The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 04, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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HE ir
The Klamath News
Official Paper '
County of Klamath
. Shop Early I
Only 17 Days
Until Christmas
Vol. C, No. 17. Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday)
33 To 13
Drury, U.S.C. Quar
terback Star Player
of Big Football Con
test in South.
(U.P.) A strong Husky
pack from the University of
Washington came south to
day to meet an inspired oil
American quarterback and
an equally inspired south
ern California football
team. The final score was
Southern California 33;
Washington 13.
Any doubt thai Morley Drury.
captain of Southern California,
merited his universal selection aa
the backricld pivot uf lh na
tion' mythlral eleven waa .wept
way by lha awn inn Drury
turned In liiday In hie farewell
to rollego fuotball.
Tha Huskies were strong. The
Trojana war strong. Wllhoul
Drury lha Kama would no doubt
bar been nip and luck. With
Drury running wild. Washington
did nut have a chance.
Ths Trojan leader played only
bait a game, but In that lima ho
erorod threa tourhdowna and
took lha heart and (Ira from lha
' lluaky attack.
In tha first quarter ha Inter
cepted two passes thrown deep
Into Trojan tarrltory by Carroll,
tar of Washington. Then ho
galloped 76 yanla for tha flnit
acore In an, exhibition of the
(Continued on page rlulit)
Forest Patrol
Meeting To Be
Held In Salem
Jack P. Kimball, head of the
Klamath Forest Protective asao
rlallnn here, will be In Salem
Tuesday for a conference with of
flclala of the foreat aervlre rela
tive to fire patrol In the timber
of northern Klamaih county. It
wa luearned yesterday.
The Kalem merlins la the third
of a eerloa of parleya conducted
In aouth and central Oregon 1n
the Inlereata of fire patrol In
the private timber areas ' of
northern Klamath. One meeting
waa held In Hand and another
In Klamath Fall, a few week
ago, attended by representative
of timber companlea and forest
nfflclala of Klamath, Doachutea
and Lake counties. ""
Moat of the dolalla In the
plan for effectively petroling the
privately-owned forests have lieon
satisfactorily Ironed out, It la
understood, and now tlmbermen
and forest officials ire endeavor
Inn to properly distribute the
costs of the petroling.
Oregon Okeh! Needn't Be
Worried, Says Oldtimer
la he tho youngest man In
Orogon for hla years? .
That Is tho question one ask.
when W. 0. Noamlth, father of
Lynn Noamlth allow, up. He
came Into Klamath last evening
fromover In central Oregon
where he had been Investigating
Johnnie Kelly's foalllsod forests
and petrified reptiles. '
W. O. Nesmlth I. an Interesting
character. He I. 61 year old and
look, and acts like a chap of
40. He refuse, to get fussed up
over anything In this world, for
haa not the old ship of state
sailed on through all the political
atruggle. and (he roforms and
alleged reforms for tha past B0
years while Mr. Nesmlth looked
on snd smllodT
"And aha will continue tb .all
on," ho said to ths News Inst
night. "Old Oregon la all hunky
dory. Bhe may havs a few wild
ones loft but let them got wilder.
They won't hurt anybody. Each
year Iho slnlo tins gronlor
Mother Shoots
for Honor of
V' rr-5 fcj
ill 'r-';:l?rfe';j'
711 1
Calmly Invoking the "unwrlt
ten law," Mrs. Ilasel Hull walk
ed op to tiordon J. Walters on i
a streol In l.os Auxelcs and fat-
any wounuea mm. cr, n.
had atlacked her daughter. Mario
Hull. Mrs. Hull haa been exon
erated by Jury.
Mellon In Row
With C. C. Over
Tax Reduction
l. iMacratary of ths Treasury .Mel
ton and President Lewis U. Pier
son of the t'nlted Slates cham
ber of commerce. In an exchange
of lellera made public tonight,
each denounced the other'a tax re
duction Ideas as unsound.
Plerson's reply pointed out
that congress, not the chamber
or the treasury department, would
pans the tax bill. Mellon. In a
lettor to Plerson, said In a war
like tono that he .would not
stand for a tax reduction which
would cause a federal deficit. He
belluved tho chamber a proposal
I for lino. 000. 000 reductl
'carried out would result
ion ir
in a
red Ink entry on the
ment'e . account hooka.
Tha Chamber official's
re- '
said bla plan waa merely
flection of the views of business
men of Iho nation.
Eastern Oregon
Violating Laws
HALKM. Dec. 3. (JP) "In
eastern Oregon I find an open
vlolntlon of most every law In
tho .Into, tho vlolntlon of tho
18th amendment above all,"
writes K. ' L. Ferguson, parole
officer of the stain training school
In a report to L. M. Ollhert, sup
erintendent of the school. -"So
lot us he tolerent," he adds,
"and not hold too rigidly our
eastern Oregon boy. for act.
which primarily tho adults of
their section in my estimation the
Instigators of."
wealth than tho year preceding;
each year sho ha. moro and bet
tor buildings, more people and
more money. Then what's the
use of all this fuss about things
anywayT" said tho old patriot.
He Is the son of United Rtates
Senator J. W. Nesmlth who in
1861 wa. elected senator from
Oregon on the Douglas Democra
lc ticket. When tho senator went
to Washington and saw how
thing, were lining up during the
Civil War he Immedlaely cast
his vote and his Influence with
Ahrlhnm Lincoln and becamo an
"Abo Lincoln Democrat" and
the number of these kind of Dem
ocrats was not large in those
days. At the same time Senator
Nesmlth was elected Col. E. D.
Uaker was elocted a. an Oregon
senator also. But Penntor Baker
never served out hi. term for ho
waa killed at the Ball's Bluff
while fighting for ,. the Union.
Baker county, was named after
Senator Baker a. was also the
lown of linker City.
Hold Big
School Men Discuss
Shop At LsOOd 1 lme
Ranniiah Will F
Danquei, YVlli -
Fowl Next.
The Klamath County
Schoolmasters' club enjoyed
a fine banquet evening
at Linkhaven, when mem
bers from all parts of the
county congregated to hear
: and offer suggestions along
cTi., .. . . ...
me lines oi icacning, al
though it was agreed that
nt much "hop" talk should
enter into tneir good leiiow
ship gathering .
CUV Suncrlntcdnnt J. P. Wells
nresldrd at the banquet and a
number of speakers were railed 1
,,. ,, superintendent Pel-
(7oa reviewed' his visit to the I
IK chutes County 8chooHnasloraM """" "
c:-ih meeting recently, menllon-'hy Deputy Sheriff Mueller on
Ing that deer meat was provided jcharges of transportation and poa
at the dlnnor. session of liquor.
When the time came to select! Hodgea. It I. alleged, drove
the next meeting place for the! n, Morrill with a cargo of
Klamath county club K. E. Street bot" 'rora d
of Mnlln offered an Invl.allon to I J8 m',k uf ncar
meet In hi. homo city .taring that j lhedoPty "hsrlff. Mueller rec-
Deschutes might furnish doerl
meal, but Mallp W0..U4
better and furnish duck
and goose properly roasted for t
(C4ntlnucil on I'nge Mcvcn)
Colored Pastor
From Eugene Is
Ensnared By Law
There will be no services
1401 Ksplanade today.
The law wooped down upon the
ov. J
E. Dyrd. colored Baptist
yesterday, and he who
was In hnvpn ronchpd at 1401
Ksplanade today left last night , Violent anti-government aisturo
, for Kugene In the custody of a ances occurred In Lisbon Thurs
t ... -i i, ,Ihv It was learned todav. dur-
Tho llev. Ilyrd. who came here
B week ago and who ha been con-1
ductlng services In this city slnre'dence.
bis arrival. Is specifically charged Studenta rioted and ahouted
with defrauding an Innkoeper. "down with the dictator." when
Otherwse .lated, ho Jumped hi. j the automobile of Premier Car
(Contlnu.! on Paire rVvcn) ) mona passed them.
Klamath's aurging tide of pros-j
perlty Is again reflected In clear-j
loss of the three local banks i
lover the past three months,
prosperity revealed yesterday to
be well abreast of the growth of
thla city and tha development of September clearings in 1027 to
the county. taled 12,22,210.68.
8h""n J f"e '
utti I'urrvapuuuiua
last year, figure on monthly
clearlnga divulged by local
b.nk - r ,ha ,hrM banks
torday unveiled a new teallmon-jon potatoes have not been op to
lal for business here during Sep-, the 122 level, volume of pro
lember. October and November. 1 1 ductlon here has made this crop
Aggregate clearings tor No
vember thla year were $2,514.4
740.77. a total which exceeda
that of November of 122 by
1304.604. . Clearings In No
vember last year were f 2,208,
1J4.08. j
October clearings this year1
Bud Hodges Hit
By Heavy Fines
On Booze Counts
Bud Hodges, well known char
acter In Klamath Falla and re-
puted bootlegger, fell again Into I
,he tolls of the law yesterday
, . ...
- "
! V" If'"""! " "i ""V'
!. n " " u.ntlty ,of
liquor therein.
The reputed bootlegger waa
lodged In the county Jail last
night following a preliminary
hearing at which ha pleaded
guilty to both count. Hodges wa.
fined 1300 on each of tha two
charges. He wa. unablo to
the fine.
Students Battle
With Lisbon Cops
MADIUD. Dec., 3. (U.P.)
; ing the celebration of the nnl-
vorsary of Portuguese Inepen-
You Tell 'Em, Old Timer
were I2.Z27.1S1.02, exceeding
those for October, lilt, by
f 11.122.47. September of this
year ahows another substantial
Increase over the same month of
192. with a gain of I25S.403.27.
.h'r-ii, ,t0,.
-v... r-' - -
! Klamath ranchers this year, with
strong prlcea prevailing both for
yea-ieettle and aheep. While prices
a source of much revenue.
November Is each year the
peak month for bank clearings In
Klamath county. It was stated,
and while the figures sre expect
ed to fall off In December and
January, local bankera are pre
dicting an excellent year in 1928.
Kelley Picked
To Become City
Engineer Here
That C. C. Kelley, civil engi
neer hare, will be appointed city
engineer to till the vacancy
created by the resignation of Don
Zumwalt, was the announcement
made yesterday by Mayor T. B.
Kelley haa been selected for
the position and his sppolnment
will be made at city council meet-
Monday night, Mayor Walters
said. ,
Zumwalt's successor Is promt
hent in engineering circles over
. been In tl
for. several
this work . in
I Klamath Falls. Kelley was dl
: vision state highway engineer for
Klaraah, Lake, Josephine and
Jackson counties when he first
came to aonthern Oregon,
i , Kelley has been mentioned a.
possible timber for the candidacy
of state highway engineer In
Prison At Salem
Becoming Crowded
SALEM. Dec. 3. (PI Although
some of the prisoners at the
state penitentiary "cell" together
it Is apparent that the prison Is
soon going to be. crowded to
more than capacity. Superintend
ent Henry W. Meyers told the
board of control today the pres
ent population Is 3s and there
are Indications that it la going
to reach (50 before many weeks.
Ready To
Open Fire
On State
Fight Over O & C
Land Grant Tax to
Commence Soon;
Klamath Involved.
Preparations for the con
test of the 18 land grant
counties against the state in
its endeavor to share in the
distribution of the Oregon
and California land grant
tax refund are underway,
and briefs are to be filed
with the supreme court in
the near future, according
to word received by the
Klamath county court.
The case 1. considered of high
Importance here a. the event of
the sUte's winning It. fight
would moan that Klamath will
be forced to return to the state :
about 2S per cent of approximate
ly IIJO.OOO. Its share of the O.
& C. land grant tax refund.
Money Mostly Spent
While a few counties sharing
in the O. a- C. refund have set
aside the amounts they would be
forced to return to the state,
many, including Klamath, have
treaxly-, dUtrtbntd and1largei.vtt
expended their portions. I
The suit was filed In the ctr
(Conttnue on Tage Five)
Pastor's Prayer
Saves Dry Agent
Fleeing From Mob
OAKLAND, Dec. 3. (UP)
Glenn Hughes, undercover arent
for the Oakland moral, aquad.
wa. saved from the fury of
west Oakland mob today by
preacher's prayer.
Working on a tip that a liquor
; delivery wa. to be made to a
' grocery .tore, Hughe, and a fel
' low agent, Jerry Taylor, were
i watching the place when the?
: were attacked by more than 200
' persona enraged at the law en
forcement activities of the agents.
Hughes took to his heels, ent
,ko c,K r. iHv.nii.tlr)-The giant United
mission church, and ran to the
altar, closely followed by more
than 50 of the rioter..
The rioter, advanced on Hugh
es and were about to drag him
from his refuge at the altar when
Rev. S. M. Owen., who wa. con
ducting service., began to pray.
The mob halted in Its rush,
listened for a moment, and then
Oddities in the
Day's News
(United Preaa)
CHICAGO. Dec. 3. (A.P.)
The market for left ear. lira,
bullish today as a doxen young
women and three men offered
their port side aural appondage
to the unnamed New York and
Chicago society woman who
advertised for one.
Jay J. McCarthy, the attor
ney whose cltont has sought
through tho want ad columns
to get an ear to replace one
.he lost In a' motor accident
abroad, said that the offer of
22500 first made would , be
doubled provided the transfer
of the ear from seller to buyer
proved successful.
SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Dec.
2. (UP) Because hor husband
did not treat here kindly, Mrs.
Marie L. Menexes left him but
25. It was revealed today when
her will was filed.
Two thousand dollars was
left to Holy Cross school;
23,000 tor a. monument over
her grave: 2250 to a local
priest to say "masse, over my
soul;" and the balance of
125,000 to Sl.tor Anns of Monterey.
-Girl .Whom
Man Attacked
'IVi-l vwwjv. i' sisjsji pes 1
V X ( A
Marie Hull, aged 17, whose
mother, Mrs. Haxel Hull, shot
. n .1 flnHnn Wfltt.P. In
.LM AngelM fter WaMc hd
allegedly atueked the maiden,
i He had been wrned to stay
away from the girl, Mrs.
Brush Fire Is '
Threatening 100
Homes In South
LOfl ANGEUfS. ... Dee. . XU.
P.) Whipped on by a 60-mlle-
an-hour wind, flames sweeping
through the brush In the Ver
dugo mountains. 15 miles north
of here, destroyed three cabin.,
and imperiled 100 more home,
tonight, county forestry officials
The flames covered a halt mile
in width and had .wept five miles
ahead In four hours' time.
More than 200 men, including
laborer, rushed from Loa An
geles, were combatting the fire.
a i. Two fire engines, kept in the
region, were pressed into service
!" ere pumping water from
nearby mains.
Marine Plane Is
Safe In Honduras
3. (U.
! mar,ne. corp. m-mowrea
monoplane piloted by Major E.
H. Bralnard and carrying as pas
senger. Sergeant N. T. Shepherd
and Corporal N. W. Winchester,
landed on the beach two mile,
east of Tela, Honduras, at 4:07
p. m. today, the Tropical Radio
company here announced.
The plane and Its crew were
in good condition, and it was
said the flight to Managua, about
four hours' flying from Tela,
probably would bo resumed to
Love Spurned, Ranch Hand
Kills Girl, Wounds Friend
CONDON Ore., Dec. 3 .(UP)
Veteran man hunter, of the
high desert country of Central
Oregon were combing the rough
sheep range region along the
John Duy river late today, seek
ing Ray Ferguson, 21-year-old
ranch hand murderer.
Apparently driven to insanity
by unrequited love for Viola
Richmond, 20, Ferguson blew oft
the top ot her head with a shot
gun along a lonely canyon road
15 mile, west of here. He then
shot and wounded Velma Ralm
ey as she stooped over the body
of hor slnln chum.
Both girls are members ot
highly respected families of the
Ferry canyon district west of
here. Ferguson was employed by
the Hay creek ranch concern
which adjoins the Richmond
Afier visiting together at the
Richmond home last night, Fer
guson wa. taking the girls to
the Kalmey home In hi. auto
mobile. Stopping to repair a deflated
tire, tho farm hand suddenly at
tacked the girls with a tire
Aid But
Unlighted Ve.sel in
Distress, Hard , . to.
Locate At Waves
Run High. .
NEW YORK, Dec. 3.
(UP) The disabled steam
ship Paraguay was sinking
tonight 55 miles off the
North Carolina coast as an
other steamer, the Harves
ter, fumbled among moun
tain seas searching for the
unlighted bulk aboard
which 26 men were fighting
for their lives.
XEW YORK. Dec 4. (Sum
day) (CP) Te rnied Preaaj
at 2:10 a. xo. today received
the following; radio xneasaaji
from CaptaU Walker of the
steamer Barroa Herrlea, which,
answered the SOS of the ateaxae
er Paraguay:
Standing by Paraguay la.
fresh norheas gale. Can rcnd'.
er no asalaance una weather
moderate Captain Walker." .
The Paraguay reported st 9:30
p. m. that Its electric lighting
...tarn YtmA failed and tha wallow
ing frelgmer was in aaranea.
Another menage, garbled i In
transmission, .aid either that its
supply of rockets had been ex
hausted or that the rockets were
In no condition to be of service.
(Continued oa Pac Seven) .
Elks Memorial .'' .
Leading Event ;
Of Sunday Eye
Tonight In the Elks ' Temple
at 8 o'clock the Klamath Falls
lodge of Elk., will hold their
annual memorial day services,
each year every Elks lodge In
Thet lret Sunday In December ot
America observes Memorial Day.
This lodge has as Its orator
upon this occasion Judge Lawr
ence T. Harris ot Eugene who
is at awyer, statesman and Jurist.
He has been district attorney,
circuit Judge, speaker , of tho
house, and for 10 years, a mem
ber of the Oregon supreme court
Lawrence Harris has been in the
public eye in Oregon for 26 years
snd he is one ot the outstanding
figures in this state today.
Upon this program tonight In
addition to Judge Harris will be
KUtn Axers nonoway, suprsuu
soloist, accompanied by Elolse M.
Mclntyre, Blackburn's Band, and
the Kiwanls quartet. The Rev.
J. Henry Thomas will give the
wrench, and they screamed and
ran from him, according to the
j.tory Miss Ratmey related when
brought here tor treatment fjor
a wound in her shoulder. ,
Leaping into the machine and
shouting like a wlldman, Fer
guson crashed through a fence
In pursuit ot the girl, who had
fled aero., a field. - :
A shotgun was in the car, and
Ferguson ahot as he drove, tha
first volley striking Miss Rich
mond In ths bead. Another shot
struck Miss Ratmey ' In the
shoulder. She fled to a nearby
farm house, from whero author
ities were notified. '
Ferguson drove away in 'his
car after the killing, and the
(machine, with the shotgun In It,
I was found today on the breaks
of the John Day river, many
miles from the scena ot . the
The country In the vlclally
where the automobile vras foand
is marked by dosens ' of ravines
and natural hiding places. . It
Is a wild, sparcely settled region,
making a thorough search of It a
matter of many hours. '