The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 08, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    J'- ( O
'- MIT
Shop Early !
Only 15 Days
Until Christmas
Two Sections
Ten Pages
Vol. 5, No. 20. Price Five Cent.
(Every Morning Except Monday)
r y
1 . 1
Had Gun,
Brother of Defendant
Testifies Love's
Companion Carried
An the most sensational
day in the manslaughter
triul of Mike Murphy merit
ed into a night yexHion lust
evening, Ted Murphy,
brother of tho man upon
whom the Mate is attempt
ing to fasten guilt for I.ovo
Chandler's slaying, startled
J . ...r -i i..l
un attentive niuri iiuwu
with the Mtutetm-nt that Dick
I'iekett carried a gun tho
night of the fatal shooting.
Murphy' testimony was ht
whllo Ihn rhlcr Murphy and
Chandler were rulnit prior In
Ilia ahnntlng. riikfli. wlin ac
companied Chandler to lint Mur
(Continued on !" Mve)
Spud Shipping
Heavy As Crop
Is Half Moved
Vlfly-on rrlnU ef lue In
creasingly popular Kliilinth po
tato Mi this clly Inat week,
bringing lli loll) ahlpmente for
thla 111.1)1 approximately 450
rr. County Agent C. A. Ilcnd
rm Mated yeaiorday.
Shipment lo date exceed lhi
tolal export fur laat year by SO
mrlooila. Henderson pointed out.
declaring there ar atlll about
300 rara to ba ahlpped between
now and the firal ol I ho year.
Moat ol the Ills will continue
lo tnva out aleaillly a ludlra
llona are thai (ew producer will
bold Ihelr crop for early-ycnr
liiarknta, Henderson said.
Despite low price, eallmated
lo be 36 per cent under price
received by Klamath grower laat
year, moat of Iho local producora
will reallte a good prollt on In
reatment, It waa elated. Homo
will loae money bill Ihe experi
enced epud grower were antici
pating a drop In price and will
t emerge from Ihe season's work
with a gain,
i -
Severe Cold Is
Felt In Midwest
(lly United Press)
Severe cold, aceoinpinlcd by
high wind and now, truck Ihe
middle weal Wednesday night
after causing dealh, and disrupt
ing commiuilcatlona In Canadi
and In the northwestern Vnited
It wa reported at St. IMul
that Iho blizzard waa Iho moat
aovero In 14 yearn, and a milk
shortage wa feared there because
of now-hlnckod highway.
School were cloied all day In
HI. Paul. Kloux City, la., and
other cltlea of the north weal.
Injury lo ten person wan uaorlb-
td to the atorm there.
Ilelow cro tnmperaturea pre
vailed In Mlnneaotn, Iowa, No
'l.raska, Mnntnna, Colorado, Kan
aua, Oklahoma and Texo.
Western Firemen
Continue Fight
DENVER, Cola., Dee. 7. (UP)
Tho noxt atep In the campaign
of firemen on 64 woatern rail
road for higher wage will be
decided upon at a meatlng here
next week of general chairmen
of union on all Ihe road In
volved. Tho gathering ha been called
for Monday by I), B. KoherlHon.
president of Ihe brothorhood of-
omollve firemen and engineer.
;he hrotborhood'a wago In-
lue program met a anag Mon-
when tho Federal mediation
ird aonnlnled to Investigate Ita
tlalms found Itself unable to
airce Dd dlsbandod.
Dody Hurtle from 42nd 1
Story of Woolworth
Tower, to Street
NKW VOIIK, llec. 7. (I'P)
One of I lie moat spectacular ul
rldc on' record wai committed
today by l.oul HibwarK. a 3-renr-old
Brooklyn merchant.
when ne leapeu irnm uie juut
atory of the Woolworth tower,
Ihe xiii Id" tallvat office bulld-
1 1I K
Hilt hundred feet above the
alreet level, Hrhwartl polaed on
a oarrow ledge and jumped of?.
Hurtling downward hi body
atruik a manaard above the 3mh (
floor, bounced off and crashed t
Into Park Place, 60 feel from j
llroadway. j
in atrert wa rrowaca at
the time of Schwartz' leap but
nilracuoualy hi body did not
trlk anyone. The force with
which he alrurk the atreet mang
led hi body o that hi own
brother, with whom he bad been
In btialueaa, had difficulty Identi
fying It.
People In Dark
On State's New
Insurance Plan
t"li.ivn know very Hit.? about ,
the proponed mmpuUnry -auto
Until lily Iniuranr; too little. In j
fuel, to dlm'UM It, It wan re
vealed yeMtenlay at the rhamlwrj
nt commerce wUen I lie Mute rum
mlltev out to ilftrrintne public,
opinion on the proponed menimreii J
met with nliuut S& renlileula of!
thin lty. j
After cllnruMtna the niorltn oft
Ualilllty Itmurance for an hour
It wan finally dm-Uled to turn i
the matter orer lo Iho leKffla
tlun rommlltee of the rhmiiber
for further study, and the com
mittee will report to the llnhtllty
liiRttrance committee at a later
TIi one on the committee who
are making a tour of the stale
are Jam en 1). Olnen. Kred W.
(iermnTi. lxnerann and flurdlrk.
They will leave today for another'
Kansas City Is
Chosen for Next
G.0.P Convention
The Republican national com
mittee voted today to hold Ihe
republican national convention In
Kanaaa City, Mo. The declalon
came after a bitter fight which
inn through 20 ballota. the long
eat deadlock over a convent Ion
city in the hlatory of the party.
fly voting for Kanaaa City, the
ielegntea gave recognition to Ihe
I olltlrnl dealrahlllty of holding
ihelr convention In Iho heart of
ihe fnrm belt and paaaed up the
enticing nppcala of 8tvn Fran
ilaco, which laid heavy omphasla
upon II cllmnte, the ncenlc beau
tie of Ihe trip, and the warm
Itoapilnllty awaiting Ihe delo
ftutea. Han Kranciaco wna the cloaca!
contender and for many ballot
the reault waa a toaaup. Detroit'
rofuanl to abandon lla vote In
favor of San Kranclaco and tho
activity of Mm. A. T. llert. vlce-
balrman of the national coni
iilttee, were largely roaponslhlo
lor Kanaaa City victory.
It wa .doclded to open Iho
convention at 11 a. ni. Tttoaday
.ttino 13.
Believed Youth
Was Thief, Shot
P1I0K1X. Arli.. Dec. 7. (U.
P.) Jamc Wllaon, Arizona cor
poration, commlaalon englnoor, la
being hold to anawer to auperior
court, following Ihe doclalon at
hi preliminary hearing on a
ronnalatighler charge here today.
Wllvon killed Edgar Campbell,
20, formerly of Amarllln, Tenia,
on the night of ovomber 6, when
ha mistook the youth for an au
tniuohllo thief. After It waa
found that Campbell had been
taking hla father 1a a doctor I ri
al ond of stealing Wllaon'a car,
Wllaon waa arreated.
. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. 7.
(P) Joaeph D. Keallng. repub
lican n allonal committeeman
front Indiana, died auddcnly at
bl homo her today.
Advent Of
Klamath Pronounced
As Favorable For
Growing of Profit
able Seed Pea Crop.
That a new farming in
dutitry in about to be born
in Klamath county, that of
producing quality need peas
for nectionfl of the middle
wcMt, is indicated in S. A.
Winter's report of the sur
vey he completed here yes
terday with a view to es
tublixhing an extensive ex
periment here next year.
A representative of tho Call
foruia Parking Corporation, Win
ter apenl two day with C. A.
Henderuin, county agent, eurvey
Ing the county for poaaibllttlea
of planting about 100 acrea of
'ecd peaa here in the aprlng aa
t- demonatratlon. If the1- crop
I rovea a auccea. and Wlntera
II undoubtedly will be. the
venture wilt grow Into a new aud
profltuble Industry for Klamath
furmer. It la declared.
Many furmer here have ei
preaaud a wlllingtieaa to plaut
(Continued on Page 81) .
Drunken Driver
Gets Stiff Fine
in Justice Court
That the Klamath courta have
launched a campaign againat
Iho drunken driver became evi
dent yesterday when Marlon Jack-
aon of Chllonuln waa given a
heavy Jolt by Juatlce of the
Peace llames.
Jackson, arreated by Walter
Foster. elate traffic officer,
pleaded guilty to a charge of driv
ing while Intoxicated and wna
first given a fine of flOO and
DO daya In the county lull.
Then to further adutonlah Jack
son and the public generally in
Ihe matter of operating a vehicle
whllo under Ihe influence of
liquor, Juatlce Barnes revoked
the defendant'a drlver'a license
for one year.
Aimee's Vidws Told To
Press; Talks Marriage
Cl.urmlngly gowned and re
markably fresh, despite the fat
igue' of an automobile rlda of
more than 400 rnllea and the
rtrain of a powerful sermon
which she had delivered only a
few minute earlier, Afmee Bein
ple Mcpherson late last night
discussed entertainingly a variety
of subject with two representa
tives of the New.
The magnetism of a personality
which ha founded and devel
oped to a vast degree a new faith
cau not be denied.. Mr. McPber
Hoii la graclou and charming
and the sincerely with which aha
speak of her grejt religious
work 1 In itself a distinction to
a name known internationally.
And In an Interview with lha
woman evangelist, one fact atabda
out In bold relief there la only
on marriage. Questioned as to
Christmas Opening
Crowds Praise
Santa Claua and several of hi
red-garbed, bewhlskcred hench
men rode Into Klamath Falls laat
night to do their bit in making;
Klamath Falls' first Christmas
opening a phenomenal success.
Crowds surged through Ihe
business district until a late
hour, admiring the finest array
of Yulettde merchandise ever on
display lu tho store wlndowa of
this city.
The lighting effects were per
fect. With the conventional reda
and greens of holiday splendor
predominating, the brilliantly
lighted shop windows gave the
business district all the appear
ance of a metropolitan area on
Christmas Kve.
Tho tak pf describing ladi
vidual displays la too great for
this brief survey of Klamath Fall
Gunboats To Fire : ISheepherders Are
On Booze Runners! Caught In Storm
SAN D1RC.O. Calif.. Dec. 7. (U
P) United States coaat guard
patrol vesaela stationed here have
been ordered to give no charter
to suspected ' rum smuggling
craft and to ffre Immediately in
case order to halt are not com
plied with, It waa announced here
The practice of fast liquor
boat, able to outdistance govern
ment patrol, running away rather
than heeding a command to halt
1 raid to have brought on the
drastic order.
Gee, Mebbe Ruth Elder Started a Fad
her view on ex-Judge Ben Llnd-
jsey's companionate marriage pro-
posai Mrs. Mcrnerson auia:
I "I am orthodox. Judge Lindsay
'Is an acquaintance of mine, but
I heartily disagree wltb his views
on marriage. There la only one
wedding ceremony; one ritual
for lha joining together of man
and wife, and that I the one
sanctioned by God.
"I saw the effects of compan-
Ilonate marriage In China when 1
visited that country several years
ago. In that realm of matrimonial
jjcbaoa om sees with revulsion
how such a social evil aa the
','inodernloi' marriage can degrade
' people."
,1 "China has practised torn
pf .companionate marriage for
Iveara. eW all know that state of
I Society there now.. Russia's
hordes' of half-wild, homeless
') (Continued oa Page Six)
Great Success;
Beautiful Windows
during last night's Christmas
opening. Kach succeeding window
aa lb throng progressed thru
the business section, held some
new object to captivate the In
terest of pectatora.
Despite freezing temperature,
crowds began gathering In the
downtown district long before the
hour when windows were to be
nnvellcd and remained until a
late hour.
Much praise la merited by the
Klamath Falls municipal band
which enlivened the occasion
with stirring march tunes played
on each corner from Second to
Eleventh. Unmindful of the cold
aKhlch numbed fingers - and lips
and - virtually- made - chunk of
Ice of metal Instruments,' Ihe
bandsmen cracked off their live
ly tunea In a highly praiseworthy
SHELBY. Mont.. Dec. 7. (UP)
Caught in the -blizzard that
awept through northeastern and
central Montana Monday. Charles
B. Nail, ahoepherder, was frozen
to death and George Perley. fel-
low worker, was so badly frozen
It may be necessary to amputate
both his legs. It was learned to-
I Nail and Perley were, endeav
j orlng to drive their Bheep to
1 shelter when the atorm broke.
, When Perley was found he was
' unconscious In a snow drift.
Jury In
O XX C 1 U
A11 Nightj
, what may be a nonstop flight.
Unable to Agree On j ,no tJ"11)! Preas learned tonight
XT m a i from reliable sources.
JNotoriOUS Murder From Mexico City he Intend
Case: Locked Unto "y to Cuba wltnln the ne"
f XJ v. j fortnight.
,rOr illgnt. H It understood here that all
. , - arrangements have been settled
, , , except permission of the state de-
COURT HOUSE. MAYSIpa,,lne",t wh,ch " exDec,ed to
I ivnivf" r. , ,. granted forthwith.
LANDING, Dec. 7. (U.P.) An official Invitation from
The Lilliendahl-Beach jury
was unable to reach an
agreement after nearly six
hours of deliberation, and
was ordered locked up for
the night.
At 11:10 p. m., the five mar
ried women and the aeren men
who had begun cotsiderlng the
case at 5:31 p. m. filed Into the
courtroom and announced that
thus far they had been nnable
to arrive at a verdict.
Supreme Court Justice Luther
A. Campbell then
I whether the jurors wished to
ask any questions regarding the i
evidence or the law. After eluci
dating upon a point which was
bothering juror No. 9. Herbert
C. Test, an Atlantic City news
paperman, the judge told bailiff
to lock 'the jurors up. -
(Continued on PT Elx)
Pershing- Hailed
. As Presidential
Timber By Many
CHICAGO. Dec. 7. (IP) Gen
eral John J. Pershing', who to
day addressed the American farm
bureau federation convention,
waa acclaimed by some of the
delegates as a candidate for
president ot the United States.
Aa the general concluded his
addresa an enthusiastic farmer
leaped to bis chair and shouted:
'Three' cheers for, Tershlng, a
candidate for president."
The crowded -hall shook with
the response and the general was
surrounded b those who were
'eager to shake hla hand.
J "You're presidential timber",
'A. j.-..- .
juu i v m HuuiiisiQ tor prcsiueni.
General Pershing," were some of
the expressions heard. Later in
h,ls hotel Genoral Bershlng said:
-""What can I say? I do not
talk politics and (here la no state-
J nient I can make."
Oddities in the
Day's News
(United Press)
MANSFIELD, O.. Dec. 7.
(UP) Police are holding Mrs.
Lillian Dorahs. 13. tor Invests
gallon after complaint by her
husbmd James. 25, that she
haa been sold for $1,700 by
her father to a 57-year-old
Richland county farmer.
The vouna wife told notice
she had been ottered $1,700 It
she would divorce her husband
j and become housekeeper for
Albert Qtnnn, the farmer.
She was taken Into custody
at the Qulnn farm today. Quinn
denied Dorah'a charges ot "a
hale," as did the girl's father.
Budget Biggest
In U.S. History
The largest peace-time budget
In the history, of United States
waa presented to congress today
by President Coolldge.
Appropriations of $1.258, 79.1.
765 were requested tor the fiscal
year 1929, which exceeds by
about $200,000,000 the budget
fof the current fiscal year.
With the budget, President
Coolldge sent a warning to con
gress against excessive tax re-
ductlon. A tax cut ot mora than
$225,000,000 he declared, might
"jeopardize ou,r financial stobll-jon
non-stop hop
Fly From New York
to Mexico City
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh baa
accepted an invitation to flv from
j New York to Mexico City on
President Calle Is believed either j
; to have) reached Colonel Lind
bergh already or to be enronte.
Lindbergh, previously tele
graphed the president that he
! would undertake such a flight.
Martial Law Is .
Called To Stop
Rumanian Riots
VIENNA. Dec. 7. (UP) With
eight dead. 4 seriously injured
and 100 braised In antl-Hungar-
in riot, martial taw aa hMn
declared in Groaawardein. Ru-
mania, near the Hungarian bor-
ter. reports from the frontier
said tonight.
Soldiers have replaced the J
gendames and police In guarding
public places in Grosswardeln. al
though the riots, ' which began
Sunday night with attacks on
Jewish students, are believed to
have ended. :..:
All party leaders in the Hun
garian parliament denounced the
Incident today aa typical of Ru
:nanla'a treatment of minorities.
?Zl Z
Deputy Vass told the Bulgar-
would Inform
iount Bethlen von Bethlen, Hun
garian delegate to the league of
nations, of the parliament's unan
imous Indignation.
Legion Selects
Nominees To Be
Voted On Dec. 21
The nomination officers for
the coming year waa made at tho
meeting ot the American Legion
last night, and the election will
be held December 21. The nom
inations were aa follows:
For commander, John Houston
and Louis K. Porter; first vice
commander. Leon F. Crawford,.
Bogus Dale; third vice command
er, Sidney Abbott; adjutant, H.
K. Smith; finance officer, Geo.
Executive committee nominees,
of whom five, will be elected, are:
A. H. Busseman. Dan Crump,
Perry O. DeLap, Warren Fruits,
Floyd D. McMillan. Fred Hiel
bronner, C. C. Kelly, Bert Igle,
H. E. Gets, O. D. Matthews,
Keith Ambrose, Bogue Dale,
Leon Crawford, Louie K. Porter,
John Houston.
Teams were formed for the
membership drive which is to be
put on. and Sidney Abbott is to
head the "40 and 8" with H. E.
Gets at the head of the legion.
A Christmas relief committee was
appointed composed ot Fen Walte,
Jack Franey and Louis Porter,
who will take care of any needy
ex-service men and families at
Christmas time.
Peak In 'Wools
Prices Reached
BOSTON, Dec. 7. (UP) Con
tracting for wools In the west Is
I unei lu biuw uuwii velum iuur.
Dealers are said to be Inclined
to proceed cautiously. Higher
prices than have already been
paid believed by dealers to be out
of the question. Receipts at Bos
ton during November amounts to
8.995,000 pounds compared with
8, 291, 000 pounds, a year ago.
January 1 to end of November
209,000,00 pounds against 164,
000,000 pounds.
SACRAMENTO, Dec. 7. (UP) j side ot the road where she was
Governor C. C. Young refused j lying and looked at her. Ober
today to honor extradition papers ' Ing that she waa attll breathing,
Issued by Governor W. P. Hunt of I the motorist returned to his ma-
Arizona for the return to Globe,
Arizona, ot Earl B. Smith, wanted
a non-support charge. Smith
'was being held at San Ditto.
11 a.r;TTO 1
of Fntnrp;
Is Topic
Of Aimee
Woman Preacher
Wins Admiration
of Big Audience;.
Airrives at 7 p. m. .
One-half hour after ar
riving from San Francisco
via motor, Aimee Semple
McPherson, renowed leader'
of the Tour Square gospel,
stepped forward on the dais
at the fair grounds exhibit
building and addressed an
audience of approximately
2300 persons.
Although weary from the long
drive, the Angelus temple lead
er delivered a spirited message.
Her subject was "The Coming Re
vival." Religious feeling, according to
Mrs. McPherson's sermon, swings
like a pendulum from high ardor
to relative coldness. It haa dona
so since tho beginning; bnt al
( Continued on facw Bix)
Demand Plank In
Party Platforms
.. WASHINGTON, Dee. J. (UP).
Resolutions calling upon the
major political parties to nomi
nate candidates whose loyalty t?
enforcement of the 18th amend-
ment la shown by their "utter
ances, acta and record" , were
adopted by the executive com
mittee of the anti-saloon league
Notice was served on the part- '
lea that mere Up service to dry ,
enforcement would not be ac
cepted by the dominant dry ,
"We respectfully call the at-
tention of party leaders to the
fact that the antl-saloon league '
can accept their professions as
sincere and the party as worthy
of our aupport only when they
name as their standard -bearers
in national and state election!
men who are loyal to the consti
tution, including the - 18th
amendment and the Volstead
act." the committee declared.
Girl Denies Any
.Part In Killing
HANFORD. Calif., Doc. 7. (U.
P.) The sordid murder caae
which has roused this town tor ;
three days, took three develop
ments today: A formal murder "'
charge was lodged against Ferry'
Allen Coen; Isibelle Artist. 16.
who was accused by Coen ot
being a party to a plot to "put'"
to sleep" her parents, was placed
under technical arrest: and the.
body of Mrs. Edna Artist who "
waa beaten to death by Coen. was
Mace Artist, the girl's father,
who, with Mrs. Artist, was also
the victim of Coen'a murderou
attack, was still alive, but his .
death, doctors said. Is only a
question of time.
Isabelle, answering Coen'a ac
cusations today, said she had .
never been in love with him,
never promised to marry him.
and knew nothing of the alleged
elopement plans. ...
Tells Of Inhuman
Hit-Run Motorist
HAYWARD. Calif., Dec. T. (V
P) And now the "atop, lonir
and listen" hit-and-run motorist '
Struck down by a machine
while walking along the highway.
Mrs. Helen Fields saw the mot'
orlst stop hi automobile and
get out. He walked over to the
chine, started' the engine and
drove off. - ;
I Mrs. Fields waa unable to get
the number ol tb car.