The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 20, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Klamath News
The Klamath News
Official Paper
County of Klamath
Shop Early !
Only 5 Days
Until Chriatmu
Vol. 5, No. 30. Pi Ice Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday) ,
Still At
Hundreds of Thou
sand Join in Search
for "The Fox"; De
mand Lynching.
(U.r.) "The fox." kid
nnper and butchorer who
lias xprcud n virtual reign
of terror through southern
Culiforniii, still wus at lib
erty tonight, 48 hours after
ho tosMcd tliu dead and
hnckud body of 12-yenr-old,
Marion Purker to her father
And though 5.000 nffl.era am!
hundreda of thouaanda of rlllaena ,
were anklng the murderur and
thuugh he rnrrlrd on his head thn
tremendous bounty' of almost .
loo. oho, there u no rlut to.
olilur his Motility or hln whertf- .
abouts. I
t)f the. hundreds of wmwU
dragged Into police station alure
Saturday only one was held !
nlilit and It wa admlttc! ho wan
not likely to be linked with the;
abduction of the school girl.
. Attempts to trap the kidnapper
I (Cuolluiml on aKP right)
Xmas Chest Now
Needs Clothing
For Poor People j
Although the Christmas com
munity cheat drive la atowly
gaining momentum, there la a
great need for clothing which
ran !! distributed ainonit Iho '
needy' of the rliy. Warm cloth- j
In la needed very hndly. I
Tho all) of two girls of high !
arbool aga la being solicited, one
to do house canvasalni; and an
other to help inaniigo at the chest
On Wednesday and Tbnraday.
ahoea will he fitted to children I
who have already born notified
and more shoes aTe needed.
Ducks and geese for the Chrlst
maa baakuta have been dnnited
by local hunters, and also by
Nlmrnda who have coma from
outside the city to try tho aport
on Tulo Lake.
Through Santa Clnua lotters
which are arnt In to the Klam
ath Nowa hy the chrlldren. the
desperate situation of many fam
ilies In the city are shown. Es
pecially fn rnaea where 1 he father
of the family has been Injured
and la tumble to work for sov
eral months.
Miners Present -Case
To Board
DENVER, Colo., Dec. 19. (UP)
Tho Colorado coal atrlko, which
last month flared Into open con
flict between striking miners and
state police, hns reached the
atago of negotiations between op
erators and employes.
Evidence to show why they
believe they should he paid the
Jacksonville scale with a basic
wago of 1 8 a day wns presented
today by northern Colorado min
ora during the first day of hear
ings before tho state Industrial
accident commission, which Is at
tempting to settle tho dispute
Reward for "Fox"
To Reach $100,000
LOS A NO El. BR, Dae. 19. (IT)
lUdlo atntlons, city, county and
Htato governments, newspapers,
churches and private cltlsons
hnvo Joined to make the search
fnr "the Fox" eluslvo mtirt'orcr
of little Marlon Parkor, ono of
the most lucrative pursuits In
the history of crime.
Tonight various roward funds
gathered by these groups totaled
npproximntnly $86,000, and prob
ably will ronrh ,100,000.
nndlo stnllon KFWB was tho
greatest contributor, Its fans hav
ing pledgod to pay more than
""160,000 for tha capture and con
rlctlon ot tb abductor.
State Treasurer AsUt Noted
Humorist to Enter
Senatorial Race
A 'aerluus movement to elect
Will lingers, gum chewing phil
osopher, L'ulted States senator'
from California, waa announced
here today by Hlale Treasurer )
Charles (I. Johnson,
Johnson Insisted that he la
entirely aorlous and that ho waa
speaking for a largo group of
northern California Inlernata.
Thn following telegram waa
rent fo the cowboy bumorlat at
Mexico city:
"Your friends In northern Cali
fornia serloualy propose you be
come a candidate for tha Culled
Stales senate. Will peranaally as
slsl In the management of your
campaign. Please don't act hast
ily In replying, hut give tho mat
ter serious thought."
The term of Henator Samuel;
M. Hhortrlclso expires next year.
Luxurious Ride
Given Lindbergh
In Mexico City
Charles A. I.lilhergh foil as
though he were In Venice to-1
dny. I
Hiding on a flit bottomed 1
canoe. Mndhergh was taken
through winding, willowy water:
channels In the euherbs of the1
capital and llatened to a native
at ring orchestra In an accom
panying ranoo. The sense of per
fumed luxury . lasted until he
readier the picnic- grounds of
Xmhclmlleo. a neighboring town,
lie hid been Invited by that
town's city council to an open
air luncheon. It ravn' the lone
eagle his first opportunity to see
the color and beauty of Muxk-an
The luncheon at Xochlmlleo
wna typically Mexican. Presi
dent Callea and (ieneral Obre
gon were Invited with Lindbergh
who atn food and hoard music
entirely different from anything
he hid experienced so far.
Xochlmlleo la one of the most
beautiful suburbs of the capital,
within au hnur'a rldo pf Mexico
city. It Is known as the Venice
of Mexico; tho lltlo Is richly de
served, for It haa beautiful la
goons and flowering trees
Mrs. Lindbergh
' Completes Lap
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Dec. 19. (U
P) Mrs. Evangeline Lodgs Lind
bergh onjoyed a perfect flight
from Detroit to St. Louis today
nnd will leave Tuesday morning
to continue her air trip to Mexi
co City to bo with her Illustrious
son on Christmas Day.
Tha mother of Co. Charles A.
Lindbergh hopped off from De
troll In a big Ford all-metal
plane at 10:16 eastern time this
morning and landed In Indian
apolis throo houra lator. She had
lunch there and then continued
to St. Louis.
Mrs. Lindbergh's party plana
to reach Mexico City Wednesday
or Thursday. Sha will spend the
week-end with her aon who went
there from Washington on a non
stop flight last week and probnbly
will return by plane Monday,
Canton Massacre
Takes 700 Lives
HONO KONK, Dec. 19. (UP)
Seven hundred radicals, Including
70 bnbhcd-hnlrod girls, have
been exocuted In Canton as re
prisal fnr tha communist coup,
reports (rom Canton snld today.
nurlnk tho radical rule, which
lasted loss than throo days after
which the nationalist forces, re
captured tho city, 1,600 business
establishments wore destroyed.
More than 2,000 Chinese wore
killed In the rolgn of terror.
SEATTLE. Doc. 19. (UP)
Charles Lane, 60, ot Carnation,
Wash., was killed a abort dis
tance south of hora today when
his automobile skidded, left the
pavement and turned over In a
pool of water, Lano was on Ms
wiry to Chehnlls at the tlmn, to
visit a sick ton, In a hospital
there Another son, accompany
ing th tatbor la the car, was
Burn To
Death In
Parents Forced to
Look on Helplessly
While Flames De
vour Home.
MARCOLA. Ore, Dec.
19. (U.P.) The bodies of
Robert Hoke, two years old,
and his sinter, Charlotte,
five months old, were re
covered from the smoulder
intr ruins of their home here
The children were alone In the
house when the fire started and
the flumes sproid so fast It was
linposalblo fur nnyoao to. enter
the structure to save them al
though their plight was known.
Htovo. Mlarts Fire
Fire elarted from an overheat
ed stove and In only a few
reconda tho whole house was
The mother of the two tots
I. d gone to a neighbor's house,
their father waa In garage In
bark of the house, and their
grandfather waa In tha yard.
It waa the grandparent 'who
(Continued on Pane l-'our) '
Chiloquin Cafe
Man Bound Over
To Grand Jury
Tom Slerglous, proprietor of
the Club Cafe at Chiloquin was
bound over to the grand Jury
yceterday on booze chargea fol
lowing a hearing before Ilert C.
Thomas, U. 8. commissioner.
Stertgloua was arrested Satur
day night hy Chiloquin officer,
charged with possession and sale
of liquor. Ho waa released by
Commissioner Thomas on f 1,000
(I race Ueaae and Bon Lllla,
also of Chiloquin, were again ar
rested In the reservation city
Saturday night, charged with pos
session and sale of liquor, main
taining a nuisance and conspiracy
to violate the prohibition law.
Doth were out on bond on sim
ilar charges, at the time ot their
arrest. They had not obtained
bond yesterday for tho second
offense and were lodgod la the
county Jail. - . .. ...
Federal Judges'
Consider Suit
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 19. (A.
P.) Federal Judges Bean, Mc
Nary and Gilbert sitting cn
banc, today took under advise
ment the case ot tho Western
Union Telegraph company against
the Oregon tax commission. The
telegraph company seeks to re
strain the commission from func
tioning In collection of taxes,
holding It la entitled to a reduc
tion ot approximately $11,000. It
is claimed line property extend
ing boyoqa tho state la over
assessed. Assistant Attorney O c n e r a I
Mooro and Attorney Van Horn,
contend tbo suit should be taken
up in state courts.
Value Of Farm
; Crops Greater
Thla year's harvost of Impor
tant farm crops, Including fruit
and commercial truck crops, were
valued today by tho department
ot agriculture at 18,428,82(1.000
compared with 17,793,480,000
last year. The values were based
on December 1 on seasonal prices
paid to fnrmers. ' 1-OI.ICK AID
rOKTLAND, Ore. Dec. 19. (A.
P.)The entlro police department
of Portland was placed at the
command of the chief of police
of Los Angolea today In the hunt
for tho kldnnpor-slnyor of Marian
Parkor. Mayor Oeorgo L. Baker
tent a telegram to tbat cited to
Lot Anisloi.
The Portland Hoot Owls, load
ed with ducks and geese, left
here for home, via Bend. In their
big bua lata yeaterday afternoon
to complete the mission of spread
ing Christmas cheer among the
needy of Portland In connection
with which they came to Klam
ath Falls Saturday.
Tho slight disappointment they
felt over their shooting on Lost
and Klamath rivers, received am
ple balm yeaterday when Fred
Dose ot Portland, through his
local buyer. C. D. Dltmore, do
nated tlie Hoot Owls CO aacka of
the famous Klamath Netted Gem
potatoes to give, along with the
birds, to the Portland poor folks.
The Southern Pacific will deliver
the apuda In Portland free of
While their hunting suffered
from the fact that cold weatbar
baa thinned out the ducks and
Thieves At Work !
Pilfering Cars;
Shoppers Warned
Police warn Christmas shop
pers to keep an eye on their
automobiles In which package!
are displayed, following tha re
port ot Mrs. Leda Parker at the
statloa yesterday, tbat ber purse
and valuables were atolen from
her car Sunday night.
- The purse, containing bills and
small change, was atolen from
Mrs. Parker's car while she went
into the postofflce lobby about 6
p. m. Sunday, she waa gone only
a few mlnutea, ahe told police,
bnt returned to find the purse
Others have lost valuables left
in unwatche- cars. It u stated,
and while, police are vigilant on
this point. It is declared Impos
sible tp keep a close watch over
all automobllee In the crowded
business district.'
Chief Ambrose advises shop
pers to lock their machines in
which packages are stored, even
if the owners are to be absent
from their cars only a short time.
City Hall Xmas
Tree Elevated
And Decorated
Tonight the tall Christmas tree
which now standa In front ot
the city hall will flash out in
tho darkness with multi-colored
lights, aud will gleam In Its
new drew of tinsel.
The tree was brought In yea
terday morning by several ot tho
firemen and patrolment who
mado the trip td Hayden moun
tain In search ot the big tree.
It haa been fastened Into a strong
board against the curb and now
majestically atands there await
ing the many eagor faces ot the
children who will gate upon It at
tho Christmas party Friday eve
ning, which the firemen and po
llcement are Riving.
The hundreds of. stockings are
all filled with candy, aula and
oranges and are ready for Santa
Claus who will bo present to
present each kiddie with a stock
ing, and have the child's Christ
mas wish whispered In bis ear.
Won't Recognize
Oklahoma Officer
(UP) The legal entanglement
between tho governor's office and
tho state criminal court ot ap
peals expectod at a court hearing
on an application ot a writ ot
habeas corpus, was averted late
Attorneys for R. F. Wenti.
wanted! In Arkansas on cmbosslc
mcnt charges, had announced
Governor Henry S. Johnston Ik
without authority to honor an
Arkansas requisition for Wents.
They claimed tho constitution of
Oklahoma provldea automatic re
moval of any state official against
whom Impeachment charges aro
filed In the senate.
Judge Thomas Doyle, presiding
Judge of tho criminal court, an
nounced that since no other per
son claims the gubernatorial of
fice, at thla lime, tho court would
not rule on that point. Tho rul
ing was made at tbe opening ot
tbt baarlng.
geese, the Hoot Owls neverthe
less took back 400 ducks and 21
M. Cole, member of the party
of police visitors, declared tha
boys were all returning to Port
land Intent on returning next
year about thla time, and upon
bringing many more of their
Hoot Owl broadcasting group
with them. ,
He expressed gratitude for the
generosity and hospitality of
I Klamath people, for his party
and stated the Hoot Owla will
! broadcast their trip over KG"W
E' soon as they retura home.
A feature of the trip was the
ootlng of a big owl by Jimmy
: Barnes, aon of Marlon Barnes,
fame warden, who escorted tbo
men on their bunting expedition,
j The visitors took the owl back
, to Portland with them and will
' mount It for a trophy of the hunt
and for their radio emblem.
Watters Replies
; To Suit Of His
Former Partner
Answer to the salt of Howard
Barnhlael for dissolution of part-
' nershlp In the firm ot Watters &
I Barnhlael and for division . of
proflta allegedly belonging to the
rflrm, was filed yesterday In clr
i cult court by T. B. Wattera In
tbe form ot "motion to striiJ.
Tbe action, tiled by A. W.
Schaupp, attorney for the defend-
ant, aonght to have certain parts
lot Barnhlsel's suit stricken on
grounds ot irrevelance and re
j dundancy.
1 - Caleb Jones, aMdrney foV Dart,
j biael, simultaneously filed an af
fidavit of prejudice against Cir
cuit Judge A. L. Leavltt. -
Barnhlsel la aulng Wattera for
monies which he alleges were col
lected by the defendant after
Barnhlsel had moved from the of
fice occupied by the real eatate
firm, and which he further al
leges were part ot the business ot
the partnership. Property in ques
tion Involves commission on rail
road rights ot way.
Southern Cross
Low On Gas But
Is Still Aloft
(Tuesday) (UP) At midnight
the Fokker monoplane. Southern
Cross, aloft for more than 40'
houra In an attempt to break the
world's record for sustained flight
reported everything well."'
(speed however, had slackened
from ' 6S to 64 miles an bour.
The plane will have to remain in
the air until 1:46:69 p.. m. Tues
day to lower the record.
A radio message from the ship
Monday night read: "Getting low
! on gas but we will stay up as
long as we have a drop left.
Everything okay."
Police Call Of
Wife Saves Man
SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 19.
(U.P) Resoitlng to her wifely
prerogative to call police when
her husband "failed to come home
at midnight, Mrs. William J.
Robinson saved the lite ot the
wayward spouse early today and
at the same time caused bis
arrest. .
Officers found Robinson un
conscolus In a vacant apartment
He kad been overcome by the
fumes of a liquor still he wis
attending, so police locked him
In the city Jail after reviving
him. .
Pender Received
At State Prison
SALEM, Ore.. Dec. 19. (API
John A. Pender, under a' life sen
tence, vis received at the state
penitentiary today from Portland.
Pender was convicted Thursday
for an attempted attack upon a
l-year-old girl In a remote part
of' tho city on October 23. Pen
der's number Is 10,101 and ho
will probably be put to work in
the prison lime plant, according
to Warden Jamo Lewis...
In Grip
Of Cold;
Many Die
Icy Gales and Snow
storms Sweep Over
. Countries; Zero in
LONDON, Dec, 19. (U.
P.) The bitterest cold
wave in a generation swept
over Europe and the Brit
ish isles today, accompan
ied by icy gales and heavy
snowstorms. In Paris alone
seven deaths were attribut
ed to the freezing tempera
tures. It was believed that
the death toll over the con
tinent would be more than
' Not since 1(96 has Europe
experienced anch cold. In central
and southeastern Europe . conV
mnnicatloas have been disrupted;
at Hamburg, the passenger steam
er Fortune II was frozen fast In
the river Elbe; at Cannes, on the
balmy. French Riviera, tber waa
an unprecedented snowfall of. 12
inches.. :
(Conlinned oe page eight)
Haugen Presents
New Farm Relief
Bill To Senate
A new farm relief bill of Rep
resentative Haugen. republican,
Iowa, similar' in general prin
ciples to that already introduced
in the senate by Senator McNary.
republican, Oregon, was presented
today to the house agriculture
committee. ,
These bills, which are expected
to be combined as the McNary
Haugen farm relief measures of
the 70th congress and to pro
vide a major issue ot the ses
sion, retain much debated equal
isation fee provision. This tea-
tare was held primarily responsi
jble for President Coolidge.
I Mr. Hsugels-sald that he would
, Introduce his bill in the house
with the expectation that it would
Immediately'' be referred to the
agriculture committee ot which
Ihe la chairman. '
' While Senator McNary's bill
would authorise an appropriation
ot 1260.000,000 to be adminis
tered by a farm board as a re
volving fund tor farm relief. Rep
resentative Hangen's bill would
authorise 1400,000,000 for that
Oddities in the
: Day's News-
(United Preae)
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19. 1U
P) Biting "the hand tbat feeds
you is mighty poor business ex
plains J. C. Rice, drug stora
clerk, but he maintains that rob
bing the hand that lances a boll
Is even greater Ingratitude.
A stranger entered the store
and complaised ot suffering from
a boll. Good hearted Rice took
him back ot the counter to lance
the concentrated lump of pain.
A customer entered and while
Rice performed his clerking
duties, the patient departed
through the rear door, taking
$176 from tbe cash box with him.
LONG BEACH, Calif., Dec. 19.
(UP) Rosalie Chaves Y. Rames
has taken her first airplane ride
at the age of 117 years.
The aged great-great-grandmother,
born In a wild, rolling
valley near San Bernardino, In
auto-less days, .capitulated to the
persuasions ofc relatives after a
determined stand to stay on land
after living aa long as she had.
She declared she was not
afraid at any time during tho
trip but marveled at the advance
ment In transportation since the
days ot tha early railroad engine,
Followers Divulge Demise
When "King Ben" Fails
to Revive
Dec. 19. (UP) Death of "King"
Benjamin Purnell was made
known to the world today when
the life of resurrection failed
to retura to bis emaciated body
as bis followers believed It would.
Tuberculosis, contracted hy
Purnell while be was In hiding
to avoid arrest proved fatal Fri
day. '
The body was left undisturbed
in the House of David colony aa
the 800 cultiats believed their
leader would arise from the dead
In three days, as Christ had done.
They thought Purnell was the
younger brother ot the son of
God whom Christians worship.
There will be no funeral serv
ices. Tbe cultiats who remained
faithful to Benjamin when the
state was prosecuting him on the
(CoetUaed oa Page Six)
Council Rejects
Three Petitions
For Garbage Work
The three garbage tranchise
petitions which bad been submit
ted to the city council were re
jected last night because two of
them were identical and because
none, of them covered all the
points, which tbe council judged
necessary to grant a franchise.
Those who submitted . franchises
were W. T. Lee, Charles Grove
and E. A. Thom&s.
' E. F. Duffy, secretary of the
Culinary Alliance, was at . th?
meeting and stated that the al
liance is very much In favor of
the new health ordinance which
is pending before the council, and
that they have always desired
such an ordinance might go Into
effect. This new ordinance pro
Tides for a physical examination
twice a year of all persons handl
ing food.- '
Six ordinances were passed to
the second reading providing for
the issnsnce and sale ot Improve
ment bonds of tbe cly for the
following units, 68, 60. 74, 66,
73, and the alley in block 49.
Three building permits were
granted, aggregating S2.260.'
Kidnaper Search
"Aid Sought Here
The numbers on tbe United
States Gold certificates which
were paid to "The Fox" by the
father ofMsrian Parker, who
was kidnaped in Los Angeles sev
eral days ago and whose dismem
bered body was thrown to her
father Saturday night, were
broadcast over the radio last
night by American Legion com
manders In California, and the
assistance ot Legion posts on the
coast was requested.
The numbers on the certificates
start at KC80K901 and run to
KS8016976. Keith Ambrose, chief
ot police, who picked hip. the
numbers last night, suggests that
every bank and business house in
the city post these numbers In
a conspicuous place where they
may be referred to.
Salvation Army
Asks Extra Birds
The Salvation Array is In need
of wild ducks and geese to put
Into the Christmas baskets for
the poor families of Klamath
The Salvation Army will see
that no worthy home in Klamadi
Falls will be destitute ot food
on Christmas Day, Ensign Briggs
stated. Any hunter bagging more
ducks and geese than he can use
Is asked to leave them at the
Salvation Army headquarters,
619 Walnut street.
Dec. 19. (UP) Motion pictures
attract rapacity crowds to the
Newport Beach Community Meth
odist church here. An ardent
photcgrapher, ReT. W. H. 8tock
toa presents a program every
Tuesday night. Singing services
open the meetings, then travel,
scientific, comedy and local films
make Up the picture portion
ot the program. The pastor uses
many ot the films to illustrate
point la bit sermons.
D i v e r s
To Give
Up Work
Entombed Men in
Submarine .Out of
Air at 6 p.m.; Storm
Prevents Rescue.
NEW LONDON, Conn., Dec
19. (U.P.) Divers who had
hoped to carry life-giving ox
ygen tanks to the six men Im
prisoned on the sunken sub
marine 8-4 tonight have been
forced to abandon their opera
tlona. It was officially atated '
from the U. 8. S. Falcon.
Dec. 19. (U.P.) The six
men trapped in the sunken
hull of the submarine S-4 .
1 l. e A i .. ii..
limit which they themselves
naa nxea as tne time alter
which no life could exist,
and hope that they may be
taken out alive, has been
virtually abandoned.
. The doomed. survivors ot the
crew of 40 bad given themselves
two hours and. 27 minutes longer
to live than Navy officers on tbe
surface, who bid estimated that
(Continued on "rage Six) - -
Hearst rres; is
Bitterly Scored
By U. Senator
Criticism of William Randolph
Hearst for publication of alleged
official Mexican documents con
taining charges against United
States senators was read during
debate in , the senate today.
An open letter to Hearst from
Senator Norrls, who was named
as one ot the senators to whom
Mexican money was ordered paid,
was read. Norrls was extremely
bitter against Hearst and con
cluded with this sentence:
"The record which you have
made In this matter Is sufficient
to place your publications In
disrepute in the minds of all
honeat. men and it demonatrates
that the Hearst system of news
papers, spreading like a venom
ous web to all parts of our coun
try, constitutes the sewer system
of American Journalism."
Members of the senate Investi
gating committee stated on the
floor that the chargea against the
senatora had been dismissed by
everybody concerned as having
no foundatloa.
Colorado River
Project Talked
Legislative plana for the de
velopment ot the Colorado river
received their first attention at
the hands ot tbe 70th congress
today when tbe 8enate irrigation
committee, headed by Senator
Phlpps of Colorado, voted to con
duct hearings on the subject tor
not more than five days beginn
ing January 17.
This action was regarded as a
victory by both factions In tho
controversy ranging about Color-,
ado river legislation.
All Members Of
Ride Are Guilty
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19.
Finding that the denth of Mis
Billy Cotrell occurred during an
automobile ride "that followed
a drinking party," a coroner's
Jury here today returned a ver
dict that all persona who went
on the ride were "equally guilty."
John R. Burnett, driver ot the
machine, la held In the county
jail on a manslaughter complaint,
but Mrs. Carlta Lasswell. third
passenger In the car, was re
leased after questioning by police.
Miss Cottrel was the socond
woman this year to be killed in
an accident with Buruett at tha