The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 02, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    .!r n
. Shop Early 1
Only 19 Days
Until Christmas
The Klamath News
Official Paper
County of Klamath
Vol. G, No. 15. Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday)
II M . 1X1
. December
Comes In
On Flood,
Two Deaths Report
ed Much Suffering
and Property Dam
age Shown.
(By United Presa)
December rolled In on u
wave of inclement weather,
binding parts of the middle
wcHt In freezing tempera
tures, causing floods in the
Wabash valley and western
New York and sweeping the
Atlantic count with icy
Two deaths resulted from nils
turd and floods. The built of a
railroad worker waa found near
Grand Junrtlou. Colo., after a
bllstard had been under way for
aeveral hours. At (Maun. N. Y-.
Kphralm Head waa burned lo
death when hla flood-marooned
cottage waa riostroyed by flro.
Twenty-throe amilaur fisher
men wcrn reerued off Coney In
land. N. Y., by lha coaat guard
aa their bnr.t waa being blown
out lo sea by a 64-mtle gale.
Itrrurtl MmowTmII
Riiow fall In Nebraska. Mia
aourl. Kaaaa, Indiana, Colorado,
parta of lha Texan panhandle
and llllnola. Snowfall In Mla
aourl waa III hoarlrat elnce
)IOI. Strong northweel , wlnde
la Ilia mlddlnweal sent thermotn
(Coaliam oa page eight)
Pioneer Resident
Of Klamath Falls
Dies In Oakland
Klamath lost another of Its
oldnr pioneers with tha death of
John I,ewln, respected eltlsen of
llila rommunlty for many years.
In Oakland late Wednesday night,
according lo word received here
Death In an Oakland hoapltnl,
where he had been confined for
four montha, followed nn lllnoiia
of nearly a year'a duration. In
termnnt will bo made at Oak
land today, local frlenda of the
dereaHrd annoum-od.
The pioneer la etirvlvod by hla
widow and two daughter, one
of whom, Mra. Nellie Pronty, re
alrtea In Ihla city. Mra. Lewis,
who haa been with her husband
In Oakland, will return to thla
city following tha funeral.
Bystander Shot
In Pistol Diiel
JKIISKY CITY. iJ. J.. Hoc. 1.
(!'!') A hyatander waa ahot and
killed tonight during a revolver
duel between two bandlta and
lha proprietor of a nod-drink
parlor adjacent lo tha Lehigh
valley railroad yard.
Thomaa Itnwan of Plttalown,
Pa., fireman on the Lehigh rail
road, waa ahot Int he neck. He
died Inatantly.
The handlta chose payday at
the railroad yarda aa the time
to hold up John Jnnuk's place.
Thousands Die As Cholera
Plague Spreads Over India
KARACHI, India, Dec. 1. (UP)
Morn than 3.000 natives aro
known In have died In the worst.
Indian cholera epidemic In many
In Hernial alone, according to
lateat advices today, 1,139 por
anns died over the laat week
end out of 3,703 caaes which
worn under treatment.
The epidemic waa particularly
actus In tho Maids district whore
(100 deaths were reported. ' A
ahnrtago nf water added to tho
dtatresa of tha aufforera.
Four hundred cases were re
ported In the Dlnapur district In
three dnya, resulting ' in 229
Security Commission At
Geneva Scoffs, Bui
Stops to Read
GENEVA. Dec. 1. (API Tha
newly appointed aucurlty com
mittee of the preparatory die
armament Committee, Ha head
allll bulling with tha anvlot pro
poanl of yeaterday for tha com
plete abolition of arniamenta, bo
gan Ita labora today.
Tha Ituaalan propoaala. tha re
latione between France and Italy
with regard 10 the llalkana and
Ihe Polish-Lithuanian contro
versy, although not apeclflcally
before the aecurlty committee, all
(Continued oa Tags Hli)
FljmToTalk -At
Big Meeting
Of Local Clubs
Kdwln 8. Klynn, prominent In
railroad rlrrlra of tho unt, will
prlnrtal aiwakor at ona of
t ht larKMt aorvlre club imfttnitR
ever it a Rod here. It waa announc
ed laat nlKht.
Klynn, hulled aa an orator of
pxrf ptluttal ability, will apeak on
cMr club work In tho I Mi Hod
Htatra and abroad.
Tho conclave In to be an Inter-
I'lty mrwlinit nf tlm three local
anrvlrn clulm Klwanln, Ilotary
and l.lnnn, and will bo attended
by all members and wive of
the three group.
Tha program will be In nrc
tfonn with arh club contrlbutlnx
Ita share of thi entertainment.
Arbitration Is
Sought By Men
To End Strike
DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 1. (I'P)
A new and unexpected move to
end the Colorado coal alrlke to
day with lha report that the
United mlno workera of America
will aend a commllleo here to
cooperate with the opurutora In
nettling the dispute.
Tho announcement enme thru
Felix Pngllnno of Pueblo, din-
trlrt aecretary for the I'. M. W.
A. He aald that John L. I.wla,
president nf the organisation,
will aaaume charge nf the com
mittee work, which will have aa
Ita objective tha signing of con
Iracta with Colorado operators
for the production nf coal.
The opcratora, Pogllano pointed
nut, aro opposed to the I. W. W.,
which prompted Ihe preaent
alrlke, but will deal with Ihe
mlnera' own union.
State Dairymen
Here To Inspect
' J. n. Mlcklo, slate food and
dairy commissioner, accompanied
by I.. H. Leach, hla deputy, ar
rived In Klamath Falls yeater
day, and will do hla usual In
spection work and look after Ihe
duties nf hla department aa they
apply to this section.
Mlcklo Buys the work nf his
offlco haa been heavy thla yenr
owing to tha apraylng of fruit,
which la now superintended hy
him and hla deputies. He la
atrong for Klamath county and
Ita dairy possibilities, and he pre
dicts that a few years hence
everyone will see IhV part of the
stnlo producing heavily tho choic
est nf dairy products. ,
Forty-nine persona dlod In Cal
cutta whore 71 caaca wore re
ported. ,
Health officers of Calcutta have
leaned a warning to ell liens that
the plague la likely to continue.
Another (0 per cent tncreaae of
the death rate la rogardod as In
evitable. The outbreak came ex
ceptionally early In the season.
. A large crops of doctors has
been sent to the affected areas
to combat the spread of cholera
by wholesnle Inoculation but It Is
considered doubtful If the Im
mense quantity of vaccine nec
essary to combat the epidemic
will be available.
Kill Man
To Delay
Trial Of
Gangsters Shoot Two
Witnesses to Keep
Moonshiner Out of
CHICAGO, Dec. 1 (U.
P.) An alleged alcohol
still proprietor, indicted
with A I Capono and several
other residents of the tur
bulent suburb of Cicero,
waa diamiiwed in federal
court today because the two
witnesses against him had
been mysteriously murder
ed. Tho circumstance aupported
the assertion of government of
ficials that Chicago gangatera
have defied efforts lo enforce
Ihe prohibition law and have
klld Important witnesses In
lit. nor cases.
An Investigation is under way
lo determine the extent of tha
"snooper killings" and govern
ment Intervention In gang affairs
may result.
('aare Urconlcl
Four cases of murder definite
ly attributed to gunmen con
nected with prohibition law vlo-
lalora are definitely on record.
Santa Celebroa and John Cas
tenora woro among (4 persons
indicted In connection with raids
on Cicero at Ills. The town Is
reputed to be "run" by Al Ca
pone, gang chief of lha Chicago
area. Capone waa Indicted and
(Continued oa l'aga Four)
Plumber Falls
17 Floors But
Will fwAt WpiI
If III JI VV M "'Mai
CHICAflO, Dec. 1. (UP) J.
J. Murphy, a plumber fell 17
floors down an elevator shaft
today and phyalclana aald he
probably would recover from In
Jurlea sustained.
Murphy waa found at the bot
tom of tho ahaft fully conscioua.
The only visible Injury waa a
broken arm, but he waa believed
to be Internally Injured.
Tho National Air Tour which
la being held In 128 for the
Edsel H. Ford reliability trophy,
may visit this city, according to
a letter received by the chamber
of commerce from Ksy Cooper,
general manager of the tour.
Cooper alaled that preaent In
dications are that Ihe big fleet
of airplanes will paaa through or
near thla city, bdt Ihey will be
unable lo make a atop without
a landing field of sufficient slie j
to accommodate 30 or 40 abipa.j
and he asked to be supplied with !
detailed Information in regard to;
a landing field In or near the,
city. j
He also Inquired for the fly-j
Ing conditions eaat of the moun-j
Ulna, stating lhat II had baen!
suggested to him that Instead of!
going directly from Ban Farn-j!
Cisco lo Portland to cut eaat from'!
Reading and paaa up the eaatern1!
line of the range to The Dalles
men oown me . uoiumma'
river to Portland.
U. of 0. Student
Will Join Police
Force At Eugene
EUGENE. Dec. 1. (VP)
Romo student of tha University!
of Oregon, preforably a senior
over 21 years of age, u going
to become a member of the Eu
gene police- department. It was
agreed tonight at a conference
between atudent body officials
snd police to settle differences
between the city and the univer
sity. The authority of thla new of
ficer will not extend to sctlng ln
traffic offenses and other gener
al crimes but will apply to each
matlera as regulation of unau
thorised aerenades and Inspection
of lights when students hold
dsnces In public halla.
It la believed that the new ar
rangement will stop Ihe resent
ment of the university young
people for Interference of the'
police in what they term "minor
I'lfrartlona of law" usually caused !
by over-enthuslaam.
SALEM. Dec. 1. (UP) The as
sessed valuation of all property
In Oregon, Including public util
ities, for 1S27 Is $1.122. J5. 000,
un increaae of approximately $12,
250,000 over the previous year.
Earl Fisher, atale tax commis
sioner, said today. - The figure
for 12 waa f 1.110.677.348.
Now for a Little Salt on
' r-e
The chamber In the reply to
Cooper'a letter atated that they
were very much Interested In
aviation since Klamath Falls lies
In a natural airway from San
Francisco to Portland through a
district practically free from fog
and with broad valley instead of
ragged dangerous country.
In regard to the aviation field
the chamber wrote that It Is their
understanding that the Sacramen
to Valley Air Service company
waa considering leasing the (0
acres which was uaed by the
Klamath Air Service company,
endeavoring to promote aviation
la thla section. The chamber also
believes that the Sacramento Air
service plana to lease an addition
al 30 acres.
The chamber atated that Ihey
would cooperate In putting the
preaent field' In condition If the
fleet abonld come this way, but
atated that If the 8acramento Air
Service leases the field they
would possibly put it In good
Local Lions To
Present Trophy
To Den At Bend
Leaving early thla morning for
Bend, Fred Houston, Walter
Waggoner. Harry Poole, O. H.
Dean and Ivan Ferris will pres
ent the Huntington Beach Trav
eling cup to the Bend Lion's
den for the Klamath Falls den.
This cup waa. atarted a year
ago from Huntington Beach and
Klamath Falls was the second
city In Oregon to receive It. It
la figured that by tha time it
has. been to every Lions dea la
the United States It will have
taken approximately two and one
half years..
The Lions will meet for 'their
usual weekly meeting on Tues
day at Linkhsven. . Since the
Pelican Cafe cloaed Ita doora the
den has been holding their
meetings In the chamber of com
merce rooma. '
HOUSTON. Tex., Deo. 1. (UP)
Representatives of the W. C.
T. U. league for the suppression
of crime and the loyalty to law
league have asked the city board
ot censors hers to prevent the
lecture ot Judge Ben B. Lindsay,
Denver jurlat, here. Judge Llnd
sey Is to speak on "he revolt ot
modern youth."
His Tail
Negro Is
Of Lady
Dope-Crazed Butler
Is Suicide Following
Bullet Attack
(UP) After wounding
Mrs. Margaret Pumphrey,
28, beautiful and socially
prominent, a dope-crazed
negro butler, employed in
her home, committed sui
cide here late today by
sending a bullet crashing
through his brain.
Mrs. Pumphrey, wife of an ex
ecutive of Baker Bros, depart
ment store, was removed to the
hollywood hospital, where It wai
said her wound waa not serious.
but she wss suffering from ex
treme shock.
Attempted Assault
According to Mrs. Pumphrey,
the negro shot her sfter he tail
ed la an attempt to aaaault her.
The negro was under the In
fluence of cocaine, police aald.
Hysterical from fright and
writhing from a flesh wound in
her waist. Mrs. Pumphrey related
a horrifying experience.
She said ahe waa In her dress
ing room preparing for a shop
ping trip' when she heard the
door open and- turned to see the
butler. Richard Ewell, with a
revolver In his hand.
Deapite his threat "I'll shoot
(Croatia ecd oa age eight)
November Is Best
Collection Month
In City History
The largeat collection of funds
ever made In one month In the
history of the police Judge's of
fice was taken In during the
month of November when a total
ot 142.874.25 was collected by
the city treasurer and the police
All but $6,690.47 was col
lected on paving and aewer as
sessments by the city treasurer,
and the largest single collection
tor November waa from the Ore
gon Central and Eastern railroad
company amounting to 114,821.-
In 1926 during the month of
September 832,348.38 was col
lected which waa the largest
amount of funds brought into the
office for one month up to that
Oddities in the
Day's News
(United Press)
B. J. Harris, local mill worker,
knew he could put a billiard
ball In hla mouth, but did not
consider his ability to take It
out. His aeanslghtedness coat
him much more , than the 60
cent bet he won by Inserting
the ball between his Jawa.
. The services ot a physician
were required bofore he could
ask payment ot the wager, and
the doctor's bill exceeded tho
amount he won. ' 7-
(UP) Fround guilty", of at
tempting to murder his ' 16-year-old
. sweetheart, Chrlstcn
senn Eg, 29, a farm hand, has
been sentenced by the district
court ot Holding to abstain
from liquor the rest of hla life.
It Eg takes even the tiniest
nip of liquor he will have vio
lated hla probation and be sen
tenced to a long term In prison.
Tho Judge said he waa len
ient because first, Eg was in
toxicated when he tried to kill
Martha Hansen; second, he
tried to commit suicide after
the crime.
Officers Electee! to Direct
Affair of Org ant
lion fat 1928
Members of the Klamath Falls
Klwanla club met at a banquet
last night to commemorate the
fifth anniversary of the organiza
tion In this city snd for election
of new officers.
From the election Paul T.
Jackson emerged aa prealdent.
succeeding Thomas W. Delxell
who bss officiated in thla ca
pacity during the past year. Jim
Kerns waa elected vice-president
aucceedlng A. W. Schaupp; Dr.
George Maaaey, trustee, succeed
(Contlnoxri on Pace Four)
Inquest Called
To Probe Death
Of Calvin Bates
An Inqnest will be conducted
by the county coroner this after
noon at 6 o'clock, over the death
at 2 p. m. yeaterday ot Calvin
Bates, who has been hovering
between life and death since
December 20 when he was in
jured In an automobile crash near
Link river bridge.
Bates wss fatally Injured when
the heavy machine driven by J.
F. Loper akidded after creasing
Link river bridge, snd struck a
telephone pole. The other occu
pant ot the car waa 0. W.
At the Inquest cause ot Bates'
death will bet nvestlgsted and
blame for the tragedy determined.
Merchants Will
Unveil Windows
On December 7th
- : j
Klamath Falls will usher In
the Christmas holiday season this
year as never before through the
cooperation of local ' merchants
who hsve organised to dress up
the business district by carefully
decorating shop windows and ar
ranging for a grand Christmas
The opening will come at 7
o'clock p. m. December 7, when
all wlndowa In the buslneas dis
trict will be unveiled to expose
to the public a glittering array
ot holiday merchandise whose
beauty will be enhanced by spe
cial lighting fixtures.
Christmas colors, flashed thru
special lights and trees along
Main street, will make the city
an aurora of Tuletide brilliance.
Added to this will be band music
at each Intersection along Main
from Second to Eleventh streets.
Borah In Favor
Of Disarmament
Chairman Borah of the senate
foreign relations committee soldi
todsy he believes Russia acted
in good talth when she proposed
complete' disarmament at the
Geneva conference hut that she
did not expect her proposal to
be accepted.
"I have no Idea that either
Russia or Germany expects com
plete disarmament and I hsve an
idea that while radical proposals
have been made, much less radi
cal proposals will be acceptable."
Borah said. "I shsll myself
treat with respect the proposal
fur disarmament from whatever
source It comes."
Naughty Chorines Will Be
Tried By 'Young Man' Jury
A Jury of 12 men, most ot them
young, will be called upon to
decide whether 38 members ot
the burlesque, "Hot Mamas" pru
sented sn .obscene production.
The Jurors were sworn In late
today and to the surprise of
court observers who had pre
dicted the defense attorneys
would Insist on exercising the
13S challenges that remained to
them. The all-male Jury was con
sidered a victory for the de
fense. Court was adjourned after the
Jurors were sworn In and first
testimony concerning the alleged
Bad Blaze
Result Of
War With
Authorities Fear New
Disturbances and
Predict a General
(Friday) (UP) Fire was
raging early today in the
mill district of the interna
tional settlement. At 2 a.
three mills had been de
stroyed, and damage was
estimated at $2,000,000.
Authorities were investiga
ting reports that the fire
was of incendiary origin.
At the same time, strong labor
agitation had resulted la complete
suspension of trolley service. -
Clashes between armed Intim-
tdstors and the police resulted In
the death of two agitators, .the
wounding of two policemen, and
a foreign woman, who was riding
on a street ear. '
s Fear Labor War -Authorities
feared that other
labor outbreaks sad a possible
general strike which, would, tie
up ell Industry here. i
' Shanhal-hao'wftnrtsed-Iatror
disorders the past Vaek, dua to
' (Coatineed oa page ebzht)
Chicago Gunman :
Riddles Body of
Worker; Escapes
CHICAGO, Dec. 1. . (FP)4
Fred A. Drullard, S5, said to
be the nephew of an executive
In the electrical workers anion
was killed instantly todsy when
three men In an automobile
drove past him and riddled hla
body with bullets.
The machine was wrecked
sgainst a light pole a block away
and the assassins abandoned It
and escaped.
Police aald tha license number
on the car showed it to be. the
property ot a police character
known as "Porky" Glllom, who
Is also Identified with the elec
trical, workers union.
The union was holding , an
election meeting tonight.
California Will :
Hit Phone Rates
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 1. (U.
P.) California cities, through
the California League ot Muni
cipalities, soon will begin nation-wide
attack on telephone
rates, according to announcement
ot W. J. Locke, executive secre
tary of the organisation. ,
Locke stated that the Inter
state commerce commission would
be asked to curtail the "enor
mous profits made by the Bell
Telephone company, which prac
tically exercises monopoly on
phone service."
"worst show on earth" will be
taken Friday morning.
The occasional defense ques
tions ot "do you think Gtlda
Grey's dancing Is Immoral?" or
"did you see 'desire under tha
elms'?" were tha only enlivening
Incidents Inside the courtroom.
Outside the hall of Justice
however, the colorful rer. "Fight
ing Bob" Shuler, mose active of
the Los Angeles - antl-vlce cru
saders, supplied a hlghpolnt ot
his own. ;
In a statement to the pross .
Fighting Bob, who aided mater- :
lally In bringing about the ar
( Continued oa Page Six)