rwITT Ok caa BVnmnn. The Klamath News The Klamath News Official Paper County of Klamath AVOID THE RUSH Shop Early J Only 3 Days Until Chrittmat . "THROW AWAY YOUR HAMMER GET OUT YOUR HORN" Vol. 5. No. 32. Pi ice Five Cents KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1927 (Every Morning Except Monday) YOUTH MISTAKEN FOR FOX, KILEED FoxWon't Be Caught Alive, Is Opinoin Many Believe Killer! of Banker's Daugh-I ter May Have Taken j Own Life. LOS ANGELES, Dee. 21. (U.P.) The belief grew to night that "the Fox" fiend ish murderer of 12-year-old Marion Parker, would never be brought in alive. Continued absence of any reported police contact with him, despite the fact that the time limit for hi cap ture was almost up, formed the basis for the opinion. The theory received some official credence. Tuesday morning at 1 . m. Chief of Detective Herman Cllne railed Ms lieutenant nil nows ptpermcn to bl office ami staled briefly that "the Foil" had bM ll-nllf l-cl as Kilwanl Hickman. lt-yar-0d Kansa Cliy hoy. ami lhal Milkman would bo In cus tody wllhln 4H hnura. Hulrlill' DIm-ummI Tunis hi with a possible suicide being discussed openly, and with only a lew of the 48 boura re maining. (.'Una a'U: "It urnu lmu(illile Him F.d- jra j(ia.-KUraC3(l ! Fire Destroys Lumber Firm's OIIam Dion, 1V11V1 M. iMii A fire of unknown origin com- nietcly destroyed the boiler room lectcd the members of their teams , of the famphellTowIe planing,'! Immediately started looking mill at Hprague IllViir Tuesday ' evening about right ..'luck ill'-I curding to word received here yesterday Volunteer fire fighters man aged to save the mill, to which they confined their attention, when they saw tho flames had rained too much headway In the boiler room to bo rxllngnlnhed. Tho actual loai has not been estimated, but It believed to be under $10,000. t'amphell-Towlo plan to hive iinmo of their lumber planing done In Klamath Falls mills un til their planing mill Is once more In operation, it waa learued. k, VI lir it. I nth Is Tloouea oy waier irom mu JTsUrOPCail Weather turbulent Anna creek, and d--4 n mi 'spite tho efforts of a crew of men, KelieVCU liy liiaW. laboring to divert the water, the situation allows little Improve- LONDON, Dec. 21. ( 1'IM ' ment. With more than 60 deaths re- This la according to word here ported In the European cold wave .yesterday, when It was first learn narta of England and tho contl- ed III this city that nearly one lent were relieved today by sud den thaws. Central Europe, however, still was suffering from tho Intense cold. At I'argue the temperature was 16 degroes below soro, the lowest In a uaqrler of a century. Warsaw reported 16 below. Search For Hickman Now Covers All Of West U.S. (Uy United Press) (youths, following report of a Mil- The search for Edward lllck-jlng station attendnnt that Hick man, Kansas City youth, accused man had been seen at Plntts qf killing Marlon Parker, has ex- burg, Mo., driving a coupe, and tended throughout the western waa headed for Dos Moines and half of tho United States. Chicago. Tho man-hunt was more In- 0. M. Hamilton, who said his tenso than the soarch for Erd- home waa In Sagramento, Calif., man Olson or Harry Hill, youths! was later arrested in Des Molnea accused of murder, whoso whoro-1 for questioning, and may havo shouts was tho outstanding proh- hoen tho motorist suspected by lent of police everywhere for the Plnttsburg man. weeks. I On main lino railroad towns Olson was accused of killing his hotween Los Angeles and Chi sweetheart In Wisconsin a year I cago, vagrants taken from freight ago and was never npprehended. and pnssengor trains were ques Yonng Hill disappeared after his Honed In the belief that one of mother waa found mysteriously them might be Hickman, murdered, and ho made his wny Youths driving automobiles or from Chicago to Seattle before riding motorcycloa along tntf high- he was apprehended. Police departments In cities bo p 1wecn Chicago and lies Moines, la., Issued orders to question Kidnaper's ACGTT7 o. . tty ty 0 -t,ouK V.So-. Goaoo-t "toof. omi.h Business a& uua. LCAvlf. ou-t VoUcC amo t)e.TlC-VMC5. Mann, no ponuc NOT kfc . 'tfr.C J tVi'V rvifc. PRWATE. YW?. no 6fcAicv. AJtX-Vv- J 4 ojaJI w . ' AVJJRt TOCOPV. mIith THE"' TCQOO&Tf. K,EAV?,-ro OWfi M'vU- EVER. Stt -HE GiRU A6AlV,.rr r-. m 'M;.V,V . , tao-v,c. , IF Yao The uViitli Hm-nt l rrrnia of Marlon I'nrkrr b hrr oh- dui-tor thr in nilna itlii-r tlie illwiKTiinrr. " Vets To Start Drive For New Members Here A iticmNerstilp drive was inaug-1 erulvd by Commander V. J. Walk-! er of Iho local post of Veterans , . - hi aiin, i OI rorrisu i.ui. - " ara at II la.t eveulng. Two cuplalns. Noblo t'anier and Jimmy lliiyea. were; Icrlcd to lake charge of the two l-'uni-i. the losing side to piy for tne oanquei wnn-n wm w mi dered on New Veara day. ' A large membership is desired I i.u tt.a Hnmrmia In nril.r In since .1.. -tr.,., ronv..nt!n of vets. I irhhh will be held In Klamath I Fulls during July next year. faptnlns Canter and llayea se- UP I prospects desire tho iitiiii i um" iiii-u iii'..d ...v names of any veterans who would like to Join the local post, which ! haa boon growing by leaps and bounds during the past few I months. . if ,h, Klanvith Falls lodge Is Next Wednesday evening. e!ec- :.f,fi m getting the 1929 tli, n of officers will be heli. to ; conVentloii 'they plan to leavo a lako command of tho post for'ood mrresslon in tho riilnds of the ensuing year. ' all who attend. The 192S con- Ice Jam Causes Highway Flood A long sector of the Crnter lake highway abovo Fort Klam- . . .. . - . L - mile of tho road la under water. An Ice Jr.m, created by troea which fell across Anna creek last fall, has blocked tho - stream, causing the water to flow, out arrois the highway and over ad jacent fields. Tho road Is believ ed to be virtually Impassable. ways were questioned at various points. None of tho suspects .was held Continued on l'n(0 Six) First Note WET . . wwr A,o A&tfftisr mc ask Goo not mam. v.- liilKS COnVentlOn To Be Discussed By Lodge Tonight Whether or not Klamath Fallal In the family to which the tin- wants the next Blks stale con- 'fortunnte baby belongs, are four ... ... . ... , I children. The oldest, a boy of vent on will be the main subject' . . ..' . ,, , h. m.l Innlirlil l tho w, " - - Klka lodge. All members are aike.i o bo present tonlcht and expross their attitude on this movement. It has been 10 years since the Klka convention was held in this clly. and It la still beinx; talked about all over the state. Elks iay. During tu.s convention a ,cal garage burned, destroying t Cara of visiting Klks. reds of cara in ide the llund trlp to iiiirriuiua iuuk. iiiruusil omi anil ruia, m-rv tni r.i. ui wi ue ,was held. Others made the trip to the lodge by boat with a barge j attached to accommodate many hundrcda of persons. vi'ntlnn will he held In sometime next August. Astoria i I Mother ' though' ovjn- IliM I) Bl'v -4s CHsJMPfEN- TATF-ll. ' THE -M) mm r 1 .ii' i . I imw Only Three Days ru j Tree; All i Only threo day more, kid, i and the big ChrUtman party will he mated In. the I'lne Tree by the munaKement of that theatre, neveral local merchant and the Ncwh, with old Bania Claua on dork in announce the winner of the Ht. Melt letter content. j The party atarta at 10 o'clock In the IMne Tree, Saturday morn- jinx, and every ynunKter In thM (clly In Invited. The candy, nntniv! and oranices are all sacked In the J j News office, ready for distribu tion at the party, so don't miss It and be there on time, j Mr. Toole has secured a dandy 'western movie for the occasion as his xlft to the kids and has a hlK ChrlMtmas trco mounted ready for the staxe. Pan a Claus has advised the News he will be there to hand winners of the letter contest their handsome prices, donated by mor-jtool Infant Found With Because Home One of the moat appalling ron-.cheat sollcliatlon committee, la 'dltlnna of poverty ever brouithti'119 worst case on cheat record". 10 IlKht In thl. city waa uncov- ,ut there are many other farnil- t . . . "ei by "0Tkcn ,or ,he mas community chest, 'when a ilx-momha-old Infant waa found with both hands frozen be- cause of a shortage of bed cloth- Iiir In the barren home. 'six. lias unanrgono inrce opera-1 ., . nuns uunaK me pisi year ior a ' serious ailment, and must again go under the s knife " " ils In live. It was rennrted j Th ful11r burdened with bills. ,ml himself not In the best of health, found work on a local construction Job this week anil has been able to draw wages for j two and a half diyj. On this! meager sura will the family cele- j brate Christmas by enjoying a , square meal. I I This, it waa pointed out by C. I S. Robertson, chairman of the 1.ICHTH AT K1X1.Y KIF.l.l) . SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Dec. 21. Mrs. Evangeline Lindbergh, mother, of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, alighted at Kelly field here where her noted son acquir ed flying skill at 1:35 this arter- i noon enroute to Mexico City where she Is to spend the Chriut - mas holidays with him. Gets Out the Morning Stv Until Big Children InvitediLOCated; dianU who- names appear In this article. While It la adrUable for all prize winners to attend the party, those who are pick or otherwise unable to attend will hitve their prized held for thnn at the Newi office. The prlxet belnic given for let-1 tern, many of which have t?en J appearing In the News dally andi their donors ara as follows: Shaw-Madlae, camera; Brown- Hie Woolen Mills, boy's blazer: George Metz, wrist watch; Palace! Market, blje turkey; Klamath Tar-I tety store, hook and ladder was on; American National bank, five $1 savins accounts; Illue IMrd, S-pound box candy; Shep herd Music House, portable vie trola; Underwood's Pharmacy, baby doll; Davis Furniture store. flexible flyer sled: Original Stin-; non atudlo, 6 photoKraphs; Iloh jerts & Harvey hardware store, cheat. Hands Frozen Here Is Too Barren ica in aeaperjie neeu. ine i nnn- chr,,,-;mas,che.t. if Ita quota of U.OO ;1, auaineu. will Bring looa ana .warmth to moat of the cit r,0;! The drive for funds la maklnn icood progress, but It must show 1 better results it the quota la to j be reached by Saturday nlKht. he j ' declared. Ho urges that local folk, constrained to share their . i uieuue ciieer, mso uuauie iuuii i.i.i . i.n.. Alltl- minium, moywtttj iui r n. Donations may be left at Xcadquarteni In the leElon build - in ' 'Mrs. Lindbergh , Completes Lap BROWJiSVILLE. Texas. Dec,, 21. (CP) Mrs. Evaageline Lodgi Lindbergh finished another lap of her flight to Mexico City. i where she will spend Christmas :wlth her world-famous son, when she landed here at f:02 p. m. ed. was elected to succeed him !Mrs. Lindbergh will remain here,elf in this rank. overnight. i Those elected to serve on the She left Tulsa. Okla.. at 7:45 'executive committee are H. E. , this morning. After a 45-m!nute Gets. L. W. Crawford. C. C. . stop In Dallas, Texas, she hopped jKclley. E. M. Igi and Dan Crump. off at 11 a. m.. and continued to! The new i.on commander. San Antonio, landing at 1:37 i m. She came here from San ! tonio and expects to proceed to;3iQC& that time has been active '.Mexico City. i In American Legion affairs. His Edition ' - I SHOCkS.MA. EM OVER ON MY P!.STE- I'ViE ONW fj THERcS NO WA'sTIM' CM U r LoSt Sub Pump Air To 6 Men TVfT " Air TiikaOa ,VCr . JL . Into Probable Death Chamber; Weather Moderates. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. (U.P.) The process of pumping air to the six men in the torpedo room of the submarine S-4 has begun j and will be continued until they are rescued dead or i alive, Rear Admiral Brum- by, commander of the pa- med iu Navy DePan. "Pressure was built up to four pounds,' his lucfesage read, "and then dented down, which' proc ess of alternate blowing and (Continued on Page Five) Louis Porter Is Commander of Legion Post Louis K. Porter, owner of the Sorter construction, company or ; " ' " - ! alnt. was law night ted commander of the local Amerl- ican Legion post for 1928. The new commander, togetner wun other officers elected last night, will be Installed January 4. . Legionnairca selected Bogue -Dale for the post of first vice- commander for next year, while Sydney Abbot was elected second vice-commander. H. K. Smith was elected ad jutant, and George Mclntyre. whose work aa finance officer 'daring 1927 was highly commend5 Porter, served with the 91st dt An-irision during the World war and wire, Mrs. Porter, is just com- Pitting a successful year as presi dent of the ladles' auxiliary of the legion. Oddities in the Day's News (United Press) - I , QUICK JUHTICE WALLA WALLA. Wash., Dec. 21. (VP) Arltons Brady, mule thief. Is going to have IS years behind the bars to think about tho swift Justice that was meted out to him. Brady was arrested, confess ed the theft of several mules, was sentenced and entered the prison in less than 24 hours. STOXB HTOPIMII) HOB CAT y.l.AIIKE. Ore., Dec. 21. (U P) Edwin Billings, 11, Is the hero of Itlnhee's younger set because he killed a full grown bobcat with a stone. "BusterVns going to school when ho encpuntered the ani mal. He threw a rock at it and It was killed Instantly when the stone hit Its head. JOAX OF ARC KICKI.F. PARIS. Dec. 21. (IT.P.) Thnt Jonn or Arc waa defend ant In a suit for breich ot promise Is the discovery of Jose Frappa, French author, was was commissioned to write a sccnnrlo based on the lifo of the heroic saint. Ho went to the town of her birth, examined old records, and was surprised to find that she had been order ed to appear In court ut Ton! because a man ot her home, town had charged that, after agreeing to marry him, she changed her mind. I Slayer's Victim ! ' h ' i it' y . - ; it--- x. 6j I " .. j 1 ' ; I i m i !. i - ui I This Is Marion Faraer as she appeared Just before she waa kid- naeed and then slain in one of California's most sensational crimes. (Admiral's Idea Of Navy Economy Declared Wrong WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.' (CP) Rear Admiral Thomas P. Ma Gruder, critic of tho navy's ad- ' ministration program, today faced the fire of members of the house naval affairs committee, before which be bad .be?n appearing as a witness. His proposal for bulldln; all government ships in private yards and his suggestion to abandon the Charleston. S. C. navy yard .were criticized as costly and detri mental to the national defense. The committee meeting ended in confusion with representative Britten. Illinois republican, de claring that the admiral had not offered one constructive sug gestion. However, the committee mem bers decided to recall the admiral to the witness stand on January 4, when he will be permitted to enlarge on his plans to eliminate waste and Inefficiency In the navy. PACK.UiK IS DOOMED ; FREEWATER, Ore.. Dec. 21. i (IP) The "suit case package," 'used for 'shipping fresb prunes. appears to be doomed. A com mittee of growers', meeting In an agricultural economies conference here, has gone on record a3 in favor cf a change to a package containing four tin-top baskets, with the fruit graded and sized. A federal grade for prunes also is asked in a resolution to the United States department cf agriculture. Rescued Sailors Tell Of O i a S T T 1 1 OI oiarvaiion SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21. (U P) Tales ot days and weeks on a "Hell ship," a bucko skipper, stinking- food mid then none were told by 13 sailors of tho steamer Apollo, when they ar rived here today aboard the mo torshlp City of San Francisco. , The chief engineer shot himself because he could not manage the engines. The men were forced to man the pumps constantly for four days and nights while the vessel was filling with water. The sklppor refused a tow be cause It would cost him money. The food dwindled. until there was nothing but dry bread and rotten salt pork. Sometimes they caught fish and they feasted. Some days they did not eat at all. When thoy faced utter star vation the skipper finally ac cepted a tow and when thoy ar- Prisoner Beaten To Death In City Jail Robber Bearing Some Reeemblance to Kid naper, Mob 'bed Then Murdered in Cell. . r . LOS ANGELES, Dec 21. ftTD o-t: j i v" . ucucicu ay rcuow prisoner to ' be Edward Hickman, suspected kidnap per and mutilator of little Marion Parker, ' a youth who gave the name of Ralph McCoy was aet upon and beaten to death in the city jail tonight, according to a preliminary examina tion conducted by police surgeon Jack Renfrew. , McCoy's body was suspended by a scarf from a beam in the "tank" to make It appear that he bad taken his own life. It was said. He was being held on a suspicion of robbery charge. . Saved From Mob -A short time before his body was found, .police had in arrest ing him, rescued him from an inturlated mob which also sus pected him of being Hickman. He vis charged with the hold up of the clothing store ot Dave .Moss.' He was Said to have grob (Coniinaed oa, pass eight) Surgeon Abandons Victim Of Knife; Flees To Safety OAKLAND. Calif., Dec. 21. (C , P) The body of Mrs. C. K. I Buckles. 25. was found dead on ! an operating table In the office of Dr. Irvln A. Cole, here today, and Dr. Cole had disappeared. Mrs. Buckles was said by po ! lice to have been the victim of a so-called illeeal nn.r.llnn The body of the woman was I found on the operating table. ! covered by a surgeon's apron, by I her husband and detectives. -The j doctor's diploma, his personal ; papers and some Instruments were missing. Detectives who rushed to his apartment, reported that clothing and personal ef fects, were gone and everything pointed to a hurried flight. Watch For "Fox" In Race Crowds I SAN DIEGO. Calif., Dec.' 21. : (UP) A report that the Tl Juana racetrack had been sur ' rounded and that track followers jwere not permitted to 'leave todav ; pending a search for "The Fox." j slayer of Marion Parker, of Los Angeles, was found to be false. The Ti Juana Jockey club, customs officers and other offi cials said however, that an in 1 tensive lookout was being maln J tained for Edward Hickman, Identified as the murderer. un neii onip rived In port there was no pay. Eight months they worked, they I ..M Bllhm., vamtMnAlnn " j The Apollo, formerly the rum runner . rrincipio, . now unaor Guatemalan registry, . left Van couver May 11 with a cargo of fir for Glasgow. Four days out the German engines went had and becoming desperate at his Ina bility to repair them, Harold Grossman, the engineer, com mitted suicide. The vessel final ly reached Matzalan, was repair ed and departed June 12. ! Only a few miles out the en j glues again stopped and the ves sel drifted Idly while the crew I starved snd tho captain refused aid. until September 17. The crew libeled the ship at i Manzanlllo and returned to thl j country on the. City ot San Francisco.