
flowi-i-int; unit fullairo nlunta. Lures ''ft
or small sizes.
Many varieties of cut flower and
floral combination!.
Martin's Flower Shop jj
Phone 1243
boxing Bout
Nails Gorman, Hood River
vs. Lefty Vaughan , , ,
30 Fast Rounds
Everybody Goes
Cara Nome
3-Piece SeU
Tulcutu. Kkii" I'owder
un 1 I'erfilmo
Electric Flat Tron
V sturdy taiund Iron,
guuruutved on year.
htl J.h . k
by hour or X
or Call . t
and Storage Co.
Phone 433
517 Main Street