The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, December 01, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Kilamath "News
The Klamath News
Official Paper
County of Klamath
Shop Early I
Only 20 Days .
Until Christmas
Vol. 5, No. 11. Price Five Cents
(Every Morning Except Monday)
Drops In
22 Degrees Belovfr
Zero Predicted For
Chicago; Hot in New
CHICAGO. Nov. 30. (U.
I1.) The middle west felt
(he t'uldcHt wuuther of the
KciiKon tniii(ht as tempera
tures fell well below the
freezing murk. Forecast
predicted Htill colder
weather by the end of the
Strong wliiiln nut of Ihn north
weal, originating In Alaska, mid
('snniln, were rriMtiti'il with ill
sudden drop. Tho change fol
lowed I ho wnrmeal November 29
recorded In Clilrano. Tho offlitnl
reading here Tueadity was 65 de
grees. I'rofg. Henry 1. Cox. dtatrlrl
weather lorecaHior. predicted
(t 'onilnueit on Page Four)
Great Northern
Officials Will
Convene Locally
One of lhi largest ronrlavca 1
('.real Northern officiate to ho
hold In Klamath Falls for many
montha, la scheduled for thla
evening when a number of tho
northern line rcpreacntatlvea will
arrive In thla city.
Heading tlia roil II will ho ('.
V. Cuntvllo. In charge of 0. N.
paancnger truffle In Ihn northweat
and W. I. Kenny, vico-prcaldent
of tho flronl Northern. Several
othora whoan namea wore not
avallahln lal night, will ho In
tho parly.
Whothor Ralph Iludd. prcal
il. ni. will ho In tho p:irly rould
not ho learned.
Rig Sum Sought
For Movie Dog
I .OS ANttKI.F.S. Nor. Jo. (UP)
Tho Talur of a do film aitrtr
will bo argued hrfnrn a Jury to
morrow when flrnt evidence will
In. aiihlnlttod In thn anil of
( hnrlea Itreyor and Kdward Faust
to collect $260,000 damagoa aa
tho reault of tho shooting laat
yrar of Peter tho (.rent, noteil
arrontt ennlno.
Dreyor and Faunl naked $150.
oon for tho dog mid floil.iiilii for
y tho malice tho defendant. Fred
Cyrlaika, ahnweit In killing It.
Thoy rhnrgn Cyrlncks ' allot
Pour Ihn Great without privneti-llon.
State Police Go
x Into Strike Area
DKNVKH. f'olo.. Nov. 3. (UP)
In ana! to an nppoul from thn
mayor of Agulliir, a aquad of
ntnlo pollee offleera waa aent lo
Ihn Agulliir conl atrlko tllnlrlet
ton Ik lit .
Thn off leers . wero ordered to
Invcatlgatn reporta that atrlkera
had been "milling around all
nfternnon and woro In an ugly
Itennwal of activity among
atrlkera. In Ihnt dlatrlet followed
(lonely tho rnleaao of flvo prl
Konera nrrnatod . ntoro Ihnn a
week ago for plekntlng there.
Mayor John Borenrclo of Agiillar
V- told tlio atnto pollra.
'Flapper Hog Is
Sought For Trade
CHICAGO, Nv. 80 Tho "flap
per hog" wn Introdueed to tho
public toiloy by the Nallonnl
Swine Growers association.
I'arkora are dojnandlng alend
er. ttltrn-femlnlno llnna for the
' prodtteora of pork rhopa and
bacon . Thn corpulent and un
gainly lard hog la going nut, Ac
cording to members of the nsso
elatlnn. This la due to the demand both
In America and haroad for lean
meat, It was said, and the tend
ency In America ot breed heavy
hogs la held partially responsible
for the decrease In this country's
pork exports.
Mcthodiit. Disband With
out Scoring Him A
Momhora of tho Methodist Kplaro
IHil rhiirrh hourtl of temperance,
prohlhlllon and public mornla
broke up their annual inootliiK
loilny without action on the proal
dentlul candidacy of Al Smith
nr tho prnpoaod hiacrtlon of a
dry plunk In pollitrul party plut
forma. Iloih woro scheduled for voto,
hut wore disi-uacd lu rloaed sea
alon and Ignored.
Tho two roaolutlona had boon
prepared for thn approral of the
board. One mtidoninod (Tie cand
idacy of Hmlth and tho other lu
(Continued ob I'ajo Mis)
Faulty Steering Gear It
Cause of Wreck
on Highway
A coUlnloii occurred short
distance on the other aide, of
Itarrluy HprliiR laM nltcht about
7:30 when a car In which Mm.
Minnie Williams and a youim
Indian who cave bin name a
llarkley ran Into an auto contain
In K Mr. and .Mr. John Copclald
of Kort Klamath.
A steering near which waa out
of order on llarkley's car was
lh cause of the accident. It wan
believed by Waller Koatir. traf
fic officer, who wan present at
thn rice no of the accident.
T'.m car In which thn Indlanii
wrn driving had gonn into tho
I ditch a ahort time lit-fnrw and
. Mr. William had Injured her
arm. It waa believed that the
latecrliix Kar of tholr machine
wna broken at time. Ur
whllit trying lo paKa thn t'npo
! land enr Ilurkley lot com nd of
htn mnchln. catinliiK tlio col
lision. Font or atnted.
Molh earn wero damnged.
Waited 41 Years"
For Wife But She
Failed To Return
THK IlAM.KK. Ora . Nov. 30.
(IT) Cnrewarded fnlthfulneita
wna rtcordcd In circuit court hem
today when V. T. Miller reveal
ed ho has waited 41 yeara f r a
wlf-t who did not comn.
After waiting two acoro and
on years for the womun who
deserted him when they had been
married alx yearn. Miller auks thn trlbunnl In grunt hltn hla
Thn couple wan married In
Loulnlann, Mo., on July 1. 1KS0,
Mlller'a ault for divorce claim.
And then In thn formal phrnsn-olr-gy
of Ihn document the man
bnion thn many yearn of walling
and nnfferlng na followa:
'In 1SS6 Mr. Knlo Miller left
tho family home and 1m con
tinned lo live npurt from me."
Office Boy Rises
To High Position
SAN FIlANCISfO. Nov. 30. (V
P) JtiHt a few yeara ago. Jatnea
I. Hers waa one cf the moat
familiar f Is urea nrounil Ihn .city
hall here aa nfflro hoy for Mayor
Jnmea lolh, Jr.
Today. Hen, a member of the
San Franelae atork and bon-.l
exchange and president of the
Dial dlvlalnn naaoclatlnn, waa re
turned lo lite city hall llita time
a mi.mbcr of Run Krnnclaro'a
ward of aiipervlaora, appointed
by Mnyor llolph to fill the un
expired term of the late K. (1.
Hath. ,
Honor Students
Feted At School
A banquet was held In the
dnmeatle arlence rooms of the
Klamath county high school laat
night for tho now honor atudenta
who recently attained tho honor
aoclety of tile school.
Short addroaaea were given by
Itev. J. Henry Thomna. nnd Hollo
(', (Iroeabeek. A nun lid t'lrlch and
I'uul Cliek. membera, wolcomed
the new honor students Into the
Those honored were: Henrietta
Wright. Hen Wllklns Pearl Avery
Irene Ash, Hetty Zimmerman,
l.urllle Kent. Anna Noll, null
Francln Harry.
Price Of
New Ford
Given Out
By Edsel
Model A to Run $50
Mare Than Old Car;
Press Given Speedy
Trial Spin.
DKTHOIT, Nov. "0. (U.
I.) I'riten of the new Kurd
cur, uveriiKintf about $50
higher than the prices of
the model T, were an
nounced tonight by Kdncl
The basic price is ?.ni9."i
for the phneton an the
model A touring car is
Thn prices of ot her mode In
Two donr nednn. f IH5.
Four door aedun. $570.
Coupe. $495.
Sport Coupe. $550.
Koadfer. $15 ,
KoadNter with pl k-up body.
ChanHln. $n'.'fi.
The tru' k hannls wilt ncll for
$610. Thn truck villi cub and
body will cost from $5j5 to i "10.
All prlcea ar fob lietrolt.
TniveU 7
Karller In the day newMpaper
nun were treated lo a ride over
a nlunhy. bumpy dirt road at 70
mllen au hour In ono of the new
It wan n ntunt prforni.inre.
Kdnel Ford nuld, but It nerved
to demontrato the nafty nnd
(Continued nn I'nte Four)
IFilm FoTk
Safely Returned .
To Civilization
LOS ANC.KLKS. Nov. 30. (IT
11 Membt-nt of thn Ilruy-PaMio
ti r a n d Canyon exijendltiou.
thought lost for 26 day, arrived
at Camp Penrnon on the Tnl-iti-d
henert In Arizona late tonight,
according to a radio nn-APn;e
picked up by the I'nlted State
Signal post here.
Thn nunapo, cnt by the 1. S.
Signal post nt Camp Pearson,
nuld the 13 members of thn parly
were uninjured although they had
hod a trying experience nlneo
they left (ireen Itlver, Ctah. No
vember 9.
The expedition. It was an Id,
wan alghted by an Indian runner
above. I.eea Kerry. Arixona. and
a an led to Camp Peurnon by him.
Why Some Folks Go South
Tm-AMTOooon tfj) iMr $A
T IB ANNUA.- wmtvo. 2 ( TTlXtH J-1 SAv
: UonwB will "Sbr""
KOLKOM PK1SON. alif., Nov.
30, M P) Low. onilnoun grumt
Un k ; monaclng threats; discon
tent; rnjitlenMiieK,; hatred all
then permeated tho tensa at
monplioru of VoIrohi prison to
nlgbt. j Tho grapevine, panned from
cell to cell with that unbelievable
npeed found only In prfnonn, and
, known only to ronvleta, flashed
out a menKUgn. thn hlttereat. niont
dlrKiiNtliiK, mont hatred a "con"
ever receives no me body la going
tfi tttiltih.
Tlio newn nprend ahortly after
the coroner n Imiuent held In thn
bullet riddled library at whbh
lx convlcia wero held to annwer
for thn murder of guard Kay
SliiKloton during tho attempted
prtnon break Thanknglvlng lay
when 1 3 men were killed and
a acorn of others wounded.
According to tho grapevlnw, one of tho nix rufriana
who generated I ho rfota laal
day. J a in en OieaKOti, Oakland
! Portland Attorneys Will
! Handle G. N. LeEal
: Business Here
A new law firm will open of
fices In Klumnth Kalis about Jan.
1 and wilt from that time on be
a part of the community. The new
firm U composed of Frederick
Piper and James II. Van Horn.
Poth attorneys have practiced
for a number of years In Wanh
liiKton. I. C, and each his wide
experience In the legal profession.
Piper I a brother vt K. 1).
PIpT. editor of the Poril.,nt!
OreKunian. Before locating In
Vahlngton. I). ('.. he lived on
thin count and was pructlclug In
Tho new firm, while doing a
general law bunincss. will alto
have charge of all the leRal work
In 'this section for the Gruat
Northern railroad. In thn national
capital both Piper and Van Horn
were for some t ime connected
with the federal Income tax de
part nu nt.
Mr. and Mm. Van Horn and
duuirhter. Miss Amy, who Is now
attending the I'nlvcrslty ot Ore
gon, will arrive abont the first
of thn year to call Klamath Falls
Ibrlr home. Van Horn's mother
will also locate here with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Piper will arrive
Inter as Piper has considerable
It gal business In Portland to close
up before he arrives here to be
come a permanent cltlsen.
I hug. hun promlned to plead
guilty to a murder charge to
morrow, turn ntale's evidence and
receive In return a sentence no
greater than that which he la
now nerving, five yeara to life.
"Mfe In pretty aweet, even In
a hell-hole like thin," he U
iioted aa aaylng to officials when
be capitulated and offered to
turn agalnat hla pain.
The atate probably needed no
additional testimony to Rend the
connplratora to the gallows which
niund yawning only a few paces
dlniant from the library where
the Influent was held today. The
lentlmoiiy of the guards was suf
ficient that the coroner's Jury
Immediately held all six for
The Jury was made up of
Sacramento bunlness men and
farmern, a Jury of the same com
plexion which will sit at the
trial of the dortperadoes. The
Niilb n glances of tho six and their
iiiononyllublc answers today kIiuw-
Continued on Pe Six)
State Commission Fixes
$3,898,000 for 1923
PORTLAND. Nor. 30. (LP)
An expenditure of $3,898,000
will be made next year to main
tain the highways of Oreg?n, the
state highway commission de
cided here today In approving a
bud ret for that amount.
General malntatnance of roads
will receive $2,500,000 of this
nnd the remainder will be spent
for special maintainance. It was
I For oiling macadam highways
the budget allows $740,000. This
will provide for 347 miles ot
road that are not oiled at prcs
! ent.
With the addition there will
! be 1.325 miles of oiled roads In
the state. Including paved high
: ways, the total, mileage of the
j tn:prfted highway of the state
system Is 3,300 miles.
The commission accepted Pilot
Butte, near Bend, as a gift for
a memorial park. Pilot Butte H
a noted landmark of the state,
drivers of covered wagons having
used It In pioneer days tb steer
their course through Central
Oregon. It will be dedicated to
the memory of Terreneo II. Foley,
prominent resident of Bend who
, died In 1025.
Plan To
Stop War
Soviet Delegate Start
les Peace Envoys
With Proposal For
Utter Disarmament.
GENEVA, Nov. SO. (U.
P.) The first cession of the
league pf nations 'prepara
tory disarmament commis
sion, fraught with hazards
because of the' presence of
soviet Russia with a pro
gram of complete disarma
ment, produced these sal
ient developments today:
1. A security commission was
appointed to investigate the com
plicated problem of security
which France and other nations
contend must precede disarma
ment. Maxim Lltvlnoff, soviet
assistant foreign commissar and
head of his country's delegation,
originally had maintained that
disarmament begets security.
2. Russia decided to accept an
Invitation to send ah observer
to the security commission, there
by Indicating her willingness to!
Join with the other nations In
working out a practicable
rather than Idealistic scheme of
Plan Kcnwtlonjil
3. Utvlnoff presented, a few
minutes after the preparatory
disarmament commission meet
ing was called to order. Russia's '
(Cmif timed on Paite Fonr)
Politics, Rotten ,
Because Nation
Is Sinking, Word;
PRINCETON, N. J., Nov.. 30.
(UP) Politics, in the Vnited
States today are rotten because
the nation has declined Into a
state of fatty defeneration since
tho war, Col. Theodore Roosevelt
declared In an address here to
night before the clinosophlc and
the American whig societies of
Princeton university. '
He named as the four out
standing evils existing the coun
try: The neglect of the farmer,
the corruption of politics, dis
regard for the ISth amendment
and Injudicious cutting of the
army and navy. He also attacked
what ho termed the modern.
American "do-nnthinR attitude."
"What wo need Is prosperity
for all, not prosperity for the
few," ho declared.
Vast pums of money are spent
by politicians at every election,
Roosevelt asserted, nnd as the
hulk ot this money Is donated by
"big business," that element
naturally looks for a return on
Us investment.
November Is Peak
Month For Taxes
Kvldence of the speed with
which lax monies have poured In
to county coffers during the
month - of November, was given
yesterday with the report of
county officers that nearly tl.
000.000 Is on deposit in various
Klamath basin banks to the
credit ot tho county. t
The report rnmo with a state
ment that yesterday marked the
htghcxt peak of tho year for
county deposits. Contributing to
the high total is the $253,000
recently received from sate" of
county road bonds.
Augmenting this figure Is
$470,000 paid" to the county tax
collector during November for
taxes. .
Man and Wife Are
Held For Thefts
l'P) Lawrence Bates, Z4. and
his wife, Mildred, 33, were ar
rested here today on charges of
16 Denver hurglnTeis, paid to
have been committed two years
Bates was a clerk In a local
railroad office and pollca say h?
has been "going straight" since
lie left Denver.
Calvin Bates I Near Death
in Local Hospital, At
tendants Report
Vlvtlra of an automobile crash
near the Link river bridge In
i thla eltr. Calvin Batea. Injured
' December 20, waa dangeroualjr
near death at a local boapltal
laat night. At midnight It waa
no believed he could live until
I dawn.
Batci waa erltlrally Injured
when a car driven br J. F. Loper
craahed Into a telephone pole,
pinning Bates between the front
aeat and post.
The Injured man suffered per
foration of the Intestines, as well
aa other severe cuts and fracturea
about the body. C. W. Knight waa
the third occupant of the
Appraiser Is Astounded
At Development
of Klamath
The great strides made in the
Klamath basin in the past few
years were lauded last night by
Homer Humphrey, formerly with
the reclamation service here
since 1919 connected with the
Federal Land Bank ot Spokane,
as land appraiser.
Humphrey came here Monday
from Spokane to appraise farm
land in .Klamath county and ex
pressed great surprise over the
advance both of this city anTI of
agriculture. He was hydropragh
er with the V.S.R.S. from 1919
to 1925.
Regarding applications for fed
eral loans from Klamath farmers,
Humphrey stated that few. re
Guests of this, nature. coma -Srom
Klamath county.
"We probably do not get over
a dozen a year." he said.
Humphrey declined' to com
ment on the possibility of a
change In the attitude of the
land bank toward Klamath farm
loans. . ,
Milk Quality Is
Heightened Here
Inspector Says
In the past two" years the grand
average of the milk quality in
Klamath Falls has risen from 71
per cent in 1925 to 92 per cent
In 1927, and there has been a
gain of one-third of a pint for
each person in milk consumption,
Lee Craft, dairy inspector, an
nounced yesterday.
There has been no contagious
disease such as typhoid fever that
could be traced to a dairy within
the last two years, the health of
ficer said, and the milk situation
is very good at thep resent time.
There are 4,584 quarts of milk
being delivered dally into this
city, which amounts to three
fourths of one quart a person or
8 tablespoons a meal that each
person Is consuming, according
to figures compiled by Craft.
Mother Who Shot
Attacker Freed
LOS ANGgLKS. Nov. 30. (U
P) Mrs. Hate! Hull, who in
avenging an asserted stain on
her daughter's honor shot and
killed Cordon J. Waters, a trav
elling salesman, was freed late
The county grand Jury In
vestigating tho case exonerated
the woman for tho slaying to
which she had confessed. A mur
der complaint against her was
then withdrawn by the district
attorney's office. Tuesday a
corouer's Jury ruled the shoot
tng of Waters was "Justified."
Marriages Here
Are Increasing
During the month of Novem
ber Dan Cupid called for 24 mar
rlnge licenses nt the office of the
county clerk which is three more
than he wanted for October. Up
to date this year 197 licenses to
wed have been issued, and it is
evident that before December
closes the figurea will mount to
well over the 200 mark.
Only 14 divorces were filed
during November in the circuit
court, six being granted by Cir
cuit Judge Leavltt.
Sued For
Big Sum
Ackley Brothers File
Lien on Lumber and
Timber Owned By
Concern. ;
Suit to recover $14,966.85
was launched here yester
day against the Oshkosh
Land & Timber company
by Ackley Brothers, local
lumber operators,, with the
filing: of a lien of lumber
and timber owned by the
The action woald attach some
2(S piles of lumber owned by the
Oshkosh company, as well a
nearly five million feet ot the con
cern's timber.
The suit has been Initiated to
recover money allegedly due Ack- .
ley brothers in payment for saw
ing and handling of Oshkosh tim
ber, the lien sets forth.
The work for which the snit
seeks payment waa done by Ack
ley brothers during the past sea
son, a member ot the firm stated
last night.
Youth Narrowly r
Escapes Death
In Tire Trick
L03 ANGELES. Not. 30. (UP)
A nrlTate nertormance of a
feat of endurance by which he
hoped to startle the world may
cost the lite of Earl Q. Vlckory.
Viekorr bunt. .a beafii -aa4
after rubbing, himself Trltn a
home-made salve, that was to
make his body Immune ' from
flames, jumped into the blase.' .
Only the timely interference ot
neighbors saved him from in
stant death and hospital authori
ties expressed doubt for his Te
covery tonight.
Vlckory intended to take his
tire act . onto .the . vaudeville
stage. It was said. ' '
Oddities in the
Day's News .
(United Pre)
FULTON. Mo.. Not. 30. (UP)
A family bible holding the key
to a fortune and retirement and
ease Is the object ot , a search
by a well known Fulton family.
Upon its well-thumbed pages
are .the, names of the brother!
and sisters of the late W. F.
Cowan. Wheaton, 111., former
president of the Standard Oil
company ot Indiana who died in
1920. , ,r , t
The ifhle contains the only rec
ord of . the family history ot
Cowan-Ahe names ot his broth
ers sisters.
The Cowan estate' is" said to bo
valued at between S6.000.000,
and 17,000,000.
Utah Democrats
Endorse Smith
30. (UP) Leading democrats of
Utah, meeting here today, voted
unanimously to endorse Governor
Al Smith ot New York as the
democratic candidate for presi
dent in 1928. A preliminary cam
paign fund of S5.000 for organ
isation purposes was pledged and
the national committee ot the
party Is to be Informed of the
action taken. .
Mayor Thompson
Kicks Out Aide
CHICAGO, Nov. 30. (UP)
Dr. Herman N. Bundesen, health
commissioner credited with mak
ing Chicago death rate in the low
est of any major city in the U. S.
was replaced In office today by
Dr. Arnold H. Kerger, friend of
Mayor William Hale Thompson. ,
The mayor submitted Kerger's.
name to the city council and
his recommendation was Immed'
lately approved. Dr. Brundesen
had hold office for seven years.
He was appointed near the close
of Mayor Thompson's previous